OFFICIAL UPDATE Below is a summary of the November 19, 2014 Franklin Township Board of Supervisors meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. By 7:07, 4 Supervisors were present. Supervisor Torres was unable to attend due to a business conflict. Also in attendance were the Township Planning Commission Chairman, Ralph Olivier; Manager/Treasurer Joan McVaugh and Secretary Sharon Norris. There were 11 members of the public in attendance. Public Comment: There was no public comment. Approval of Minutes: On motion by Chairman Auerbach, 2nded by Supervisor Snyder, the October 15, 2014 v2 minutes were approved 4-0. Disposition of Records: On a motion by Chairman Auerbach, Resolution 2014-23 was unanimously approved. The motion was 2nded by Mr. Snyder. This authorized the erasure of the October 15, 2014 BOS meeting tape and the October 2, 2014 PC meeting tape. Treasurer’s Report: Chairman Auerbach made a motion, seconded by Supervisor Schenk, to approve the October 2014 Treasurer’s Report. The report includes the following disbursements: General fund with disbursements and transfers of $72,237.83; the Park & Recreation Fund with disbursements of $10,281.00; the Open Space Fund with disbursements of $7,548.10; the Capital Reserve Fund with disbursements of $78,552.64; Emergency Services Fund with disbursements of $4,381.99; Fire Hydrant Fund with disbursements of $508.20, leaving a balance in all funds totaling $1,389,113.42 The motion carried 4-0. Zoning Officer/Building Inspector Report: Chairman Auerbach reported that during the month of October, 10 new permits (including 2 for new homes in Wyndemere & Franklin Chase) were issued and 39 various inspections were performed. Building/zoning fees collected: $3,793.30; Recreation and Impact fees $3,411.76; and $5,350.00 in miscellaneous fees. Franklin Sportsman’s Association (FSA) Report – Mr. Mark Zawada of the FSA, reported that 34 of the 35 club members have passed their proficiency test with 1 member still waiting to take the test. One buck was harvested from Franklin Preserve and one doe from White Clay Crescent this month. He also reminded the Board that firearms season begins on December 1st. They have asked their webmaster to make sure the hunting map section of their website is operational by December 1st. At that time, you will be able to check for any hunting activity online. Emergency Management Committee – Committee Chairman, Harold Walls, reported that Corporal Samantha Manucci is the new State Police Community Representative. Mr. Walls notified the Board that the mandatory Supervisor Emergency Management Training can now be held in the Township. The Township needs to schedule it with the County and Mr. Chuck Frees will come here to administer the training. Historical Commission Report: In Chairman Lagasse’s absence, Vice Chairman Ralph Olivier reported on the events of the HC’s November 5, 2014 meeting. Topics included the 896 Improvement Project and how to avoid having Kemblesville end up like Chatham where PennDOT is now undoing their “improvements” from several years ago. Chairman Auerbach suggested that the HC reach out to Dave Connors, supervisor in London Grove Township, who is very knowledgeable about that village. Mr. Olivier is also going to contact SAVE. The HC booth was busy on election day and the HC felt they had success in educating the public on their presence. The Nov. 13 Fox Hunting program held in conjunction with the New London Historical Commission was a success. Eastern Shore Pipeline (ESP) was another topic of discussion as they were seen spraying orange dots around town. Mr. Lagasse has reached out to Milner Architects regarding what their role has been with regard to the pipeline expansion. Mr. Olivier reported that Mr. Lagasse has provided the Township with historical articles, pictures, and postcards for the website. HARB Report: Mr. Olivier reported that the HARB recommended that the Board approve the COA for a garage at 3308 Appleton Road. Planning & Zoning: Planning Commission Report: Ralph Oliver, Chairman, reported that the PC had two items on their agenda – the Lewis Family Lot line change and Ordinance Revisions. The Lewis Plan proposes a lot line change that will remove a .1817 acre area from Tax Parcel #72-5-19.3 and combine with the lands of Tax Parcel 72-5-19.2A. No construction is proposed and existing residences on both parcels would continue to be served by individual on-lot sewage systems and water supply. The PC recommended approval of this lot line change to the BOS. They also began the task of identifying Ordinances that could be revised to better explain the intent of the ordinance or revise those where unintended consequences are creating an unnecessary hardship for residents. Further details of the PC meeting can be found in their minutes when they are approved. Lewis Lot Line Change – On motion by the Chairman, 2nded by Mr. Brindle, the Board unanimously approved the Final Minor Subdivision Plan of Stephen J. & Rebecca K. Lewis dated September 16, 2014 and last revised October 13, 2014. Girl Scout Silver Award – Miss Kaitlin O’Reilly presented her plan for a picnic table for one of the Township preserves. She stated that she and her family get so much enjoyment from being in the area parks, she wanted to give something back to the community. Lowe’s will donate $200. On motion by the Chairman, 2nded by Mr. Snyder, the Board accepted her plan with the cost to the Township not to exceed $500. Miss O’Reilly will begin work over the winter and place the table in the spring. Motion passed 4-0. COA for 3308 Appleton Road – On Motion by Mr. Auerbach, 2nded by Supervisor Brindle, the Board approved the Certificate of Appropriateness for a garage at this address as recommended by the HARB at their November 5, 2014 meeting based on the findings that the application was in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s standards and the work has no effect on the historical character of the structure or its environment. Save Our Water Presentation – Mr. Dave Yake gave a brief update on Save Our Water’s efforts. So far they have 1,250 petition signatures. Save Our Water has hired an engineering firm to perform an independent evaluation on the well pump test data filed with DEP. Points of interest are that Artesian has filed an increase of service area with the PUC for 3x the amount of water they will need for the area’s proposed building plans. Save Our Water would like Township officials to contact DEP and elected officials (Senator Dinniman and Representatives Lawrence & Ross) to stress the priority of municipal comprehensive plans and zoning ordinances for fear the state may overrule them. The Board agreed to send letters. 11.19.14 Official Update Page -2- Escrow Releases: - On motion by Chairman Auerbach, 2nded by Mr. Brindle, the Board authorized the release of Escrow #4 for Phase II of the Wyndemere Subdivision in the amount of $230,178.50, based on the recommendation of the Township Engineer. This motion passed unanimously. Ordinance Review – the Board discussed creating or revising ordinances for different issues such as the 100’ setback hardship, LED signs, chickens, horses and definitions and agreed to have the Engineer prepare a prioritized list for the PC to begin working on them. Mr. Ralph Olivier suggested using Thomas Comitta for help with the LED signs as he has become an expert in writing ordinances to protect municipalities from these types of signs. Budget Discussion Mr. Auerbach began by stating that after a big effort on the parts of the participating municipalities, an agreement has been reached with the West Grove Fire Company on a fair funding payment system for fire and ambulance. By using a 3 part formula (1/3 assessed value, 1/3 # of calls and 1/3 population), payments will be more fairly distributed among the municipalities in WG’s service area. The final objective is to create an inter-municipal legal agreement drawn up by a lawyer that establishes a solid base. Mr. Auerbach said that moving forward, he would like to review Avondale’s operating expenses and determine a fair funding formula for payment to that Fire company. The Township will be utilizing this formula for the Medic 94 ambulance service. Mr. Auerbach explained that Emergency Services is the Township’s biggest cost. Even by redistributing the millage to .58 for Emergency Services, the account will continue to be underfunded and will need replenishment from the General Fund. The Board wholeheartedly agrees that it is important to fund these service organizations as they provide an essential service to the residents and if they need to go to an employee vs. volunteer situation it will cost the taxpayers even more. The Board felt it was important to drop the real estate tax by another 10% this year dropping the total township real estate millage to 2.495. The Board agreed that dropping the real estate tax was the fairest way to give back to the residents. They reallocated .18 mils to the Emergency Fund and lowered the General Fund rate to account for the reduction. The breakdown is: 1.145 General Fund .50 Open Space .27 Park .58 Emergency Services Salt Shed – Final salt storage shed costs should be approx. $230,000. Stormwater Maintenance– the Treasurer summarized the costs for Stormwater projects in 2014. They included inlet cleaning, street sweeping and MS4 engineering cost. Mrs. Schenk discussed having a fence built along the trail at the sight of the detention pond on the Ford Farm property as a potential Eagle Scout project. She felt it was an important safety improvement since the public Geoghegan trail runs along the pond and it has the potential to hold 2 feet or more of water before it drains. The Board agreed to further explore the use of tablets vs. hard copy meeting books. In researching this idea, it was determined that tablets could be paid in full within 10 months of not creating hard copy meeting books. Mr. Olivier advised that he would prefer a tablet that would allow highlighting and note writing. The Board and staff have been working to control costs and will continue to do so. Among other things, they will look closely at consultant fees and the use of consultants at meetings and building permit expenses. 11.19.14 Official Update Page -3- The Board is looking forward to a large Capital Road Program in Spring 2015 which will include the fixing of the water issue on Tilden. The Board felt that doing a large program in 2015 would then put the Township right back on track with the 10+ year road program. The Board approved the preliminary budget as presented by Chairman Auerbach and Manager/Treasurer Joan McVaugh. It was seconded by Supervisor Schenk. Below is a summary of the 2015 Budget Expenditures. GENERAL FUND $1,477,184.50 PARK & RECREATION FUND $163,666.25 OPEN SPACE FUND $185,756.32 TRAFFIC IMPACT – EAST FUND $66,000.00 TRAFFIC IMPACT – WEST FUND $62,145.00 CAPITAL RESERVE FUND $688,000.00 HIGHWAY AID FUND $158,300.00 EMERGENCY SERVICES FUND $174,994.14 FIRE HYDRANT FUND FUND $6,969.60 TOTALS $2,983,015.81 There was no public comment. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. 11.19.14 Official Update Page -4-
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