Weekly Notice In Case You Were Wondering Nov. 18,

Weekly Notice
Nov. 18,
In Case You Were Wondering
There was an error in the article entitled Winds of Change in the newly published Annual Report. Micah Witri teaches
Outdoor Education and Movement to grades 5-8. Jan Lyndes teaches the Movement Classes to Grades 1- 4. My apologies for the numeric oversight and the resulting confusion.
Janet Gordon
Thanksgiving Assembly at Heberton Hall
With the Crafts Fair now successfully completed, it’s time to set our sights on the next big school event—our annual
Thanksgiving Assembly! Because we’ve grown with our high school and continue to expand through our network of
graduates and alumni, we’ve had to think big(ger): This year the assembly will be held not at the elementary school on
South Lincoln Street, but will be held at Heberton Hall, right next door to the Keene Public Library. We are hoping that this change of venue will give us the space that we need to make room for each and every parent, friend, and
student who wants to join us in celebrating the abundant blessings that we have all enjoyed this year in working together
as part of a caring and vibrant school community.
Where: Heberton Hall, 76 Winter Street. The hall is next to the Keene Public Library.
When: The assembly will begin at 10:30 a.m. Please arrive early.
Parking: There is plenty of street parking in the neighborhood of the library. If you park at a metered spot,
please make sure you feed the meter! (Many of our students will walk with their classes to the hall. Check with your
class teacher if interested.)
Classes will be collecting donations for the Keene Community Kitchen this week (November 17 – 21) and early next
week. These will be delivered by the school to the Community Kitchen. On the day of the assembly, we hope that children will bring one final donation that they can carry to the hall themselves to place on our traditional harvest tables at
the assembly.
After School Circus Arts Class!
Marie-Douce Dorion-Rippe, a new parent in our school and a professional circus performer and teacher, is pleased to
offer two sessions of circus programs: Mondays and Wednesdays: Grades 3, 4, & 5; and, Tuesdays: Grades 6, 7, & 8.
Classes will cost $10/class and meet from 3:15 pm to 4:30 pm at Elementary school.
Monday/Wednesday session dates are as follows: November 17,19, and 24, and December 1, 3, 8,10, 15, and 17.
Tuesday session dates are: November 18, 25, and December 2, 9, and 16.
If there is interest in continuing a circus arts program, more sessions will be available after the December break. Please
contact the Main Office to reserve a space for your child. Leave a message for Miss Marshall, extension 617, if you have
any questions.
Lock Installation
In line with our on-going work regarding school safety and emergency response planning, we are installing locks on a
number of doors in all three of our buildings, including classrooms and office spaces. This work will begin on November
21 at the High School and continue until it is complete at all three locations. If you have any questions or concerns,
please contact Kim Cassin 357-4442 or kcassin@monadnockwaldorfschool.org.
Monadnock Waldorf School is dedicated to nurturing young human beings who will be capable of contributing fully to the tasks of life with courage, compassion, and conviction. We strive to foster wholeness and lifelong well-being through awakening an abiding love and interest in the world
while cultivating the gifts and strengths that are unique to each individual student.
98 South Lincoln Street, Keene, NH 03431, 603-357-4442, fax 603-357-2955 www.monadnockwaldorfschool.org
“Receive the Students in reverence, educate them in love, let them go forth in freedom” -Rudolf Steiner
Crafts Fair Thanks!
The Crafts Fair was a rousing success thanks to the scores of volunteer hours you all contributed. Hundreds of shoppers, young and old, flowed through our doors on Friday night and all day Saturday to shop, have refreshments, enjoy
musical offerings, take in a puppet show or story, tour the magical gnome forest, bid in the silent auction, enter the
raffle, make a craft and, of course, to shop, shop, shop.
A thousand thanks (one for each shopper!) to the Crafts Fair Committee. They worked tirelessly for months bringing all
the details together: recruiting vendors; securing donations for the raffle, silent auction, and café; crafting lovely items
for sale; ordering merchandise for the school store; attending to countless logistical details small and large; organizing
the children’s and parent’s craft contributions; and coordinating, coordinating, coordinating. Thanks to the wave of parents and students who transformed the building from an elementary school into a crafts bazaar in under three hours
on Friday afternoon! Thanks to parents who handed out brochures, served in the café, baked their best desserts,
worked in the school store, sold raffle tickets, led children’s activities, parked cars, and welcomed our guests with
warmth and grace. Our students made us proud bussing tables, announcing events, running the children’s store, playing music, running the Gnome Forest and more. And thanks to the final wave of eighth grade parents, students and
others who moved through the building with enthusiasm and precision and put the whole elementary school back together, ready for school on Monday morning. Witnessing this process was to see a community in action—a community that seemed to be having a fine time!
It will take a few weeks for all of the finances to settle out and when they do we’ll let you know how successful our biggest fundraising event of the year has been. To me the Crafts Fair is already been a success and I thank each and
every one of you who helped make it so!
The Seventh Grade is proud to offer beautifully-made, double-sided holiday wreaths, kissing
balls, garlands and swags made by 3 Rivers Wreath Company of Franklin, NH. Any seventh
grader will be happy to take your order.
Last date to order: Monday, November 24
Delivery on Monday, December 8 at dismissal.
Or Order Online! You can buy online at http://store.3rwc.com/monadnock-waldorf-school.
Look for our school logo and a greeting from the seventh grade. Orders placed on line will be
mailed directly to the address of your choice, anywhere in the U.S. This makes a wonderful
holiday gift, as well. All proceeds support the Middle School Trip Fund. Thank you for your
Delicious, homemade pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving!
Baked by MWHS girls who participate in the lovely Cecelia Ensemble (a cappella singing), directed by Maria Belva. Proceeds to benefit the Cecelia Ensemble and their performing trip in France in 2016. $15/pie. Please contact the MWHS
office at 903-0064 to order. Thank you for supporting this amazing arts endeavor.
Hannaford Gift Card Fundraiser
We are reintroducing our monthly Hannaford Gift Card fundraising program. This is our favorite kind of fundraiser;
earning money from purchases our families already make! Simply put, MWS earns money when you pre-pay for your
Hannaford purchases.
Funds raised will go to the Parent Council for the benefit of the entire student body. The Parent Council provides
funds for 4th grade violin rentals, class trips, annual giving, the high school pledge drive, emergency needs, and more!
To begin your participation in the program, all you need to do is bring us a check for $100 or more (in $100 increments)
and you will receive one or more $100 Hannaford gift cards. If you already have a card you can always reload it!
Hannaford gives MWS 5% of the total value purchased, back toward our fundraising needs. It is that easy!
Please bring your checks by Tuesday November 18, see the flyer at the back of The Weekly for details.
Community Kitchen and Thanksgiving
I invite you to think ahead to our annual Thanksgiving Assembly on Wednesday morning, November 26 at
10:30 am. This spirited (and often hilarious!) assembly is a time to gather as a school community and to welcome back alums and alumni families celebrating the bounty of our community life here at Monadnock Waldorf School.
This year we will celebrate at Heberton Hall next to the Keene Public Library on Winter Street in Keene. This
new space will allow us to comfortably accommodate all of our friends and families—old and new—and will
give the Lost Faculty Band an exciting new venue!
It’s our custom to invite all students to bring a donation for the Community Kitchen to this special assembly
and it is always humbling to see how much non-perishable food is collected. Our intrepid fifth graders, with
the help of our ninth graders, will ferry the food to the Community Kitchen after the assembly where it will distributed over the holidays to families in our community. Thank you.
Lisa Mahar
Important Dates
Our thoughts are with Betsi McGuigan and her family.
Betsi's father, Davis Toothman, died recently in Idaho.
November 26
November 27-28
Middle & High School
Choral Concert
December 11
December 10
Be sure to save the date of Thursday, December 11 for our middle school and high school choral concert at 7:00 pm at the
Alumni Recital Hall on the campus of Keene State College.
The recital hall is spacious and comfortable and the acoustics
are perfect for these young people to present their musical talents to you. They have been working throughout the fall with
their music instructors to prepare an outstanding program.
Come for an uplifting night of music and bring a friend!
December 11
New Adult Eurythmy Course
Our eurythmy teacher, Juan Carlos Lancellotti,
Lisa Mahar will be offering a eurythmy course for adults on
Fridays through Feb. 20.
Parking near HS: At our request, the two hour parking limit
on Court Street (north of School Street) has been lifted by the
city of Keene. If you are visiting the High School, this is the best
place to park. Please be careful using the crosswalk on Court
Street across to School Street. We are working with the city to
install signage at that crosswalk.
Parking at the Elementary School: No parking signs are
now posted on the Wilber Street curve. This means if you park
there, the city will ticket you. There is also no parking across
from the school's Wilber Street Entrance during school hours.
The city posted new signs.
(Please note: If there is no school on the day,
for weather or school vacations, the classes will
not be held.)
Class will be from 6:00—7:30 pm. New people
are always welcomed!
Fee for each class will be $15$20, depending on the ability to
Attire: Please wear a long,
flowing top and pants that allow
for unrestricted movements,
and modesty.
Thank You...No, No, Thank YOU!
We've successfully done it all again: had a beautiful, warm, inviting, abundant, entertaining, aurally
and optically pleasing, magical, nutritious yet delicious, and sweet Crafts Fair! Wow! Congratulations to all for a job well done. Thanks for all the "pre-work": posters, signs, and articles in the media (done mostly by adults); for sanding, oiling, boiling, canning, stitching, weaving, drawing, knitting, and beeswaxing (students and parents); for soliciting, collecting, buying, packaging, winding,
cutting, pricing, washing, stitching, and stuffing (mostly adults). The event marched toward us.
Classroom preparation is a colossal task. Thanks for boxing, crating, labeling, closeting, emptying,
carrying, pushing, and stacking, to allow the Fair to take place. Thanks to all for the help during the
days of the Fair: draping, pinning, hiding, securing, unpacking, displaying, decorating, beautifying,
and improvising. Desserts were baked and cut, coffee perked, vendors readied, greeters stationed,
and the doors were opened. Guests were wow-ed, awed, spellbound, and impressed. Thank you to
all who came and worked their assigned shift. And to the eighth graders and parents who helped
get things back on track at the end of the day. It really takes the entire community to make this
event a success. You did it and your efforts are appreciated. Three cheers!
Margaret Foxweldon
Farmers Market
The Winter Keene Farmers Market is now open at the Colony Mill near the Toadstool Bookstore. Esther Rhoades, the
high school a cappella teacher, hopes to make the Winter Farmers Market and the Spring/Summer Farmers Markets
exciting for children of all ages by gathering other parents and ideas. She is the new parent liaison to the Farmers Market organization, and hopes to make the Farmers Market a destination for families, not just an errand. Please email Esther with ideas, and also visit the new children's table at the Farmer's Market on Saturdays from 10 - 1. Her email address is esther.rh.rhoades@gmail.com.
Christmas Tree Sales
Please consider printing and hanging the poster attached to the Weekly to help support the
MWHS senior class!
Christmas trees will be offered for sale at Monadnock Waldorf HS, 146 School St., 10:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. on three upcoming weekends: November 29th and 30th, December 6th and 7th, and December 13th and 14th. These balsam trees are provided fresh from the award-winning Nichols Tree
Farm of Orford, NH and range in height from six to twelve feet tall. Prices are $25 - $55 per tree.
Baked goods and handmade cards and crafts will also be offered during the tree sales.
Funds raised from sales of these Christmas trees benefit the MWHS senior class service trip to
Guatemala, where students will work with From Houses to Homes, an organization that works
alongside Guatemalan people to build strong, safe, culturally appropriate, and affordable homes
for the poorest of families.
Thank you for your support. For more information, call MWHS: 903-0064.
Programs of Self-Development
Dear MWS Community Members, Over the years people in our community have regularly asked for study
groups or artistic classes that would offer an exploration of Anthroposophy, the philosophy that provides the
inspiration for our school. Waldorf education, biodynamic farming, Anthroposophical medicine, and Camphill
Communities, all growing out of a foundation of Anthroposophy, are now regularly mentioned in the media.
Publications as diverse as The New York Times and the Sauver cooking magazine recently ran articles mentioning organizations working out of the principles developed by Rudolf Steiner at the beginning of the twentieth century. People are more interested than ever before in understanding Anthroposophy.
Since it's founding, MWS has put on conferences, offered workshops and classes and invited others to use
our school as their campus, all as a way to allow the community to deepen their understanding of Anthroposophy. With the opening of our high school and an influx of new families, we think the time is right to offer a
program of self-development through a year-long course of study and artistic activities. Three seven-week
sessions will be offered, two this school year and one next autumn. All sessions will take place on Saturday
and will include three courses, combining study and artistic subjects. Different people will lead different courses, each one working out of a deep knowledge of his/her subject.
Session I: Begins Saturday, January 10, 2015.
Session II : Begins on Saturday, March 5, 2015.
Session III: Begins September 2015.
Courses will include: eurythmy, clay modeling, woodwork, metal work, painting, biography work, and study of
a number of Rudolf Steiner's basic books. The cost of each session is $440, and a discount will be offered to
those people who sign up for all three.
In order to move ahead with this program we need a minimum of six participants, so please leave a message
with the MWS office if you are interested in registering for the program. More information will follow, both by
email and in the MWS Weekly Notice.
We look forward to hearing from you by mid-December, so we can plan our courses. Questions may be directed to Monica Marshall through the MWS office 357-4442 extension 617.
Addresses for Grandparents and
Special Friends
We are preparing to mail a fall newsletter full of school photos, annual reports from our school leaders, and other news
about Monadnock Waldorf School. We would love to include
your family’s grandparents, god parents, and special friends
so we can help them learn more about MWS and keep them
up-to-date about the great things that are happening here at
school. Simply send names and addresses to
8th Grade Play stands!
The Eighth Grade has beautifully handmade
wooden play stands for sale. Perfect for your play
room. Call the Main Office at 603-357-4442 for
more details. All proceeds support the Middle
School trip fund. Thank you!
The Eighth Grade
lmahar@monadnockwaldorfschool.org and I’ll do the rest!
Lisa Mahar
There are confirmed cases of lice at the Elementary School.
Please check your children’s heads for nits and lice daily.
Homemade Mac and Cheese
Good news parents! The seventh grade will be selling freshly made macaroni and cheese for lunch
on Wednesdays starting November 5. A regular portion will be $3, and a large portion will be $4. All
sales support the middle school trip fund. We are using organic wheat pasta and high quality dairy
products. To make our offering as "green" as possible, students are asked to bring a bowl and utensil
from home.
Pre-Order Your Pizza and Mac and Cheese
In response to your requests, the 7th and 8th grades have collaborated on an order form that allows parents to order
and pay for lunches over a 2-month period with a single check. Starting this week, you can order Mac & Cheese
for Wednesdays and/or Pizza for Thursdays using the form included in the weekly, and available outside your child's
classroom on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Please complete a separate order form for each child, but you are
welcome to write a single check to cover multiple order forms. You will still be able to order individual meals outside
your child's classroom, if you prefer. Thank you for supporting the Middle School Trip Fund.
Burritos for lunch!
Starting today and every Tuesdays: Burritos from Taqueria Odelay.
Choose: Beans, Rice and Cheese ($4) or Chicken, Beans, Rice and Cheese
Eighth Grade Bread and Cookie Order Form
Name: _______________________ Grade: __________
Orders due:
Monday, November 24, 2014
Please turn order in to the Main Office at the Elementary school.
MULTI GRAIN (sliced)
BREADSTICKS: Seeded onion
Total Price
Cheesy potato and herb
SPECIAL: Roasted potato
COOKIES: Super Nutty Chocolate Chip
TOTAL $________________
Bulletin Board
Please Note: We encourage you to
make a donation of $10 to place bulletin
board and community event listings that
are professional in nature. This donation
will cover the cost of running the ad for
three weeks. We ask that you make your
donation in advance. Thank you for your
For Sale: Burton Snowboard boots,
Youth Size 4 (Women's 5) black- could
work for boy or girl $20. Also For Sale:
Tecnica Ski Boots, Youth Size 4 Black
$10 Email: kfroling95@gmail.com
Nursery-Kindergarten Assistant:
Cobb Meadow Waldorf School in Dublin,
NH seeks an assistant for its mixed age
nursery kindergarten. We require an
assistant for up to three days a week, 8
am-1:30 pm. We seek calm and confident, kind and attentive person to join
our small faculty. Aptitude for early childhood work needed, and exposure to Anthroposophy very helpful. Position will
start January 5, 2015, applications accepted now. For more information about
out school, please
check www.cobbmeadowschool.org
If interested, please phone Cobb Meadow School 563-7755
Looking for a Treadle Sewing Machine
to Borrow : There is an enthusiastic
eighth grader who would like to sew his
pajama project using a treadle machine.
We begin making the pajamas in January when we return from the holiday
break and would like to borrow a machine for a few months. I would be willing
to pick it up and return it safely to the
lender. If you have one or know of one
that we could use, it would be most appreciated. Janet Gordon
Needed: The Nursery-Kimdergarten is
looking for hot water bottles. Please call
357-8663 if you have one to give.
For Subaru and Others: 4 Studded
Dunlop tires (215/60 OR 16), excellent
condition, purchased and used for one
season. I bought a new car and these
don't fit. New: $528, will sell for $325. Pat
House for Rent: Lovely 3 Bedroom
Home for rent in the East Side Neighborhood of Keene. Large back yard with
plenty of room for a garden. Close to the
Monadnock Waldorf School and within
walking distance to downtown. The
house has an efficient oil furnace and a
new wood pellet stove in the living
room. $1195.00 per month.
603.313.2343 tod@worldpath.net
Apartment for Rent: One bedroom
apartment in East Keene, a little over a
block from the Waldorf Elementary
School. Owner-occupied home has a
separate apartment entrance and
porch. All utilities included. Full bath
includes a large tub. Freshly painted
with high ceilings and a large yard. Offstreet parking. No pets or smoking.
$775 /month. Call 219-218-0846 for
more details.
Calendula Garden Children's Center, a
Waldorf-inspired childcare center associated with the W.S. Badger Company,
is looking for a Part Time Lead Teacher. Responsibilities include providing
excellent care to children (ages 6
months to 3 years), guiding them
through the daily rhythms, and working
closely with the team of caregivers. The job is scheduled for Monday
through Friday, starting at 12:00
PM. Our ideal candidate will have a
lead teacher certification and experience in a Waldorf environment. To
apply, please send a letter of interest
including past experience and contact
information for 3 references, to Jay
Smeltz, WS Badger Co., PO Box 58,
Gilsum, NH 03431 or email
to jays@badgerbalm.com.
Choroi Pentatonic Children's Harp 7 strings: Also known as Kinderharp or
Kinderlyre. Includes tuning wrench,
manual, and wooden case. (used, but
good condition ) $250.00. Call Amy
Robertshaw 355-5046.
Childcare Wanted: Waldorf N-K family looking for childcare for a 4.5 year
old boy and 2 year old girl. Both enjoy
bikes, walks, stories, and more. Please
contact Emily if you are interested/
available for occasional times and/or in
setting up a regular schedule for a
weekend time. Cell: 603.903.8023 or
For rent: Small and sweet studio
apartment in the heart of historic Harrisville. Lots of natural light, built-ins
and charm! Walking distance to lakes,
general store, rail trail, yoga and a 25
minute drive to MWS. Suits one person. Heat, hot water, wifi, snow, trash
included - $600 per month. Call
Volunteer Doulas enhance hospital
maternity care both in Keene and Brattleboro. Please contact Marilyn Buck
(Keene) at 603-354-5454 ext. 2270 or
via email MBuck@Cheshire-Med.com
or Carol Schnabel (Brattleboro) at 802257-1894, email cschnabel@bmhvt.org if you are interested in
providing volunteer Doula support for
birthing women and families in our
community. Thank you!
Position available: Development Assistant, Anthroposophical Society in
America. Help grow our national membership organization in a position
based in southern NH. Looking for a
positive-minded, self-motivated person
with project organization, MS office and
database experience to work flexible,
part-time hours from your home office
and mine. 10 hours per week currently. Must be computer savvy, detailoriented, organized and able to juggle
multiple tasks in a cheerful and effective manner. Development and/or
community engagement experience
preferred. To apply, send letter, resume and names of three references to
Housesitting: Going away for the
Christmas holidays? My west coast
family is coming to visit and would love
to house sit for you! They don't need
much room and can take care of all
kinds of pets and plants. Preferably in
Keene but will consider all possibilities.
Please call Martha Temple 690.1189
soon to discuss, they are eager to
make their travel plans.
House for Rent: Single family 2-3 bedroom home located on lower Main
Street in Keene. Home is two levels
plus an unfinished basement, first floor
has living room, dining room, kitchen,
and a small room off the living room
which can be used as a third bedroom.
Second floor has two bedrooms and a
full bathroom. Each bedroom has a
closet and built in drawers. Basement
is full and unfinished and is equipped
with a washer, dryer, and utility sink.
Kitchen is equipped with a stove and
refrigerator. Off-street parking is located at rear of house. Rent is $1250 per
month which includes water/sewer,
yard maintenance, and on-site parking.
Tenant is responsible for utilities such
as fuel oil and electricity (and cable,
internet, phone, if desired). The address is 659 Main Street and located
1/2 mile south of the Route 12/Route
101 intersection, 2-1/2 miles from Antioch University,
and 2 miles from the Monadnock Waldorf School. N/P,
N/S. Credit check, references, security deposit required. Available 10/15. Call Daryl Stutes at 603-7381034 for more information or email at
dstutes1@yahoo.com .
Child-size violin: Is your child interested in starting
a string instrument? We have a 1/4 size violin, bow and
case for sale for $100. Our daughter played it from ages
4-8 and loved it, but has grown into a full-sized instrument. It is a sweet little violin! Heather Morrison 9031361
Private Tutoring Offered: Math, English/Writing and
more. Individual and group rates available, w/free initial
evaluation. I have 5 yrs+ experience tutoring youth ages 12-18+ and would love to discuss your specific situation. Hours of availability are flexible. Please call Michael Nadeau @ 903-4979.
Acupuncture on a sliding scale ($15-$40) at Cup of
Life Healing Center. At Cup of Life Healing Center,
we strive to make acupuncture affordable for you to
come as often and for as long as needed in order to feel
better! Pay just $15-$40 per visit for community acupuncture. We never ask for income verification. Simply
pay what you can afford within the scale, no questions
asked. With regular treatment, acupuncture can naturally and effectively address both acute and chronic conditions. We treat patients of all ages. For questions about
acupuncture, contact Michael:
michael@CupOfLifeHealing.com. We are located at 82
Washington Street in Keene. Appointments can be
made online at www.CupOfLifeHealingCenter.com or by
calling (603) 352-3625.
Circle of Giving and Receiving
Family–friendly event at YAGNA INN
Got Chocolate?
The MWS basketball team begins it's first fundraising
effort Fridays on the playground after school. Please
be on the lookout for the delicious Liberty Chocolate
bars that they'll be offering! The team will be selling
the bars until basketball season ends on Friday afternoons for $4.00. Order forms will soon be available for purchases of 1 or more cases (10 bars/case).
If you are curious about this one-of-a-kind honey
sweetened chocolate, check it out online, http://
libertychocolates.com/ Proceeds benefit the team by
helping cover the cost of gyms rentals, uniforms and
Buy Nothing Groups = Random Acts of Kindness All Day Long
I have recently started a local chapter of this group and I’d love
you to join if you live in or around Keene. The idea behind these
local groups is that if you have something to give, or need something or just want to share some gratitude, you do it within this
site. The more members, the more we strengthen our community.
Spread the message of “Buy Nothing, Give Freely, Share Creatively.” Check it out @ http://buynothingproject.org/ or the Buy
Nothing Project -Keene Facebook page @
Courtney Fugere
Community Events
The Edge Ensemble Theatre Company presents
Auld Lang Syne
The Edge Ensemble Theatre Company will present a world premiere of Auld Lang Syne by local playwright
Walter Lowe. Kim Dupuis is directing this seriocomedy about how lost or suppressed memories can reassert
themselves with shattering effect. The play deals with a case of bullying that's more than 50 years old, the
repressed memories surrounding it, and the repercussions it has on present-day relationships. Lowe explores
these timely and timeless issues with great humor and a delicate touch.
The play will be performed November 19-22 at 7:30 PM and on November 23 at 2 PM, at Heberton Hall,
Keene Public Library Annex, 76 Winter Street. The cast is being led by Walter himself, and supporting him
are Ray Mahoney, Molly McMillan, Dakota Benedetto, and Daniel Petit.
Ticket prices are $15 general admission, $12 for seniors/students. For more information, or to reserve tickets,
call (603) 352-5657, or e-mail theedgeensemble@aol.com.
Visit The Edge’s website at www.edgeensemble.org.
Yoga and Meditation
Family Yoga with Ditteke Ederveen Gorman: 11:30 am -12:30 pm on Saturdays. At the YMCA
Meditation every Tuesday with Ditteke: 4:15—5:15 pm. Breathe your way to a new you. Enjoy different
breathing techniques to heal your mind, body and soul. Mild stretching is included. Starts today!
Economics Study Group
Friday, Nov. 21st, 4-6PM at MWS Elementary School
Please join us for a two-hour exploration of local economics in today's world economy using the 2012 Jefferson lecture by Wendell Berry titled, It All Turns on Affection, as our source of study for this first meeting. We
will use the Aspen-style process of questioning for this discussion. This format and choice of lecture was
used at a recent B corp retreat and inspired participants to deepen their relationship to the question of local
About the Aspen-style process of questioning:
A successful conversation will work directly with the text and answer three questions:
What is the author, Berry, saying?
What are the implications if what the author says is true?
What do you think or feel about it?
An Aspen-style moderated discussion will take these three questions in this order. By focusing first on the
author/text: 1) it ensures that the conversation is rooted in the facts and ideas in the primary source and not
(yet) on personal opinion; 2) it allows for participants to agree or disagree strongly with the author or a protagonist; 3) it allows all participants to engage by reading a selection from the text as a specific way to express opinions while staying rooted in the text.
For the last part of our time together, we will address the question of continuing the economics study group
for this school year. For more information and for a copy if the lecture, please contact Katie Schwerin
schwerin@badgerbalm.com or 357-4710.