FB Jenny Line Health and Fitness Mobile 07870 391209 NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2014 The countdown has begun towards Christmas, now is the time to lose those few pounds before the parties, buffets and drinks take hold of our lives! December classes will be a mixture of aerobics, Fitsteps and toning exercises all to Christmas music! Thank you for contributing to the Focus Group feedback session – see page 4 for the feedback from our latest session. We are collecting raffle prizes for the Christmas Party (see below). Prizes should be preferably wrapped in Christmas paper. If you have a charity for us to support in mind, let the focus team know. Jenny x Christmas Party: LAST 9 TICKETS AVAILABLE!!!!!! Christmas party is at the Horseshoes Pub, Stratford Road - £20 Hot food, cupcake and disco!! Please let me know if you would like to come….last few tickets! FEEL FREE TO FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES WHO Page 1 MAY BE INTERESTED IN RECEIVING THIS EMAIL FB Jenny Line Health and Fitness Mobile 07870 391209 TIME TABLE AND OFFERS Try a class for free Give this voucher to a friend to come and try a free class! Hand this voucher to a cashier to get a free trial class! Expires 30th November 2014 Page 2 FB Jenny Line Health and Fitness Mobile 07870 391209 HIGH IN VITMAMIN B6! This helps reduce the chemical homocysteine in our bodies – which has been linked with degenerative diseases. Including heart attacks! GOOD SOURCE OF VITAMIN C! Which is important to help ward off cold and flu viruses. This crucial vitamin also plays an important role in bone and tooth formation, digestion and blood cell formation. CONTAINS VITAMIN D! Which is critical for immune systems and overall health at this time of year. Vitamin D plays an important part in our energy levels, mood and helps build healthy bones, heart, nerves, skin and teeth. It also supports the thyroid gland. CONTAINS IRON! Which is important for red and white blood cell production, resistance to stress, proper immune functioning and the metabolizing of proteins. GOOD SOURCE OF MAGNESIUM! Which is the relaxation and anti-stress mineral. GOOD SOURCE OF POTASSIUM! Helps regulate heartbeat and nerve signals. NATURALLY SWEET TASTING! Their natural sugars are slowly released into the bloodstream, helping to ensure a balanced and regular source of energy, without the blood sugar spikes linked to fatigue and weight gain. VERSATILE! Try them roasted, pureed, steamed, baked or grilled! Add them to soups and stews or grill and place on top of leafy greens for a delicious salad. Grill them with onions and peppers for an amazing sandwich or wrap ingredients. Page 3 FB Jenny Line Health and Fitness Mobile 07870 391209 Meeting Wednesday 15th October • • • • • • • Could we have 1 hour of exercise on a Tuesday and Wednesday evening? Currently I offer 1 hour of exercise on a Monday morning and 1 hour on a Thursday evening – Fitsteps has a lot of choreography to learn. I am happy with the format of the classes and will continue with 45 minutes on the Tue, Wed and Thu morning. The extra 15 minutes has been an added bonus and I will continue to monitor how these classes go. There is too much zumbasise on a Wednesday evening – A questionnaire was given to the Wednesday class in the summer and the majority of members loved the zumbasise, followed by aerobics and Fitsteps. Therefore it was decided the breakdown would be: 2 zumbasise, 1 aerobics, 1 Fitsteps. This contrasted with the Tuesday class of: 2 aerobics, 1 zumbasise, 1 Fitsteps. Could we have more Fitsteps/zumbasise demonstrations? – Yes definitely – I understand that members need a breakdown of these routines, but we also need to keep the two classes flowing – I will try to strike a balance between these two. It was suggested by the focus group to encourage members who struggle with Fitsteps/zumbasise to stand behind or near members who were more confident with the routines. Members loved the interval training, kick boxing routines – Thank you I will try to mix the routines up regularly! Members loved the music! – Again thank you – What is important to me is the strong beat. I try to mix the music up. Like everyone I have my favourites and I do welcome music suggestions! Members loved the talks – Thank you – I try to mix the talks between motivational and nutritional information talks – again I welcome your ideas for future talks. It was suggested by the focus group to introduce a questionnaire to members. This would give them time to feedback to the group. I think this idea is brilliant and have asked the group to formulate the questionnaire. It is proposed to give this out in mid-January with a prize incentive. Thank you to everyone who gave us valued feedback. Our next meeting is Wednesday 3rd December! NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2014 - CLUB NEWS FB Jenny Line Health and Fitness Mobile 07870 391209 Standing Order - Reminder If you already have a Standing Order with me for Premier or Premier plus I need you to set up a new one for the new business. There is a form attached. I will honour existing prices – you need to write in your current monthly payment, in numbers and words, on the standing order mandate. You then need to cancel your old standing order. If you are Premier the new maximum price is £20. If you prefer, you can complete your Standing Order mandate online! Name of Person/Organisation: Jenny Line Health and Fitness Bank and Branch Name: Santander Bridle Rd Liverpool L30 4GB Account No. 61222507 Sort Code: 09-01-28 Reference to be quoted:………………………………………………. (Your name and class E.g. Mrs G Jones St James) Pricing as at NOVEMBER 2014 Single Class £6.00 Premier £20 – One class per week Premier Plus £28 – unlimited classes Do it now – Sometimes ‘Later’ becomes ‘Never’ Anon. Page 5 Jenny Line Health and Fitness Mobile 07870 391209 STANDING ORDER MANDATE Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS A. CUSTOMER’S DETAILS To:…………………………………………………………… Name of your bank Address of your bank:……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Post Code:……………………….. Sort Code: Account No: Account Name:…………………………………………………………………………. PLEASE SET UP THE FOLLOWING STANDING ORDER AND DEBIT MY/OUR ACCOUNT ACCORDINGLY. B. PERSON/ORGANISATION YOU WISH TO PAY Name of Person/Organisation: Jenny Line Health and Fitness Bank and Branch Name: Santander Bridle Rd Liverpool L30 4GB Account No. 61222507 Sort Code: 09-01-28 Reference to be quoted: ………………………………………………. (Your name and class E.g. Mrs G Jones St James) C. PAYMENT DETAILS Amount of normal payment Amount of normal payment in words WHEN PAID Day or date of payments Frequency Commencing 1st of the Month Monthly …./…./…… Until further notice D. CONFIRMATION Customer(s) Signatures(s) ………………………………………………………….. Date …………………………………………………………….
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