Paulist Press Info @ Mary in Scripture, Liturgy, and the

Info @ Paulist Press
A v. 20 4
# 1114
Mary in Scripture,
Liturgy, and the
Catholic Tradition
René Laurentin
In this engaging book renowned Marian scholar René
Laurentin examines the invigorating presence of Mary in
the mystery of the redemption that is at the heart of the
life of the church. The author contemplates her presence
in the course of Scripture, human and ecclesial history,
the church fathers, the mystics, and others. He not only
wants to transmit his love of the Virgin Mary, but the
actualization of these words at the foot of the cross: “This
is your mother.” Devotees of Mary will find this to be an
enlightening and spiritually edifying read.
“Mary’s presence is permanent, and universal, in the sense that nothing is outside of her
grasp, as she participates in the divine life at the heart of her commitment to humankind.
More specifically, nothing is beyond her, neither at the time of Salvation, nor in the work of
Salvation where God has involved her from the start: the Incarnation....The grace of Mary’s
presence is free and comes in many forms; let us ask that each of us welcome it as such in the
freedom of the children of God.”
—from the book
René Laurentin is a priest, theologian, historian, and journalist. He has taught in universities in France
as well as the U.S. and Italy. A member of the Theological Pontifical University in Rome, he has dedicated the majority of his life to the study of the Virgin Mary. He is the author of several books.
4808-0 • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 • $24.95 • 224 (t) pp. • Paperback
pages 12 and 13
4880-6 • 6 x 9
$19.95 • 128 pp
4898-1 • 6 x 9
$29.95 • 352 pp.
Biblical Essays in Honor of
Daniel J. Harrington, SJ, and
Richard J. Clifford, SJ
Opportunity for No Little Instruction
Edited by Christopher G. Frechette,
Christopher R. Matthews, and
Thomas D. Stegman, SJ
Eighteen prominent scholars have been asked to
honor the lifelong academic accomplishments of
two great Jesuit biblical scholars, Richard J. Clifford
and Daniel J. Harrington. All contributors have a
personal and professional connection with the
authors. A common thread in the authors’ scholarship has been the use and reappropriation of texts,
images, and traditions, whether in the canonical
Hebrew Bible, second temple literature (e.g., the
Dead Sea Scrolls), or the New Testament. The
essays illustrate the phenomenon of use and reappropriation and cover a wide range of topics, including portrayals of God in the Old Testament; second
temple reappropriations; New Testament (essays on
Paul, Mark, Matthew, Luke/Acts, and John); and
early Christian examples. The essays pay great tribute to the Festschrift’s recipients; they also illustrate
well to a broader readership an important interpretive phenomenon: the use and reuse of Scripture.
The Psalms
An Introduction
José Enrique Aguilar Chiu
This book gives a general introduction to the
psalms at the graduate level. In the first part, the
book explains general issues such as titles, numbering, collections, classification, context, poetic structure, language, main theological ideas, and
Christian appropriation. In the second part, it studies eleven major categories or families of psalms
classified according to their literary genre (e.g., individual supplications, confidence psalms, hymns,
etc.), giving a description of the general characteristics of each family, as well as providing the analysis
of a psalm as an example for each psalm.
The division of the book in twelve chapters (general issues of the psalms and eleven families of
psalms) makes it appropriate for adoption in a
course of one semester. In addition, each chapter
covers a well defined family of psalms, including an
example, and invites the reader to make the analysis
of another psalm of the family being studied. This
makes the book suitable for a course engaging the
students or readers in active participation and
understanding of the book of psalms.
José Enrique Aguilar Chiu obtained his doctorate in
Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute. He is associate professor of New Testament at the Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, Ohio.
To Order: Call 800-218-1903
Info @ Paulist Press
Publisher: Mark-David Janus, CSP
Since 1865, as a mission of the Paulist Fathers, Paulist Press has published the best of Catholic thought at the intersection of
faith and culture, using all contemporary media to communicate religious truths and to support people in their search for meaning.
© 2014 Paulist Press
997 Macarthur Blvd., Mahwah, NJ 07430
6773-9 • 9.84 x 7.48
$12.95 • 32 pp.
Ages 9-11
4904-9 • 6 x 9
24.95(t) • 368 pp.(t)
The Catholic Church
through the Ages
John Vidmar, OP
The Catholic Church through the Ages, now in its
second edition, is a one-volume survey of the history of the Catholic Church from its beginning until
(and including) the pontificate of Pope Francis. The
book explains the Church’s progress by using
Christopher Dawson’s division of the Church’s history into six distinct “ages,” or 350-400 year periods
of time, each cycle beginning with great enthusiasm
and advancement and ending in decline and loss.
Writing with the experience of thirty years of teaching, the author has fashioned an ideal text that combines substance with readability.
Undergraduates, graduates, and interested lay people have given the author an idea of what topics
should be emphasized. As a result, he has emphasized
such areas monasticism, the Crusades, medieval theology, the Inquisition, Reformation, French Revolution, the nineteenth century, and the Church in the
United States. And he has added material on the Oxford Movement, John Henry Newman’s contributions to the Oxford Movement and to the Catholic
intellectual tradition, and the Catholic literary revival
that took place in several countries in the early twentieth century, as well as on the last three popes.
As a supplement to each chapter, the author has
included an updated the recommended readings and
bibliography, as well as the audio-visual materials.
The Pope
The Life of Pope Francis, the Holy Father
Paul Harrison
In 2013, following the shock resignation of Pope
Benedict XVI, a little-known cardinal from
Argentina was elected pope. Jorge Bergoglio
became the first Jesuit pope, the first pope from the
Americas, the first pope from the southern hemisphere, and the first non-European pope in over
one thousand years. But what is the background of
this extraordinary man? And how did he go from
Argentinian nightclub bouncer to Pope Francis,
the leader of one of the most widely-practiced
religions in the world?
The Pope looks at his remarkable story, and how,
as Pope Francis, he has become such a popular and
widely celebrated leader. His humility and his concern for the poor are examined, along with his views
on the issues facing the Catholic Church.
The Catholic faith, and the role it plays in the
lives of people around the world, is explained, as is
the church’s place in the twenty-first century.
Some of the more complex terms and processes of
the church, for example the way in which a pope is
elected, are explained in separate boxes on each
spread. Ages 9-11.
Paul Harrison is an award winning editor and author.
He has written a wide variety of books for children, and
has a particular passion for modern history. He lives
with his wife and son in Hove, East Sussex, England.
Rev. John Vidmar, OP, is associate professor of history
at Providence College in Rhode Island and the archivist
for the Dominican Province of St. Joseph. The author of
Praying with the Dominicans and 101 Q&A on the Crusades and Inquisition and coauthor of 101 Q&A on The
Da Vinci Code and the Catholic Tradition, he holds a
doctorate in theology from the University of St.
Thomas in Rome and an MPhil in ecclesiastical history from the University of Edinburgh.
w w w. p a u l i s t p r e s s . c o m
A c. 20 4
4899-8 • 6 x 9
$18.95(t) • 176 pp.(t)
4874-5 • 6 x 9
$29.95 • 224 pp.(t)
Seek Justice
That You May Live
Reflections and Resources on the Bible
and Social Justice
John R. Donahue
Here is a study of the major themes of both the
Old and New Testaments that bear on issues of
social justice, e.g., creation; exodus; liberation;
prophets; psalms and wisdom literature; Jesus and
the Kingdom of God; Matthew and the heritage of
Israel; Luke: Jesus as a Prophet who proclaims good
news to the Poor; Paul justification and community solidarity. Concluding reflections are included.
The work will consist of reflections on each of
these themes followed by resource bibliographies
that will help people to continue their own study.
The book has arisen from three decades of speaking
and writing on the issues of social justice in the
Bible and from engagement in over twenty-five
“Preaching the Just Word” retreats founded by the
late Walter Burghardt, SJ, and given to priests
throughout the country.
John R. Donahue, SJ, received his PhD in New Testament from the University of Chicago, and is the Raymond E. Brown Distinguished Professor of New
Testament Studies (emeritus) at St. Mary’s Seminary
and University, Baltimore, MD. He previously taught
New Testament at the Vanderbilt Divinity School, at
the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, and at Loyola University Maryland.
God’s Promise
Covenant Relationship in John
Sherri Brown
Both the texts that narrate the story of Israel and
its relationship with God and the prophetic literature that communicates God’s will and summons
Israel to live rightly in that relationship are replete
with accounts of and references to God’s covenantal
activity in the world. In addition to detailed
recounting of covenant-making and -renewing rituals, this literature preserves the broader imagery
and themes of the covenant metaphor. These storytellers and prophets integrate this language into
their larger works in order to share their message of
life in unique relationship with God. Like his scriptural predecessors, the Fourth Evangelist incorporates the covenant metaphor in the telling of his
message, weaving its thematic language and symbolism throughout his story of God’s activity in the
world in Jesus as a literary technique to draw his
audience into his sacred narrative of true relationship with God.
God’s Promise explores the role of this Old Testament covenant metaphor in the literary fabric of the
Gospel and Letters of John. The Johannine literature and the community of the beloved disciple are
presented against the background of the covenant
relationship between God and Israel. By grasping
this fabric, the richness of the dialogue and imagery
interwoven through John’s story is allowed to have
its full voice in terms of God’s promises of covenant
relationship and the ongoing commitment of God
in the fulfilment of those promises through Christ.
Sherri Brown is assistant professor of religious studies
at Niagara University in New York.
CALL 800-218-1903
FA X 8 0 0 - 8 3 6 - 3 1 6 1
4894-3 • 6 x 9
$24.95 • 272 pp.
4895-0 • 5 3/8 x 8
$12.95 • 112 pp.
From Sinners to Saints
Searching for God
A Guide to Understanding the Sacrament of
Kurt Stasiak, OSB
Catholic Theology Past and Present
Gregory C. Higgins
Here is a practical guide for those who make regular use of the sacrament of reconciliation, for those
who do not, and for those who fall somewhere in
between. The book is meant to be a handy guide for
those who do not know “how” to go to confession.
It also offers new resources to those familiar and
comfortable with the sacrament. Chapter 1 offers
several ways of thinking about the sacrament of reconciliation, discussing the various names it goes by
(confession, penance, reconciliation), and suggest
why it is an important “tool” in a Catholic’s spiritual life. The next three chapters deal with the actual
celebration of the sacrament. Chapter 2 offers a
step-by-step guide through its celebration. Chapter
3 addresses questions people frequently have about
the sacrament, about the confessor, and about
themselves as penitents. Chapter 4 offers several
examinations of conscience, different ways to prepare for confession. A final brief chapter offers some
thoughts on a topic that intrigues many people,
Catholic and non-Catholic alike: what is it really
like to hear confessions?
Searching for God draws upon the traditional categories of systematic theology as it guides readers
through the Catholic theological thought process
involved in the search for God. At each step we
examine the work of a past thinker from the time of
the early church up to the early twentieth century,
and a present thinker whose works are often
required reading in theology courses. Not only do
readers have the opportunity to critically evaluate
several important theological works in the Catholic
tradition, they can also enter into dialogue with
those works as they engage in their own search for
God. Among the ten categories represented are:
BIBLE: Hearing God
• Past: Hugh of St. Victor, Noah’s Ark
(ca. 1130)
• Present: Sandra Schneiders, The Revelatory
Text (1999)
Understanding God (Dogmatic Approach)
• Past: Cyril of Alexandria, On the Unity of
Christ (429)
• Present: Roger Haight, Jesus: Symbol of God
Listening for God
• Past: Jean Daníelou, The Salvation of the
Nations (1946)
• Present: Raimon Panikkar, The Experience
of God (2006)
Kurt Stasiak, OSB, has been a monk of Saint Meinrad
Archabbey since 1975, a priest since 1980. Presently, in
addition to serving as Prior of the Saint Meinrad
Monastic Community, he is professor of sacramentalliturgical theology in their seminary.
Gregory C. Higgins is the chair of the religious studies
department at Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft,
NJ, where he has taught for the past twenty-six years.
He is the author of Twelve Theological Dilemmas, Where
Do You Stand?, and Christianity 101 (all Paulist Press).
To Order: Call 800-218-1903
w w w. p a u l i s t p r e s s . c o m
A v. 20 4
A v. 20 4
6 x 9 • 352 pp.(t)
4905-6 • 6 x 9
$27.95(t) • 272 pp.(t)
4878-3 • $29.95(t)
0607-3 • $44.95(t)
The History of the
National Encuentros
Hispanic Americans in the One Catholic Church
Mario J. Paredes
American priests working in the inner city
throughout the country and Hispanic American
leaders began to articulate a process to reflect on the
presence of Hispanic Americans in the church by
using the methodology of “see, judge, and act.” This
process became an instrument of consultation and
involvement of the people in the pews throughout
the Catholic Church in the country. Participation in
the process included people from the parish, diocese,
region, and national levels. This approach confirmed
the vision of the bishops in inviting the communities to participate and identify themselves with the
Catholic Church in the United States.
This initiative became a model for consultation
and integration and became known as National
Encuentros. Each encuentro provided a set of recommendations to the bishops and to the diocesan
church. Ultimately as a result, the National Pastoral
Plan for Hispanic Ministry was developed and approved by the USCCB.
This book is published to mark the celebration of
the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican
Council as an instrument of consultation and a
memory of the historical process developed by Hispanic Americans.
The fifth encuentro is scheduled to take place
during the summer of 2016.
Mario Paredes currently serves at the American
Bible Society as Presidential Liaison to the Roman
Catholic Ministry, and is Chairman Emeritus of
the Board for the Catholic Association of Latino
Leaders (CALL).
Christmas Dialogue, the Second Speech,
and Other Selections
Edited, Translated, and with an
Introduction by Julia A. Lamm
This volume includes new translations of two of
Schleiermacher’s most read works, both of which
are fascinating and edifying religious texts in their
own right and both of which also capture key
aspects of Schleiermacher’s spirituality: The
Christmas Celebration: A Dialogue (1806), and the
famous Second Speech, “On the Essence of Religion,” from Schleiermacher’s classic, On Religion:
Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers (2nd edition,
1806). Readers interested in spirituality and/or
interested in learning more about Schleiermacher
will enjoy reading these texts in this accessible and
quite readable volume. The volume also includes
two sermons by Schleiermacher, one given on Pentecost Sunday (1825) and the other on the second
Sunday of Advent (1832). The volume includes a
helpful introduction that explores the meaning of
“spirituality” as a theme in Schleiermacher’s life
and works. The entire volume reflects the most
recent scholarship in spirituality and in Schleiermacher studies.
Julia A. Lamm is associate professor of theology at
Georgetown University. She holds a PhD in Christian
theology from the University of Chicago.
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FA X 8 0 0 - 8 3 6 - 3 1 6 1
A v. 20 4
4811-0 • 6 x 9
$19.95 • 272 pp.
0611-0 • 5 7/16 x 8 1/2
$34.95(t) • 320 pp.(t)
Theodore the Studite
The Word Explained
ACW 69
Writings on Iconoclasm
Translated and
Introduced by Thomas Cattoi
A Homily for Every Sunday of the Year
William J. Byron, SJ
Famous for his writings exploring the nature and
purpose of the monastic life, Theodore the Studite
(759–826) was also the author of numerous apologetic works on the theology of the icon, where prose
and poetry brought together theological depth and
mystical inspiration. In the context of the iconoclast
revival that swept through Byzantium in the early
years of the ninth century, Theodore was the chief
advocate of the legitimacy of icon veneration, and
argued for the fundamental congruence between
this practice and the Christological vision of the
early councils. As John Damascene had done during
the eighth century, Theodore envisages the icon as
the synthesis of the Christian faith in the incarnation; its veneration is not only the litmus test of doctrinal orthodoxy, but it is also an integral part of the
spiritual practice of the Christian, for whom
Christ’s resurrection points towards the eschatological redemption of the cosmos.
This volume makes available in English for the
first time all the writings by Theodore on the subject of iconoclasm. It will be of great interest to
scholars and students of early Christian theology
and spirituality, as well as to anyone eager to explore
the relationship between spiritual practice and the
visual arts.
The road-tested homilies in this book provide
relevant, theologically sound material for priests,
deacons, and seminarians interested in reaching and
holding the attention of contemporary Catholic
congregations. Useful and inspirational, this book
belongs in every parish rectory and library. Parishioners will find it a welcome resource for personal
reflection and spiritual reading. It is also appropriate for post-Easter reading.
• The book demonstrates the liturgical principle that a homily should be an extension of
the proclamation.
• It makes the ancient texts relevant for modern times.
William Byron, SJ, is a university professor of business
and society at St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia. He
is past president of the University of Scranton, The
Catholic University of America, and Loyola University
New Orleans. The author of many books, he holds a doctorate in economics and has taught in the business
schools of Georgetown and Loyola University Maryland.
Gospel Insights
Eugene F. Lauer
Presents one key insight
from the gospel readings for
Sundays, major feasts, and
civil holidays, focusing on
how these insights may
touch/shape our spirituality
in this complex, compulsively busy U.S. society
8-458-6 • $22.36 (t) • ebook
Thomas Cattoi is associate professor of Christology and
cultures (Dwanan Chair in Interreligious Dialogue),
Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University and
Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley.
w w w. p a u l i s t p r e s s . c o m
Recently Released
Seven Words of Hope
Jean Vanier
One of today’s great Catholic humanitarians helps readers
come to an understanding of themselves and the world they
live in through meditations on seven words such as power
and authority, isolation and community.
4872-1 • $14.95 • 104 pp. • Paperback
see SALE pg. 13
I Meet
I Walk with Jesus
Jean Vanier
I Walk with Jesus is a
book that puts us in
touch with the central
meaning of the Gospel: we follow the way of Jesus when
we serve those who are suffering and needy, and we are
strengthened in this by prayer, the Word of God, and the
love of our brothers and sisters.
Ages 6 and up • 4836-3 • $16.95 • 208 pp.
Paperback see SALE pg. 12
He Tells Me "I
Love You"
Jean Vanier
Here is the story of the ways God has loved us from
the beginning of time, especially through his son,
Jesus. It is written to instruct and to inspire trust so
that the child can love God.
Ages 6 and up • 4835-6 • $16.95 • 216 pp.
Paperback see SALE pg. 12
From a Mother’s Heart
Bare Ruined Choirs
Letters to Our College Daughters
Doubt, Prophecy, and
Radical Religion
By the Mothers of Saint Mary’s
College, Notre Dame, Indiana
Introduced by Elizabeth Groppe
Letters written by mothers of
incoming freshmen at St. Mary’s
College in Indiana sharing with
their daughters words of wisdom
and reflections on life and faith.
0612-7 • $19.95 • 128 pp.
Garry Wills
This 1972 book ruminates on
the ruin and, perhaps on the
restoration of the Church, surveying subjective milestones in
the process of change in the
Catholic establishment.
4819-6 • $24.95 • 320 pp.
This Is Our Faith
An Introduction to Catholicism
Thomas P. Rausch, SJ
A concise introductory outline of the Catholic faith
based on the Apostles' Creed and including more
recent developments since the Second Vatican Council
and the challenges of a global church.
4893-6 • $17.95 • 224 pp. • Paperback
What God Has Joined
Invitation to Practical Theology
Preparing for Marriage in the Catholic Church
Catholic Voices and Visions
Edited by Claire E. Wolfteich
Mona-Lee Feehan, PhD
A leading Catholic scholar in the field of
practical theology gathers significant voices
to write on the many aspects to be considered in the study of this emerging field.
4890-5 • $29.95 • 400 pp.
An easy-to-understand resource that helps you
discuss the important aspects of your relationship
before you begin your lifelong journey together.
9689-0 • $17.95 • 80 pp. • Paperback
Facilitator’s Guide • NCR 810 • $23.95
CALL 800-218-1903
FA X 8 0 0 - 8 3 6 - 3 1 6 1
Recently Released
A Child’s Book of Emotions
Esteve Pujol i Pons and Rafel Bisquerra Alzina; Illustrated by Carles Arbat
A collection of classic tales from around the world, each one exploring
a different emotion. The emotions are universal and part of the human
condition, no matter what age.
Ages 9 and up • 6772-2 • $19.95 • 112 pp. • Hardcover
see SALE pg. 12
The Illustrated History of Christian Charity
Juan María Laboa
Charity is not unique to Christianity, but the history of
the followers of Jesus can be told in their practice of
love for their neighbors. In this book, Juan María
Laboa presents a panorama of this history, told through
representative works of art through the centuries.
0610-3 • $79.95 • 260 pp. • Hardcover
see SALE pg. 13
The Psalms
Songs of Faith and Praise
Commentary and Prayers
From the Depth of the Well
An Anthology of Jewish Mysticism
Edited by Ariel Evan Mayse
Gathers the most significant and treasured
writings from the Jewish mystics as published in the Classics of Western Spirituality series, with all new introductions.
4879-0 • $34.95 • 400 pp.
Gregory J. Polan, OSB
Graceful and inspiring, here is an insightful and
moving introduction to the Book of Psalms as prayer.
4882-0 • $24.95 • 416 pp. • Paperback
see SALE pg. 12
Reading Matthew for the First Time
Wilfrid J. Harrington, OP
A brief and yet insightful blueprint for reading and appreciating
the Gospel of Matthew that emphasizes two main points: he provides a “road map” through the Gospel by describing its structure;
and he explains Matthew’s focus on Jesus’ teaching as the Messiah.
4853-0 • $14.95 • 160 pp. • Paperback
“Your Faith Has Made You Well”
Jesus Heals in the New Testament
Barbara Hosbach
Documents of the ChristianJewish Dialogue
“ Your Faith Has Made You Well” explores what happened
when Jesus healed and what the gospel stories of those
healing encounters mean for us in the here and now.
4888-2 • $14.95 • 144 pp. • Paperback
VOLUME TWO, Building a
New Relationship (1986-2013)
Edited by Franklin Sherman
Continues with a comprehensive
collection of statements on Christian-Jewish relations by church
bodies and interfaith organizations in the United States and around the world
from the period 1986-2013, with introductory
essays by three leading scholars in the field.
4818-9 • $29.95 • 560 pp. • Paperback
Study Guides
Religious Life in a New Millennium
Margaret Brennan, IHM, and
Barbara Green, OP; with a Foreword by
Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM
A road map through Sandra Schneiders’
monumental three-volume Religious
Life in a New Millennium series.
4903-2 • $16.95 • 144 pp.
w w w. p a u l i s t p r e s s . c o m
Seasonal Resources
What Are We Waiting For?
Finding Meaning in Advent & Christmas
Richard Leonard
A best selling author presents challenging
and thoughtful reflections on the meaning
of the Advent and Christmas seasons.
4906-3 • $9.95 • 5 x 7 • 120 pp.
The Mystery of the Incarnation
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn
Illuminating meditations upon the Incarnation—
the central mystery of our faith. With theological
insight and an accessible style, he presents a clear
explanation of the Mystery that is the awesome
reality of the Son of God becoming man.
4851-6 • $9.95 • 5 x 7 • 64 pp. • Paperback
Edited by Roberta LaVorne
Desk Calendar 2015
This spiral-bound desk calendar contains lectionary readings
and a calendar for celebrating the Eucharist. Features included
are a guide for praying the Liturgy of the Hours, a “Bible
Enrichment” suggestion and a mention of well-known people
on the anniversary of their deaths.
4801-1 • $13.95 • 7 3/8 x 9 1/4 • 128 pp. • Spiral-bound
Pocket Calendar 2015
Fingertip guide to the designated Bible reading for the day,
plus feast and saints’ days. Calendar format shows one full
week at a glance.
4800-4 • $5.95 • 3 1/2 x 6 1/8 • 128 pp. • Paperback
Bible Diary 2015®
Pastoral Bible Foundation
The new Bible Diary 2015 combines
a 365 days of Bible readings and reflections with a daily planner and appointment book. Now in its 25th year.
NCR802 • $19.95 • Hardcover
Daily Gospel 2015®
Contains 365 days of Bible readings
with succint and thought-provoking
reflections on liturgical and scriptural readings to inspire and guide the
reader through a personal spiritual voyage that will enrich their lives.
NCR801 • $8.95 • Paperback
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FA X 8 0 0 - 8 3 6 - 3 1 6 1
Resources for Cycle B
Open the
the Sunday
Lectionary Readings in their
Biblical Context for RCIA,
Faith Sharing Groups, and
Lectors - Cycle B
A Teenager’s Guide to the
Readings - Cycle B
Margaret Nutting Ralph
Will help those who Break
open the Word in RCIA and
those involved in Lectionarybased faith sharing or Bible
study groups to hear the Word
as a living Word and to know that the Word they are hearing
is compatible with what the biblical authors are teaching.
4289-9 $19.95
Sandy Rigsby and
Steve Mason
This book helps teens discover
the meaning of the Sunday
readings, encourages them to
reflect on and articulate these
truths, and challenges them to
put the readings into practice in
their everyday lives.
9581-X $19.95
The Word for
Every Season
Preach What
You Believe
Reflections on the
Lectionary Readings
(Cycle B)
Timeless Homilies for
Deacons - Liturgical Cycle B
Dianne Bergant, CSA
A well-known biblical scholar
presents thought-provoking
reflections on the lectionary
readings for each Sunday and
feast for the Year of Mark.
4545-4 $16.95
A collection of homilies by a
deacon for deacons—and anyone else who preaches. These
homilies, which reflect the
author's firm commitment to
social justice, are followed by
discussion questions.
4342-9 $18.95
Breaking Open
the Word of God
Lift Up Your
Resources for Using the
Lectionary for Catechesis in
the RCIA, Cycle B
Homilies and Reflections
for the ‘B’ Cycle
edited by Karen Hinman
Powell and Joseph
P. Sinwell
Resources for weekly RCIA
meetings using the lectionary
readings from Cycle B.
2894-2 $14.95
Deacon Michael Bulson
James A. Wallace, CSsR,
Robert P. Waznak, SS,
Guerric DeBona, OSB
Homilies for the Sundays and
various feasts of Cycle B. Helpful for those who preach as well
as people in the pew who want
to participate more fully in the
4368-2 $19.95
The Paulist Liturgy
Planning Guide
for Advent and
the Christmas
For the Readings of Sundays and
Major Feast Days Year B
edited by Lawrence Boadt, CSP,
and Celine M. Allen with contributions by Lawrence Boadt, CSP, Roland
Faley, TOR, Kenneth Meltz, Margaret
Nutting Ralph, Ronald Hayde
Carroll Stuhlmueller, CP
A helpful guide for experiencing truths we celebrate during
Advent and Christmas.
2318-5 $9.95
A compact, easy-to-use, and comprehensive resource for all ministries
involved in Sunday planning. Contains information and tips for musicians, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, liturgical planning committees,
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