Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Link Mobility Group ASA Financial Result Second quarter 2015 1 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Highlights Q2 2015 Growth through organic developments and acquisitions Link Mobility Group (LINK) started off 2015 with a solid Q1. The financials for Q2 2015 prove that the positive trend continues. Q2 2015 gave revenue of MNOK 78,9 and an EBITDA of MNOK 11,2, representing a solid growth in revenue and EBITDA compared with Q1 2015. Giving YTD 2015 revenue of MNOK 151,2 and EBITDA of MNOK 19,9. During Q2 2015 LINK acquired Fivestarday AB, a Swedish prizewinning company developing mobile solutions for the B2B market, and Cool Group ApS, one of Denmark’s largest suppliers of B2B mobile communication. Through these acquisitions and LINK’s organic development and growth, LINK has strengthened its position as the largest B2B mobile service provider in the Scandinavian and Baltic markets significantly. The financial result YTD 2015 for LINK including the acquired companies shows combined revenue of MNOK 185,6 and combined EBITDA of MNOK 25,7. TNOK Revenues Total operating revenues YTD 2015 Link 151 225 151 225 YTD 2015 Acquisitions 34 402 34 402 YTD 2015 Total 185 627 185 627 Cost of services rendered Payroll Other operating expenses Total operating expenses 89 077 30 321 11 928 131 327 20 069 6 138 2 379 28 586 109 146 36 460 14 307 159 912 19 898 5 816 25 715 EBITDA The acquisitions of Fivestarday AB and Cool Group ApS 18 May 2015 LINK acquired all shares in Fivestarday AB. The company has assisted big Swedish brands in their successful development of digital and mobile customer relation strategies and solutions. The acquisition of Fivestarday is a result of LINK’s strategy to become a complete provider of mobile B2B solutions for all businesses, public services and organizations. Fivestarday was purchased at the price of MSEK 4,2, where MSEK 2,1 represent a possible earn out the sellers can obtain if Fivestarday meets certain sales and financial targets during the first 24 months after closing. For further information regarding the acquisition see note 2, 8 and 11. 30 June 2015 LINK acquired all shares in Cool Group ApS. Cool Group ApS owns 100 per cent of the subsidiaries CoolSMS A/S, CoolTEL ApS and CoolSystems ApS. Cool Group has, in addition of being a leading SMS aggregator, operator status. The operator status gives Cool Group a unique position in the market, as it can transmit SMS traffic directly into the other Danish operators’ network. Resulting in lower costs and high quality in terms of delivery reliability. Through the acquisitions of Cool Group, LINK has become a leading 2 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] player in the Danish mobile B2B market, gained operator status and has increased its total capacity in terms of technology and operational resources. The enterprise value of Cool Group was MDKK 75, 2014 EV/EBITDA of 6. For further information regarding the acquisition see note 2, 8, 10 and 11. The acquisitions prove that LINK delivers upon its communicated strategy of creating growth, by both increasing its share in existing markets and by entering new markets. Furthermore, by combining LINK's, Fivestarday’s and Cool Group's wide range of mobile services, operational resources, technology, business models and skilled employees, LINK is about to reach its ambition of becoming a complete provider of mobile solutions for its thousands of customers. LINK has now the capacity and capability to serve all companies, public services and organizations that are “going mobile” in order to satisfy their customers’ and users’ rapidly growing demands for mobile services. LINK can assist in the whole process; from developing mobile strategies and building mobile infrastructures to operating mobile marketing/dialog with customers and providing mobile payment solutions. A total of MNOK 2,5 of acquisition costs were booked in Q2 2015. Increasing market share in existing markets represent great potential The growth in revenue was mainly driven by the business segment LINK Dialog. In Q2 2015 LINK sent 184,4 million SMS on behalf of its customers, representing an increase of 13 percent from Q1 2015 and an increase of 35 percent from Q2 2014 (adjusted for business acquired in 2014). The Norwegian business increased its A2P SMS market share with 0,41 percentage point from 38,54 to 38,95 of the total market. Whereas the Swedish business increased its A2P SMS market share by 3 percentage points from 13 to 16 percent. 4,7 million unique Norwegian mobile subscribers and 4,8 million unique Swedish subscribers received SMS provided by LINK in Q2 2015. Given the total Norwegian population of 5,2 million and the Swedish population of 9,8 million, LINK proves to have the customer portfolios, technology and resources to assist its customers in reaching a remarkable percentage of the population in its markets. LINK’s solid customer portfolio, large markets shares and regular mobile communication with a remarkable percentage of the mobile subscribers, give a unique position for further growth in other mobile business segments as customers tend to start their path towards a more complete mobilizing after first having taken SMS in use. Being a provider of complete mobile solutions, LINK can assist all existing and potential customers towards the level of mobilization fit for their businesses. Given LINK’s growing organization in 5 geographical markets and the market’s increasing demand for complete mobile solutions, LINK is about to establish a Solutions Sales Unit at Group level to ensure optimal focus on its new solution Next. Through this new customer software LINK can offer the market a mobile solution that manages every aspect of customer dialog and allows customers to manage loyalty programs and target mobile dialog; starting with look-up of a variety of information and registration of clients to automatic dialog flow, segmentation tools, analytic tools and payment solutions. The 3 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] software can be implemented in POS, ecommerce platforms or other ERPs and can be part of every businesses core systems. 6 of 10 employees invested in LINK 11 May 2015 LINK announced a Share Incentive Program offering all employees of the Group shares at NOK 27,80, the closing value at Oslo Stock Exchange at the day of the announcement. More than 60 percent of the Group’s employees invested in LINK shares, proving their trusts in LINK’s future financial performance and the employees’ long-term commitment to the Group. For further information regarding the Share Incentive Program see note 10. Final settlement of PSWinCom AS deal reduced debt Final settlement of the PSWinCom AS (PSW), that took place in Q2 2015, reduced the seller’s credit from the seller of PSWinCom AS, Stabben AS, with MNOK 4,2. For further information regarding the reduction of the seller’s credit see note 8. 01 June 2015 PSWinCom AS merged successfully with Link Mobility AS, creating Norway’s largest mobile B2B solutions company. Solid cash position LINK had cash and cash equivalent of MNOK 46,3 per 30.06.2015. Comfortable credit covenants and level of financial costs Long-term liabilities related to acquisitions amounted to MNOK 84,7, MNOK 52,4 in seller’s credits and MNOK 31,8 in debt to financial institutions. No debt bearing an interest of more than 5 percent. For further information regarding the long-term liabilities see note 8. Short-term liabilities related to acquisitions amounted to MNOK 24,7, MNOK 18,5 in shareholders’ loan with an interest of NIBOR 3M + 5 percent and MNOK 6,2 to Eniro AS that bears no interest. For further information regarding the short-term liabilities see note 9. New contracts and business On Group level, LINK experienced some major positive developments in Q2 2015 with regards to its Telenor partnerships: ! LINK delivers a platform to Telenor Group for handling direct operator billing to Telenor´s 13 markets across the Nordic region, Central and Eastern Europe and in Asia. During Q2 there has been a significant increase of transactions and new partners have been launched their services. ! LINK completed some major developments in its client lookup, search and SMS messages for Microsoft Lync in Q2 2015. LINK will together with Telenor Unified Communications launch new versions of Office 365 with Lync and Skype for Business for the Scandinavian market in August 2015. In the Norwegian market, LINK won the following contracts of financial and strategically importance in Q2 2015: 4 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] ! Oslo Stock Exchange signed an agreement with LINK regarding delivery of mobile information messaging and mobile payment. The agreement included SMS alerts and notifications for stocks, corporate announcements and fund prices and indices in real time. ! OBOS, Norway’s larges property developer with more than 2.000 employees, chose LINK’s mobile solutions for SMS alert and crisis management. ! Valyou, DnB and Telenor’s payment app, chose LINK's technology for the registration of new uses and to facilitate 2-way customer interaction. ! Sykepleierforbundet, Norwegian Nurses Organization with 100.000 members, chose LINK’s solutions for handling of enrollment and administration of member portfolio. ! Kristiansand Zoo, one of Norway’s most visited tourist attractions, entered an agreement with LINK that enabled the Zoo to offer all visitors complete mobile services through mobile marketing, registration and sales as well as the possibility for mobile payment of parking. ! PostNord Logistics, a leading Nordic logistics company, chose LINK’s services to send mobile notification to all end-users about when and where their parcel has arrived. The solution includes tracking of packages. In the Swedish market, LINK won several contracts of financial and strategically importance in Q2 2015: ! Gina Tricot, the Swedish retailer with 135 Nordic shops, chose LINK as partner for developing CRM strategy and CRM solutions for the Swedish market. ! Trygg Hansa assigned LINK to develop a mobile app that will be able to publish, inform and support sales for all Trygg Hansa’s insurance products. ! Aurora Innovations chose LINK as partner in developing and operating its highly distinguished call back services. Aurora Innovations provides services in Sweden, Finland and Norway via its services TeleQ and Spondi, which are used by approximately 70 percent of the Swedish population when contacting medical services. LINK will deliver look-up regarding personal credentials and SMS services. The Danish acquired business, Cool Group, won one particular important contracts in Q2 2015: ! KMD A/S, one of Denmark’s leading IT- & software companies with 3.000 employees, a turnover 5 billion DKK and more than 400 IT-systems to host, chose Cool Group’s SMS solutions. In Q2 2015 LINK also expanded its indirect sales through partnerships, especially in the Swedish market. 5 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Financial Performance LINK had revenue of MNOK 78,9, gross margin of MNOK 31 and EBITDA of MNOK 11,2 in Q2 2015, giving a gross margin ratio of 39 percent and an EBITDA ratio of 14 percent. PSW was acquired 30 December 2014 and is not included in LINK’s official financial reports for 2014. Analysis of LINK’s 2015 financials in terms of comparisons with previous periods will therefore have to be based on the following Consolidated Profits and Loss statement that also include PSW: TNOK Revenues Total operating revenues Q2 2015 78 919 78 919 Q2 2014 65 964 65 964 Change 12 955 12 955 ∆% 20 % 20 % Cost of services rendered Payroll Other operating expenses Total operating expenses 47 925 12 486 7 260 67 671 36 593 12 226 5 261 54 080 11 332 260 1 999 13 591 31 % 2% 38 % 25 % EBITDA 11 248 11 884 -636 -5% Compared with the financial performance in Q2 2014, the revenue increased with 20 percent by MNOK 13 from MNOK 66 to MNOK 78,9. The revenue growth was to a large extent driven by the business segment LINK Dialog increasing its share of the total revenue from 58,8 percent in Q2 2014 to 63,9 percent in Q2 2015. Gross margin increased with MNOK 1,6 from MNOK 29,4 to MNOK 31. Reducing the total margin ratio from 44 percent to 39 percent. The reduction was mainly a result of LINK Dialog’s growth relatively to the other business segment combined with a fall in LINK Dialog’s margins. In addition, MNOK 0,5 of Q1 2015 costs were booked in Q2 2015 due to incorrect billing from an operator. The acquisition of Cool Group gives LINK both operator status and increased SMS volumes, and LINK is about to launch a project at Group level to increase SMS margins. LINK Payment margin fell due to a higher share of donations with low margins. EBITDA was reduced with 5 percent by MNOK - 0,7 from MNOK 11,9 to MNOK 11,2, giving a reduction of the EBITDA margin from 18 percent to 14 percent. A total of MNOK 2,5 in acquisition costs were booked in Q2 2015. Adjusting for those extraordinary costs, the Q2 2015 EBITDA is MNOK 13,7. Giving an increase in EBITDA of MNOK 1,8, compared with Q2 2014, and an EBITDA ration for Q2 2015 of 17 percent. The figures on the next page show the overall financial development during the period from Q1 2014 to Q2 2015, including businesses acquired in 2014, in terms of revenue, gross margin and EBITDA. 6 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Revenue% Margin% EBITDA% 78,9% MNOK% 72,8% 65,9% 60,7% 61,4% 29,4% 11,9% 4,1% Q2%2014% 31,2% 31,1% 27,4% 22,4% Q1%2014% 72,3% 6,8% Q3%2014% 5,6% Q4%2014% 31% 8,7% Q1%2015% 11,2% Q2%2015% Underlying seasonal trends in the mobile B2B market, create seasonal variations in most business segments. Resulting in relatively weak Q1 and Q3, and strong Q4, as shown in the development through the four quarters of 2014. Q1 2015 and Q2 2015 show the same seasonal pattern, and that there is a strong underlying growth in revenue. Weaker margin ratio is caused by the increasing share of SMS revenue of the total revenue at lower margins. Measures are taken to improve SMS margins. Adjusting for extraordinary acquisition costs of MNOK 2,5 in Q2 2015, EBITDA shows positive development. The figures on the next page show revenue per business segments in terms of MNOK and in terms of the percentage of LINK’s total revenue during the period Q1 2014 to Q2 2015. The figures include businesses acquired in 2014. 7 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] ConsulFng% License% Mobile%Payment% Mobile%Dialog% 78,9%MNOK% 72,8%MNOK% 72,3%MNOK% 58,5%%% 61,4%%% 17,5%%% 15,8%%% 14,1%%% 21,8%%% 20,1%%% 18,8%%% 65,9%MNOK% 61,4%MNOK% 60,7%MNOK% 55,4%%% 27,3%%% 58,8%%% 16,2%%% 63,9%%% 57,9%%% 19,0%%% 22,9%%% 21,6%%% 2,2%%% 2,2%%% 1,6%%% 2,2%%% 2,8%%% 3,3%%% Q1%2014% Q2%2014% Q3%2014% Q4%2014% Q1%2015% Q2%2015% 15,1%%% LINK Dialog’s share of the total revenue has been increasing over the last four quarters, and represent in Q2 2015 63,9 percent of LINK’s revenue and 45 percent of the gross margin. After the acquisition of Cool Group LINK Dialog will, based on the Q2 2015 financials, represent approximately 70 percent of total revenue. LINK Consulting’s share of the total revenue has increased over the last quarters, and represents 3,3 of LINK’s revenue in Q2 2015. The increase is mainly due to the delivery of complete mobile solutions for Olav Thon Group 107 shopping centres’ customer clubs. 8 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Market conditions and outlook LINK is, due to the general expanding market for B2B mobile services and the recent acquisition of Fivestarday and Cool Group, expecting continuing growth in terms of both revenue and profits. In the short run, the growth will be driven mainly by SMS and application sales. LINK’s strategy has for the last 2 years been to expand its LINK Dialog, LINK Payment, LINK Licence and LINK Consulting services in order to become the leading provider of B2B mobile solutions in the Scandinavian and Baltic markets. During this period LINK has more than doubled revenue, quadrupled profits and reached the goal of becoming the main player in its markets. Rapid technological developments have in the same period changed peoples’ use of mobile phones significantly. Today, more than half of all global Google search is done by mobile devices whereas a relatively little share of companies’, public services’ and organizations’ businesses are mobilized to such an extent that they meet the users’ present and future demands for mobile services. LINK therefore expects an increase in the market for complete B2B mobile services over the next years. When “going mobile”, businesses will have to integrate mobile technology and solutions into their core business systems. LINK has the software, technological platforms, operational resources and experience to assist all these businesses in their drive towards mobilization. The market and LINK have simultaneously reached the point of development, where it is natural for LINK to start directing its main focus towards solutions sales. LINK’s ambition for the next years is to become the main provider of complete mobile solutions within its existing geographical markets as well as in new markets. All companies, public services and organizations with B2C business are potential customers of LINK’s complete B2B mobile solutions. Future growth, like past growth, will be achieved through a combination of further development of the exiting LINK business as well as through M&As. 9 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Consolidated Profit and Loss Note 2Q 2015 2Q 2014 YTD 2015 YTD 2014 Year 2014 Revenues Total operating revenues 3 78 919 78 919 40 940 40 940 151 225 151 225 76 446 76 446 161 375 161 375 Cost of services rendered Payroll Other operating expenses Total operating expenses 4 47 925 12 486 7 260 67 671 22 470 8 704 2 827 34 001 89 077 30 321 11 928 131 327 46 274 16 174 6 278 68 726 94 783 38 532 11 608 144 923 11 248 6 939 19 898 7 720 16 452 Depreciation and amortization 3 728 1 794 7 320 3 036 6 668 Operating profit 7 520 5 145 12 578 4 684 9 784 61 4 427 740 512 3 237 74 0 170 -36 -60 114 4 677 1 510 854 2 427 75 0 253 11 -189 196 0 420 487 -711 10 757 5 085 15 005 4 495 9 073 Income tax expense 2 880 1 329 4 027 1 198 1 680 Profit for the period 7 876 3 756 10 978 3 297 7 393 0,817 0,792 0,484 0,466 1,137 1,104 0,425 0,409 0,882 0,851 -329 7 547 190 7 013 -481 10 497 649 10 059 44 7 437 EBITDA Interest income Other financial income Interest expense Other financial expenses Net financial items 8 8,9 Profit before tax Earnings per share (NOK/Share) Earnings per share Diluted earnings per share Exchange rate differences Group Total comprehensive income 2,10 2,5,10 10 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Consolidated Balance Sheet Note 30.06.2015 30.06.2014 31.12.2014 Assets Non-current assets Deferred tax assets Intangible assets Equipment and fixtures Total non-current assets 0 223 784 2 650 226 434 7 117 46 823 826 54 766 0 130 528 2 274 132 802 40 40 0 0 40 40 Current assets Trade receivables and other receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets 86 773 46 331 133 144 40 953 32 496 73 449 78 399 18 488 96 887 Total assets 359 578 128 215 229 729 8 383 1 258 67 064 35 709 16 400 128 814 7 758 0 49 415 0 2 001 59 174 7 758 625 50 490 16 574 6 341 81 789 12 842 12 942 0 0 2 670 2 670 52 385 31 800 84 662 14 372 0 14 372 34 280 2 200 36 480 18 500 6 159 103 937 5 140 133 738 5 000 0 49 669 0 54 669 20 000 0 88 790 0 108 791 Total liabilities 230 765 54 669 147 941 Total equity and liabilities 359 578 128 215 229 729 11 Inventories Total inventories Equity and liabilities Equity Share capital Not registered share capital Share premium Not registered share premium Other equity Total equity 10 10 10 10 Deferred tax Deferred tax Total Deferred tax Long-term liabilities Seller’s credit Debt to financials institutions Total long term liabilities Short-term liabilities Shareholder loan Debt to Eniro AS Trade and other payables Tax Payable Total short term liabilities 8 8 9 9 11 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Statement of change in equity Balance at 31.12.2012 Profit for the year Issue of share capital Value of warrant Currency translation differences Balance at 31.12.2013 Balance at 31.12.2013 Profit for the year Issue of share capital Net profits purchase/sale own shares Currency translation differences Balance at 31.12.2014 Balance at 31.12.2014 Profit for Q1 and Q2 2015 Issue of share capital Other correction Currency translation differences Balance at 30.06.2015 Note Ordinary shares 6 347 Share premium Uncovered losses 27 320 -4 052 1 729 22 095 559 667 49 415 -1 097 Total equity 29 615 1 729 23 506 559 667 56 076 Note Ordinary shares 7 758 Share premium 49 415 625 16 574 1 075 8 383 67 064 Total equity 56 076 7 393 17 199 1 075 45 81 788 Note Ordinary shares 8 383 Share premium 67 064 1 258 35 709 1 411 7 758 10 9 641 102 773 Other equity -1 097 7 393 45 6 341 Other equity 6 341 10 978 -438 -481 16 400 Total equity 81 788 14 345 36 967 -438 -481 128 814 12 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 2Q 2015 2Q 2014 YTD 2015 YTD 2014 2014 Cash flow from operating activities Profit before tax Taxes paid Depreciation and amortization Net interest in profit and loss Interest received Interest paid Change in trade receivable and other receivables Change in trade and other payables Net cash flow from operating activities 10 756 -272 3 728 3 237 61 -297 -18 180 15 176 14 209 5 085 -413 1 793 60 75 -40 -18 981 31 720 19 299 15 005 -272 7 320 2 427 114 -607 3 183 -6 464 20 706 4 495 -413 3 036 189 75 -87 13 016 -9 063 11 248 9 073 -876 6 668 711 196 -602 -24 503 41 188 31 855 Cash flow from investing activities Proceeds from purchase of intangible assets Cash added with purchase of subsidiary Purchase of tangible assets Purchase of intangible assets Net cash flow from investing activities -95 698 11 965 -309 -162 -84 204 330 -1 406 -1 076 -95 698 11 965 -685 -1 238 -85 656 -80 -35 195 -35 275 -55 367 7 978 -737 -36 975 -85 101 Cash flow from financial activities Proceeds from borrowings Repayment of borrowings Proceeds from issuing new shares Net profits from purchase/sale of own shares Net cash flow from financial activities Foreign exchange effect on cash Net change in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning for the period Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period 62 564 -2 254 36 969 -2 053 62 564 -6 007 36 969 16 425 -2 053 97 279 -2 053 93 526 14 372 17 200 -6 159 17 199 1 076 29 316 -582 155 -733 18 285 26 702 19 629 46 331 16 325 16 171 32 496 27 843 18 488 46 331 -9 637 42 133 32 496 -23 645 42 133 18 488 13 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Note 1 – General information Link Mobility Group ASA is a private limited company registered in Norway. Link Mobility Group ASA is the parent company of the Link Mobility Group (Group) and owns 100 per cent of the subsidiaries Link Mobility AS, Link Mobility AB in Sweden, Link Mobility SIA in the Baltics and the Cool Group ApS in Denmark. The Group’s headquarter is located in Oslo, Norway. PSWinCom AS was merged with Link Mobility AS 01 June 2015. Link Mobility AB purchased all shares in the Swedish company Fivestarday AB 18 May 2015. Link Mobility Group ASA purchased all shares in the Danish company Cool Group ApS 30 June 2015. Cool Group ApS owns 100 per cent of the subsidiaries CoolSMS A/S, CoolTEL ApS and CoolSystems ApS. The Group provides mobile services that enable companies, public services and NGOs to have mobile communication with their customers and users. The Group offers products and services extending from mobile dialog, mobile marketing, mobile payment, mobile CRM and mobile applications. The Group’s business is classified into the business segments; Mobile Dialog, Mobile Payment, Mobile License and Consulting. Note 2 – Basis for preparation / Accounting Policies The interim financial statement for the second quarter 2015 has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”. The financial statement should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statement of the financial year 2014, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS and the financial statements for the four quarters 2014 and the first quarter 2015 that have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”. The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial reporting. The Group’s Board of Directors approved the financial statement for the second quarter 2015 on 17 August 2015. The financial statement has not been audited or reviewed by the auditors. The Group’s presentation currency is Norwegian kroner (NOK), which is also the parent company’s functional currency. All amounts are stated in 1.000 NOK. Consolidation The consolidated financial statements show the total financial results and financial position of the parent company, Link Mobility Group ASA, and its subsidiaries Link Mobility AS, Link Mobility AB and Link Mobility SIA that are 100 per cent owned by Link Mobility Group ASA, and are fully consolidated in the consolidated financial statement. 30 June 2015 Link Mobility Group ASA acquired all shares in Cool Group ApS from Sundahl Aps. The transaction value (enterprise value of Cool Group ApS) was MDKK 76,6. MDKK 25,8 was paid at closing. MDKK 25 was paid in shares in Link Mobility Group ASA based on closing value at Oslo Stock Exchange 29 May 2015 of NOK 29,90, which gave Sundahl ApS 989.073 shares. The remaining is seller’s credit to be paid no later than 36 months after closing. The seller’s credit bears an interest of 5 percent p.a., and is to be paid monthly. The cash part of the transaction was financed by a loan from Danske Bank. The loan, which bears an interest of 4,75 percent, is to be paid by equal quarterly instalments over the next three years. 18 May 2015 Link Mobility Group ASA’s fully owns subsidiary, Link Mobility AB, acquired all shares in Fivestarday AB from Reynholm Industries AB. Of the purchasing price of MSEK 4,2, MSEK 2,1 was paid at closing. The seller of Fivestarday can obtain an additional premium of maximum MSEK 1,8 based on the sales of certain services developed by Fivestarday at the time of closing and sold within 24 months after closing. An additional premium of MSEK 0,3 can be paid to the seller in October 2015 subject to certain conditions linked to Fivestarday AB's financial position per 30 September 2015. The Group’s consolidated result for Q2 2015 includes the result for Fivestarday AB for the period 19 May 2015 – 30 June 2015, whereas Cool Group ApS’s result is not included in the consolidated result for Q2 2015 as the company was acquired 30 June 2015. The balances of Fivestarday AB and Cool Group ApS per 30 June 2015 are included in the Group’s consolidated balance Q2 2015. Cool Group ApS’s final closing balance per 30 June 2015 is to be settled by September 2015. 14 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Note 3 – Revenue and segment reporting The tables below show the revenues generated, by countries and business segment. Revenues by segment Dialog Payment License Consulting Total 2Q 2015 50 397 11 138 14 829 2 555 78 919 2Q 2014 20 916 8 411 10 546 1 066 40 940 YTD 2015 94 767 22 557 29 338 4 563 151 225 YTD 2014 38 432 21 197 14 844 1 974 76 446 Year 2014 80 515 42 378 34 635 3 847 161 375 Revenues per country Norway Sweden Latvia Total 2Q 2015 61 410 15 977 1 532 78 919 2Q 2014 28 808 11 376 756 40 940 YTD 2015 119 271 28 432 3 522 151 225 YTD 2014 50 718 22 474 3 254 76 446 Year 2014 106 667 47 703 7 005 161 375 YTD 2014 27 541 14 751 3 668 314 46 274 Year 2014 56 890 29 432 7 793 668 94 783 Note 4 – Cost of services rendered The table below shows cost of services rendered related to sales per business segment. Dialog Payments Licenses Consulting services Total 2Q 2015 36 341 8 227 3 022 336 47 925 2Q 2014 14 300 6 046 1 976 148 22 470 YTD 2015 66 077 16 058 6 280 663 89 077 Note 5 – Warrants! In April 2014 Futurum Capital AS bought 300.000 warrants in Link Mobility Group ASA. The warrants strike price is NOK 6 per share with a term of 3 years. In May 2015 Futurum Capital AS sold 20.000 warrants to each of the flowing employees of the Group: Johan Andersen, CEO Link Mobility Group ASA Siw Ødegaard, CFO Link Mobility Group ASA Krister Tånneryd, Managing Director, Link Mobility AB Fredrik Nyman, Sales Director, Link Mobility AB Guro Røed, KAM Manager, Link Mobility AS 15 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Note 6 – Related party transactions The following transactions were carried out with related parties: Sales (+) and purchases (-) of goods and services (excl. VAT) Crayon AS (Jens Rugseth, Rune Syversen) Complit Holding AS (Jens Rugseth, Rune Syversen) 2Q 2015 -129 -92 2Q 2014 YTD 2015 YTD 2014 -19 -28 Year 2014 -159 -1 3 -184 -166 -340 Futurum Capital AS (Harald Dahl) - -206 - -539 -539 Kvinnesiden AS (Siw Ødegaard) - - - -80 -80 2Q 2014 YTD 2015 YTD 2014 Year 2014 Period-end balances arising from sales/purchases (incl. VAT) 2Q 2015 Crayon AS (Jens Rugseth, Rune Syversen) -61 -24 -61 -24 1 Complit Holding AS (Jens Rugseth, Rune Syversen) -38 -38 -38 -38 -38 - -17 - -17 - 2Q 2014 YTD 2015 YTD 2014 Year 2014 Futurum Capital AS (Harald Dahl) Loans from related parties Unsecured loan (principal loan) from Rugz AS (Jens Rugseth) 2Q 2015 -8 500 -2 500 -8 500 -2 500 -10 000 -10 000 -2 500 -10 000 -2 500 -10 000 Outstanding interests on the loan from Rugs AS (Jens Rugseth) -489 -126 -498 -126 -25 Outstanding interests on the loan from Sevencs AS (Rune Syversen) -521 -126 -521 -126 -28 Unsecured loan (principal loan) from Sevencs AS (Rune Syversen) Note 7 - Options 11 May 2015 an option program was implemented. A total of 750.000 options were given to executive management and other key employees of the Group. The options are to be earned over a 3 year period; meaning that 250.000 options can be earned as of 30 April 2016, another 250.000 options can be earned as of 30 April 2017 and the remaining 250.000 options can be earned as of 30 April 2018. The options must be exercised at the latest by 31 October 2018; if not, they will expire without any compensation. If the options are exercised, the price per share shall be equal to the closing value at Oslo Stock Exchange on 11 May 2015, NOK 27,80. No fees were paid nor will be paid for the options. Note 8 – Long-term liabilities Seller’s credit: ! Seller’s credit from Stabben AS from the purchase of PSWinCom AS 30 December 2014, amounting to MNOK 19,8 is to be paid within 36 months from closing. The debt bears an interest of 5 per cent that is to be paid quarterly. As a result of the final settlement of the PSWinCom AS deal, the seller’s credit was reduced with MNOK 4,2 in Q2 2015. ! Seller’s credit from Sundahl ApS from the purchase of Cool Group ApS 30 June 2015, amounting to MDKK 25,8 is to be paid within 36 months from closing. The debt bears an interest of 5 per cent that is to be paid monthly. See note 2 for more information regarding the acquisition. ! Seller’s credit to Reynolds Industries AB form the acquisition of Fivestarday AB 18 May 2015 of MSEK 2,1 relates to an earn out agreement of a period of 24 months after closing. The seller’s credit bears no interest. See note 2 for more information regarding the acquisition and the earn out agreement. 16 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Debt to financial institutions: ! In relation to the acquisition of Cool Group ApS, Danske Bank lent the Group MNOK 30. The loan bears an interest of 4,75 per cent. The interests are to be paid quarterly. The debt is to be paid by equal quarterly instalments over the next three years. ! Through the acquisition of PSWinCom AS, the Group took over a loan from Sparebanken Vest that amounts to MNOK 1,8. The loan bears an interest of 5 per cent. A total of MNOK 0,1 is paid monthly in interests and down payment. Note 9 – Short-term liabilities The shareholder loans provided by Sevencs AS (MNOK 10) and Rugz AS (MNOK 8,5) bear an interest of NIBOR 3M + 5 per cent. MNOK 6,2 in seller’s credit from Eniro AS after the acquisitions of the Intouch business in March 2014 bears no interest. The debt will be paid with equal instalments of MNOK 2 over the next 3 quarters. Note 10 – Increase in share capital The Board of Link Mobility Group ASA decided to increase the share capital with NOK 268.997 by issuing 268.997 new shares at par value NOK 1 at the price NOK 27,80 per shares at its meeting 18 June 2015. The shares were issued related to the Share Incentive Program for the Group’s employees where 60 per cent of the employees acquired shares. The Board of Link Mobility Group ASA decided to increase the share capital with NOK 989.073 by issuing 989.073 new shares at par value NOK 1 at the price NOK 29,90 per shares at its meeting 30 June 2015. The shares were issued to Sundahl ApS, the seller of Cool Group ApS. See note 2 for more information regarding the acquisition. The total of NOK 1.258.070 new shares increased the share capital from NOK 8.383.314 to NOK 9.641.384. The increase in share capital was registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprise by 24 July 2015. The increased share capital of NOK 1.258.070 and increased share premium of NOK 36.698.077 are thus stated as “respectively “Not registered share capital” and “Not registered share premium” in the balance per 30 June 2015 Note 11 – Acquisition Of Business Cool Group ApS Link Mobility Group ASA acquired all shares in Cool Group ApS 30 June 2015. The transaction value was set to MDKK 76,6. Acquisition analysis 100% of the shares Cool Group ApS Cash Link Mobility Group ASA shares Seller’s credit Total purchase price Book value of equity Book value of existing goodwill Value to distribution 30 561 29 573 30 561 90 695 7 293 0 7 293 Customer contracts Deferred tax on unrealized gains Net identifiable in realized gains 24 500 6 100 18 400 Goodwill 65 002 17 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Fivestarday AB Link Mobility AB acquired all shares in Fivestarday 18 May 2015. The purchasing price was set to MSEK 4,2 Acquisition analysis 100% of the shares Fivestarday Purchase price Book value of equity Book value of existing goodwill Value to distribution Customer contracts Deferred tax on unrealized gains Net identifiable in realized gains Goodwill 4 007 131 0 3 876 0 0 0 3 876 18 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Declaration on the financial statements We confirm that the financial statements for second quarter 2015, to the best of our knowledge, have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), gives a true and fair view of the company’s and group’s consolidated assets, liabilities, financial position and results of operations, and that the annual report includes a fair review of the development, results and position of the company and group, together with a description of the most central risks and uncertainty factors facing the companies. Oslo, 17.08.2015 The Board of Link Mobility Group ASA Jens Rugseth Chairman of the board Gisela Sogn Board Member Rune Syversen Board Member Guro Røed Board Member Tove Giske Board Member Harald Dahl Board Member Johan Andersen CEO 19 Mobilizing Your Business [Skriv her] Link Mobility Group ASA Rosenkrantz' gate 9 0159 Oslo Contact information: CFO Siw Ødegaard Mob: +47 95 75 98 48 20
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