DAYCON For Internal Circulation Only 19th November 2014, Volume IX, Issue 972 Skill Development Training Program Get Together at Jharsuguda Safety LOTO Training Program Substation Commissioning work at Chennai We function as a united team of 100 percent committed to our chosen pursuit. The reason for this is we have an unbridled enthusiasm for what we do. “Focus, Integrity and Hard work are the key words that describe our company's core philosophies over these years. Our CREW Project team got the Erection & Commissioning project of Substation in Manali, Athipattu, Sembiyam, Annai Nagar and Nikalson Road on 28th February 2014. On 14th November 2014, the team was successfully completed the Manali substation commissioning work and another 4 substations commissioning work will completed this month. The inauguration pooja was completed on 14th November 2014. On that occasion, TNEB Director (Distribution) Mr.Annadurai, TNEB CE – North Mr.Pandi, TNEB CE (RAPDRB) Mr.Thangarasu and all the TNEB Engineers along with our Managing Director Mr.V.R.Senthilkumar, General Manager (Project) Mr.A.Sivakumar, GM Mr.Palaniyappan, GM Mr.K.Selvaraj, DGM Mr.Thiyagarajan and all the key officials were participated in this pooja. Page-1 Get Together At Jharsuguda On 9th November 2014, our Jharsuguda team members organized a CREW Family members Get together function at Hotel Arya Palace on Sunday 6 pm. In this family function, 75 families were participated who is working in our Jharsuguda site in the presence of our Director Mr.V.R.Ramu along with Zonal Manager Mr.M.Senthilnathan, Resident Manager – CPP Quality Award Mr.N.Muralidharan, Resident Manager – IPP Mr.J.Napolean, Railway Site Mr.Pramod World Quality Day was celebrated on 13th November 2014. Based on this, JSW of Kumar Choudhary, JSG DRMs, Managers and all the resources were participated RWPL Site was celebrated the World Quality Day on 14th November 2014. On that enthusiastically. On this occasion, our Director spoke out the uses of Pass card, Help day, our RWPL team received the Quality award for maintain all the places of RWPL Desk, Con call etc. and odisha peoples were worked all the sites of all over India. Site were cleaned. Finally, gift were distributed to all the families. Page-2 The award was given by JSW – Vice President Mr.Adithya Agarwal in the presence of It our Resident Manager Mr.G.A.A.Arulselvan, DRM Mr.R.Elavarasan and all the employers and employees Department HODs. of an organization. An is fruitful to both employee will become more efficient and productive if he is trained well. Based on this, our BALCO 540 MW team has been conducted a training program for Safety meeting on 17th November 2014. The training program was conducted by our Safety Officer Mr.Manoj Kumar Sahoo. On this occasion, all the participants got well motivated and enthusiastic along with the union representatives also who Balco 540 Site Safety Meeting Training is the process of participated from (AITUC) Mr.Thivari, (INTUC) Mr.Hamend and (SABITHA) Mr.Mungram Shaho along with Mr.CD. Singh and other key officials of BALCO Site who were also the important part of the participants. Our team conducted a Zero Accident/Zero Incident training program. These were discussed in the program in the presence of our Resident Managers Mr.C.Balakrishnan & Mr.S.Samidurai and all our resources were participated enthusiastically. enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees for doing a particular job. Training process molds the thinking of employees and leads to quality performance of them. It is a continuous process and never ending in nature. It is crucial for organizational development and success. Page-3 Training Programs Skill Development Training Program Hot Work Training Program Our team successfully organized a Hot work training program on 10th November 2014. The program was conducted by our Safety Department Mr.Subhojit and Mr.Vijay. The topic covered under the training program was Gas cutting & Welding. Skill Development training program was conducted effectively at our operation Our Mechanical team members enthusiastically participated in this training team of Jaigarh Port Site on 13th November 2014. The program was conducted by program and more than 15 employees were participated the program. JSW – Operation Manager Mr.Arvind Chaturvedi and Mr.Santhosh Mahatre in the presence of our Resident Manager Mr.M.Sabanayagam, O&M Manager Mr.K.S.Manikandan and all the HODs were participated. More than 40 resources of Operation department were participated effectively. In this training program, KPI and Safety devices were discussed. Winter safety awareness training A training program was organized by our RWPL Site team members regarding Winter Safety awareness training program to Sub contractor for housekeeping employees on 11th November 2014. The program was conducted by Operation Incharge Mr.Sivaraman, Housekeeping In-charge Mr.Ramesh and Safety department team. More than 93 peoples were participated in this training program and Do's & Don'ts about winter were discussed briefly. Page-4 Safety LOTO Training Program Kaizen Award Challenges are tough to cross. But, after turning them into success, the same On 11th November 2014, our Jharsuguda CPP team conducted a training program regarding LOTO system and the program was conducted by our Safety Officer Mr.Hrusikesh Sahoo. In this training program, the purpose of Lockout & Tag out, how to implement the LOTO system were discussed about the program and more than 50 resources were participated the training program eagerly. Operation Training Program challenges become the prime points when we reveal the success story. Really, they become the reference to our competent journey towards further milestones. Our CHP Electrical team of Jharsugda CPP Site owns the Best Kaizen award for the month of April 2014 for the project of “Efficiency Improvement & APC Reduction on Conveyor Motors”. The project results & benefits are: 1. The Motor efficiency increased. 2. Reliability of the motor increased. 3. Power factor improved. 4. Aux. Power consumption reduced 3KW/hr. 5. Cost conservation – Rs.86000/ year A training program was organized to At the same time, they own "Dry Type Transformer Cooling Fan Base Modification" Operation team of our SGTPS Site on award also received from SSL & Steag for the month of October 2014. The project 11th November 2014. The training result & benefits are, program was conducted by our 1. The availability of the cooling fan increased from 60% to 97% Associate 2. Reliability of the transformer increased. Regional Manager Mr.G.Jayavel in the presence of our 3. There is no cause of failure because of other defective cooling fans. Resident Manager Mr.J.Gopinath and 4. Cost conservation – Rs.48000/ year discussed about the topics of Material handling, Types of Belt, Pulley lagging & Fluid Coupling. New practice in Cleanliness On 15th Nov, at our RWPL site - the employee and higher officials from JSW and all our employees were jointly cleaned the LHS area.Together everyone assembled in this house keeping activity gives new experience to all and made us strong in unity. Page-5 Environment Area Welcome Corner Housekeeping employees untiring efforts reflected at all our CREW Sites. JSW Site BORL Site Mr.B.Jeevanath Head Office RWPL Site Mr.R.Tamilarasan NCTPS WPCL Site Mr.R.Balagangadharathilagar NCTPS PPT Site Mr.J.Anbarasan Head Office MTPS Site The continuation will be released on next week. Mr.SatyaNarayanaMoharana NCTPS Mr.R.Sekar NCTPS Mr.R.Rajkumar JPL Mr.M.Thiyagarajan Mr.M.MalkitSingh RTPP TSPL Mr.C.VasanthKrishnan NCTPS Mr.UmashankarPrajapati BORL Page-6 help desk Question & Answer Quest 1)Antivirus software is an example of Help Desk Beneficiaries No.of Complaint Status Remarks Close Open 1 BORL 3 3 0 2 BALCO 4 3 1 3 CPP 1 1 0 4 HMC 0 0 0 5 IPP-CHP 2 1 1 6 IPP-WT 1 1 0 7 JITPL 10 10 0 8 JPL 15 15 0 C. An operating system D. An office suite A. DAT files B. WAV files C. LOG files D. DRV files 3)A device operating at the physical layer is called a UnderProcess A. Bridge B. Repeater C. Router D. All of the above 4)The basic building block of a database that contains related records is UnderProcess A. Query B. Form C. Table D. Report 5)The default extension of Access database file is 9 JSG-RLY 4 2 2 10 JSW 0 0 0 11 LG 4 2 2 12 MTPS 1 1 0 13 PPT 2 2 0 14 PTPS 19 13 6 UnderProcess 15 RWPL 7 5 2 UnderProcess 16 SEPL 4 3 1 UnderProcess 17 SGTPS 5 4 1 UnderProcess 18 TSPL 6 4 2 UnderProcess 19 WPCL 2 1 1 UnderProcess 90 71 19 Total B. A security utility 2)Which of the following are types of sound files? HelpDeskReport Sl.No Site A. Business software UnderProcess UnderProcess Wevaluetheutilizationofthehelpdeskandsharedthoughts. Mobile:08607168168 A. Db B. Dba C. Mdb D. Adb Answers will be published on tomorrow's Birthday Corner. This Week Important Days 20November -UniversalChildren'sDay(UN),AfricaIndustrializationDay 21November -WorldFisheriesDay,WorldHelloDay,WorldTelevisionDay 25November -InternationalDayagainstViolenceagainstWomen 26November -LawDay,NationalLawDay Page-7 Entertainment Area A story for Passover But this never happened in New Jersey which is why I want to talk about the Campbell family. The Campbell family in New Jersey made the news back in 2008 when they tried to get a birthday cake made for their son they have a son and two daughters at the local Shop Rite in Holland Township. The store refused their request. A good Passover story should always involve cakes. Austrian baker Manfred And the reason was that Mr. Campbell wanted the cake to read "Happy birthday Klaschka is the subject of this years story. He was in the news because of his most Adolf Hitler". Because, you see, his sons name was Adolf Hitler Campell. One of recent catalogue of cake designs; Klaschka is a pastry specialist. the daughters is named is named Joyce Lynn Aryan Nation Campbell. Well, you Of course, Austrian pastries are famous the world over. Now, pastry baker Manfred get the point. Klaschkas most recent catalogue of such tasty delights was in the news this week When I read about the Austrian baker Manfred Klaschka, I thought here was a because it included cakes decorated with swastikas as well as one with a baby raising marketing opportunity for him. He would have happily baked a cake for the its right arm in a Nazi salute. Campbell family. So what does all this have to do with Passover? Herr Klaschka insists he is not a Nazi. After the news story broke, he even met with a This week, when we are forbidden to eat Sachertore or Linzer tort or even the Holocaust awareness group, and apologized for what he had done, and he then baked delightfully named Punschkrapfen, we might want to pause and think about a cake to say he was sorry a cake with Jewish and Christian symbols. The point of the something we say every year at the Passover seder: 'In every generation it is the story the bit I found interesting is Herr Klaschkas explanation for what he did. duty of man to consider himself as if he had come forth from Egypt'. "I see it was a mistake, anyone who knows me knows what kind of person I am. I am no Because in this generation, as in all others, there are those who order custom- Nazi", said Klaschka, who had earlier said he was just a pastry maker made swastika cakes. There are those who name their fulfilling his customers wishes. Fulfilling his customers wishes? There children after Adolf Hitler. And there are others who fire is a market in Austria in 2011 for cakes with babies raising their arms in anti-tank missiles at school busses with Jewish children Nazi salutes, cakes with swastikas on them? There are parties where in them. Because there are those who are building people serve such cakes? Maybe birthday parties for babies? nuclear weapons, having told the world that their Of course there are such people, and there are such parties, and because intention is to wipe the Jewish state off the face of the of that, there is a market there is consumer demand for swastika cakes. earth. Because people like that make Pharaoh look like a Which is why Herr Klaschka was happy to bake them. And not only in nice guy. Because getting out of the house of bondage, Austria. out of slavery in Egypt, was not the end of the story for the Jewish people, but was You may remember the case of the Campbell family from New Jersey. the beginning. When Kurt Waldheim was exposed as a war criminal his popularity rose. The neo- It is a story of a never-ending struggle for freedom, for dignity, for respect, for Nazi Freedom Party headed by the late Jorg Haider, won 27% of the vote in the 2000 human rights, that has universal resonance and meaning for all people, elections and became part of the coalition government the first time since 1945 that everywhere, always. Nazis had sat in a European government. Page-8
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