The Grundy County Herald, Thursday, November 20, 2014—3B MES “DON’T METH WITH US” The Rotary Clubs of Sewanee and Monteagle sponsor a program every year for fifth grade students at Monteagle Elementary to promote drug awareness and the dangers of meth. The shirts received by the students were designed by an MES student and say, “Don’t Meth With Us!” The Rotary Club does a presentation along with conducting pre Grundy County High School welding class stuand post surveys to show how much the program and information helps make the students more aware of the dan- dents watch as AEDC craftsman Chester Stovall gers of meth. The clubs also present a free t-shirt and Rotary keychain to each participant. The students learned a works with a tungsten inert gas (TIG) welder. lot from the program and were very grateful for having the partnership between Rotary Club and their school. Photo by Rick Goodfriend PUBLICATIONS December 20, 2006, bidder thereat, for N36-33-29E, 253.49 from center of rail- ing a width of 20 feet Book 115, page 960. Beginning at an iron and being recorded cash in hand and in f e e t ; rod set in the Northt h e n c e road; thence South and runs along and AD DEADLINES and at Record Book 43, bar of equity of re- N 6 4 - 0 3 - 0 6 W , 24 deg. 03 min. West inside the southeast EXCLUDED PAR- west margin of State Grundy Co. Herald Page 550, et. seq., Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee; and Thursday: Tuesday, 12:00 pm WHEREAS, Manchester Times Wednesday: Monday, 3:00 pm the aforesaid Deed of Trust was amended by Amended to Deed of Trust dated July 30, 2008, and being recorded at Record Book 1009, Page 346, et. seq., Register=s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee; and demption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of every kind, the following described real estate situated in the 4th Civil District of Grundy County, Tennessee, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: Real estate situated in the 4th Civil DisHerald Chronicle trict of Grundy County, Tennessee Monday: Friday, and being more par12:00 pm ticularly described as Thursday: Tuesday, WHEREAS, GUNN follows: FAMILY, LLC, a 12:00 pm Tennessee Limited Tract A Liability Company, Beginning at a point, conveyed cer tain the same being the Elk Valley Times land and property in intersection of a powtrust to STEPHEN T. erline leading to the Wednesday: GREER, Trustee, by Federal Aid Project Monday, 12:00 pm Deed of Trust dated I-24-2(24) 76 RecreDecember 20, 2006, ation Area and in the and being recorded easterly fence of said Tullahoma News at Record Book 43, Recreation Area at a Page 558, et. seq., reference bearing of Sunday: Friday, Register’s Office of S36-30W and at a Grundy County, Ten- distance of 287.2 12:00 pm nessee; and feet from a concrete Wednesday: monument located in WHEREAS, t h e the southerly boundMonday, 4:00 pm aforesaid Deed of ary of the I-24-2(3) Friday: Wednesday, Trust was amended 76 ROW, thence with by Amended to Deed the reference bear4:00 pm of Trust dated July ing S36-30W, 92.95 30, 2008, and being feet to a point in said recorded at Record f e n c e ; thence Book 1009, Page S24-11W, 137.75 344, et. s e q . , feet to a point in said Register=s Office of f e n c e ; thence Grundy County, Ten- S 5 8 - 1 2 - 1 7 W , nessee; and 1091.07 feet to a point in said fence; All residential real estate t h e thence with Meeks advertised herein is subject W H E R E A S , to the Federal Fair Housing aforesaid two Deeds line S06-51-53E, Act and applicable state of Trust and two 918.28 feet to an iron and local laws. The Fair t o pin and the corner of Housing Act makes it ille- A m e n d m e n t s gal to advertise “any pref- Deeds of Trust were the Clark heirs properence, limitation, discrimi- s u b s e q u e n t l y erty; thence with the nation because of race, heirs line color, religion, sex, handi- amended by Amend- Clark cap, familial status, or na- ment to Deeds of S 0 6 - 5 0 - 4 9 E , tional origin, or intention to Trust and Partial Re- 2304.73 feet to an make any such preference, limitation or discrimina- lease dated Decem- iron pin and the cortion.” ber 8, 2011, and re- ner of the White corded at Record property; thence with We will not knowingly acWhite line cept any advertising for Book 1033, Page the residential real estate that 7 4 1 , et. seq., S 0 6 - 1 7 - 5 4 E , appears to or violate fed- Register=s Office of 1432.04 feet to a eral and/or state and local Grundy County, Ten- point in the L & N law. nessee; and right of way; thence CLASSIFIED with the L & N right WHEREAS, default of way N39-42-41E, ERROR feet; RESPONSIBILITY has been made in 1 7 0 3 . 5 3 392.61 We take great care to the payment of the N35-44E, avoid typographical errors. indebtedness se- fe e t ; N27-31E, However, in the event of cured by said Deeds 3 9 9 . 6 7 feet; an error, we are responsible only for the first incor- of Trust and Amend- N23-59E, 1345.31 rect insertion of an ad. We ments thereto, and feet; and N24-03E, do not assume any respon- the holder thereof 904.6 feet to a point sibility, for any reason, for has called upon the at the intersection of an error in an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself. undersigned Trustee the westerly edge of Management reserves the to advertise and sell the L & N right of right to reject, revise & the lands hereinafter way and the northproperly classify all adver- described, in the erly edge of an tisements. Ad position has no bearing on the results manner and method ingress-egress road; in said thence N49-38-14W, you receive and cannot be provided guaranteed. deed of trust for en- 210 feet; thence forcement of the lien thereby created; and TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS, GUNN FAMILY, LLC, a Tennessee Limited Liability Company, conveyed cer tain land and property in trust to STEPHEN T. GREER, Trustee, by Deed of Trust dated NOW, THEREFORE, I, STEPHEN T. GREER, TRUSTEE as aforesaid, on December 2, 2014, at 10:15 a.m. (CST), at the front of the Courthouse of Grundy County, Tennessee, at Altamont, Tennessee, will offer for sale at public auction, and sell to the highest and best 2157.24 feet to the point of beginning, containing 210.55 acres more or less. Note: the reference bearing used in the above description has a 12 degree-12 minute East variance from the 7-15-71 local magnetic bearing. Together with a 50 foot access easement along a paved r o a d way across other property of the Grantor running parallel to the L & N Railroad, from a point where an existing public crossing granted by the L & N Railroad to the Town of Monteagle, as recorded in Deed Book 57, page 125, Register=s Office, Grundy County, Tennessee, intersects said paved roadway of Grantor. This tract being the same property and legal description conveyed to the Grantors by deed of record dated August 25, 1977 and recorded in WD Book 83, page 333, Register=s Office, Grundy County, Tennessee, and a subsequent Quit Claim Deed dated July 18, 1995 recorded in Book 127, Pages 211-215. EXCEPTION: Included in the above Tract A but expressly excluded from this conveyance are the following tracts in the Fourth Civil District of Grundy County, Tennessee: EXCLUDED PARCEL 1 Beginning at an iron rod set 25 feet from center of Railroad and at the Southeast corner of the proper ty herein conveyed; thence North 58 deg. 09.4 min. West 522.66 feet to a set iron rod corner 2.0 feet from pipeline R.O.W. post in fence line; thence North 19 deg. 15.9 min. East 330 feet to an iron rod corner; thence South 58 deg. 39.0 min. East 549.80 feet to an iron rod 35 feet WORKSHOP The Grundy County Board of Education will be having a Curriculum Committee Workshop on Monday, November 24, 2014, at 5:00 pm at Grundy County High School. 330 feet to the point of beginning, containing 4 acres, taken from the Deed of Correction Book 104, Page 141, in the Register=s Office of Gr undy County, TN. Description from survey by Robert N. Kanter, RLS #995, dated 7/21/85. EXCLUDED PARCEL 2 Beginning at an iron pin set at the southeast corner of Easement Number 1 as described in the deed from Bill Gunn to the Town of Monteagle Book 115, page 269, G.C.R.O. and the southwest corner of Easement Number 2 as described in said deed said pin lying northwest of Hwy. 41-A and in the northwest margin of the L & N Railway thence leaving said Railway and along the east boundary of the afore mentioned Easement No. 1 North 06 deg. 55 min. 24 sec. East 335.37 feet thence leaving said Easement No. 1 North 53 deg. 22 min. 05 sec. East 480.76 feet thence South 03 deg. 49 min. 17 sec. East 289.18 feet to an iron pin lying in the southeaster n boundary of the afore mentioned Easement No. 2 thence along said easement and parallel to the afore mentioned railway South 53 deg. 22 min. 05 sec. West 555.16 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 2.89 acres and is taken from Warranty Deed recorded in WD Deed Book 115, page 962. This property is subject to the Easement Number 2 described in the deed from Bill Gunn to the Town of Monteagle Book 115, page 269, G.C.R.O. said easement hav- boundary of the CEL 4 above descr ibed property. Beginning at the intersection of the EXCLUDED PAR- West boundary of CEL 3 the Gunn property Starting at an iron (as recorded in Deed pin set at the south- Book 83, page 333, east corner of Ease- Register=s Office of ment Number 1 as Grundy County, Tendescribed in the nessee) and the deed from Bill Gunn Northern margin of a to the Town of 50 foot East TennesMonteagle Book 115, see Natural Gas page 269, G.C.R.O. Company easement, and the southwest said intersection lycorner of Easement ing North 06 degrees Number 2 as de- 55 minutes 24 secscribed in said deed; onds East 620.30 thence North 06 deg. feet from the North55 min. 24 sec. East western margin of 013.40 feet to an iron the L & N Railway pin corner of the right-of-way, which afore mentioned lies adjacent to and Town of Monteagle Northwest of the 20 acre tract said pin right-of-way of the being the POINT OF U . S . Highway BEGINNING of the 64/41-A. Running property herein de- thence North 06 described thence along grees 55 minutes 24 the southeast bound- s e c o n d s East ary of said 20 acre 2,109.48 feet along tract North 56 deg. the fenceline to a 45 min. 12 sec. East point in the fence. 361.59 feet to an iron Thence leaving the pin; thence leaving fence and running said boundary South South 31 degrees 10 03 deg. 49 min. 17 minutes 00 seconds sec. East 386.78 feet East 1,460.90 feet to to the northeast cor- a point; thence South ner of Tract 1; 56 degrees 45 minthence along the utes 12 seconds northwestern bound- West 1,113.98 feet ary of Tract 1 South to a point 50 feet 53 deg. 22 min. 05 East of the aforesec. West 480.76 mentioned fenceline feet to the northwest and West boundary cor ner of same of Gunn. Thence thence along the parallel to said east boundary of the fenceline South 06 afore mentioned degrees 55 minutes Easement No. 1 in 24 seconds West part and with the 212.13 feet to a point east boundary of in the Northern marafore mentioned gin of the aforemenEasement No. 1 in tioned 50 foot East part and with east Tennessee Natural boundary of afore Gas Company easementioned 20 acre ment. Thence with tract along North 06 the Northern margin deg. 55 min. 24 sec. of said easement East 478.03 feet to South 67 degrees 13 the POINT OF BE- minutes 41 seconds GINNING, containing West 57.56 feet to 3.31 acres and is the beginning, contaken from Warranty taining 20 acres, Deed recorded in more or less. WD Deed Book 115, page 960. Subject to permanent easements apThere is reserved out pur tenant to the of this property a above described. right of way having a width of 60 feet and EXCLUDED PARdescribed as in WD CEL 5 SEQUACHEE VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING The regular meeting of the Board of Directors’ of Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative will be held at the of¿ces of Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative, 14002 Hwy 41, Tracy City, TN commencing at 5:00 p.m. central time, on December 4, 2014. The business to be conducted will be: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Submission of prior Board meeting minutes Manager’s Report Safety Report Financial Report Committee Reports Other Business Adjourn Route 15 on a projection of the Marlow=s Wine Cellars proper ty=s Northeast boundary line as described in Deed Book 104, page 141, R.O.G.C.; thence leaving said highway and along said line North 58 degrees, 39 minutes, 48 seconds West 625.00 feet to an iron rod at the Northern most corner of said Marlow=s Wine Cellars property, said rod being located very near the Northern most corner of the Winery fence; thence North 23 degrees, 53 minutes, 44 seconds East 400.00 feet to an iron rod lying in the Northwest margin of the aforementioned highway; thence along said highway and running parallel to and 25 feet from the center of same as it now exists South 23 degrees, 53 minutes, 44 seconds West 400.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 5.69 acres and is a portion of the Bill Jack Gunn property Deed Book 83, page 333, R.O.G.C. Subject to any easements of record. EXCLUDED PARCEL 6 Commence at an iron rod lying the Northwest margin of State Route 15 on a projection of the Marlow Wine Cellars Northeast boundary line as described in Deed Book 104 page 141, Register=s Office of Gr undy County; thence along the Northwest margin of said highway and 25 feet from the center of same North 23 degrees, 53 minutes, 44 seconds East 400.00 feet to an iron rod, the POINT OF BEGINNING of the property herein described, thence leav- NOTICE OF MEETING GRUNDY COUNTY 9ͳ1ͳ1 DISTRICT 9ͳ1ͳ1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board of Directors of the Grundy County 9-1-1 Emergency CommunicaƟons District will meet at 6:00 p.m., January 8, in the Grundy County EMS Building on Highway 56 in Coalmont, or such other locaƟon as may be posted at the County Courthouse. The Board meets at the same Ɵme and place on the second Thursday of the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November, unless otherwise provided by public noƟce. The public is invited to all meeƟngs. Don Hutcheson, Chairman 4B—The Grundy County Herald, Thursday, November 20, 2014 ing said highway North 58 degrees, 39 minutes, 48 seconds West 482.71 feet to an iron rod; thence North 23 degrees, 53 minutes, 44 seconds East 50.00 feet to an iron rod; thence South 58 degrees, 39 minutes, 48 seconds East 482.71 feet to an iron rod lying in the Northwest margin of the aforementioned highway; thence along said highway and 25 feet from the center of the same South 23 degrees, 53 minutes, 44 seconds West 50.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.55 acres, more or less. Subject to any easements of record. EXCLUDED PARCEL 7 A parcel of land lying in the Fourth Civil District of Grundy County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at a point in the West margin of the U.S. Highway 41A and 64, same being the Southeast corner of the Marlow=s Wine Cellars proper ty Deed Book 104, page 141 and Book 120, page 714; thence along said highway South 23 degrees 58 minutes 25 seconds West 50.00 feet to an iron rod and South 23 degrees 58 minutes 25 seconds West 60.57 feet to an iron rod, the Point of Beginning of the property herein described; thence along said highway South 23 degrees 58 minutes 25 seconds West 150.00 feet to an iron rod; thence leaving said highway North 58 degrees 09 minutes 22 seconds West 275.00 feet to an iron rod; thence North 23 degrees 58 minutes 25 seconds East 150.00 feet to an iron rod; thence South 58 degrees 09 minutes 22 seconds East 275 feet to the point of beginning, containing 40,861 square feet 0.91 acres. EXCLUDED PARCEL 8 A parcel of land lying in the Fourth Civil District of Grundy County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the West margin of U.S. Highway 41A and 64, same being the Southeast corner of the Marlow=s Wine Cellars property Deed Book 104, page 141 and Book 120 page 714; thence along said highway South 23 degrees 58 minutes 25 seconds West 50.00 feet to an iron rod; thence leaving said highway North 58 degrees 09 minutes 22 seconds West 580.57 feet to an iron rod; thence North 19 degrees 15 minutes 54 seconds East 50.75 feet to the Southwest corner of the aforementioned Marlow; thence along the South boundary of same South 58 degrees 09 minutes 22 seconds East 584.78 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 28,859 square feet 0.66 ac- res. EXCLUDED PARCEL 9 A parcel of land lying in the Fourth Civil District of Grundy County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron rod set in the west margin of the U.S. Highway 41A and 35 feet from the center of same as it now exists, said rod being located North 23 degrees, 59 minutes, 58 seconds East 50.00 feet from a point where the north boundary of the Jim Myers property as described in Deed Book 133, page 258 intersects a line parallel to and 35 feet from the center of said highway; thence leaving said highway and parallel to the north boundary of said Myers North 58 degrees, 39 minutes, 48 seconds West 277.82 feet to an iron rod; thence leaving said boundary North 35 degrees, 46 minutes, 17 seconds East 166.43 feet to an iron rod; thence South 49 degrees, 42 minutes, 25 seconds East 162.34 feet to an iron rod, and South 62 degrees, 29 minutes, 41 seconds East 845.94 feet to an iron rod in the west margin of the aforementioned h i g h way ; thence along said highway and 35 feet from the center of same South 23 degrees, 59 minutes, 58 seconds West 147.61 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 39,338 square feet, 0.90 acres. 4th Civil District of Grundy County, Tennessee, being Bounded on the north by Lot 3, Minor S u b d i v i s i o n (Commercial) recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 229; on the east by Highway 41A/64 and on the south and west by the remaining lands of Bill R. Gunn, et ux, (Book 83, Page 333) and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an existing iron pin in the westerly right of way of U.S. Highway 41A/64, the southeast corner of Lot 3, Minor Subdivision (Commercial); thence, 1. With said r i g h t of way, South 23 deg. 58 min. 00 sec. West, 150.00 feet to a set iron pin; thence, 2. Nor th 58 d e g . 09 min. 43 sec. West, 275.00 feet to a set iron pin; thence, 3. Nor th 24 d e g . 00 min. 58 sec. East 150.01 feet to an existing iron pin at the southwest corner of the aforementioned Lot 3; thence, 4. With the s o u t h line of Lot 3 and an existing fence, South 58 deg. 09 min. 22 sec. East, 274.87 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 40,855 square feet or 0.938 acres, more or less, according to a survey by SEC, Inc. Thomas G. Rosenthal, TN R.L.S. #1805, 123 Samsonite Blvd., Murfreesboro, TN 37129 dated March PAR- 9, 1999. EXCLUDED CEL 10 A parcel of land lying in the Fourth Civil District of Grundy County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron rod at the northwest corner of the Jim Myers proper ty described in Deed Book 133, page 258, ROGC; thence North 51 degrees 37 minutes 24 seconds East 27.90 feet to an iron rod set in a fence; thence with said fence South 69 degrees, 10 minutes, 35 seconds East 128.30 feet to an iron rod; thence leaving said fence South 23 degrees, 53 minutes, 44 seconds West 50.00 feet to an iron rod in the North boundary of the aforementioned Myers; thence with said boundary North 58 degrees, 39 minutes, 48 seconds West 143.29 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 5,065 square feet, 0.12 acres. EXCLUDED PARCEL 11 LAND in Grundy County, Tennessee, being Lot No. 4, on the Plan of Minor S u b d i v i s i o n (Commercial), as shown on plat of record in Plat Book 1, page 229, in the Register=s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee, to which plat reference is hereby made and being more particularly described as follows: A tract of land in the NOTICE TOWN OF MONTEAGLE The Town of Monteagle is accepƟng applicaƟons for a Part-Ɵme Parks & RecreaƟon director. ApplicaƟons may be picked up at City Hall during regular business hours. All applicaƟons must be returned by December 1, 2014. EXCLUDED PARCEL 12 Gunn II Commercial Subdivision lots two (2) and three (3) per plat of record in Plat Book 1, page 255 of the Register=s Office in Grundy County, Tennessee, to which reference is hereby made and incorporated herein. EXCLUDED CEL 13 PAR- Beginning at an iron rod at the southwest corner of Tract 1 of the Jim Myers property Deed Book 136, Page 305, said rod lying in the northern boundary of the Jim Myers property Deed Book 136, Page 303; thence with said Myers (136/303) North 50 degrees, 39 minutes, 49 seconds West 178.54 feet to an iron rod at the northwest corner of said Myers (136/303) and the northeast corner of Tract 2 of the Jim Myers property Deed Book 136, Page 305; thence with the north boundary of said Myers (136/305 Tr. 2) North 69 degrees, 10 minutes, 35 seconds West 120.30 feet to an iron rod at the northwest corner of same; thence North 32 degrees, 20 minutes, 15 seconds East 238.77 feet, thence South 49 degrees, 42 minutes, 25 seconds East 317.25 feet to an iron rod at the northwest corner of the aforementioned Tract 1 of the Jim Myers property Deed Book 136, Page 305; thence with the west boundary of same South 35 degrees, 46 minutes, 17 seconds West 166.43 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 1.39 Acres minutes, 50 seconds East 14.14 feet; thence South 04 degrees, 48 minutes, 10 seconds East 14.14 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 100.00 square feet. the Monteagle Winery, and 50 feet North of the centerline previously known as the CSX property. Thence running parallel with the CSX property to an entry leading to the Bill Jack Gunn and Bush properties. Thence running South 50 feet to the centerline of the CSX railroad and continuing an additional 50 feet therefore being a total of 100 feet. Thence running parallel with the centerline of the CSX property to the extended Winery property line; thence 100 feet north to the point of beginning. Tract B Property located and situated in the Fourth Civil District of Grundy County, Tennessee, and being The description is more particularly deaccording to a survey scribed as follows: by James E. Campbell, II, Tennessee PART ONE: R.L.S. No. 1687 A tract located in the dated July 2, 2001. extreme southeast corner of the tract EXCLUDED PAR- described in and exCEL 14 cluded from the Beginning at an iron Grantor=s prior conrod set in the north- veyance to Payne in west margin of U.S. instrument recorded PART TWO: Highway 41A and 35 in Register=s Office To locate the beginnfeet from the center of Grundy County, ing corner, start at of same, said rod ly- Tennessee, in Book the centerline of the ing on a projection of 73, page 201, and is CSX property and the northeast bound- described as excep- continue 50 feet ary of the Christ tion number 4 to said north along the line of the Anglican EpisChurch proper ty Payne conveyance. copal Church propDeed Book 120, Page 730; thence Property is further erty; thence running leaving said highway described as approx- parallel to the centerNorth 49 degrees, 48 imately a 12 acre line of CSX railroad minutes, 10 seconds tract, more or less, proper ty to the West 2.06 feet to an located in the Fourth Monteagle Winery Thence iron rod at the east- Civil District of property. ernmost corner of Grundy County, near South 50 feet to the said Christ Church Interstate 24 and centerline of CSX proper ty; thence other proper ties property continuing along said northeast owned by Grantees an additional 50 feet boundary North 49 and can be further to a point. Thence degrees, 48 minutes, described as follows: running parallel to the centerline of CSX 10 seconds West 100.08 feet to an iron Bounded on the railroad property to pipe at the northern- South by Clark heirs an extended line of most corner of same property; on the west the Church property. and the southeast by Gunn (formerly R Thence along the corner of the Christ & B Corporation - Church line property Church proper ty See Deed in ROGC 100 feet to the point Deed Book 115 Book 83 page333); of beginning. Page 962; thence on the East by Right along the east of Way of Interstate Excepting any other previously boundary of said 24; and on the North utility property (115/962) by State of Tennes- holding leases from North 17 degrees, 01 see (Rest area), con- CSX Transportation, minutes, 56 seconds taining approximately Inc. which were asWest 184.12 feet to 12 acres, more or signed to John Acuff by virtue of his deed, an iron rod set; less. including but not limthence leaving said ited to East Tennesboundary North 39 PART TWO: degrees, 45 minutes, Grantors hereby con- see Natural Gas Co., 29 seconds East vey to Grantees any Sequatchie Valley 155.34 feet to an iron and all easements, Electric Cooperative, rod set; thence right of ways, and and Ben Lomand South 49 degrees, other rights and privi- Telephone. 48 minutes, 10 sec- leges which could be onds East 256.19 termed either a Subject to the restricfeet to an iron rod set grant, lease, or ease- tions imposed on the in the northwest mar- ment over any and Grantors herein in fagin of the afore- all properties located vor of Waffle House, mentioned highway, on or about the Town Inc. thence along said of Monteagle, Tenhighway and 35 feet nessee, and located Excepting also a perfrom the center of in the Fourth Civil petual easement for same South 39 de- District of Grundy existing water, sewgrees, 45 minutes, County, Tennessee. age, and/or gas 29 seconds West lines, known or un255.00 feet in the These two tracts be- known, held by the POINT OF BEGINN- ing the same prop- Town of Monteagle, ING, c o n t a i n i n g erty and legal de- which easement has 57,050 Square Feet, scription conveyed to b e e n p r ev i o u s l y 1.32 Acres. Grantor on July 18, granted herein to the 1995, by Quit Claim Town of Monteagle Conveyed also is a Deed recorded in the by Instrument dated non-exclusive per- Register=s Office of February 4, 1992, manent easement Grundy County, Ten- and subject to the appurtenant to the nessee, in Book 127, terms and conditions of said Instrument. above descr ibed Pages 211-215. property for purposes of water drainage on Tract C Tract D the following de- Real estate situated Real estate described property: in the 4th Civil Dis- scribed in Exhibit trict of Grundy AA@ and attached Commence at an County, Tennessee, to above referenced iron rod in the north- and/or the 5th Civil Deed of Trust inwest margin of U.S. District of Marion cludes but is not limHighway 41A/64 at County, Tennessee, ited to all lots known the easternmost cor- and the Corporate as Minor Subdivision ner of Lot 1 of the C i t y Limits o f of record at Plat Gunn to Valenzuela Monteagle, Ten- Book 1, Page 229, Subdivision, plat of nessee, and being and all lots known as record in Plat Book more particularly de- Gunn II Commercial 1, page 287; thence scribed as follows, to Subdivision of record at Plat Book 1, Page leaving said highway wit: 255, both in the and along the comRegister=s Office of mon boundary line of PART ONE: Lot 1 and Lot 2 North To locate the beginn- Grundy County, Ten49 degrees, 48 min- ing corner, start at nessee, LESS AND utes 10 seconds the intersection of EXCEPT that propWest 31.29 feet to the East boundary of erty conveyed to AtFinancial the POINT OF BE- property owned by l a n t i c GINNING of the area herein described; Heart & Home Personal Support thence North 49 degrees, 48 minutes, Services is seeking caring, professional and 10 seconds West committed caregivers who enjoy interacting 20.00 feet; thence with patients. We are accepting applications leaving said lot line for PRN CNA's and PCA's. If you are not North 85 degrees, 11 currently a PCA we can train you. COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS CASE OFFICER The Southeast Tennessee Human Resource Agency has a Case Of¿cer position opening in their Franklin County Of¿ce. Community Corrections is an intensive supervision program for non-violent felony offenders and serves as an alternative to incarceration. The successful candidate should have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice, Social Services or related ¿eld, possess a valid TN. DL., and pass a criminal background check. Bene¿ts include health insurance, PTO, retirement and twelve (12) paid holidays. SETHRA is a Drug Free Workplace and an EOE. Send resume to: SETHRA/Community Corrections ATTN: Carol Roberson P.O. Box 909 Dunlap, TN 37327 We provide care to adults and seniors. In order to apply you must meet the following requirements: 1. Current Driver's License 2. Reliable Vehicle 3. Current TB test (have or obtain within one week of offer of employment) 4. Current CPR Certification (have or obtain within one week of offer of employment) 5. Good reference check 6. Good criminal background check and drug free Must be able to communicate clearly (verbally and writing) and effectively relay and document information concerning the patients status. Commitment to completing accepted assignments and related documentation/reporting. If you have the above qualifications and are interested in working for a great company, please email us at 877-491-7318 Group, Ltd., by deed recorded at Book 136, pages 494, et. seq., Register=s Office of Gr undy County, Tennessee. LESS AND EXCEPT all property and lots shown on the Gunn Farm Phase I Plat recorded at Book 1, page 303, Register=s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee, and being lots 1-14 thereof. SUBJECT to any and all existing easements. SUBJECT to any governmental zoning and/or subdivision ordinances or regulations in effect thereon. For prior reference, see deed recorded at Record Book 9, pages1 and 10, et seq., in the Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee. STREET ADDRESS: S. of I-24, Monteagle, TN 37356. INTERESTED PARTIES: G u n n F a m i l y , LLC, Mountain Valley Bank. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of said adjournment on the day and time and place of sale set forth above. The failure of any high bidder to pay the purchase price and close the sale shall, at the option of the Trustee, be cause for rejection of the bid, and, if the bid is rejected, the Trustee shall have the option of making the sale to the next highest bidder who is ready, willing and able to comply with the terms thereof. The proceeds derived from the sale of the property will be applied as provided for in said Deeds of Trust and Amendments thereto. Said Deeds of Trust and Amendments thereto are made a part hereof as if copied verbatim herein. payment of a certain note to Citizens Tri-County Bank of like date, said trust conveyance being of record in Book 18, page 92, et seq., Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee, to which reference is made for full contents thereof; which was modified in Book 1051, page 161, Register’s Office of Gr undy County, Tennessee; and WHEREAS, said trust conveyance (deed of trust) provides for the sale of the property hereinafter described in the event of default in payment of the indebtedness secured; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said trust conveyances. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Trustee, I will on Thursday the 18th day of December, 2014, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. (C.S.T.), at the front door of the Courthouse in Grundy County, Tennessee, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, and in bar of the equity of redemption, the following described tract of land:MAP/PARCEL: 089-1.16 PRIOR AND LAST REFERENCE: Book 12, page 776, Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee. ADDRESS: Adams Road, Altamont, TN The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of said adjournment on the day and time and place of sale set forth above. The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be cancelled at the Trustee’s option at any time If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within the time period established by the Citizens Tri-County Bank following the sale, then Trustee will accept the next This the 3rd day of highest bidder, at their highest bid, November, 2014. which will then be s/Stephen T. Greer, deemed the sucTrustee cessful bidder. Stephen T. Greer, Trustee This sale is an attempt to collect a f o r e c l o s u r e \ g u n n debt and any inforfamily, llc - trustee=s mation obtained notice of sale will be used for that purpose. TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS, PAUL RAYMOND KANIA, executed a certain trust conveyance to L.Thomas Austin, Trustee, on the 12th day of October, 2004, to secure the Said sale is subject to any and all unpaid taxes, and any other claims, liens, leases, easements, setback lines, restrictions or encumbrances contained in any instrument in the chain of title thereto which would be superior to the Deed of Trust set forth herein. Other THE TULLAHOMA NEWS is accepting applications for a highly motivated individual to work in a Quick Print Copy Shop with a PDF work Àow system. This full time position has health insurance, 401k, and paid vacations. Must be able to handle multiple tasks. Send resume to: The Grundy County Herald, Thursday, November 20, 2014—5B Interested Parties: HEIRS/ESTATE OF Paul Kania This 12th day of November, 2014. L. THOMAS AUSTIN, TRUSTEE IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF GRUNDY COUNTY, TENNESSE AT ALTAMONT NO: 6382 KENNETH LAW Plaintiff -vsUNKNOWN PROPERTY OWNER and HEIRS of ABANDONED MINERAL INTEREST, being more fully described in the deed of record in Record Book 1052,Page598-600 of the Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee, Defendants NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Pursuant to TCA 66-5-108, notice is hereby given that a Mineral Interest reserved in favor of Defendants and Unknown Owners of Mineral Interest of Lands Located in Grundy County, Tennessee in a deed of record in Book 1052, pages 598-600 in the Register’s Office of Grundy County Tennessee, and shall lapse in sixty days if the mineral interest owner does not file with the Clerk and Master an answer alleging a claim to the mineral interest. In addition, any other person whose identity and whereabouts are unknown, claiming any interests in the mineral rights in the above captioned property are likewise notified that their rights shall also lapse in sixty days unless they file with the Clerk and Master an answer alleging a claim to the Mineral Interest. It is therefore, ORDERED that this notice bepublished for (3) three consecutive weeks in the Grundy County Herald, a newspaper of general circulation in Grundy County, Tennessee requiring the said defendants and Unknown Heirs as well as all other persons claiming a mineral interest in the above descr ibed property to file an answer alleging a claim to the mineral interest with the Clerk and Master, and to serve their answer upon Plaintiff ProSe, Kenneth Law, 2522 Quail Nest Cir., Chattanooga, TN 37421-1355 within sixty days after publication pursuant to TCA 66-6-108. Upon the defendant failing to do so, the same will be taken as confessed and a Judgment by Default may be taken against the defendants for the relief demanded in the Petition, the cause set for hearing ex-parte. This the 6th day of Nov., 2014 hereinafter described in trust to STEPHEN T. GREER, Trustee, to secure an indebtedness therein described, and payable to the order of Mountain Valley Bank, and which deed of trust is of record in Trust Book 1014, pages 317, et seq., Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee, and to which reference is made for a full and complete description of the lien therein created, and the powers, authorities and remedies therein provided; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, and the holder thereof has called upon the undersigned Trustee to advertise and sell the lands hereinafter described, in the manner and method provided in said deeds of trust and modifications thereof, for enforcement of the liens thereby created. NOW, THEREFORE, I, STEPHEN T. GREER, TRUSTEE as aforesaid, on December 2, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. (CDT), at the front of the Courthouse of Grundy County, Tennessee, at Altamont, Tennessee, will offer for sale at public auction, and sell to the highest and best bidder thereat, for cash in hand and in bar of equity of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of every kind, the following described real estate situated in Grundy County, Tennessee, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: (Parcel 18.06, Map 63) BEGINNING on an iron pin on the south margin of Winter Road and being the northeast corner of Lamz and the northwest corner of the herein described tract, thence with Lamz South 21 deg. 35 min. East 66.83 feet to an existing iron pin, thence with J. Sweeton South 82 deg. 25 min. 20 sec. East 74.04 feet to an existing iron pin, thence South 22 deg. 52 min. 40 sec. East 300.14 feet to an iron pin set in a fence line, the southwest corner of this tract, thence with Leonard Sweeton South 82 deg. 42 min. 55 sec. East 30.00 feet to an iron pin set in the southeast corner of this tract, thence North 0 deg. 29 min. 00 sec. East 312.07 feet to an iron pin on the south margin of Winter Road, the northeast corner of this tract, thence with the road North 82 deg. 32 min. 00 sec. West 249.79 feet to an iron pin, the point of beginning and containing 0.82 acres, more or less, according to a survey by Gaylon W. Northcutt, TN RLS NO. 1529. BEING THE SAME PROPERTY conveyed to Larry R. Nunley and wife, Kathy Nunley by deed of record in Deed Book 145 Page 534 of the Grundy County Register=s Office. Street address of the subject property is: 10204 SR 56, Altamont, TN 37301. Interested parties: Larry R. Nunley, Kathy Nunley, LRN Proper ties and Mountain Va l l ey Bank. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of said adjournment on the day and time and place of sale set forth above. The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be The failure of any cancelled at the high bidder to pay Trustee’s option at the purchase price any time and close the sale shall, at the option of If the highest bidder the Trustee, be cannot pay the bid cause for rejection of within the time period the bid, and, if the established by the bid is rejected, the Citizens Tri-County Trustee shall have Bank following the the option of making sale, then Trustee the sale to the next will accept the next highest bidder who is highest bidder, at ready, willing and their highest bid, able to comply with which will then be the terms thereof. deemed the sucThe proceeds de- cessful bidder. rived from the sale of the property will be This sale is an atapplied as provided tempt to collect a for in said deeds of debt and any infortrust. Said deed of mation obtained trusts are made a will be used for that part hereof as if cop- purpose. ied verbatim herein. Said sale is subject This the 3rd day of to any and all unpaid taxes, and any other November, 2014. claims, liens, leases, s/Stephen T. Greer easements, setback Stephen T. Greer, lines, restrictions or encumbrances Trustee contained in any inforeclosures\nunley, strument in the chain larry & kathy - trus- of title thereto which would be superior to tees notice of sale the Deed of Trust set forth herein. TRUSTEE’S Other Interested ParHEIRS/ESTATE NOTICE OF ties: OF A N DY W. SALE NUNLEY This 12th day of NoWHEREAS, ANDY vember, 2014. W. NUNLEY, executed a certain trust L. THOMAS AUSconveyance to L. TIN, TRUSTEE Thomas Au s t i n , Trustee, on the 16th day of May, 2012, to SUCCESSOR secure the payment TRUSTEE’S of a certain note to NOTICE OF SALE Citizens Tri-County OF REAL Bank of like date, ESTATE AND said trust conveyAFFIXED ance being of record in Book 1039, page MANUFAC884, et seq., TURED HOME Register’s Office of Grundy County, Ten- A N T H O N Y R. nessee, to which ref- STEELE, Successor erence is made for Trustee of a Deed of full contents thereof; Trust executed on and October 27, 2003, by WHEREAS, said J O S E P H A. trust conveyance SMARTT, and SAN(deed of trust) pro- DRA C. SMARTT, vides for the sale of which appears of the property herein- r e c o r d in the after described in the Register’s Office of event of default in Grundy County, Tenpayment of nessee, at Book 7, the indebtedness se- Page 308 (“Deed of cured; and Trust”) will sell for WHEREAS, default cash at a foreclosure has been made in sale requested by the payment of the the current holder of indebtedness se- the Deed of Trust cured by said trust and underlying inconveyances. debtedness, VanderNOW THEREFORE, bilt Mortgage and by virtue of the au- Finance, Inc., the thority vested in me property described as Trustee, I will on below. Pursuant to Thursday the 18th T.C.A. §47-9-604 day of December, this sale shall also 2014, at 10:00 include the affixed o’clock a.m. (C.S.T.), manufactured home at the front door of described as one (1) the Courthouse in 2004 CMH Freedom Grundy County, Manufactured Home The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of said adjournment on the day and time and place of sale set forth above. WHEREAS, heretofore, on the 20th day of March, 2009, LARRY R. NUNLEY and wife, KATHY N U N L E Y, and LARRY R. NUNLEY, Sole Proprietor of LRN PROPERTIES, c o nveye d lands bearing Serial Numb e r CLH029231TNAB. Parties Interested: Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC, c/o Garner & Conner, PLLC (Book 1035, Page 352) THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS TO COLLECT THE DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED AS A RESULT WILL BE USED FOR THAT EXPRESS PURPOSE ONLY. THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. This the 3rd day of November, 2014. Anthony R. Steele, Successor Trustee Winchester, Sellers, Foster & Steele, P.C. P. O. Box 2428 Knoxville, TN 37901 (865) 637-1980 2003 Ford Econoline E350 Super Duty Van (TN) 2000 $ Contact Deborah 931-455-4545 This 14th day of November, 2014 3 Br 1 Ba and also a 2 Br 1 Ba Mobile Homes in Tracy City CHA Stove, Refridgerator and Washer/Dryer hookups. Water Included. $450 Month $300 Deposit Absolutely No Pe t s (931)235-0257 or (931)235-5498 NEW TODAY THE UPS STORE Consider owning a business with UPS brand recognition. w w w. T H E U P S S TO R E 2 BR, Gruetli Laager $340 month, $250 deposit. R e fe r e n c e s required. Mtn Auto Sales & Service 931-779-3522. 931-924-2886 ‘97 Ford Estcort, $1,600 ‘99 Plymouth Neon, $1,600 1999 Winstar van $2,900 1999 Montero $1900 2 Br 1 Ba Apartment in 2001 Century $1900 Tracy City CHA Stove, 1999 Sable 73K/mi $3000 Refridgerator, Washer and 1998 VW Golf $1900 Dryer furnished. Water in- 1999 Villager Van $2500 cluded. Very nice. $450 1998 Olds $1200 month $300 Deposit Abso- 2001 Grand AM $1200 lutely No P e t s 2001 Durango 4x4 $3900 (931)235-0257 o r 1997 Explorer $2000 1999 Tracer 59k/mi $2200 (931)235-5498 2001 Neon $1200 18x21 Carport $695 “TIRE SALE” $30 Express Oil Change Mechanic on duty Wonderworld 6 days a week Carpet COME SEE US!! Dunlap, TN. 423-949-3834 LOW PRICES on vinyl, carpet, hardwood, laminate, ceramic tile. Installation available. Education “ The University of the South seeks a Senior Electrician with 5 years electrical experience in industrial, commercial, and residential wiring and trouble shooting. Post-secondary education and/or specialized training in the electrical field are preferred. See full posting a t postings . Eligibility for employment is contingent upon successful completion of a background investigation and drug screening.” MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Begin a career in Billing, Coding & Insurance processing! No Experience Needed! Online training at Bryan University gets you ready! HS Diploma/GED & Computer/Internet needed. 1-877-259-3880 (TnScan) Farm Equipment LEASE THE HUNTING RIGHTS to your land and earn top $$$. Call for free quote & info packet. Hunting Leases Done Right since 1999. 1-866-309-1507, www.BaseCampLeasing. com (TnScan) (signed) Tammy O. 3 Rusty Nails, Inc looking to hire OTR drivers for Help Wanted Vanallman haul. Estate of Bertha r e g i o n a l / l o n g Solos-.36 Te a m s - . 4 5 CAN YOU DIG IT? Heavy Carolyn Potts All sales of Property, weekly home time possible Equipment Operator Train931-259-6121 both real and per- Phyllis Dent, ing! 3 Week Program. Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavasonal, are “AS IS” Clerk & Master tors. Lifetime Job Placeand “WHERE IS” Now Hiring ment Assistance with Nawithout representa- Nelson Layne, AttorElectrician & tional Certifications. VA ney tion or warranty as to Electrician Helper Benefits Eligible! (866) Must be willing to travel. 887-3737 (TnScan) merchantability or fitFax resume 931-968-0686 ness for a particular $1000 WEEKLY!! MAILING purpose or of any Fr o m TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED B R O C H U R E S kind, except as to ti- 2000 Sunshine Home Class A CDL license re- Home. Helping home worktle and authority to Located at Tree Line quired, local hauling, loader ers since 2001. Genuine convey. Cour t in Monteagle. experience a plus. Please Opportunity. No ExperiThe sale of the de- 3BR/2BA contact Mid Tenn Turf at ence Required. Start ImC a l l 931-728-0583, office hours m e d i a t e l y . scribed property is $ 5 2 , 0 0 0 31-967-7884 o r are M-F 7:00 am to 4:00 subject to all matters 9931-924-3898 (TnScan) pm. shown on any recorded plan; any unpaid taxes, any restrictive covenants, NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST easements, set-back A RELEASE OF FUNDS lines, prior liens, encumbrances, if any, and any other priority November 20, 2014 as may appear in the City of Gruetli-Laager, TN public records. Title P.O. Box 70, Gruetli-Laager, TN 37339 to the manufactured 931-779-5147 home may be transferred by Bill of Sale On or about November 28, 2014 the City of Gruetli-Laager will submit or Certificate of Title, a request to the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community as the case may re- Development for the release of Block Grant funds under Title I of the Housing quire. and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, to undertake a project The right is pre- known as Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project, for the purpose of served to adjourn the installing a back-up generator, automatic transfer switch, replace aged motor day of the sale to another day, time and control center and electrical components for high service pumps, backwash place certain without pump, intake/raw water pumps, related controls and electrical appurtenances. further publication, Total project costs are $530,303. Project located at 9573 State Route 56, upon announcement Coalmont, TN 37313. at the time and place for the sale set forth The activities proposed are categorically excluded under HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58 from National Environmental Policy Act requirements. above. Business Van Around 180,000 Miles NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Sale Date and LoBertha Carolyn cation: December Potts 8, 2014, at 10:00 Late of Grundy a.m. at the front County, Tenn. steps of the Courthouse in Altamont, Grundy County, Ten- Notice is Herby Given that on the nessee. 14th day of NovemProperty Descrip- ber, 2014, Letters tion: Abbreviated Administration, in redescription per TCA spect to the estate of 35-5-104(a)(2) is the Bertha Caroly Potts property referenced deceased, were isand described fully at sued to the underBook 7, Page 306 signed by Phyllis Chancery and commonly Dent, known as a certain Court Clerk & Master tract or parcel of land for Grundy County, approximately 3 mi- Tennessee. les North of the All persons, resident Town of Altamont, and non-resident, West of Northcutts having claims, maCove Road and tured or unmatured South of and adja- against his (or her) cent to Old Hobbs Estate are required Ridge Road. to file the same in Property Address: duplicate with the 165 Myers Town Clerk of the above Road, Beersheba named Court within 4 Spr ings, Gr undy months from the date County, Tennessee of the first publication Tax Map Identifica- (or of the posting, as tion N o . : the case may be) of 0 1 9 - 0 1 2 . 0 2 this notice, otherwise (However, the prop- their claim will be forerty description shall ever barred. control in the event All persons indebted of any inconsisten- to the above Estate cies between the de- must come forward scription and ad- and make proper dress or tax identifi- settlement with the cation number). undersigned at once. For Sale PHYLLIS DENT Clerk & Master Chancery Court TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Tennessee, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, and in bar of the equity of redemption, the following described tract of land:MAP/PARCEL: 102E-B-05.00 PRIOR AND LAST REFERENCE: Book 1039, page 882, Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee. ADDRESS:126 24th St., Tracy City, TN An Environmental Review Record (ERR) that documents the environmental determinations for this project is on ¿le at 1000 Riverfront Parkway, Chattanooga,TN 37402 for review and may be examined or copied weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to the P.O. Box 4757, Chattanooga, TN 37405. All comments received by November 28, 2014 will be considered by the City of Gruetli-Laager prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds. RELEASE OF FUNDS The City of Gruetli-Laager certi¿es to the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development that Kelly Gibbs in her capacity as Mayor consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satis¿ed. The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development’s approval of the certi¿cation satis¿es its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities, and allow the City of Gruetli-Laager to use Program funds. OBJECTIONS TO RELEASE OF FUNDS The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development will accept objections to its release of funds and the City of Gruetli-Laager’s certi¿cations for a period of ¿fteen days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are on one of the following bases: (a) the certi¿cation was not executed by the Certifying Of¿cer of the City of Gruetli-Laager; (b) the City of Gruetli-Laager has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or ¿nding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58; (c) the grant recipient has committed funds or incurred costs not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development; or (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written ¿nding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58) and shall be addressed to Department of Economic and Community Development, Of¿ce of Policy and Federal Programs, 10th Floor, William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower, 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee 372431102. Potential objectors should contact the Of¿ce of Policy and Federal Programs to verify the actual last day of the objection period. ____Kelly Gibbs____________________________________ (name) ____Mayor___________________________________ (title of certifying of¿cer)
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