TRAINING RECORD FNS41811 CERTIFICATE IV FINANCIAL SERVICES Name Company Welcome and Congratulations Together we are embarking on a pathway that will lead to a Nationally Recognised Qualification or issuing of a Statement of Attainment upon successful completion. The skills and knowledge you will develop will place you amongst the leading professionals in your industry. Because you have chosen to take the opportunity to undertake a personal development program, you naturally expect to achieve some personal outcomes on completion of the course. We have outlined below the known learning outcomes you will achieve on successfully completing the program. These outcomes relate specifically to the knowledge learned and the demonstrated application of the knowledge to your workplace. You will also have access to suitably qualified mentors within your workplace who understand that the success of their business relies on the quality outputs of all employees. Your mentors may also contribute to assessment of your competence within the workplace. You are encouraged to engage your mentors whenever you need assistance or confirmation of planned actions. Plan to make them an integral part of your success! Purpose This is a Training Plan agreed by the Apprentice/Trainee, the Employer and the Supervising Registered Training Organisation (SRTO) that sets out how the Apprentice/Trainee will complete his/her Apprenticeship/Traineeship. Each party signs and participates in the development of their plan. The plan can be changed if all parties agree and sign a changed plan if the Qualification or Statement of Attainment is not being changed. The Apprenticeship/Traineeships may be completed when all the parties agree the Apprentice/Trainee is competent in each of the Competencies listed in the plan. Training Delivery Both the Employer and the SRTO will train the Apprentice/Trainee. The training delivery will be in the form of – Performance of workplace tasks. The Employer is responsible for the provision of these tasks. Structured training. The STO is responsible for the timely provision of the structured training to allow for reasonable progression and the regular completion of competencies to meet the planned completion date unless the Plan has provided for the Employer to provide some or all of the structure training in which case the employer is responsible for such training; or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or skills recognition undertaken by the SRTO. The Plan may specify the form of training to be used in relation to each Competency. Credit Transfer (CT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Students may seek a Credit Transfer(CT) or Recognition of Prior Learning(RPL) for units of competence achieved in other training programs Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) (RPL) The acknowledgement of a person's skills and knowledge acquired through previous training, work or life experience, that may be used to grant status or credit in a subject or module Credit Transfer The granting of status or credit by an institution or training organisation to students for modules (subjects) or units of competency completed at the same, or through another institution or training organisation. Please let your Assessor know if you wish to apply Recording training undertaken in the listed competencies by the Apprentice/Trainee in the training record is the responsibility of the employer, SRTO and the Apprentice/Trainee + 61 7 55465037 V011014 2 PERSONAL INFORMATION AND WORK HISTORY Course and Code TAE 40110 First Names Surname Company Name Company Address ABN Legal Name Postcode Suburb Employer Contact Name Position Phone Email State Name of person responsible for training/supervising in the workplace and providing details of the training progress to the SRTO? Same as above OR Labour Force Status Part time Full time Seeking Other Your Position Gender and DOB Male Female Date of Birth Email Work Mobile Home Your Contact Details Your Address Suburb Postcode Postal if different Postcode Emergency Contact Phone Indigenous Status Aboriginal Country of Birth Australia Schooling Year Completed Relationship Torres Strait Islander Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Other 8 9 10 11 12 Previous Qualifications English Other Other Well If English not spoken at home, how well do you speak English? Language Spoken Disability and Assistance If you have answered YES to any of these questions please specify below Well Not well Not at all Does the participant require any assistance for language, literacy or numeracy skills? YES NO Do you have a permanent or significant disability? YES NO Do you require special assistance because of the disability YES NO Do you have any matters we need to be aware of? YES NO Recognition of Prior YES If yes please contact your SRI assessor to complete appropriate RPL/CT application Learning or Credit NO Transfer I am aware that the information in this enrolment form may be provided to the State Registering body and Nation Council Vocational Education Research for Statistical purposes. If my enrolment is accepted I agree to abide by the rules of Success Resources International. I agree to the Refund Policy and understand that no refund of fees will be made after the commencement of the course. I understand that fees are payable in full prior to the course commencement, unless otherwise agreed. Date Student Signature + 61 7 55465037 V011014 3 DECLARATION OF PARTIES • SRI, employer, trainee/apprentice and the parent/guardian (where applicable) have negotiated the training arrangements. These arrangements are identified in this Training Plan. • Induction has been carried out by SRI and AAC representatives • The parties have negotiated and agreed a schedule of withdrawal from “productive/routine work” to undertake Teaching/Instruction/Learning and Assessment, provided by SRI. It is agreed that this will occur: • To ensure that the apprentice/trainee has adequate opportunity to achieve competence in the nominated units of competency during paid work time, the employer has agreed to release the apprentice/trainee from routine/productive work practices. During the withdrawal time (when not undertaking formal training and assessment with the supervising registered training organisation) the student will have the opportunity to contact the appropriate trainer/assessor (as detailed below) for support and guidance. • In signing this Declaration of Parties, as the delegated employer representative, the delegated person declares that the employer has the facilities, range of work, and is able to provide the supervision as required by this traineeship/apprenticeships. Where this is not the case, the employer will arrange temporary assignment with another suitable venue with facilities, range of work, supervision and training, which will enable this trainee/apprentice to complete this training program. • The employer agrees to provide the non-formal (on the job) training for each unit of competency selected, in support of the formal training provided by SRI and provide feedback to SRI concerning this training. The employer also agrees to maintain and keep up to date the Training Record at three monthly intervals. • It is acknowledged that the employer shall provide a safe and healthy workplace, and shall implement policies and procedures to eliminate or minimise adverse risks. SRI agrees that its representative/s shall abide by these policies and procedures and shall at all times conduct its business in a way that will ensure compliance with relevant workplace health and safety legislation. Permission is therefore granted for representatives of SRI to access the facilities available at the work location for the purposes of the delivery and monitoring of the training program. • The trainee & employer give permission for representatives of SRI to review & discuss trainee progress through the training program & to collect & retain evidence on file to support the trainee’s competence. All confidential information is to be erased or removed. STUDENT DECLARATION I am aware that the information in this enrolment form may be provided to the State Registering body and Nation Council Vocational Education Research for Statistical purposes. If my enrolment is accepted I agree to abide by the rules of Success Resources International. I agree to the Refund Policy and understand that no refund of fees will be made after the commencement of the course. I understand that fees are payable in full prior to the course commencement, unless otherwise agreed. Applicant Signature Date Employer Rep Name Date Employer Signature Date RTO Rep Name Graham Taylor-Edwards RTO Signature Date Date + 61 7 55465037 V011014 4 TO BE SIGNED OFF BY THE ASSESSOR / TRAINER ON COMPLETION OF EACH UNIT Unit Delivery Type – (Circle delivery method) Received by Assessor FNSINC401A Apply principles of professional practice to work in the financial services industry RPL CT F2F WB A OL Signature FNSASIC301C Establish client relationship and analyse needs RPL CT F2F WB A OL Signature FNSASIC302C Develop, present and negotiate client solutions RPL CT F2F WB A OL Signature FNSBNK406A Manage customer visits RPL CT F2F WB A OL Signature FNSCUS401A Participate in negotiations RPL CT F2F WB A OL Signature FNSFMK505A Comply with financial services legislation and industry codes of practice RPL CT F2F WB A OL Signature FNSSAM401A Sell financial products and services RPL CT F2F WB A OL Signature BSBCMM401A Make a presentation RPL CT F2F WB A OL Signature BSBCUS401B Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies RPL CT F2F WB A OL Signature BSBCUS402B Address customer needs RPL CT F2F WB A OL Signature BSBREL402A Build client relationships and business networks RPL CT F2F WB A OL BSBSMB407A Manage a small team RPL CT F2F WB A OL TAEDEL404A Mentor in the workplace RPL CT F2F WB A OL + 61 7 55465037 V011014 Date 5 RTO Nationally Recognised Training RTO 31335 We offer both training and assessment or assessment only pathways. Training can be provided via: Facilitated Flexible work based Personal and Business Coaching and mentoring Blended On line Self-Paced Success Resources, registered with A joint initiative of Australian State and Territory Governments Certificate III in Automotive Sales Certificate IV in Business Certificate IV in Business Administration Certificate IV in Human Resources Certificate IV in Marketing Certificate IV in Business Sales (and Service) Certificate IV in Frontline Management Certificate IV Work Health and Safety Certificate IV Financial Services Diploma of Management Diploma of Project Management Diploma of Automotive Management Diploma of Business Administration Diploma of Human Resources Management Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Success Resources provides complete Motor Sales and Dealer / Wrecker License accreditation aligned with the “prescribed eligibility requirements” specified by the Queensland Office of Fair Trading. Our Assessors ( please tick) Graham Taylor-Edwards 0404 190 057 + 61 7 55465037 V011014 6 For information regarding SRI’s Cancellation and Refund Policies and Procedures please refer to your Student Handbook or email the office for a copy. Thank you CHECK LIST AND NOTES OFFICE USE ONLY Student Name Company Enrolment Complete in FULL Drivers licence Enlarged clear copy both sides if any changes Form 4.1 If applying for Recognition of prior learning or credit transfer Evidence Evidence attached to Form 4.1 Ph ACC Company Name ACC Rep Sign up arranged for SRTO Received Trainer Contract Approved Funding YES $ Start Date NO Completion Date Completed with RTO Completion Agreement NOTES Date Notes + 61 7 55465037 V011014 7 + 61 7 55465037 V011014 8
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