Church of St. Francis of Assisi 76 ltlle, Jalan Cheras, 43200 Selangor, Malaysia. PARISH PASTOR: NEV. AIilONEW AAANICKAM OFM CAP (email: tn.monrw (otnecr uxr) : 03- 90745258 P6rusx Trr-: 03-90758236 Frx 03 '90758236 ;ffi PARtsH WEBstrE: www.sFA.oRG.MY Pmtsx E-t'utt-: gerej a-sfa-cheras@yahoo. com. my SUN 23 - TUES: 08.30pm SFASUPPORT GROUP WED: 08.00pm- lO.OOpm : African Community Bible f-M!: O8.3Opm' 10.O0pm : RCIA OS.4Oim - 09.30pm : Christian : Novena to $.os!g3re!0 Connie Loo 019-3546532 *@ Pmtsn OrRce HouRs (closeo ox puauc noltolvst Mon- Fri : 09.30 am - 05.00 Pm Sunday : 10.30 am - 12.00 noon 2g - SOh 34: Ll-t2,L5-L7; t : ilLM O7.a0bm Raymond Letchmanan 012-3055387 SAT: 03.O0pm - 05.30pm 04.b0pm'05.30pm 04.00pm'05.30pm Cor t5:.20-26,28; Mt 25: 3L-46 We THUR 27 ORDTNARYwEEKDAY 07.00 pm MASS : SUNDAY OF ORDIMRYTIME Breu./ . study 'St' Pio THEME FOR NOVEMBER HOLY HOUR . - New St'Clare Pslter ll / Sun. Led: YearA Wekday Ldlg elebnte reonaTiation Yarll pny RMry Payer 30 TAUDS MUTTILINGUAT MASS s,O.y blessings for Salvestior anak Jantan / +5th wedd. Anniv. of Mr & Mrs l. Mariasusai/ Adrian Nunis / Rroki.r.ry&flylMarkRajendran&flylFrancisChua/PaulChua/EvelynCheong/TheresaFah&fly. St: / Salvestior anak Jantan / Zdora family / Beatrice Tania Biga / Raymond,Sharon, sl,.rn"r. & Jonathan / Tessa Marie Charles / Choy Weng Kean & fly / Choy Choong Yeen / Eveline Leontine Bastiaans / tvtichaelJohn Ng & Peter Ng / Yohanes Maria Budi Purnomo & fly. Rfp: Agatha gm & Anthony Tee George Yap Pang fooi / John Fah Yoon Yin / Lucy Thong Choy Lian / Chua Marina Diosay / R. D. Anthonysamy / Annamal Curnian / Vincent Rosario / A.V. Nathan e tU W.f, / Joe Diosay Kho Kim Miaw / John Chiam Yik Yoong / Paul Chau Kok Kim / Joseph Chau Sew Sit Rose Regina Cinnaradia / / Michael Chua Swee Hock / Kenny Baptist / Annie Wee / Christina Wong Yu Ling / Clarice Yap Tsin Fong / Julian de Costa peter Kang Cheok Nguan / John Foo On Sang / Rosa Teh Siam Eng Dec'd members of Foo fly dailY. therefore we are unique. SENT TO BFAR WTNESS Rev 18: L-2,2t-23,t9,1-3,9a; Lk2L:20-28 TG: Elaine Kwok. Sl: Building Fund donors / Nicholas 07.40 pm NovENATo sT. Plo (t-eO ny Secular Fransican Order members) FRI ORDINARYWEEKDAY 28 the Mas Atchdioce* Theme: Disa:pleship: Called, Chaen, Sent Focus: Eadt one of us has ben alled by name and ntp: Igt reading: Kuan Francis Ling Shiaw Jinq /John Chiam Yik Yoong / nose Kho Kim Miaw Kenny Baptist / Christina Do Yu Ling / Bro. Allen & brother. 09.15am 9.15am 9.45am & minutas bebre - New St'Clare (Engllsh) lAedltation 'St.Fidelis cabin 'Church St.Pio 'St. Agnes : Form 5 Bible Knowledge 'St.Charles : Form 4 Bible Knowledge : Form 3 Bible Knowledge -St. Dominic NOVEMBER 2OI4 LoRDTJESUS CHRISTTKING OF THE UNIVERSETSOLEMNIW ouR Ex 08.15am (3'dwk) : RCIA (Bl,t). . -- '.New St.clare/St. Asnes - St. Plo 06.00pm- 07.30pm :100 wks Bible (Tamit) 06.00pm- O7.45pm : Charlsmatic Prayer l,leet(Tamil) -St. Pio 'New St. Clare 08.00pm'09.45pm : RCIA (Mandarin) Chinese: 09.30am - 1 1.00am English: 11.15am - 12.45pm B. Malaysia: 3.30pm - 5.00pm * parish-offlce@sf a. org. mY MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK: sild-;5d'pm'05.00pm Tarnil: 09.00am - 10.30am . W OTHER CLASSES: CATECHlSM CLASSES (SUNDAYS} / Law Ah Cheng / Rev 20: t-4,1L-21,2; Lk 21: 29-33 Building Fund donors / / / / / Souls in Purgatorv MON 24 ST.ANDREW DUNG-IACTPRIEST AND 07.00 pm MASS COMPANIONSTMARWRSTMEM Rev 14: 1-3,4b-5; Lk2t: L-4 TG: B'day blessings for Gerald Ramesh. Building Fund donors / Brendan Tan / Beatrice Tania Biga ntpt fenny Baptist / taw Ah Cheng / Teresa Chew Cheng Gnoh / Beh Keat Leong / Francis Ling Shiaw Jinq .lose Oiosay / Rose Kho Kim Miaw / John Chiam Yik Yoong / Christina Wong Yu Ling / Dec'd members of Gnanapiragasam's fly / Souls in Purgatory. Sl: TUES 25 ST.CATHARTNE OF ALEXANDRIATVIRGIN 07.00 pm MASS & tURnWnrurm Rev 14: SAT 29 08.00 11.00 05.30 05.00 am am pm pm / / / fir / REV15:1-4; LK 2I:T2-L9 MASS Sl: Building Fund donors / Beatrice Tania Biga Rtp: Christina Do Yu Ling / Francis Ling Shiaw Jinq / Patrick Joseph Raj / Kenny Baptist / Clarice Yap Tsin Ah Cheng / Rose Kho Kim Miaw / John Chiam Yik Yoong / Dec'd members of Paraman's fly. -fong /Law / ORDINARYWEEKDAY REV 22: L-7;LK2I:34.36. MASS WEDDTNG UASS (nOnnn & rcmtne) ROSARY FOTLOWED BY DIVINE OFFICE. SUNSET MASS Belinda Mary Charles / Adrian & Loraine / B'daY blessings for Russell Goh / B'day blessings for Mary Magdalene George / Wedd. Anniv. of Allen & Evelyn Sl: Building Fund donors / Mr & Mrs Richard Tan. Rlp: Laurence Loh,Lucy Lin, Josie Rewcastle, Richard Loh Helen Mary,Arputharai /Richard de Rozario / George Yap Pang Fooi /Josephine Chin / Magdelene Chin / Gerard Eu / Vincent & Monica Cho Clarice Yap Tsin Fong / Kenny Baptist / John Chiam Yik Yoong / Rose Kho Kim TG: Felicity Eu Miaw SUN 30 / / taw Ah Cheng / Christina Do Yu Ling / 07.30 09.00 09.30 11.30 05.30 am am am am pm MASS IN TAMIL DIVINE OFFICE MASS IN ENGLISH MASS IN MANDARIN MASS IN BAHASA MALAYSIA t Bro. Cassian / Souls in Purgatory. lXtEcnoNARY FoR suNDAYs & FEAsrs: Cor 1: 3-9; Mk 13: 33-37 FtRsr suNDAy oF ADyENT (psArrER wEEK ls 53: 16b-17,t9b,64,2b-7; in Purgatory. ORDINARYWEEKDAY Building Fund donors / Glenn & Catherine de Padua / Rgnes Pancras / Marisa de Padua Rtp: Richard de Rozario Kenny Baptist / Francis Ling Shiaw Jinq John Chiam Yik Yoong / Rose Kho Kim Miaw / taw Ah Cheng / Christina Do Yu Ling / James & Theresa Darulasan.. / B'day blessings for Clement Chhin / Ronald & Rina. Sl: Building Fund donors Beatrice Tania Biga nfpr fenny Baptist / Francis Ling Shiaw Jinq / Mr & Mrs Ponnusamy & Marimmal / Law Ah Cheng Rose Kho Vtirr / John Chiam Yik Yoong / Christina Wong Yu Ling / Dec'd members of Gnanapiragasam's fly Souls 26 07.00 pm MASS St: / t4-19; Lk 21: 5-11 TG: WED DEVOTION TO THE DIVINE MERCY. / / / Edward Ne 06.30 pm 07.00 pm YEAR B) ROSARY SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBEI 2014 23 1: 30 - : Lauds i St.John de EaPtist BREAKFAST SArE SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER 2014 No class (School Holidays) : : 23 30 23d November - Feast of Christ the Kinq Please be informed that Holy Communion will be distributed in both species, Body and Blood, to all parishioners this weekend, 22(Sunset Mass) and Sun 23 Nov. Mass. DTVINE OFFICE PMYER IN DECEMEER 2014 BREAKFAST SALE SCHEDUTE FOR DECEMBER 2014 07 t4 2l 28 : : ; : BazaarTeam Bazaar feam Fr. Andrew & friends. Bazaar Team the ALTAR SERVERy DAY will be celebrated on Sun, 7 Dec. and the morning prayer will be led by them. Those who wish to join this Ministry may contact Pier 0192103888 or Paul 012-3063105. This year With inner joy and deep comfort, the Church looks to families who remain faithful to the teachings of the Gospel, encouraging them and thanking them forthe testimony they offer. in fact, they witness, in a credible way, to the beauty of an indissoluble marriage, while always remaining faithful to each other. Within the family, "which could be called a domestic church"(lumen Gentium,ll), a person begins a Church experience of communion among persons, which reflects, through grace, the Mystery of the Holy Trinity. "ln a family, a person learns endurance, the joy of work, fraternal love, and generosity in forgiving others- repeatedly at times - and above all divine worship in prayer and the offering of one's life" (Cotechism of the Catholic Church, 1657l.The Holy lrmil., NOVENA TO ST. PIO - The SFOs are leading a weekly novena in Church to St. Pio every Thursday after the 7.(X)pm mass. All parishioners are invited to join them. BRINGING THE GOSPEI OF JOY TO THE SICK CHILDREN IN THE HOSPITATS. ln preparing for the above mission in December, the Parish Evangelizing Team will be collecting Gifts of love for these children. From 23'd November, you can drop off your Gifts of Love in the Love Boxes which are placed before the Sanctuary. The Love Boxes will be for the various age groups; new born to 12 years old, Your Gifts of Love are to be wrapped up; general gifts suitable for boys and girls and should not include food stuff, furry items, soft toys, breakable items (glass wares, decorative items), premium gift items and religious items. Returning God's Blessings - Be part of this Parish Mission. Make this your Family Mission too! .Parish Evangelizing Team. WEARE SEEKING VOTUNTEERS IN THE FLOWER COMMITTEE Contact Parish PriesV Office Volunteers are always needed and appreciated during Christmas, Easter, and other special occasions. This special tirne given strives to enhance ydur devotion and reflection of these sacred events. October offertory collections: RM 18,556.75 IHD collection- RM 5978.10; Payout-RM 74601= Mission Sunday collection: RM 5,655.60. Thank vou for sharine vour blessinss with the less blessed. a'f t\la:ara+h ic r.^,aaz{.^.'a ma.l^l l-.^,tr^-^ NOVEMBER 201s "THE FINGERPRINTS OF JESUS CHRIST" THEME OF2OT2 ,,RENEWING MARRLAGE STRENGTHENING FAMILY" FOCUS' ON FAMITY MISSION Last week's sale by 8EC St. John de Bospo: RM 801,/= - TYHERE ARE YOU LEAVII{G YOUR FII{GERPRII{TS"? RE VISITING THE PARISH Bazaar team Thank you so much for supporting our weekly breakfast sale in aid of our building fund. sFA PARTSH M|SJION NOVEMBER 2014 --L^^l Mission. is to do good whenever and wherever you can. This is a very important lesson,disciples, to learn because when we consider issues like world hunger and poverty, many of us are overcome with a sense of helplessness and despair. And we just shut down and become self-focused. And that's right. We can't help EVERYONE. 8ut we can help someone. I would venture to say that everyone here knows someone who needs your presence. Everyone here knows someone who is lonely and needs a visit. Everyone here knows someone who is sick and would appreciate a word of cheer. 5o......DON'T overlook littte opportunities to show love. After all, little things can be big things in God's Kingdom. I echo the words of 5t. Paul 'Throw yourcelves into the work of the Master, confident that nothint you do for Him is a waste of time and effort." (1 Cor 15:58) ...^ "understand why we have to maintain spiritual discipline, if we wish to follow the teachings of the Gospel and become Christ's disciples" (Blessed Pope Paul Vl, Address ot Nozoreth,5 January 195a).The Gospel of the Family also nourishes the seeds which are still waiting to grow; and serves as the basis for caringfor those trees which might have withered and need treatment (para 23) (Taken from "Relatio Synodi" ofthe 111 Extraordinary GeneralAssembly of the Synod of Bishops: 'Pastoral challenges to the Family in the context of Evangelisation) BEGIN FAMILY TIME ONCE A WEEK: - Dedicate one day a week for Family tirne - A Decade ofthe Rosary or - Reading the Word of God or - Praying the Liturgy of Hours or - Any Devotions or - Sharing God experiences or - Reading and Sharing the lives of Saints. INI.AN I tsAF I IsM IENGLISHI ON 5AT, 13 DEC, AT IO.OOAM Please register at the parish office before 05rH December. Necessary documents to be attached: Copy of parents' church wedding certificate Copy of baby's birth certificate Copy of god-parents baptism certificate (if single) orl Copy of church wedding certificate (if married) Date of compulsory instructions for parents and godparents wiil be oN sUN,07th DEC. afterg.30am Mass atSt.pio room PRAY FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED - For all those who have died, that they may see the face of God, especially Paul Wong (BEC St. Faustina). We extend our prayerful sympathy to the family and friends. Wedding Eanns are announced between: l.Richard Ng Yow Yuen and Maia Woo Yuen May who will be married on 06th Dec. 2014 at SFA 2.Alan Chan Fun Foo and Loo Ai Mei who will be married on 27 Dec.2014 at SFA. lf anvone should know of any impediment to these marriases, please inform the oarish oriest. (Details on the notice board). The month of December is a month of mission. As Christians we must remember that we have a mission given to us by our Cdmmander-in-Chief. tn John 20:21 Jesus said, "As the father has sent me, I am sending you." So, in essence our mission as Jesus' disciples is to continue what He started. Rick Warren puts it, "Jesus calls us not only to corne to Him but to go for Him." Be part of the Parish Mission, bring your family for this mission. Those of you who would like to join us this December in visiting the sick children; you may register at the right wing of the church. We have placed "LOVE BOXES" in front of the sanctuary with the different age groups and you can place your gift of love in these boxes. I close with the words from St, John Paul I "ln your service always look at the example of the Good Shepherd, Christ the Lord. Where your efforts seem useless, listen to the Master, who also says to you, "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch". Make Peter/s reply your own, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets." (Lk 5: +5). *Duc in Altum" (l.k 5:a) "Put Out lnto The Oeep" ,..,....,..,Fr.Andrew Manickam,OFM,cap. NOTE: T-SHIRTS WITH THE THEME "'THE FINGERPRINTS OF JESUS CHRIST" WILL BE ON SALE ON 22NO & 23RD NOVEMBER. PENITENTIAT SERVICES -ADVENT 2014 Holy Rosary Church, KL at Nov Nov Dec - Tues, 25 Friday, 28 Wed, 3 8.00pm 7.30pm Sacred Heart Church, KLat SFA at 7.30pm Dec Dec - Wed, 17 Fri, 19 Holy Family, Kajang at 8pm St.John's Cath.,KL at 12.3Olm The Catechetical Ministry is in nied of Catechists and Helpers. Feel free to contact the following for more information:1) Karen Chong 012.280 3018 2) Helen Rayan0L2.223!292 CHRISIMAS DECORATION 2014 An invitation to all Catechism students, parents and catechists to come together as one family to decorate the church to welcome the birth of Christ. We need your help, expertise and ideas. For more information, please contact the following persons:. 1) Tamil: Mrs Elizabeth Patrick 017.628 0551 2) BM: Adeline Loukin 012.558 7809 3) Mandarln: Ruth tim 0L2.21L509t 4) English: Karen Chong 012.280 3018 or Helen Rayano72.273 t292 CATECH TS MEETING Oate: Saturday, 6 December 2014 Time: 3.00pm Venue: NEW St Clare's Room Note: Please RSVP to Karen and Chrlstine Louis. New comers are welcome to join us. "GOSPEI OF LUKE" AND '?CTS OF THE APOSTLES" 2 WEEKENDS - January 9, 10 and 11 and March 13, 14 and 15 RM 300/= ue:Archdiocese Pastora I Centre Open to Catechetical Ministry and those in other Ministries. Subsidy from Church for the right candidates. Certificates issued COURSE ON Ven cost: -T ,*ffi $ffi DISCIPTESHIP: CALI,ED, CHilSfiN, SHNT i.:,,,,,; rx#&*';;-.-,,',",,,,ffi,,",, A Christian, too, should ffi, love his homeland, 34th Sunday of Ordinary Time ? a,, l|f or f., p,F.. defend it in various ways !1g,ffi Wha'[ dlu'[fles do cfltrzex]s have towardl [he State? in times of need, and gladty offer to serve civil institutions. He should exercise the right to vote and even run for office and not shirk the duty to pay just taxes. It is the duty of citizens to contribute along with the rcivit authorities to the good of society in a spirit of truth, justice, solidarity, and freedom. The love and service of one's country foltow from the duty of gratitude and betong to the order of charity. Service of the common good requires citizens to futfit their roles in the tife of the potiticaI community. Authority is exercised properly when it is understood according to Jesus' example lt must never be arbitrary. Jesus showed us once and for atl how authority shoutd be exercised. H€, the greatest authority, served others and took the last place. Jesus even washed the feet of his disciples (John 13:1-20). The authority of parents, teachers, educators, and superiors is given to them by Cod, not so that they can lord it over those who are entrusted to their care, but rather so that they might understand and exercise their duty of guiding and training as service. ) 325 as service. A Source: , Catechisnr of the {atholic Church . Compendium ofthe (atechisnr ofthe Catholic Clrurch , Youth Catechism Christian, too, should love his homeland, defend it in various ways in times of need, and gtadty offer to serve civil institutions. He should exercise the right to vote and even run for office and not shirk the duty to pay just taxes. Neverthetess, within the State the individual citizen remains a free man with fundamental rights; he has the right to offer constructive criticism of the State and its organs. The State is there for the people, not the individua[ for the State. Published by: Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Team X Printed by: Designed by: No one may follow orders from the State that violates Cod's [aws. lf a State should establish laws and procedures that are racist, sexist, or destructive of human [ife, a Christian has the right in conscience to refuse to obey, to refrain from participation, and to offer resistance. x
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