PO Box 61 Tumby Bay 5605 Phone: 08 8688 2101 Meet the New Council Mayor Sam Telfer Deputy Mayor Geoff Stewart Cr Bob Lawrie Cr Ray Hetzel Cr Helen Kroemer Cr Laurie Collins Cr Hannah Allen-Jordan www.tumbybay.sa.gov.au and that Councillors and officers can work together, and that collectively we can all work with the community – working toward the improvement and addition to our physical infrastructure, working for the growth and maintenance of social capital, and working to maximise the opportunities afforded to us through the introduction of new economic development. On behalf of the officers of the Tumby Bay District Council I look forward to working with Council over your term of office and being able to say at the end of four years that we have done the very best that we could do. Trevor Smith Chief Executive Officer Asbestos Awareness Month November is National Asbestos Awareness Month, which aims to educate Australians about the dangers of working with asbestos during home renovations and maintenance and educate them about where asbestos might be found in and around homes and on properties. The Electoral Commission SA has confirmed the results of the election and the new Councillors recited their Oath in front of Mr Andy Allen JP at a meeting on the evening of 18 November. Thanks must go to the unsuccessful candidates Sue Lawrie and Malcolm Baker for being prepared to stand for Council and giving the community a choice. Historically the meeting on Tuesday night was the final time that the Council get to elect a Mayor. As a result of the referendum the Mayor in 2018 will be directly elected by the voters. 749 people voted for the change, 520 voted for the Mayor to continue to be elected from within the Council and there were 5 informal votes. Council will now need to determine whether this change will require a reduction in the number of Councillors elected in 2018 from seven to six. Council Meetings – 2nd Tuesday of each month Council determined to continue to meet on the second Tuesday of the month commencing at 9.00am. The next Ordinary meeting of Council will be on 9 December at the Council Chambers. Extract from an address made by Chief Executive Officer at the Council meeting Once every four years Council gets an opportunity to review the past and to introduce fresh ideas and thinking. It is the chance to demonstrate that Councillors can work together, Many wrongly believe ONLY fibro homes contain asbestos. Asbestos products can most likely be found in ANY Australian home built or renovated before 1987 even brick, weatherboard, fibro and clad homes. Asbestos can be found in kitchens, bathrooms, laundries and under floor coverings, behind wall and floor tiles, in cement floors, internal and external walls, garages, ceilings and ceiling space (insulation), eaves, fences, extensions to homes, and backyard sheds: it could be anywhere! It’s vital that Australians take the warnings seriously, stop playing ‘renovation roulette’ to protect themselves and their families from exposure to asbestos fibres during renovations and maintenance. Don’t play renovation roulette! Get to know asbestos this November, visit asbestosawarenss.com.au. It’s not worth the risk! Rubbish Collections Over the Christmas/New Year period, the scheduled rubbish collections will run on the following day; Friday 26 December and Friday 2 January 2015. 373 COUNCIL MEETING 18th November 2014 DISTRICT COUNCIL OF TUMBY BAY MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL held at the Council Chamber, Mortlock Street, Tumby Bay on Tuesday 18th November 2014 at 7.00pm. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER IN THE CHAIR 1.0 Welcome – the CEO welcomed all present. Apologies - Nil Staff Introductions The CEO introduced Council’s Executive staff to Council outlining their roles within Council. Announcement of Candidates Elected In order of election, the candidates elected to the position of Councillor for the District Council of Tumby Bay: Telfer, Sam Lawrie, Bob Stewart, Geoff Hetzel, Ray Allen-Jordan, Hannah Kroemer, Helen Collins, Laurie WG 2.0 Elected 1 Elected 2 Elected 3 Elected 4 Elected 5 Elected 6 Elected 7 DECLARATION OF OFFICE / TAKING OATHS Each Councillor recited the oath and signed the declaration pursuant to Section 60 of the Local Government Act 1999. 3.0 PRINCIPAL MEMBER 1c/112014 Moved – Collins Seconded – Allen-Jordan 1. “That the term of office for the Mayor for the District Council of Tumby Bay be for the term of the Council.” 2. “That the method of election be by secret ballot.” 3. “That Council adopt a preferential method of voting.” 4. “That the Chief Executive Officer be appointed Returning Officer for the election.” 5. “If at any stage during the process there is an equal number of votes the Returning Officer will decide the issue by the drawing of lots. The name of the candidate/s withdrawn will be the one/s excluded from the ballot.” 6. “Upon the completion of the election, the Returning Officer be authorized to declare the successful candidate elected to the position of Mayor.” S:\GDS20FUNCTIONS\Governance\Agenda & Minutes\MINUTES\2014\11 November\Nov 18 2014 Minutes.docx 374 COUNCIL MEETING 18th November 2014 7. “Upon the declaration of the Returning Officer the candidate is appointed to the position of Mayor for the term of office determined by this resolution.” CARRIED Cr Collins nominated Cr Telfer. Cr Telfer accepted. Cr Lawrie nominated Cr Stewart. Cr Stewart accepted. That pursuant to Section 51(3) of the Local Government Act, 1999, Councillor Telfer be elected Mayor of the District Council of Tumby Bay for a term of four years (must not exceed 4 years). MAYOR IN CHAIR 4.0 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 2c/112014 Moved - Collins Seconded - Lawrie That the following reports from the Chief Executive Officer be received: CEO 2/1114 CEO 3/1114 CEO 4/1114 CEO 5/1114 CEO 6/1114 CEO 7/1114 CEO 8/1114 CEO 9/1114 CEO 10/1114 CEO 2/1114 3c/112014 Election of Deputy Mayor Elected Members Allowances and Benefits Council Meetings – Timing and Frequency Audit Committee Policy #2.05 Elected Member Casual Vacancy Technical Works and Services Committee Southern Eyre Peninsula Subsidiary and Southern Eyre Peninsula Subsidiary Audit Committee Australia Day Awards Membership – EPLGA CARRIED Election of Deputy Mayor Moved – Collins Seconded - Lawrie 1. “That the term of office for the Deputy Mayor for the District Council of Tumby Bay be for the term of the Council.” 2. “That the method of election be by secret ballot.” 3. “That Council adopt a preferential method of voting.” 4. “That the Chief Executive Officer be appointed Returning Officer for the election.” 5. “If at any stage during the process there is an equal number of votes the Returning Officer will decide the issue by the drawing of lots. The name of the candidate/s withdrawn will be the one/s excluded from the ballot.” 6. “Upon the completion of the election, the Returning Officer be authorized to declare the successful candidate elected to the position of Deputy Mayor.” 7. “Upon the declaration of the Returning Officer the candidate is appointed to the position of Deputy Mayor for the term of office determined by this resolution.” CARRIED S:\GDS20FUNCTIONS\Governance\Agenda & Minutes\MINUTES\2014\11 November\Nov 18 2014 Minutes.docx COUNCIL MEETING 18th November 2014 375 Cr Lawrie nominated Cr Stewart. Cr Stewart accepted. Cr Telfer nominated Cr Collins. Cr Collins accepted. That pursuant to Section 51(3) of the Local Government Act, 1999, Councillor Stewart be elected Deputy Mayor of the District Council of Tumby Bay for a term of four years (must not exceed 4 years). CEO 3/1114 4c/112014 Moved – Lawrie Seconded – Kroemer That Council adopt Policy #2.06 “Elected Members Allowances and Benefits” as presented. CARRIED CEO 4/1114 5c/112014 Elected Members Allowances and Benefits Council Meetings – Timing and Frequency Moved - Allen-Jordan Seconded - Stewart That Council adopt Policy #2.10 with the following inclusion: 1. That ordinary meetings of Council will be held on the second Tuesday of each month and where this is a public holiday it will be held on the second Wednesday commencing at 9.00 am and finishing no later than 11.30 am or by resolution of Council to extend in 30 minute increments. CARRIED CEO 5/1114 6c/112014 Moved - Lawrie Seconded - Collins That Council appoint Cr Allen-Jordan and Cr Kroemer to the Audit Committee and advertise for two independent members. CARRIED CEO 6/1114 7c/112014 Audit Committee Policy #2.05 Elected Member Casual Vacancy Moved - Lawrie Seconded - Allen-Jordan That Council adopt Policy #2.05 “Elected Members Casual Vacancy” with the Policy Detail to read: “It is a policy of this Council to hold supplementary elections to fill all vacancies unless the supplementary election is unable to be held prior to 1 January 2018.” CARRIED CEO 7/1114 8c112014 Moved - Lawrie Seconded - Stewart That Council resolve to appoint all Councillors to the Technical Services and Works Committee; and request the organisations named in the Terms of Reference to forward nominees to Council for appointment to the Committee. CARRIED CEO 8/1114 9c/112014 Technical Services and Works Committee Moved - Allen-Jordan Southern Eyre Peninsula Subsidiary and Southern Eyre Peninsula Subsidiary Audit Committee Seconded - Lawrie That Council resolves to appoint Cr Collins and Cr Stewart to the Southern Eyre Peninsula Subsidiary; and S:\GDS20FUNCTIONS\Governance\Agenda & Minutes\MINUTES\2014\11 November\Nov 18 2014 Minutes.docx 376 COUNCIL MEETING 18th November 2014 Council resolves to appoint Cr Stewart to the Southern Eyre Peninsula Subsidiary Audit Committee. CARRIED CEO 9/1114 10c/112014 Moved – Lawrie Seconded - Kroemer That Council appoint Councillors Allen-Jordan, Hetzel and Telfer to the Australia Day Award Selection Panel. CARRIED CEO 10/1114 11c/112014 Australia Day Awards Membership - EPLGA Moved - Lawrie That Council appoint: Seconded - Collins To the position of Member – the Mayor; To the position of Deputy Member – the Deputy Mayor; and To the position of representative with voting powers (in the absence of both the Member and Deputy Member) – the CEO. CARRIED 4.1 12c/112014 Environmental Services Report Moved – Stewart Seconded - Lawrie That the following report from the Environmental Services Manager be received. MES 1/1114 Council Development Assessment Panel (CDAP) Appointment of Council Members. CARRIED 13c/112014 Moved - Collins Seconded - Lawrie That Council in accordance with Section 56A of the Development Act 1993 as amended, appoint Councillor Kroemer and Councillor Allen-Jordan as Council members of the Tumby Bay Council Development Assessment Panel for a 2 year period. CARRIED 5.0 MEETING CLOSED AT 7.53 PM. DATE: ___________________ CONFIRMED: _______________________ Mayor S:\GDS20FUNCTIONS\Governance\Agenda & Minutes\MINUTES\2014\11 November\Nov 18 2014 Minutes.docx Australian Food Safety Week Australian Food Safety Week was 9-16 November 2014. The theme for Australian Food Safety Week 2014 was the Temperature Danger Zone – keeping hot food hot and cold food cold. Food poisoning bacteria can survive and grow rapidly if food is left out in temperatures above 5°C and under 60°C. Food poisoning is caused by bacteria and viruses in our food. Cooking food kills them but it’s important to prevent cooked food becoming contaminated again. Food poisoning bacteria multiply rapidly in food with a temperature between 5 and 60 degrees. Keeping perishable food below or above these temperatures can prevent bacteria growing. By following these simple tips, you can make sure that you, and the people you cook for, are safe from food poisoning. Tumby Bay Hospital and Uringa Auxiliary Inc. Our latest meeting was held on Wednesday 5th November, where President Cynthia Fulton welcomed twelve members. EO of the Hospital Carol-Ann Stanborough told us that from now the only access to the Hospital for all visitors is via the main entrance opposite the front side car park off the Esplanade. Emergency entrance of the Hospital is for ambulance and staff only. The main entrance for all visitors to Uringa Hostel is via the car park off Phyllis Street. This is to help keep both places safer for all, and enables staff to be able to monitor comings and goings of visitors or in any case of an emergency at either establishment. Auxiliary members agreed to purchase a Babies Oxygen Reading Monitor with attachable Boot for use of very small children and babies who are patients in the Hospital as current monitors in use are too big and so do not give accurate readings. Discussion of upcoming Family Fun Day & Craft Fair was held. Guest speaker Tim Rombouts who is the new manager at Bendigo Bank in Tumby Bay told us that he and his wife Deb had experienced two massive floods whilst living in Queensland. He gave an interesting account of their travels on the move from QLD to Tumby Bay with two large dogs in the car. All are now settled and enjoying their new surroundings. Tim encourages everyone to support the Bendigo Bank Branch so that in turn they can support many other community groups in Tumby Bay and the surrounding district. Our next Auxiliary meeting will be held after some entertainment and a shared lunch with the residents at Uringa Hostel on Wednesday 3rd December. This will be our final meeting of the year. Carolyn Thompson Secretary RSL News November/December 2014 Committee for 2013 - 2014 President Daphne Hopping 8688 2495 / 0429 882 495 Vice President Quentin Russ 8688 2603 / 0429 882 603 Secretary Teena Norton-Fahey 8688 2518 / 0429 078 823 Treasurer Brenda Darling 8688 1918 Membership’s Officer Maureen Pool 8688 2274 / 0448 817 278 Booking Officer Brenda Darling 8688 1918 Coming Events AGM: on the 28th November at 8.00pm in the Meeting Room in the RSL Clubrooms, Lipson Road, Tumby Bay. Christmas Tree: keep an eye out for the notices advertising time and date. What Has Been Happening Melbourne Cup Luncheon: what more could you want for a great day out. A delicious lunch, fun and games; a general great day out thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. Congratulations to all the winners on the day also Heather Wishart 1st prize winner of the raffle of a BBQ and Marie who came 2nd with a great set of Solar Garden Lights. Car Boot Sale: perfect weather, a great display from the sellers and huge turn up of buyers. A fantastic effort by all concerned once again. Roll on the next one. Remembrance Day: beautifully presented by Leigh Povey with the Ode In Flanders Fields presented by Robin Hibble from Tumby Bay Area School. Wreathes laid for conflicts from past to present, Lone Scouts, Legacy and Legatees, Women in the Services, the RSL and finally Tumby Bay Area School by students Rohan Fahey and Jack McDonald. Wonderful to see such a large crowd paying their respects and remembering. Birthdays To all our members who will celebrate birthdays in November/December, we extend our best wishes and congratulations to you and wish you good health and happiness for the year ahead. Sick List To those who have been on the sick list we wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you back at the clubrooms soon. Vale To the Baillie families our deepest sympathy on the sad passing of our Affiliate Hilda. We acknowledge the passing of one on the districts icons. CENTERNARY COMMEMORATIONS FOR GALLIPOLI As all would be aware the centenary commemorations for Gallipoli are to be undertaken next year. As a gesture towards this commemoration, all of the Soldier’s Story articles that will be included in the Community News in 2015 will be of local servicemen who were killed in action during World War 1. Want to keep up with what’s happening? Like the RSL on Facebook. Next monthly luncheon: Sunday 30th November. This will be in the form of a BBQ and salads plus desserts. All welcome. Tumby Bay Area School and Community Tumby Bay SACWA 2014 Wellness Walk-a-Thon On Thursday 11th December the school would like to welcome the community and surrounding towns to participate in the 2014 Wellness Walk-a-thon. The walk will commence at 9am, meeting at the school oval. Together we will walk to ski beach and back, returning to the school around 11:30am for a BBQ lunch. The reason behind the walk: 1. To have fun and enjoy the sun 2. To support the community and the school 3. To be active 4. Raise awareness about mental health - The Heart Foundation and Beyond Blue’s research says that 4% of Australian adults and 1 in 16 young Australians suffer from depression and/or anxiety. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare states ‘Regular participation in physical activity improves short and long term psychosocial wellbeing by reducing feelings of stress, anxiety and depression’. The Tumby Bay CWA AGM was held on Wednesday 15th August. President Marie Lally opened the meeting and welcomed nine members. Apologies were received and the roll call was My First Job. These varied from farmhands, shops including electrical shop, record shop, rental shop, bank teller, art director, mining secretary, dressmaking academy. Minutes were read and received. Sandy McCallum is organising the item for the International Day so some time was spent on doing this and those concerned accepting their roles. Volunteers are asked to meet at the Uniting Church hall at 10-30am on the 11th November 2014. Barb Thring gave the craft report. It was decided to donate $1000 to the hospital auxiliary designated specifically for local patient transport. The walk-a-thon will promote cooperation between the community and the school by working together to share the importance of physical activity, socialisation, fresh air and sunlight. Marie Lally then reported on her recent trip to the South Pacific conference held in Dubbo, NSW with 300 delegates from Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands. Raising money: With the help of the Parents and Friends committee from the school we will be selling raffle tickets for Christmas hampers and other prizes. The mayor of Dubbo opened the conference and Governor of NSW was a guest speaker. Other guest speakers were Jock Lawrie from the Land and Water Commission and Jacqueline Robertson, the Minister of Transport. New Guinea women reported that violence against women is a huge problem in their country. Community members participating in the walk will ask to provide a gold coin donation. Donations from appreciated the community in anyway will be Where will the money go? The money will be split between the school and the hospital auxiliary with the funds being used to provide resources that support healthy minds and bodies. If you would like to join us for the walk-a-thon or assist with our fundraising please contact: Hannah Long – Hannah.long840@schools.sa.edu.au Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged Program “Helping Older People With Housing” This service aims to provide assistance to older people to access or maintain safe, secure and affordable housing. It supports them to obtain culturally appropriate care, social companionship and activities, by linking in with Community Services and in home supports. Program Information Session When: Friday 16th January 2015 Time: 2.00pm Location: Senior Citizens Centre Bring a friend and join us for afternoon tea! The group went to Dubbo Zoo, a San Merino sheep stud and the telescope at Parkes. The following day a guest speaker spoke about modern slavery in Australia. Men, women and children are bribed to come with promises of good pay in the sex industry. Once they are here they are housed and fed but no money so they can not escape from their slavery. Most are Asian people and are brought out to Australia and New Zealand to a lifetime of misery and unable to return to their own countries. Meeting ended at 3.30pm and afternoon tea was enjoyed. Competitions Single Bloom 1st Wendy Springbett 2nd Sandy McCallum Multiple Bloom 1st Wendy Springbett 2nd Sandy McCallum A Childhood Treause 1st Joan Winter 2nd Wendy Springbett Raffle was won by Barb Thring. Ivy Edwards Branch Reporter 0499 208 161 *Have You Half a Day to Spare?* Once or twice a month you can volunteer your time at the Tumby Bay Women’s & Children’s Hospital Auxiliary “Op. Shop.” Reminder to all community groups submitting articles for the Community News. All articles MUST be 250 words or less anything longer than this may need prior permission or need to be resubmitted. Please remember to have your articles to Council BEFORE the Friday 12 noon deadline. Please call at the shop between 9.30 and 4.30 to register your interest. Tumby Bay Probus Club Tumby Bay and District Garden Club Tumby Bay Probus Club meeting had a good attendance despite the temperature. Following the usual procedures with apologies and birthdays we had a few items to discuss. Bill Schubert had his name badge pinned on him, we also welcomed Claire Hurrell. On 10th November, 9 members and 2 visitors went by bus to visit Howard’s Rose Garden at Koppio. The roses (although some had been spoilt by Friday’s windy day) were a beautiful sight. Members then went to the Koppio Museum where we had lunch, then held a short meeting. A good look around the museum was then enjoyed by the members. Our Christmas plans have changed and been voted on and accepted, so members please remember for this December we will be having a normal meeting on the 5th December, and will be asking for your choice of menu. PLEASE bring along $20 so we don't have to worry on the day. Please read the newsletter and select your choice for Christmas Luncheon which is to be held: Do not forget the Xmas lunch 12 noon Thursday 11th December. Please pay the Treasurer by 1st December. Friday 19th December 11.30am for a 12 o’clock start at the Football Clubrooms. Tumby Bay Area School Kath Prime reported on the trip to Riding for the Disabled and saw first hand how the volunteers worked with their clients. Then lunch at the Northern and on to Community House where afternoon tea was served. Thank you Kath and Geoff for your planning and to John Lawrie for driving the town bus. Peta Butler attended the State presentation ceremony for the Excellence in Teaching Awards as a regional finalist. We are very proud of Peta’s reputation in the educational community. The Year 10 Youth Opportunities Program concluded with a successful and heartfelt Graduation Ceremony. We firmly believe this program adds excellent value to our leadership program, our school values and vision. The Act Out Loud Project is well underway. The production “Tumby’s Golden Times”, will be staged on Friday, 21st November. The TB Drama Club is also involved. We have a lot of support in kind from the community that adds value to the project. Tickets are on sale from the school office. Peta Butler is coordinating the Kindy to School transition program for 21 new Reception students next year Year 7’s enjoyed a very successful trip to Adelaide supervised by Amanda Partington, Andrew Stanley, Joe Cross and Jason Anesbury. The final assembly for year 12’s occurred on Tuesday 28th October, where our Reception students presented the Year 12’s with certificates and wished them well. The Year 9’s have been on camp at Errappa, in Iron Knob for 3 days of high adventure, again with Amanda Partington, and Steve White (Thanks Steve). On the second to last day of school, Thursday 11th we are holding a ‘Community Wellness Walk’ to raise money for the Hospital and the School. We have a great team in this school and they will continue to work their hardest for your children. Rod Sutherland Principal Helen Hookings was our speaker and is the McGrath Breast Care Nurse in Port Lincoln. What wonderful care and support she gives to all of us, men and women alike as we all can be smitten with this condition. So if you need care Helen is there and she comes to Tumby Bay and other country towns on Eyre Peninsula, so is there for you. Ring 8683 2699 for help and support. Moss Flavel 8688 1834 Tumby Bay Bowling Club Night Owls Every Tuesday at 7.15pm Bar Open Come along and have some fun! NOMOZ Mosquito Larvacide Pellets with Prolink A sustained release product to prevent adult mosquito emergence for domestic use in small water holding containers. Information and free samples available at the Council office. Tumby Bay School Community Library The Big Book Club ~ November selection What Came Before by Anna George November News Can you keep a secret? by Caroline Overington Here are just a few new titles that have just arrived into the library – there are many more. Come for a browse and have a look for a book or magazine. It is free to join the library. We also have a selection of large print books and if you are sight impaired you may borrow hear-a-books. We are now on the One Card Network that gives you access to millions of books, DVDs, CDs and magazines. Don’t forget we also have free access to the internet. Nest by Inga Simpson Adult Fiction Brown, Sandra Burke, James Lee Child, Lee Coben, Harlen Creech, Sarah Cussler, Clive Follett, Ken Gregory, Philippa Hall, Billy Hopkins, Sarah Jacobs, Anna Johansen, Iris Johns, Rachael Kellerman, Jonathan Macgregor, Virginia Macomber, Debbie Mankell, Henning Marillier, Juliet Martin, Jack McEwan, Ian McIntosh, Fiona McKinley, Tamara Miller, Karen Parrett, Favel Reichs, Kathy Rollins, James Simsion, Graeme Smith, Wilbur Treasure, Rachael Mean streak (large print) Wayfaring stranger (large print) Personal Found Season of the dragonflies (large print) The eye of heaven Edge of eternity The king’s curse Duel of shadows (large print) This picture of you Mistress of Greyladies Sight unseen (large print) Outback ghost The golem of Hollywood What Milo saw Love letters (large print) The shadow girls (large print) Dreamer’s pool Wild Bill Williams (large print) The children act Nightingale Savannah Winds The falcon throne When the night comes Bones never lie The 6th extinction (large print) The Rosie effect Desert god Cleanskin cowgirls The Little Big Book Club ~ November selection Baby Bedtime by Mem Fox and Emma Quay I got this hat by Jol and Kate Temple and Jon Foye Jeremy by Chris Faille and Danny Snell BOOK FAIR! In the Library Buy One get One Free 24th—28th November YÊç Ù ®Äò®ã ãÊ Ä òĮĦ ó®ã« TÙ®® SãٮĦ٠Non Fiction Bailee, Carrie Collins, Sophie Courtenay, Bryce Dupuche, Emily Gillard, Julia Hatzikalminios, Connie Hayes, Thea Lee, Marcus Marsh, Bill ‘Swampy’ Guinness world records 2015 Flying on broken wings: a journey of unimaginable betrayal, resilience and hope The art of making shadows: create 100 creatures The silver moon: reflections on life, death and writing Food babies love: a guide to introducing your baby to solids My story Alzheimer’s: reduce your risk & revitalise An outback nurse Trapped: a couple’s journey to hell and back in Dubai Amazing grace: stories of faith and friendship from outback Australia ù SÊçã« AçÝãÙ½®’Ý ÊóÄ TÙ®® SãٮĦ٠T®Ã: 7 Dã: W 3 D LÊã®ÊÄ: T B S C L RSVP: 1 D ‐ 8688 2471 Following the incredible success of Queen of the Road and Right as Rain, Tricia Stringer delivers another hear elt tale, this me set in an isolated community on the Murray River. For more informa on go to harlequinbooks.com.au A Soldier’s Story Written by Geoff Stewart Service No.: Name: Nickname: Medals and Decorations Australian Active Service Medal (ICAT Clasp) Afghanistan Medal Australian Defence Medal NATO Medal (ISAF Clasp) 8537379 Melinda Lee BALDISSERA Milzy Rank: Service: Enlisted: Discharged: Corporal Army 21 January 2008 Still Serving Melinda was born on 4 August 1989 at Tumby Bay to Anthony Baldissera and Judith Helen Baldissera (nee Zwar). There are 4 children in the family, 2 boys and 2 girls, of which she is the second youngest. Her father is a farmer at Ungarra, on the farm named “Garra”, which is the local aboriginal word for “clay flats”. Melinda went to school at Ungarra for her junior schooling (Years R to 7) then to St. Josephs School at Port Lincoln for years 8 – 10, before completing her schooling at Loreto College, Adelaide (Years 11 and 12). On completion of schooling she joined the Army, originally as part of the “Gap Year” scheme, before enlisting for a 6 year period. She was actually very lucky to be able to do this as just before joining the Army she had an unfortunate accident when a high voltage power line fell across a ride on mower she was operating at home on the farm. She received a severe electric shock and is lucky to be alive! Her 12 week basic training was undertaken at 1 Recruit Training Battalion (1RTB), Kapooka (near Wagga Wagga, NSW), at the completion of which she received the “most outstanding recruit” award of the intake. She was then allocated to Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps (RAAOC) and sent to Bandiana (near Albury/Wodonga) for her Corps training where she again excelled, this time being awarded the “student of merit” for the 12 week course. In mid 2008 she was posted to 9th Force Support Battalion at Amberley (Qld) for 6 months; at the completion of this posting she was reposted to 7th Combat Service Support Battalion at Enoggera (Qld) where she remained for 12 months. In March 2010 she deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan, remaining until the end of 2010; in this posting she was responsible for ammunition resupply to ground troops and rotary wing aircraft (helicopters) as well as some Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). At the completion of this tour of duty in December 2010 she was promoted to Lance Corporal and returned to Australia, to take up a position at Enoggera (Qld), where she remained for 12 months. At the end of this posting she was promoted to Corporal and posted to a newly raised unit, a Close Health Company (CHC), also based at Enoggera. The CHC was part of a Close Health Battalion of 3 companies. In this position she again excelled and achieved the RAAOC junior Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) award of the year for 2012. Near the completion of this posting Melinda decided to apply for leave without pay and do some world travelling before returning to her parent’s farm to decide on her future. In her own words “I have enjoyed my time in the Army. I am really pleased in the direction the Military has taken me and do not regret any part of it.” Whatever she decides for the future she wishes to retain close ties with the Army and at the least will transfer to the local Army Reserve unit. Melinda is currently working on the family farm. I was very lucky to be able to talk with her during the “reaping” period. If it was not for the colder and damper weather, earlier in the week, this would not have happened. Melinda has also decided to check out the South Australian Ambulance Service and has already been to a training session at the Tumby Bay Station – here’s hoping for another recruit to this vital organisation. The Sub Branch and I wish this very capable young woman all the best for the future and hope that she does retain her ties with the Military, and of course become a member of the RSL! TUMBY BAY CHURCH TIMES 7TH 14TH 21ST 24TH 25TH 28TH Anglican cnr Lipson & Tennant Street 86882136 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 24th 5.00pm 9.00am Tumby Bay Life Church - Lipson Road Pastor M Bowshall - 8688 2128 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am Catholic Church Street - 8676 2194 10.30am 8.00am 5.00pm 24th 9.00pm 10.30am Christian Centre Elder Lawrie Smith - 8688 2096 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.30am 10.00am Church of Christ Tumby Terrace - 8688 2907 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Church of Christ Ungarra - 8676 7049 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am Lutheran Tumby Bay 8688 8073 10.30am 9.00am 10.30am 25th 10.30am 9.00am 10.30am 24th 9.00pm 25th 10.30am 10.30am DECEMBER Uniting Spencer St Tumby Bay 8688 1222 10.30am 10.30am Church of Christ Church of Christ Uniting Lipson 8688 1222 8.30am Uniting Port Neill 8688 1222 8.30am 10.30am 8.30am TBUC 25th 10.30am Church of Christ 8.30am 8.30am 25th 8.30am 10.30am TBUC 10.30am TBUC Meals on Wheels ~ December 2014 Roster Please find your own replacement and notify Eileen of any changes ~ 8688 1812 / 0427 881 812 MONDAY J. Rehn S. Eaton TUESDAY 1 M. Malcolm M. James T . Swaffer A. Swaffer 8 15 M. Malcolm M. James 9 G. Hales C. Hales 22 H. Ballard C. Harradine 16 N. Richter M. Bishop T. Stringer D. Liddicoat M. Woolford R. Harrowfield C. Fraser K. Lawrie 23 S. Bierwirth P. McKenna 10 S. Dorward B. Roediger J. Stirling H. Ware C. Winter J. Winter 4 R. Lawrie J. Dodd 17 C. Kolosche D. Allen 11 31 5 V. Lockwood M. Poole 12 C. Gosling G. Bawden 18 G. Branford C. Beaton 24 B. Flynn J. Loudon W. Coad R. Hopgood J. Tierney J. Elson B. Ollivier B. Holder 30 FRIDAY T. Simpson R. Fatchen P. Goodes J. Pasquarelli J. Cook A. Cameron 29 3 M. Poole P. Poole J. Plane S. Stubing H. Boylan P. Tressider J. Rehn S. Eaton H. Wishart B. Cameron S. Dorward B. Roediger THURSDAY J. Stirling H. Ware G. Dunn G. Challinger A. Phillis L. Phillis T. Kopman S. Franks 2 T. Stringer D. Liddicoat V. Webb M. Woolford D. Carpenter C. Trezise N. Richter M. Bishop WEDNESDAY D. Hedley J. Hedley 19 D. Hopping P. Darling 25 Christmas Day Holiday 26 Public Holiday November / December 2014 ARMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 20 21 22 23 National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Weight Watchers @ Church of Christ 8.30—10.30am CWA Table Tennis TBAS Street Stall Tai Chi for fitness 11.15am @ Gym Senior Citizens Meeting Cards/Tri-ominos/Pool 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm RSL Club Open from 5.00pm Church Library Open 10am—1pm Wing Chun Tea House 8.30am @ Gym National Trust Museum Open 10am—12noon Croquet 1.30pm National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm Excell Museum Open 2—4pm 29 30 Wing Chun Tea House 8.30am @ Gym National Trust Museum Open 10am—12noon Croquet 1.30pm National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm RSL Club Open for Lunch 24 25 26 27 Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens Bingo 1.30pm @ Port Neill Hall Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Bingo 2pm @ Tumby Bay Hotel Jolly Day 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Singing @ S/Citizens 7.30pm Night Owls 7.15pm Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon Respite to Go 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Fitness for All 9am @ Port Neill Hall Golf Croquet 5pm CWA Craft Day National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Weight Watchers @ Church of Christ 8.30—10.30am CWA Table Tennis 28 Ungarra CWA Street Stall Tai Chi for fitness 11.15am @ Gym Cards/Tri-ominos/Pool 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm RSL Club Open from 5.00pm Church Library Open 10am—1pm TB Floral Art Group Meeting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens Bingo 1.30pm @ Port Neill Hall Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm Art Group Meeting National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Bingo 2pm @ Tumby Bay Hotel Jolly Day 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Night Owls 7.15pm Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon Respite to Go 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Fitness for All 9am @ Port Neill Hall Golf Croquet 5pm Red Cross Bus Trip Hospital Auxiliary Meeting National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Weight Watchers @ Church of Christ 8.30—10.30am CWA Table Tennis Tai Chi for fitness 11.15am @ Gym Probus 10am—12noon @ Senior Citizen Clubrooms Cards/Tri-ominos/Pool 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm RSL Club Open from 5.00pm Church Library Open 10am—1pm Wing Chun Tea House 8.30am @ Gym National Trust Museum Open 10am—12noon Croquet 1.30pm National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 COUNCIL MEETING 9am Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon Respite to Go 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Fitness for All 9am @ Port Neill Hall Golf Croquet 5pm TB Progress Association Meeting 7pm National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Weight Watchers @ Church of Christ 8.30—10.30am CWA Table Tennis Wellness Walk-a-Thon Newsletter Deadline 12noon Tai Chi for fitness 11.15am @ Gym Cards/Tri-ominos/Pool 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm RSL Club Open from 5.00pm Church Library Open 10am—1pm Wing Chun Tea House 8.30am @ Gym National Trust Museum Open 10am—12noon Croquet 1.30pm National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm Excell Museum Open 2—4pm Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens Bingo 1.30pm @ Port Neill Hall Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm Tumby Bay Garden Club Meeting National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Bingo 2pm @ Tumby Bay Hotel Jolly Day 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Singing @ S/Citizens 7.30pm Night Owls 7.15pm 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens Bingo 1.30pm @ Port Neill Hall Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm Lions Club Meeting National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Bingo 2pm @ Tumby Bay Hotel Jolly Day 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Night Owls 7.15pm Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 10am—5 pm Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon Respite to Go 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Fitness for All 9am @ Port Neill Hall Golf Croquet 5pm Tumby Bay CWA Meeting National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Weight Watchers @ Church of Christ 8.30—10.30am CWA Table Tennis Tai Chi for fitness 11.15am @ Gym Senior Citizens Meeting Cards/Tri-ominos/Pool 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm RSL Club Open from 5.00pm Church Library Open 10am—1pm Wing Chun Tea House 8.30am @ Gym National Trust Museum Open 10am—12noon Croquet 1.30pm National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm
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