Fall 2014 2014 Legislative Update Management Courses Designated Coordinator and

Fall 2014
October • November • December
2014 Legislative Update
Management Courses
Designated Coordinator and
Manager Development Program
STAR Services
1295 Bandana Blvd N.
Suite 135
Saint Paul, MN 55108
O c to b e r Courses
2014 Legislative Update!
Wednesday, October 1  10:00 am - 12:00 pm  $55
Changes to licensing standards and other applicable human service standards are planned as a result of the decisions made during the 2014
legislative session. Come and learn what these changes and updates are and how they affect your agency and service provision. We will review
and discuss updates and current information on MN Statutes, chapters 245A, 245C and 245D.
Audience: This class is ideal for participants who have taken previous trainings on 245D and have a working knowledge of statutory requirements
and HCBS standards.
Developing I n d i v i d u a l A b u s e P reve nt i o n P l a n s , P ro g ram Abuse
Preventio n P l a n s , a n d t h e S e l f- M a n a ge m e nt A s s e s sment
Wednesday, October 1  12:30 pm - 3:30 pm  $65
Programs licensed under 245D are required to have Individual Abuse Prevention Plans for the individuals you support and Program Abuse
Prevention Plans (if you own, rent or lease the physical plant). We will walk you through the requirements of these plans, timelines for
completion, and everything you need to know to ensure these documents are consistent with the regulations. This class will also discuss the
Self-Management Assessment (SMA)-a new document required for 245D intensive service providers. Come and discover what is exciting about
the SMA, what is assessed, and ways to develop the descriptions based upon the person’s abilities. The person’s outcomes and supports can
be gathered from this person-focused document.
Audience: This class is intended for management and executive staff who are responsible for developing IAPPs, PAPPs, and the Self-Management
CEUs: 3.6 for Nurses, 3 for Social Workers
Emergency Use of Manual Restraint (EUMR)
Wednesday, October 15  9:00 am - 3:00 pm  $99
Behavioral intervention standards have changed with the implementation of 245D. You are likely familiar with Rule 40 and EUCPs, but now
you are required to follow standards related to EUMRs! You might have heard that 245D has superseded “Rule 40” procedures. What does this
mean? This class is designed to define several new terms and put all of the pieces together for understanding and complying with behavioral
intervention standards in 245D. Proper comprehension and implementation of this procedure is necessary not only to confirm you are
complying with the regulation, but also to ensure respectful and dignified care of the individuals you support.
Audience: Managers and executive staff who are responsible for 245D oversight.
CEUs: 6.6 for Nurses, 5.5 for Social Workers
Q u a l i t y I m p r o v e m e n t : Ta k i n g Yo u r
Company to the Next Level!
Wednesday, October 22  9:30 am - 12:00 pm  $59
By now you have had time to get used to the new standards of 245D and implement processes, policies, and forms at your agency. Staff are
likely knowledgeable and trained in the new requirements and are working hard towards continuous compliance. What is the next step?
Where should you go? Program improvement is a major job responsibility of the Designated Manager and developing quality systems will
take you and your agency to the next level of support for individuals with disabilities! Come and explore ways to improve your quality in the
following areas: individual feedback, systems, policies and forms, management qualifications and processes, staff development, and more!
Audience: This class is designed for Designated Managers and executive or administrative personnel who are able to affect change for quality
improvement in their agency.
CEUs: 3 for Nurses, 2.5 for Social Workers
Oc tober Co u rs es
Individual Rights and Grievances
Wednesday, October 22  12:30 pm - 3:30 pm  $65
In this course, we will examine the rights listed in 245D and develop a plan for compliance that your agency can follow to ensure individuals are
informed of and know how to exercise their rights while understanding what it means for them. This class will also examine the requirements
to restricting a person’s rights as allowed by 245D as well as providing least restrictive alternatives. We will also cover the responsibilities a
provider has in responding to grievances and how to complete a formal internal review and corrective action plan.
Audience: Managers and executive staff who are responsible for 245D oversight.
CEUs: 3.6 for Nurses, 3 for Social Workers
Coordinated Service and Support Plan Addendum
Wednesday, October 29  9:00 am - 12:00 pm  $65
Did you know the term “Coordinated Service and Support Plan Addendum” is mentioned approximately 45 times in MN Statutes, chapter
245D? Obviously this document is very important to the services you provide! The CSSP Addendum is required to include a large amount
of information about the individual you support including items like health service and program service needs, outcomes, person centered
planning, frequency of reports, and more! In this course you will learn what the Coordinated Service and Support Plan Addendum is, aspects
to its development, timelines, and what the Addendum should contain. We will also discuss who is responsible for its oversight and how to
successfully implement it at your agency.
Audience: Managers and executive staff who are responsible for 245D oversight.
CEUs: 3.6 for Nurses, 3 for Social Workers
Inspire, Mo t i vate , a n d A p p re c i ate – A m a z i n g l y Ea sy Ways to
Build You r Te a m , Reta i n E m p l oye e s , a n d Re j u ve n ate Staff
Wednesday, October 29  12:30 pm - 3:30 pm  $65
It will come as no surprise that many people in our field are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out lately. We juggle our schedules to
balance our paperwork and regulatory requirements and to find solutions to staffing and operational issues, all while doing the amazing job
of supporting individuals with disabilities. This training is designed to refocus lead staff, managers, directors and executives on the impact
your culture and working styles can have on productivity, staff retention, and satisfaction for the individuals we support. This isn’t a “soft
skills or fluffy” topic, it is critical that agencies find every possible way to support staff in their professional development, nurture employee
satisfaction and loyalty, and create a culture that promotes the core mission and values. Skills learned during this training can make your
meetings more effective, inspire staff to think of big picture opportunities, and embrace (or at least be more comfortable with) the changes
our field is experiencing. You will leave this training with specific activities and tools to take back to implement with your company including:
Team building activities to improve your team’s ability to collaborate and communicate
An interactive and energizing exercise to use with a group that is preparing for strategic planning, creative thinking or fostering innovation
Several ideas for low cost/no cost staff appreciation activities that reinforce the value and contribution of each specific employee
Positive and inspirational stories about every day people doing amazing things that can translate into action steps or ideas for your
Audience: This course is an excellent resource for executives, managers, and lead staff.
Register for both classes on the same day and $AVE plus lunch is included!
See the registration page for details...
N ov e m ber Courses
Breaking the Barriers of Comfort to Encourage Change
Wednesday, November 5  9:00 am - 12:00 pm  $65
As a Designated Coordinator and/or Designated Manager in your agency, you are responsible for the delivery and quality of services as well as
the development and implementation of ongoing program improvements. Often you identify a change is needed, but you may wonder how
do you make the change successful? Through this interactive and reflective session, we’ll study the key components needed to make change
happen and last! You’ll learn how to encourage and embrace change for yourself and your staff and learn to break down the barriers that pop
up in times of change. In this session we will:
 Identify the barriers to change
 Study real life examples of change that have impacted people through the world
 Learn how to implement strategies to foster success for those you support
Audience: Management level staff fulfilling the roles of the Designated Coordinator and Designated Manager according to 245D.
CEUs: 3.6 for Nurses, 3 for Social Workers
Person Centered Practices
Wednesday, November 5  12:30 pm - 4:30 pm  $75
During this introductory level class we will review and discuss the 245D person centered language and requirements. You will be introduced
to tools and processes you can implement at your agency to put person centered ideas and values into action.
This class highlights the One Page Profile. Come and discover what a One Page Profile is and how it applies to the everyday work of implementing
person centered principles! A One Page Profile can be completed for anyone and are being used in many settings including schools, residential
and vocational settings, with families, work teams, and for people of all ages and abilities.
Let us show you the positive difference person centered services can make in the lives of the individuals you support and also the tangible
benefits your agency can gain from implementing these practices!
Topics will include:
245D person centered planning and service delivery requirements
245D staff training requirements for person centered services
Practical tools and methods you can you can use to implement person centered services
What a One Page Profile is and how to create one
Audience: Any staff responsible for overseeing person centered planning and delivery.
CEUs: 4.8 for Nurses, 4 for Social Workers
The “Nuts and Bolts” of Chapter 245D Program Standards
Wednesday, November 12  9:00 am - 4:00 pm  $119 (includes lunch)
This full day course is designed to instill confidence and knowledge in participants by learning about each major section in 245D involving
program standards. We explore topics including but not limited to service recipient rights and restrictions, health needs, protection standards,
emergency use of manual restraints, assessment development and implementation, progress reports and meetings, staff training, and DC and
DM qualifications and responsibilities. Through discussion, we will explore what each area means for service providers and how participants
can be compliant to 245D standards in their companies.
Audience: Managers and executive staff who are responsible for 245D oversight.
CEUs: 7.8 for Nurses, 6.5 for Social Workers
View detailed course descriptions at starsvcs.com/calendar
Mental Health Fundamentals
Wednesday, November 19  9:00 am - 4:30 pm  $119 (includes lunch)
The need for qualified staff who understand the basics of mental health diagnoses and crisis prevention and response is on the rise. In response
to that, and recent legislative changes, STAR is offering this engaging, detailed 7 hour Mental Health Fundamentals course. We believe that
your staff will find this course beneficial in better understanding the people receiving services and the ways they can effectively support them.
Topics covered in Mental Health Fundamentals include:
 Understanding Mental and Chemical Health
 Common mental health diagnoses
 Mental health diagnoses, cycles, and recovery
 Proactive and reactive supports for individuals with a mental health diagnosis
 Common support, rehabilitation and treatment options including evidence-based practices
 Recovery and management for mental health diagnoses
 Co-occurring substance abuse and mental health concerns
 Suicide intervention, identifying suicide warning signs, and appropriate responses
 Crisis Response, De-escalation, and Behavioral Supports for Individuals with a Mental Health Diagnosis
 Psychotropic Medications and Side Effects
Audience: This class is for anyone interested in learning information about mental health diagnoses and treatments. It is also intended to meet
the training requirements for all staff providing services in a prospective or current mental health certified home as designated by MN statutes.
CEUs: 8.4 for Nurses, 7 for Social Workers
December Cou rs es
What Every Manager Needs to Know about 245D
I n c i d e n t , E m e r g e n c y, a n d I n t e r n a l R e v i e w R e p o r t i n g
Wednesday, December 3  9:00 am - 12:00 pm  $65
You may hear “incident and emergency reporting” and think you currently understand these requirements from your 245B or Adult Foster
Care experience, but they have changed under 245D! And did you know that internal reviews aren’t just for maltreatment reporting anymore?
245D requires providers to have a new position called a “Designated Manager” (DM) whose duties include the professional oversight of
incidents, emergencies, and internal reviews. This workshop will provide management-level staff an interactive, hands-on opportunity to
learn the applicable 245D requirements, accurate documentation techniques, and appropriate follow up. Through interaction and discussion,
participants will also learn from each other about effective incident and emergency reporting.
Audience: Managers and executive staff who are responsible for 245D oversight.
CEUs: 3.6 for Nurses, 3 for Social Workers
Outcomes, Progress Reports, and Meetings
Wednesday, December 3  12:30 pm - 3:30 pm  $65
This class will focus on three pertinent, individual-based compliance pieces in 245D: outcomes, progress reports, and meetings. We will discuss
what the 245D requirements are for these components and how to develop them appropriately.
Audience: Management-level staff who are responsible for writing outcomes and reports and facilitating meetings.
CEUs: 3.6 for Nurses, 3 for Social Workers
Dec e m ber Courses
Community Residential Setting Requirements
Wednesday, December 10  10:00 am - 12:00 pm  $55
This class will give you the information you need to comply with the rules that are specific to 245D-CRS requirements including physical
plant requirements, health and safety rules, emergency plans, and various other requirements to ensure your homes are compliant to 245D
regulations. This class will also take a closer look at the emergency plan requirement and give your agency the opportunity to learn more about
emergency planning, including the unique challenges residential providers face should a disaster occur.
Audience: This class is intended for management and executive staff from Corporate Adult Foster Care homes (where the license holder does
not live in the home) who are licensed under 245D.
CEUs: 2.4 for Nurses, 2 for Social Workers
W h a t ’s a D C a n d D M t o D o ? T h e R o l e s , R e s p o n s i b i l t i e s ,
and Regulations for DCs and DMs
Wednesday, December 10  12:30 pm - 3:30 pm  $65
Your agency is required to have a Designated Coordinator and Designated Manager. Do they know what their roles and responsibilities are as
directed by 245D? Send them our way to help them learn about and prepare for what their unique position includes. This class will cover the
experience and education qualifications as well as their responsibilities and job duties.
Audience: Management-level staff who fullfill the roles of the Designated Coordinator and Designated Manager under 245D.
CEUs: 3.6 for Nurses, 3 for Social Workers
2014 Legislative Update!
Wednesday, December 17  10:00 am - 12:00 pm  $55
Changes to licensing standards and other applicable human service standards are planned as a result of the decisions made during the 2014
legislative session. Come and learn what these changes and updates are and how they affect your agency and service provision. We will review
and discuss updates and current information on MN Statutes, chapters 245A, 245C and 245D.
Audience: This class is ideal for participants who have taken previous trainings on 245D and have a working knowledge of statutory requirements
and HCBS standards.
Self-Management Assessment and Addendum
Outcomes and Supports
Wednesday, December 17  12:30 pm - 3:30 pm  $65
This session is intended to focus on the outcomes and supports your agency provides to service recipients. Where do these items come from
though? The foundation to the outcomes and supports you provide stems from the Self-Management Assessment and the person’s ability or
inability to self-manage in key areas of their life. We will start by discussing what is the Self-Management Assessment, what is included in it,
and how to write it. Once this understanding is solidified, we will explore how to write or develop outcomes and supports that meet the needs
and wants of persons using your services. Feel free to bring a Self-Management Assessment and Addendum to review or revise during the
session. We want you to leave feeling that you have a better grasp of developing these two important pieces of information.
Audience: Lead staff, managers, and administrative or executive personnel.
CEUs: 3.6 for Nurses, 3 for Social Workers
November 10-13
oordinator and Manager
Classes will be from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
(includes lunch)
Receive a 10% discount on registration
for three or more employees from the same agency.
All 245D licensed programs are required to have a Designated Coordinator (DC) and Designated Manager (DM). The DC and DM at
your agency need to have a clear understanding of the requirements in MN Statutes, chapter 245D to ensure your agency’s success.
The Designated Coordinator and Manager Development Program is an interactive course designed to help participants gain the
knowledge, confidence, and skills necessary to be a successful Designated Coordinator or Designated Manager.
Who Should Attend?
This program is ideal for managers supporting individuals in 245D licensed residential or vocational intensive support services as well
as direct support professionals who desire training on management responsibilities in the field of human services. Basic support
service providers will also benefit from this course.
What Should Participants Expect?
The DCDP course is intended to provide comprehensive training on management duties commonly required in licensed services.
Although this course does not waive the education and experience requirements of the Designated Coordinator and Designated
Manager in MN Statutes, chapter 245D, it gives the attendees a comprehensive understanding of 245D regulations and how to
implement them at your agency.
Participants will receive all course materials as well as sample forms and
policies. To demonstrate knowledge gained each day, participants interact
with each other through discussion and fun activities!
Course Topics
 Rules & Regulations: Minnesota Statutes, chapters 245D, 245A, and
245C, Vulnerable Adult Act, and Maltreatment of Minors Act
 Document Development: Maltreatment Review and Reporting,
Individual Abuse Prevention Plans, Program Abuse Prevention Plans,
Outcomes, Emergency Use of Manual Restraint (EUMR), Progress
Reviews, Self-Management Assessment, Coordinated Service and
Support Plan Addendum, Incident Reports, and Internal Reviews
 Meeting Facilitation: Data privacy, support team meetings including
intake, 45 day, annual, and temporary service suspension and
discharge, and person centered planning
 Health Services and Financial Management: Health services
(including psychotropic medication monitoring) and financial
CEUs: 28 for social workers, 33.6 for nurses
What Participants
Are Saying:
“I learned new things every day and
expanded my knowledge on things
already known.”
“Excellent class. Really pertained to
the DC job. I learned a lot.”
“I was able to tell a difference from
the pre and post test scores and how
much new information I learned.”
“Excellent materials. Very
comprehensive and well organized.”
“Instructors were prepared and
knowledgeable, had good enthusiasm
for the topics, and were very helpful in
answering questions.”
register online @ starsvcs.com
LEG14: Legislative Update  Oct 1  10a-12p  $55
ED103: IAPP/PAPP  Oct 1  12:30p-3:30p  $65
Full Day Discounted Price: $105 (lunch)
ED104: EUMR  Oct 15  9a-3p  $99 (lunch)
ED118: Quality Imp  Oct 22  9:30a-12p  $59
ED107: Ind Rights  Oct 22  12:30p-3:30p  $65
Full Day Discounted Price: $109 (lunch)
ED111: CSSP  Oct 29  9a-12p  $65
ED119: Motivation  Oct 29  12:30p-3:30p  $65
Full Day Discounted Price: $115 (lunch)
Payment options include cash, check, and all major credit cards. Make
checks payable to STAR Services. Please print clearly. All requested
information must be completed for credit card transactions.
Company: Contact: Telephone: Billing Address: Email: Name: (as it appears on card)
Credit Card #: ED114: Comfort...Change  Nov 5  9a-12p  $65
ED109: Person Centered  Nov 5  12:30p-4:30p  $75
Full Day Discounted Price: $119 (lunch)
Exp. Date: ED101: Nuts & Bolts  Nov 12  9a-4p  $119 (lunch)
ED110: Mental Health  Nov 19  9a-4:30p  $119 (lunch)
ED108: Reporting  Dec 3  9a-12p  $65
ED102: Out/Prog Rep/Mtgs  Dec 3  12:30p-3:30p  $65
Full Day Discounted Price: $115 (lunch)
ED105: CRS  Dec 10  10a-12p  $55
ED117: DC/DM  Dec 10  12:30p-3:30p  $65
Full Day Discounted Price: $105 (lunch)
LEG14: Leg Update  Dec 17  10a-12p  $55
ED120: SMA/Addendum  Dec 17  12:30p-3:30p  $65
Full Day Discounted Price: $105 (lunch)
3 Digit CSV Code: (from back of card)
Amount Enclosed/To Be Charged: $
Please submit completed registration with payment
via phone: 651-644-3140 x224, fax: 651-641-0346,
email: support@starsvcs.com, or mail to:
STAR Services
Attn: Training
1295 Bandana Blvd N
Suite 135
Saint Paul, MN 55108
Don’t forget to apply your discounts! For courses that include
lunch, please indicate if you would prefer a vegetarian meal.
ED100: DCDP  Nov 10-13  9a-5p  $1299 (lunch)
Register 3 or more participants for DCDP and SAVE 10%!
We’ve begun phasing out the printed version
of the monthly brochure. To ensure you keep
receiving monthly updates on upcoming
trainings as well as important information
about rules and regulations, please subscribe
to our monthly email:
all classes are held at The Atrium Building
1295 Bandana Blvd N, Suite 135
Saint Paul, MN 55108