Document 445871

COQOS is a highly scalable software framework for in-car head units, instrument clusters, connectivity boxes, or
driver assistance systems. Its hypervisor-based architecture makes it possible to run several separated software
partitions on a single processor. Within such a partition, COQOS supports both AUTOSAR real-time automotive
functions and full operating systems like Linux and Android™.
Target Automotive ECU
• Head Unit
• Digital Instrument Cluster
• Connectivity Unit
• Driver Assistance System
Main Features
• Hypervisor designed for safety- and security-
critical applications
• AUTOSAR-compliant environment and tooling allow seamless integration of AUTOSAR
software components and basic software
• Modular boot and fast boot technology ensure quick availability of critical functionality
and Android-based infotainment systems
• Safe partitioning of the processor
• Virtualized Linux and Android™ guest operating systems make the power of open source
solutions available to automotive systems
• AUTOSAR 3.1 and 4.x
• Configurable communication bridge (ACF)
between the partitions enables easy and
deterministic communication between the
• Linux and Android™
• ARM and Intel® Atom™
• Additional security features
• Multiple operating systems on
a singlecore or multicore CPU
• Special drivers make it possible to share
hardware resources (like GPU) between partitions.
• Create automotive infotainment systems based on Linux or Android™ while
meeting automotive requirements such as
fast boot and AUTOSAR compliance
• Integrate a standard AUTOSAR environment
with non-AUTOSAR functionality on a single
• Use the partitioning capabilities of the
hypervisor to meet the safety and security
requirements of standards like ISO26262
and IEC15408 (Common Criteria)
• Reduce hardware cost by migrating from
multi-chip solutions to a single, highly integrated system-on-chip
• Integrate Advanced Driver Assistance
Systems (ADAS), connectivity functionality,
and infotainment directly on the head unit.
• Virtualized GPU
• Fast-booting rear view camera
• Fast-booting Android
• Support of hardware virtualization
Shared Drivers
Powered by
Physical Hardware
Core 0
The product
Core 1
Core 2
Core 3
contains all orange modules
OpenSynergy, COQOS, Qonformat, and other OpenSynergy products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of OpenSynergy GmbH in
Germany and in other countries around the world. All other product and service names in this document are the trademarks of their respective companies. These materials are subject to change without
notice. These materials are provided by OpenSynergy GmbH for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind and OpenSynergy GmbH shall not be liable for errors or omissions
with respect to the materials. © OpenSynergy GmbH 2013
Supported target processor architectures
Fast-booting rear-view camera
A virtualized rear-view camera function
makes it possible to safely integrate an open
source guest operating system and the rearview camera function together with the
AUTOSAR software on a single chip. The
camera function appears 1.5 seconds after
• ARM 9
• ARM 11
• ARM Cortex A8
• ARM Cortex A9 Multi-Core
• ARM Cortex A15
• Intel® x86
• Xilinx® Zynq™-7000
To satisfy the highest requirements on the
fast availability of CAN communication
and specific applications, COQOS includes a fast-boot loader and a modular-boot
mechanism, which allows partitions to load
and start sequentially.
• Texas Instruments‘s "Jacinto 6" Vayu
HS Board
Flexible assignment
• Freescale i.MX 35 PDK
• Freescale i.MX 53 SABRE automotive
• Freescale i.MX 6Q SABRE automotive
• NVIDIA® Tegra® 3 Jetson
• other support packages available on
The hypervisor creates the partitions of the
• Partitioning of processor resources
(execution time and memory)
• Periphery is only visible from the partition it is assigned to
• Certified according to avionics standard DO-178B DAL B (Airbus
projects), to IEC 61508 SIL-3, and to
EN 50128 SIL-3/4. Suitable for systems
that need to comply with ISO 26262.
On multicore processors COQOS makes
it possible to flexibly assign partitions to
processor cores. This ensures optimal utilization of processor computing power.
Shared hardware
Many important use cases require that a single hardware resource is shared among multiple partitions: OpenSynergy‘s virtualized
GPU allows the sharing of a single Graphics
Processing Unit (GPU) between several graphics-intensive applications, which may have
different requirements in terms of safety and
real-time performance.
In addition several partitions can display information on a common graphics device (in
window or overlays).
Hardware virtualization
COQOS supports hardware virtualization.
Automotive Communication Framework
The ACF is a configurable communication
bridge between the AUTOSAR RTE, Linux
applications, and Android apps.
Supports AUTOSAR Release 3.1 and
AUTOSAR Release 4.x. The COQOS
AUTOSAR OS has been developed from the
ground up to ensure the most efficient use
of the hypervisor. The AUTOSAR OS, BSW
Scheduler, and RTE are closely integrated
with COQOS.
Standard AUTOSAR basic software from
the OEM, third-party software vendors, or
OpenSynergy can be easily integrated.
ECU State Manager
A configurable watchdog (contained in a
separate partition) can observe the behavior of specific applications, and take action
when the system does not behave correctly.
Development Environment
Android and Linux
COQOS comes with standard support and
access to updates of the product. In addition, OpenSynergy’s Professional Services
are available to port COQOS to your hardware or to help in configuration or integration tasks. Fast boot and modular boot
Target board support packages
COQOS supports
operating systems:
• Linux 2.6.x; 3.x (newer kernel versions
are supported in regular updates)
• Android™ 4.2; 4.4 (newer versions are
supported in regular updates)
Fast-boot Android
The fast-boot Android reduces boot time to
50 percent with no effect on the operating
system itself. It can run in a native environment or virtualized.
Development tools
All COQOS development tools are built on
Eclipse and ARTOP. The development tools
include AUTOSAR-compliant generators,
configuration tools for the hypervisor as well as
tracing and debugging tools.
OpenSynergy GmbH
Olaf Schmidt Director Business Development Rotherstraße 20
D-10245 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 / 6098 540-0
OpenSynergy GmbH
Rudi Latuske
Director Sales Bluetooth and Sales Manager South
Starnberger Str. 22
82131 Gauting / München
E-Mail: Phone: web:
+ 49 89 8934 13-33
OpenSynergy, Inc. (USA)
Breton Buckley Business Development Manager, North-America
765 East 340 South
Suite 106
American Fork, Utah 84003
E-Mail: Phone: Web:
+1 619 962 1725
Development host support
COQOS development tools are designed for
use on Linux Ubuntu 12.04. Support is also
available for other Linux distributions.
November, 2014
OpenSynergy, COQOS, Qonformat, and other OpenSynergy products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of OpenSynergy GmbH in
Germany and in other countries around the world. All other product and service names in this document are the trademarks of their respective companies. These materials are subject to change without
notice. These materials are provided by OpenSynergy GmbH for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind and OpenSynergy GmbH shall not be liable for errors or omissions
with respect to the materials. © OpenSynergy GmbH 2013