DEC 2014/ JAN 2015 VACATION CARE/SCHOOL HOLIDAY APPLICATION FORM Out of school hours care for primary school aged children CiNDi KiNDi (To be filled out by all families each holiday) 1) School: ______________________________________ Year/Class:_____________________ Have you filled out the 2015 yearly enrollment form rm Y or N & Paid $25 yearly enrol fee Y or N FULLY ACCREDITED ABN 72394670456 2c Brushwood Drive, Alford’s Point NSW 2234 0412575551or 0431399299 em: or 2) CHILD/RENS DETAILS: 1) NAME: ____ ______ D.O.B: __ _ 2) NAME: _____________ 3) NAME: ______ ___D.O.B: ___ 4) NAME: 3) PLEASE TICK THE DAYS REQUIRED TO ATTEND CINDI KINDI VACATION CARE: CARE:- DATE CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD 3 WEEK ONE, 2014 CHILD 4 THUR 18th FRI 19th WEEK TWO, 2014 MON 22nd TUES 23rd WED 24th WEEK THREE, 2015 (SERVICE OPEN PENDING DEMAND) MON 5th TUES 6th DATE D.O.B:__ _ ______ _________ D.O.B:___ _______ CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD 3 WEEK FIVE,, 2015 CHILD 4 MON 19th TUES 20th WED 21st THUR 22nd FRI 23rd WEEK SIX,, 2015 TUES 27th WED 7th THUR 8th FRI 9th WEEK FOUR, 2015 EMERGENCY CONTACTS th MON 12 TUES 13th WED 14th THUR 15th FRI 16th 4) Child Names, allergies, fears, asthma action plan, medical needs NAME: CONTACT PHONE: NAME: CONTACT PHONE: other:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ other:________________________________________________________________________________________ PERMISSION SLIP: 5) I ________ ___GIVE IVE PERMISSION FOR MY CHILD/REN CHILD/REN_____________________________ _________________________________________________ TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THE EXCURSIONS AND ACTIVITIES DURING THIS CiNDi KiNDi VACATION CARE PROGRAM. TRAVELLING ON BUS, TRAIN. TAXI/CAR & OR WALKING. By signing below as the Authorised Nominee, you are giving permission for your child to attend the excursi excursions & activities described above. understand that staff will take care and the centre will not be held responsible for any lost and/or damage to property or injury to my child/ren incurred du during ring the running of the program. I understand it is my responsibility lity to be aware of and follow Cindi Kindi practices policies and procedures that are available within the centre (ask us today) tod and to pay for all fees encuring to my family. I give permission for medical attention to be sought such as Ambulance care, if necessary and I agree to pay in full any expenses arising there from this for my child/ren. I also give permission for CiNDi KiNDi staff to administer first aid to my child/ren as needed. I give full permis permission sion for CiNDi KiNDi to take my child/ren to Coachwood Coach Park & or the local shops during the centre routine. Please be aware that our centre staff maybe permanent, casual, trainees, volunteers, volunteers etc. Please fill in the Yearly OOSH enrolment/application form (different than this form), please hand it to our staff to keep at the centre as records. I will supply my child with their own asthma, sun cream & anaphylaxis medication daily. I will notify the staff of any allergies. Excursions Excursions/incursions are compulsory, we do not leave children behind. We may photograph, photogra record etc the children for training, centre advertising/publication, or communication purposes for the centre. I have asked for a copy of the centre/ family handbook. Vacation Care fees paid are not refundable and or transferable in anyway. Other call Cindy 0412-575551 or centre on 0431-399-299. 6) PARENT/AUTHORISED NOMINEE: ________________________SIGN___________________DATE______________________________ ________________________SIGN___________________DATE________ *Please note that vacation care fees must be paid at the same time of this forms submission to secure your place in CINDI KINDI KIN vacation care* STAFF NAME: AMOUNT PAID: ___________________________ $ DATE PAID: / / out of school hours care for primary school aged children CiNDi KiNDi FULLY ACCREDITED ABN 72394670456 2c Brushwood Drive, Alford’s Point NSW 2234 Mb: 0412575551or 0431399299 email: or th th nd th th th th th DATES: First day, WEEK 1: 18 – 19 Dec, 2014 WEEK 2: 22 – 24 Dec, 2014 WEEK 3: 5 - 9 Jan, 2015 (pending demand) WEEK 4: 12 - 16 Jan, th rd th th 2015 WEEK 5: 19 - 23 Jan, 2015 WEEK 6: 27 Jan, 2015. School returns Wednesday 28 January, 2015. FEE INFORMATION: Fees are paid daily at a pre- booked rate of $44.00 per day, and casual (booking made during the holidays) of $57.00 Please pay by cash or cheque. Please ensure all cheques are made out to Cindy Fry. No refunds apply on any fees paid. You may be eligible for discounted fees through Family Assistance Office; call 136150 for all Child Care Benefit (CCB) for information. Daily rates include some lunches and most activities. There may be compulsory added costs (eg- excursions, visitors) or optional extras (hot beads, pancakes). Added costs can be found on the program in the cost section, and need to be paid on the day of attendance in a detailed envelope. HOURS: Of operation are 7.00am to 6.00pm. Late fees apply to you for collecting your child/ren after 6.00pm. $10 for the first 5 min & $1p/min after, late fees are payable on that late night, or within 24hours. ENROLMENT FORMS: Centre enrolment forms must be completed annually, along with the $25.00 enrolment fee per child & is required to be paid prior to commencement. Vacation care enrol forms need to be filled out each holiday session you are attending. ALL VACATION CARE FEES/FORMS NEED TO BE IN TO THE CENTRE BY FRIDAY 12TH DECEMBER, 2014. BOOKINGS MADE AFTER THIS DATE ARE CHARGED AT THE CASUAL RATE OF $57.00. BOOKINGS: All days are subject to availability. We have limited places, and cannot exceed these numbers. We do not allow to change/swap any booked or paid days. No refunds are available. CiNDi KiNDi Vacation Care reserve the right to cancel & or cease a booking. Bookings will not be guaranteed without full payment of child care fees & enrolment fee & fully completed enrolment form for each child. ABSENCES: Please contact our centre if your child will be absent. If we, CiNDi KiNDi OOSH, feel that your child is too ill to attend our service on any one day, we the staff will contact you & may request you to immediately collect your child from our service. Children with asthma must carry their own medications. EXCURSION DAYS: Additional costs must be paid with the correct cash in a detailed envelope on each day. Please ensure that you have signed the permission slip on vacation care enrol form. Be at the centre before 9am on excursion days (the bus may leave without you). We will aim to be back at the centre between 4.00pm. All excursions are mandatory for all children attending on those particular days. We walk, use public transport eg, buses, train, cars/taxis & may use private buses, in some cases transport may not run on time and alternative transport times & or companies may be used at CiNDi KiNDi staffs discretion. If it is raining excursions may be cancelled and all excursion monies will be returned. Excursion badges will be provided to each child for excursion safety & will need to be returned to the centre. Please advise each child on excursion safety. It is extremely important for your child/ren to be aware & to be safe always. WHAT TO WEAR: Comfortable clothing. We may get messy! Closed in shoes are COMPULSORY every day. Dress for season eg- jumpers, bring a hat, sunscreen, and a paint shirt. PARKING: Please park at the school gate entrance on BRUSHWOOD DRIVE, as coachwood crescent gate is currently closed. DROP OFF/PICK UP: Drop off & pick up of children, it is mandatory that you the parent or Authorised Nominee is to sign each of your children in and out during every visit in the sign in/out sheets provided. You must always call our centre on 0412575551 or 0431399299 if you are going to be late (after 6pm) in collecting your child/ren. Late fees will apply. If someone other than you, the primary care giver is collecting your child/ren from our service, please advise our staff of this arrangement. The new pick up persons must produce their photo I.D. to our staff, if not staff will not allow any persons not stated on your enrolment form & or advised about to collect your child/ren from our centre (for child safety reasons). MEALS: Lunch is provided at our centre (excluding eat out restaurants such as McDonalds, sushi train etc, these meals are at a cost to families). If your child doesn’t eat the lunch available on our CiNDi KiNDi Vacation Care program, we could either try to further accommodate the meal to your child or you can pack him or her with their own lunch from home daily. Also please supply your child with morning tea, afternoon tea, snack’s & plenty of fluids on every visit (two or more bottles of water). Fruits, breads, wholemeal products, etc. Clearly label all items. MEDICATION: We can administer medication to your child, as long as the medication is in date, has that child’s name printed and a clearance letter addressed to cindi kindi to do so by the child’s Dr. PROGRAMS: Vacation care programs are available, at our school office, at your school office or Before and After School Care Centre, Menai Library & Community Centre or in our room .On our Cindi Kindi Web page- visit , as well as Cindi Kindi emails out the vacation care programs. Children from all schools are invited within our service. (Neighbours children, cousins, friend’s children, children that do not normally attend CiNDi KiNDi Alfords Point Before & After School Care, children from our communities). Hours of Operation: Before School 7am-9am / After School 3.00pm – 6pm / Vacation Care 7am – 6pm For discounted fees call the Family Assistance Office (FAO) on 136 150 and quote our Customer Reference Numbers (CRN): Before & After School Care: 407 130 264J Vacation Care & Staff Development Care: 407 130 277K PLEASE ADVISE STAFF OF YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS☺. ***PLEASE REMEMBER, VACATION CARE FEES ARE PAYABLE AT THE TIME OF BOOKING ACCOMPANIED WITH THE VACATION CARE FORM TO SECURE YOUR CHILD/S BOOKING. *** ATTENTION: FISH ALLERGY We will no longer be serving any meals containing fish due to allergy restriction with our school. FEE CHANGE- $44.00 PRE BOOKED $57.00 CASUAL OPTIONAL COST THESE HOLIDAYS: $2.00 Plaster painting (craft activity children make and take home). $2.00 Slushies (Orange & Lemonade)- Fundraiser EXCURSIONS: Please provide all children with a backpack bag on excursions. NO plastic bags. Toe covering closed in shoes must be worn, and it is asked during excursions that your child/ren be dressed in a red T-Shirt for safety reasons. NINTENDO DS/IPODS: Children are allowed to bring their DS’s, ipods, etc. However, the centre will not be held responsible for any damaged property or loss of items. PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS CLEARLY. Stick insects @ Cindi Kindi. We have 1 stick insect at Cindi Kindi. These beautiful insects are fun and provide a world of learning experiences for the kiddies ☺ URGENT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS: Please ensure you pack enough food and water for your child/ren each day. Remember we provide lunch, but families must supply morning AND afternoon tea. Children also need to have at least 2 bottles of water (poppers are not sufficient hydration) Remember packing more is better than less! HOT WEATHER: Provide 1 frozen water bottle and 1 water bottle. Also provide your child with a change of clothing, a hat & sunscreen. Please be mindful, that summer is very hot. To cool the children down, we may wet them with water each day. ALLERGY ALERT!! Please don’t bring in any nuts, nut products & or raw eggs. Where possible please wash all hands & brush teeth before attending our centre if you have eaten nuts, nut products or raw eggs. If your child has anaphylaxis or an allergy to nuts or other products please fill in our action plan forms before your child/ren attend Cindi Kindi. Please provide your child with their own medication/s including Epipen or Anapen, accompanied with their Medical Action Plan, provided by the child’s DR. CLOSED IN SHOES ARE TO BE WORN DAILY. (NO thongs/Flip Flops: feet need to be covered and protected!!) As Australian weather has proven to be very unpredictable, we ask to always have a HAT, Provide your child/ren with sun safe clothing & sunscreen as well as a raincoat & umbrella. CHECK THE LOST PROPERTY TUB: If unlabelled items are not claimed by week 2 of the following school term, they may be donated to the local charity. Out of school hours care For primary school aged children CiNDi KiNDi @ Alford’s Point Public School FULLY ACCREDITED ABN 72394670456 2c Brushwood Drive, Alfords Point, NSW 2234 0412575551 or 0431399299 Email: or Dec Summer Vacation Care 2014 Week 1 THURSDAY 18th FRIDAY 19th Activity: Water Play Day! (Bring cossies, towel & change of clothes) & Electronic devices evices and Remote control devices Lunch: Pin Wheel Sandwiches Frozen Oranges Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 Activity: Umbrella Painting + Make a Gingerbread house! Lunch: Fruit Salad, Yoghurt & Muesli & Ginger bread house Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 Compulsory $10 Week 2 MONDAY 22nd TUESDAY 23rd Activity: Incursion Got Game Multi sports Activity: Masterchef Class (cooking cooking CLOSE AT 5PM Xmas Party- Bring in healthy party food & Dress up Kris Kringle (bring a $5 gift), Surprise Visitor & Prizes! (Dance/Cricket) rice paper rolls and popcorn ice Water Play Day! cream cones) & (Bring cossies, towel & change of clothes) Christmas Crafts Lunch: Rice paper rolls, popcorn ice cream cones, frozen oranges Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 Lunch: Dips, Crackers and Salads Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 Compulsory $15 CHILDREN FROM OTHER SCHOOLS ARE INVITED TO ENROL INTO OUR VACATION CARE WEDNESDAY 24th Activity: Draw Xmas Hampers Lunch: Healthy Party Food Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 XMAS DAY ! BOXING DAY (Closed) Merry Xmas & Happy New Year! (Closed) Priced from $0 per day MUST WEAR A RED TOP ON EXCURSIONS CCB approved Out of school hours care For primary school aged children CiNDi KiNDi @ Alford’s Point Public School FULLY ACCREDITED ABN 72394670456 2c Brushwood Drive, Alfords Point, NSW 2234 0412575551 or 0431399299 Email: or Jan Summer Vacation Care 2015 Week 3 MONDAY 5 th Activity: Sensational Science Day! (Making chicken cups, rock candy & fizzy sherbet) Wood Work Lunch: Pikelets with spreads Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 TUESDAY 6th Activity: Incursion Circus skills (hula hoop workshop, juggling, spinning plates, balancing objects) Lunch: Vegie sticks, Dip, Crackers & Cheese Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 Compulsory $17 WEDNESDAY 7th Activity: Water Play Day (cossies, towel & change of clothes) & Wool Fun! Make edible popcorn necklaces Lunch: Wraps with Cold Meat & Salad Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 THURSDAY 8th Activity: High tea Cooking Day – cupcake making, aking, ribbon sandwiches & mini muffins Wii Dance Competition Lunch: High Tea Treats you have created & Frozen Oranges Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 FRIDAY 9th Activity: Mini Olympics & Obstacle Course & Prizes. Make a meal placemat Lunch: Fruit Salad, yoghurt & Muesli Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 Week 4 MONDAY 12th TUESDAY 13th Activity: Incursion Jumping Castle & Bandana/Pillowcase (bring in) tie dye day Lunch: Bread Rolls, Salad & Frozen Oranges Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 Compulsory $15 Activity: Water Play Day! (bring CHILDREN FROM OTHER SCHOOLS ARE INVITED TO ENROL INTO OUR VACATION CARE cossies, towel & change of WEDNESDAY 14th Activity: Book week (dress up as your favourite book character). clothes) + Making Balloon Make your own book mark & Water balloon yo yo’s Stress Balls Lunch: Sausage sizzle Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 Lunch: Fruit Salad, yoghurt & Muesli Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 THURSDAY 15th Activity: Excursion Menai Library & Iceblock Clay Art Lunch: Sandwiches or Cruskits Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 Compulsory $5 FRIDAY 16th Activity: Hot wheels Day! (Bring your bike or scooter & helmet) + Paper aeroplane flying competition Lunch: Bread rolls or cruskits with Salads, Cold Meats & Frozen Oranges Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 Priced from MUST WEAR A RED TOP ON EXCURSIONS $0 per day CCB approved Out of school hours care For primary school aged children CiNDi KiNDi @ Alford’s Point Public School FULLY ACCREDITED ABN 72394670456 2c Brushwood Drive, Alfords Point, NSW 2234 0412575551 or 0431399299 Email: or Jan Summer Vacation Care 2015 Week 5 MONDAY 19th Activity: Crazy Hair Day & Water Play! (bring your cossies, towel & change of clothes) Lunch: Pikelets & Spreads Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 TUESDAY 20th Activity: Excursion Multi Sports at Menai Indoor Sports Centre & Iceblock Lunch: Rice cakes & spreads w Frozen Oranges Costs: Plaster $2 Compulsory $15 WEDNESDAY 21 st Activity: Mystery Day! (who knows what will happen) Lunch: It’s a mystery! Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 THURSDAY 22nd Activity: Incursion Putt Putt Golf (New Attractions!!) Lunch: Crackers, cheese, Vegie sticks & dip Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 Compulsory $20 FRIDAY 23rd Activity: Australia Day Celebration Water Play, Mural Paintingprizes for best dressed Tattoos & Aussie Crafts Slip & Slide (bring helmet) Lunch: Subway Costs: Plaster $2 Slushies $2 Compulsory Subway $5 Week 6 TUESDAY 27th Activity: Movie Marathon (bring a G or PG movie) Popcorn & Photo Booth. New Year’s Party & Games bring in treats to share, prizes Lunch: Crackers, Cheese, Frozen Oranges, Vegie Sticks & Dip Costs: CHILDREN FROM OTHER SCHOOLS ARE INVITED TO ENROL INTO OUR VACATION CARE Plaster $2 Slushies $2 MUST WEAR A RED TOP ON EXCURSIONS Priced from $0 per day CCB approved
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