Health Literacy: The Link Between Better Communication and Better Health Outcomes

Health Literacy: The Link Between
Better Communication and Better
Health Outcomes
Presented by Elissa Director, MA
November 18, 2014
5:00 pm to 8:45 pm
Register at
Kessler Conference Center
Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation
1199 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052
There is no cost to attend this event.
Program Summary: This 3.5 contact hour interactive session will
provide health professionals with tools and practical strategies for delivering health information in a clear
and understandable way. Far too often patients are placed at risk for unsafe care because of medical
jargon and unclear language. Health literacy is an interactive process requiring that all patients and
consumers receive clear communication from all healthcare providers and systems.
Target Audience: All healthcare workers. Contact hours are available for RN, LPN, PT, PTA, OT,
COTA, SLP, and SW.
Course Objectives:
At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to:
Define the practical meaning of health literacy and how it impacts patients, providers, consumers
and others across the healthcare spectrum
Identify 5 best practices that they can use to communicate health information more clearly
Identify 3 practical strategies for clearly communicating numerical health information and
Determine ways their organizations can facilitate clearer communication around healthcare
4:30 pm-5:00 pm
5:00 pm-5:45 pm
Health Literacy: Components, Culture, and Communication
5:45 pm-6:15 pm
The Number Game: Understanding and utilizing the language of
Health Numeracy
6:15 pm-6:30 pm
6:30 pm-8:00 pm
Looking into the mirror: Teach Back and analyzing your own
8:00 pm-8:45 pm
Speaking the same language: How to ensure consistent
communication from all team members
8:45 pm
Course Instructor: Elissa Director is a Health Literacy consultant and founding member of the New
Jersey Health Literacy Coalition. She has over 25 years of experience in leading non-profit organizations,
managing volunteers, and developing and delivering specialized literacy training. Elissa received her
Bachelor of Arts Degree in English from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and her Master of Arts in
Teaching Degree from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.
Educational Information:
Elissa Director has no relevant financial or nonfinancial interests or relationships to disclose. This course
is made available through a NJ Department of Labor grant to healthcare professionals for no out-ofpocket expense to the attendee.
Certificates will be distributed after the course provided all information is completed during registration.
Partial credit will NOT be awarded to SLPs in order to meet all of the objectives of this course.
RN- This continuing nursing education activity was approved by New Jersey State Nurses Association, an
Approval Number #7501 June 2014 ± June 2016.
PT- An application of 3.5 contact hours has been submitted to the NJ State Board of Physical Therapy
and is pending.
SW- Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, provider #1215, is an approved provider for social work
continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), through the
Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation maintains
responsibility for the program. Social Workers participating in this course will receive 3.5 social work
continuing education clock hours.
OT- Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation is an approved provider for the American Occupational Therapy
Association to offer continuing education in occupational therapy. This introductory level program awards
endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.
SLP- This cRXUVHLVRIIHUHGIRU$6+$&(8¶VRU5 contact hours (Introductory Level, Professional
Questions? If you are a Kessler employee contact Terry Carolan at or 973324-3679.
If you are a non-Kessler employee, contact Felicia Conte at or 732-932-9271 x
Grievances: If you have any questions or comments regarding this program, please call 973-324-3679. We will respond to you
within 72 hours.
ADA Compliance Statement: In compliance with the Americans with Disability Ace of 1990, we will make all reasonable efforts to
accommodate persons with disabilities. Please call 973-324-3679 with your requests.