c o n t a c t : T h e j o u r na l o f E l e c t ro n i c D e f e n s e 2015 media brochure jedonline.com / crows.org The EW and SIGINT Authority the Journal of Electronic Defense Since 1978, The Journal of Electronic Defense (JED) has been the leading magazine read by influential decision-makers in the global electronic warfare (EW) and signals intelligence (SIGINT) markets. More than 13,100 Association of Old Crows (AOC) members and subscribers read JED for its intelligent coverage and insightful analysis of industry news and trends. The global EW/SIGINT market is worth more than $6 billion in annual sales. JED is read closely by many of the senior government and military leaders around the world who control and influence how this funding is spent. Advertising in JED represents one of the best ways for your company to reach these potential customers on a monthly basis. All information contained in this media kit was accurate and current at the time of printing. Should changes become necessary, they will be posted to the online media kit throughout the year. journal of electronic defense JED reader demographics 47.20% Unbeatable Buying Power Target an influential Readership Readers’ Organizational Procurement Budgets: More than $1 billion: 13.63% $500 million - $1 billion: 8.52% $100 million - $500 million: 13.63% $50 million - $100 million: 17.03% Less than $50 million: 47.20% 50% 37.5% 13.63% 25% 13.63% 17.03% 8.52% han nre t nillio Mo billion illio 0 m llion 1 0 m illion $ 0 $50 $1 bi 1 m $ 0 $50 12.5% 0% lion mil ion $50 0 mill $10 an s th Les illion m $50 Most Readers Influence Procurement Decisions: Influence procurement decisions: 72% (28% don’t influence) Of those that influence procurement decisions: Are the final decision maker or have a strong influence over procument decisions. 65% JED is an Important Source of EW/SIGINT Information More than three out of four readers report passing their More than three out of four readers spend between 30 copy to colleagues, saving issues for future reference, displaying JED in their waiting room or storing it in their library minutes and more than two hours reading each issue of JED Three of every four readers spends between 30 minutes most comprehensive and authoritative publication covering the EW and SIGINT market and two hours reading their issue of JED Nearly two out of three JED readers agree that JED is the 2015 media brochure circulation Breakdown total JED circulation = 17,491 13,100 ASIA-PACIFIC Total JED circulation includes pass-along readers and bonus convention distribution. Reach a Concentrated EW/SIGINT Audience: 73% of JED's military readers work in electronic warfare and SIGINT 69% of respondents said they save or pass-along their issue of JED to at least one other person. EMPLOYER TYPE: ARMY: 5.5% NAVY: 6.7% MARINES: 1% AIR FORCE: 14.3% GOV’T (OSD, MOD, etc.): 8.6% INDUSTRY: 47.1% ACADEMIA: 4% Other: 12.8% MILITARY/GOVERNMENT JED READER primary job function: Executive Management: 11.4% Program Management: 13.1% Strategic Planning and Analysis: 5.7% R&D/System Development/Acquisition: 20.8% Operations or Operational Planning: 24.5% Maintenance: 1% Sustainment/Logistics: 2.3% Engineering Support: 13.7% Testing: 7.6% journal of electronic defense Australia: DOD, DMO, DSTO, HQ RAAF, HQ RAN, HQ Army India: Integrated HQ MOD, Air Force, DRDO, DARE, DLRL, HQ Joint Communication and Electronics Staff Japan: Air Self Defense Force, Naval Self Defense Force South Korea: HQ ROK Air Force, Defence Intelligence Command Malaysia: MOD, Malaysian Air Force HQ Taiwan: ROCAF, HQ ROC Navy Singapore: MOD, Singapore Air Force, Defense Science and Technology Agency, DSO National Labs EUROPE 1% Denmark: MOD, Tactical Air Command (FTK), Air Materiel Command (FMK) Finland: Finnish Air Force HQ, Finnish Naval HQ, Finnish Naval Research Institute France: MOD, French Air Force HQ, French Navy HQ Germany: MOD, German Navy HQ, German Air Force HQ, Bundeswehr Operations Command Greece: MOD, Hellenic Air Force General Staff, Hellenic Navy HQ, Hellenic Army HQ Italy: MOD, Italian Navy HQ, Italian Air Force HQ, Joint Staff Netherlands: MOD, Royal Netherlands Navy HQ, Royal Netherlands Air Force HQ Norway: MOD, HQ Defense Command, Royal Norwegian Navy, Air Warfare Center UK: MOD, RAF HQ, RN HQ, British Army HQ, GCHQ, Dstl, RAF Spadeadam, Defence Procurement Agency Spain: MOD, HQ Spanish Air Force Sweden: MOD, Swedish Air Force HQ, Swedish Navy HQ, Swedish Army HQ, Naval Warfare Center Switzerland: MOD, Swiss Air Force HQ, Swiss Army MIDDLE EAST Egypt: HQ Air Force, HQ Egyptian Navy Oman: Royal Air Force of Oman Saudi Arabia: HQ RSAF, Royal Saudi Air Defense Forces, Royal Saudi Naval Force Turkey: Turkish Land Forces Command, Turkish Air Force NORTH AMERICA Canada: MOD, Chief of Defence Staff, Chief of the Air Staff, Canadian Forces SIGINT Operations Centre (CFSOC), Defence R&D Canada United States: AFRL, CIA, DARPA, DIA, HQ AFSOC, HQ ASOC, HQ NSWC, JEWC, JIEDDO, NASIC, NAVAIR PMA-234, -265, -272, -290, NAVSEA PEO IEWS, PMS-405, -408, -435, NRO, NSA, NSWC, OUSD AT&L, PEO IEW&S, SPAWAR PMW-180, SPAWAR Systems Center - Atlantic, SPAWAR Systems Center - Pacific, CERDEC I2WD, NRL, ONR SOUTH AMERICA Argentina: HQ Air Force Brazil: Navy, Air Force Chile: Air Force Peru: Air Force † This is a sampling of the military/government organizations that read JED. For a full listing, contact your sales executive. AOC Members: A Sampling of JED's readers†: digital edition DIGITAL EDITION Belly Band – Animation capabilities DIGITAL EDITION Skyscraper JED Digital Edition In addition to print, JED is also emailed to AOC members as a fully interactive digital version. Viewers can virtually flip through the pages, forward articles of interest to colleagues and click on ads to be redirected to the company’s website. Benefits of the digital edition: • Expanded international circulation via email provides heightened global visibility for your company. • Our display advertising rates include exposure in BOTH print and digital editions. • Interactive ads drive decision-makers directly from your ad to your website. • Premium positioning opportunities offer the ability to integrate sound, video and animation. • A password-protected archive can be accessed by members at any time, ensuring longevity for your message. Display Ad “Jolt” Upgrade The digital edition of the magazine offers dynamic capabilities not available in the print version. Transform your static, passive display advertisement into an attention-grabbing, animated message in the digital edition of JED. $299.50 per issue Naylor charges a $50 artwork surcharge for artwork creation or changes. This additional fee will appear on your final invoice if the artwork submitted is not publishing ready. The skyscraper allows your company to be in front of readers the entire time they are browsing the digital edition of JED. Your company’s information will appear directly to the right of the magazine content. Our highly visible Belly Band is included with the digital edition before readers can access the front cover of the publication, making your company’s ad one of the first that readers see when they receive their digital edition. The Belly Band also extends to the back of the digital edition’s back cover, “wrapping” your company’s message around the entire digital edition. 1x $3,700.00 3x $3,515.00 per issue 6x $3,330.00 per issue 12x $3,145.00 per issue 1x$4,500.00 3x $4,275.00 per issue 6x $4,050.00 per issue 12x $3,825.00 per issue DIGITAL EDITION Sponsorship – Animation and video capabilities Your company is the first ad readers see when they open their copy. Your message will prominently display directly across from the cover of the magazine. Animation and video capabilities bring your message to life. 1x 3x 6x 12x $3,000.00 $2,850.00 per issue $2,700.00 per issue $2,550.00 per issue DIGITAL EDITON Toolbar Your company name is displayed as a button on the toolbar, appearing on every page of the digital edition next to frequently-used navigational icons. When viewers click the button, descriptive text and a link to your website will appear. 1x $1,500.00 3x $1,425.00 per issue 6x $1,350.00 per issue 12x $1,275.00 per issue 2015 media brochure Issue Features Bonus Distribution Deadlines JANUARY Program Profile: SEWIP Open RF Standards for EW and SIGINT N/A Space: Nov. 20, 2014 Materials: Nov. 28, 2014 FEBRUARY Maritime SIGINT Technology Survey: Analog-to-Digital Converters Aero India 2015 • February 18-22, Bangalore Avalon Airshow 2015 • February 24-March 1 Geelong, Victoria, Australia Space: Dec. 19, 2014 Materials: Dec. 30, 2014 March How Far Can We Take GaN Technology? Charting the Future Direction of DIRCM Dixie Crow Symposium 40 • March 22-26, Warner Robins, GA Space: Jan. 20, 2015 Materials: Jan. 30, 2015 April Electromagentic Maneuver Warfare: The US Navy Goes Big on EW Technology Survey: Low-Noise Amplifiers Navy League Sea-Air-Space • April 13-15, Washington, DC LAAD • April 14-17, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Space: Feb. 19, 2015 Materials: Feb. 27, 2015 May Europe’s EW Programs Technology Survey: GaN Transistors EW Europe 2015 • May 26-28, Stockholm, Sweden International Microwave Symposium (MTT-S) • May 19-21, Tucson, AZ Space: March 18, 2015 Materials: March 25, 2015 June AESA Technology for Electronic Warfare and Radar Airborne Missile Warning Systems: What Other Jobs Can They Do? Technology Survey: Airborne RWR/ESM Systems Paris Air Show • June 15-21, Paris, France Space: Materials: April 17, 2015 April 24, 2015 July How the Evolving IR Threat Drives EW Requirements Technology Survey: ELINT Receivers N/A Space: May 22, 2015 August Engineers Wanted: Pursuing a Career in Electronic Warfare Technology Technology Survey: RF Tuners and Tuner Modules for SIGINT Applications N/A Space: Materials: June 30, 2015 July 2, 2015 September Defeating IEDs EW, Cyber Ops and the Air Force’s Global Strike Mission Technology Survey: COMINT/DF Receivers DSEI • September 15-18, London, UK Space: July 20, 2015 Materials: July 30, 2015 October Active Protection Systems for Ground Vehicles Technology Survey: EW and SIGINT Antennas N/A Space: Aug. 20, 2015 Materials: Aug. 28, 2015 November Airborne Electronic Attack 2016 EW and SIGINT Resource Guide AOC 52nd Annual Convention Guide Defense and Security • November 2-5, Bangkok, Thailand Dubai Air Show • November 8-12, Dubai, UAE Space: Materials: Sept. 21, 2015 Sept. 30, 2015 Electronic Warfare and SIGINT for Homeland Security Applications What’s Next for Digital RF Memory (DRFM) Technology? AOC 52nd Annual Symposium and Convention • December 1-3, Washington, DC Space: Oct. 14, 2015 December AOC convention issue journal of electronic defense Materials: May 29, 2015 Materials: Oct. 21, 2015 *Information was accurate and current at the time of printing. Subject to change without notice. 2015 editorial calendar* staff and advisory board JED Staff John Knowles, Editor: John has been writing about EW and SIGINT since Ollie Holt, Technical Editor: Ollie spent 40 years as an electronic 1994, when he first joined the JED staff. For several years he published a EW/SIGINT market newsletter, as well as several market forecasts. In 2000, he co-authored a study about the EW industry for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He has written articles about EW for PC Magazine. warfare specialist for BAE Systems (formerly Sanders Associates), where he worked on the ALQ-126B, INEWS, F-22 and F-35 systems. Now retired, he is a consultant for BAE Systems, and writes and edits technology surveys for JED. Ollie holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering from the University of New Hampshire. jknowles@naylor.com +1-978-509-1450 Elaine Richardson, Managing Editor: Elaine has served as JED’s managing editor since 2006; prior to that she has worked as an editor for more than 15 trade and consumer publications. She has written for The Chicago Times, The Daily Southtown and Money Magazine, among others. elaine@naylor.com +1-850-668-7400 John Haystead, Senior Editor: John began his journalism career at JED in 1982. During his career, he has edited several magazines, including Defense Electronics and Military and Aerospace Electronics. John returned to the JED staff in 2011. jhaystead@naylor.com Contributing Writers Dave Adamy Barry Manz Luca Peruzzi Richard Scott Martin Streetly Tom Withington Gabor Zord Submit your editorial ideas to JEDeditor@naylor.com JED Editorial Advisory Board Col Marshall Denney, USMC Chief, Future Operations (J35), US Cyber Command Mr. Gabriele Gambarara Elettronica S.p.A. Mr. Dan Gobel President, Electronic Systems, BAE Systems Inc. Mr. Micael Johansson Senior Vice President and Head of Business Area, Electronic Defence Systems, Saab Mr. Mark Kula Vice President, Tactical Airborne Systems, Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems Capt. Paul Overstreet Joint Strike Fighter Weapons System Program Manager, Naval Air Systems Command, USN Col Steve Ling, USAF Director, Joint Electronic Warfare Center, US Strategic Command Mr. Jeffrey Palombo Senior VP and GM, Land and Self-Protection Systems Division, Electronic Systems, Northrop Grumman Corp. Mr. Edgar Maimon General Manager, Elbit Systems EW and SIGINT – Elisra Mr. Steve Roberts Vice President, Strategy, Selex Galileo Mr. Rich Sorelle President, Electronic Systems Division, Exelis Gp Capt P.J. Wallace Chief of Staff, Joint Air Land Organisation, UK MOD Dr. Richard Wittstruck Director, System of Systems Engineering, PEO Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors, USA 2015 media brochure 2015 JED advertising rates Net Full-Color Rates 1x 3x 6x 12x Double-Page Spread $12,299.00 $11,679.00 $11,069.00 $10,449.00 Outside Back Cover $9,999.00 $9,499.00 $8,999.00 $8,499.00 Inside Front Cover $9,399.00 $8,929.00 $8,459.00 $7,989.00 Inside Back Cover $9,399.00 $8,979.00 $8,459.00 $7,989.00 Full Page $8,399.00 $7,979.00 $7,559.00 $7,139.00 2/3 Page $7,199.00 $6,839.00 $6,479.00 $6,119.00 1/2 Page Island $6,149.00 $5,839.00 $5,529.00 $5,229.00 1/2 Page $5,299.00 $5,029.00 $4,769.00 $4,499.00 1/3 Page $3,999.00 $3,799.00 $3,599.00 $3,399.00 1/4 Page $3,099.00 $2,939.00 $2,789.00 $2,629.00 AD Link Ad Links increase traffic from your ad in the digital edition to your company’s website or a corporate email address. All of our display advertising options include this upgrade at no additional cost. Display Ad “Jolt” Upgrade | $299.50 per issue The digital edition of the magazine offers dynamic capabilities not available in the print version. Transform your static, passive display advertisement into an attention-grabbing, animated message in the digital edition of JED. Inserts and DIGITAL PUBLICATION Inserts Advertise your products and services by inserting your company's specialized marketing piece within the pages of JED. Whether you are promoting an event, a new product or your entire product line, placing an insert in our magazine will ensure tremendous exposure for your company. You also have the option to include your insert as an attachment to the digital version for a nominal fee. To be included, advertisers must supply the digital file of the insert to Naylor—a high-resolution PDF is preferred. If you would like to recreate your insert as an animated Flash file, additional charges apply. Naylor charges a $50 artwork surcharge for artwork creation or changes. This additional fee will appear on your final invoice if the artwork submitted is not publishing ready. Complement your JED advertisement with a presence in other AOC resources and SAVE. ASK YOUR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE HOW YOU CAN SAVE WITH OUR “INTEGRATED MEDIA BUY” RATES. journal of electronic defense specifications JED ADVERTISING SPECIFICATIONS print Ad sizes specifications Magazine Trim Size: 8.125” x 10.875” Premium Positions Add 15% to space rate. Double Page Spread Bleed Double Page Spread No Bleed Full Page Bleed Full Page Live Area Production Services, Proofs and Revisions 15.125" x 9.5" 8.375" x 11.125" 7" x 9.5" Print Artwork Requirements 16.5" x 11.125" 1/2 Page Horizontal 1/2 Page Long Vert. 2/3 Page Vertical 4.583" x 9.5" 1/3 Page Horizontal 7" x 3" 7" x 4.583" 1/2 Page Vertical/ Island 3.333" x 9.5" 4.583" x 7" 1/4 Page Horizontal 1/4 Page Vertical 1/3 Page Vertical 2.166" x 9.5" 1/3 Page Square 4.583" x 4.583" 4.583" x 3.333" 3.333" x 4.583" Naylor charges a $50 artwork surcharge for artwork creation or changes. This additional fee will appear on your final invoice if the artwork submitted is not publishing ready. All digital color and grayscale artwork must be supplied at 300 dpi. Line art must be supplied at 600 dpi. High-res PDF, EPS, TIFF and JPG files are accepted. Images from the Web are not suitable for printing. All color artwork must be in CMYK mode; black-andwhite artwork must be in either grayscale or bitmap mode. RGB mode is not accepted and if supplied, will be converted to CMYK mode, which will result in a color shift. All screen and printer fonts, as well as linked images, must be supplied if not embedded in the file. Cancellations In the event of cancellation of a contract, the client agrees to repay Naylor any discounts granted for multiple insertions less discount applicable for the number of insertions completed in the contract period. All premium positions and direct-mail pieces are non-cancelable. All cancellations must be received in writing prior to the advertising sales deadline. A charge of $30 will be levied for returned checks. Terms DIGITAL EDITION ad sizes Note: Font should be sans serif and 18 pt. or larger for maximum readability. *For Digital Edition flash specifications, visit: www.naylor.com/index.php/client-support/digitalmagspecs/#flashSpec Digital Edition Skyscraper Payment due upon receipt of invoice. Interest shall be charged at 2% per month compounded to yield 26.82% per year on overdue accounts. Ad Agency Commissions All prices are net. Ad agency commissions are not included in quoted price. 200 x 783 pixels; minimum resolution is 300 dpi • JPG non animated, SWF* animated Shipping Instructions Digital Edition Belly Band Ship all advertising materials to the attention of your account executive at: PDF or JPG at 8.375 x 4.5 inch; minimum resolution is 300 dpi SWF* at 603 x 324 pixels • JPG non animated, SWF* animated, NO VIDEOS. Digital Edition Sponsorships Naylor • 5950 NW 1st Place • Gainesville, FL 32607 US US Toll Free: 800-369-6220 International: +1-352-332-1252 Fax: +1-352-331-3525 550 x 480 pixels (Sponsor Max Ad 543 x 705 pixels); minimum resolution is 300 dpi • JPG non animated, Flash/SWF* animated, MP4 (MP4 Not Available on Max Ad) Digital Edition Toolbar 250 x 50 pixels • JPG only • 100-200 words recommended for the expandable text box 2015 media brochure custom solutions Naylor is the proud publisher of The Journal of Electronic Defense (JED) We value our advertisers’ contributions to the success of the magazine. As the leading publication serving the EW and SIGINT market, JED offers your company an indispensable outlet to connect with your customers and communicate important information about your products and services. We realize that not all of JED's advertisers have the same advertising and marketing plans. Naylor offers these custom marketing services: • We'll Design Your Ad Naylor charges a $50 artwork surcharge for artwork creation or changes. This additional fee will appear on your final invoice if the artwork submitted is not publishing ready. • We'll Customize Your Ad Program Our account executive can work with you to tailor an advertising program to match your company’s needs and budget. Please contact your Naylor account executive for additional information about these offerings. We welcome your feedback and suggestions, and we’ll do anything we can to make your advertising experience with JED simple and effective. THE MOST EFFECTIVE MEANS FOR REACHING CUSTOMERS. “AKON finds that JED is the most effective means of reaching existing and potential EW customers. Our advertising investment in JED has paid off, resulting in orders from many new customers for our EW Transceiver and Integrated Microwave Assembly products worldwide.” -RICHARD G. SANDERS Senior Director of Sales and Marketing AKON, Inc. journal of electronic defense THE SOURCE FOR EW INFORMATION. “Our work with JED has enhanced our branding efforts. JED’s focus on EW makes it the perfect vehicle for communicating with potential customers and the EW community.” -Theresa Taro Director, Marketing BAE Systems T h e j o u r na l o f E l e c t ro n i c D e fe n s e 2015 media brochure Journal o f E le c t ro ni c D e f e nse The EW and SIGINT Authority AOC Headquarters Naylor Headquarters Advertising sales Representatives: 1000 North Payne Street, Suite 200 5950 NW 1st Place Shaun Greyling Erik Henson Chris Zabel Alexandria, VA 22314-1652 US Gainesville, FL 32607 US International: +1-703-549-1600 US Toll Free: 800-369-6220 +1-352-333-3385 sgreylin@naylor.com +1-352-333-3443 ehenson@naylor.com +1-352-333-3420 czabel@naylor.com Fax: +1-703-549-2589 International: +1-352-332-1252 crows.org Fax: +1-352-331-3525 naylor.com
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