2600 Albany Street Schenectady, NY 12304 (518) 393-3131 Fax (518) 370-3817
November 2014
Dear Parents/Guardians,
It has been an exciting month at Notre Dame-Bishop Gibbons. Our Golden Gallop was a huge success. We raised more than $24,000! Congratulations to our top fundraisers
Robert Ciembronewicz and Sarah DelVecchio. Robert raised nearly $1,100 and Sarah raised over $700! I would also like to thank the staff who volunteered themselves for the
dunk tank during our homecoming game. The $610 raised from the dunk tank went towards the Golden Gallop. I want to thank our families, staff and especially our students for
helping us surpass our goal
Members of the senior class have taken great initiatives this year. Anne Riley and Dan Asselin have entered ND-BG into the Hunger Games food drive, a competition with 9
other local schools to see who can collect the most food. The school who brings in the most food by weight will win a trip to Flight, the Albany Trampoline Park, and a private
screening of the new Hunger Games movie. This competition serves a great cause and helps to feed the hungry. Our students want to show the other schools what the ND-BG
community is capable of.
Last month, Mrs. Oppelt, Ms. DeMarco, and a group of seniors put on a very successful haunted house. We were happy to welcome students from our surrounding elementary
schools to come and participate with us. We had over 100 people attend this event. It was a fun night filled with games, pumpkin painting and of course a very scary haunted
house. Thank you to all the teachers that made this night possible.
Congratulations are also in order for Linda Neidl for receiving the New York State English Council's Teacher of Excellence Award. The award is given to educators who inspire excellence in their students. This is a huge accomplishment and the recognition is well deserved. Congratulations Mrs. Neidl! Speaking of excellent educators, on November 28th at The Glen Sanders Mansion, we will be celebrating 47 years of outstanding teaching at Dr. Paul O’Brien’s retirement party. All are welcome to attend. Please contact
Christine Baseel for details.
One final “thank you” goes to the class of 1974. They have made a generous donation to the school. We are still in the process of evaluating which initiative to use the money for
and will update you when it’s allocated.
Finally I would like to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Peter Fusco
Daylight Savings—Turn your clocks back!
Faculty Meeting 3:00-4:00pm
Fall Musical “White Christmas” Matinee 10am (partner schools
and senior citizens);
6-8 Fall Musical “White Christmas” 7pm
First Quarter Ends
11 Veterans Day- NO SCHOOL
Scholarship Exam—8:30-11:30 am
Winter sports begin on November 10th for the
~Boys Modified, JV, and Varsity Basketball
~Girls Modified, and Varsity Basketball
~Indoor Track ~Cheerleading ~Bowling
19 Make-up School Photos and Parent/Teacher Conferences 6-8pm
24 Department Chair Meeting
25 Junior Ring Ceremony & Thanksgiving Mass 1:30pm @ St. Paul’s
26-28 Thanksgiving Recess—NO SCHOOL
Dr. O’Brien Retirement Dinner 6pm
Please refer to the athletics calendar on our website for the specific sport and level.
Page 2
Spelling Bee
Students in Grades 6-8 will soon be taking part in class
Spelling Bees. Winners from each grade level will take part in
the ND-BG Spelling Bee which will be held in the library on
Wed. Dec.3, 2014 during Period 4. The winner will represent
ND-BG at the Regional Spelling Bee which will take place at
Proctor’s Theater on Feb.24, 2015 at 5PM.
On Tuesday, November 25th our school will be
honoring our junior students at their Ring Ceremony during our Thanksgiving Liturgy at 1:30pm
@ St. Paul the Apostle Church. During that Mass the juniors will be receiving a school ring or pin as a symbol of
Golden Knight solidarity, kinship and eternal interconnectedness with all ND-BG students and graduates. Please join
us as we pray for our junior students. A special invitation
is extended to the parents/guardians of our juniors being
Any Questions Please contact Dan Pepe
Campus Minister
A Christmas Carol
This year parent conferences will be held on
Wednesday November 19th from 6:00pm until
8:00 pm in the gym. Appointments are not necessary. Conferences should be kept to approximately 10 minutes. If more time is required, please
schedule an individual conference with the teacher
for a later date.
At this point all tuition accounts should be current. Tuition
accounts that are not current will result in report cards being held for the first marking period. Please note lack of
communication concerning delinquent accounts will result
in students’ not attending classes. Please contact Mrs. Audino for tuition information.
Students in Grades 9 and 10 will travel to the Theater
Institute at Sage in Troy on Thursday, Dec.4 to see a
live performance of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Letters and accompanying permission slips have
been sent by e-mail to the parents of all students in
Grades 9 and 10 and the students also received copies
in English class. Both the money and the permission
slip need to be returned to Miss Quinn by Wed.
Nov.12. If any parent did not receive the information,
please contact Miss Quinn at 393 3131X205 or
Business Office (518) 393-3131
ext 103
Our school store has many items for the students to buy. We have t-shirts, hoodies and fleece blankets
with our school logo. We also have some school supplies
such as notebooks, colored pencils and 1 inch binders all
for $1. (In case a student needs something through the
The store is open during school hours by just calling ahead.
Thank you for your continued support of our school. +
Don’t forget daylight savings on Sunday November
2nd! Turn your clocks back one hour and enjoy the
extra hour of sleep on Saturday night!
Page 3
It’s November, the month before Christmas! Time to buy those magazine subscriptions for your Christmas gifts! Simply go to:
Sophomore College Immersion Day
at The College of Saint Rose
Thursday October 23, 2014, Mr. Honsinger and Mrs.
Yourno took a group of sophomore Level II Spanish students to The College of Saint Rose. The purpose of the
trip was twofold: a guidance portion in which students
took a guided tour of the campus and acquired a sense of
college life, and a Spanish portion in which students had
the opportunity to attend and actively participate in a
college-level Spanish class. This was Mr. Honsinger and
Mrs.Yourno’s fifth student trip to the college.
YOU’RE INVITED and click “I’d like to shop and support…”
Enter our school online code, which is
Enter the student’s first and last name
Click “Start Shopping” and begin browsing hundreds of
For all the friends of ND-BG, if you wish to support the
school but don’t have a particular student in mind, simply
type “no” in “Participant’s First Name” and “student” in
“Participant’s Last Name.” 50% of every purchase made
comes directly to ND-BG.
For those parents/guardians who seriously wish to pay down
their fundraising commitment, on the home page click “I’m
a parent/guardian or student” for quick instructions in
sending an e-blast or creating links to FACEBOOK and other social media. That way, the people you contact will land
on the student’s own page, eliminating the need to enter
our online code and student name.
One Glen Avenue, Scotia, NY 12302
6p.m. Cocktail Hour
7 p.m. Dinner
Any questions contact Christine Baseel @ 393-3131 ext
107 or RSVP’s can be mailed to:
Attn: Christine Baseel, 2600 Albany Street, Schenectady, NY 12304
The Notre Dame-Bishop Gibbons Fall Drama group is proud
to announce our 2014 musical production, Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, which will be performed on the ND-BG stage from November 5th
through the 8th and features forty of our students, grades 6-12, onstage,
and a supporting crew of twenty backstage. The production is a cooperative effort involving many parents, faculty and alums (Michael Purcell,
’74, music director; Darryl Scott, 2014 drums; Janelle Irwin and Rebecca Scorzella, choreographers, both 2014).
Tickets will be on sale for the Thursday, Friday and Saturday
performances, which begin at 7pm. Ticket prices are $12. for reserved
seating and $10. for general seating. Tickets may be purchased at the
door, or by contacting Mrs. Thibault at 393-3131, extension 111. There
will also be a free performance for small children and senior citizens on
Wednesday, the 5th, at 10am.
Page 4
Notre Dame – Bishop Gibbons
Scholarship is for incoming
Scholarship Letter for 8th Grade Parents
6th and 9th graders
Exam Registration Form
Due November 7th
October 23, 2014
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As your child is in their graduating year from Catholic
elementary school, I congratulate your commitment to
faith-filled education. In considering the next step for
your child, we hope you are exploring the Catholic secondary schools in the Diocese of Albany.
Student Name:
Each of the schools in our diocese provides the opportunity for a quality education within a faith-filled environment. Research has demonstrated that making an investment in Catholic education will yield life-long dividends
for your child. I am confident that you would not be disappointed in your choice of a Catholic secondary school.
City _________________________
The four diocesan Catholic high schools are:
Location Where You Will Be Taking the Exam:
Home Address:
State ______ Zip Code ___
Telephone: (____)_______________________
Current School:
Bishop Maginn High School (Albany) –
____ Academy of the Holy Names
____ LaSalle Institute
____ Bishop Maginn High School
____ ND-BG
____ Saratoga Central Catholic High School
Catholic Central High School (Troy) – ____ CCHS
____ Christian Brothers Academy
Notre Dame-Bishop Gibbons School (Schenectady) –
Saratoga Central Catholic High School (Saratoga Springs) Please Indicate up to Three School(s) You Would Like to Receive
Your Exam Results. If You Choose More than One Please Desig–
nate Rank Order Using 1, 2 and, if necessary, 3:
Please take a few moments to discover the wonderful opportunities these schools have to offer by visiting their
websites or contacting the school for Open House information.
Our four diocesan high schools and the three private Catholic high schools have agreed to coordinate placement
testing for all incoming students. On Saturday, November
15, 2014, students should take the placement test at any of
the four diocesan high schools or three private schools.
Enclosed is a registration form that we ask you to complete, sign and send to the location where your child will
take the exam. The form may also be brought to the testing site on the day of the test. You may choose up to three
schools you would like to receive the test results for admission purposes. Contact information for each of the
schools can be found on the back of the form.
I am grateful for your interest in one of the Catholic high
schools in our diocese for the next phase of your child’s
education. Be assured that we are committed to working
with you to ensure the success of your child’s education.
Michael E. Pizzingrillo, MSEd., PD
Superintendent of Schools
Academy of the Holy Names
____ LaSalle Institute
Bishop Maginn High School
____ ND-BG HS
____Saratoga Central Catholic High School
Christian Brothers Academy
I give permission for my child’s test scores to be sent to these schools.
Parent Signature:
Please return this form to the location where
the student intends to take the exam. Registration forms should be submitted one week
prior to the testing date.