At a glance INFOGRAPHIC - 21 November 2014 2015 EU budget negotiation The charts below show how the positions adopted so far by the Parliament, Council and the Commission compare to each other and to the 2014 EU budget. Total EU budget (commitments, billion euros, current prices) 142.64 145.60 145.08 146.38 0 50 100 150 EU budget by policy area (commitments, billion euros, current prices) 50 50 2014 EU budget 2015 draft EU budget European Parliament 2015 draft EU budget Council 2015 draft EU budget commission 49 EU budget 2014 5050 44 48 47 44 47 2015 Draft budget Commission 2015 draft EU budget European Parliament 2015 draft EU budget Council 2015 draft EU budget commission EU budget 2014 Economic, social and territorial cohesion 43 2015 Draft budget Council position 43 Agriculture 2015 Draft budget EP position € billion 4040 3030 18 18 2020 15.5 2015 draft EU budget European Parliament 15,5 2015 draft EU budget Council 2015 draft EU budget commission 2015 draft EU budget European Parliament 2015 draft EU budget Council 2015 draft EU budget commission EU budget 2014 17 16 EU budget 2014 14.5 16 14,5 Competitiveness for growth and jobs Rural development, environment, fisheries 2.5 2,5 9 9 2015 draft EU budget European Parliament 9 2015 draft EU budget Council 2015 draft EU budget commission 9 EU budget 2014 1.5 8 Economic, Agriculture Rural Security and social and development, citizenship territorial environment, cohesion fisheries Competitiveness for growth Economic, and social jobs and territorial cohesion Agriculture Rural development, environment,Security fisheries and citizenship 2015 draft EU budget Council 2015 draft EU budget commission 2015 draft EU budget commission EU budget 2014 EU budget 2014 8 Administrative 8.41 8.61 8.58 8.68 Competitiveness for growth and jobs 8 Administrative 2.17 2.13 2.10 2.22 15.49 15.35 15.33 15.36 43.78 43.90 43.86 43.94 47.50 49.23 49.23 49.25 Security and citizenship 16.48 17.45 17.12 17.67 00 8 2015 draft EU budget European Parliament 2015 draft EU budget Council 8.33 8.41 8.34 8.75 1010 1,5 2015 draft EU budget European Parliament Global Europe Administration Global Europe Administrative 2015 EU budget payments, % of EU GNI 2015Commission Draft Budget 1.02% MFF ceiling 2015 MFF ceiling 2015 1.02% Council's Position on 2015 DB Council 1.00% 1.0% 0.9% 0,009 Includes the use of flexibility instruments above the MFF ceiling 1.04% EP's position on on 2015 DB EP 0,010 1.1% Member States’ budgets as percentage of EU GNI (2015) 47.8% 0,011 State of play Along with negotiations on the 2015 EU budget, Parliament and Council have been discussing modifications to the 2014 budget. Council has also asked Parliament to give an urgent opinion on a regulation related to the Own Resources system. The two arms of the Budgetary Authority failed to reach agreement by the end of conciliation at midnight on 17 November 2014. The main problems concern Council’s reluctance to again provide sufficient payments to tackle the ever-growing pile of unpaid bills and to use the flexibility instruments above the Multiannual Financial Framework ceilings. The Commission has been asked to prepare a new draft 2015 EU budget. If agreement is not reached by the end of the year, a system of provisional twelfths will come into force providing emergency funding based on this year’s spending patterns. EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service Author: Fabia Jones, Giulio Sabbati Members’ Research Service PE 542.152 EPRS 2015 EU budget negotiation Competitiveness for growth and jobs includes expenditure on Horizon 2020; large infrastructure projects (Galileo, ITER, Copernicus); Connecting Europe Facility (CEF); Education, Training and Sport (Erasmus+); Nuclear Safety and Decommissioning; Euratom Research and Training Programme; Competitiveness of enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (COSME); Employment and Social Innovation; Customs, Fiscalis and Anti-Fraud; Energy projects to aid economic recovery. Economic, social and territorial cohesion includes European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); European Social Fund (ESF); Cohesion Fund; CEF cohesion fund contribution; European territorial cooperation; Youth Employment Initiative (specific top-up allocation); European Aid to the Most Deprived. Agriculture includes European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) market related expenditure and direct payments. EU budget by policy area Rural development, environment, fisheries. (commitments, billion euros, Security and Citizenship includes Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund; Internal Security Fund; IT systems; Justice; Rights; Equality and Citizenship; Union Civil Protection Mechanism; Europe for Citizens; Food current prices) and Feed; Health; Consumer; Creative Europe. Global Europe includes Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance; European Neighbourhood Instrument; Development Cooperation Instrument; Partnership instrument for cooperation with third countries; European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights; Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace; Humanitarian Aid; Common Foreign and Security Policy; Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation; Macro-financial Assistance; Guarantee Fund for External Actions; Union Civil Protection Mechanism; EU Aid Volunteers Initiative. Administration includes administrative expenditure of the EU institutions. The total budget also includes compensations, Emergency Aid Reserve, European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, European Union Solidarity Fund. Data source: European Commission (EC). Member States’ budgets as percentage of EU GNI The percentage has been calculated using data from DG ECFIN forecast for 2015. Member States’ budgets refers to EU28 General Government total expenditure. The package of negotiations on the 2015 EU budget includes a Council request for Parliament to deliver an urgent opinion on a proposal to amend a regulation related to the Own Resources system; an amending letter (AL) to the 2015 draft EU budget; and draft amending budgets (DABs), an AL and proposals to mobilise flexibility instruments to the 2014 EU budget. A brief description of each item is set out below. Commission proposal COM(2014) 704 amending Council Regulation 1150/2000 implementing Own Resources Decision 2007/436: to allow Member States to cope with exceptionally large revisions to own resources contributions. AL 1/2015: agricultural forecasts update, redeployment of higher than anticipated EAGF assigned revenue, mobilisation of the agricultural crisis reserve to help deal with the Russian embargo. DAB 2/2014: 2013 EU budget surplus. DAB 3/2014: Additional payments for the Fisheries Fund, unpaid bills and new commitments financed via redeployment, the 2014 margin and the contingency margin; increased revenue from fines and interest payments and reimbursements and repayments to FEMIP (Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership). State of play Proposal to mobilise the Contingency Margin to react to circumstances unforeseen when the MFF ceilings were established: frontloading for Horizon 2020, Erasmus+ and COSME; increase in the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived; higher than estimated unpaid cohesion policy payment claims; increase in cofinancing of rural development and European Fisheries Fund; support for Ukraine. DAB 4/2014: Revision of estimates of own resources and other revenue, particularly from fines, and modifications regarding the European Data Protection Supervisor, the ERDF and budget nomenclature. AL to DAB 4/2014: upward revision of revenue estimates. DAB 5/2014: Floods in Italy, earthquake in Greece, ice storm in Slovenia, ice and floods in Croatia. Proposal to mobilise the EU Solidarity Fund: Floods in Italy, earthquake in Greece, ice storm in Slovenia, ice and floods in Croatia. DAB 6/2014: Revision of traditional own resources, VAT and GNI contributions forecasts. DAB 7/2014: Floods in Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria. Proposal to mobilise the EU Solidarity Fund: Floods in Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria. Proposal to mobilise the EU Solidarity Fund: advance payments to regions affected by disasters. Proposal to mobilise the flexibility instrument for Structural Fund Programmes for Cyprus. Disclaimer and Copyright. The content of this document is the sole responsibility of the author and any opinions expressed therein do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament. It is addressed to the Members and staff of the EP for their parliamentary work. 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