Document 444312

. . . This page will contain the same announcements that Dave, K6HWN, and others, regularly read on the air, but with this service you may read or re-­‐read them as often as you see fit. . Each message will contain a header which will tell you when it was posted on this section of SBARC’s web page. . From time to time, old messages will be removed and of course new ones will be inserted as they become available. . New messages will be listed at the top of the page. That way you only have to read down to where you left off reading the last time you downloaded this file. . Dave, K6HWN, will write up and control the messages. "Jug", WA6MBZ, will post new messages and remove old ones according to Dave's instructions. . If, for instance, the content of a message is wrong or misleading, contact Dave at 805-­‐898-­‐0644. . If, however, you find some "typos", please contact "Jug", WA6MBZ, at with the problem you have found. . Brian, K6BPM, and Jim, AJ4VP, are helping me with the effort so as to keep it up to date more frequently. . Note: The permanent announcements have been moved to the end of the file. Placing them at the end allows the regular messages to be the first thing users will see as they access this file. . . CLUB STATION HOURS . The club station is open every Saturday morning between 0900 and 1200 hours. It is also open Tuesday evenings beginning at 1900 hours until 2200 hours. DAILY/WEEKLY LOCAL NETS ON K6TZ 146.79 and 224.08 . Monday-­‐Friday: Reg Dawe Memorial Cuckoo Net – 0700 to 0800 hrs. The Cuckoo Net Weather segment follows at 0800 hrs. . Monday: Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) 1930 to 2000 hrs. (Not on 224.08) Tuesday: ATV and Digital Special Modes Net 2030 to 2130 hrs. (or later). Wednesday: Amateur Radio Newsline 1900 to 1930 hrs. SBARC Club Net 1930 to 2000 hrs. SwapNet 2000 to 2030 hrs. 2M SSB Round Table, USB mode , 144.210 MHz. 20:30 hrs, Thursday: Technical Mentoring and Elmering Net 2000 to 2100 hrs. REGULAR MESSAGES *** *** *** *** .
Message 2014-­‐0127—2014-­‐11-­‐17—0900 hours. . This is a good time to renew your club membership. If you have not joined (or rejoined) yet, this is a good time to do that too! Your club dues help support the substantial infrastructure the club offers including the repeaters as well as the club station. Membership is ONLY $24 a year, and your dues are very much needed and appreciated. Remember... the board changed the policy on when dues can be paid. You can now pay your dues any time of the year and your "anniversary" date will be on the same date each year. So joining any time during the year will cover a full 12 months. . *** *** *** *** .
Message 2014-­‐0126—2014-­‐11-­‐13—0900 hours. . Large quantity of components, equipment and miscellany including a vintage radio on sale at the club station at swap table prices. Two tables full plus even some stuff on the floor. Make an offer that is fair for you and the club station. Available during normal station hours (above) . *** *** *** *** .
Message 2014-­‐0125—2014-­‐11-­‐13—0900 hours. . THIRD WEDNESDAY TRIVIA SESSION ON CLUB NET: . Don’t forget that the Club net on the third Wednesday, November 19, 2014. The net will feature a trivia session which will be run by Dave/K6HWN, the ShackMaster. . The questions on this net are designed for rapid-­‐fire answers, i.e., with no multiple choice answers. . This net takes place on the K6TZ repeater, on 146.790 MHz., at 19:30 hours, minus, using 131.8 pl. . *** *** *** *** .
Message 2014-­‐0124—2014-­‐11-­‐13—0900 hours. . Desert Rat Hamfest and Swap Meet (very large event) will take place Saturday, March 14, 2015 near Palm Springs from 0900 to 1630 hours. Please visit either of these two sites for more information: . . *** *** *** *** . Message 2014-­‐0123—2014-­‐11-­‐10—0800 hours. (*UPDATED*) . The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club will be holding its Annual Club Meeting on Friday, November 21, 2014. What a meeting it will be! We will be having 2 very interesting programs in addition to our election of officers for the coming year. And don't forget our Christmas Party in December at Rusty's Pizza on Stork Road. You will be hearing more about that soon. . The November meeting is also a good time to pay your membership dues for the coming year. It is also a good time to join or rejoin if you are not currently a member. Please continue to support our club and all the great services it offers. .
*** *** *** *** .
Message 2014-­‐0122—2014-­‐11-­‐06—0800 hours. . The Club Station has a new temporary phone number. To wit, 805 687-­‐6737. Leave it ring for a long time. Thanks. . *** *** *** *** . Message 2014-­‐0121—2014-­‐10-­‐16—0800 hours. . ST
SBARC ANNUAL XMAS PARTY DECEMBER 21 AT RUSTY’S IN GOLETA, AT HOLLISTER AND STORK. . This year, once again, Dennis, WB6OBB, is heading up OBB’s/SBARC’s annual Xmas party. . The party will take place at Rusty’s in Goleta, 270 Stork Road, the corner of Hollister and Stork Roads. . The party is slated to go from 1300 to 1600, local time. . Contact Dennis at or by phone 966-­‐7060. Any and all hams are welcome to attend this event. . Message 2014-­‐0120—2014-­‐10-­‐16—0800 hours. . *** *** *** ***. . Message 2014-­‐0119—2014-­‐10-­‐16—0800 hours. . TH
SSB NETS BREAKFAST SAT DEC 6 , 0800 to 1000 hours. . The 2014 SSB nets Breakfast has been scheduled for th
Saturday, December 6 , at Cody’s, north room, from 0800 to 1000. . Generally speaking, any ham is welcome to attend this breakfast, but mostly this event is for check-­‐ins to the Six meter or Two meter SSB nets. , No RSVP needed, and door prizes are possible,. . This is a “buy your own breakfast” event !!! . .*** *** *** *** . Message 2014-­‐0109—2014-­‐10-­‐02—0900 hours. . Event Tee-­‐shirts are available at the club station for: HHX, DI, CZD, RRG, and WEL. . *** *** *** *** . Message 2014-­‐0106—2014-­‐09-­‐04—0800 hours. . PAINTED CAVE REPEATER . The old Painted Cave repeater has been resurrected and is now on Gibraltar. The frequency is 147.075 + PL 131.8. This is an open repeater and it has both EchoLink and AllStar capabilities. It has good coverage of Santa Barbara and all are welcome to use it. Many thanks to the new owner/ operator Scott for his hard work. . *** *** *** *** . Message 2014-­‐0102 2014-­‐08-­‐18-­‐-­‐-­‐1430 hours. . Please Write Your Congressperson Regarding HR4969 ASAP . A significant and growing number of Amateur Radio operators living outside the protection of PRB-­‐1, the Federal law that provides limited preemption of state and local antenna zoning ordinances, are unable to install even the most modest of outside antennas. They are effectively precluded from using their license privileges at home because PRB-­‐1 does not extend to private deed restrictions, such as CC&Rs and HOA rules. In much of our Division and elsewhere, finding housing near work, schools and medical care without such deed restrictions is increasingly difficult if not impossible to find. An ARRL-­‐sponsored bill now up for consideration in the U.S. House of Representatives, HR4969, would, if passed, direct the FCC to extend the reasonable-­‐accommodation protections of PRB-­‐1 to these Amateurs. Like PRB-­‐1, HR 4969 would not give Amateurs the right to put up whatever they wish. It would simply require HOAs and other private land use regulations to extend reasonable accommodation to Amateurs wishing to erect antennas. This is an important bill that can have a decidedly big impact on amateur radio communications. It is important that you find out more about it and what you can do to support it! For more information, please visit:­‐4969 .. *** *** *** *** . Message 2014-­‐0097 – 2014-­‐07-­‐21 – 0800 hours . BUILD A QUADCOPTER MOUNTED REPEATER: . If you would like to build a small, lightweight, simplex time multiplex repeater suitable for mounting on a quadcopter drone or some other project, Bob Simmons -­‐ EYV (the designer of the repeater the club has been testing) may be able to redesign it with significant improvements. He is willing to provide circuit boards, parts, and teach you how to surface mount solder if there is enough interest. Bob and Levi -­‐ K6LCM, have put a lot of work into this fun project so far, so contact Bob soon before he gets busy with other projects! . Contact: Bob -­‐ -­‐ 682-­‐8021. Please leave a message and be patient. You can also visit Bob's website, . *** *** *** *** . Message 2014-­‐0095—2014-­‐07-­‐10—1300 hours . DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO BECOME A HAM? . Get your non-­‐ham friends ready for the Technician classes leading up to the VE sessions in September and November. There’s a new question pool for the Tech test. Getting a license is a lot easier than in the old days. No more Morse Code exam, no need to drive to an FCC office, and all of the questions and answers are online! Our excellent instructors will help you learn and pass the test. . Contact: Jay -­‐ with your preferred dates and times for classes. . *** *** *** *** . Message 2014-­‐0092 – 2014-­‐07-­‐03 – 0900 hours . NEW 6m REPEATER . There is a new 6m repeater up and running for everyone to use. The repeater is FM narrow band, and operates on 51.82 MHz. The offset is -­‐.5 MHz and the PL is 82.5. . It is located on La Vagia hill in the same location as the 146.79 repeater (and others). It works very well and is open to everyone. . It operates under the K6TZ call sign and is scan monitored whenever the club station is open. (See above for hours) . *** *** *** *** . Message 2014 – 00xx NEW POLICY AS TO SBARC MONTHLY CLUB MEETINGS: . The SBARC Board has announced that monthly Club meeting will now be held every month of the year No further details were available at press time !!! . *** *** *** *** . Message-­‐2013-­‐0055 – 2013-­‐10-­‐04 – 0800 hours. . CLUB STATION NEEDS VHF/UHF OPS FOR “COMM-­‐COM” OPERATIONS: . The SBARC Club Station is in need of VHF Ops for the “Comm-­‐Com” Tuesdays 1930 hours to late, and Saturdays 0900-­‐1200. Operator candidates will be schooled in operating the shack’s 8 to 12 VHF radios at t This activity is good training in radio techniques on VHF and UHF channels. Help keep the Club Station on air and make Dave, K6HWN, the Shackmaster, happy. . Please contact Dave, K6HWN, the Shackmaster, 805-­‐ 898-­‐0644. Give him a call and volunteer, Thanks. . *** *** *** *** . Message 2013-­‐0025 – 2013-­‐07-­‐09 – 2330 hours. . DON’T FORGET THE MORNING NETS: . Each weekday morning there are two nets on the K6TZ repeaters on 146.790, and 224.08 minus, PL = 131.8, FM. . The first net meets at 0700 hours and goes to 0800. We have a trivia question and interesting discussions on a wide range of topics. This net is designed for quick in and out for those who are real busy in the mornings. . The second net is the weather net and it meets at 0800 hours. This network features a roll call and members are supposed to report their weather. It does not have to be super sophisticated, for you can look out the window and see what gives and report it. . *** *** *** *** . Message 2013-­‐0024 – 2013-­‐07-­‐02 – 0800 hours. . EMAILING TRIVIA QUESTIONS. . Yes, WA6MBZ is back on the morning nets he will continue emailing out the trivia page after each day’s net is concluded. You can get on the list by emailing “Jug” at . Thanks. . Note, Jim, AJ4VP, and Brian, K6BPM are the backup guys for twitter and for changes to the announcements and swapnet files. . . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . PERMANENT ANNOUNCEMENTS: . 0001) ROVER EMERGENCY REPEATER: . The Rover is back at the Red Cross Chapter Headquarters on Alamar Rd. The repeater can be on the air anytime the Club Station is open. The fequencies are 144.930 Mhz. output, (where you listen) and 147.585 MHz. input, (where you transmit). The PL is the standard 131.8 Hertz. . Ventura County has a similar repeater with a 127.3 PL. . Repeaters on this frequency pair are usually on the air for practice or for an event, but they will not be on the air all the time !!! . We are trying to get more members of SBARC on the Rover Repeater. The Rover is not on all the time, but can be turned on by request whenever the club station is open. Please refer to the club station operating hour at the beginning of this document. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 0002) MONTHLY SIX METER NET: . The Six Meter Net meets on the first Tuesday of every month. . The time is 2000 hours, or 8 PM, PT, on 50.125 MHz., upper sideband mode. . The nets starts on this frequency then after about 15 minutes, it moves to 50.145 MHz., USB, so as to avoid prolonged interference on the National Calling Channel. . Remaining 2014 Dates are nd
Sept 2 , October 7 , Nov 4 , and December 2 . . All stations using the upper sideband mode (vertical or horizontal polarization) are welcome to check into the net. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0003) SBARC VE SESSIONS ON TAP SOON: . Sessions will take place at the Mental Health facility off of San Marcos Road. . Sessions take place the second Saturday of odd numbered months. . The starting time is 08:30 hours. . Sessions for the remainder of the year are as follows: . 2015 Dates: (On the following Saturdays): th
January 10 , March 14 , May 9 , July 11 , August at Hamfest with date TBD. th
Sept 12 , and November 14 , plus any special sessions. . Also, after the last class a given series has ended, there will be a testing session on the next Saturday. . The ARRL VE charges $15.00 for administering each test. You pay the fee for, and can take the test for as many license levels as you want in the time allotted. . If you fail one test, you can arrange to take a different version of the same test for an additional $15, up to four of them !!! . Ventura County does VE sessions during evenly numbered months on the second Saturdays or Sundays. . Additional VE Sessions may take place at the end of any classes, such as for the Technician, General or Extra level licenses. . Again, contact Darryl Widman, KF6DI, at 969-­‐2326,, to pre-­‐register for an upcoming session and to get hold of other particulars. . Also, alternate contacts are as follows: Mike, K6QD,, 680-­‐2382 or Tom, N6YX,, 967-­‐7351. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 0004) EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT, DINNER WITH LOCAL HAM RADIO OPERATORS AT CODY'S: . Dave/HWN and Dennis/OBB announced that hams are now meeting for dinner at Cody's restaurant on Tuesday nights at 1800 hours, at the corner of Hollister and Turnpike. Everyone is welcome to attend. Contact Dennis, WB6OBB,, tel: 805-­‐966-­‐7060, or by radio on 147.000 repeater, plus 600, PL 131.8., around 17:20 to 17:40, i.e., if you are actually coming to the dinner. . . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . . 0005) CLUB STATION HAS NEW PHONE NUMBER DUE TO THE FACT THAT THE RED CROSS HAS A BRAND NEW PHONE SYSTEM: . The new Club Station number is 805-­‐563-­‐0391. This number does not require any form of extension. Give us a call !!! . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0006) MONITORING THE ATV REPEATER VIA THE INTERNET: . Via the website, you can sometimes monitor the output of the SB ATV repeater which broadcasts the scene from the inner room of the Club Station. . Directions: 1) Go to the website, 2) Click on ATV Repeaters, 3) On the upper or lower window, scroll down to find wb9kmo-­‐ATN and click on it. 4) Click on View Stream. 5) There you can see the picture. 6) You can enter your comments as well in the chat room 7) Use the square icon with the arrow to expand the picture. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0007) CLUB STATION OPEN ON TUESDAY NIGHTS NOW: . Indeed, Dave, K6HWN, has announced that the Club Station at the Red Cross Chapter Headquarters will be open on a regular basis as specified at the beginning of this document. . You see, all interested parties are welcome to look, play, learn, and operate. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0008) SBARC NOW HAS A CLOUD SERVER: . SBARC members will now have access to a cloud server on the internet. There is a huge variety of reference documents contributed by various members. There are also documents relevant to club operation and management. . Contact Tom Saunders,, for more information. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0009) RADIO COMM TRAINING AT THE CLUB STATION: . The Club Station is dedicated to training operators in the intricacies of tuning and operating a number of the Club's radios, both HF and VHF, that are located at the Club Station itself. . Training will be conducted depending on desire, time, and availability of everyone involved, and he will do this at the Club Station. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 010) NOTE ON THE IMPROVED ELMERING/MENTORING NET: . The improved Elmering/Mentoring net is now on the air from 8 PM to 9 PM every Thursday night on the 146.790, and the 224.080 repeaters. We will usually do the following on every session of the net: . We will take your questions, (even seemingly dumb questions are welcome), about any aspect of Ham Radio, and remember they do not need to be technical in nature. . We can present 15 minute talks of general interest, that is, if one is requested. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0011) THIRD WEDNESDAY TRIVIA NET NOTES: . Every month on the evening of the third Wednesday, Dave, K6HWN, runs a Trivia net on the 146.790 repeater with a link to 224.080. . This is in place of the regular Club net. . The factual questions featured thereon are always designed for rapid fire answers. . This has been a fairly popular net in the past and everyone is certainly welcome to play along. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0012) COCOA NET NOW MEETING REULARLY AT CLUB STATION TUESDAY NIGHTS: . The weekly cocoa nets now take place on Tuesday evenings around 1930 hours, at the SBARC shack at the Red Cross. . The Cocoa served features real whipped cream !!! . Members of the net will share a cup of cocoa and talk about old times and so forth. . Everyone who drinks cocoa is certainly welcome. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0013) NEW ISSUES OF “KEY-­‐KLIX” COME OUT ABOUT MID-­‐MONTH: Only a few paper copies of K-­‐K will be printed each month and they will be for sale at the Club Station. . You can find a link to K-­‐K on the SBARC webpage, . It goes without saying, articles for next month are needed, as well !!! You don't need to be a great writer because experienced proofreaders will clean it up for you. Anything of interest to hams, or anything with a connection to ham radio is gratefully welcomed. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0014) SB HACKERSPACE NOTE: . SB Hackerspace meets Saturdays from noon onward, at 158 Aero Camino, Suite “D”, north of Hollister Ave, west of the Airport Tower. . Interesting hardware projects such as 3D printers are being built and tested. . Web page: . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0014) GET A LOOK AT THE 146.790 REPEATER: . Bill Talanian, W1UUQ, will show the new 146.790 repeater building to Club members in small groups, 1 to 3, so, if you want to see it, contact him via email: . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0015) THE 223.920 REPEATER IS ON LIMITED USE BECAUSE OF BATTERY ISSUES. . SBARC has announced that the Santa Cruz Island repeater on 223.920 MHz., minus, PL 131.8, will be for limited use only until new batteries can be obtained. The remote base is off the air, and will likely remain off the air permanently. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0016) C.I.R. WEB SITE: . Ken Owen, N6KTH, has built a great web site and it contains a good deal of weather information and links. You can visit this site at and click on any of the various links for further information. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . 0017) LOANER RIGS: . Loaner two meter handi-­‐talkies and forty meter HF transceivers with antennas are available for loan from the Club Station. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . Note: The files on this page were uploaded as follows. . th
0900 hours PT-­‐-­‐ -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐November 17 , 2014. th
1600 hours GMT/UTC -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐November 17 , 2014. . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** . The latest recent regular message for 2013 was 0082 and for 2014 was 0127 . *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** .