November Special Meeting for the Presidio Municipal Development District Thursday, November 20, 2014 5:00 P.M. Presidio Activity Center 1400 W. O'Reilly St. Presidio, Texas 79845 QUORUM CHECK Jake Giesbrecht, President Lorenzo Hernandez, Vice President Theo Escontrias, Treasurer David Piaz, Board Member David Mills, Board Member Special meetings require 4 members present for quorum to be established. • CALL TO ORDER NEW BUSINESS B. Discussion /Action on calling for RFP on concession operation of the PMDD Visitor's Center. Members participate in the Presidio- Ojinaga International Port of Entry 2" Public Hearing. C. ADJOURN A. I CERTIFY THE ABOVE NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING WAS POSTED IN THE DISPLAY CASE NEAR THE FRONT DOOR OF CITY HALL, THE PRESIDIO ACTIVITY CENTER AND WWW.PRESIDIOTX.US ON MONDAY, NOV. 16, 2014 BY 1 pm. Brad Newton Executive Director The Presidio Municipal Development District Reserves the Right to Adjourn Into Executive Session at Any Time During the Course of this Meeting to Discuss Any of the Matters Listed Above, as Authorized by the Texas Government Code including, but not limited to, Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations About Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices), 551.087(Economic Development) and 418.183 (Deliberations about Homeland Security Issues). This facility is wheelchair accessible and parking spaces are available. Request for accommodations must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact City Hall at 432/229-3517, FAX 432/2293505, or email for further information. (Ai _ :-_---- - Texas iirDepartment of Transportation PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Presidio-Ojinaga International Port of Entry Project From United States Highway 67 (U.S. 67) and Puerto Rico Street To the International Demarcation Line on the Rio Grande CSJ: 0924-07-010, CSJ: 0104-10-006 The County of Presidio and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) El Paso District will conduct a 2' public meeting for the Presidio-Ojinaga International Port of Entry Project in Presidio, Presidio County, Texas. The public meeting will be held on: Thursday, November 20, 2014 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. (CST) Presentation: 6:00 p.m. Presidio Activity Center- Gym 1200 East O'Reilly St., Presidio, Texas The purpose of the meeting is to provide information about the proposed project and gather input from the public. Maps of the project area and other displays will be available for review and comment. TxDOT staff will be available to answer questions. All materials will be presented in English and Spanish. The meeting will consist of an Open House. The Open House will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Gym of the Presidio Activity Center, 1200 East O'Reilly Street. The purpose of the project is to construct a facility that would improve the movement of both personal and commercial traffic, reduce congestion and bridge wait times, facilitate the continued free flow of commodities between the United States and Mexico and improve safety. In order to satisfy the purpose and need of the proposed project, four alternatives have been developed, including a No Build Alternative. Alternative 1 would add capacity to the existing structure in the form of two additional travel lanes and a walkway immediately adjacent to the new travel lanes, Alternative 2 would construct a parallel twin two lane bridge structure for southbound traffic, and Alternative 3 would construct a two lane bridge structure for southbound traffic on new location. Alternative 4 is the No Build Alternative. In addition, the proposed improvements would include a new United States (U.S.) toll plaza and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspection facility. The CBP inspection plaza would allow the movement of goods between the U.S. and Mexico. Improvements would also include the approach roadway on the U.S. side. During the Public Meeting. exhibits showing the alternatives. typical sections, and other project information will be available for review. Project team members will be available to discuss the proposed project and answer questions for the duration of the meeting. A formal presentation on the proposed project will begin at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be conducted in English and simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be provided. Persons interested in attending who have special communication or accommodation needs are encouraged to contact Ramon Carrasco, P.E. at 432-664-9057 at least five working days prior to the meeting. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate other special needs, as required. Verbal and written comments from the public regarding this project are encouraged. Comments may be submitted either at the public meeting or in writing within 10 days after the public meeting and must be postmarked by Monday, December 1, 2014 to be included as part of the official public record. Written comments may be mailed after the public meeting to the Presidio-Ojinaga International Port of Entry Project, Attention: Daniel Rios, P.E., S&B Infrastructure. LTD. at 5408 North 10 th St. in McAllen, Texas 78504. Comments may also be sent electronically by facsimile to 956-994-0427 or e-mailed to .
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