Business opportunities

Business opportunities
The STaR Range Extender has great potential in the
developing market of electrical vehicles (EV) and range
extenders. Estimates show that in the year 2020 between
two and ten percent of all cars produced will be electrical all potential customers for the STaR Range Extender.
The STaR Engines B.V. is a start-up company. We are interested
in forging alliances with potential customers, manufacturers and
1. Customers who would procure the STaR Range Extender for
Breakthrough in
Electric Mobility
their EV’s,
2. Manufacturers who are able to develop and manufacture the
Out of the shared belief that an ultra-small
range extender will be a breakthrough
revolutionary ‘out-of-the-box’ STaR Range Extender, and
3. Investors willing to provide the necessary capital to the STaR
in the emerging market of electrical
Engines company in order to progress the internal Research
vehicles, STaR Engines B.V. was founded
and Development projects.
in 2012 by Pim Bekking and specialized
consortium partners.
A presentation and demonstration model is available to
illustrate the workings of the unique STaR mechanism.
Interested in the company STaR Engines B.V.? Or looking to
invest in sustainable developments in the emerging EV era?
STaR Engines B.V.
Do not hesitate to contact us!
Concordialaan 21
6712 GL EDE
STaR Engines uses the expertise of several consortium partners:
The Netherlands
• University of Technology in Eindhoven | Facilitates scientific research.
T +31 (0)318 - 65 27 33
M +31 (0)6 - 53 90 68 24
• Progression Industry | Spin-off of TU/e and specialised in
pre-production R&D.
• VIRO | Engineers in construction and simulation.
• Magnetic Innovations | Facilitate the generator implementation.
• Euroring | Experts in sealing.
STaR Range Extender®
BEDRIJS BELETTERING: embleem = 100% cyan - VIRO = 100% zwart - the performance of technology = 70% zwart (arial)
The STaR Range Extender
Solution for today’s
battery packs
cures range anxiety. Due to its
three-dimensional mechanism
and integrated generator
The STaR Range Extender provides the solution to the
components it is also very
drawbacks inherent in battery packs:
compact - being 50% smaller
1. Limited travelling distance. Even under ideal conditions no
- than extenders currently
more than about 180 km. The STaR Range Extender increases
available. Less material is
travelling distances by recharging the battery pack while driving.
required, which makes it both
2. Recharging the battery pack takes hours. The STaR Range
economical and sustainable.
Extender recharges while travelling, eliminating the need for
additional charging time.
3. The sheer weight of the battery pack itself, approximately 200 kg,
has an adverse effect draining power from the battery. A small
battery pack, used in combination with a STaR Range Extender
should suffice, reducing EV weight and power consumption.
4. A battery pack costs about € 20,000. A smaller battery
pack should be enough when used in combination with
a STaR Range Extender, reducing EV costs.
of the STaR
Range Extender
5. The battery pack takes up a lot of space. A smaller battery pack
A unique concept
The STaR Range Extender is a mobile generator for electrical
used in combination with a STaR Range Extender, should be
adequate, reducing EV size.
The STaR Range Extender is about
vehicles (EV). Once the battery pack in an EV runs out of
half the size and weight of today’s
power, the STaR Range Extender is activated and charges
range extenders.
the battery pack while driving. In this way it is possible to
Integration of generator
cover greater distances than would otherwise be the case
with just one fully charged battery pack.
The generator’s magnets and coils
Due to its compact shape, raw
are seamlessly integrated into the
materials are being saved.
Small internal combustion engine
STaR Mechanism. This eliminates an
The STaR Range Extender uses the compact three-dimensional
extra shaft and generator housing,
STaR mechanism (patent pending). This revolutionary
reducing material and weight -
Due to the minimal weights, saving of
STaR mechanism requires no crankshaft, carter or flywheel
a second level of compactness,
various parts and raw materials and
making this engine more compact than conventional
enabling the production of ultra-
the possibility of using smaller, lighter
combustion engines.
compact STaR Range Extenders.
and more affordable battery packs.
STaR Range Extender®