INDIA SOLAR ROOFTOP Premium sponsor MAP 2015 Total installed capacity: 285 MW as of October 31, 2014 Sector 97 76 Commercial 112 Industrial 285MW Residential 10.3 35.9 249.6 With MNRE subsidy 5.7 1.0 285MW Without MNRE subsidy JAMMU & KASHMIR 3.6 Sector 7.3 2.2 10.2 6.1 1.0 Sector 15.1 2.3 0.7 3.5 1.1 1.8 Sector 2.4 7.5 Sector MNRE Subsidy 3.9 10.3 17.5 1.9 UTTARAKHAND CHANDIGARH 2.1 3.1 4.8 HIMACHAL PRADESH PUNJAB 2.7 9.7 4.5 3.9 MANIPUR, ASSAM, MEGHALAYA, TRIPURA, MIZORAM, NAGALAND, SIKKIM, ARUNACHAL PRADESH Sector MNRE Subsidy HARYANA 7.2 2.1 1.0 Sector 8.5 12.9 DELHI MNRE Subsidy 4.5 Sector 3.1 MNRE Subsidy 4.8 6.4 3.9 RAJASTHAN 5.2 0.3 Sector MNRE Subsidy UTTAR PRADESH BIHAR MADHYA PRADESH 1.5 0.3 0.5 0.7 Sector 0.1 MNRE Subsidy 1.1 4.2 Sector 3.1 MNRE Subsidy 2.1 0.4 0.6 Sector 3.7 JHARKHAND 2.4 0.6 0.7 Sector 36.9 3.2 WEST BENGAL 15.1 1.7 0.9 0.6 Sector 9.8 12 9.8 Sector MNRE Subsidy 0.6 9.6 MNRE Subsidy 5.2 CHATTISGARH GUJARAT 2.6 ODISHA 2.4 3.0 0.6 1.1 Sector MNRE Subsidy Sector 4.7 13.5 0.8 1.8 0.9 MNRE Subsidy 7.4 MAHARASHTRA 0.7 3.7 Sector MNRE Subsidy 3.2 TELANGANA 16.3 0.9 0.6 12.4 1.7 Sector 3.6 5.7 2.2 3.7 6.9 1.5 Sector MNRE Subsidy ANDHRA PRADESH KARNATAKA 6.6 1.9 Sector MNRE Subsidy 50.3 13.3 3.0 18.2 States with rooftop solar policy/scheme 6.6 KERALA 3.7 Major presence of Su-Kam 11.0 Sector TAMIL NADU States with net metering policy (including draft policies) 20.9 4.4 Sector MNRE Subsidy All figures in MW Note In case your company feels that any number/information is imprecise, please contact us at Cumulative market shares (for rooftop projects commissioned until October 2014) DE TA M KA - .0% 32 SU R TH ER MA X AN CO 20.6% SU-KAM RBA 2.9% MOS E 3.5% SUNED IS 15 .0% % 2.4 E VE M EM EN OV RJA KU OTA K 2.0% 5% 12. IC) UMER LY N RMER O LECT (F WE 1.9% S C Inverter Suppliers- Grid Tied Market share for this category is based on our estimates that out of total solar rooftop market of 285 MW (as of October 30th, 2014), 173 MW is in the grid tied sector (mainly commercial and industrial) In an era of growing energy needs and rising concerns about the environment, Su-Kam offers a wide portfolio of solar products range from 100 watts to 100 MW. This extensive range is suitable for the smallest residential home systems as also multi-megawatt power plants. Solar Solutions f 5RRI7RS2Q*ULGDQG2II*ULG6ROXWLRQV f +RPH/LJKWLQJ6ROXWLRQIURPZDWWWRZDWW f '&+RPH/LJKWLQJ6ROXWLRQV Off-Grid f 8WWDU3UDGHVK1HZ(QHUJ\'HYHORSPHQW$JHQF\ f 7ULSXUD5HQHZDEOH(QHUJ\'HYHORSPHQW$JHQF\ f 7DPLO1DGX(QHUJ\'HYHORSPHQW$JHQF\ f *$7(6,QVWLWXWHRI7HFKQRORJ\ f $VVDP6WDWH(OHFWULFLW\%RDUG f $VVDP5LIOHV On-Grid f 1DWLRQDO+\GURHOHFWULF3RZHU&RUSRUDWLRQ1+3& f 1DWLRQDO,QVWLWXWHRI7HDFKHUV7UDLQLQJ5HVHDUFK f &5(673XQMDE(QJLQHHULQJ&ROOHJH f (QJLQHHUV,QGLD/LPLWHG I Toll Free No. 1800-102-4423 The following companies have confirmed the data: Delta, Refusol, Kaco, Fronius, OPS India, Swelect, Sukam, ABB and Chint Solar. Inverter Suppliers- Off Grid and Hybrid Market share for this category is based on our estimates that out of total solar rooftop market of 285 MW (as of October 30th, 2014), 112 MW is in the off grid and hybrid sector (mainly residential) Others include, Gensol, HBL Power, OPS, Refex Energy, Martifer, Jain Irrigations, GERMI and other small players Installers- Industrial and Commercial Segment Installers- Residential segment The following companies have confirmed the data: Tata Power Solar, Lanco, Sunedison, Thermax, Emmvee, Novus Green, Kotak Urja, Mahindra EPC, Vikram Solar, S&W, Solon, Ujaas, Azure, Harsha Abakus, Bosch, Godrej 7 Boyce, Premier Solar, Fourth Partner, Gautam Polymer, Addwatt, Rays Experts and Sunsource The following companies have confirmed the data: Sukam, Tata Power Solar, Azure, Asun, Bosch and Godrej & Boyce. Market share for this category is based on our estimates that out of total solar rooftop market of 285 MW (as of October 30th, 2014), 173 MW is in the grid tied sector (mainly commercial and industrial) Market share for this category is based on our estimates that out of total solar rooftop market of 285 MW (as of October 30th, 2014), 112 MW is in the off grid and hybrid sector (mainly residential) Common Footnote for all analysis For the first time in India, BRIDGE TO INDIA publishes comprehensive data for the rooftop solar market in India. This market has huge potential, but is still fragmented and in an early stage. In order to collect the data, we interacted with around 100 installers and component suppliers for project level data. Extrapolating from the project data and using our own market segmentation models, we conclude that the rooftop solar market in India as of October 2014 has a cumulative capacity of 285 MW. However, as this was the first attempt at collecting data from this fragmented market, we were not only able to receive comprehensive location, technology and customer data for the entire installed capacity in the country. The data depicts the current market share and might change in the future. Further we have tried to provide factual and accurate data as far as possible. However, this data has been collected from various sources and we cannot guarantee the integrity of this data. RS 62 .2% HE RS HE The following companies have confirmed the data: Sukam, Emerson, OPS India and VISPRA OT 36 .2% IA ND SI OP OT 19 .0% clu A de DV s s AN ha CE re D of EN Re ER fu GY so 2 l) 1.4 % (in E YC BO AR ER & OL TN EJ R S AR RS DR MIE H P LS ME GO RE RT TRO OY PL 8% P OU M 0. .8%% F CHEWI AM T RTS 0 U T T 0.7.6%% JGAUDWAEXPE CE 0 .6 % D YS UR 0 .5 % A A SO 0 R 0.5.4% SUN 0 .4% 0 N SO ER EM A SM .0% 21 % .1 23 1.4% VIKR AM SOLAR 1.3% S TERLIN G&W 1.3% ILSON R 1.2% EIL U J 1.2 % H AAS 1. E 1.0 1% H RO FU TU 0.9 % IN ARS RE HA 0 % S SE AB NE 0. .9% SO OLA A 9% B LO RG RE K U Y S JA OSC N KS H ON Methodology Projects OW AP T TA S ER A EP 1.9% MAHINDR 1.7% LUMINOUS Seamless support for end-to-end solar solutions under one roof. AR OL RE G US %N 2.3 VISPRA 13.0% KACO 8.1% AZ UR E SO LA 4.0 % L .4% 25 ER 2. 4% CH PO W 1. 0% 2.6 % TE TA 2.6 %L ER RO TA 6.4% EN VI L&T EN 0% 10. S RS HE PP Installers residential segment ER Installers - industrial and commercial segment OT ly SW -KA N E M OP um LEC 1 S I eri T .2% ND c) 1.2 % IA 1.7 % FR ON IUS 3.6 % 1.3% RS 1 er SU E OTH rm .2% T 0 6% IN 0. .6% CH RONG 0 0.6%% T E 1 NO A ATT B 1. OW AB NE SIG (fo Inverter suppliers offgrid and hybrid ON Inverter suppliers grid tied 1.1% WAAREE 0.9% MOSERBAER 0.5% PREMIER SO LAR 0.4% Q 0.4% A UANTA POW ER ZURE 0.4% 0 % ASUN 0..34% EL-S 0 O 0.1.2% BRADIA L ENER % G OSC NT G OD H SOLA Y RE R J& BO YCE Grid Parity Status Grid parity status for industrial consumers Grid parity status for residential consumers 12 12 10 10 10 2 Assumptions • Cost of solar power has been calculated by using following assumptions: System size 50 kWp Escalation in cost 4% per annum of solar power (w.r.t. tariff in 1st year) EIRR expectation 15% EPC cost M70/Wp O&M cost M100,000 p.a. O&M escalation 6% p.a. Annual degradation 0.80% • Effective tariff = Base tariff + 40 paise (additional charges/taxes) Assumptions • Cost of solar power is calculated using BTI financial model using following assumptions System size 100 kWp Escalation in cost 4% per annum of solar power (w.r.t. tariff in 1st year) EIRR 15% EPC cost M68/Wp O&M cost M1 lakh p.a. O&M escalation 6% p.a. Annual degradation 0.80% • Effective tariff = Base tariff + 40 paise (additional charges/taxes) Cost of solar power Cost of solar Power with Accelerated Depreciation (AD) Viable without AD Viable with AD Assumptions • Residential grid tariff are defined telescopically. We have taken weighted average calculated for 400 kWh consumption per month • Cost of solar power is calculated using BTI financial model using following assumptions System size 4kWp Escalation in cost 4% per annum of solar power (w.r.t. tariff in 1st year) EIRR 15% EPC cost M85/Wp O&M cost M80,000 p.a. O&M escalation 6% p.a. Annual degradation 0.80% • Effective tariff = Base tariff + 30 paise (additional charges/taxes) Cost of solar power Cost of solar Power with Accelerated Depreciation (AD) Viable without AD Viable with AD Chhattisgarh Uttarakhand Assam Bihar Uttar Pradesh Odisha Gujarat Tamil Nadu Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Delhi Haryana Telangana Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Maharashtra Uttarakhand Chhattisgarh Assam Gujarat Madhya Pradesh Kerala Himachal Pradesh Haryana Jharkhand Tamil Nadu Rajasthan Bihar Telangana Andhra Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Punjab Karnataka West Bengal Delhi Odisha Maharashtra 0 Chhattisgarh Uttarakhand Gujarat Madhya Pradesh Jharkhand Assam Himachal Pradesh Haryana Bihar Uttar Pradesh Kerala Punjab Rajasthan West Bengal Telangana Andhra Pradesh Odisha Tamil Nadu Delhi Karnataka 0 Maharashtra 0 2 4 Jharkhand 2 4 6 Kerala 4 6 8 West Bengal 6 8 Punjab 8 Effective tariff (M/kWh) 12 Effective tariff (M/kWh) Effective tariff (M/kWh) Grid parity status for commercial consumers Cost of solar power Projections for rooftop solar Rooftop solar y-o-y capacity addition Cumulative capacity addition by 2018 Cumulative capacity addition by 2018 under different scenarios 450 Commercial (CAGR 99%) Residential (CAGR 82%) 400 281 279 223 Uttarakhand Commercial Himachal Pradesh For residential consumers, economic viability will not be the key driver in the initial years. Instead, growth will be driven by the need for power (especially in medium and small cities) and other non-economic motives. Jammu & Kasmir Bihar Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Odisha Kerala Methodology For industrial and commercial consumers, the main driving factor to go solar is economic attractiveness. As grid power costs rise and solar costs fall, the adoption of rooftop solar increases. Calculations have been at the state level and then aggregated for the national total. No government incentives have been considered in these projections. However, we assume that net-metering will be widely available. Haryana 0 Delhi 0 2018 Madhya Pradesh 2017 476 50 Gujarat 2016 502 491 200 Karnataka 2015 150 Rajasthan 2014 598 600 100 Industrial (CAGR 133%) 0 677 669 200 West Bengal 100 800 250 Punjab 200 300 Commercial Uttar Pradesh 300 Industrial Tamil Nadu 400 350 Andhra Pradesh 500 Residential Maharashtra Capacity (MW) 600 Capacity (MW) By 2018, cumulative 1.5 GW of rooftop solar is expected to be installed in India 700 400 Capacity (MW) 800 Industrial Residential Methodology The key differentiators in the scenarios are (1) the successful implementation of net-metering policies and (2) the development of grid power prices. In the conservative scenario, net-metering is available only in a few states and grid power prices rise more slowly than in the last years. In the aggressive case, we assume that most Indian states will have net-metering by 2016 and tariffs will rise more rapidly than in the last years. Conservative Base Aggressive Sponsored taxonomy INVERTER SUPPLIERS Investment Bank / Financing EPC companies Greenstone Investment Bank Mafatlal Centre, 11th Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021, India Contact Person: Rahul Goswami E: M: +91 9930328107 Su-Kam Power Systems Ltd. 54, Udyog Vihar, Phase VI, Sector-37 Gurgaon - 122001, Haryana, India Contact Person: Ashish Sethi (Vice President-Solar Projects) E: M: +91 8800120046 P: +91 124 4170500 F: +91 124 4038702,4038700 Solon India Pvt. Ltd. Corp office: # 147, Panchavati Colony, Road No – 10, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500034, Telangana State, India E: P: +91 40 23399155 F: +91 40 23399156 IndiaSolarHomes INDIA SOLAR Connecting vendors to customers Premium sponsor ROOFTOP MAP 2015 India's first B2C comprehensive solar platform Sell your solar systems • Reduce your customer acquisition & marketing cost • Get verified leads and price ready customers • Get to know your competition • Interact with a large base of customers at one location Kirloskar Integrated Technologies Ltd. 13/A, Karve Road, Kothrud, Pune ‐ 411 038, India Contact Person: Dr. Devendra Goyal Mr. Rahul Desale E: P: +91 9552515301 +91 8605000745 Position your solar brand Sell your solar products • Showcase your skills and capabilities • Market your project portfolio • Generate and track interest from customers • Target customers from the location of your interest • Increase visibility of your solar products • Receive feedback and reviews from users • Know how your product ranks against your competitors' • Generate user interest and track it Commissioned 285MW Note: IndiaSolarHomes 2.0 will be launched in Jan'15. If you want the ISH benefit as an early bird vendor (free 2 months service), contact us at latest by Dec 15, 2014. Thought leadership reports As a key stakeholder in the solar market, BRIDGE TO INDIA regularly partners with important market stakeholders to publish thought leadership reports that help guide the market. We try and do this through "pictures of tomorrow”, based on an analysis of the economic, technical, regulatory and policy fundamentals of solar in India. Recently we have worked with Tata Power Solar, Greenpeace and Prayas. If you want to partner with us on such a report, please reach out to us. “How should india drive its solar transformation? Beehives or elephants” This is a joint report by BRIDGE TO INDIA and TATA POWER SOLAR. The report compares four distinct scenarios of solar power generation – residential rooftops (solar bees), large rooftops (solar pigeons), utility scale projects (solar horses) and ultra- mega projects (solar elephants). Each scenario is analysed in terms of not only levelized cost of energy (LCOE) but also landed cost of power (LCOP) which measures the cost to a consumer at the point of consumption, rather than at the point of generation. The report also evaluates each of the four distinct scenarios in terms of speed of deployment, implementation challenges and potential for job creation. Choose BRIDGE TO INDIA media channels for all your advertising needs BRIDGE TO INDIA media channels offer advertisers the opportunity to promote their business throughout the year on the most targeted and respected platform in the Indian solar industry. Key benefits include: • High quality, unbiased content and impeccable reputation • Focused access to key decision makers in the private and public sector • Wide reach through a mix of print, online and social media Our Reach The estimated readership of our online specialized content is more than 20,000 and the estimated downloads for our thought leadership reports are over 7,000. EPC companies Others 19% The India Solar Compass is a quarterly market analysis report on the developments in the Indian solar market. It contains the latest key insights and analysis of the state of Indian policies, projects, industry and financing. Our services 8% Rigourous analysis India solar handbook Business strategy The India Solar Handbook In-depth knowledge June 2013 edition A complete industry overview for solar energy in India 8% Financial institutions Our 360º approach Projects Investor/bank perspective 44% Real life challenges © BRIDGE TO INDIA, 2013 You can write to us at to subscribe to our weekly newsletters For more details contact 1 India solar policy briefs In our India Solar Policy Briefs, we analyze the fast developing policy landscape and bring clarity to key aspects, such as investment opportunities, power demand, and payment security and allocation procedures. Market Intelligence Always up-to-date Industry access 360 degree view Project developers India solar decision briefs LIBOR INDIA SOLAR DECISION BRIEF Bankability and Debt Financing for Solar Projects in India Head Office N-117 Panchsheel Park New Delhi – 110017 India You can use this link to read and download all our reports The India Solar Handbook is an annual introductory report on the Indian solar market. It provides an extensive examination on the Indian solar market by answering critical questions on the market. and banks On-ground information Module & equipment manufacturers and suppliers India solar compass BRIDGE TO INDIA is the leading boutique consultancy and knowledge provider in the Indian clean-tech market. We work with leading Indian and international companies, governments and Institutions. Through our different activities, we have a unique vantage point on the market dynamics, combining the comprehensive, constantly updated 360 degree view of our market intelligence, the in-depth analysis of our consulting efforts and the on-ground understanding from project development. Our goal is to enable innovative clean-tech solutions in India. 1% Government officials 20% Our reports Consulting “The grid integration of distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) in India” This is a joint report by BRIDGE TO INDIA and Prayas. The report documents existing technical standards and practices. It specifically addresses (1) the quality of the solar power being injected into the grid, (2) safety issues, (3) ways in which distributed PV can support the grid and help its own reliable integration, and (4) the interaction of distributed PV and the distribution LT grid. The objective of this report is to propose a possible way forward for a structured and effective grid integration of distributed PV in India. About BRIDGE TO INDIA P +91 11 46 08 15 79 E India Solar Future © BRIDGE TO INDIA, 2013 © BRIDGE TO INDIA, 2013 Illustration by Kavya Bagga 1 In our India Solar Decision Briefs, we give in-depth analysis on specific aspects of the market. Our latest report with Greenpeace analyzes the potential for rooftop solar in Delhi.
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