JERSEY EISTEDDFOD DANCE SECTION COMPETITION - 2014 Monday 17 November - Saturday 22 November 2014 – Jersey Opera House ADJUDICATOR - 2014 Mr Geoff Lucas The Executive Council shall have power to appoint substitute Adjudicators in the place of any who may be unable to fulfil the engagement due to illness or other unforeseen causes. DANCE SECTION CONTACTS Chairman: Mrs Sandra Mathew, Orchard Close, La Grande Route de St Clement, Jersey, JE2 6QN Tel: 01534 851192, Email: Secretary: Mrs Helen Racjan, The Barn, Les Champs du Chemin, La Rue Des Platons, Trinity, Jersey, JE3 5AA, Tel: 01534 863808, Email: EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF THE JERSEY EISTEDDFOD – OFFICIAL NOTICES DATA PROTECTION (JERSEY) LAW 2005: To ensure confidentiality and privacy, all processing will be carried out under the requirements of the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2005. This information may be disclosed and used outside the Jersey Eisteddfod where it is considered to be in the competitor’s best interest. Should you require us to seek individual consent to these disclosures, please advise the General Administrator in writing. DISCLAIMER: The Executive Council of the Jersey Eisteddfod does not accept any liability in respect of any person attending the venues used throughout the Festival. Minors are the responsibility of their parent, guardian or teacher at all times. The rules of the Jersey Opera House, the Arts Centre and any other venue shall prevail in respect of backstage access for any purpose. PHOTOGRAPHS: It is common practice for names and photographs to be published in the local media when the Jersey Eisteddfod holds either of its two Festivals. If you have any concerns in this regard, please contact the General Administrator or Section Chairman who will ensure that your wishes are respected. COMPETITORS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Teachers and parents should be aware of their responsibilities in entering performers with limited capabilities or special needs, bearing in mind the limitations imposed by the stage and the surrounding environment. Teachers or parents should pass on to the Adjudicator, via the organisers, any relevant information which might have an impact on the Adjudicator’s task. UNATTENDED PROPERTY: The Executive Council of the Jersey Eisteddfod will not be responsible for the loss of any articles of value left in the theatre, either Backstage or Front of house. INSURANCE: The Executive Council of the Jersey Eisteddfod does not hold insurance for Competitors’ property. The responsibility for insuring personal property (e.g.: Musical instruments, furniture, theatrical "properties", etc.) rests with the Competitor. Page 1 of 9 1. CONDITIONS OF ENTRY • Entry into individual, duet and trio classes is governed by age, the maximum age being 20 on 1st September. Age details are shown by each class in the syllabus • Age is reckoned as on 1st September in the year of the competition • In Duet and Trio classes the age is to be reckoned by the older child • Age for all Group Dance entries is: Junior 7-12 years. Open 7- 21 years. As on 1st September. Excluding School Groups and Clubs and Associations classes. Ages for these are detailed on Page 7 of the Syllabus. • Substitutes in Duets, Trios and Groups are permitted; however, the organisers must be notified on the day of performance of the name of the substitute and who they are substituting. All Conditions of Entry will apply to Substitute Dancers • If the Title of a performance is not given on the Entry Form then this will not be entered into the programme, read out by the announcer or detailed on the competitor’s report and certificate • Competitors may be required to prove their ages • Competitors must be non-professional residents of the Channel Islands. 2. CONDITIONS OF PERFORMANCE • All competitors must be entered by a qualified registered dance teacher resident in the Channel Islands. • Competitors in the school open group classes may only be entered by their school • Competitors in the clubs and associations open group class may only be entered by their club • Competitors are allowed to enter a maximum of five solo classes only • No competitor under 13 years of age is allowed pointe work in any section • Competitors may only perform once in any solo, duet or trio numbered class. A competitor can enter once in the Classical duet section and then once in the Theatre duet section for their age group. • Competitors may perform in multiple groups in any group class. • Competitors in Ballet classes may wear a suitable style of costume instead of a classical tutu if so desired • Groups must consist of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 40 competitors • Tap is debarred except in Song and Dance classes over 8 years and Tap Solo, Group classes, Duets and Trios • No singing is permitted during any other Group Section other than the Song and Dance Group Section • All recordings may be used at the discretion of the teachers. • All teachers using recorded music should have each dance recorded on a separate CD (or other recording source in accordance with future backstage availability) and cued up in the correct position for immediate reproduction • All teachers must have a spare back-up copy of each dance at the competition venue ready to be used should the original prove faulty. • It is a legal requirement (copyright) that sheet music used on stage MUST BE ORIGINAL. • No rehearsals will be permitted on the stage at any time. • Special lighting effects are not permitted for any performance (solo or group) • No bubbles, talc, fresh flowers or props etc may be used during a performance that requires the stage to be swept after use or that could cause any injury to other competitors. • All performers are required to put their own props on stage, unless they are too young. • After entries are closed, the order shall be decided by date of birth of the competitors in each class, with the youngest listed first. This may not apply to class 401 and 402 or to group classes. • Any competitor failing to appear in his/her turn without a valid reason may be disqualified. • Competitors will only be allowed backstage during the class in which they are competing. • Only authorised officials may remain at the side of the stage during any competition • Marks of competitors placed first in all classes (other than Groups) who have obtained a Silver or Gold certificate (84 marks or above) will be withheld until the last session, when competitors will be required to dance again in the Gala to compete for the relevant final award. Competitors placed first in a class Page 2 of 9 • • • • • • but who receive less than 84 marks will not be required to dance for an award, but will have their marks given out at the end of the relevant class The Adjudicator has the authority to “tie” a First Place thus enabling the competitors to perform again in the Gala. The Adjudicator has the jurisdiction to increase a competitor’s mark on their Gala performance (even if there is a “tie” for First Place). No original marks can be lowered. The running order of the Gala will be advised as soon as possible after the last session class. In no circumstances will the making of unofficial sound, video, digital or still photographic recordings be permitted at any performance presented or organised by The Council of the Jersey Eisteddfod Competitor(s) and the musical accompanist will be admitted free of charge to those sessions in which they are taking part No spectator will be admitted into the auditorium during a performance SONGS FROM THE SHOWS – VOCAL AND DANCE ENTRIES All performances using music from shows in current production are subject to copyright law. Songs from shows in current production may be sung as a concert item. i.e., with no costume or movement without need for copyright permission. Where movement or costume is included in a performance copyright permission is required and the Festival Committee accepts these entries on the basis that the appropriate copyright permission has been sought. Performers or teachers with queries on how to obtain copyright permission for performance items before making their entries should contact Festivals House on 0906 302 130 - calls cost maximum of 50p per minute. 3. MARKING Certificates will be awarded at the discretion of the Adjudicator on the following basis: OUTSTANDING DISTINCTION COMMENDED MERIT FAIR 90 marks + 87-89 marks 84-86 marks 80-83 marks 75-79 marks Platinum Certificate Gold Certificate Silver Certificate Bronze Certificate Copper Certificate The decision of the Adjudicator shall be final Only class winners achieving a mark of 84 or above will be permitted to dance for an award at the Gala Concert 4. TIME LIMITS – Up to a maximum of: Class 401 2 minutes All ballet solos under 13 2 minutes All other solo classes (excluding Song & Dance) 2 ½ minutes Song and Dance class under 7 2 ½ minutes Song and Dance classes under 13 3 minutes Song and Dance classes 13 and over 3 ½ minutes Duets and Trios 3 ½ minutes Groups 8 minutes Page 3 of 9 Timing commences at the beginning of the performance by the competitor, and not necessarily the first step or the first note of music. Time Penalties If the time of a dance is 10 seconds over the official time limit then one point will be deducted from the participant’s final mark. A further point will be deducted from the participant’s final mark for any additional 5 seconds that are over the time limit or part thereof. 5. TROPHIES & SECTION AWARDS Trophies and Section Awards (except for Group Awards) will be competed for and presented at the Gala Concert on the final evening. All class winners who have achieved 84 marks or more will be required to compete at the Gala Concert on the final night. Class winners who have achieved fewer than 84 marks will not be permitted to compete for an award, but will have their marks given out at the end of the relevant class. Trophies won during the previous Dance Section must be returned to the competitor's teacher no later than (see entry date on front of Syllabus). Competitors who do not return their trophy/ies will have entry refused. 6. DISPUTES In the case of any dispute where the Adjudicator is unable to resolve the issue, an Arbitration Committee shall be convened to settle the matter. The Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman/or Secretary, together with one of the Executive Officers acting as Chairman. The dispute shall be submitted by the competitor in writing with a £5 deposit. The deposit will not be refunded if the dispute is deemed to be petty or unreasonable by the committee. 7. ABSENTEEISM/CANCELLATION The teacher of a competitor/s who is/are unable to attend the competition entered must notify the Officials on duty prior to the commencement of the relevant session 8. ENTRY FEES SOLOS £5.00 DUETS £8.00 total TRIOS £9.00 total DANCE GROUPS £1.00 per child ENTRY FESS FOR PRIMARY & SECONDARY SCHOOLS / CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONS GROUPS CONTAINING: 1 – 10 COMPETITORS £10.00 11-20 COMPETITORS £15.00 20 + COMPETITORS £20.00 ENTRY FORMS are at the back of this syllabus and may be photocopied or sent by email to the Hon. Secretary. 9. FINAL ENTRY DAY The final date for entries is FRIDAY 26 SEPTEMBER 2014. 3.30 – 7.30 pm at the Town Hall Advance entries may be forwarded by email or posted to the Hon. Secretary (see address at the front of the Syllabus). Page 4 of 9 DETAILS OF DANCE SECTION CLASSES CLASS ENTRANCE FEE 401 Solo Dance Section Solo Dance, (Tap debarred) 6 years and under £5.00 402 Nursery Rhyme Section Nursery Rhyme or any suitable song and dance, 7 years and under 5.00 403 404 405 406 407 National Section National 6, 7, 8 years National 9, 10 years National 11, 12 years National 13, 14, 15 years National 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 years 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 408 409 410 411 412 Ballet Section Ballet 6, 7, 8 years Ballet 9, 10 years Ballet 11, 12 years Ballet 13, 14, 15 years Ballet 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 years 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 413 414 415 416 417 Greek Section Greek 6, 7, 8 years Greek 9, 10 years Greek 11, 12 years Greek 13, 14, 15 years Greek 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 years 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 418 419 420 421 422 Character/ Demi-Character Section Character 6, 7, 8 years Character 9, 10 years Character 11, 12 years Character 13, 14, 15 years Character 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 years 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 423A 423B 423C 423D Hip Hop & Street Section Hip Hop & Street 9, 10 years Hip Hop & Street 11, 12 years Hip Hop & Street 13, 14, 15 years Hip Hop & Street 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 years 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 424A 424B 424C 424D 424E Modern Musical Section Modern Musical 6, 7, 8 years Modern Musical 9, 10 years Modern Musical 11, 12 years Modern Musical 13, 14, 15 years Modern Musical 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 years 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Page 5 of 9 425A 425B 425C 425D 425E Tap Section Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap 426A 426B 427A 427B Song and Dance Section Song and Dance Own Choice Song and Dance Own Choice Song and Dance Own Choice Song and Dance Own Choice 428A 428B Duet Section Duet Duet 8 years and under - Classical 8 years and under - Theatre 8.00 8.00 429A 429A Duet Duet 9, 10, 11, 12 years - Classical 9, 10, 11, 12 years - Theatre 8.00 8.00 430A 430B Duet Duet 13, 14, 15 years - Classical 13, 14, 15 years - Theatre 8.00 8.00 430C 430D Duet Duet 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 years - Classical 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 years – Theatre 8.00 8.00 431A 431B Trio Section Trio Trio Open - Classical Open – Theatre 9.00 9.00 432A 432B Group Ballet Section Group Ballet Junior, 7-12 years Group Ballet Open, 7-21 years (per child) 1.00 (per child) 1.00 433A 433B Group Greek Section Group Greek Junior, 7-12 years Group Greek Open, 7-21 years (per child) 1.00 (per child) 1.00 434A 434B Group National Section Group National Junior, 7-12 years Group National Open 7-21 years (per child) 1.00 (per child) 1.00 435A 435B Group Character Section Group Character Junior, 7-12 years Group Character Open, 7-21 years (per child) 1.00 (per child) 1.00 436A 436B Group Song and Dance Section Group Song and Dance Junior, 7-12 years Group Song and Dance Open, 7-21 years (per child) 1.00 (per child) 1.00 6, 7, 8 years 9, 10 years 11, 12 years 13, 14, 15 years 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 years 8, 9 years 10, 11, 12 years 13, 14, 15 years 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 years 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Page 6 of 9 437A 437B Group Modern Section Group Modern Junior, 7-12 years Group Modern Open, 7-21 years (per child) £1.00 (per child) 1.00 438A 438B Group Tap Section Group Tap Junior, 7-12 years Group Tap Open, 7-21 years (per child) 1.00 (per child) 1.00 439A 439B Group – Hip Hop / Street Section Group Hip Hop/Street Junior 7-12 years Group Hip Hop/Street Open 7–21 years 440A Primary School Group Section Group – Any Genre Primary Age 7 – 11 years See Entry Fees Section 440B Secondary School Group Section Group – Any Genre of Dance – Secondary Age 11–18 years See Entry Fees Section Clubs and Associations Group Section Group – Any Genre of Dance Open 7-21 years See Entry Fees Section 441 (per child) 1.00 (per child) 1.00 CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES FRIDAY 26 SEPTEMBER 2014 TIME: 4 – 7.30 pm TOWN HALL, ST HELIER. Entries may be posted to the Secretary (postal address detailed on Page 1) to arrive before the closing date Page 7 of 9 SPECIAL AWARDS THE ANNETTE PERKINS TROPHY Junior Ballet THE ANGELA BURNET-CRAIGIE CUP Senior Ballet THE JERSEY ACADEMY CUP Junior Character or Demi-Character THE MADELEINE LE RICHE CUP Senior Character or Demi-Character THE MONICA NOEL TROPHY Junior Greek THE FLORENCE BURNET-CRAIGIE CUP Senior Greek THE TEDDY NOEL TROPHY Junior National THE MOLLY RADCLIFFE TROPHY Senior National THE ANNE- MARIE JACKSON TROPHY Junior Modern Musical THE IRENE PLYMEN TROPHY Senior Modern Musical THE CAROUSEL SCHOOL OF DANCING CUP Junior Tap FIRST TOWER SCHOOL OF DANCING SHIELD Senior Tap THE SANDRA MATHEW TROPHY Solo Dance 6 years and under THE JOAN LE SUEUR MEMORIAL BRONZE MEDAL Nursery Rhyme or Song and Dance 7 years and under THE MARY GALLICHAN TROPHY Song & Dance 8 -12 years THE LIZ ROBINSON SCHOOL OF DANCING TROPHY Song & Dance 13-20 years THE HELEN RACJAN JUNIOR DUET AWARDS Duets – 13 years and under THE MARY WALLEDGE TROPHY Duets – 20 years and under THE GERALDINE DES FORGES AWARD Trios THE VALERIE GUY TROPHY Greek Groups THE CULLINANE SHIELD Ballet Groups THE VALERIE RENOUF CHALLENGE CUP National Groups THE VALERIE RENOUF MEMORIAL SHIELD Modern Groups THE PAT MACDONALD SHIELD Tap Groups THE GUY LE SUEUR TROPHY Character Groups Page 8 of 9 THE ST OUEN’S SCHOOL OF DANCING TROPHY Song and Dance Groups SCHOOL SECTION AWARD School Groups THE RENOUF FAMILY TROPHY To be awarded to the competitor under 13 years with the highest aggregate marks of three solos, one of which must be Ballet. In the event of a tie, the Adjudicator’s decision is final. THE CHRISTINE BECKETT MEMORIAL TROPHY To be awarded to the competitor aged 13 years or over with the highest aggregate marks of three solos, one of which must be Ballet. In the event of a tie, the Adjudicator's decision is final. THE DOMINIC SHAW TROPHY To be awarded to the most promising boy competitor. THE IRENE BUHTS CUP To be awarded to the competitor under 13 years showing the most promise of future achievement. THE JEANNETTE BOIELLE AWARD For the most outstanding performance. NB: All special awards, with the exception of the Irene Buhts Cup, to be awarded to the competitor gaining the highest mark in the particular section. Page 9 of 9
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