The Weekly Church Bulletin NEWARK CHURCH OF CHRIST Clinton Avenue and S. 14th Street Newark, NJ 07108 Volume Number 52 47 Sunday, November 23, 2014 THE CHURCH THAT TRIUMPHS Eugene Lawton Minister Church Office 973 374-4563 Fax 973 374-6704 Church Calendar Sunday Bible School 10:00 a.m. Worship Services 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Thursday Bible Classes 7:00 p.m. RADIO PROGRAM Sunday at 2:30 pm WMCA 570 AM In spite of the upsurge of vigor in evangelism, a sense of defeatism exists in many local churches. The spiritual indifference and the materialistic idolatry of our age at times seem inseparable. Thus, there comes over the church a sense of frustration and defeat; a wearying in well doing. This defeatism may be understandable, but it is not excusable. The Bible knows nothing of the word "defeat" as applied to the church of Jesus Christ. Hardship--yes; opposition --yes, but never defeat! Jesus describes the church as a conquering power, against which the very gates of hell shall not prevail. The scene is Jerusalem. In Acts 3, we have Peter and John healing a lame man and then preaching the gospel to the crowd which gathers. In Acts 4, comes the opposition. The apostles are taken, placed in prison, and the next day, they are brought before the Sanhedrin. Many of the Sanhedrins were wealthy and exercised their tremendous political influence. This formidable opposition came against the apostolic church. Yet, it was not the Sanhedrin who triumphed, but the church of my Lord. THE CHURCH THAT TRIUMPHS MUST BE GRIPPED BY AN IRRESISTIBLE COMPULSION. One is immediately struck by the tremendous motivation of these men. They were told in Acts 4:18 not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. They replied, "We cannot but speak." These men had walked with Jesus. They had seen His marvelous works and heard his unique teaching. They had seen their world collapse around them in the darkness of Calvary. But Jesus triumphed over death, hell and the grave, and they saw him alive after his resurrection. And you tell them to be quiet. You might as easily command things that were a part of their lives, they replied, "WE MUST SPEAK." THE CHURCH MUST HAVE IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE to present to the world. The apostles had preached the crucified Jesus is now the resurrected, living Lord through which all sins can be given. Weighty words indeed, but what is the evidence? The answer was simple--the healed man. Who made this man whole? Jesus of Nazareth is the resounding answer. "And behold the man which was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it. (Acts 4:14) Dr. Eugene Lawton HARVEST HERE! TIME IS During the last two months of the year, it is HARVEST TIME FOR SOULS. Our goal is 100 baptisms for the year, and we are far behind in reaching this goal. Let us work harder during Harvest Time in order to reach our goal. 77th ANNUAL SOUTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE LECTURESHIP. The date is November 23-27, 2014. The theme is: Jesus Christ, The Same Yesterday, Today and Forevermore. Brother Lawton will speak on Monday night on the subject: Surrounded By So Great A Cloud of Witnesses. Sister Iris Kuku and sister Naomi Wright are attending from here. Dr. Jack Evans is the President of Southwestern. We are delighted to have brothers Walter Gardner and Michael Graves to preach here today. APPRECIATION CELEBRATION FOR BROTHER ERNEST COLEMAN The date is Sunday, December 7, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Newark, NJ. The cost is $30.00 per person. We want to show our love and appreciation to brother Coleman for his many years of hard work as one of the leaders of this congregation, preacher and Bible teacher. BROTHER CHRIS TURNER, Willingboro, NJ will be our guest speaker. He will be singing and preaching. Brother Turner will be preaching here on Sunday morning, December 7th. Give your names to sister Pamela Askew or sister Henrietta Green. The menu is roasted chicken with all the trimmings. We encourage you to attend this event. 2 THE FOODBANK ITEMS ARE RICE, CEREAL, MACARON, ETC. FOR THIS MONTH. GETTING FOOD BASKETS READY The Benevolence Minis- try is getting ready to distribute food baskets to needy families on Saturday, December 13, 2014, and your cooperation is needed. Each member is urged to bring canned meats, canned vegetables, rich pasta, cereal, etc. immediately. We need the names of needy families: name, address (with apartment number), phone number and family size. We would like to know if the family can pick up the food basket at the church on that Saturday between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Please give this data to sister Henrietta Green, the chairperson of our Food Benevolence Ministry. SICK LIST AT HOME Rosalie Naylor, Denise Henderson, Arizona Greenlee, HenrietMembers ta Thweatt Who Are HOSPITALS Edna Wiley—Hamilton Park SICK Health Care Facility, 525 Monmouth St. Jersey City, NJ; Catherine Taylor—Springhills at Somerset Assisted Living, Somerset, NJ; Mamie Greenwood—South Mountain Reh. Center, Vauxhall, NJ; Edith Ward—Park Cresent Health Care & Rehabilitation, 480 N. Walnut St., East Orange, NJ; Bertha Kornegay—Brother Boniventure Nursing Home, 655 E. Jersey St., Elizabeth, NJ Ann Ward—Waterview Center, 536 Ridge Road, Cedar Grove, NJ; Howard Lightfoot—New Vista Nursing Home—300 Broadway, Newark, NJ; Joshua Butler, Sr.—J.F.K. Hospital, Edison, NJ; Diane Lawton—Arista Care at Cedar Oaks, 1311 Durham Avenue, South Plainfield, NJ SICK VISITATION Group 1: W. Gardner, C. Holley END OF THE YEAR BANQUET The Nos- trand Avenue church will have An Evening of Elegance on Saturday, November 29, 2014 at Tropical Paradise Banquet Hall, 1252 Utica Avenue, Brooklyn, NY., 3 pm to 8 pm. The guest speaker will be brother Chris Turner, Willingboro, NJ. The cost is $60 for adult and $30 for children under 12, and the deadline to respond is November 12, 2014. Brother Wayne E. Conner, Sr. is the minister. BENEVOLENCE MEALS Free turkey dinners will be given out on THIS Saturday, November 22, 12:00 noon until 3:00 p.m. by the church. Tell your friends and family about this dinner and plan to have them come and enjoy a delicious meal. Our choral groups will be singing and there will be a message of thanksgiving. We want you to bring as many visitors as possible. The Benevolence Ministry, with sister Henrietta Green as chairperson, is in charge. If you would like to assist in this great work, see sister Henrietta Green. EVERY MEMBER PRESENT SUNDAY IS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30th. We want each faithful member to reach out to 3 unfaithful members in church attendance and encourage them to be here on NEXT Sunday, November 30th. ONE BAPTIZED THURSDAY NIGHT Welcome to Elsa Hiraldo, 600 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102—415 516-5453, who was baptized during the Thursday night Bible class on November 13th. ONE TWO BAPTIZED LAST SUNDAY Welcome to Harold Pryor, 192 Wainwright Street, Newark, NJ 07112—973 282-2643, who was baptized last Sunday and morning and welcome to Regina Ferguson, New Britain, CT who was baptized last Sunday night. P. Price, K. Sellers, Y. Lewis, A. Williams, F. Broughton, W. Gardner, I. Kuku, M. Taylor and D. Spears were restored last Sunday. N. Brewer, B. Butler, E. Lynch, M. Van Pelt, R. C. Jackson and C. Osborne requested prayer. RESPONES FOR 2014 36 Baptized, 269 Restored, 6 Placed Memberships THE PRISON MINISTRY will be TODAY, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, at 6:00 p.m. Brother Clifton Thomas will be the speaker. All members who are involved are encouraged to be present. CONDOLENCE We extend condolence to brother R.C. Jackson & family who lost his sister in Trenton, NJ, who was funeralized on November 6, 2014 and to brother Ray Spears & family who lost his mother in Far Rockaway, NY, who was funeralized on November 22, 2014 in Inword, NY. Let us pray for both families. EASTERNNAIRES’ ANNUAL END OF THE YEAR PROGRAM The date is Saturday, December 20, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. at the Newark Church of Christ. Sister Dorothy Wells is the founder and directress. You must be present to hear some 100 young people praise God in Gospel Singing. The admission is free, but a free-will contribution will be taken up. Some of our young people will be participating. WELCOME VISITORS, WE ARE SUPER DELIGHTED TO HAVE YOUR WITH US TODAY, DO COME AGAIN SOON. THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE THIS PLACE! 3 COMING EVENTS ORDER OF WORSHIP SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014 A. M. P.M. INVOCATION M. Graves SONG DIRECTOR And. Hart And. Hart SCRIPTURE E. Mitchell C. Holley PRAYER W. Paton T. Wood SERMON W. Gardner M. Graves LORD'S SUPPER E. Mensah W. Gardner NARRATIVE R.C. Jackson 1-W. Paton, Jr., 2-A. Hart, 3-M. Canady, 4-S. Toney, 5-E. Mitchell, 6-L. Godbold FRONT RIGHT PEWS--S. Carter, K. Williams, D. Lacey, A. Burch FRONT LEFT PEWS--J. Benyarko, E. Mensah, J. Toney, C. Ward REAR RIGHT PEWS--B. Johnson, H. Blanding REAR LEFT PEWS--S. Toney, B. Shipman ELEVATOR--S. Toney NIGHT SERVERS--S. Carter, L. Godbold, S. Jordan, J. Benyarko OFFERING E. Mensah R.C. Jackson ANNOUNCEMENTS M. Graves And. Hart BENEDICTION L. Godbold M. Canady USHERS Z. Peterson R. Johnson INSIDE USHERS N. Bourne W. Paton OVERFLOW AUD. USHERS G. Hunt M. Coleman W. Paton Z. Peterson THERE WILL BE NO YOUTH DEVOTIONAL IN NOVEMBER, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. THE 38th ANNUAL NORTHEASTERN LADIES RETREAT The date is June 5-7, 2015 at the Sheraton Hotel in Parsippany, NJ The theme is: “Amen! Confidence in God’s Power” Romans 8:37-39 The registration fee is $242.00 for adults and $100 for children ages 5-12. Please see sister Sharon Hinton to register. The next payment is due on December 14th. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE— YOU WILL FIND IT INFORMATIVE AND INSPIRATIONAL. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT.
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