_______________________________________________________________ Longitude Place, Whitby, PORIRUA 5024

Longitude Place, Whitby,
Tel: 04 234-7220, Fax: 04 234-7113
Newsletter No 18 – Thursday 20 Nov 2014
Dear Parents / Caregivers Intro Last week was significant in the life of Adventure School in that we recognised and celebrated the fact that we are 25 years old. We celebrated the occasion last Friday and there will be a more fulsome report later in this newsletter. We are into week six of the term which means there are only four weeks left. It is hard to believe that we are so close to the end of another school year and that there is another wonderful group of year eight school leavers that we have to say goodbye to. Chromebooks and iPads Many of you will be aware that we have been investing a considerable amount of energy and resources this year into getting our digital learning infrastructure up to scratch. The last phase of this has just been completed with the successful upgrade of our wired and wireless network. The deployment of digital learning tools continues and will continue next year. A major component of this will involve the deployment of more Chromebooks in Totara and Rimu and iPads in Nikau and Kowhai syndicates. This initiative goes hand in hand with the rolling out of individualised Google Apps for Education Accounts to all students from Year 4 to Year 8. BYOD (bring your own device) is an approach that many schools adopt for a number of reasons including the continuity of learning beyond the classroom and as a cost effective way of introducing more technology into schools. BYOD takes many forms and can be implemented in a number of ways. But in essence it offers the opportunity for parents to supply a device, which their child then uses exclusively. We have been approached by a couple of parents over the last few weeks asking if it is ok for them to buy Chromebooks for their children. Whilst we are a few meetings and many discussions away from offering any definitive statement about BYOD, at this stage I can offer the following advice with regard to next year: 1. The school / board will be making a decision around some form of BYOD programme. 2. This programme will not be mandatory. 3. Our preference will be that parents supply Chromebooks. Whilst point one hopefully comes as no surprise and point two possibly comes as some relief, point three perhaps requires some further explanation. Chromebooks are a relatively cheap and effective way of accessing the myriad of online tools and digital learning environments that we will be using next year. They don’t have quite as many features as more conventional laptops, but this can actually be an advantage; especially when it comes to reliability, start up time and managing updates. All the major colleges that we have approached actively promote the use of Chromebooks. If you are considering a Chromebook, please feel free to email Mark Hughes at mhughes@adventure.school.nz and he will be happy to provide you with advice on specifications and models. He can also supply you with a link to one of our own school suppliers of digital technology ‐ Cyclone Computers. They are able to offer the make and model we use at school at a price below retail ($365 ex GST) and also offer a 3‐year warranty and a carry case. I would like to reiterate however that you shouldn’t feel compelled to purchase one this Christmas, I’m sure that you are already under enough pressure from your dear little angels to fill stockings with any number of gifts. John Wootton / Mark Hughes Cushion Concert Our Cushion Concert will take place next Thursday 27th. We see the Cushion Concert as one of those low key, nice to do things that will just celebrate the coming of Christmas in a gathering of the school community to join together and sing a few songs and watch some syndicate items. Year 4 & 5 students are taking the opportunity to fundraise for the Rimu camp in March next year. They will be running a Sausage Sizzle and selling cupcakes before the concert starts and would also gratefully accept any gold coin donations. The concert will go from 6pm to 7pm. The organisation for the evening will be as such: •
5 – 5.45pm Sausage Sizzle and cupcakes for sale outside the Hall Coffee Cart available, in the same area as the Sausage Ssizzle down by the Hall 5.45pm a bell will ring and the children will meet in their syndicates All syndicates will take their place in the concert area in the quadrangle around Rimu syndicate Children will sit with their syndicates for the duration of the concert We ask that children be in their school uniforms Parents will sit in close proximity to the syndicates so that they can join in the singing Song sheets provided Elen Thomas In the last newsletter we incorrectly acknowledged the wrong Elen for her achievements in gymnastics. Our apologies for this error Elen. Elen Thomas was part of the Twisters squad from Bigair Gymsports who recently brought home 11 medals and a cup from the National Championships in Auckland! Fantastic effort Elen. The team also featured in a recent issue of the Kapi Mana News. Christmas meat orders A reminder that orders for Christmas meat close on Monday 24 November. Delivery will be made to school on Thursday 11 December. Please contact the office if you would like another order form. Thank you to Tania Elder on the PTNi for co‐ordinating this. Appointments for 2015 Last week we made three appointments for 2015. We employed a senior teacher to lead Rimu syndicate and two scale A positions. These positions fill the vacancies left by Erica Whittaker’s move to Tauranga, Nicky Dott’s move to a senior position at Papakowhai School and Anna Seward’s move to Amesbury School. Anna Bullock Anna will lead Rimu Syndicate. Anna comes to us from Maidstone Intermediate where she has been a senior teacher and syndicate leader for the last six years, leading syndicate teams of up to six classes. Jennifer Dee Jennifer comes to us from Scots College. Jenn is currently teaching in the Primary area of Scots but she has extensive classroom teaching experience ranging from Year 9 – 10 Science at Porirua College to Year I – 2 primary school students. Michelle Kevern Michelle comes to us from Southland Girls High where she teaches at year 7 / 8 level. Jubilee Our Jubilee celebration was a great success. Any principal would have been proud of the way our students engaged in the programme and performed as a school, as listeners and participants in the event. I received a great deal of positive feedback from current and past community members, ex principals, ex staff members and ex board members; all were effusive in their praise of our students. The celebration, which was superbly hosted by Lucy Roughan and Adam Catherall, included addresses from inaugural principal Juliette Foster, focusing on the schools early history, a lovely speech to our students from current Board Chair Jenny Miller and two outstanding addresses from year eight pupils Akira Ieremia and Cassandra Amer. The celebration was opened by a fantastic welcome from our Kapa Haka group and featured a performance by our superb ArtSplash dance group, an example of dance from our Year 7 / 8 Senior Ball and a recital from our Ukulele ensemble. These performances were interspersed with school songs. A highlight at the end was the cutting of the 25th Jubilee Cake (a magnificent specimen) by Juliette Foster and our youngest pupil Flynn Mitchell. I found the whole celebration uplifting and I know a number of people made significant contributions but there are a few people who I especially want to thank. First of all, Shona Elgar and Juliette Foster for driving the event from the start and then Shona Elgar, Fiona Albiston, Treena Cooper and Tania Cox, as the steering committee that kept everything focused and real. There were a number of parents who helped with the afternoon tea and the tidy up afterwards thanks to all of you. A selection of Jubilee Photos is attached Nikau Zoo Visit Last Wednesday and Thursday Nikau syndicate participated in the traditional zoo trip which happens once every two years. The children meet at the Zoo at 7pm and stay overnight, returning to school at lunchtime the following day. The syndicate is split, with one half staying overnight on the Wednesday the other half on the Thursday. I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in the Thursday night walk around the Zoo (a totally new experience for me). This is an outstanding learning experience. I was struck by the absolute engagement of our students, the intelligent questioning of the Zoo Keepers, the application of digital tools (iPads) integral to the learning experience and of course the outstanding behaviour of our kids. The children and staff were supported by a great bunch of parents who got as much out of the experience as the kids. The parent engagement was exemplified by Rob Old turning up in a full size tiger skin onesie (where does one purchase such an item Rob?!) The quote of the night which seemed to sum up the whole experience was Anish Cook, in the gathering gloom walking purposefully with his iPad; “just how much fun is this?” The statement was rhetorical. Thanks Zita and your Nikau team and the parents that accompanied you on both nights. Community Notices Come and join All Black Conard Smith at the So They Can Fun Run on Sunday 7th of December from 10am to 2pm at Newtown Park, Wellington. WIN the opportunity to run with Conrad, Kate McIlroy or Katrina Grant in their team in the Celebrity Relay Race. WIN a visit to your school by Conrad. The school that has the most children attending on the day will win this prize. WIN the right to attend the VIP Meet and Greet Celebrity Breakfast with Kate, Katrina and Conrad on the morning of the event by raising over $200 for SO THEY CAN in sponsorship/donations. All information and booking available at www.sotheycan.org Tickets available through Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/so‐they‐can‐fun‐run‐tickets‐13980438869 Facebook for regular updates on the run: www.facebook.com/sotheycan.org” Tyrannosaurs – King of the Dinosaurs Thursday 20 November, 7‐8.30pm at the Soundings Theatre, Level 2, Te Papa. Adults $25, children $10. Hear all about tyrannosaurs from world renown dinosaur expert Dr Thomas Holtz, visiting from the United States. How did these terrifying creatures evolve, live – and die out? Holtz takes you on a fascinating journey to explore the origins of tyrannosaurs, the environment in which they lived, their adaptations, their feeding habits and more. Junior Twilight Summer Football at Alex Moore Park We have just opened the registrations for the term 1, 2015! You WILL be able to play football during the WHOLE SUMMER! The 2015 season will kick off on the 15th of February, but, responding to interest, we have already opened the registrations! The 2015 competition will run for 8 weeks, until the 30th of March and STILL ONLY $80 per team! So, three grades in the league, being 8yrs and under, 10yrs and under and 12yrs and under. Boys and Girls. It will be happening on Mondays, and also Wednesdays depending on interest. Teams are simple to manage with games played at the same time and place every week. Check it out! If you want to know more, register, or check the Junior Twilight Summer Football, click HERE! Triathlon – Introductory Skills Clinic To kick‐start the summer season the Wellington Triathlon Club coaches, Gerrard Smith and Jenny Rose have designed a Triathlon Introductory Skills Clinic that includes: ∙ Skill and technique training in all 3 disciplines: swim, bike, and run ∙ Discussions around triathlon rules, preparing for events, and how to get started in the sport ∙ Training tips and advice ∙ The opportunity to meet and connect with others starting out in the sport Register now – only $25. Register at: https://regonline.activeglobal.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1630717 Or, by clicking here: or by clicking here>> or going to the Wellington Triathlon Club Website Spaces are limited to 20 athletes so get in quick! Key Information: ∙ Athletes Aged 11‐14 years ∙ 30 November 2014, 9am to 12pm ∙ Swim at Freyberg pool; Cycle & run at Hataitai Velodrome Prerequisites To join these sessions you will need: ∙ Togs and goggles for swimming (in the pool only – no wetsuit) ∙ The ability to swim 100m or more continuously ∙ Your own bike and cycling‐suitable helmet ∙ Running shoes and clothing ∙ Bring a drink bottle, and maybe a snack All abilities are welcome whether a first timer or not – everyone will learn plenty and have fun in the process. Note for Parents We will NOT be riding on the road – riding will occur at the Haitaitai Velodrome. Parents/caregivers will be required to transport children and bikes from Freyberg pool to the Hataitai Velodrome during this session. For more information: Call Gerrard on 021 39 09 61 or Jenny on 027 24 23 527 Ladies High Tea – St Mary’s Anglican Church, Whitby. 3.00 pm Sunday 30 November. All monies raised will go to St Anne’s Pantry Porirua. No set fee, please donate what you can. Bring some cash for raffles! RSVP: Friday 21 November – Lucy Creighton babycry@xtra.co.nz Impo
ortant Daates for Y
Your Calendar Pleasee be awaree some deetails may change Check thee website ffor update
es Fridaay 21 Novem
mber Schoool Assembly 2pm (Totarra Syndicatee hosting) Sausagge Sizzle Book oorders close
e – last for tthe year Tuessday 25 Novvember Road Patrol Fun D
Day oana Cricket Years 5‐8 Parumo
Paren t Help Morning Tea Wed
dnesday 26 November Leadeership Confe
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me Year 7 sttudents) Thurrsday 27 No
ovember Years 5‐8 Parumo
oana Cricket postpone ment day CUSHIION CONCEERT @6.00pm Fridaay 28 Novem
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oses for sto
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nday 1 Deceember BOT M
Meeting 7pm
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Kowhaai Carol Singging (Rest H
Home/ Malll) Wed
dnesday 3 D
December Kowhaai Syndicate
e Interviewss Kowhaai Information Evening
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2pm Fridaay 5 December Kowhaai Tree Trim
mming Schoool Prize‐givin
ng @ 1.30pm
m Mon
nday 8 Deceember Totaraa Camp (Teaapot Valley, Nelson – rreturn Fridaay) Wed
dnesday 10 December Nikau Beach trip
Fridaay 12 Decem
mber Schoool Assembly 2pm (Rimu
u Syndicate hosting) Mon
nday 15 Deccember Kapa H
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on 2pm Tuessday 16 Deccember Nikau Fun Swim
Totaraa Leavers Dinner (6pm @ Mana Crruising Club
b) End off Year Repo
orts sent home Wed
dnesday 17 December Rimu Fun Swim Thurrsday 18 December Final A
Assembly 11.00am Schoool closes 12.30pm Fridaay 19 Decem
mber Teachher Only Dayy