The School District of Philadelphia Office of Communications 440 N. Broad Street, Suite 102 ~ Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015 ~ (215)400-4040 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Fernando Gallard (215) 400-6349 November 17, 2014 SCHOOL REFORM COMMISSION RECEIVES 40 APPLICATIONS FOR NEW CHARTERS PHILADELPHIA— The Charter Schools Office of The School District of Philadelphia today announced that 40 new charter school applications were received by the Saturday, November 15th deadline. This is part of a new charter school annual application process requirement that was included in the law authorizing the $2-a-pack cigarette tax to benefit Philadelphia public schools. As part of the application process, each applicant will now go through a comprehensive and rigorous review, including public hearings and a public comment period. The review process includes the following steps: Review of Applications – Review teams comprised of reviewers with expertise in educational leadership, school operations, curriculum, school finance, support for English language learners, and support for students in special education will review applications. Each review team will have a mix of School District employees and outside experts. Public hearings– Each applicant will have an opportunity to present their proposals and answer questions from the School District. The public hearings will include time for public comment on the charter applications. Public vote by the SRC – After the public hearings, the SRC will vote on the charter applications at a public action meeting. The Pennsylvania Charter School Law requires that a public hearing on each application be held within 45 days after the Charter Schools Office receives the application and that the SRC vote on each application no later than 75 days after the first public hearing, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. In their applications, all applicants were required to address four review criteria: academic program, organizational compliance, finance and facilities, and community involvement and support. Within these criteria, applicants had to extensively explain approximately 40 specific components of their proposed school plan in order to provide the SRC with a comprehensive overview of the proposed schools. In addition, the Charter School Law requires that the SRC review applications in accordance with the following criteria: Extent to which the application considers the information requested in Section 1719-A of the Charter School Law and conforms to the legislative intent; Capabilities of the applicant, in terms of support and planning, to provide comprehensive learning experiences to students; Demonstrated, sustainable support for the charter school plan by parents, community members and students; Extent to which the charter school may serve as a model for other public schools. The Charter School Office will make public all of the applications submitted by posting them in the School District’s website along with a schedule of the public hearings for each charter applicant. The list of applicants, including the proposed grade configuration and size of the charter school, is attached to this press release. ### Proposed School Name Applicant Team or Entity Primary Contact Name School Building Zip Code Grade Configuration Opening Year Total Enrollment 2015 Enroll 2016 Enroll ACES Business Entrepreneur Academy Charter School West Philadelphia Achievement Charter Elementary School Stacy Gill-Phillips 19151 6 to 12 2015 600 100 200 American Paradigm Charter School (Oxford Circle) American Paradigm Schools, Inc. Jurate Krokys 19111 K to 8 2015 900 500 600 American Paradigm Charter School at Port Richmond American Paradigm Schools, Inc. Jurate Krokys 19124 K to 4 2015 500 350 450 ASPIRA Ramon E. Betances Charter School ASPIRA Inc. of Pennsylvania Alfredo Calderon 19120 K to 8 2015 550 250 325 Belmont Charter High School Community Education Alliance of West Philadelphia Jennifer Faustman 19104 9 to 12 2015 500 125 250 Congreso Academy Charter High School Congreso de Latinos Unidos, Inc. Cynthia Figueroa 19133 9 to 12 2016 600 NA 200 Esperanza Elementary Charter School Esperanza David Rossi 19140 K to 5 2015 800 130 800 Franklin Towne Charter Middle School Franklin Towne Charter High School Joseph Venditti 19137 5 to 8 2015 600 400 600 Friendship Public Charter School Friendship Philadelphia, Inc. Patricia Brantley unknown K to 6 2016 776 165 240 Germantown Community Charter School Germantown Community Charter School Coalition Julie Stapleton Carroll 19144 6 to 12 2015 1050 600 750 Girls' Latin of Philadelphia Charter School Boys' Latin of Philadelphia Charter School David Hardy 19143 K to 12 2015 1450 480 905 Global Leadership Academy International Charter School Global Leadership Academy Charter School Naomi Booker 19131 K to 12 2015 1100 100 500 Green Woods Charter School at Overbrook Farms Green Woods Charter School at Overbrook Farms Jean Wallace 19151 K to 8 2016 723 NA 399 Independence Charter High School Independence Charter School Thomas Scheid 19104 9 to 12 2016 800 NA 200 Independence Charter School West Independence Charter School Thomas Scheid 19142 K to 8 2016 900 NA 500 Innovative Dimensions STEAM Academy Innovative Dimension in Education Malika Savoy-Brooks unknown 6 to 12 2016 660 NA 300 Keystone Preparatory Charter School Keystone Academy Charter School Claudia Lyles 19135 K to 12 2016 1300 NA 475 KIPP Dubois Charter School KIPP Philadelphia Schools Marc Mannella 19131 K to 12 2015 1380 720 910 KIPP North Philadelphia Charter School KIPP Philadelphia Schools Marc Mannella 19132 K to 12 2015 1380 200 520 KIPP West Charter School KIPP Philadelphia Schools Marc Mannella 19143 K to 12 2015 1380 200 520 Leon H. Sullivan Opportunities Charter School OIC of America, Leon H. Sullivan Opportunities Charter School, Inc. C. Benjamin Lattimore unknown K to 12 2015 975 375 525 Liguori Academy Charter School Liguori Academy, Inc. Michael Marrone unknown 9 to 12 2016 1200 NA 300 MaST Community Charter School - Roosevelt Campus MaST Community Charter School John Swoyer 19116 K to 12 2015 2925 1575 2025 Mastery Charter School - Gillespie Campus Mastery Charter High School Scott Gordon 19140 K to 8 2016 756 NA 476 Mastery Charter School - North Philadelphia Campus Mastery Charter High School Scott Gordon 19132 K to 8 2016 756 NA 476 New Foundations Charter School - Brewerytown New Foundations Charter School Paul Stadelberger 19121 K to 12 2015 1075 375 550 PHASE 4 America Charter School PHASE 4 Learning Center, Inc. Benjamin Wright unknown K to 8 2015 675 375 450 Philadelphia Career and Technical Academy WAY Haberdashery Frank Robinson Jr. 19144 9 to 12 2016 600 300 450 Philadelphia Music and Dance Charter School Philadelphia Music and Dance Charter School Stephanie Kosta 19139 K to 12 2015 925 300 500 PHMC Preparatory Charter School Public Health Management Corporation Wendy-Anne Roberts-Johnson 19143 K to 12 2015 1000 200 400 Richard Allen Preparatory Charter School II Richard Allen Development and Improvement Organization (RADIO) Lawrence Jones 19143 K to 12 2016 1325 550 725 String Theory Charter School - East Falls String Theory Charter School Angela Corosanite 19129 K to 12 2015 1300 600 700 String Theory Charter School - Greys Ferry String Theory Charter School Angela Corosanite 19146 K to 12 2015 1300 600 700 String Theory Charter School - Port Richmond String Theory Charter School Angela Corosanite 19134 K to 12 2015 1300 600 700 String Theory Charter School - Southeast String Theory Charter School Angela Corosanite 11948 K to 12 2015 1300 600 700 Sustainable Roots Academy Charter School Mariana Bracetti Academy Charter School Angela Villani 19125 K to 12 2016 1300 NA 600 TECH Freire Charter School Freire Charter School David Shahriari 19132 9 to 12 2016 580 NA 400 The Partnership School for Science and Innovation MaST Community Charter School MaST Community Charter School John Swoyer 19106 or 19146 K to 12 2015 1500 700 950 The Pavilion Charter School for Exceptional Students Cokettia Rawlerson and Sonya K. Peck Cokettia Rawlerson 19132 PreK to 5 2015 600 330 450 Urban STEM Academy Urban STEM Academy Consortium Malsha Jackson 19138 5 to 12 2015 1000 400 600 40341 12200 Totals
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