The Season after Pentecost November 16, 2014 Calvary Lutheran Church, 108 Eastman St., Cranford NJ 07016-2122 Phone (908) 276-2418 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm e-mail our website Jesus welcomed everyone; that is our aim, too. If you are visiting with us today, welcome, and please fill out one of the yellow “Welcome Friend” visitor forms located in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. “FEARLESS GENEROSITY” is the topic of this year’s Stewardship Program. This focus continues with a special presentation today and on November 23. Estimates of Giving for 2015 will be sent by mail and dedicated on November 30. 2015 Offering Envelopes are now available in the Narthex. Please take your envelopes this morning. THE CONGREGATION COUNCIL recently received the resignation of Liz McCarthy, CONNECT Coordinator. Liz’ current Council term would have been completed in June of 2015 but professional and family concerns have caused her to vacate her office early. We are very grateful to Liz for the many years she has faithfully served on Council. She has provided good leadership and wonderful fellowship opportunities in our congregation. At its November 11 meeting, Council appointed Mary Sterling to fill the role of CONNECT Coordinator and to complete Liz’ term. Welcome to our Congregation Council, Mary and thank you for your willingness to serve in this important capacity. 2014 THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE CONTINUES We will be collecting non-perishable food items for our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Collection sheets and bags with items needed were handed out last week; the Drive continues until Sunday November 23. Your donations will benefit the food bank at Holy Trinity Church, East Orange and The Aids Resource Foundation – St. Claire’s Social Services. Pastoral Prayers, Joys & Concerns Judy Byrne, sister of Janet Rupp, is dealing with personal problems. Kathleen Carlson (73) died at Overlook Hospital on Tuesday. Kathleen is the daughter-in-law of deceased member, Edith Carlson. Services for her were held Wednesday at Gray’s in Westfield. Pastor Carol officiated. Please pray for her children, Kathleen and Richard, and all who mourn her death. Linda Huff is undergoing treatment for a medical condition and in need of our prayer support. Howard Strand is a patient at Overlook Hospital. He had a toe amputated after an injury and infection was discovered this week. Virginia Water, friend of Ed Leicht and Rob Schneider, who is recovering from surgery. Karen Stevens celebrates her 20th Anniversary with CNSCC on Monday. She currently serves as our lead teacher working with one of our nursery school classes. Congratulations Miss Karen! We are including the Willem Family in our prayers this morning. Brian, Tracy & Ben will be moving next weekend to Madison, WI. May God continue to bless and lead the Willem Family! Thank you for the gift you have been in our Calvary Family! WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets on the third Friday of every month at 1PM in the lounge. On 11/21 we will be discussing Session 3: Transformation Takes Time. The theme verse is John 20:30-31. Come and join us on Friday at 1:00 pm for prayer and discussion as we continue this interesting study of the Bible. ADVENT CROSS + GENERATIONAL EVENT: A Promise Like No Other SUNDAY NOVEMBER 30 9:30-10:30 AM All are welcome to come and enjoy a morning of special Advent hands-on activities. During Advent, we especially remember God’s promise to send us a Savior to rescue us from sin. Come and share in the promises of God! This morning we continue using the Narrative Lectionary. To help deepen your understanding of each Sunday’s text we will provide daily scripture readings for the coming week. Follow the story of Hezekiah and Isaiah, and how God saved them from conquest and exile for many years. Sunday, Isaiah 36:1-3, 13-20; 37:1-7; 2:1-4 Swords into Plowshares Monday, Isaiah 36:4-12 Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem Tuesday, Isaiah 37:8-13 Hezekiah Consults Isaiah Wednesday, Isaiah 37:14-29 Hezekiah’s Prayer Thursday, Isaiah 37:30-38 Sennacherib’s Defeat and Death Friday, Isaiah 38:1-22 Hezekiah’s Illness Saturday, Isaiah 39:1-8 Envoys from Babylon Welcomed CALVARY YOUTH MISSION PROJECT: TRIP TO THE NEW JERSEY FOOD BANK THIS SATURDAY 11/22 Youth group and confirmation students will be volunteering their time and talents at the New Jersey Food Bank in Hillside, NJ. We will meet at church at 8:15am and carpool to the food bank. We should be back at the church around 11:30am. This service opportunity is open to everyone, 12 years and older. If you would like to attend, please contact Jill or Lindsey Garnhart at 908-389-1748. Amy Wendel will be here on Sunday November 30 at both worship services to share with us what’s going on with Project MEMA. Project MEMA was started by Amy to promote and support education in the town of Moshi, Tanzania. The charity takes on issues such as lack of money, food and other resources by sponsoring primary and secondary students, and providing school lunches, classroom supplies, uniforms, and school enhancement projects to nursery schools in Moshi. NJ CARES COAT DRIVE Once again, we will be collecting gently used or new winter coats to be donated to those less fortunate. The collection will be ongoing through December 7th. Please drop off items into the marked box in the Narthex. Questions?? Please call or email Dale or Emma Koznecki at 908232-3817; THOSE SERVING TODAY 8:30 Asst. Min. Carla Flint Comm. Asst. Anne Dawson Ushers Robin Marko(C) Brian Peebles Josh Peebles TBD Acolyte Allisun Peebles Altar Guild Melissa Sullivan 10:30 a.m. Warren Hynes Gregory Kraus Lou Suriani (C) David Ten Broeck Barb Birger Frank Kylish Eric Pastore Melissa Sullivan THIS WEEK AT CALVARY Sun 11/16 Swords into Plowshares 8:30 am Worship/Holy Communion 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30am Worship/Holy Communion 5-7:00pm Confirmation Class Thu 11/20 1:15 pm Worship/Holy Communion Fri 11/21 1:00 pm Women’s Bible Study Sat 11/22 8:30 am Youth Servant Trip to Food Bank Sun 11/23 Jeremiah’s Temple Sermon 8:30 am Worship/Holy Communion 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30am Worship/Holy Communion 11:30am Youth Service Project: Tksgvg Bags No confirmation class this evening. HAVE YOU PICKED UP YOUR COPY OF CROSS CURRENTS? Copies of the current issue are available in the narthex. THE MUSIC MINISTRY WISHES TO THANK Leslie Schreiber for supporting Calvary’s music ministry by volunteering to be our Music Librarian. We appreciate the generous giving of your time and energy. CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE Wed. December 24 at 7:00 PM Children & youth age 3 thru Grade 7 are invited to be part of a dramatic presentation of Jesus’ birth! If you would like to participate, fill out a registration form and bring it to Sunday School by 11/23; forms are in the narthex. Or, email Lynda Pullis no later than Sunday 11/23: CHRISTMAS AT SEA We are joining the effort to bring Christmas gifts to seafarers again this year through Seafarer International’s “Christmas at Sea” project. Please look for “Gift Tags” on the small trees in the narthex. All gifts must be returned by November 30th. Assembly of gift satchels date/place TBA. Questions? Contact Robin Marko at 908-789-0379 or .
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