NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID BRAINERD MN Permit No. 250 AMERICAN LEGION 708 FRONT STREET BRAINERD MN 56401 218-829-2249 NOVEMBER 2014 CARL SYDNEY HANSON AMERICAN LEGION POST 255 BRAINERD MN 218•829•2249 LEGION OFFICERS AUXILIARY OFFICERS LEGION RIDERS PRESIDENT: OPEN CHAPTER DIRECTOR: PAUL EDWARDS COMMANDER: EDWARD SPILMAN ST 1 VICE: JERRY STROBEL ST 1 VICE: STACIE BEDNAREK 2ND VICE: TOM SWANSON 2ND VICE: ROSEMARY FERIANCEK CHAPLAIN: SUSAN EDWARDS CHAPLAIN: LANA MULHOLLAND ASST. DIRECTOR/SEC.: SUSAN EDWARDS MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: JACK STICHA CHAPLAIN: DEWAYNE COLLINS SGT AT ARMS: DEWAYNE COLLINS SGT AT ARMS: ANN MAJERUS HISTORIAN: BRUCE SPILMAN FINANCE OFFICER: RICHARD STARK TREASURER: DOLLY ZITUR SERGEANT AT ARMS: DALE TOUGAS ADJUTANT: DAN BEDNAREK SECRETARY: DOLLY ZITUR ROAD CAPTAIN: GENE FRANCIS PARLIAMENTARIAN: (OPEN) PARLIAMENTARIAN: OPEN TREASURER: BLAIR FRANCIS HISTORIAN: (OPEN) HISTORIAN: OPEN LEGAL OFFICER: JOHN RABOIN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: SERVICE OFFICER: BOB NELSON DEBBIE KRAKLAU EXECUTIVE BOARD: LANA MULHOLLAND 1 YEAR: JACK STICHA, TOM LEACH PAST PRESIDENT: JUDI HARTING 2 YEAR: OPEN, PAUL EDWARDS 3 YEAR: CHARLES EXTRAND, MATT KREBSBACH PAST COMMANDER: CHRIS SPIEKER “THE COMMANDER” NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 2 POST 255 COMMANDER’S REPORT: Ed Spilman It is time for the November newsletter. Daylight savings time ends midnight November 2nd. Be sure to set your clocks back one hour. November 4th is Election Day so everyone get out and vote. November 5th is that special day for your Commander who turns over a new leaf. November 11th is Veterans Day. I'm sure that will be a big day at your post. (In the October Newsletter, I tried to extend summer season by a month and guess what, it didn't work. Fall came in September anyway.) I also want to say Happy Anniversary to the Legion Riders. November is their 1st Anniversary. We lost another 5-ton air conditioner up on the roof. Cost to rebuild it is two-thirds the cost of a new one, and we still have an old air conditioner. No final decision made yet. The 5th District Council Meeting is in Cass Lake November 23rd at 7:30 P.M. Thanksgiving is the 27th of November. This will be a very busy day again at the Legion, as we host the Community Thanksgiving dinner sponsored by the Brainerd Legion, Elks, VFW and Eagles clubs. Happy Thanksgiving to all Legion members and their families! Have a Great Turkey Day! Ed Spilman, Post 255 Commander (H) 1-218-562-4164 (C) 1-218-232-0318 AUXILIARY REPORT: Dolly Zitur Hello Auxiliary Members: Thanks, thanks and thanks for all the membership dues that have been coming in! It was a delight to see so many of you paying your dues as soon as you received the notice from National. It is wonderful to know that so many of you really care about our Veterans, our Children and our National Security. Thanks again! If you aren't a member already, I am certainly inviting you to join, as we need you all. Keep our membership chairman Rose Feriancek busy, by keeping those dues coming in. It won't be long and we will be celebrating National Education Week, which is November 16th – 23rd, with our annual “Teachers Tea” to be held on Wednesday, November 19th from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. We wish to thank all the educators and school workers in this area and invite them all to join us. An invitation will be sent to all schools and hopefully we will have a large crowd in attendance. Thanks to Pat Haberman for chairing the Education Committee. Our Fall Conference will be held in Mahnomen on October 24th and 25th, and I'm sure that we will hear some good reports as to more things to do for our programs. We are in need of a few more chairman for our programs, so if you could volunteer to help us, it would be much appreciated. Just call and let us know and we will give you a chairman's booklet explaining your responsibilities and I'm sure that you will have a lot of help, if you just ask. The Children's Christmas Party has been scheduled for Saturday, December 13th, so mark your calendar and bring the young ones in to meet Santa Claus. It seems that the little ones really enjoy this party every year, so we're looking for a big crowd and thank you Deb Kraklau and Judy Harting for coordinating this event. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Don’t forget that the annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be held at the Legion Club on Thanksgiving Day. Co-sponsors of the event are the Brainerd Legion, Elks, Eagles and VFW clubs. This event is free to all area residents, but free-will donations are much appreciated. Meals can be delivered to shut-ins. Keep checking the Event Calendar for all the great things that are happening at the Post and join us for the upcoming activities. ~Dolly Zitur, Unit 255 Secretary/Treasurer IMPORTANT MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION A few special reminders to all: 1. Local post (not national) PUFL (paid up for life) members must now pay their own full $40 annually. Our post cannot afford to pay your dues. This policy was started in 2009 for the 2010 membership year, so it has been in effect for 5 - 6 membership years now. This change has been shared in discussions and in our monthly "Commander" newspaper several times since 2009, but there still seems to be some misunderstanding regarding it. The post did not like doing it, but we don't have any other choice. 2. Dues are currently $40 for regular memberships and $20 for SAL (Sons of the American Legion) dues. Of the $40 dues, $13.50 goes to national, $10.50 goes to state, $2.50 goes to our 6th District, $0.25 goes to the Legion Hospital Association and our post gets only the remaining $13.25. 3. You can still pay your 2014 dues (membership July 1, 2013 - December 31, 2014) until December 31, 2014, but please pay it as soon as possible. 4. Our goal for 2015 membership (July 1, 2014 - December 31, 2015) is 750 members, and we currently have about 450 paid members (65% paid), so please pay your 2015 dues as soon as possible. You can send a check or come in and pay it to a worker, and we will mail your card. Thank you for your cooperation! ~Your Membership Committee (Jerry Strobel 218-820-6320, Charley Extrand 218-829-5338, Tom Swanson, 218-829-1151) CRAFT & BAKE SALE REPORT Thank you to all of the ladies who either donated baked goods or gave us a monetary contribution for the Craft/Bake Sale, Saturday, October 4th. To date, we deposited $1,001 that will be used by the Auxiliary for this year’s programs (Teachers Tea, Children's Christmas Party, Girls State, and Post Kitchen needs, etc.). We appreciate all those who contributed. If you did not donate but still wish to do so, we would be so appreciative as this is our only fundraiser for the year. (For a list of those who volunteered at the Craft & Bake Sale, please see the Volunteer article is this issue.) ~Judi Harting, Bake Sale Chairman The Brainerd American Legion COMMANDER: Volume XIV, Issue 11: Published monthly by Carl Sydney Hanson Post 255, Unit 255 and SAL 255 as a free service to our members. Advertising inquiries, change of address and any input can be submitted to: American Legion Post 255, 708 Front Street, Brainerd, MN 56401. *Deadline for articles is on or about the 15th of each month prior to the issue month. EDITOR: Susanne Fussy ( *TO PLACE AN AD, CONTACT: TOM SWANSON (218-829-1151) or DUANE BERKNER (218-828-5074) Submissions for publication may be dropped off at the Legion (Attn: Commander Editor) or e-mailed to “THE COMMANDER” NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 3 BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION The Auxiliary is collecting “Box Tops for Education” and Campbell’s Soup labels as part of their Education program. Please save the Box Tops logos found on the boxed food products you purchase and Campbell’s soup labels and place them in the collection jar on the pull tab booth at the club. Thank you! HEADS UP! COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER COLOR GUARD REPORT: Bob Voels Post 255 Honor Guard, thankfully, was not needed to perform military funeral services this past month. The Color Guard posted colors at Craguns for Gold Star Mothers. We are very grateful to the family of Andy L. Peterson, recently deceased and a Purple Heart recipient, for their generous donation to the Color Guard fund. Thanks to all my Post 255 friends for their cards and prayers during my recent cancer surgery. Special thanks to Chris Spieker from the Voels family for flag presentation at my brother’s funeral. We will be participating in many Veterans Day activities, including ceremonies at Brainerd High School, other local schools, and the All Veterans Memorial. *Many area restaurants offer free meals or special menus for veterans on Veterans Day. For example: Grand Casino Mille Lacs offers a free buffet. Perkins offers a free breakfast. Applebee’s offers a choice of entrees. ~Bob Voels 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. *Freewill donations gratefully accepted! **RSVP by noon November 24th to reserve a place or arrange meal delivery for shut-ins: Call 218-829-2249 The Legion Club will be OPEN on Saturdays all winter! VETERANS DAY CEREMONY AT BHS There will be a Veterans Day Ceremony at Brainerd High School on Tuesday, th November 11 at 10:00 a.m. Guest Speaker will be Doug Bekke, curator of the Minnesota Military Museum at Camp Ripley, Minnesota. The program will feature the BHS Choir, the BHS Band and the BHS Symphonic Band. Colors will be presented by Brainerd American Legion Post 255 Color Guard. All veterans are urged to attend. The program is open to the public, and there are no admission fees. Refreshments will be served following the program. ~Charley Extrand (218-829-5338) UNIT 255 MEMBER DONATES TO CLC Unit 255 member, Faye Abrahamson, recently received a letter from Pam Thomsen, Executive Director, CLC Foundation, thanking Faye for her generous donation of $1,470.00 to the Central Lakes College Foundation to support the “Patrick Abrahamson Memorial Scholarship” Fund. (Above: Faye Abrahamson presents check to Pam Thomsen at CLC. Also shown is Mike Bellos. Photo courtesy of the Brainerd Dispatch.) Faye set up the scholarship fund in 2013 to honor the memory of her late husband, Patrick Abrahamson, a long-time small engine and auto mechanics instructor at the college and is for students enrolled in those programs. Veterans are given preference because of Pat’s admiration and support for military personnel. For the Fall Rendezvous held at the Brainerd American Legion, Faye purchased and raffled off a rifle (Pat loved to hunt) and the proceeds went to the scholarship fund. If you would like to contribute to the “Patrick Abrahamson Memorial Scholarship Fund,” go to or contact Pam Thomsen at 218-855-8129 or TEACHERS TEA Hosted by the Brainerd Legion Auxiliary Wednesday, November 19th 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. *All area educators are invited to attend! Book your Christmas & Holiday Parties now! *Call Janelle at 218-829-2249 KIDS CHRISTMAS PARTY! All kids welcome! Saturday, December 13 1 – 3 p.m. Santa, games, snacks & more! Watch next month for more information! SUNDAYS: 1 p.m. *Kitchen Open 12:30 – 4:30 P.M. TUESDAYS: 6 – 9 P.M. $1 Sliders: 4 – 8 p.m. MEAT RAFFLES FRIDAYS AT 5:30 p.m. *Rada Knives on sale first Friday each month! OCTOBER 2014 CLUB BREAKFASTS LEGION CLUB HOURS Elks: Sunday, Nov. 2 MONDAY - THURSDAY 11 A.M. – 8 P.M. FRIDAY 11 A.M. – 10 P.M. SATURDAY 2 P.M. – 8 P.M. SUNDAY 12 P.M. – 6 P.M. Eagles: Sunday, Nov. 9 VFW: Sunday, Nov. 16 Legion: Sunday, Nov. 23 *Elks: 5th Sunday, Nov. 30 “THE COMMANDER” NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 4 GAMBLING REPORT: Paul Edwards GAMBLING REPORT AS OF SEPTEMBER 2014 Gross Receipts from all sources Cost of Prizes Paid and Raffle Tickets Net Receipts from all sources $99,423.00 $78,839.03 $20,583.97 Club Pulltabs Gross receipts Club Pulltabs Prizes Paid Club Pull Tabs Net income $47,726.00 $40,082.00 $7,644.00 Club Sunday Bingo Gross Receipts Club Sunday Bingo Prizes Paid Club Sunday Bingo Net income $4,070.00 $3,484.00 $586.00 Club Tuesday Bingo Gross Receipts Club Tuesday Bingo Prizes Paid Club Tuesday Bingo Net income $1,713.00 $1,591.00 $122.00 Club Meat Raffle Gross Receipts Club Meat Raffle Prizes Cost Club Meat Raffle Net income $1,477.00 $687.50 $789.50 Yesterday’Gone Pulltabs Gross Receipts Yesterday's Gone Pulltabs Prizes Paid Yesterday's Gone Pulltabs Net Income $29, 444.00 $24,970.00 $4,974.00 Legion Rendezvous Gross Receipts Cost of Prizes Cub Foods Scheel's Cabela's T&M Shooting Sports total Cost of Tickets Rendezvous Net income $14,493.00 $250.00 $1,103.07 $750.00 $5,772.00 $7,875.07 $149.46 $6,468.47 CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS DURING SEPTEMBER 2014 Gambling debt to Post paid in full Pat Abrahamson Memorial Scholarship $1,470.00 ~Paul Edwards, Gambling Manager BRAINERD CHAPTER LEGION RIDERS REPORT We had guest speakers at our October meeting to discuss the Motorcycle Safety Training offered at CLC. There is always a need for us to upgrade our riding skill set and we are looking at setting up a training event next spring. Kori and Mike talked about the program and the requirements to go through the Experienced Rider Course; motorcycle endorsement on your license, insurance and a roadworthy motorcycle. Each participant will also have to sign a liability waiver. Paul and Blair talked about the discussions that went on at the state meeting that was part of the Legion Romp. The ALR is the state of Minnesota currently does not have a constitution that has been endorsed by the Department. In an effort to educate both the members of the ALR and the Department Executive Committee, Department Commander Peggy Moon has invited representatives from the National ALR organization to come and speak at the fall conference at Mahnomen on Friday, October 24. All ALR members are encouraged to attend to show support. The meeting is at 1:00 at the Mahnomen Casino. On October 18, we celebrate our first anniversary as an ALR chapter. Here is a list of things that Brainerd Chapter has accomplished in one year: Grew to 28 members as of the October meeting where we welcomed 2 more. Road as a chapter in the first annual Zombie Crawl Parade Road as a chapter in the Brainerd Memorial Day Parade Road in the Teddy Bear Parade that was part of the courthouse centennial celebration Road as a chapter in both the Crosby/Ironton and Brainerd Independence Day parades. Participated in the Minnesota State Legacy Ride, assisting in the raising of $87400.00 for the National Legacy Scholarship fund. The chapter donated $200.00 by itself. Participated in the Wounded Warrior/Homeless Vet ride assisting in raising $12000.00 Participated in the Bataan Death Memorial celebration and escorted the runners We planned and conducted games, events and a ride at the Legion Riders Romp and were able to donate funds to the Legacy Run and to Legionville. We have assisted in many events around the Post, from brat sales to serving at the Commander’s breakfasts and washing dishes to helping out at the Legion Rendezvous. WE ARE JUST GETTING WARMED UP. Next meeting on November 19 is election night. The nominees for office are as follows: Chapter Director ~ Paul Edwards Assistant Chapter Director and Secretary ~ Susan Edwards Treasurer ~ Blair Francis Sergeant at Arms ~ Dale Tougas Chaplain ~ Dewayne Collins Road Captain ~ Position to remain open Safety Officer ~ Steve Eide Membership Chairman ~ Jack Sticha Historian ~ Bev Bosch ~Paul Edwards, Brainerd ALR Chapter Director THANKS TO THESE GREAT VOLUNTEERS! DONATIONS TO CLUB: Thank you to the Auxiliary for a hall rental donation of $234! *We are sincerely grateful to all individuals who help the club with donations, large or small! SUNDAY BINGO: All the ladies who help set up for Bingo. FRIDAY MEAT RAFFLES: Jim Falconer, “Sarge,” Susan Edwards, Curt Miller BREAKFAST BUFFET: (9/28/14) Ed Spilman, Dewayne Collins, Tom Swanson, Jerry Strobel, Blair Francis, Don Hauck, Jack Sticha, Roger Gonnerman, Dale Tougas, Kathleen, Mariko and Malia Hermerding, Ruth Unger, Amanda Unger, Delani Collins, Megan Zuk, Jaden Wagoner, Jamie Omtredt CRAFT FAIR: (10/4/14) Darlene Swedin (organizer), Rosemary Feriancek (mailings), Jerry O’Reilly (use of signs), Judi Harting (bake sale), Bob Harting (sign replacer), Katie Lutz (cook), Glenna Falk (kitchen), Katie Nelson (cashier), Norm Nelson (sign placement), Susanne Fussy (publicity) “COMMANDER” CIRCLE OF FRIENDS! Our sincere thanks to the following for their donations to “The Commander” Newsletter Circle of Friends: WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN THE 2014 CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: •Mary L. Andrews-Spilman •Bonnie & Philip Selisker •Nealna& Don Gylling •Helen & Tom Swanson •Ed Spilman •Charles F. Halsted •Alma Miller James & Minna Wallin •Lorraine Montgomery •Terry & Mary McCollough •Bob & Judi Harting •Charlie & Norma Extrand •Roman & Susanne Fussy •Jack Sticha •Larry & Catherine Hisman •Becky Young •Pat & John Wlasiuk •Jay & Yvonne Beebe DID YOU KNOW? If every member gave just $5.00, we could pay for “The Commander” expenses for a full year! *ANOTHER WAY you can support “The Commander”: Put your loose change in the jar on the Pull Tab booth counter! “THE COMMANDER” NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 5 2014 AUXILIARY CRAFT & BAKE SALE POST 255 CHAPTER ALA RIDERS Some Post 255 ALA members arrived early for their October meeting Photo by Susanne Fussy Vendor tables were full of unique and creative items for shoppers to purchase. Photo Courtesy of Judi Harting ALA member and Post Commander Ed Spilman tried to avoid the photographer, but she was not to be denied! Photo by Susanne Fussy NEWS OF THE WEIRD AT POST 255 Glenna Falk helped out in the kitchen serving breakfast and lunch for shoppers. Photo Courtesy of Judi Harting Platypus? Octopus? Hippo? Blob from outer space? No! It’s a potato grown by Commander Ed! Photo by Susanne Fussy “THE COMMANDER” NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 6 Matt Gilgenbach could hardly wait to sink his teeth into his 35₵ wings on a recent Wednesday! You can get them on Thursdays too! Photo by Susanne Fussy Becky Young won a “Big Kahuna” Meat Raffle on October 3rd. Photo by Susanne Fussy “Sarge” posed with his Big Kahuna and Assistant Gambling Manager Tara. Photo by Susanne Fussy Dave Lundmark seems to be one of the luckier winners at the meat raffles on Friday night! Photo by Susanne Fussy COMMANDER CLASSIFIEDS 724 LAUREL ST. (218) 829-2849 BRAINERD MN 56401 FAX (218) 828-0589 PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY • Auto Accidents •Free initial consultation US Air Force Academy Graduate – 1981 American Legion Post 255 Member 218•828•9211 (near Arby’s in Baxter) “WE HONOR VETERANS” “THE COMMANDER” NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 7 COMMANDER CLASSIFIEDS HALVORSON - JOHNSON FUNERAL & CREMATION CARE Real People. Real Compassion. --Directors— Casey Swantek, Jay Simon, Tim Taylor (Owner) Serving the Brainerd Area Since 1035 Expanding to Baxter in 2013 829-3581 • 1-877-729-3581 703 Oak Street, Brainerd • Thanking all who have and are Serving this Great Country of ours!!! J & M Printing, Inc. James E. & Minna Wallin 39 continuous years Post 255 Member Helping you say goodbye. MILLS FLEET FARM HONORS AND SUPPORTS VETERANS AND LEGIONNAIRES OF CARL SYDNEY HANSON POST 255. We thank you for your Business and your Service! David L. Sabir, M.D. • Bradley L. Adams, O.D. • No Stitch Cataract Surgery • Lens Implant Surgery • Laser Surgery • Glaucoma Specialists • Laser Vision Corrective Surgery (LASIK) • Corneal Transplants 2020 South 6th Street • Brainerd 218-829-2020 1-800-872-0005 NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! CONTACT PETE @ 218-746-3511 BRAINERD VFW POST 1647 WELCOMES OUR LEGION FRIENDS! Monday • Bar Bingo & Basket Food 6 p.m. Tuesday • $1 Tacos 5 – 7 p.m. Cribbage 6 p.m. *2 nd Tuesday each month • Meeting Night 7 p.m. Wednesday • $1 Sloppy Joes 5 – 7 p.m. & 500 Cards 6 p.m. Friday • Dinner • 5:30 – 7 p.m. rd 3 Sunday • Breakfast 8 a.m. – Noon, $6 OPEN 24 HOURS 14133 Edgewood Drive Baxter MN 56425 218•828•4601 NOV. 30, 2014 “THE COMMANDER” NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 8 COMMANDER CLASSIFIEDS 510 W Washington St Brainerd MN Hwy 371/County Rd 77 Nisswa MN “Thank you for your service!” *Military Discount Available! *BRAINERD AMERICAN LEGION APPRECIATES THE SUPPORT OF OUR ADVERTISERS! WE ASK THAT YOU SUPPORT THEM BY PATRONIZING THEIR BUSINESSES! *FRYER FOOD & HEGGIE’S PIZZA NOON TO 7 P.M. EVERY DAY! SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY $1 TAPS MONDAY – FRIDAY! THURSDAY FRIDAY HAPPY HOURS: NOVEMBER SATURDAY 1 OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. Monday – Friday: 4 – 6 p.m. MEAT RAFFLES: BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT! All Day, Every Day (at the bar) Fridays at 5:30 p.m. 2014 *KITCHEN OPEN DAILY 12 – 7 P.M. EXCEPT SATURDAY 2 3 4 ELECTION DAY 5 BAR BINGO $3.50 BURGER BASKETS! 1 P.M. CLUB OPEN @ NOON *KITCHEN OPEN 12:30 – 4 P.M. POST EXECUTIBE COMMITTEE MEETING 7 P.M. IBEW MEETING 6 P.M. 9 10 BAR BINGO $1 SLIDERS 4 – 8 P.M. 16 17 BAR BINGO 1 P.M. CLUB OPEN @ NOON *KITCHEN OPEN 12:30 – 4 P.M. 23 8 a.m. to Noon 23rd Adults $7.50 • Kids $4 BAR BINGO 1 P.M. *Both Days CLUB OPEN @ NOON *FOOD 12:30 – 4 P.M. 30 IBEW 4 – 6 P.M. 40 ET 8: 7 P.M. SQUARE DANCE LESSONS 7 – 9 P.M. IBEW 7 P.M. BINGO: 6 – 9 P.M. MDAA MEETING 7 P.M. 19 $1 SLIDERS 4 – 8 P.M. BINGO: 6 – 9 P.M. 25 $3.50 BURGER BASKETS! 13 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 $1 SLIDERS 4 – 8 P.M. 18 $3.50 BURGER BASKETS TUPPERWARE MEETING 5 P.M. POST MEMBERSHIP MEETING 7 P.M. AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP MEETING 7 P.M. EVERGREEN CEMETERY MEETING 2:30 – 5:30 PM 24 BREAKFAST BUFFET SQUARE DANCE LESSONS 7 – 9 P.M. 11 VETERANS DAY 12 TUPPERWARE PARTY BAHMA ROOM 7 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 EACH FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. GIRLS NIGHT RIB EYE DINNER 2 FOR $20 5:30 p.m. 8 OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. Set Clocks back 1 hour tonight! BINGO: 6 – 9 P.M. $3.50 BURGER BASKETS! 1 P.M. CLUB OPEN @ NOON *KITCHEN OPEN 12:30 – 4 P.M. 6 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 20 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 BINGO: 6 – 9 P.M. 27 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 SQUARE DANCE LESSONS 7 – 9 P.M. FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. WALLEYE DINNER 2 FOR $20 5:30 P.M. 21 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 EACH TEACHERS TEA 3:30 P.M. TO 5:30 P.M. JACK & JILL BINGO 7 P.M. LEGION RIDERS MEETING 7 P.M. 26 $1 SLIDERS 4 – 8 P.M. 14 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 EACH FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. RIB DINNER 2 FOR $20 5:30 p.m. KARAOKE 7 P.M. RAY’S PROMENADERS 7 P.M. 28 COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER 11 A.M. – 1 P.M. *See “Heads Up” FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. CHICKEN ALFREDO DINNER 2 FOR $20 5:30 p.m. 15 OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT! 22 OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT! 29 OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT!
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