COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT between SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL 49 and KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS & KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF THE NORTHWEST AUGUST 1, 2012 – JUNE 30, 20166 SEIU LOCAL 49 3536 SE 26TH AVE. PORTLAND, OR 97202 1.800.955.3352 503.236.4949 AU G U S T 1 , 2 0 1 2 t o J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 This agreement was possible because our members stuck together. With a message of “The Boots Are Made For Walking”, we sent a strong message that we deserve a union contract that reflects our commitment to quality. Through incredible member action and unity we protected our local contract and we were able to keep all those things we worked so hard for in 2010 SEIU members are nearly 60,000 of the 90,000 Kaiser Coalition of Unions membership. In this round of negotiations we demonstrated that when SEIU members stick together with other union members around the country we truly are stronger together. Some of the highlights of this Agreement include: Protect & Improve Healthcare: • Maintained our fully paid family healthcare benefits for employees coded 20 hours or more. Copays for doctors visits remain $5 and prescriptions remain $3. • Created a shared goal with incentives of creating the healthiest workforce in the healthcare industry Protected Retirement : • No changes to our pension,TSA match or retiree healthcare benefits. Secured Long Term Job Security: • The Employment and Income Security Agreement will remain in effect. This Agreement guarantees at least one year of comparable pay in the event of a position elimination. It also requires extensive efforts to redeploy workers into other comparable jobs rather than lay them off. In Addition To Step Increases Members Receive Increased Wages: October 2012 - 2% Across the Board October 2013 - 2% Across the Board October 2014 - 2% Across the Board Improved Sick Day Cash-out: Strengthened Unit Based Teams (UBTs): • New language to affirm that UBTs are the operating model for Kaiser Permanente • UBT goals need to be aligned with national, regional, facility and unit goals Commitment to Education and Training: • Kaiser will contribute funds to our Education Trust to fund education and training programs for Kaiser employees through SEIU-UHW & Joint Employer Education Fund. Letters Of Agreement (LOUs) remain in effect during the life of the contract. AU G U S T 1 , 2 0 1 2 t o J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 In these challenging economic times, we are proud of our accomplishments we made. We look forward to welcoming our new union members at the West Side Medical Center and continue to build worksite strength and ensure we train and support stewards and leaders in all departments. We will continue to build industry strength by helping non-union workers form unions and come up to the pay and benefit standards we have accomplished through our union. And we will continue to increase community and political strength so that we can improve the lives of all working families. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming union event - because our strength is our unity. In Solidarity, Elena Assad Kaiser North Interstate Joe Melton Kaiser Skyline Medical Olivia Devers Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center Roberta Monger Kaiser Regional Call Center Patti Harris Kaiser Salmon Creek Meg Niemi President, SEIU Local 49 Dominick Giorgianni Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center Amy Reimer Kaiser Beaverton Medical Marsha King Kaiser Sunnybrook Medical Noah Sternthal Kaiser North Interstate Kathy Maier Kaiser Division Delores Tweed Kaiser Oregon City Dental Julie Markiewicz Kaiser Process Center Important Contact Information If you have a workplace issue contact your shop steward. You can find a list of shop stewards at Still have questions? Contact your contract specialist at 503-236-4949 ext 220. Service Employees International Union Local 49 3536 SE 26th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202-2901 Phone: 503-236-4949 or 1-800-955-3352 Fax: 503-238-6692 Kaiser Hotline: 503-236-4949 ext.220 SEIU Education Trust Jenni Romano - Kaiser Education 503-238-5945 Kaiser Permanente Human Resources Department 503-813-4800 Kaiser Partnership Tools & Agreements: Employee Benefits 1-877-457-4772 Directions: How to use your collective bargaining agreement This book includes both the Collective Bargaining Agreement for SEIU Local 49, for the Northwest. This document represents agreements reached between Kaiser Permanente and SEIU and cover all employees represented by SEIU Local 49 in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Some important things to remember when using this document: In local Collective Bargaining Agreement you will find footnotes that reference language in the national agreement. The national language will provide additional information on the article or in some cases may represent that issue in total. This document can be viewed at www. The local and national agreements have different expiration dates: National: October 1, 2012 – September 20, 2015 Local: August 1, 2012 – June 30, 2016 Letters of Understanding exist that may amend local language and provisions to these agreements. For information on these Letters of Understanding, please contact your Contract Specialist or Steward. AU G U S T 1 , 2 0 1 2 t o J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 39.0 40.0 41.0 42.0 DURATION OF AGREEMENT ....................................................................... 1 PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT/CONFORMITY TO LAW* ............................... 1 SCOPE OF AGREEMENT ............................................................................. 1 RECOGNITION AND UNION SECURITY ...................................................... 3 BULLETIN BOARDS ..................................................................................... 4 CONTRACT PRINTING ................................................................................. 5 NON-DISCRIMINATION ................................................................................. 5 UNION STAFF REPRESENTATIVES ............................................................ 5 UNION STEWARDS ....................................................................................... 5 LABOR MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP COOPERATION.......................... 6 TYPES OF EMPLOYEES............................................................................... 8 SENIORITY ...................................................................................................11 JOB BIDDING ...............................................................................................11 JOB BIDDING - LEADPERSONS................................................................ 14 REDUCTION IN FORCE ........................................................................ 14, 49 FLOATING.................................................................................................... 17 HOURS OF EMPLOYMENT AND OVERTIME ............................................ 18 SCHEDULING .............................................................................................. 20 REPORTING PAY......................................................................................... 24 WAGE RATES .............................................................................................. 24 PAYDAY AND PAYCHECKS* ....................................................................... 25 PRIOR EXPERIENCE .................................................................................. 25 TENURE STEP ADJUSTMENTS ................................................................. 25 “RED CIRCLE” RATES ............................................................................... 26 RECLASSIFICATION ................................................................................... 26 JOB DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................. 27 MILEAGE ..................................................................................................... 27 STANDBY PAY ............................................................................................. 27 DIFFERENTIALS ......................................................................................... 28 WORK IN A HIGHER CLASSIFICATION .................................................... 29 PROMOTIONS ............................................................................................. 29 REST AND MEAL PERIODS ....................................................................... 30 HOLIDAYS ................................................................................................... 30 VACATIONS ................................................................................................. 31 SICK LEAVE ................................................................................................ 33 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE .............................................................................. 34 JURY DUTY.................................................................................................. 35 TIME OFF REQUESTS ................................................................................ 35 TAX SHELTERED SAVINGS PLAN............................................................. 35 HEALTH PLAN............................................................................................. 36 DISABILITY INSURANCE ........................................................................... 36 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE ......................................................................... 37 BENEFIT PREMIUMS .................................................................................. 37 Page 43.0 FRINGE BENEFIT IMPROVEMENTS GUARANTEE .................................. 38 44.0 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ...................................................... 38 45.0 RETIREMENT BENEFITS............................................................................ 38 46.0 LEAVE OF ABSENCE.................................................................................. 40 47.0 INTER-UNION JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES ............................................ 42 48.0 CONTRACT DISPUTES/GRIEVANCE & ARBITRATION PROCEDURE* .. 42 49.0 DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE* ................................................................. 45 50.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY ................................................................................ 46 51.0 STAFFING .................................................................................................... 47 52.0 INSERVICE EDUCATION ............................................................................ 48 53.0 EDUCATION................................................................................................. 48 54.0 CHILD CARE................................................................................................ 49 55.0 CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION .................................................................. 49 56.0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY PROVISIONS .................................................. 49 57.0 PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS* .............................................................. 50 58.0 CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS AND PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION ............................................. 51 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of August 1, 2012, by and between the KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS and KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF OREGON (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Employer”) and SERVICE EMPLOYEES UNION and its LOCAL NO. 49 (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Union”). DURATION OF AGREEMENT This agreement shall become effective August 1, 2012 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2016. It shall continue from year to year thereafter unless amended, modified, changed or terminated. Either party wishing to change or terminate this Agreement must serve written notice of a desire to amend to the other party at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date. Notice of desire to change or terminate given by one party shall render unnecessary a similar notice by the other party. WITNESSETH: That the parties hereto have agreed as follows: 1.0 PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT/CONFORMITY TO LAW* 1.1 It is the intent and purpose of the parties to set forth herein their Agreement covering rates of pay, hours of work and conditions of employment for employees covered by this Agreement, to collaboratively work to provide high quality, affordable service and care for patients and members, and to promote harmonious relations between the Employer and the Union. 1.2 If any provision of this Agreement is found to be in conflict with State or Federal law, the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. In the event any provisions(s) are declared to be in conflict with any law, both parties shall meet immediately for the purpose of renegotiating only the provision(s) so invalidated. 2.0 SCOPE OF AGREEMENT (Also refer to National Labor-Management Partnership Recognition and Campaign Rules 8/3/99 and LOU - Ground Rules for Union Organizing) 2.1 The term “Employee” or “Employees” as and wherever used in this Agreement shall mean and include employees of the employer employed in the classifications set forth in Schedule “A” attached hereto at the Employer’s Kaiser Permanente facilities, including but not limited to facilities located in Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington and Marion Counties in the State of Oregon, Clark County and Cowlitz County in the State of Washington. 2.2 This Agreement shall also apply to employees performing work in the classifications set forth in Schedule “A” as appropriate in any new facility operated by the Employer. 2.3 This agreement shall not apply to job classifications not referred to in Schedule A unless a job classification is added to the bargaining unit by the following procedure: A. The Union will provide written notification to the Employer that it has obtained a showing of interest by signed and dated authorization cards of at least fifty percent (50%) of the employees in that job classification. The Employer will provide a list of employees in that job classification within five (5) days of written notification from the Union that will include name, address, telephone number, job location and Social Security number. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 1 B. An election date will be set within five (5) working days from the date the Employer receives the written notification from the Union. The date will be no later than three (3) weeks from the date the Employer receives the written notification from the Union. The election will be conducted by a neutral third party selected by the parties. Employees who have been hired or who have terminated after the list has been made will not be eligible to vote. C. If a dispute exists regarding the employee list that cannot be resolved by the parties, a permanent arbitrator, which will be selected within fifteen (15) working days from the signing of this agreement, will hear and decide the issue prior to the date of the scheduled election. D. The parties will meet at a mutually agreeable date and time to verify the Union’s fifty percent (50%) showing of interest but no later than the date of the election. If the Union cannot show a fifty- percent (50%) showing of interest the election will not be held. E. Elections will be conducted pursuant to this Article only for job classifications considered non-professional by the National Labor Relations Board. The Employer will send the Union on or about the fifteenth (15th) of January, April, July and October of each year, a list of unrepresented, non-professional job classifications by job code classification number, title and work location. If the Employer changes its job code or job classification system it will notify the Union and the arbitrator. F. If an election determines the Union has a majority of employees in a job classification who wish to be represented by the Union, this job classification(s) will be covered by the Current Collective Bargaining Agreement with the exemption of wages which will be negotiated by the parties. 2.4 Under no circumstances will the provisions of this Agreement apply to supervisors, confidential employees or confidential secretaries. 2.5 The Employer recognizes the fact that bona fide supervisory employees are only those who have the authority to hire, promote, discipline, discharge or otherwise effect changes in the status of employees or effectively recommend such action; and it is not the policy to establish jobs or job titles for the purpose of excluding such employees from the unit established in this Article 2.0. 2.6 The parties recognize that the Employer has the right and obligation to assign and schedule employees in a manner compatible with efficient operations. It is also understood that supervisory personnel shall not be utilized to perform bargaining functions in a way that would result in a reduction in the number of bargaining unit employees or in a way that would result in a permanent reduction in scheduled hours of work of a member of the bargaining unit. Volunteers and Special Programs* 2.7 The volunteer’s role in the facilities is to provide services to patients that may not otherwise be offered. The Employer agrees that programs such as volunteer programs and summer youth programs shall not be utilized to displace bargaining unit employees or to fill positions previously occupied by bargaining unit employees, nor shall they be used to reduce their hours of work. The Employer shall notify the Union upon commencement of volunteer programs and summer youth programs of the number of participants, their classification, work location, hours of work per week, and the duration of the program. 2.8 2 In the event the Employer enters into an arrangement with an outside contractor to take over the employment of employees covered by this Agreement, every reasonable effort shall be made to enter into such an arrangement with a contractor whose employees are covered under the terms and conditions of a union labor agreement. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Management Rights 2.9 The Union recognizes that the Employer has the duty and the right to manage its facilities and to direct the working forces. This includes, for example, the right to hire, transfer, promote, demote, layoff, discipline and discharge employees, subject to the terms of this Agreement and the grievance procedure. 3.0 RECOGNITION AND UNION SECURITY (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [K]) 3.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive bargaining agent of the employees covered by this Agreement for the purposes of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, hours of work and working conditions. Recognition* A. This Master Agreement (SEIU Cross-Regional language contained in this contract as noted by asterisk*) is entered into by the signatory parties and reflects the Employers’ recognition of the Unions listed in Attachment I as the exclusive collective bargaining agents of the employees in the bargaining units listed in Attachment I with respect to the terms and conditions of employment set forth herein. This Agreement shall also apply to any employees who are added to a covered bargaining unit by unit clarification, accretion and/or agreement of the parties. This Agreement shall also apply to any new classifications(s) which may be established within the scope of duties now included within a covered bargaining unit. The provisions of this Agreement shall supersede and replace the equivalent provisions of the local agreements between the Employers and the Unions listed in Attachment I. If a local agreement does not contain an equivalent provision the provision of this agreement shall become a new provision of the local agreement. If there are differences between the bargaining unit descriptions in Attachment I and the descriptions contained in a local agreement, the descriptions in the local agreement will control. Union Membership* 3.2 It shall be a condition of employment that all employees covered by this Agreement and those hired on or after its effective date shall, within thirty-one (31) days following the beginning of such employment become and remain members of the Union or tender to the Union a fee equal to the initiation fees and periodic dues that are the obligations of members. Employees who are required hereunder to join the Union and maintain membership in the Union, or pay initiation fees and periodic dues uniformly required of members, and who fail to do so shall upon notice of such fact in writing from the Union to the Employer be discharged. 3.3 The following general conditions will be applicable: A. New check-off authorization cards will be submitted to the Employer through the President of the Local Union at intervals no more frequent than once each month. On or before the last Friday of each calendar month the Union shall submit to the Employer a summary list of cards transmitted in each month. Deduction and Remittance of Union Dues and Fees* B. The Employer will honor written assignments of wages to the Union for the payment of Union dues and fees, uniformly required, when such assignments are authorized by a signed dues deduction form. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 3 The Employer will promptly remit to the Union dues and fees deducted pursuant to such assignments together with a list on hard copy and a disk or electronically (on compatible format) supporting the amount of dues remitted including sufficient detail of employee information and individual payments. C. COPE Check-Off* The employer will honor assignment of wages to the Union’s Committee on Political Educations (COPE) fund, when such assignments are submitted in a form agreed to by the Employer and the Union, and will promptly remit such contributions to the Union. It is understood by all parties that such contribution will be on an individual and voluntary basis. Employer Indemnification* 4 3.4 The Union shall indemnify the Employer and save it harmless against any and all suits, claims, demands and liabilities that shall arise out of or by reason of any action that shall be taken by the Employer for the purpose of complying with the foregoing provisions of this Article or in reliance on any list or certificate which shall have been furnished the Employer under such provisions. 3.5 To insure maximum utilization of both the Union and the State Department of Employment as referral sources, the Employer agrees that notices of job openings covered by this Agreement shall be transmitted to the Union and to the State Department of Employment concurrently with other recruitment sources as necessary to obtain qualified applicants, it being understood that the Employer is free to hire from any source. 3.6 In the event the Employer requires the services of temporary help in classifications covered by this Agreement, the Employer agrees to notify the Union before hiring such employees. In the event the Union cannot promptly respond to the Employer’s needs in this regard and additional temporary help is obtained through an employment agency, such temporary help shall receive the contractual rate provided for in the Agreement. (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [k] [4]). 3.7 When new employees are hired who are subject to the Agreement, the Employer shall deliver to such employees a written notice stating that the Employer recognizes the Union as the collective bargaining agent for the employees covered by the Agreement and quoting or paraphrasing the provisions of Article 3.0 of the Agreement. 3.8 By the first (1st) and fifteenth (15th) of each month, the Employer shall provide the Union with a listing of the name, address, telephone number, Social Security number, job title, hourly wage rate and scheduled hours of work of newly hired employees. The Employer shall also provide the Union with names of employees terminating and employee changes including leaves of absence, return from leaves of absence, change in status and change in classification. 3.9 The Employer shall also provide the Union with a listing of employees performing work in classifications covered by this Agreement along with related data on approximately January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15 each year. 4.0 BULLETIN BOARDS 4.1 The Employer will provide adequate space at each facility for posting Union communications. In the event the Union demonstrates the need for a glass-enclosed, locked bulletin board, such shall be provided for the Union’s use. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 5.0 CONTRACT PRINTING 5.1 The Employer and the Union shall equally share expenses for the printing of an adequate supply of copies of this Agreement. The contract will be printed by a Union print shop. 6.0 NON-DISCRIMINATION 6.1 The Employer and the Union agree there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant because of membership in the Union or lawful activities on behalf of the Union, or because of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disabilities, political affiliation, marital status, medical condition (as defined by applicable law), or veteran status. There shall be no distinction between wages paid to men and women for the performance of comparable quality and quantity of work on the same or similar jobs. 7.0 UNION STAFF REPRESENTATIVES 7.1 A duly authorized Union Staff Representative shall have access to the facility at any operational time for the purpose of observing working conditions, monitoring compliance with this Agreement or following-up on inquiries and concerns of bargaining unit employees. It is understood by the parties that Union Staff Representatives have legal obligations as employee representatives and, as such, have access rights beyond those of the public and other non-employees. Union Staff Representatives will abide by patient confidentiality, infection control, and other Employer policies applicable to employees when using their access rights. When entering any of the Employers facilities, Union Staff Representatives will wear their Union Representative badge issued by the Employer or the Union. Union Staff Representatives may confer with an employee and/or his/her supervisor or an Employer representative on Employer time in connection with a complaint or problem concerning the employee, but such conference should not interfere with the work of the employee or the delivery of patient care. 8.0 UNION STEWARDS 8.1 Periodically, the Union will notify the Employer in writing the names of duly authorized Union Shop Stewards. The Employer agrees that there will be no discrimination against the Shop Steward because of union activity. Shop Stewards will obtain permission from their immediate supervisor before leaving their work area to conduct union business. Stewards shall not lose pay because of their participation in activities related to grievances, investigations or disciplinary meetings. 8.2 The Union and the Employer shall coordinate times for Union Representatives/Stewards to meet with new bargaining unit members for thirty (30) minutes during the New Employee Orientation period. The Employer will provide the Union Representative with New Employee Orientation schedules and updates as they occur. Such time will be scheduled within the new employee orientation agenda. It is further understood that, should the Union designate a Union Steward to meet with new employees, the Steward’s time will be paid and the Steward will be released from work for the time needed to meet with employees. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 5 8.3 Chief Steward, Steward, or a Union designated representative at the employee’s worksite will be given a fifteen (15) minute period of a regular work shift to meet with all newly hired bargaining unit employees for the purpose of Union orientation. Such time will not drive overtime or consecutive day pay. 9.0 LABOR MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP COOPERATION (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [B]) Courteous and Responsible Relationships* 9.1 The Union and the Employer, including all KP managers, supervisors, physicians, employees and Union staff, agree: That ethical and fair treatment of one another is an integral part of providing high quality patient care. To treat one another, regardless of position or profession, with dignity, respect and trust, and recognize and appreciate the individual contribution each of us make in our daily work. To exhibit a personal, caring attitude toward each person we interact with and do so in ways that ensure courtesy, compassion, kindness and honesty. To treat one another in the ways we want to be treated ourselves, including clear communications of expectations regarding performance, support of individual opportunities for growth, and provision of opportunities for input into decisions when they impact people directly. The Union and the Employer shall be responsible for improving communications among all levels of the organization and shall be accountable for modeling and implementing the commitments of this section. Joint Labor-Management Steering Committees 9.2 The Employer and Union agree to establish Medical and Dental Labor Management Committees (Dental structure to remain unchanged) to provide both management representatives and employees an opportunity to discuss issues of mutual concern. NOTE: Dental Committee meets four (4) hours per month. Membership consists of five (5) union representatives and appointed management members 6 9.3 The Labor Management Steering Committee will consist of six (6) representatives of the SEIU Bargaining group and six (6) management representatives. 9.4 Meetings shall generally be held quarterly unless mutually agreed to by the parties. Meetings will be four (4) hours in length. Committee members shall not lose pay for attendance at committee meetings. Attendance at meetings will be considered voluntary. Employees will be paid for actual hours in attendance. Attendance at such meetings will not drive consecutive day pay. 9.5 Minutes of the meeting will be kept by either party and approved for accuracy prior to any distribution. Agendas will be distributed at least one week prior to the meeting. The agenda will be established by at least one (1) Union member of the committee and one (1) Employer member of the committee. 9.6 The Steering Committees will examine and resolve issues brought to its attention. Decisions made by the consensus of the committee shall be implemented. However, it is not the intent of the parties to consider issues that should more appropriately be reviewed in collective bargaining or the grievance procedure. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Worksite Committees 9.7 Local Worksite Committee Liaisons will be allowed one half hour per month to check on Local Worksite LMC assignments during regularly scheduled work hours. Liaisons will be made whole for time needed to attend worksite meetings as problems arise, if required to attend by the Labor Management Steering Committee. 9.8 Worksite committees will be established at each Medical Office, Dental Office, Medical Center department or group of departments (e.g. Inpatient Nursing, Support Services, Process Center, Medical Records, and Transportation). Committees will consist of Employer and bargaining unit member representatives. It can be expanded to include others by mutual agreement. Each party will appoint its own members to the committees. Committee members shall not lose pay for attendance at committee meetings. Attendance at meetings will be considered voluntary. Employees will be paid for actual hours in attendance. Attendance at such meetings will not drive consecutive day pay. 9.9 Examples of Issues of Mutual Concern The Union and Employer agree to cooperate with respect to the following: A. Mutual efforts to reduce absenteeism and turnover including the recruitment of personnel who will be stable, efficient employees interested in associating with our program on a longterm basis. B. Establishing and conducting personnel training programs designed to further upgrade the skills of all employees. C. Conducting employee attitude, job satisfaction and similar surveys to assist in identifying various problems and possible solutions. D. Staffing, workload, scheduling, safety and health, professional standards, and issues referred by the HRPPC. 9.10 Local Labor/Management Partnership Committees to encourage the use of the toolkits referenced in the Letter of Understanding regarding hiring and training for retention of the current Bargaining Agreement. Toolkits will be a standing agenda item at Local Labor/Management Partnership Committees. Appeals will be handled per Article 9.5. Management will track and report financial results. Local Labor/Management Partnership Committees will review results and report back to Regional Partnership Steering Committee. 9.11 Committee Membership – Term Limits (All Dental Employer-Union Committees) There will be permanent committee members that consist of Labor and Management to keep the consistency of the committee. Other committee members will serve staggered terms and serve no more than two (2) consecutive, three (3) year terms. Exception of term limits due to hardship is an option of the Union. The Committee will establish training for new committee members. The exiting committee member will mentor the prospective member to ensure a smooth transition. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 7 10.0 TYPES OF EMPLOYEES Probationary Employees* 10.1 The probationary period for employees regularly scheduled for twenty (20) hours or more shall be ninety (90) calendar days. The probationary period for employees regularly scheduled for fewer than twenty (20) hours shall be three hundred (300) hours or ninety (90) calendar days, whichever occurs later. During the probationary period, employees may be discharged without recourse to the grievance procedure. The probationary period may be extended only by mutual agreement between the Employer, the employee and the Union. If an employee is on leave at any time during the probationary period, time spent on leave will not count towards fulfilling the probationary period. Probationary employees shall be provided with appropriate training and orientation tools and a written performance evaluation shall be issued upon completion of sixty (60) calendar days. In no case shall an employee be required to serve more than one (1) probationary period. Regular Employees - Non 7/70 Schedule 10.2 A regular employee is one who is regularly employed to work a predetermined work schedule of twenty (20) or more hours per workweek. An employee designated as a regular employee shall accumulate and receive all fringe benefits as provided in this Agreement (except as set forth in Article 38.0) when he/she becomes and so long as he/she remains a regular employee. 10.3 If a regular employee changes status to an on-call employee, he/she shall continue to maintain past accumulated sick leave benefits, vested pension benefits, and shall receive payment for accrued vacation benefits to the time of status change. Regular Employees - 7/70 Schedule 10.4 A regular employee is one who is regularly employed to work a predetermined work schedule of twenty (20) or more hours per workweek. An employee designated as a regular employee shall accumulate and receive all fringe benefits as provided in this Agreement (except as set forth in Article 38.0) when he becomes and so long as he remains a regular employee. 10.5 If a regular employee changes to the 7/70 staffing system, the employee shall continue to maintain past accumulated sick leave benefits and shall receive payment for accrued vacation benefits to the time of status change. Other Regular Employees – Coded Replacement 8 10.6 A coded replacement is an employee who works varying shifts and in varying departments and locations as defined by the job posting. A coded replacement must be available two (2) shifts and five (5) days per week which includes every other weekend. A coded replacement employee replaces staff for time away from work. Coded replacements will be coded for twenty (20) hours per week for benefit purposes only. 10.7 Coded replacement positions shall be created through conversion of on-call employees upon request of the employee if after one BAH period in their respective status an employee has consistently worked forty (40) hours or more per pay period. The Employer will respond in writing to each request. Coded replacements also may be created through job posting SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 procedures. Coded replacements will be coded for twenty (20) hours per week (for benefit purposes only) in a home base worksite but may not have recourse to short-term reduction in force procedures to maintain coded hours. Coded replacements will accrue seniority within their job classification. Upcoded hours achieved by replacement will remain replacement hours. Replacement hours are not guaranteed. 10.8 Coded replacement employees who do not submit availability or who develop a pattern of not accepting available shifts may, on review, be converted to on-call status. Coded Replacement Upcoding 10.9 The Employer shall agree to upcode a coded replacement who is working above current coding to part-time or full-time coded hour status at the employee’s request if the coded replacement employee is working twenty percent (20%) or more hours above coding or two (2) consecutive BAH periods. It is understood that this applies only to benefits. Coded replacement employees can gain regular full-time and part-time positions only by bidding. Upcoded hours achieved by replacement will remain replacement hours. Replacement hours are not guaranteed. Temporary and On-call Employees 10.10 The following definitions shall apply: A. A temporary employee is one who is hired as an interim replacement, or for temporary work on a predetermined work schedule which does not extend beyond three (3) calendar months; B. An on-call employee is one who works varying days and shifts on an intermittent basis. On-call employees are used primarily for replacement and temporary increases in workload. 1. On-Call employees hired prior to October 5, 1997, will submit availability for three (3) days per week, (one (1) of which will be Monday or Friday). All new on-calls will be hired with availability in place for three (3) days per week. This availability can only be changed by mutual agreement between the Employer, employee and a Union designated representative. 2. On-call employees who do not submit availability or who develop a pattern of not accepting available shifts may, upon review, be subject to corrective action up to and including termination. 10.11 All temporary and on-call employees as defined above shall be ineligible for fringe benefits provided under this Agreement (except as set forth in Article 10.13) except for premium pay of time and one-half (1-1/2) for worked holidays, shift differential pay and tenure increase eligibility. 10.12 If the Employer assigns a temporary or on-call employee to work a schedule of twenty (20) or more hours per week for a period in excess of three (3) months due to replacement of regular employees on vacation or during temporary absences of regular employees, the Union will be so notified. 10.13 Regular or on-call employees who meet the minimum qualifications may apply to fill a posted temporary vacancy. The employee may assume an interim assignment without loss of status, seniority, or return rights to their previous position. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 9 In-Lieu-of-Benefits Eligibility 10.14 Temporary and on-call employees shall receive a wage differential of forty cents ($0.40) per hour above the rate provided for in Schedule “A.” In no event will there be any duplication of the differential payment and accumulation of rights to fringe benefits and tenure adjustments other than those specified above. Hours worked by new on-call employees will be reviewed monthly after three (3) months in their respective status. If an employee has consistently worked forty (40) or more hours per pay period for the preceding three (3) months and the Employer determines that such a pattern is likely to continue, the employee will be eligible for benefits effective the first of the following month. Continuing eligibility for benefits will thereafter be determined by Benefit Average Hours (BAH). Upcoding On-Call to Coded Replacement – See Article 10.7 Upcoding of Part-time Employees 10.15 The upcoding of part-time employees shall at the request of the employee be done in the following manner. A. Requests may be made on or about January 1st and July 1st after the Employer has recalculated the BAH of all employees. B. Part-time employees may request to be upcoded if the hours worked at the same worksite exceed current coding. C. If a part-time employee is consistently working above his/her coded hours for two (2) consecutive BAH periods, the employee will be upcoded at the employee’s request. The Employer will be responsible for communication to the employee and the Union Office. 10.16 Replacement Pool (consists of on-calls, coded replacement and regular replace staff for time away from work) employees who The Employer and Union support scheduling dental/medical replacement employees using the geographical area concept with the creation of replacement pools. Scheduling of full and part time employees without a regular permanent assignment, coded replacement and on-call employees may be done by geographic area. The definition of geographic areas shall be outlined as follows: A. Dental, Lab, and Primary Care Medical (Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and HAP). Longview/Kelso; Clark County; West Portland Metro; East Portland Metro; Central Portland Metro; Salem B. Specialty Medical Longview/Kelso, Portland/Vancouver Metro, Salem. Employees hired into a replacement pool will use that replacement pool as their home base. For the purposes of Area scheduling, regular employees who indicate availability will obtain extra available hours in their home base first prior to granting hours to coded replacement and on-call employees hired into replacement pools in the following order: 10 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 1. Medical department/lab office (home base) 2. Building 3. Service Area (See dental procedure for additional information – scheduling additional hours). If hours become available at the “home” (coded) dental/medical office/lab after an employee is scheduled elsewhere, every reasonable effort will be made to offer the employee the “home” office hours. 11.0 SENIORITY 11.1 Seniority of employees shall be based on their last date of hire with the Employer (KPNW) within a position represented by the Union, (except for accreted employees. The seniority date for accreted employees will be the date they came into a classification, which is currently represented by SEIU). Seniority shall not be broken by leaves of absence of less than ninety (90) days or by medical or disability leaves of absence. 11.2 Seniority shall be used to determine the assignment of start times within a shift. Permanent start time changes of greater than two (2) hours may be voluntarily accepted by a work group employee; otherwise the job position shall be posted. 11.3 Seniority shall be lost by virtue of: A. Discharge (if not reinstated). B. Resignation if not rescinded by mutual agreement. All benefits, including seniority, shall remain intact if rehired after voluntary resignation or voluntary resignation is rescinded by mutual agreement within thirty (30) days of resignation date. C. Layoff in excess of twenty-four (24) months. D. Failure to return to work after layoff when properly notified by the Employer by certified letter to the employee’s last known address. It shall be the employee’s responsibility to keep current addresses on record with the Employer. E. Transfer out of, or leave of absence from the bargaining unit for a period in excess of six (6) months or, if extended, the length of the leave from the bargaining unit. F. Failure to return from an authorized leave of absence on the agreed upon date, unless mutual agreement has been reached to extend the leave, seniority shall accrue during such absence. G. Employees returning to formerly held classification within six (6) months of transferring to another classification (including those outside the bargaining unit) shall have all previously accrued seniority within the original classification restored to them. 12.0 JOB BIDDING 12.1 All job vacancies covered by this Agreement shall be posted on a bulletin board at each worksite by the Employer in addition to the bulletin boards in the cafeteria area of KSMC. A copy of job posting notices will also be mailed to the President of the Union. Such job postings will include job title; qualifications for the job; shift; weekly hours; worksites for dental and medical specialties when a provider is working in two worksites, and geographic area for coded replacement and on-calls); and pay rate and will be posted for a minimum of seven (7) calendar days. All transfer applications shall be forwarded to the hiring supervisor. Employee is to be released within three (3) weeks unless mutually agreed upon between management, employee and Union, to increase or decrease the release time. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 11 NOTE: In cases where additional hours may become available, but do not in themselves constitute an available position, such additional hours will be posted and part-time employees in the affected department/worksite and shift who wish to increase hours may apply for posted hours in accordance with the provisions of this Article. 12.2 It is the intent of the parties that the seniority of eligible employees be a primary factor in filling open jobs. In cases of job bidding and promotions, provided that performance, experience and qualifications are approximately equal and bargaining unit applicants are qualified to perform the work required, the principle of seniority shall first govern for regular employees, second, for on-call employees in the following manner: A. Seniority in classification for regular employees by date of hire. B. Seniority by hire date on a Region wide basis. C. In situations, when after applying the screening tests above, there still exists a tie among two (2) or more employees; the following two (2) tests shall be applied in order: 1. Coded hours (the most coded hours would be the most senior) 2. Earliest date of birth (earliest month and day of year) 12.3 Facility as referred to in Section 14.6 and elsewhere in this Agreement shall mean: A. Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center, Regional Process Center, Regional Supply Center and Regional Laboratory. B. Portland/Vancouver Medical Offices* including Regional Offices (Nicolai, MPD, KPB) for the purposes of long-term reductions; NOTE: Edgar Kaiser Campus (Central Interstate Medical Office, South Interstate Medical Office, Town Hall, Overlook Building, West Interstate Medical Office, East Interstate Medical Office, Health Research Center) shall be considered a single worksite. C. Portland/Vancouver Dental Offices D. Kelso/Longview Medical Offices E. Kelso/Longview Dental Offices F. Salem Medical Offices G. Salem Dental Offices H. Continuing Care Services *Medical Offices refer to the Employer’s outpatient worksites. 12 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Dental Program 12.4 Dental employees may transfer within the dental program before three (3) months of service by mutual agreement of Employer and Union. Also, the progression of a DAI to a DAII shall be accomplished within nine (9) months from date of hire. A maximum extension of three (3) months may be granted upon mutual agreement between the Union and the Employer. For the purposes of job bidding, Dental Assistant IIs, Orthodontic Assistants, PTDA Assistants, and TMD Assistants will be considered the same classification. General 12.5 An employee must have completed at least three (3) months of service in his/her present position to be eligible to transfer to another department. Intra-department transfers will be considered at any time. For the purposes of this paragraph, a change of position shall have been deemed to have occurred when an employee changes worksites, departments (e.g., OPD Nursing to Housekeeping) or job classification. 12.6 Where two (2) or more employees have submitted a request for the same job or shift, seniority, as provided for above, shall prevail providing performance, experience and qualifications are approximately equal. Bargaining unit employees requesting a change in accordance with the foregoing shall be given preferential consideration over outside applicants or employees not in the bargaining unit provided they possess the necessary qualifications for the job or have performance, experience and qualifications that are approximately equal to outside applicants. SEIU Cross-Regional Job Bidding 12.7 Once the internal job biding has occurred, any SEIU member from another Kaiser Permanente region, who possesses the necessary qualifications for the job, will be given preferential consideration over outside applicants or employees not in the bargaining unit. If more than one SEIU member from another region applies for the same job, seniority, as defined as total service with Kaiser Permanente, shall prevail providing performance, experience and qualifications are approximately equal. Once this employee has accepted a position they would be subject to all the requirements of a new hire. 12.8 Successful bidders for jobs on a non 7/70 work schedule will be given thirty-one (31) calendar days from the first working day as a trial period to determine if they wish to remain on the job and the Employer will have the same period to determine if they are competent to do the job. If the employee voluntarily gives up the job or is removed for inability to perform the work prior to the thirty-first (31st) day, he/she will not acquire job classification seniority and will be returned to his/her former position without any loss of seniority. In such instances the next senior qualified bidder, based on the foregoing, will be given a trial period on the job. For the purposes of 12.6 and 12.7 “position” shall mean: The same worksite, the same shift, the same scheduled hours, and the same classification. 12.9 Successful bidders for jobs on a 7/70 work schedule will be given three (3) seven (7) day work periods on the job (twenty-one [21] days) as a trial period to determine if they are competent to do the job. Trial period considerations must be completed in seven (7) day work increments on the job (7, 14, 21 days). If the employee voluntarily gives up the job or is removed for inability to perform the work prior to the start of the fourth (4th) work period on the job, the employee will not acquire job classification seniority and will be returned to the employee’s former position without loss of seniority. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 13 13.0 JOB BIDDING - LEADPERSONS 13.1 Permanent lead positions will be posted for application by employees in the work group where the responsibilities exist. If no employee in the immediate work group qualifies for the lead position, the position will be posted so that other interested and qualified candidates may apply. Selection of permanent leadpersons and the assignment of temporary leadpersons will be from a pool of the three most senior candidates that meet all qualifications of the position. Selection will include participation from SEIU Local 49 unit staff; however, the ultimate decision will be made by the Employer. 13.2 All qualified candidates for a permanent lead position will be interviewed and if not selected, will be informed of the reasons for non-selection. 13.3 It is not the Employer’s intent to select lead personnel for the purpose of circumventing established procedures for filling a non-lead position. 13.4 Leadpersons shall receive eighty cents ($0.80) per hour above the top step rate referred to above of any classification of employees being supervised. 13.5 The Employer will make its best effort to provide sufficient time for the leadperson to accomplish their lead and regular duties within their normal shift. 14.0 REDUCTION IN FORCE 14.1 In cases of reduction in force or reduction of hours or shifts in the department where such change occurs, the reduction shall take place within classifications within the worksite where the reduction occurs in the following order providing the employees remaining have the necessary skills and ability to effectively perform the work required: A. Volunteers B. Temporary employees C. On-call employees by seniority date D. Coded Replacement by seniority date E. Regular employees by seniority date 14.2 Recall or increase of hours or shifts that have been reduced shall be in reverse order of the foregoing. 14.3 Long-Term Reductions A. Long-term reductions shall be based on the employee’s seniority date as defined in Article 11. Employees laid of shall, if they so request, be provided with a written statement giving the reason for such layoff. B. For the purposes of this language, reduction in hours is defined as a reduction in coded hours. That is, employees who maintain their coded hours in each pay period shall not be considered to have been reduced in hours although a cancellation of scheduled hours might have occurred. At their option, employees affected by this language may elect to reduce their weekly coded hours to achieve an open position or a bumped position closer to their own needs. The ability of the staff to provide safe and effective patient care shall not be infringed by the bumping process. For the purposes of Reduction in Force, Dental Assistant IIs, Orthodontic Assistants, PTDA Assistants, and TMD Assistants will be considered the same classification. 14 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 14.4 Options for employees affected by long-term reduction Employees whose positions in their own worksites are being eliminated or hours reduced by change of worksite due to provider and/or team worksite change within a geographic area, will have the option of accompanying their provider or exercising long-term reductions rights (per Article 14). 1. Dental & Medical Primary Care For the purposes of this paragraph geographical area will be defined: Longview/Kelso, Clark County, West Portland Metro, Central Portland Metro, east Portland Metro, Salem. 2. Medical Specialty - Longview/Kelso, Portland/ Vancouver Metro, Salem. 3. In the event that a staffing surplus is created when a provider and a support person mutually agree to move to a facility, the affected staff member at the facility may be offered an incentive to move to an open position at another facility in lieu of bumping at their current site. Regular employees whose positions are eliminated or whose hours have been reduced may choose to fill open, unfilled positions within the same classifications, with comparable hours on a region-wide basis. For the purposes of this language, comparable shall mean any position with the same or eight (8) additional hours per week of the employee’s current coded hours. Open positions will be considered the least senior positions for the purpose of reductions of staff, hours or shifts. Provided no open positions of comparable hours are available or the employee elects not to fill an open position at the time of reduction, regular employees shall be able to exercise their seniority in the following manner: by bumping from among the three (3) least senior employees in the same job classification with comparable hours and in the same status, first (1st) in the same shift then on any shift within the worksite. This process shall be repeated until the least senior, regular status employee in the work site remains. For medical and dental offices this employee may then exercise similar bumping right in the facility as defined in 14.6. If comparable positions as defined in 14.4B in the same classification are not available, employees may accept open positions in other classifications of comparable pay and hours for which they possess the minimum qualifications as defined by the job description. The least senior regular employee so affected shall have bumping rights into a coded replacement or an on-call position. Regular or coded replacement employees whose only bumping option is into an on-call position may elect one (1) of the following: (a) to be placed on lay-off status as stipulated in 14.4 with rights to recall to available hours or position for the period of one (1) year, (b) accept an on-call position with the same rights and privileges of other on-call employees. Employees electing recall pool will be entitled to first (1st) call (before on-call employees only) for available weekly hours, in their respective worksites, up to the number lost by reduction. First call will end after one (1) year or after the acceptance of a position of comparable status by the employee. Open positions held pursuant to this language shall be posted within thirty (30) days if not filled by an employee affected by the reduction. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 15 14.5 Regular, coded replacement or on-call employees who are laid off shall be eligible for recall during a period equal to their length of service with a maximum of twelve (12) months following date of layoff. The Employer’s obligation under the recall provision contained herein shall cease upon expiration of the above time limits, or if the employee is placed in or refuses to accept an offer of comparable employment. Comparable employment shall be defined as a position of the same status; regular to regular (coded 20 hours or more), on-call to on-call in the employee’s previous classification. Employees who are recalled in accordance with this provision will have their former seniority and attendant benefits restored. 14.6 Facility as referred to in this article shall mean: A. Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center, Regional process Center, Regional Supply Center and Regional Lab. B. Portland/Vancouver Medical Offices* including Interstate South Medical Office, Sunnyside Medical Offices, Stevens Plaza, UCC and ER, Regional Offices, (Nicolai, MPO, NISB, KPB) Fisher’s Landing, Salmon Creek, Airport Way, St. Vincent Medical Office, Southwest Washington, for the purpose of long-term reductions: NOTE: Edgar Kaiser Campus (Central Interstate Medical Office, South Interstate Medical Office, Town Hall, Overlook Building, West Interstate Medical Office, East Interstate Medical Office, Health Research Center) shall be considered a single worksite. For the purposes of long-term reduction only, Kaiser Sunnyside Campus shall be considered a single worksite for the Laboratory and Environmental Services. C. Portland/Vancouver Dental Offices D. Kelso/Longview Medical Offices E. Kelso/Longview Dental Offices F. Salem Medical Offices G. Salem Dental Offices H. Continuing Care Services *Medical Offices refer to the Employer’s outpatient worksites 14.7 Short-term Reductions A. No bumping shall occur if double pay, premium pay, or overtime is thereby incurred. B. The ability of the staff to provide safe and effective patient care shall not be infringed by the bumping process. C. In case of short-term reductions in force, reduction of hours, or shifts (not to exceed thirty [30] days), such reductions shall take place on the same shift within job classifications in the worksite where the reduction occurs. D. Senior affected employees shall be able to bump the least senior employee in classification in the worksite on the same day and shift provided employees remaining can effectively perform the task of the position bumped. However, an employee may be allowed to work on another shift on the same day in order to maintain his/her hours (Continuing Care Services/Hospice Department, different day same week). In such cases, the employee shall waive his/her rights to overtime or premium pay as provided in this Agreement. 16 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 E. Regular employees suffering a loss of shifts or reduction of hours may request orientation to other areas or units at their worksite. Such orientation and/or cross-training shall be provided by the Employer when the circumstances warrant and when a need exists as determined by the Employer. F. Regular 7/70 employees who suffer a reduction of hours or shifts may make themselves available to work open shifts on another team at straight-time rates of pay. G. It is the intent of the parties that regular employees should not be reduced in hours while short-hour, on-call, or temporary employees in the same job classification remain on duty in the work site on the same shift. 14.8 Clinician Driven Reductions: Short-Term Reductions Only A. When a provider is prescheduled off (at the time the final schedule is posted), the assigned support person: 1. Will be scheduled to fill a vacancy at their home worksite. 2. If a vacancy does not exist at the home worksite, but a vacancy exists within the home geographic area that cannot be filled by replacement staff, the affected employee may choose to work at that alternate location. The Employer will pay a twenty-five dollar ($25) bonus for such regular provider support staff and consideration will be given for special circumstances. 3. If the employee chooses not to travel to another location as described in #2 above, the employee may: a. Volunteer off without pay, or b. Take unscheduled vacation, or c. Be pre-assigned alternate work in the home worksite B. When a provider calls in on short notice (after the final schedule is posted), the assigned support person: 1. Will fill a vacancy at their home worksite 2. If no vacancy at the home worksite, may bump an on-call or coded replacement at their home worksite. 3. If 1 or 2 do not apply, but a vacancy exists within the home geographic area that cannot be filled by replacement staff, the affected employee may choose to work at that alternate location. The Employer will pay a twenty-five dollar ($25) bonus for such regular provider support staff and consideration will be given for special circumstances. 4. If the employee chooses not to travel to another location as described in #3 above, the employee may volunteer off without pay or take unscheduled vacation. 5. Alternate work will be assigned in the home-based worksite, if there is not a vacancy. 15.0 FLOATING 15.1 In the event that the Employer determines that it is necessary to float an employee from his/ her regular work assignment, an attempt will be made to fill the need from available volunteers. If staffing needs cannot be filled by volunteers, employees will be floated by inverse seniority subject to the requirements of efficient operations. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 17 15.2 Unit Specialists may be asked to assist on more than one (1) floor during a shift. Unit Specialists may be held directly accountable only for those work responsibilities directly related to the floor and time period assigned. 15.3 Employees who are on duty as a result of advance scheduling shall be given preference for prescheduled assignment over employees who are called in for unscheduled duty whenever possible. 16.0 HOURS OF EMPLOYMENT AND OVERTIME (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [H] [3]) 5/40 Schedule Employees 16,1 “Payroll Week” as referred to in this Article shall mean and consist of the seven (7) day period beginning at 12:01 a.m. Sunday or at the shift-changing hour nearest that time. “Payroll Day” as referred to in this Article shall mean and consist of the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at the time the employee commences work. 16.2 Employees shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the straight-time hourly rate, including shift differential, for all hours of work performed in excess of eight (8) hours in any one payroll day (except on occasions when the start time of an employee has been temporarily changed by two [2] hours or less) and for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours within the payroll week. 16.3 All hours worked on the sixth (6th) consecutive day of work shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2), except when there is a change of schedule agreed upon between the employee and the Employer, and all hours worked on the seventh (7th) consecutive day of work shall be paid at the rate of double (2) time except when there is a change of schedule agreed upon between the employee and the Employer (i.e., trading of scheduled shifts). In all cases, however, overtime shall be paid for hours worked in excess of forty (40) per week. 16.4 The Employer will exercise its efforts in good faith, subject to the requirements of efficient operations, to the extent that employees will be scheduled on a basis of a normal work week of forty (40) hours within five (5) consecutive eight (8) hour days, followed by two (2) consecutive days of rest. Extended Hours 16.5 Employees may work daily shifts greater than eight (8) hours and less than ten (10) hours and be compensated for such shifts at straight-time. This arrangement will hereafter be referred to as extended hours. A. The reason for extended hours is to accommodate clinician needs and may only apply to employees whose schedules are directly clinician driven. 1. For regularly scheduled employees, shifts of greater than eight (8) hours, but less than ten (10) hours must be scheduled three (3) weeks in advance. For on-call, or regular employees contacted for unscheduled replacement, employees must be notified that they will work an extended shift at straight-time at least one (1) hour before reporting to work. B. The employees will have the right to vote on extended hours through the following election process: A vote shall be conducted jointly by an Employer representative and a Union representative for the group of employees selected by the Employer to be subject to extended hours. The question presented shall be whether the employees wish to work extended hours. A majority of the ballots cast shall be determinative. 18 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 C. Job postings will conform to Article 12 and in addition, contain the notation “expanded hours/waiver required.” 4/40 Schedule Employees 16.6 “Payroll Week” as referred to in this Article shall mean and consist of the seven (7) day period beginning at 12:01 a.m. Sunday or at the shift changing hour nearest that time. “Payroll Day” as referred to in this Article shall mean and consist of the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at the time the employee commences work. 16.7 Employees shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the straight-time hourly rate, including shift differential, for all hours of work performed in excess of ten (10) hours in any one payroll day (except on occasions when the start time of an employee has been temporarily changed by two hours or less), and for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours within the payroll week. 16.8 All hours worked by full-time employees on the fifth (5th) or sixth (6th) consecutive day of work in a payroll week shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) and all hours worked on the seventh (7th) consecutive day of work shall be paid for at the rate of double (2) time. 16.9 Employees scheduled less than forty (40) hours in a specific work week shall be ineligible for time and one-half (1-1/2) payment for hours worked on a fifth (5th) consecutive day in that week. 7/70 Schedule Employees 16.10 The workweek is defined as a “fixed and regularly recurring period of one hundred sixty-eight (168) hours - seven (7) consecutive twenty-four (24) hour periods.” It need not coincide with the calendar week and may begin at any hour or any day for employees assigned to the specific workweek. A. The work week for the day and evening shift will commence at 12:01 a.m. on Friday and end at 12:00 p.m. (midnight) the following Thursday. B. The workweek for the night shift will commence at 12:01 p.m. on Thursday and end at 12:00 p.m. (noon) the following Thursday. C. It is intended that the employees’ work shifts will typically be scheduled within the workweeks as follows: Day Shift - Starts Tuesday @ 6:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Evening Shift - Starts Tuesday @ 12:45 p.m. to 11:15 p.m. Night Shift - Starts Monday @ 9:15 p.m. to 7:45 a.m. 16.11 The employees’ work shifts are subject to change as may be dictated by operational requirements. 16.12 Employees shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the straight-time hourly rate, including shift differential, for all hours of work performed in excess of ten (10) hours in any twenty-four (24) hour work day (except on occasions when the start time of an employee has been temporarily changed by two [2] hours or less) and for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours within the work week. 16.13 All hours worked on the eight (8th) consecutive day of work shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) except when there is a change of schedule agreed upon between the employee and the Employer and all hours worked on the ninth (9th) consecutive day shall be paid for at the rate of double (2) time. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 19 General 16.14 If a thirty six (36) or more hour coded employee’s scheduled day off for the following week is changed by the supervisor after the final schedule is posted, the employee shall receive premium pay (one and one-half [1 ½] times straight-time hourly rate) for working the previously scheduled day off. A. Schedules of starting times and quitting times, and days off of regular employees will be posted according to Article 17, subject to emergency situations, and as much advance notice of overtime requirements will be given as permitted by operational circumstances. B. An “emergency” for the purpose of the above paragraph, is a situation in which the Employer is obligated without advance planning to change schedules with less than twenty four (24) hours notice. In cases of emergencies, work schedules may be adjusted, provided the employees are given reasonable notice of the change in their schedule. In making changes, however, the Employer shall give consideration to any prior commitments of the employees. It is the employee’s responsibility to keep the Employer informed of his/her telephone number or how else he/she can be reached. C. In order for supervisors to post schedules according to Article 17, employee requests for time off shall be presented in writing on the prescribed form within department guidelines. 16.15 An employee may request, in writing, a change in day(s) off. If the request is approved by the supervisor, the employee will be paid at his/her regular straight-time rate for working the previously scheduled day off. 16.16 Eligibility for premium pay for working the previously scheduled day off may be waived by a mutually acceptable agreement between the employee and supervisor only in cases where the employee desires to make up for wages lost during the regularly scheduled work week. 16.17 Paid sick leave, paid vacation and paid holidays shall count toward forty (40) hours in the work week for the purpose of computing overtime but not consecutive day pay. 16.18 Overtime paid for a previously scheduled day off may not be used to drive sixth (6th) consecutive day overtime for a regularly scheduled day (fifth [5th] day for 4/40 scheduled employees). There will be no duplication or pyramiding of overtime. 16.19 All scheduled shifts will be for a minimum of four (4) hours except for shifts which may exist at the date of this agreement which shall be for a three (3) hour minimum. If a shift with a three (3) hour minimum is discontinued, it may not be re-initiated for less than a four (4) hour shift. 17.0 SCHEDULING Medical/Dental Clinics - and all other Outpatient Departments 17.1 Final schedules including days off will be posted at least by 12:00 noon Friday three (3) weeks in advance of the week to be worked. The Employer has no obligation to grant additional time off after schedules are posted. In the event the schedule is changed after the final schedule is posted the Employee is to be notified and confirmed of the change in as timely a manner as possible. 17.2 Extra straight-time and overtime hours will be made available prior to the final posting of the schedules by using the following process: A. Employees available to work prescheduled hours above coding, either straight time or overtime, shall submit an Availability Form by 12:00 noon on Friday five (5) weeks preceding the posting of the final schedule. 20 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 The Availability Form shall be considered valid for one (1) year or until a new form is submitted. Any changes in the employee’s availability shall necessitate the submission of a new Availability Form. Available hours will be assigned by seniority based on the Availability Form information in the following order: 1. Regular full and part-time 2. Coded replacement 3. On-call Straight time hours will be scheduled before overtime. Employees who show a pattern of denying offered shifts will receive a “letter of non-availability” from his/her supervisor. The letter will not be placed in the employee’s file, nor be used for discipline or performance evaluation. Once a letter of non-availability is issued, the employee will not be called for extra shifts beyond coding until the employee updates his/her availability. 17.3 KSMC Inpatient Nursing Departments Purpose: Staffing Process for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA), Certified Patient Care Assistants (CPCA), Unit Specialists (US), Transport Orderlies, Member Intake Specialist (KSMC ER) and Medical Assistants (KSMC ER). A. Prescheduling Availability is submitted by on-calls; part time staff may submit availability (Note: availability must meet contractual requirements for all on-calls). On-calls and part time staff: Shifts are assigned in seniority order, (using availability and preferences and skills matched against open slots) Hours above coding (but not overtime) are assigned as requested, in seniority order after coded hours assigned, (and matches found with availability) On-calls and part time staff who submit availability are assigned shifts up to full-time (no overtime) Overtime/double-time is never prescheduled B. Pre-schedules mailed out C. Ten-day open sign-up window (10 days from time schedules mailed) During this window extra sign-ups will be accepted by voice mailbox (571-4856) and by e-mail account only (SEIU Availability); no drop-ins or direct calls to Staffers will be accepted during this window, due to the high volume of contacts. D. Scheduling of extra shifts At end of 10-day window, work is assigned in seniority order, matching availability, skills with needs. Straight time assigned before overtime, overtime before double time. If no work is available, names are put on availability list. E. Open Scheduling After 10-Day Window After 10-day window, needs are filled using the availability list (NOTE: Staff are not required to work when contacted, when name is on the availability list, after the 10-day window) SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 21 Straight time scheduled before overtime, overtime before double time. Overtime will be assigned on a first come first sign-up basis with tiebreakers for signing up on the same day going by seniority. If no one on availability list, first come, first serve for those requesting work, including overtime. F. Ill Calls and Other Last Minute Replacement Replaced off of availability list. (Straight time before overtime, overtime before doubletime). Overtime/double-time will be assigned on a first come first sign-up basis with tiebreakers for signing up on the same day going by seniority. If no availability on list first comes first serve. G. Cancellation Per Contract but few clarifications: If extra staff are on the schedule, will cancel overtime and utilize a straight time person from another area, who is qualified to do the work; but would not call in a straight time person from the availability list. Cancellation will be in reserve seniority in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 17.4 Those who signed up after the 10-day window Those who signed up during the 10-day window Pre-scheduled staff who are picking up hours above coding Regularly scheduled staff who are picking up coded days Department of Transportation Final schedules will be posted at least by 12:00 noon Friday three (3) weeks in advance of the week to be worked. Extra straight-time and overtime full shifts will be made available prior to the final posting of the schedules using the following process: A. Employees available to work pre-scheduled hours above coding, either straight time or overtime, shall submit availability by 12:00 noon on Friday five (5) weeks preceding the posting of the final schedule. The Availability form shall be considered valid for one (1) year or until a new form is submitted. Any changes in the employee’s availability shall necessitate the submission of a new Availability Form. Available full-shifts will be assigned by seniority based on the Availability Form information in the following order: 1. Regular full and part-time 2. Coded Replacement 3. On-Call 22 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 General 17.5 Once the final schedule has been posted, additional straight-time or overtime hours (except shifts for transportation and Inpatient Services) will be offered according to seniority first to those employees who provided such information on an Availability Form in the following order: A. Regular full and part-time B. Coded Replacement C. On-Call NOTE: Although it is the intent of the Employer to schedule by order of seniority, it is recognized by the parties that scheduling occasionally may not be in seniority order. However, should a pattern of out-of-seniority scheduling develop, affected employees may then have recourse to the grievance process to review his/her complaint. Straight time hours will be scheduled before overtime. However, for Department of Transportation and Inpatient Services, full-time shifts involving a combination of straight time and overtime will be offered by seniority. True Shift Trades: Employees may arrange among themselves and submit changes to their supervisor or designee for approval. Such trades will not result in any additional cost. Trades will go in order of seniority with documentation. Employee will be responsible for traded shift. Employee must be qualified to do the job. Employee trades will be processed in a timely fashion. Approval will not be unreasonably denied. 17.6 The Employer shall use its best efforts to distribute overtime among employees in the same classification at the same worksite on the same shift by seniority subject to the efficiency of operations. It is understood that employees must make their preferences known in writing. 17.7 Existing schedules which are acceptable to the Union and Employer shall not be deemed to violate the provisions of this Article. If in the interest of efficient operations, it becomes necessary to change or establish schedules departing from work days or work weeks as provided for in this Article, or from a permanently established 4/40, 5/40, or 7/70 mode of scheduling for regular employees, the Employer shall confer with the Union in an attempt to arrange mutually satisfactory schedules; however, it is understood that the final right to establish schedules rests exclusively with the Employer. 17.8 The Employer, subject to efficient operations, will encourage the establishment and maintenance of full-time employment. Workload* SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 23 17.9 It is the intent of the Employer to distribute the workload equitably among employees in both single work units and departments with due regard for employee safety. When an employee is absent for any reason and if a replacement cannot be obtained in time, it is the intent of the Employer to distribute the workload equitably among the employees in the work unit so that no undue hardship may be placed on an individual worker. 18.0 REPORTING PAY 18.1 Employees who are scheduled to report for work and who are permitted to come to work without receiving prior notice that no work is available shall be paid at their regular rate for a minimum of four (4) hours pay (five [5] hours pay for 4/40 and 7/70 employees, six [6] hours for twelve [12] hour employees). The Employer may assign such employees to any work for which they are qualified in lieu of being released. 18.2 Regularly scheduled employees called to work on what would otherwise have been a regularly scheduled day off, who do not receive at least one (1) hour notice before the start of the required shift, shall be paid for the hours of work actually performed plus one (1) hour at the straight time rate. Such employees shall be paid not less than four (4) hours or one-half (1/2) the hours of a regular shift, whichever is more, (e.g., four hours for an eight (8) hour shift) unless they work more hours in that shift. 18.3 It shall be the employee’s responsibility to notify the Employer in writing of their current address and telephone number. Failure to do so shall excuse the Employer from the requirements of this Article. 19.0 WAGE RATES 19.1 The minimum straight-time hourly rates of pay shall be as shown in Schedule “A” attached here to and made a part hereof. 19.2 No employee covered by this Agreement, shall as a result hereof, suffer a reduction in wages or overtime benefits except as may result from the application of Article 14.0 or the waiver provisions referred to in Article 16.0. (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 2 [A]) 19.3 Recruitment, Retention and Other Adjustments A. The parties will create a joint committee based on an interest-based problem-solving model to evaluate and recommend wage adjustments and other recruiting/retention incentives. The committee will be composed of three (3) or four (4) representatives from each party. Each party will name their own representatives. B. The parties will create the joint committee no later than sixty days after the ratification of this collective bargaining agreement. C. Either party may refer an issue to the joint committee. D. The committee will research data and seek information from affected employees and supervisors which is pertinent to the issues raised. Both parties may appeal recommendations to the Regional Partnership Steering Committee. E. The joint committee will annually review wage rates based on the formula developed by National Negotiations. 24 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 F. The committee will establish a process to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented projects. G. The committee will utilize the following criteria in considering referred issues: What is the impact on cost/savings? Is the project effective in recruiting/retaining employees? What is the impact on current employees in the affected jobs? Does the project offer incentives to current employees first? 20.0 PAYDAY AND PAYCHECKS* 20.1 Payday shall be every other Friday. When a payday falls on a holiday, employees shall be paid on the day immediately preceding the holiday. Employees upon written request may direct automatic deposit of their paycheck to a bank or saving institution of their choice provided such bank or institution participates in the National Automatic Clearing House Association. Employees electing automatic deposit shall receive a check stub or equivalent information each pay period indicating all payments made. Paycheck shortages shall be paid no later than the end of the next business day upon request of the employee; otherwise, paycheck shortages shall be paid on the next pay period or per applicable law. Termination Pay 20.2 When an employee is voluntarily or involuntarily separated from employment, the employee will be paid all monies owed pursuant to applicable collective bargaining agreements, state or federal laws. 20.3 Any employee who quits of his/her own volition shall receive all wages due within twenty-four (24) hours of termination of employment. All employees discharged or laid off shall receive all moneys at the time of discharge or layoff 21.0 PRIOR EXPERIENCE 21.1 Credit shall be given employees in the tenure brackets set forth in Schedule “A” above for prior experience in the same classifications acquired in Class A hospitals or other facilities acceptable to the Employer. Such credit shall commence on the date satisfactory proof is provided by the new employee of such prior experience at which time such employee shall be advanced from tenure in accordance with the following formula: A. Classifications in the medical/technical job family shall receive year for year credit. B. Classifications in the maintenance/delivery, service and clerical job families shall advance from tenure on the basis of two (2) years prior experience equaling one (1) year prior experience credit, up to a maximum of three (3) years prior experience credit. Prior Kaiser Permanente experience shall be credited on a year for year basis provided the employees last day of work was no more than six (6) months prior to the date of re-employment. 22.0 TENURE STEP ADJUSTMENTS 22.1 Tenure increases and across the board increases shall become effective at the beginning of the first (1st) full payroll period nearest the employee’s date of eligibility for such increase. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 25 22.2 One Thousand Forty (1040) compensated hours and one (1) year shall be considered to constitute a working year in advancing from one (1) full year tenure step to another. Five Hundred Twenty (520) compensated hours and six (6) months shall qualify for advancing along six (6) month steps. A. No adjustment shall be made to the tenure eligibility date or the tenure hours requirement due to a leave of absence. B. Tenure hours earned toward the tenure hours requirement shall be limited to eighty (80) hours in a pay period. C. The tenure hours required and the tenure eligibility date will be set at the most recent date of hire or promotion. 23.0 “RED CIRCLE” RATES 23.1 An employee’s wage rate which exceeds the maximum rate for his/her job classification shall be considered “red circle.” When general wage rate increases are applied to the wage rates shown in Schedule “A” the rate for an employee whose wage rate was “red circled” on or before the ratification of the 2000 Agreement, shall be adjusted by 90% of the negotiated tenure step adjustment until the “red circle” situation is eliminated. For employees whose wage rate was “red circled” on or after ratification of the 2000 Agreement, the rate shall be adjusted by 70% of tenure step adjustment until the “red circle” situation is eliminated. 26 24.0 RECLASSIFICATION 24.1 The Employer and the Union agree that the classification for each job shall continue in effect unless there is an authorized change in job content significant enough to justify a review and reclassification. Either the Employer or the Union may request a reclassification review. All reclassification requests will be handled in the manner outlined in the following procedure and shall not be subject to the grievance/arbitration procedure. 24.2 Reclassification is defined as a significant change in duties of a job over time. 24.3 Reclassification requests originated by employees shall be referred to the Union representative. The Union representative will review the request and if he/she believes that there has been a significant change in job duties which warrants a reclassification, shall submit the request, along with information to support the request, to the Regional Human Resources office. 24.4 Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of request the Human Resources Department shall conduct a job audit of the affected position(s) and communicate in writing with the employee(s) detailing its findings. 24.5 If the employee(s) disagrees with the determination of the Human Resources Department, they may file a letter of appeal detailing their objections with the Human Resources Department within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the Human Resources determination. 24.6 A review committee composed of two (2) members appointed by the Employer and two (2) members appointed by the Union, one of whom will be a member of the bargaining unit, will meet to evaluate the appeal and render a decision. Information submitted by the employee and collected by the Employer and the Committee will be used in determining the appropriate job classification. 24.7 If the determination of the Department of Human Resources or the final determination of the review committee places the job in a classification of higher pay, the incumbent employee(s) will receive, retroactive to the time of the request, an increase in pay in accordance with promotion policy. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 24.8 If the determination of the Human Resources Department or the final determination of the review committee results in the placement of the position(s) in a new classification, the Union and the Employer will immediately commence negotiations to determine the wage rate of the new classification. Incumbents in the position(s) will receive, retroactive to the time of the request, an increase in pay in accordance with promotion policy.25.0 25.0 JOB DESCRIPTIONS (Also see provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [C] [4]) 25.1 The Employer and the Union recognize the importance of maintaining job descriptions that reflect the various duties and responsibilities associated with the job titles contained in Schedule “A” as appropriate. Such duties and responsibilities shall be used as the basis for determining an employee’s appropriate job title and related wage rate. Any revisions to such descriptions shall be by mutual agreement. It is recognized, however, that the maintenance of job descriptions is a continuing and on going process necessitating review and revisions as circumstances indicate. 26.0 MILEAGE Employees required to use their personal automobile for employer business will be reimbursed according to the Employer’s current policy on mileage reimbursement. 26.1 Travel Time and Mileage 26.2 Replacement Pool Employees and Other Employees Work Extra Hours A. Employees hired into a Regional on-call replacement pool or making themselves available for hours in such a pool (Environmental Services, Occupational Medicine) will be paid round-trip mileage at the standard reimbursement rate according to Kaiser Permanente policy for commutes that exceed a thirty (30) mile distance one way from the employee’s home. B. Employees qualifying for mileage reimbursement under paragraph A will also be paid travel time, provided such driving time is within a reasonable norm for the journey. 26.3 General Mileage Reimbursement Provisions A. Employees with regular work location requested to work at another location more than thirty (30) miles from the home work location, and who accept such an assignment, will be reimbursed mileage and paid travel time in accordance with Article 26.2 (A) and (B). B. Employees that report to their assigned worksite and are requested to go to another worksite will be paid for all mileage incurred to travel to the second worksite and time spent driving to the second worksite. C. Posted positions for which a regular job-site employee bids and is awarded or an outside applicant is hired that are located more than thirty (30) miles from the employee’s home are not covered by this agreement. Such employees do not qualify for mileage reimbursement nor travel time. 27.0 STANDBY PAY 27.1 Employees on standby duty beyond their regularly scheduled workday or workweek, who are called in to work on other than a recognized holiday, shall be paid for the time worked at one and one-half (1-1/2) times their basic straight-time hourly rate. Employees on standby duty, who are called in to work on a recognized holiday, shall be paid for the time worked at two and one-half (2-1/2) times their basic straight-time hourly rate. Pay for such hours shall commence when the employee reports for work at the worksite. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 27 27.2 Employees on standby duty shall be guaranteed a minimum credit of three (3) hours’ work or pay for each occasion on which they are called in. However, the total hours paid at time and one-half (1-1/2) shall not exceed the number of hours in the standby period assigned unless total hours worked are greater than the standby period. The number of hours paid at one and one-half (1-1/2) shall be deducted from the number of hours for which standby pay is received. 27.3 Pay shall be $2.75 per hour for standby hours assigned on other than a recognized holiday. Standby duty assigned on a recognized holiday shall be paid at $6.88 per hour. 28.0 DIFFERENTIALS 28.1 Shift Differentials 28.2 A. All employees who work a shift of four (4) hours or more commencing at or after 12:00 noon and prior to 6:00 a.m. shall be eligible for a shift differential. B. Shift differential shall be eighty-five cents ($0.85) per hour for evening shift and one dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) per hour for night shift. C. Evening shift shall be defined as any shift of four (4) hours or more commencing at or after 12:00 noon and terminating after 6:00 p.m. D. Night shift shall be defined as any shift of four (4) hours or more starting before midnight whose majority of hours is worked after midnight or a shift of four (4) hours or more starting between 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. E. Shift differential payment shall be included in vacation; sick leave and holiday pay for employees consistently scheduled for evening or night shift. Shift differential shall be paid on overtime hours worked for days or hours that qualify for payment as described above. Service Differentials Employees who complete at least five (5) years continuous service with the Employer shall receive five cents ($.05) per hour service premium; ten (10) years’ continuous service with the Employer shall receive an additional ten cents ($0.10) per hour; fifteen (15) years of service (for a total of fifteen cents ($0.15) per hour effective October 1, 2000. 28.3 Training Differentials Medical Intake Specialists shall receive eighty cents ($0.80) per hour for training new employees and teaching new skills to existing employees. 28.4 Bi-Lingual A differential of one dollar ($1.00) per hour will be paid for MIS positions working at the Regional Appointment Center providing certified language interpretation in the course of their normal job duties and for the majority of their work shift. MIS positions requiring certified language interpreter skills shall be posted with requirements and differential included. 28.5 Gardner/Irrigation Specialist A differential of two dollars ($2.00) per hour will be paid for Gardner/Irrigation Specialist positions. 28.6 28 Lead Worker (see Article 13.0) SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 28.7 LTA-Surgical Pathology/Autopsy Assistant A differential of fifty-two cents ($0.52) per hour will be paid for LTA’s is a Surgical Pathology/ Autopsy Assistant. 28.8 Orthodontic Assistant Trainee Individuals who quality to work as orthodontic trainees will be paid at the orthodontic assistant trainee wage – Dental Assistant II wages plus an additional twenty cents ($0.20) per hour. To be permanently hired as an orthodontic assistant, EFODA (Expanded Function Orthodontic Dental Assistant) certification is required after 1040 hours or twelve (12) months orthodontic assisting experience or whichever comes first for these individuals working in the State of Oregon. Individuals working in the State of Washington must agree to successfully complete an equivalent Kaiser Permanente developed examination and certification process. Individuals who successfully complete certification or the Washington equivalent will be promoted to EFODA and paid at that wage. 28.9 Emergicenter MIS Replacements MIS replacement staff regularly assigned to other areas or a replacement pool, when these employees work in the MIS role in the Emergicenter at South Interstate. Effective the start of the pay period including the ratification date of this agreement, such replacement staff (on-call and support services floaters will be paid a differential fifty cents [$0.50] per hour for on-call and twenty-eight cents [$0.28] per hour for floaters) for hours worked in the Emergicenter as Emergicenter MIS. 28.10 Pre-Analytical Trainer The Pre-Analytical Trainer position will compensated at the phlebotomist rate with an eighty cent ($0.80) per hour differential. 28.11 Homebound Phlebotomist A differential of one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per hour will be paid for Homebound Phlebotomists. 28.12 Medical Records Warehouse Work by Health Record Clerks Labor and Management have agreed to pay a wage differential of eighty cents ($.80) per hour effective March 1, 2006 for Health Record Clerks working at the Medical Records warehouse located on Airport Way. 29.0 WORK IN A HIGHER CLASSIFICATION 29.1 Any employee who performs work in a higher classification for one (1) hour or more (except for rest periods and meal relief) shall be paid for such hours worked at the step rate in the higher classification that results in a rate at least thirty cents ($0.30) per hour above the rate paid in the employee’s regular classification. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 29 30.0 PROMOTIONS 30.1 An employee who is permanently promoted to a job in a higher classification shall be paid that tenure step rate in their new classification at no less than the step above their former rate and which results in a wage increase of at least thirty cents ($0.30) per hour. However, employees with prior service in the same classification whether at Kaiser Permanente or at another hospital or facility with another employer, will be given credit on tenure brackets per Article 21.1. A new tenure eligibility date is thereby established in determining an employee’s eligibility for future step rate increases in his/her new job. 30.2 An employee who transfers to a job in a lower job classification shall be paid that tenure step rate in his/her new classification, which is closest to his/her former rate. 31.0 REST AND MEAL PERIODS 31.1 Employees are entitled to take rest periods daily, which insofar as practicable shall be in the middle of each work period. Rest and meal periods shall be computed as follows: Shift Rest Period (during each Half of work shift) Meal Period (minimum) 4 hours 5 hours 8 & 9 hours 10 hours 12 hours 15 minutes 15 minutes 2-15 minute periods 2-20 minute periods 3-15 minute periods n/a 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 31.2 No wage deduction shall be made for such rest periods. 31.3 Except as provided below, meal periods shall be on an unpaid basis. 31.4 In the event an employee is called back to work during a scheduled meal period, the scheduled meal period, of at least thirty (30) minutes, shall count as hours worked and another meal period of thirty (30) minutes will be rescheduled within two (2) hours. 32.0 HOLIDAYS (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 2 [B] [1] [e]) Non 7/70 Schedule Employees 32.1 The following days shall be observed as holidays: New Year’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day 32.2 30 2012 01/01 05/28 07/04 09/03 11/22 12/25 2013 01/01 05/27 07/04 09/02 11/28 12/25 2014 01/01 05/26 07/04 09/01 11/27 12/25 2015 01/01 05/25 07/04 09/07 11/26 12/25 2015 01/01 05/30 07/04 09/05 11/24 12/25 There shall be no deduction in pay for the observance of the foregoing holidays for employees who have been in a benefited status for at least thirty (30) consecutive days prior to the holiday. Such employees working on one (1) of the foregoing holidays shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular rate of pay in addition to their regular rate of pay. Pay for holidays not worked shall be on the following basis: SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 A. If the holiday falls on a normally scheduled workday and the employee is scheduled off because of the holiday, the pay for such holiday not worked shall be for the number of hours at the straight-time rate, the employee would have received had he/she worked. B. If the holiday falls on a day normally scheduled off, the employee shall, at the option of the Employer, receive a paid day off or additional pay equal to one-fifth (1/5) of the employees scheduled weekly hours or BAH, whichever is greater: one-fourth (1/4) for 4/40 employees and employees regularly scheduled more than eight (8) hours but less than ten (10) hours. 7/70 Schedule Employees 32.3 Employees shall receive pay for holiday accumulations on each check. The holiday hours will accrue based on compensable hours and be paid out on the following check. 32.4 Flexible Personal Days Employees who have been in benefited status for three (3) months shall be eligible for three (3) personal days per year. Employees with ten (10) to fourteen (14) years of employment in a benefited status shall be eligible for four (4) personal days per year. Employees with fifteen (15) or more years employment in a benefited status shall be eligible for five (5) personal days per year. (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [C] [3] [c]) General 32.5 Temporary and on-call employees who have been on the payroll for at least thirty (30) consecutive days prior to a holiday shall receive no pay for holidays not worked but shall receive one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular rate of pay for all work performed on one of the foregoing holidays. 32.6 If an employee’s work shift includes work on both a holiday and a non-holiday, the entire shift shall be paid at the holiday rate in cases where a majority of hours worked on such shift are between 12:01 a.m. and the following midnight of the holiday. 32.7 Paid holidays shall count toward forty (40) hours in the workweek for the purpose of computing overtime. 33.0 VACATIONS Non 7/70 Schedule Employees 33.1 Vacation benefits consisting of the average number of straight time hours worked per week shall accrue for employees as follows. 33.2 All regular employees who have been continuously in service with the Employer for a period of one (1) year shall annually be entitled to two (2) weeks vacation with pay. A. If an employee terminates within the first six (6) months of employment, no vacation will be granted. B. After the completion of six (6) months of employment in a regular employee status or as a benefited on-call, an employee shall be entitled to prorated vacation credits which may have accrued. 33.3 All regular employees who have been continuously in service with the Employer for a period of five (5) years shall annually be entitled to three (3) weeks vacation with pay. 33.4 All regular employees who have been continuously in a service for a period of ten (10) years shall annually be entitled to four (4) weeks’ vacation with pay. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 31 33.5 Employees shall receive prorated vacation time as follows: A. Less than five (5) years continuous service, 3.07 hours per eighty (80) compensable hours; B. Five (5) or more years continuous service, 4.616 hours per eighty (80) compensable hours; C. Ten (10) or more years continuous service, 6.154 hours per eighty (80) compensable hours. 33.6 Split vacation may be taken subject to the requirements of efficient operation. Such determination rests exclusively with the Employer. 33.7 If a holiday falls during an employee’s vacation period, an additional day off with pay shall be added to the employee’s vacation or pay given in lieu thereof. 33.8 Vacation pay shall be paid to employees prior to the start of their vacation providing the employee requests in writing that he/she receive such pay seven (7) days prior to the commencement of any vacation scheduled for a period of one (1) or more weeks. 33.9 Up to thirty (30) days absence from work on unpaid leave shall count as time worked for vacation accrual purposes for full-time employees. 33.10 The Employer may require two (2) weeks’ notice of an employee’s intention to quit as a condition of eligibility for prorated vacation pay at termination. 33.11 An employee who is hospitalized for any length of time, or one who is incapacitated for five (5) consecutive days or more with documentation of care in progress during a paid vacation, may elect to substitute accrued sick leave for such time off and reschedule that vacation time. Certification by the attending physician is required by the Employer. 33.12 Vacation accrual is limited to two (2) times the annual accrual or three hundred and twenty (320) hours. 33.13 Vacation Scheduling - Non 7/70 Schedule Employees A. Seniority prevails for vacation and holiday requests received as described in paragraph B. Any requests received after the deadline shall be approved on a first-come, first-served basis regardless of seniority within departmental staffing limits. The time off request box will be checked on a timely basis by the staffing supervisor. B. Requests for time off will be accepted up to October 31 at 5:00 p.m. for the period of January 1 - March 31 of the next year. Requests will be accepted up to January 31 at 5:00 p.m. for the period of April 1 - June 30. Requests will be accepted up to April 30 at 5:00 p.m. for the period of July 1 - September 30. Requests will be accepted up to July 31 at 5:00 p.m. for the period of October 1 - December 31. The supervisors will notify the employees in writing of the request status (approved or denied) within five (5) working days after the deadline. Exceptions to the above deadlines will be considered when it is critical that travel plans be made well in advance. Proof of reservations may be required (e.g. plane tickets, documentation of reservation deadline, etc.). 33.14 No employee may receive more than two (2) major and two (2) minor holiday periods off per year unless coverage is available. If major and minor holiday periods are to be minimally staffed, staffing will be offered on a voluntary basis by seniority or, if necessary, work will be assigned by inverse seniority to qualified employees. 32 Major Holidays: New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Minor Holidays: Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day. A holiday period is a series of days surrounding major or minor holidays unbroken by a return to work. 33.15 Scheduling request for vacation time and personal days will be given priority consideration over WOP day requests. 33.16 Employees have the ability to cancel vacation time they have scheduled. If the employee wishes to cancel previously authorized time off, the employee will notify the supervisor two (2) weeks prior to the posting of the final schedule to be guaranteed regular hours. If time off is canceled after this date the employee can make him/herself available to work but cannot bump regular employees in the schedule. The canceled vacation time, if available, will be posted in the affected area and awarded to the senior person that makes the request prior to the Friday the final schedule is posted. 33.17 Employees may vote to change their current vacation procedure in their own dept./worksite/ program/work group if they so desire one time during the life of the agreement. Employees shall contact their Union Representative to set up a vote. 7/70 Schedule Employees 33.18 After completion of six (6) months continuous employment in a benefit status, employees shall receive pay for vacation accumulations on each check. The vacation will continue to accrue based on compensable hours and be paid out on the following check. 33.19 After the completion of five (5) years of continuous employment in a benefit status with the Employer, employees shall receive a lump sum vacation payment equivalent to one (1) week of pay, and begin the new three (3) weeks per year accrual rate. 33.20 After the completion of ten (10) years of continuous employment in a benefit status with the Employer, employees shall receive a lump sum vacation payment equivalent to one week of pay, and begin the new four (4) weeks per year accrual rate. General 33.21 Vacation pay will be computed on the employee’s regular hourly rate of pay at the time the vacation is taken, including shift differential if applicable. 34.0 SICK LEAVE (See also provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [C] [3]) Non 7/70 Schedule Employees 34.1 Regular full-time employees shall accumulate paid sick leave at the rate of eight (8) hours per month for each calendar month of employment. Regular part-time and on-call employees shall accumulate paid sick leave at the rate of eight (8) hours for each one hundred seventy-three (173) hours paid. 7/70 Schedule Employees 34.2 Regular full-time, part-time and on-call employees shall accumulate paid sick leave at the rate of one (1) hour for every nineteen (19) hours paid. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 33 General 34.3 Accrued sick leave shall be payable for absences of employees due to their own medical disability or for the medical disability of a dependent minor child, and related medical appointments. 34.4 Paid sick leave begins to accumulate during the first (1st) calendar month of employment but may not be applied to any illness that occurs during the first six (6) months of employment. 34.5 The Employer may require reasonable proof that the employee claiming sick leave (or for his/ her dependent child) was suffering from a bona fide illness or injury justifying the employee’s absence from work for the period claimed. 34.6 Earned sick leave may at the employee’s discretion be integrated with Workers’ Compensation Disability payments to the extent necessary to permit an employee to maintain his/her regular straight time earnings during the period of disability. The foregoing will be applicable to the extent that an employee has Employer paid sick leave accrued but not used. 34.7 Paid sick leave shall count toward forty (40) hours in the workweek for the purpose of computing overtime. 34.8 For employees with accrued sick leave, a maximum of four (4) hours sick leave pay will be granted for time off the job if necessary due to appointments of the employee for travel time, waiting time, and time for the appointment. Except in case of emergency appointments, at least seven (7) days prior notice must be given to the supervisor. Whenever possible, employees will be expected to schedule their medical or dental appointments at the beginning or end of their workday, or on their days off. An emergency shall be defined as something of an immediate and urgent nature that could not have been reasonably anticipated. 34.9 The Employer will provide employees with an accumulative total of available sick time to accompany their paycheck. 35.0 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [G]) 35.1 An employee in a benefit status who has a death in the family will be granted three (3) regularly scheduled working days (plus an additional two [2] days when traveling more than three hundred [300] miles) within a two (2) week span for the purpose of attending and/or arranging the funeral of: • Spouse/Domestic Partner • Parent/Step Parent/Parent In-Law/Step Parent In-Law/In loco Parentis Child/Step Child/ Legal Ward/Foster Child/Adopted Child • Daughter/Step Daughter/Daughter In-Law/Step Daughter In-Law • Son/Step Son/Son In-Law/Step Son In-Law • Sister/Step Sister/Sister In-Law/Step Sister In-Law • Brother/Step Brother/Brother In-Law/Step Brother In-Law • Grandparent/Step Grandparent • Grandchildren/Step Grandchildren • Relative living in the same household An employee shall not be entitled to both funeral leave pay and holiday pay, sick leave pay or vacation pay for the same day. 35.2 34 The employer may allow an employee a leave of absence without pay for employees that need to have more than three (3) days for the bereavement of any of the above. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 35.3 The employer will allow an employee a leave of absence to attend or arrange for the funeral of a person who is close to them. The employee may use vacation, personal days, or a without payday to cover the time loss. Alleged abuse of this Article will be resolved in a dispute resolution process, by the appropriate Partnership committee. 35.4 Employees on an unpaid leave are not eligible for bereavement leave unless the unpaid leave is for the purpose of caring for a family member described in Article 35.1. 36.0 JURY DUTY 36.1 Employees in a benefit status who are called for jury service will be excused from work on days which he/she serves and shall receive for each day of jury service, his/her regular straight time day’s pay. Hours paid for jury duty will not count as hours worked in determining eligibility for overtime. The employee must show proof of jury service and attendance. 36.2 Employees will be excused from work without loss of pay for time spent in a recognized court or government hearing or civil deposition when requested to appear or subpoenaed by the Employer. 37.0 TIME OFF REQUESTS 37.1 For the purpose of granting time off for Unit Specialists, Certified Patient Care Assistants and Certified Nursing Assistants in the inpatient area of the Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center, at least two (2) on day/evening shift, one (1) on night shift of each classification on each of the three (3) shifts may be able to take unpaid vacation time or personal day at the same time. Granting of such time off will be based on staff needs and efficient operations. Without Pay Days 37.2 Employees coded at least thirty (30) hours or more may use a maximum of two (2) days without pay on a prescheduled basis per calendar year. 37.3 Employees affected by a short-term reduction may use without paydays. These days will not be counted in the above-mentioned days. 38.0 TAX SHELTERED SAVINGS PLAN 38.1 The Employer agrees to contribute $0.26 per compensated hour per eligible employee to the tax sheltered savings plan; Details of the administration of the tax sheltered savings plan and procedures for withdrawal of funds will be reduced to writing in a letter of agreement between the parties. 38.2 Effective January 1, 1992, employees who are subject to payroll deductions for their medical and dental plans (scheduled weekly hours or benefit average hours between twenty [20] and thirty-one and nine tenths [31.9] hours) may elect to waive the Employer’s TSA contributions by noting the same on a form to be provided by the Employer. Employees failing to submit such waiver within sixty (60) days of hire, or by December 15, 1991, if later, and by December 15th for each of the following years, shall be deemed to have accepted the Employer TSA contributions for the next calendar year. Employees waiving such contributions shall be entitled to an annual lump sum distribution in the amount of any contributions due during the calendar year less withholding taxes. Lump sum distributions shall be made within sixty (60) days of the close of a calendar year or termination, whichever occurs first. Eligible employees may elect to change their contribution format from TSA to lump sum or vice versa once each year to be effective January 1 of any subsequent year, by submitting a written election on the Employer provided form no later than December 15th of the year preceding the year in which the change SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 35 is to occur. 39.0 HEALTH PLAN (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 2 [B]) 39.1 Employer-paid Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, plus the standard supplemental Health Plan benefits, prescription drug and vision care benefits will be provided to employees and their eligible dependents on the basis of benefit average hours or coded hours, whichever is greater. This plan will include a five dollar ($5) per visit Doctor Office fee and a three dollar ($3) per prescription drug co-pay to provide up to a thirty (30) day supply if obtained at medical offices, or up to a 90 day supply for the three dollar ($3) co-pay on maintenance medications if obtained through mail order as prescribed by the physician. The Doctor Office Visit Fee will be five dollars ($5) per visit. Eligible dependents are a spouse or domestic partner (as stated in an Affidavit of Domestic Partnership), an unmarried child of an employee, spouse or domestic partner under the age of 25 who is chiefly dependent upon the employee, spouse or domestic partner for support; or an unmarried child of the employee, spouse or domestic partner of an employee who is chiefly dependent for support and maintenance because the child is incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of developmental disability or physical handicap which occurred prior to his/her reaching age 25. (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 2 [B] [1]). 39.2 Employees with eighteen (18) months or more of continuous employment who are receiving Employer-paid Health Plan coverage shall receive Employer-paid Health Plan, dental plan and group life insurance coverage during disability insurance leaves of absence up to a maximum of six (6) months provided that three (3) calendar months of active employment elapse between incidents of application. Employees who are receiving Employer-paid Health Plan coverage shall receive Employerpaid Health Plan, dental plan and group life insurance coverage during absences due to industrial injury up to a maximum of six (6) months provided that three (3) calendar months of active employment elapse between the incidents of application. 39.3 Employees who are receiving Employer-paid Health Plan Medicare Coordinated coverage for themselves and/or dependents will be reimbursed the base rate premium paid to Social Security for their own and/or dependents Part B Medicare coverage. Dental Program 39.4 Employer-paid Kaiser Foundation Dental Plan will be provided to employees and their eligible dependents on the basis of Benefit Average Hours or coded hours, whichever is greater beginning the first day of the month following three (3) months of continuous service as an employee. 40.0 DISABILITY INSURANCE (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 2 [B] [3] [d]) Short-Term Disability 36 40.1 Employees shall receive disability insurance coverage for illness or injury not connected with the job effective the first (1st) day of the month following completion of one (1) year of continuous employment with benefit average hours (BAH) of twenty (20) or more per week. The disability insurance benefits provide income protection amounting to fifty percent (50%) of an employee’s regular straight-time earnings up to a maximum of $195.00 per week for twenty-six (26) weeks, commencing on the eighth (8th) day of disability or upon expiration of Employer-paid sick leave, if later. 40.2 Long-Term Disability (effective January 1, 2007) (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 2 [B] [3] [d]) SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 41.0 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 41.1 The Employer will provide each employee in a benefited status on his/her coverage effective date with, at no cost to the employee, life insurance according to the following formula: Take the hourly wage rate times the greater of scheduled weekly hours or benefit average hours (not to exceed forty [40] times 4.33333). Round to nearest cent. Multiply the above result times 0.003. Round to the nearest cent. Divide the latest result by the appropriate rate charged the Employer by the Employer’s insurance carrier. The rate charged the Employer may be obtained by contacting Employee Benefits. Multiply by $1,000. Round to the nearest cent. The minimum amount of Employer-paid coverage will be $10,000. The maximum amount of Employer-paid Life Insurance coverage will be $50,000. 41.2 In addition, a total and permanent disability benefit of $10,000 (distributed in equal payments over sixty [60] months) will be made available to an employee who qualifies for total and permanent disability. Any benefits received under this provision will reduce the ultimate death benefit paid under the plan. 41.3 Coverage shall become effective on the ninety-first (91st) day of continuous employment in a benefited status and thereafter, eligibility shall be based on remaining in a benefited status. If an employee leaves benefited status after coverage has become effective, and returns to benefited status at a later date, the ninety (90) day waiting period will be waived and coverage will become effective on the first (1st) day that the employee is considered in benefited status, otherwise, the ninety (90) day waiting will be required again. Voluntary Contributory Insurance 41.4 The Employer will make available a voluntary and contributory (employee paid through payroll deduction) employee age-rated life insurance program with open enrollment during the thirty (30) day period following the Employer provided coverage effective date, with age-rated life insurance coverage effective the first of the month following enrollment. The maximum total of Employer-paid and employee-paid coverage will be limited to $500,000. To be eligible for voluntary and contributory coverage’s the employee must have employer provided life insurance in effect. 41.5 The Employer will make available a voluntary and contributory (employee paid through payroll deduction) dependent life insurance program. Employees will have open enrollment during the thirty (30) day period following their Employer provided coverage effective date, with dependent life insurance coverage effective the first (1st) of the month following enrollment. 42.0 BENEFIT PREMIUMS 42.1 Benefit level will be based upon coded hours or BAH whichever is greater. Benefit Average Hours (BAH) is the average compensated hours worked per week in eleven (11) pay periods and applied prospectively. The pay periods used in the averaging will start on or about January 1 and July 1 each year. Coded hours lost as a result of short-term reductions in hours at the request of the Employer shall be included in total. All such hours lost will not be compensated. Employees will be assessed each pay period for health and welfare as follows: SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 37 20 – 25.99 BAH Or coded hours $25.82 26 – 31.9 BAH or coded hours 32 and above BAH or coded hours $17.21 $00.00 Pre-Tax Deductions 42.2 The Employer will deduct the employee costs on a pre-tax basis. Flexible Spending Accounts 42.3 The Employer agrees to provide a Health Care Reimbursement Account for employees. The Employer agrees to provide a Dependent Care Reimbursement Account for employees. 43.0 FRINGE BENEFIT IMPROVEMENTS GUARANTEE 43.1 In the event improvements are granted to the Employer’s non-union hourly employees relative to sick leave, vacation, holidays, Health Plan and Dental coverage, life insurance or shift differential for employees currently receiving eighty-five ($0.85) or one dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) per hour, such improvements shall also be extended to employees covered under this Agreement with the same effective date. 44.0 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 1[H]) 44.1 For the life of this Agreement, bargaining unit employees will be provided access to Employee Assistance counseling. 45.0 RETIREMENT BENEFITS (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 2 [B] [2]) 45.1 Eligible employees shall be covered under the terms of the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Oregon Pension Plan as amended (“KFHOPP”). 45.2 The pension benefit computation formula shall provide 1.45% of average monthly compensation over the highest sixty (60) consecutive months of compensation during employment for each year of credited service. The minimum monthly pension shall be $8.50 times the years of credited service. Sick Leave balances will be converted to time worked for eligible employees. The retirement plan impacted by this Credited Service is the Kaiser Permanente Northwest Pension Plan. The Sick Leave Benefit balance will not be used to determine service for the purpose of determining basic Plan eligibility or vesting. Employees eligible for Tax Sheltered Annuity as described in Article 38.0 will have at time of retirement, a contribution made to the employee’s TSA account for each hour of unused sick leave in the amount in effect at the time as described in Article 38.1. 45.3 38 Employees hired on or before December 31, 1984 who at the time of their retirement are eligible for Employer-paid Health Plan, prepaid prescription drugs, prepaid vision care and dental plan coverage who retire on a normal basis shall continue to have Employer-paid Health Plan, prepaid prescription drugs, prepaid vision care and dental plan coverage for themselves and their eligible dependents for the life of the retiree or eligible surviving dependent. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 45.4 Employees hired on or after January 1, 1985 who retire as normal or postponed retirees under the provision of KFHOPP with at least fifteen (15) years of service and who are eligible for Employer-paid Health Plan and prepaid prescription drugs at the time of retirement shall receive Employer-paid Health Plan and prepaid prescription drugs for themselves and their eligible dependents for the life of the retiree. 45.5 In addition, employees who retire on or after January 1, 1985 as early retirees under the provisions of the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Oregon Pension Plan with at least fifteen (15) years of service and who are eligible for Employer-paid Health Plan and prepaid prescription drugs at the time of retirement shall receive Employer-paid Health Plan and prescription drugs with coverage commencing upon retiree’s eligibility for Medicare and continuing for themselves and their eligible dependents for the life of the retiree. 45.6 Retirees who are receiving Employer-paid Health Plan Medicare Coordinated Coverage for themselves and their dependents and who were hired on or before December 31, 1984 will be reimbursed the base rate premium paid to Social Security for their own and/or dependents Part B Medicare coverage. 45.7 For employees hired on or before December 31, 1984, eligibility for Employer-paid Health Plan, prepaid prescription drugs, prepaid vision care and dental plan coverage at normal retirement (in accordance with this Article) shall not be conditional upon an employee having been a participant in the “Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Oregon Pension Plan” at retirement. 45.8 Employees hired on or after January 1, 1985 will not receive Employer reimbursement for Part B of Medicare premiums paid to Social Security. 45.9 Effective for employees initially eligible to retire on or after January 1, 1998, Kaiser will introduce changes to the Retiree Medical Program which will include $5.00 office visit and prescription drug co-pays. Kaiser will also introduce additional cost sharing in the form of contribution requirements by future retirees and will freeze Medicare Part B premium reimbursement at the January 1, 1997 level for those eligible for this plan feature. 45.10 Employees eligible to retire and receive retiree medical benefits prior to January 1, 1998 are not affected by the above changes, even if they choose to retire at a date on or after January 1, 1998. 45.11 Initially, the cost sharing noted above will be 50/50 sharing of future Health Plan premium cost increases until the retiree’s share of the total premium reaches 30%. For example, in the first year following implementation, if the monthly premium increases $10.00, the retiree and Kaiser Permanente will share this cost increase at $5.00 each. This would mean that if premium cost on 1/1/97 was $200 and it increased to $210 on 1/1/98, Kaiser Permanente would contribute $205 per month and the retiree cost would be $5.00 per month. 45.12 As time passes, the cost of retiree medical plan premiums will ultimately be born 70% by Kaiser Permanente and 30% by the retiree. 45.13 Kaiser has also re-designed the retiree medical program to include new features. These features include: A. Surviving spouse benefits (including some restrictions on the definition of eligible dependents. B. Out of service area premium reimbursement for employees who chose to retire in an area which does not offer Kaiser Permanente coverage. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 39 45.14 Employees (Subscribers) and eligible dependents who are eligible for both Part A and B of Medicare, will be eligible for the Medicare Coordinated Coverage plan including prepaid drug and prepaid vision care plan, but they must maintain enrollment in Part B of Medicare and assign both Part A and B of Medicare benefits to the Health Plan. If the employee or dependent is eligible for Part A but not for Part B, or for Part B but not for Part A, the employee or dependents must maintain the Medicare coverage for which the employee or dependent is eligible and assign benefits there under. Failure to maintain and assign all Medicare benefits for which the employee or dependents are eligible will relieve the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program from its obligation to provide Employer-paid health benefits. 45.15 If a retiree or any eligible dependent as described is not eligible for either Part A or B or Parts A and B of Medicare, the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program will provide the regular Health Plan under aged 65 benefits. If the current Medicare program is discontinued, substantially modified or replaced by a national health care program, these benefits shall terminate; provided, however, that the employee will be offered as an alternative a plan substantially equivalent to that provided to the majority of the Employer’s employees. 45.16 For purposes of this Article, normal retirement is defined as retirement at age 65, early retirement is defined as retirement prior to age 65 and postponed retirement is defined as retirement after age 65. 46.0 LEAVE OF ABSENCE (Also see provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [C] [3] [e]) Personal Leave 46.1 Personal leaves of absence without pay shall be granted upon written request when urgent personal and economic considerations justify such action and where Employer circumstances permit. An employee must have at least six (6) months of continuous service as a benefited employee to be considered eligible for a leave of absence for personal reasons. Except under unusual circumstances involving extreme personal hardship, personal leaves of absence shall not be authorized for a period exceeding ninety (90) days. Employees returning from a personal LOA of ninety (90) days or less shall be reinstated to the employee’s former position. Employees returning to work from a leave in excess of ninety (90) days shall be given preferential consideration for any available position of comparable pay and status (benefited, coded replacement, on-call) for which the employee may be qualified. Disability Leave (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 2 [B] [3] [d]) 46.2 An employee must have at least twelve (12) months’ continuous service as a benefited employee to be considered eligible for disability insurance leave of absence. In accordance with the provisions of Section 40, disability insurance leaves of absence as certified by the attending physician will be granted after accumulated Employer-paid sick leave has expired. The period of such leaves will be based on the attending physician’s certification of disability. Medical Leave 46.3 An employee must have at least six (6) months’ continuous service as a benefited employee to be considered eligible for medical leave of absence. A. Medical leaves of absence as certified by the attending physician will be granted upon written request after accumulated Employer-paid sick leave has been exhausted. 40 B. The period of such leaves will be based on the attending physician’s certification of disability. Initial leaves will not be granted for more than ninety (90) days, but may be extended for an additional period not to exceed ninety (90) days, if requested in writing and certified by the attending physician. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 C. Except under unusual circumstances medical leaves of absence shall not be authorized for a period exceeding six (6) months following expiration of Employer-paid sick leave. Return from Leave of Absence 46.4 Two (2) weeks written notification of return from leave of absence must be given to the Employer. If an employee fails to return to work within seven (7) days of the expiration date of an approved leave of absence or the date arranged with the employee’s supervisor, it will be assumed that the employee has voluntarily terminated his/her employment. 46.5 If an employee returns from an unpaid leave of absence of less than ninety (90) days in accordance with the foregoing, he/she will be returned to his/her previous position, station and shift. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply if the employee declines to accept the scheduled hours of work that were in effect for him/her prior to the granting of the leave. General 46.6 Depending on the circumstances involved, including the nature of the job, the duration of an unpaid leave of absence, and various other factors relating to the work to be performed, the Employer shall make all reasonable efforts to reinstate an employee upon return from unpaid leave. If reinstatement to the original job is not feasible due to the circumstances, employees shall be given preferential consideration for any available job of comparable pay and status for which they may be qualified; or, if this is not possible, for any available work within their capabilities. 46.7 Any employee who meets minimum qualifications may apply to fill a posted temporary vacancy. 46.8 Approvals for leaves of absence shall be in writing on forms provided by the Employer and the employees shall receive a copy of such leave authorization as soon as possible but in no case later than two (2) weeks from the date the employee made the request. 46.9 Employees must make arrangements in advance to pay the required premium necessary to keep Health Plan, Dental Plan or Group Life Insurance coverage in effect during any leave of absence (unless otherwise provided). Disability insurance coverage is not available to employees on leave of absence unless the reason for such leave is due to non-industrial illness or injury. Military Leave 46.10 Military leave of absence shall be in accordance with applicable law. Leave for Union Position/Business 46.11 An employee, but not more than six (6) at any one time, nor more than one (1) from any one (1) department, who accepts an official position/business with the Union shall be granted a leave of absence without pay, not to exceed six (6) calendar months in duration. The Union will make a reasonable effort to provide the Employer with a minimum of thirty (30) days notice of such request, but under no circumstances will the request be less than two (2) working days in advance of the requested release date. Such employees shall be reinstated by the Employer provided that such employee notifies the Employer of their intent to return to work thirty (30) calendar days in advance and provided that said employee is still qualified to perform the applicable job duties. During this Leave of Absence, any employee acting as a temporary business agent will refrain from representing SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 41 union members in handling grievances in their former worksite, work area, or department except if necessary to meet DFR requirements. The Employer may hire a temporary employee specifically for replacement of the employee on this leave of absence. The parties will conduct an annual review of requests for Union leave at the conclusion of each year of the Agreement (June of each year), and conduct good faith discussions in an effort to resolve any problems that have occurred in implementation of this article. Further, the parties agree to meet at the request of the other to resolve any dispute or problems that occur during the year. Leave From Bargaining Unit 46.12 An employee may be allowed to take a “leave of absence from the bargaining unit” under the following terms and conditions: A. The period of the leave will not exceed ninety (90) days, but may be extended for an additional ninety (90) days by mutual agreement of the parties. B. The purpose of the leave may only be to accept a temporary reassignment to perform nonbargaining unit work. C. The employee shall continue to pay monthly Union dues and by so doing shall not suffer a reduction of the time spent on leave from their total seniority within the bargaining unit. D. On their return to the bargaining unit at the expiration of the leave, the employee shall be returned to their previous position with full restoration of all rights and privileges of Union membership. E. Requests for leaves of absence from the bargaining unit must be reduced to writing by the employee and approved by the Union. 46.13 Employees returning to formerly held classifications within six (6) months of transferring to another classification (including those outside the bargaining unit) shall have all previously accrued seniority within the original classification restored to them. 47.0 INTER-UNION JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES 47.1 The Union agrees that in the event any Union jurisdictional dispute develops with respect to any work or classification of employment covered hereby, such dispute shall be settled between the Unions in accordance without permitting the same to interfere in any way with the progress and prosecution of the work hereunder. Pending the settlement of any such dispute, the work shall continue on the same basis as it was being performed at the time the jurisdictional dispute arose. 48.0 CONTRACT DISPUTES/GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURE* (For disputes arising under the National Agreement, refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 2 [C]) 48.1 42 Work Stoppages. The Employer and the Union realize that the Employer’s facilities are different in their operations from other industries, because of services rendered to the community and for humanitarian reasons, and agree that there shall be no lockouts on the part of the Employer nor suspension of work on the part of the employees, it being one of the purposes of this SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Agreement to guarantee that there will be no strikes, lockouts or work stoppages. All disputes and other matters of controversy coming within the scope of this Agreement will be settled by the procedure hereinafter provided. 48.2 Grievance and Arbitration Procedure* Section 1 – General Principles Basic Means of Settling Grievances: The following procedure shall be applied and relied upon by both parties as the basic means of seeking adjustment of and settling grievances. Grievance, as referred to in this Article, includes every dispute concerning interpretation and application of this contract and/or any dispute concerning wages, hours, or working conditions. All such disputes shall be subject to the grievance procedure. Time Limits: Except for grievances alleging error in wages, benefits errors, or discharge, each grievance arising under this Agreement shall be presented to the appropriate party within thirty (30) calendar days after the grievant had knowledge of the event or should have had knowledge of the event. All discharge grievances shall be referred immediately to Step Two of this procedure within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the discharge. Any grievance not timely filed is deemed waived by the aggrieved party. Both parties agree that the grievance and arbitration procedure should proceed as expeditiously as possible; however, by mutual agreement between the Union and the Employer, the time limits of any step of the grievance procedure may be extended and this extension must be confirmed in writing within the specified time limits. Both parties agree, however, to make their best effort to abide by the time limits outlined in this Agreement. In the event the Union fails to appeal a grievance in a timely manner, the Union may request an extension and the Employer shall grant such extension. If the Employer fails to respond to the grievance within the time limits specified, the grievance may be appealed to the next step of the grievance procedure by the Union. Mandatory Meetings: There shall be mandatory meeting at each step of the grievance procedure unless waived by mutual agreement of the parties. Employees participating in such meetings shall not suffer any reduction in pay due to their participation. Written Grievance Documents: All grievances, grievance appeals, grievance responses, requests for extensions of time limits and agreements to extend time limits will be given in writing. Non Precedent-Setting Settlements: Grievance settlements or resolutions reached at Step One or Two of the grievance procedure shall not be precedent-setting for any purpose and shall not be used to interpret the language or associated practices of the agreement. Good Faith Efforts to Resolve Issues: The goal of the parties is to achieve early and prompt resolution of issues and disputes through informal and formal interest-based discussions between the steward, employee(s) and the direct supervisor or department head in Step One and Step Two. The use of the procedures contained in this Article should not preclude, or be used by any party to avoid, active good faith efforts to achieve dispute or issue resolution. Union Staff Representatives: Union staff representatives may participate at any level of the grievance procedure. Necessary and/or Relevant Information: The parties agree and understand that the free exchange of necessary and/or relevant information is essential to their mutual understanding and satisfactory resolution of issues and disputes. Accordingly, the parties agree to respond adequately, in a timely, good faith manner to requests for information, and to promptly address SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 43 and resolve any disputes relating to the provision of requested information. Section 2 – Steps of the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure Step One: Step one of the grievance procedure is an informal process. The parties recognize that most issues or disputes can and should be resolved informally at the closest possible level to the unit/department in which they occur. The Grievance procedure shall be initiated at Step One, except grievances specified in this Article as going directly to Step Two. A Union Steward representing an employee shall initiate the grievance procedure at Step One by presenting the issues to the employee’s immediate supervisor. Within ten (10) calendar days after submission of the issues, a meeting shall be held. The parties are encouraged to continue to work collaboratively on the issue until either party feels the further work at this step will not resolve the issue. Once resolution is reached, or the decision is made that joint resolution is not possible, the supervisor shall respond to the grievant(s) and the Union Steward within ten (10) calendar days. Participants in Step One discussions should include the employee(s), the involved supervisor, and the Union Steward. Step Two: All issues that are not resolved at Step One may be appealed to Step Two within ten (10) calendar days. An appeal to Step Two shall be submitted in writing as a formal grievance after either party feels the issue(s) cannot be resolved at Step One in a timely manner. The parties shall attempt to resolve the grievance within ten (10) calendar days after the appeal is received. If the parties are unable to resolve the grievance within these time limits, a grievance response shall be given within ten (10) calendar days thereafter. Grievances regarding discharge must be initiated at Step Two within ten (10) calendar days after the action. In addition, grievances involving workload and suspension shall be introduced directly to Step Two of the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure. Participants in Step Two should include the employee(s), the Union Steward, the supervisor, and the Human Resources representative. Step Three: All grievances that are not resolved at Step Two may be appealed to Step Three within ten (10) calendar days. The appeal to Step Three shall be submitted in writing to the parties’ designees. Within ten (10) calendar days of the receipt of such appeal a meeting shall be held including the parties’ designees, Union Steward and grievant(s). Within ten (10) calendar days after such meeting, the Employer’s designee shall respond to the Union staff representative and other meeting participants in writing. Step Four – Arbitration: In the event the grievance remains unresolved, the grieving party may appeal the grievance to arbitration. Written notice of such appeal must be received by the Director of Labor Relations or Designee within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the Step Three response. No grievance shall be appealed to arbitration without first being processed through the appropriate steps of the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure except by mutual agreement. Selection of Arbitrator: An impartial arbitrator shall be selected by mutual agreement of the parties. In the event mutual agreement is not reached, the party appealing the grievance to arbitration shall request a panel of arbitrators from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. Upon receipt of said panel, the parties will select an arbitrator by alternately striking names. Authority of Arbitrator: The arbitrator shall be prohibited from adding to, modifying or subtracting from, the terms of this Agreement or any supplemental written agreement of the parties. Further, it shall not be within the jurisdiction of the arbitrator to change any existing wages rate or establish a new wage rate. However, grievances involving reclassification and 44 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 upgrade are within the scope of the grievance procedure and are within the jurisdiction and powers of the arbitrator; the decision of the arbitrator, however, is limited to changes in the classification of a position within the existing wage schedule. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both parties. Cost of Arbitration: Each party shall pay one-half (1/2) the cost of the arbitration proceedings which include but are not limited to the cost of the arbitrator, court reporter and transcript for the arbitrator, if mutually agreed to as necessary, conference room costs and other related costs, and each party shall be responsible for the cost of its own representatives and witnesses. Section 3 – Grievances Associated With the Master Agreement The parties agree that they will use their best efforts to identify any grievance that may involve interpretation or application of the Master Agreement, or practices relating to the provisions of the Master Agreement, before such a grievance is appealed to Step Three, and this shall be noted in either the Step Two response or the appeal to Step Three. If such a grievance is resolved at Step Three, it shall be resolved at the local bargaining unit level on either a non precedent –setting basis or as a precedent applicable to that bargaining unit only, unless otherwise agreed to by all parties to the Master Agreement. The parties will identify three (3) permanent arbitrators who shall be the only arbitrators who may be selected to hear grievances involving the Master Agreement. At the time an arbitrator is selected to hear a specific case, the parties will inform the arbitrator whether they wish the arbitrator to issue a precedent-setting decision, a non-precedent-setting decision, or to decide whether a decision will be precendentsetting as one of the issues in the case. NOTE: Mediation Provisions contained in current Agreements shall be omitted. 49.0 DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE* (For Local 49/NW Region use provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [L] [1]) 49.1 No employee shall be disciplined or discharged without just cause. Any employee who is discharged shall be informed in writing at the time of the discharge of the reason(s) for the discharge. Supervisors shall ask employees if they wish the presence of a Union Steward and/or Union Representative in any meeting or investigation that may result in discipline. The selection of a Union Representative shall not unduly delay the proceeding. It is the Employer’s intent normally to make use of progressive discipline in accordance with established practices and policy. In the event the Employer disciplines or discharges an employee, the Employer will, at the request of the employee and/or Union, furnish copies of necessary and/or relevant documents or written statements used by the Employer as a basis for the disciplinary action. Employees shall have the right to respond in writing to any written disciplinary notices and documentation of employee counseling sessions, and shall have that response attached to the relevant material. Written disciplinary notices and documentation of the employee counseling sessions shall be invalid after a period of one (1) year from the date of issuance except when there are other materials of the same or related nature. It is understood that while the employer may retain expired documents to satisfy legal and regulatory requirements, such documents will not be used to justify further disciplinary action. 50.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [I & J]) SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 45 50.1 The Employer agrees to make reasonable and proper provisions for the maintenance of appropriate standards of health and safety in the work place, to promptly review unsafe conditions brought to its attention, and to correct them as necessary. The employees acknowledge their responsibility to observe safety policies and procedures established by the Employer or mandated by state or federal laws or regulations related to employee’s job or work area. The Employer acknowledges its’ responsibility to appropriately train all employees regarding the Employer’s safety policies, procedures, and state/federal laws and regulations. The Employer and the Union agree that employees have the right to give input into the safety program of the Employer. In the event an employee believes that an unsafe condition exists, he/she shall first bring the situation to the attention of his/her supervisor. If, after bringing the situation to the supervisor’s attention, the employee believes the problem still exists, the employee may then report the condition, in writing, to the Safety Committee and the Employer will take whatever appropriate action it determines necessary to resolve the situation. 50.2 Placement of Bargaining Unit Injured Worker (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [J] [1 & 2]) A member of the bargaining unit who has a compensable injury or for whom the Employer has a job placement obligation or such obligation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and can no longer perform the duties of his/her regular employment will be offered suitable employment for which the employee is qualified after reasonable Employer paid training and/or orientation, having the same rights as a Bargaining Unit member in a permanent Reduction in Force to open position based on seniority. An employee who is returned to work in a temporary assignment, as designated by the Integrated Disability Management Program, will continue membership in their original bargaining unit, will accrue seniority as defined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, and will pay dues and fees to their current union. When it is determined an employee with an accepted Workers Compensation claim may not return to their job due to permanent disability/work imitations but is able to perform work with the employer in a different position and/or job title, the employee will be awarded an available and suitable job for which they are qualified. When it is determined an employee who has a non-occupational injury or illness may not return to their job due to permanent disability, the employee will be awarded an open and appropriate job for which they are qualified as part of the normal job bidding process for the open position, recognizing the contractual seniority provisions. In both circumstances the employees will be given preference for placement over outside applicants. At such time as the employee is permanently placed into a new position, they will become a member of the new bargaining unit and will assume all rights and responsibilities of that bargaining unit position, without loss of seniority as defined by their previous bargaining unit position. Safety Committees 50.3 Medical and Support Services At each medical office, hospital, and at the Supply Center and Process Center, safety committees, with an equal number of Employer and employee representatives will regularly make recommendations on how to eliminate hazards and unsafe work practices and to improve accident and illness prevention programs. The Employee representatives will include employees represented by Local 49 as well as employees represented by other unions and unrepresented employees. 46 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 50.4 Dental Program A. For the Dental Program, one (1) safety committee will be established. B. The Dental Program’s Environmental Health and Safety committee is comprised of four (4) managers and four (4) staff members. The staff members will include at least two (2) Local 49 members. The chair is elected by the committee. C. In addition, each dental office will have a safety representative who volunteers for a minimum of one (1) year who will be responsible for identifying safety hazards and for conducting environmental rounds in their offices. The safety representative is selected by the employee group and may be a Local 49 member. The safety representative will report concerns to management and the Labor Management Committee. 50.5 General A. The Labor Management Committee shall receive periodic reports from the safety committees. B. Local 49 members on the safety committees are by mutual consent of the Union and the Employer. Neither party will capriciously withhold consent. C. If, in the Union’s view, the committee members are not placed in a timely fashion, the Employer will meet with the Union to attempt to resolve the situation. D. The Employer will continue to promote the use of safe medical/dental devices and comply with federal and state requirements relating to safety, infection control and hazardous substances. E. Local 49 representatives will be chosen by mutual consent of the Union and the Employer to product evaluation committees. The Employer will notify the Union about these product evaluation committees at the Labor Management Steering Committee. F. The Employer will provide a list of all safety committee members at every worksite identifying the worksite and the affiliation of each individual to the LMC Steering Committee on or before March 15th of each year. 51.0 STAFFING (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [F]) 51.1 In the event technological or mechanical changes occur which result in reduced hours or positions, the Employer will discuss these changes in advance with the Union and make reasonable efforts to place affected employees into available jobs of comparable pay and hours for which they may be qualified, or into other available work within employees’ capabilities for which they may be qualified with minimal retraining. 51.2 It is in the mutual interest of both parties that the delivery of health care be organized and structured in the most efficient manner possible. It is the intent of the Employer to have members of the bargaining unit continue performing those duties they have routinely done in the past; however, the Employer must retain the right to establish all work assignments affecting members of the bargaining unit. The Employer will provide the Union with schedule changes prior to implementation. The Union has the right to question the reasonableness of such assignments, and should the Union feel there is a problem with respect to work assignments, the Employer will meet with their representatives and attempt through mutual discussion to resolve the issue as expeditiously as possible. 51.3 Clinic employees on the payroll prior to April 5, 1976 who are assigned a reduced work SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 47 schedule for reasons directly related to the change in clinic hours shall be treated in the same manner as Non-Union hourly employees with respect to vacation and sick leave accumulation and eligibility for Employer-paid Health Plan, Dental Plan, Group Life and Disability Insurance coverage. 51.4 Classification and Union Flexibility (Dental Only) Employees that have unscheduled time shall assist in areas that need extra support. This may include other classifications for which they are qualified to perform some or all of the duties. This may include other union bargaining units within dental and other Kaiser dental offices (movement is subject to twenty-five dollar ($25.00) bonus per Article 14.8 - clinician driven reduction in force). 52.0 INSERVICE EDUCATION 52.1 When an in-service education program is provided by the Employer for employees in a particular classification or classifications covered under the Agreement, the Employer will use its best efforts to insure that the training sessions are available to all employees in such classification or classifications. Such best efforts shall include the presentation of programs on alternate shifts when appropriate and alternating the time and shift of presentation as operations permit. 52.2 Other interested employees may attend such programs when space is available to permit their attendance if supervisors are able to arrange their absence from their assignments without unduly affecting the workflow. 52.3 Information pertaining to the Employer’s regional education program and tuition reimbursement program will be made available to employees upon request. 52.4 When the employer determines that an in-service program is mandatory, such in-service will occur on paid time. 53.0 EDUCATION (Also refer to provisions of National Agreement: Section 1 [D and E]) 53.1 The parties agree that education is a very important part of our professional lives, particularly in the health care field. In recognition of this, the Employer provides continuing education opportunities for bargaining unit employees within the budgetary process. Interested employees may contact Human Resources for specific information of programs and how to apply for educational funds. The Employer will provide intranet access, by ensuring that a PC and printer is identified for all members at each facility for each shift. In facilities where PC and printers are not yet available, and until such time as they are, the building administration will maintain an easily accessible supply of guidelines, applications and promotional information. Tuition Reimbursement 53.2 Eligible employees covered under this Agreement shall be entitled to participate in the Employer’s tuition reimbursement program in accordance with the policy effective May 1, 1988. Education Fund 53.3 48 The Employer and SEIU Local 49 agree to continue the Education Committee established in the parties 2000-2006 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Any modifications to the structure of this committee will be jointly determined by the Labor-Management Steering Committee. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Bargaining unit representatives to the Education Committee will be entitled to twelve (12) hours of paid time per month paid from the education fund to engage in duties associated with administering these funds. The use of these hours will be determined by the Education Committee. These hours are in addition to the regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the Education Committee. In each calendar year of the Labor Agreement, the Employer will contribute $36,500 to be administered by the Education Committee for a broad range of educational purposes, both work-related and work-life balance education courses. Funds not spent in any calendar year will be rolled over into the next calendar year. 54.0 CHILD CARE 54.1 The Employer will work cooperatively with the Union to study options for childcare. The Employer and the Union may negotiate jointly with childcare providers for the purpose of obtaining child care services for employees. The Employer will not be liable for childcare costs. 54.2 The Employee agrees to make a federally approved pre-tax child care deduction plan available to bargaining unit employees. Details of this plan will be set forth in a separate letter of agreement. 55.0 CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION 55.1 The Employer and the Union recognize the rights of individuals to refuse to participate directly in therapeutic abortion procedures. Employees who wish to exercise those rights shall submit their written request to the Employer. The Employer shall honor such requests by making reasonable accommodation, except in an emergency situation, where the immediate nature of the patient’s needs and rights shall take precedence over exercise of the employee’s rights. 56.0 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY PROVISIONS 56.1 The Employer and the Union recognize that extensive restructuring is currently occurring in the health care industry. In order to allow the Employer to respond to the demands of the market there may be occasions when employees are displaced from their current positions. When such actions appear imminent, the Employer commits to meeting with representatives of the bargaining unit thirty (30) days in advance of any anticipated long-term reduction to mutually explore ways to minimize the impact on employees, coordinate placement and other provisions of this Article. However, the provisions of this Article will not supersede any current written agreement, letters of understanding, or provisions of short-term or long-term RIF articles in the Current Agreement. Retraining A. Coverage - Regular employees whose positions are eliminated, whose coded hours are reduced by fifty percent (50%) or greater, or whose coded hours are reduced below benefit eligibility, and are unable to be placed in an open position for which the employee meets minimum qualifications within the thirty (30) day notice period. B. Provisions - Requests may be made by employees for retraining into open Bargaining Unit positions. Employees will be placed into open positions as trainees providing there is a reasonable expectation that the employee can meet the position minimum qualification within the 90-day training period and in keeping with all other provisions of this Article. The trainee must demonstrate proficiency in performing the new job duties within sixty (60) days after completion of the training period. If the employee fails to do so, he/she will be offered and must choose one of the three (3) following options: SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 49 1. Exercise seniority rights under Article 14.5C (bumping) in the former job classification. 2. Accept an on-call position in the former job classification at the previous worksite or other acceptable open on-call position. 3. Elect layoff and severance pay in accordance with this Article. Severance Allowance A. Coverage - Regular employees coded twenty (20) hours per week or more (including coded replacement), whose positions are eliminated, and for whom no open position can be found as outlined in Article 14 during the thirty (30) day notice period who are terminated. An employee must have a minimum of six (6) months service to qualify for any benefit under this Article. B. Provisions - The severance allowance will be determined by full years of service. Eligible employees will receive one (1) week severance allowance for each full year of service, but a minimum of one (1) week, maximum of fifteen (15). Employees will be given a choice of either receiving the allowance as a lump sum payment or in biweekly payroll payments. Employees receiving severance allowance in a lump sum payment are not eligible for rehire for a period of six (6) months from their termination date. Employees receiving a severance allowance in biweekly payments are eligible for rehire at any point; however, if rehire occurs prior to exhaustion of their severance allowance, severance payments will stop on the date of rehire. C. Medical and Dental Benefits - Employees receiving severance allowance shall receive continuation of Employer-paid medical and dental benefits for the same number of weeks as severance benefits with a minimum of one (1) month beyond month of termination and a maximum of four (4) months. After the expiration of Employer-paid coverage, employees will have the opportunity to purchase continued group health plan and dental plan coverage for an additional eighteen (18) months. D. Outplacement Support - Regularly scheduled employees with twenty (20) or more coded hours per week who are terminated because their positions have been eliminated are eligible to receive outplacement support as outlined in the Employer’s Employment Stability Policy. E. Employees rehired into a SEIU Bargaining Unit covered position will have the interval between termination and employment dates as unpaid leave of absence for the purpose of establishing seniority dates after rehire, provided no more than two years have elapsed from date of termination to rehire date, and the employee was terminated due to lack of available work (layoff). 57.0 PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS* Performance evaluations shall be based on objective and observable behaviors or activities as outlined in job descriptions. Performance evaluations are to be used as a teaching tool, provide an opportunity for feedback, recognition, and identification of mutual interest. Performance evaluations are not intended to be used as a means of discipline; therefore, the contents of such evaluations will not serve as a basis to deny transfer rights or promotions. Employees shall be provided performance evaluations annually and given a written copy of the performance evaluations document. Employees shall sign and date such material only as proof of receipt. Employees shall be given an opportunity to read and attach written comments to performance evaluations prior to placement in the employee’s personnel file. Performance evaluations shall not be grievable. 50 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 58.0 CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS AND PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION In accordance with the Employer’s compliance policies, indiscriminate or unauthorized review, use or disclosure of protected health information regarding any patient or employee is expressly prohibited. Reviewing, discussing, photocopying or disclosing patient information, medical or otherwise, is expressly prohibited, except where required in the regular course of business and where proper authorization has been obtained. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 51 52 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 53 INDEX See Table of Contents for Page Location of Articles Article Additional Hours (See Hours of Employment and Overtime) .............................................. Departmental Posting ............................................................................................... Pre-Scheduled........................................................................................................... Replacement (KSMC Only) ...................................................................................... Distribution of Overtime ............................................................................................ Annual Raise (See Tenure Step Adjustments)..................................................................... Arbitration............................................................................................................................. BAH Eligibility for Part-Time Employees .............................................................................. Bargaining Unit Work .......................................................................................................... Benefit Premiums................................................................................................................. Pre-Tax Deductions................................................................................................... Flexible Spending Accounts ..................................................................................... Benefits (See Health Plan) .................................................................................................. Dental Plan................................................................................................................ Disability Insurance ................................................................................................... Group Life Insurance ................................................................................................ Retirement Benefits .................................................................................................. Bereavement Leave ............................................................................................................ Bulletin Boards .................................................................................................................... Bumping (See Reduction in Force) ..................................................................................... Long-Term Reductions ........................................................................................................ Short-Term Reductions ........................................................................................................ Check-off for Union Dues (See Union Membership) ........................................................... Child Care ............................................................................................................................ Coded Replacement (See Types of Employees) ................................................................. Committees Joint Labor-Management Steering Committee ......................................................... Safety......................................................................................................................... Medical and Support Services................................................................................... Dental........................................................................................................................ General...................................................................................................................... Confidentiality of Records and Protected Health Information............................................... Conscientious Objection....................................................................................................... Contract Disputes/Grievance and Arbitration Procedure...................................................... Grievance and Arbitration Procedure ........................................................................ Contract Printing .................................................................................................................. 54 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 16.0 12.1 17.2A 17.3F 17.2 22.0 48.2 10.14 2.6 42.0 42.2 42.3 39.0 39.4 40.0 41.0 45.0 35.0 4.0 14.0 14.4 14.7 3.2 54.0 10.6-8 9.2 50.3 50.3 50.4 50.5 58.0 55.0 48.0 48.2 5.0 Article Dental Program ................................................................................................................... Job Posting................................................................................................................ Scheduling................................................................................................................. Safety Committee ..................................................................................................... Differentials .......................................................................................................................... Shift Differentials ....................................................................................................... Service Differentials................................................................................................... Training Differentials.................................................................................................. Bi-Lingual .................................................................................................................. Gardner/Irrigation Specialist ..................................................................................... Lead Worker ............................................................................................................. LTA-Surgical Pathology/Autopsy Assistant ............................................................... Orthodontic Assistant Trainee ................................................................................... Emergicenter MIS Replacements ............................................................................. Pre-Analytical Trainer ............................................................................................... Homebound Phlebotomist ........................................................................................ Medical Records Warehouse Work by Health Records Clerks................................. Disability Insurance ............................................................................................................. Short-Term Disability ................................................................................................. Long-Term Disability.................................................................................................. Discipline and Discharge...................................................................................................... Discrimination (See Non-Discrimination).............................................................................. Disputes (See Contract Disputes/Grievance Procedure) .................................................... Distribution of Overtime........................................................................................................ Education ............................................................................................................................. Tuition Reimbursement ............................................................................................. Education Fund ........................................................................................................ Emergency Appointments ......................................................................................... Employee Assistance Program (EAP).................................................................................. Employment Security Provisions.......................................................................................... Retraining.................................................................................................................. Severance Allowance................................................................................................ Employer Indemnification..................................................................................................... Floating ................................................................................................................................ Fringe Benefit Improvements Guarantee ............................................................................ Grievance Procedure ........................................................................................................... Group Life Insurance............................................................................................................ Voluntary Contributory Insurance ............................................................................. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 12.4 17.1 50.4 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7 28.8 28.9 28.10 28.11 28.12 40.0 40.1 40.2 49.0 6.0 48.0 17.6 53.0 53.2 53.3 34.8 44.0 56.0 56.1A-B 56.1A-E 3.6 15.0 43.0 48.0 41.0 41.4 41.4 55 Health and Safety.................................................................................................................... Placement of Bargaining Unit Injured Worker.............................................................. Safety Committees ...................................................................................................... Medical and Support Services..................................................................................... Dental Program ........................................................................................................... General........................................................................................................................ Health Plan............................................................................................................................. Dental Program ........................................................................................................... Hiring Practices ...................................................................................................................... Union Notified of Openings.......................................................................................... Job Bidding ................................................................................................................. Holidays ................................................................................................................................. Non 7/70 Schedule Employees ................................................................................... 7/70 Schedule Employees........................................................................................... Flexible Personal Days................................................................................................ General........................................................................................................................ Hours of Employment and Overtime ...................................................................................... 5/40 Schedule Employees........................................................................................... Extended Hours........................................................................................................... 4/40 Schedule Employees........................................................................................... 7/70 Schedule Employees........................................................................................... General........................................................................................................................ Inservice Education ............................................................................................................... Inter-Union Jurisdictional Disputes......................................................................................... Job Bidding ............................................................................................................................ Dental........................................................................................................................... General........................................................................................................................ SEIU Cross-Regional Cross Bidding ........................................................................... Job Bidding Leadpersons....................................................................................................... Job Descriptions..................................................................................................................... Job Posting (See Job Bidding) ............................................................................................... Jury Duty ................................................................................................................................ Labor Management Partnership Cooperation ........................................................................ Courteous and Responsible Relationships.................................................................. Joint Labor Management Steering Committees........................................................... Worksite Committees .................................................................................................. Examples of Issues of Mutual Concern ....................................................................... Committee Membership – Term Limits......................................................................... 56 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Article 50.0 50.2 50.3 50.3 50.4 50.5 39.0 39.4 3.7 3.7 12.0 32.0 32.1 32.3 32.4 32.5 16.0 16.1 16.5 16.6 16.10 16.14 52.0 47.0 12.0 12.4 12.5 12.7 13.0 25.0 12.0 36.0 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.7 9.9 9.11 Article Layoff (See Reduction in Force)............................................................................................... 14.0 Leadpersons (See Job Bidding Leadpersons) ........................................................................ 13.0 Leave of Absence .................................................................................................................... 46.0 Personal Leave.............................................................................................................. 46.1 Disability Leave ............................................................................................................ 46.2 Medical Leave .............................................................................................................. 46.3 Return from Leave of Absence...................................................................................... 46.4 General.......................................................................................................................... 46.6 Military Leave ............................................................................................................... 46.10 Leave for Union Position/Business ............................................................................... 46.11 Leave From Bargaining Unit ......................................................................................... 46.12 Life Insurance (See Group Life Insurance).............................................................................. 41.0 Management Rights ................................................................................................................ 2.9 Meal Periods (See Rest and Meal Periods) ............................................................................ 31.0 Mileage..................................................................................................................................... 26.0 Travel Time and Mileage .............................................................................................. 26.1 Replacement Pool & Other Employees Work Extra Hours ........................................... 26.2 General Mileage Reimbursement Provisions ............................................................... 26.3 No Duplication of Overtime (See Hours and Employment and Overtime) .............................. 16.1A No Strike No Lockout (See Work Stoppages) ......................................................................... 48.1 Non-Discrimination .................................................................................................................. 6.0 On-Call (See Temporary and On-Call Employees) ................................................................. 10.10 Outside Contractor (See Volunteers and Special Programs) .................................................. 2.8 Overtime Provisions (See Hours of Employment and Overtime)............................................. 16.0 5/40 Schedule Employees............................................................................................. 16.1 Extended Hours............................................................................................................. 16.5 4/40 Schedule Employees............................................................................................. 16.6 7/70 Schedule Employees............................................................................................ 16.10 General.......................................................................................................................... 16.14 Pay Day and Paychecks ......................................................................................................... 20.0 Termination Pay ............................................................................................................ 20.2 Performance Evaluations ........................................................................................................ 57.0 Prior Experience....................................................................................................................... 21.0 Probationary Period/Probationary Employees......................................................................... 10.1 Promotions .............................................................................................................................. 30.0 Purpose of Agreement/Conformity to Law................................................................................ 1.0 Reclassification ....................................................................................................................... 24.0 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 57 Recognition and Union Security .............................................................................................. Recognition................................................................................................................... Union Membership ....................................................................................................... Deduction and Remittance of Union Dues and Fees.................................................... COPE Check-Off .......................................................................................................... Employer Indemnification ............................................................................................. “Red Circle” Pay ...................................................................................................................... Reduction in Force .................................................................................................................. Long-Term Reductions ................................................................................................. Options for Employees Affected by Long-Term Reduction............................................ Short-Term Reductions ................................................................................................ Clinician Driven Reductions/Short-Term Reductions Only ........................................... $25 Bonus Pay ............................................................................................................. Regular Employees (See Types of Employees)...................................................................... Regular Employees – Non 7/70 Schedule.................................................................... Regular Employees – 7/70 Schedule ........................................................................... Other Regular Employees – Coded Replacement........................................................ Reporting Pay ......................................................................................................................... Rest and Meal Periods ........................................................................................................... Retirement Benefits................................................................................................................. Pension ........................................................................................................................ TSA............................................................................................................................... Return to Former Job (See Job Bidding)................................................................................. 31 Day Rights .............................................................................................................. After Leave of Absence (See Leave of Absence)......................................................... Scheduling .............................................................................................................................. Medical/Dental Clinics and All Other Outpatient Departments...................................... KSMC Inpatient Nursing Departments.......................................................................... Department of Transportation....................................................................................... General......................................................................................................................... Workload ...................................................................................................................... Posting of Final Schedule............................................................................................. Scope of Agreement................................................................................................................ Seniority .................................................................................................................................. Definition ...................................................................................................................... General Bidding............................................................................................................ Reduction in Force ....................................................................................................... Shift Start Time Assignments ....................................................................................... After Classification Transfers........................................................................................ 58 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Article 3.0 3.1A 3.2 3.3B 3.3C 3.4 23.0 14.0 14.3 14.4 14.7 14.8 14.8 10.0 10.2-3 10.4-5 10.6-8 18.0 31.0 45.0 45.2 38.0 12.0 12.8 46.0 17.0 17.1 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.9 16.4 2.0 11.0 11.1 12.2 14.1 11.2 46.13 Article Loss of Seniority ............................................................................................................ Shift Differentials (See Differentials)......................................................................................... Shift Trades............................................................................................................................... Sick Leave................................................................................................................................ Non 7/70 Schedule Employees .................................................................................... 7/70 Schedule Employees............................................................................................. General.......................................................................................................................... Staffing ..................................................................................................................................... Classification and Union Flexibility (Dental Only) ......................................................... Standby Pay.............................................................................................................................. Tax Sheltered Savings Plan (See Retirement Benefits) ........................................................... Technological Changes............................................................................................................. Temporary Employees (See Temporary and On-Call Employees) .......................................... Tenure Step Adjustments.......................................................................................................... Time Off Requests ................................................................................................................... Without Pay Days .......................................................................................................... Types of Employees................................................................................................................. Probationary Employees/Probationary Period .............................................................. Regular Employees – Non 7/70 Schedule..................................................................... Regular Employees – 7/70 Schedule ............................................................................ Other Regular Employees – Coded Replacement......................................................... Upcoding On-Call to Coded Replacement .................................................................... Coded Replacement Upcoding...................................................................................... Temporary and On-Call Employees .............................................................................. In-Lieu-of-Benefits Eligibility .......................................................................................... Upcoding of Part-time Employees ................................................................................. Replacement Pool ......................................................................................................... Union Dues .............................................................................................................................. Union Membership ................................................................................................................... Union Security (See Recognition and Union Security) ............................................................ Union Stewards........................................................................................................................ Upcoding (See Types of Employees) ...................................................................................... Union Orientation (See Union Stewards) ................................................................................. Union Staff Representatives..................................................................................................... SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 11.3 28.0 17.5 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 51.0 51.4 27.0 38.0 51.1 10.10 22.0 37.0 37.2 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.4 10.6 10.7 10.9 10.10 10.14 10.15 10.16 3.3 3.2 3.0 8.0 10.0 8.2 7.1 59 Article Vacations ................................................................................................................................. 33.0 Non 7/70 Schedule Employees ..................................................................................... 33.1 Vacation Scheduling – Non 7/70 Schedule Employees................................................. 33.13 Change in Vacation Procedure...................................................................................... 33.17 7/70 Schedule Employees............................................................................................. 33.18 General.......................................................................................................................... 33.21 Volunteers and Special Programs............................................................................................ 2.7 Wage Rates (See Appendix A) ................................................................................................ 19.0 Recruitment, Retention and Other Adjustments ........................................................... 19.3 Starting Rate (See Prior Experience & Tenure Step Adjustments)................................ 21.0 & 22.0 Without Pay Days “WOP” (See Time Off Requests) ............................................................... 37.2 Work in Higher Classification .................................................................................................. 29.0 60 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 61 62 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 63 64 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 65 66 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 67 68 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 69 70 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 71 72 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 SEIU LOCAL 49 WAGE SCALES Several job codes cover multiple job titles. In cases where there are multiple job titles they all move through the scale from step one to the top step. Job Code Job Title 3736 EVS, DISPATCHER, LINEN & BED 1022 2092 0085 74 LAB TECH ASST (CEN) SURG PATH ASST. AUTOPSY RECEPTION/ CASHIER 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SE 01 01 0 0 $16.77 $17.11 $17.45 SE 01 02 6 520 $17.23 $17.57 $17.92 SE 01 03 12 1040 $17.55 $17.90 $18.26 SE 01 04 24 2080 $18.27 $18.64 $19.01 SE 01 05 36 3120 $19.02 $19.40 $19.79 SE 01 06 48 4160 $19.78 $20.18 $20.58 SE 01 07 60 5200 $20.56 $20.97 $21.39 SE 02 01 0 0 $17.28 $17.63 $17.98 SE 02 02 6 520 $17.78 $18.14 $18.50 SE 02 03 12 1040 $18.28 $18.65 $19.02 SE 02 04 24 2080 $18.78 $19.16 $19.54 SE 02 05 36 3120 $19.29 $19.68 $20.07 SE 02 06 48 4160 $19.79 $20.19 $20.59 SE 02 07 60 5200 $20.31 $20.72 $21.13 SE 02 08 72 6240 $20.79 $21.21 $21.63 SE 03 01 0 0 $18.15 $18.51 $18.88 SE 03 02 6 520 $18.66 $19.03 $19.41 SE 03 03 12 1040 $19.18 $19.56 $19.95 SE 03 04 24 2080 $19.69 $20.08 $20.48 SE 03 05 36 3120 $20.22 $20.62 $21.03 SE 03 06 48 4160 $20.73 $21.14 $21.56 SE 03 07 60 5200 $21.24 $21.66 $22.09 SE 03 08 72 6240 $21.77 $22.21 $22.65 SE 04 01 0 0 $16.32 $16.65 $16.98 SE 04 02 6 520 $16.65 $16.98 $17.32 SE 04 03 12 1,040 $16.99 $17.33 $17.68 SE 04 04 24 2,080 $17.69 $18.04 $18.40 SE 04 05 36 3,120 $18.35 $18.72 $19.09 SE 04 06 48 4,160 $19.13 $19.51 $19.90 SE 04 07 60 5,200 $20.23 $20.63 $21.04 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 0131 0446 1584 3118 Job Title BUSINESS CASHIER OFC CASHIER, HBO DETAIL CLERK, KPRR SPEC, CENTRAL INTAKEIDM 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SE 05 01 0 0 $16.31 $16.64 $16.97 SE 05 02 6 520 $16.63 $16.96 $17.30 SE 05 03 12 1,040 $16.95 $17.29 $17.64 SE 05 04 24 2,080 $17.63 $17.98 $18.34 SE 05 05 36 3,120 $18.26 $18.63 $19.00 SE 05 06 48 4,160 $18.92 $19.30 $19.69 SE 05 07 60 5,200 $19.56 $19.95 $20.35 SE 06 01 0 0 $17.13 $17.47 $17.82 SE 06 02 6 520 $17.47 $17.82 $18.18 SE 06 03 12 1,040 $17.81 $18.17 $18.53 SE 06 04 24 2,080 $18.48 $18.85 $19.23 SE 06 05 36 3,120 $19.19 $19.57 $19.96 SE 06 06 48 4,160 $19.88 $20.28 $20.69 SE 06 07 60 5,200 $20.54 $20.95 $21.37 SE 07 01 0 0 $21.81 $22.25 $22.70 SE 07 02 6 520 $22.21 $22.65 $23.10 SE 07 03 12 1040 $22.62 $23.07 $23.53 SE 07 04 24 2080 $23.47 $23.94 $24.42 SE 07 05 36 3120 $24.34 $24.83 $25.33 SE 07 06 48 4160 $25.25 $25.76 $26.28 SE 07 07 60 5200 $26.18 $26.70 $27.23 SE 08 01 0 0 $17.45 $17.80 $18.16 SE 08 02 6 520 $18.03 $18.39 $18.76 SE 08 03 12 1040 $18.62 $18.99 $19.37 SE 08 04 24 2080 $19.20 $19.58 $19.97 SE 08 05 36 3120 $19.78 $20.18 $20.58 SE 08 06 48 4160 $20.36 $20.77 $21.19 SE 08 07 60 5200 $20.93 $21.35 $21.78 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 75 Job Code 1475 0807 2066 3879 3880 3152 76 Job Title 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SE 09 01 0 0 $17.63 $17.98 $18.34 SE 09 02 6 520 $18.17 $18.53 $18.90 SE 09 03 12 1040 $18.70 $19.07 $19.45 SE 09 04 24 2080 $19.79 $20.19 $20.59 SE 09 05 36 3120 $20.89 $21.31 $21.74 SE 09 06 48 4160 $21.97 $22.41 $22.86 SE 09 07 60 5200 $23.07 $23.53 $24.00 SE 10 01 0 0 $19.17 $19.55 $19.94 SE 10 02 6 520 $19.70 $20.09 $20.49 SE 10 03 12 1040 $20.26 $20.67 $21.08 SE 10 04 18 1560 $20.79 $21.21 $21.63 SE 10 05 24 2080 $21.35 $21.78 $22.22 SE 10 06 30 2600 $21.89 $22.33 $22.78 SE 10 07 36 3120 $22.45 $22.90 $23.36 SE 10 08 42 3640 $22.99 $23.45 $23.92 SE 11 01 0 0 $17.83 $18.19 $18.55 SE 11 02 6 520 $18.43 $18.80 $19.18 SE 11 03 12 1040 $19.03 $19.41 $19.80 SE 11 04 24 2080 $19.66 $20.05 $20.45 SE 11 05 36 3120 $20.26 $20.67 $21.08 SE 11 06 48 4160 $20.85 $21.27 $21.70 SE 11 07 60 5200 $21.45 $21.88 $22.32 INTERPRETERPATIENT ACCESS SE 12 01 0 0 $18.06 $18.40 $18.75 INTERPRETERREGISTRATION REP SE 12 02 6 520 $18.38 $18.73 $19.08 MEMBER INTAKE SPECIALIST, INTER. SE 12 03 12 1040 $18.73 $19.08 $19.44 SE 12 04 24 2080 $19.43 $19.80 $20.18 SE 12 05 36 3120 $20.09 $20.47 $20.86 SE 12 06 48 4160 $20.87 $21.27 $21.68 SE 12 07 60 5200 $21.97 $22.39 $22.82 SPEC, DENTAL STAFF SCHED REGISTRATION/ SCHEDULE COORDINATOR HEALTH CARE TEAM SECRETARY SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 1040 3561 3581 3582 1088 3875 3876 0912 Job Title PHLEBOTOMIST OREGON PHLEBOTOMIST WASHINGTON PHLEBOTOMIST - WA FLOAT PHLEBOTOMIST - OR FLOAT LABORATORY CLERK PATIENT ACCESS SPECIALIST REGISTRATION REP CONTROL CASHIER VAR 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SE 13 01 0 0 $18.13 $18.49 $18.86 SE 13 02 6 520 $18.66 $19.03 $19.41 SE 13 03 12 1040 $19.18 $19.56 $19.95 SE 13 04 24 2080 $19.71 $20.10 $20.50 SE 13 05 36 3120 $20.22 $20.62 $21.03 SE 13 06 48 4160 $20.72 $21.13 $21.55 SE 13 07 60 5200 $21.26 $21.69 $22.12 SE 13 08 72 6240 $21.77 $22.21 $22.65 SE 15 01 0 0 $16.20 $16.52 $16.85 SE 15 02 6 520 $16.55 $16.88 $17.22 SE 15 03 12 1040 $16.92 $17.26 $17.61 SE 15 04 24 2080 $17.67 $18.02 $18.38 SE 15 05 36 3120 $18.44 $18.81 $19.19 SE 15 06 48 4160 $19.25 $19.64 $20.03 SE 15 07 60 5200 $20.09 $20.49 $20.90 SE 16 01 0 0 $17.06 $17.40 $17.75 SE 16 02 6 520 $17.38 $17.73 $18.08 SE 16 03 12 1040 $17.73 $18.08 $18.44 SE 16 04 24 2080 $18.43 $18.80 $19.18 SE 16 05 36 3120 $19.09 $19.47 $19.86 SE 16 06 48 4160 $19.87 $20.27 $20.68 SE 16 07 60 5200 $20.97 $21.39 $21.82 SE 18 01 0 0 $18.55 $18.92 $19.30 SE 18 02 6 520 $18.92 $19.30 $19.69 SE 18 03 12 1040 $19.27 $19.66 $20.05 SE 18 04 24 2080 $20.00 $20.40 $20.81 SE 18 05 36 3120 $20.76 $21.18 $21.60 SE 18 06 48 4160 $21.52 $21.95 $22.39 SE 18 07 60 5200 $22.24 $22.68 $23.13 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 77 Job Code Job Title 2630 PHLEBOTOMIST, HOMEBOUND 1599 3563 3477 78 TRANSPORTATION TEAM SECRETARY SENIOR GARDNER OPHTH, PHOTOGRAPHER 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SE 19 01 0 0 $19.97 $20.37 $20.78 SE 19 02 6 520 $20.51 $20.92 $21.34 SE 19 03 12 1040 $21.04 $21.46 $21.89 SE 19 04 24 2080 $21.57 $22.00 $22.44 SE 19 05 36 3120 $22.07 $22.51 $22.96 SE 19 06 48 4160 $22.58 $23.03 $23.49 SE 19 07 60 5200 $23.11 $23.57 $24.04 SE 19 08 72 6240 $23.62 $24.09 $24.57 SE 27 01 0 0 $17.66 $18.01 $18.37 SE 27 02 6 520 $18.45 $18.82 $19.20 SE 27 03 12 1040 $19.26 $19.65 $20.04 SE 27 04 18 1560 $20.06 $20.46 $20.87 SE 27 05 24 2080 $20.87 $21.29 $21.72 SE 27 06 30 2600 $21.68 $22.11 $22.55 SE 27 07 36 3120 $22.47 $22.92 $23.38 SE 27 08 42 3640 $23.29 $23.76 $24.24 SE 28 01 0 0 $20.27 $20.68 $21.09 SE 28 02 6 520 $21.00 $21.42 $21.85 SE 28 03 12 1040 $21.74 $22.17 $22.61 SE 28 04 24 2080 $22.46 $22.91 $23.37 SE 28 05 36 3120 $23.19 $23.65 $24.12 SE 28 06 48 4160 $23.92 $24.40 $24.89 SE 28 07 60 5200 $24.71 $25.20 $25.70 SE 29 01 0 0 $33.51 $34.18 $34.86 SE 29 02 6 520 $34.47 $35.16 $35.86 SE 29 03 12 1040 $35.42 $36.13 $36.85 SE 29 04 18 1560 $36.38 $37.11 $37.85 SE 29 05 24 2080 $37.33 $38.08 $38.84 SE 29 06 30 2600 $38.29 $39.06 $39.84 SE 29 07 36 3120 $39.24 $40.02 $40.82 SE 29 08 42 3640 $40.21 $41.01 $41.83 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 3589 3872 1468 2547 Job Title COUNSELOR, FINANCIAL NUTRITION ASSISTANT COOK, II EQUIP, SUPPLY & INVENTORY SPEC. 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SE 30 01 0 0 $20.27 $20.68 $21.09 SE 30 02 6 520 $20.90 $21.32 $21.75 SE 30 03 12 1040 $21.53 $21.96 $22.40 SE 30 04 18 1560 $22.17 $22.61 $23.06 SE 30 05 24 2080 $22.81 $23.27 $23.74 SE 30 06 30 2600 $23.44 $23.91 $24.39 SE 30 07 36 3120 $24.07 $24.55 $25.04 SE 30 08 42 3640 $24.71 $25.20 $25.70 SE 33 01 0 0 $16.79 $17.13 $17.47 SE 33 02 6 520 $17.44 $17.79 $18.15 SE 33 03 12 1040 $18.09 $18.45 $18.82 SE 33 04 24 2080 $18.75 $19.13 $19.51 SE 33 05 36 3120 $19.39 $19.78 $20.18 SE 33 06 48 4160 $20.05 $20.45 $20.86 SE 33 07 60 5200 $20.71 $21.12 $21.54 SE 44 01 0 0 $19.22 $19.60 $19.99 SE 44 02 6 520 $19.61 $20.00 $20.40 SE 44 03 12 1040 $19.97 $20.37 $20.78 SE 44 04 24 2080 $20.83 $21.25 $21.68 SE 44 05 36 3120 $21.63 $22.06 $22.50 SE 44 06 48 4160 $22.55 $23.00 $23.46 SE 44 07 60 5200 $23.43 $23.90 $24.38 SE 45 01 0 0 $19.27 $19.66 $20.05 SE 45 02 6 520 $19.64 $20.03 $20.43 SE 45 03 12 1040 $20.00 $20.40 $20.81 SE 45 04 24 2080 $20.75 $21.17 $21.59 SE 45 05 36 3120 $21.52 $21.95 $22.39 SE 45 06 48 4160 $22.33 $22.78 $23.24 SE 45 07 60 5200 $23.16 $23.62 $24.09 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 79 Job Code Job Title 0398 PHYS. MEDICINE AIDE REHABILITATION AID 2526 3172 2404 2177 80 DENTAL MEMBER II ASST. AGENCY EFDA DENTAL ASST. FEE/BENEFIT SUPP SPECIALIST 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SE 46 01 0 0 $16.95 $17.29 $17.64 SE 46 02 6 520 $17.26 $17.61 $17.96 SE 46 03 12 1040 $17.60 $17.95 $18.31 SE 46 04 24 2080 $18.26 $18.63 $19.00 SE 46 05 36 3120 $18.94 $19.32 $19.71 SE 46 06 48 4160 $19.90 $20.30 $20.71 SE 46 07 60 5200 $20.38 $20.79 $21.21 SE 47 01 0 0 $17.95 $18.31 $18.67 SE 47 02 6 520 $18.31 $18.68 $19.05 SE 47 03 12 1040 $18.67 $19.04 $19.43 SE 47 04 24 2080 $19.44 $19.83 $20.22 SE 47 05 36 3120 $20.18 $20.58 $20.99 SE 47 06 48 4160 $21.03 $21.45 $21.88 SE 47 07 60 5200 $21.84 $22.28 $22.73 SE 49 01 0 0 $19.94 $20.28 $20.63 SE 49 02 6 520 $20.23 $20.57 $20.92 SE 49 03 12 1040 $20.55 $20.90 $21.26 SE 49 04 24 2080 $21.25 $21.62 $21.99 SE 49 05 36 3120 $22.19 $22.57 $22.96 SE 49 06 48 4160 $23.09 $23.49 $23.90 SE 49 07 60 5200 $24.10 $24.52 $24.95 SE 50 01 0 0 $19.57 $19.96 $20.36 SE 50 02 6 520 $19.97 $20.37 $20.78 SE 50 03 12 1040 $20.34 $20.75 $21.17 SE 50 04 24 2080 $21.19 $21.61 $22.04 SE 50 05 36 3120 $22.00 $22.44 $22.89 SE 50 06 48 4160 $22.92 $23.38 $23.85 SE 50 07 60 5200 $23.78 $24.26 $24.75 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 1473 1491 1457 1458 Job Title WAREHOUSE SPECIALIST LPN LARGE VAN DRIVER MESSENGER 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SE 51 01 0 0 $19.38 $19.77 $20.17 SE 51 02 6 520 $19.79 $20.19 $20.59 SE 51 03 12 1040 $20.12 $20.52 $20.93 SE 51 04 24 2080 $20.98 $21.40 $21.83 SE 51 05 36 3120 $21.85 $22.29 $22.74 SE 51 06 48 4160 $22.68 $23.13 $23.59 SE 51 07 60 5200 $23.80 $24.28 $24.77 SE 52 01 0 0 $19.85 $20.25 $20.66 SE 52 02 12 1040 $20.90 $21.32 $21.75 SE 52 03 24 2080 $21.42 $21.85 $22.29 SE 52 04 36 3120 $21.95 $22.39 $22.84 SE 52 05 48 4160 $22.50 $22.95 $23.41 SE 52 06 60 5200 $23.17 $23.63 $24.10 SE 52 07 72 6240 $23.76 $24.24 $24.72 SE 52 08 96 8320 $24.36 $24.85 $25.35 SE 52 09 120 10400 $25.33 $25.84 $26.36 SE 52 10 144 12480 $26.19 $26.71 $27.24 SE 53 01 0 0 $20.27 $20.68 $21.09 SE 53 02 6 520 $20.66 $21.07 $21.49 SE 53 03 12 1040 $21.09 $21.51 $21.94 SE 53 04 24 2080 $21.93 $22.37 $22.82 SE 53 05 36 3120 $22.80 $23.26 $23.73 SE 53 06 48 4160 $23.69 $24.16 $24.64 SE 53 07 60 5200 $24.71 $25.20 $25.70 SE 54 01 0 0 $14.19 $14.47 $14.76 SE 54 02 6 520 $14.49 $14.78 $15.08 SE 54 03 12 1040 $14.80 $15.10 $15.40 SE 54 04 24 2080 $15.40 $15.71 $16.02 SE 54 05 36 3120 $15.98 $16.30 $16.63 SE 54 06 48 4160 $16.65 $16.98 $17.32 SE 54 07 60 5200 $17.32 $17.67 $18.02 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 81 Job Code Job Title Scale Grade Step Months Hours 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 1477 DENTAL AIDE SE 55 01 0 0 $14.55 $14.84 $15.14 4045 DENTAL AIDE-WA SE 55 02 6 520 $14.89 $15.19 $15.49 SE 55 03 12 1040 $15.11 $15.41 $15.72 SE 55 04 24 2080 $15.80 $16.12 $16.44 SE 55 05 36 3120 $16.37 $16.70 $17.03 SE 55 06 48 4160 $17.03 $17.37 $17.72 SE 55 07 60 5200 $17.72 $18.07 $18.43 LINEN ROOM WORKER SE 56 01 0 0 $14.55 $14.84 $15.14 HOUSEKEEPING AIDE SE 56 02 6 520 $14.89 $15.19 $15.49 SE 56 03 12 1040 $15.15 $15.45 $15.76 SE 56 04 24 2080 $15.76 $16.08 $16.40 SE 56 05 36 3120 $16.37 $16.70 $17.03 SE 56 06 48 4160 $17.05 $17.39 $17.74 SE 56 07 60 5200 $17.74 $18.09 $18.45 SE 57 01 0 0 $16.45 $16.78 $17.12 SE 57 02 6 520 $16.80 $17.14 $17.48 SE 57 03 12 1040 $17.04 $17.38 $17.73 SE 57 04 24 2080 $17.66 $18.01 $18.37 SE 57 05 36 3120 $18.27 $18.64 $19.01 SE 57 06 48 4160 $18.95 $19.33 $19.72 SE 57 07 60 5200 $19.65 $20.04 $20.44 SE 59 01 0 0 $15.37 $15.68 $15.99 SE 59 02 6 520 $15.64 $15.95 $16.27 SE 59 03 12 1040 $15.98 $16.30 $16.63 SE 59 04 24 2080 $16.65 $16.98 $17.32 SE 59 05 36 3120 $17.28 $17.63 $17.98 SE 59 06 48 4160 $17.93 $18.29 $18.66 SE 59 07 60 5200 $18.69 $19.06 $19.44 SE 61 01 0 0 $17.74 $18.09 $18.45 SE 61 02 6 520 $18.11 $18.47 $18.84 1461 1462 3227 1479 1492 1493 82 FLOOR CARE/ PROJECT WORKER DENTAL ASSISTANT I ORTHO CERT ASSISTANT - OR TMD ASSISTANT SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 1530 2397 3222 3990 1476 Job Title PREV TECH, DENOR ASSISTANT ORAL SURGERYCERTIFIED ASSISTANT ORTHO, CERT ASSISTANT - WA PREV TECH ASSISTANT, DENWA DENTAL REC SPECIALIST, REL Scale Grade Step Months Hours 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 SE 61 03 12 1040 $18.41 $18.78 $19.16 SE 61 04 24 2080 $19.19 $19.57 $19.96 SE 61 05 36 3120 $20.09 $20.49 $20.90 SE 61 06 48 4160 $21.09 $21.51 $21.94 SE 61 07 60 5200 $22.15 $22.59 $23.04 SE 62 01 0 0 $17.05 $17.39 $17.74 SE 62 02 6 520 $17.76 $18.12 $18.48 SE 62 03 12 1040 $18.44 $18.81 $19.19 SE 62 04 24 2080 $19.22 $19.60 $19.99 SE 62 05 36 3120 $20.04 $20.44 $20.85 SE 62 06 48 4160 $21.13 $21.55 $21.98 SE 62 07 60 5200 $22.32 $22.77 $23.23 1455 CHART COURIER SE 63 01 0 0 $17.55 $17.90 $18.26 1467 COOK, I SE 63 02 6 520 $17.87 $18.23 $18.59 SE 63 03 12 1040 $18.26 $18.63 $19.00 SE 63 04 24 2080 $18.99 $19.37 $19.76 SE 63 05 36 3120 $19.78 $20.18 $20.58 SE 63 06 48 4160 $20.52 $20.93 $21.35 SE 63 07 60 5200 $21.37 $21.80 $22.24 SE 65 01 0 0 $20.89 $21.31 $21.74 SE 65 02 6 520 $21.28 $21.71 $22.14 SE 65 03 12 1040 $21.65 $22.08 $22.52 SE 65 04 24 2080 $22.48 $22.93 $23.39 SE 65 05 36 3120 $23.34 $23.81 $24.29 SE 65 06 48 4160 $24.30 $24.79 $25.29 SE 65 07 60 5200 $25.18 $25.68 $26.19 1490 OPTHALMIC TECH SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 83 Job Code 1481 Job Title SURGERY AIDE 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SE 66 01 0 0 $15.64 $15.95 $16.27 SE 66 02 6 520 $15.96 $16.28 $16.61 SE 66 03 12 1040 $16.23 $16.55 $16.88 SE 66 04 24 2080 $16.93 $17.27 $17.62 SE 66 05 36 3120 $17.55 $17.90 $18.26 SE 66 06 48 4160 $18.25 $18.62 $18.99 SE 66 07 60 5200 $18.95 $19.33 $19.72 2193 TECH, CSP I SE 67 01 0 0 $15.64 $15.95 $16.27 2195 TECH, MATERIALS I SE 67 02 6 520 $15.96 $16.28 $16.61 SE 67 03 12 1040 $16.23 $16.55 $16.88 SE 67 04 24 2080 $16.93 $17.27 $17.62 SE 67 05 36 3120 $17.55 $17.90 $18.26 SE 67 06 48 4160 $18.25 $18.62 $18.99 SE 67 07 60 5200 $18.95 $19.33 $19.72 SE 68 01 0 0 $15.39 $15.70 $16.01 SE 68 02 6 520 $15.68 $15.99 $16.31 SE 68 03 12 1040 $15.96 $16.28 $16.61 SE 68 04 24 2080 $16.65 $16.98 $17.32 SE 68 05 36 3120 $17.32 $17.67 $18.02 SE 68 06 48 4160 $17.99 $18.35 $18.72 SE 68 07 60 5200 $18.72 $19.09 $19.47 1464 CAFETERIA AIDE 1465 DIET AIDE SE 69 01 0 0 $16.15 $16.47 $16.80 1484 HOME HEALTH AIDE SE 69 02 6 520 $16.49 $16.82 $17.16 3871 NUTRITION AIDE SE 69 03 12 1040 $16.76 $17.10 $17.44 4338 HOSPITALITY AIDE SE 69 04 24 2080 $17.46 $17.81 $18.17 SE 69 05 36 3120 $18.18 $18.54 $18.91 SE 69 06 48 4160 $18.88 $19.26 $19.65 SE 69 07 60 5200 $19.69 $20.08 $20.48 SE 70 01 0 0 $17.02 $17.36 $17.71 SE 70 02 6 520 $17.37 $17.72 $18.07 SE 70 03 12 1040 $17.74 $18.09 $18.45 SE 70 04 24 2080 $18.44 $18.81 $19.19 SE 70 05 36 3120 $19.19 $19.57 $19.96 SE 70 06 48 4160 $19.95 $20.35 $20.76 SE 70 07 60 5200 $20.76 $21.18 $21.60 1454 84 GARDENER SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code Job Title 1486 3306 1471 1472 1488 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours ASST, EFDA CERT DNTL - OR SE 71 01 0 0 $16.94 $17.28 $17.63 ASST, EFDA DENT CERT - WA SE 71 02 6 520 $17.23 $17.57 $17.92 SE 71 03 12 1040 $17.55 $17.90 $18.26 SE 71 04 24 2080 $18.25 $18.62 $18.99 SE 71 05 36 3120 $19.19 $19.57 $19.96 SE 71 06 48 4160 $20.09 $20.49 $20.90 SE 71 07 60 5200 $21.10 $21.52 $21.95 SE 72 01 0 0 $16.32 $16.65 $16.98 SE 72 02 6 520 $16.65 $16.98 $17.32 SE 72 03 12 1040 $16.99 $17.33 $17.68 SE 72 04 24 2080 $17.69 $18.04 $18.40 SE 72 05 36 3120 $18.35 $18.72 $19.09 SE 72 06 48 4160 $19.13 $19.51 $19.90 SE 72 07 60 5200 $19.90 $20.30 $20.71 SE 73 01 0 0 $17.85 $18.21 $18.57 SE 73 02 6 520 $18.25 $18.62 $18.99 SE 73 03 12 1040 $18.56 $18.93 $19.31 SE 73 04 24 2080 $19.31 $19.70 $20.09 SE 73 05 36 3120 $20.09 $20.49 $20.90 SE 73 06 48 4160 $20.91 $21.33 $21.76 SE 73 07 60 5200 $21.71 $22.14 $22.58 DENTAL MEMBER ASSISTANT DENTAL RECORD SPECIALIST UNIT SPECIALIST 1489 MEDICAL ASSISTANT SE 74 01 0 0 $17.53 $17.88 $18.24 3217 MEDICAL ASSISTANT - HCA CERT SE 74 02 6 520 $17.87 $18.23 $18.59 SE 74 03 12 1040 $18.20 $18.56 $18.93 SE 74 04 24 2080 $18.87 $19.25 $19.64 SE 74 05 36 3120 $19.57 $19.96 $20.36 SE 74 06 48 4160 $20.38 $20.79 $21.21 SE 74 07 60 5200 $21.33 $21.76 $22.20 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 85 Job Code 1496 3569 4399 3717 1723 1470 86 Job Title 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SE 76 01 0 0 $16.88 $17.22 $17.56 SE 76 02 6 520 $17.37 $17.72 $18.07 SE 76 03 12 1040 $17.83 $18.19 $18.55 SE 76 04 24 2080 $18.79 $19.17 $19.55 SE 76 05 36 3120 $19.79 $20.19 $20.59 SE 76 06 48 4160 $20.18 $20.58 $20.99 SE 76 07 60 5200 $20.27 $20.68 $21.09 CERT NURSE II ACUTE CARE SE 78 01 0 0 $15.84 $16.16 $16.48 CERT NURSE II ASST. MOBILITY TEAM SE 78 02 6 520 $16.29 $16.62 $16.95 PAT TRANS/LT TEAM ACUTE CNA II SE 78 03 12 1040 $16.62 $16.95 $17.29 SE 78 04 24 2080 $17.34 $17.69 $18.04 SE 78 05 36 3120 $18.07 $18.43 $18.80 SE 78 06 48 4160 $18.85 $19.23 $19.61 SE 78 07 60 5200 $19.62 $20.01 $20.41 SE 79 01 0 0 $17.83 $18.19 $18.55 SE 79 02 6 520 $18.25 $18.62 $18.99 SE 79 03 12 1040 $18.56 $18.93 $19.31 SE 79 04 24 2080 $19.30 $19.69 $20.08 SE 79 05 36 3120 $20.08 $20.48 $20.89 SE 79 06 48 4160 $20.91 $21.33 $21.76 SE 79 07 60 5200 $21.71 $22.14 $22.58 SE 83 01 0 0 $17.06 $17.40 $17.75 SE 83 02 6 520 $17.38 $17.73 $18.08 SE 83 03 12 1040 $17.73 $18.08 $18.44 SE 83 04 24 2080 $18.43 $18.80 $19.18 SE 83 05 36 3120 $19.09 $19.47 $19.86 SE 83 06 48 4160 $19.87 $20.27 $20.68 SE 83 07 60 5200 $20.97 $21.39 $21.82 COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR ASST, CERT PT CARE MEMBER INTAKE SPECIALIST SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 1617 Job Title UNIT SPECIALIST II 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SE 93 01 0 0 $18.33 $18.70 $19.07 SE 93 02 6 520 $18.72 $19.09 $19.47 SE 93 03 12 1040 $19.09 $19.47 $19.86 SE 93 04 24 2080 $19.83 $20.23 $20.63 SE 93 05 36 3120 $20.60 $21.01 $21.43 SE 93 06 48 4160 $21.37 $21.80 $22.24 SE 93 07 60 5200 $22.13 $22.57 $23.02 1628 TOWN HALL AIDE SE 94 01 0 0 $17.30 $17.65 $18.00 3370 TOWN HALL SUPPORT SE 94 02 6 520 $17.66 $18.01 $18.37 SE 94 03 12 1040 $18.02 $18.38 $18.75 SE 94 04 24 2080 $18.69 $19.06 $19.44 SE 94 05 36 3120 $19.39 $19.78 $20.18 SE 94 06 48 4160 $20.09 $20.49 $20.90 SE 94 07 60 5200 $20.82 $21.24 $21.66 CERT PT CARE ACUTE II , ASST. SE 95 01 0 0 $18.09 $18.45 $18.82 SURG PT CARE ACUTE II , ASST. SE 95 02 6 520 $18.59 $18.96 $19.34 SE 95 03 12 1040 $18.97 $19.35 $19.74 SE 95 04 24 2080 $19.77 $20.17 $20.57 SE 95 05 36 3120 $20.61 $21.02 $21.44 SE 95 06 48 4160 $21.49 $21.92 $22.36 SE 95 07 60 5200 $22.35 $22.80 $23.26 SE 96 01 0 0 $17.83 $18.19 $18.55 SE 96 02 6 520 $18.39 $18.76 $19.14 SE 96 03 12 1040 $18.94 $19.32 $19.71 SE 96 04 24 2080 $19.51 $19.90 $20.30 SE 96 05 36 3120 $20.05 $20.45 $20.86 SE 96 06 48 4160 $20.60 $21.01 $21.43 SE 96 07 60 5200 $21.15 $21.57 $22.00 3720 3870 2196 MATERIALS TECH II SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 87 Job Code 2509 3384 2198 2690 2225 1325 88 Job Title 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SE 97 01 0 0 $19.07 $19.45 $19.84 SE 97 02 6 520 $19.70 $20.09 $20.49 SE 97 03 12 1040 $20.33 $20.74 $21.15 SE 97 04 24 2080 $20.95 $21.37 $21.80 SE 97 05 36 3120 $21.58 $22.01 $22.45 SE 97 06 48 4160 $22.21 $22.65 $23.10 SE 97 07 60 5200 $22.84 $23.30 $23.77 SE 97 08 72 6240 $23.50 $23.97 $24.45 SE 100 01 0 0 $17.94 $18.30 $18.67 SE 100 02 6 520 $18.54 $18.91 $19.29 SE 100 03 12 1040 $19.28 $19.67 $20.06 SE 100 04 24 2080 $19.64 $20.03 $20.43 SE 100 05 36 3120 $20.20 $20.60 $21.01 SE 100 06 48 4160 $20.77 $21.19 $21.61 SE 100 07 60 5200 $21.34 $21.77 $22.21 SE 100 08 72 6240 $21.90 $22.34 $22.79 MBR SRVC REP II CALL CENTER SE 101 01 0 0 $19.49 $19.88 $20.28 MBR SRVC REP III MEDICAL OFFICE SE 101 02 6 520 $20.18 $20.58 $20.99 SE 101 03 12 1040 $20.72 $21.13 $21.55 SE 101 04 24 2080 $21.40 $21.83 $22.27 SE 101 05 36 3120 $21.94 $22.38 $22.83 SE 101 06 48 4160 $22.55 $23.00 $23.46 SE 101 07 60 5200 $23.15 $23.61 $24.08 SE 101 08 72 6240 $23.76 $24.24 $24.72 SE 102 01 0 0 $21.15 $21.57 $22.00 SE 102 02 6 520 $21.88 $22.32 $22.77 SE 102 03 12 1040 $22.60 $23.05 $23.51 SE 102 04 24 2080 $23.33 $23.80 $24.28 SE 102 05 36 3120 $24.05 $24.53 $25.02 SE 102 06 48 4160 $24.76 $25.26 $25.77 SE 102 07 60 5200 $25.49 $26.00 $26.52 SE 102 08 72 6240 $26.22 $26.74 $27.27 WOUND CARE ASSISTANT ENDOSCOPY ASSISTANT MBR SRVC REP I RMSC MBR SRVC REP III RSRCH & SUPPORT SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code Job Title 3981 PATIENT ACCESS REP, I-KSMC 3982 3983 1295 PATIENT ACCESS REP, II-KSMC PATIENT ACCESS REP, III-KSMC HEALTH RECORD CLERK 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 01 01 0 0 $19.02 $19.40 $19.79 SN 01 02 6 520 $19.70 $20.09 $20.49 SN 01 03 12 1040 $20.38 $20.79 $21.21 SN 01 04 24 2080 $21.06 $21.48 $21.91 SN 01 05 36 3120 $21.76 $22.20 $22.64 SN 01 06 48 4160 $22.45 $22.90 $23.36 SN 01 07 60 5200 $23.14 $23.60 $24.07 SN 02 01 0 0 $20.24 $20.64 $21.05 SN 02 02 6 520 $21.04 $21.46 $21.89 SN 02 03 12 1040 $21.86 $22.30 $22.75 SN 02 04 24 2080 $22.68 $23.13 $23.59 SN 02 05 36 3120 $23.50 $23.97 $24.45 SN 02 06 48 4160 $24.32 $24.81 $25.31 SN 02 07 60 5200 $25.13 $25.63 $26.14 SN 03 01 0 0 $22.49 $22.94 $23.40 SN 03 02 6 520 $23.36 $23.83 $24.31 SN 03 03 12 1040 $24.24 $24.72 $25.21 SN 03 04 24 2080 $25.11 $25.61 $26.12 SN 03 05 36 3120 $26.00 $26.52 $27.05 SN 03 06 48 4160 $26.89 $27.43 $27.98 SN 03 07 60 5200 $27.77 $28.33 $28.90 SN 04 01 0 0 $16.07 $16.39 $16.72 SN 04 02 6 520 $16.38 $16.71 $17.04 SN 04 03 12 1040 $16.71 $17.04 $17.38 SN 04 04 24 2080 $17.36 $17.71 $18.06 SN 04 05 36 3120 $18.03 $18.39 $18.76 SN 04 06 48 4160 $18.74 $19.11 $19.49 SN 04 07 54 5200 $19.48 $19.87 $20.27 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 89 Job Code Job Title 0964 MED REC CLERK, (OPD) HEALTH RECORD PURGE CLERK, 3799 3262 3263 DATA QLTY CON/ MED REC CLERK MED REC LITIGATION CLERK 0298 SURGERY SCHED 3286 SURG SCED SPECIALIST - MED OFFICE 0951 90 MED REC SPECIALIST 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 05 01 0 0 $16.23 $16.55 $16.88 SN 05 02 6 520 $16.54 $16.87 $17.21 SN 05 03 12 1040 $16.84 $17.18 $17.52 SN 05 04 24 2080 $17.54 $17.89 $18.25 SN 05 05 36 3120 $18.18 $18.54 $18.91 SN 05 06 48 4160 $18.85 $19.23 $19.61 SN 05 07 54 5200 $19.47 $19.86 $20.26 SN 07 01 0 0 $18.04 $18.40 $18.77 SN 07 02 6 520 $18.79 $19.17 $19.55 SN 07 03 12 1040 $19.54 $19.93 $20.33 SN 07 04 24 2080 $20.29 $20.70 $21.11 SN 07 05 36 3120 $21.04 $21.46 $21.89 SN 07 06 48 4160 $21.81 $22.25 $22.70 SN 07 07 54 5200 $22.55 $23.00 $23.46 SN 08 01 0 0 $18.96 $19.34 $19.73 SN 08 02 6 520 $19.35 $19.74 $20.13 SN 08 03 12 1040 $19.75 $20.15 $20.55 SN 08 04 24 2080 $20.49 $20.90 $21.32 SN 08 05 36 3120 $21.27 $21.70 $22.13 SN 08 06 48 4160 $22.03 $22.47 $22.92 SN 08 07 54 5200 $22.77 $23.23 $23.69 SN 09 01 0 0 $19.73 $20.12 $20.52 SN 09 02 6 520 $20.07 $20.47 $20.88 SN 09 03 12 1040 $20.40 $20.81 $21.23 SN 09 04 24 2080 $21.12 $21.54 $21.97 SN 09 05 36 3120 $21.85 $22.29 $22.74 SN 09 06 48 4160 $22.61 $23.06 $23.52 SN 09 07 54 5200 $23.38 $23.85 $24.33 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 3458 3457 3928 0188 2637 3034 Job Title 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 16 01 0 0 $17.64 $17.99 $18.35 SN 16 02 6 520 $18.14 $18.50 $18.87 SN 16 03 12 1040 $18.64 $19.01 $19.39 SN 16 04 18 1560 $19.14 $19.52 $19.91 SN 16 05 24 2080 $19.65 $20.04 $20.44 SN 16 06 30 2600 $20.15 $20.55 $20.96 SN 16 07 36 3120 $20.64 $21.05 $21.47 SN 16 08 42 3640 $21.14 $21.56 $21.99 SURG SCHED COORDINATOR SN 17 01 0 0 $20.58 $20.99 $21.41 AMBUL SVCS SURG SCHED SPECIALIST SN 17 02 6 520 $20.96 $21.38 $21.81 SN 17 03 12 1040 $21.37 $21.80 $22.24 SN 17 04 24 2080 $22.11 $22.55 $23.00 SN 17 05 36 3120 $22.85 $23.31 $23.78 SN 17 06 48 4160 $23.63 $24.10 $24.58 SN 17 07 54 5200 $24.39 $24.88 $25.38 SN 18 01 0 0 $16.43 $16.76 $17.10 SN 18 02 6 520 $16.89 $17.23 $17.57 SN 18 03 12 1040 $17.34 $17.69 $18.04 SN 18 04 18 1560 $17.81 $18.17 $18.53 SN 18 05 24 2080 $18.28 $18.65 $19.02 SN 18 06 30 2600 $18.75 $19.13 $19.51 SN 18 07 36 3120 $19.22 $19.60 $19.99 SN 18 08 42 3640 $19.69 $20.08 $20.48 SN 19 01 0 0 $15.56 $15.87 $16.19 SN 19 02 6 520 $15.98 $16.30 $16.63 SN 19 03 12 1040 $16.43 $16.76 $17.10 SN 19 04 18 1560 $16.86 $17.20 $17.54 SN 19 05 24 2080 $17.31 $17.66 $18.01 SN 19 06 30 2600 $17.76 $18.12 $18.48 SN 19 07 36 3120 $18.20 $18.56 $18.93 SN 19 08 42 3640 $18.64 $19.01 $19.39 SURG SCHED DATA ENTRY CLERK PURCHASING RECPT. PATIENT ACCTNG DEPT ASST. THIRD PARTY LIABILITY ASST. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 91 Job Code 1414 0415 Job Title WORKCOMP ASST. DATA CONTROL SPECIALIST 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 20 01 0 0 $16.46 $16.79 $17.13 SN 20 02 6 520 $16.92 $17.26 $17.61 SN 20 03 12 1040 $17.39 $17.74 $18.09 SN 20 04 18 1560 $17.86 $18.22 $18.58 SN 20 05 24 2080 $18.32 $18.69 $19.06 SN 20 06 30 2600 $18.80 $19.18 $19.56 SN 20 07 36 3120 $19.27 $19.66 $20.05 SN 20 08 42 3640 $19.72 $20.11 $20.51 SN 21 01 0 0 $16.92 $17.26 $17.61 SN 21 02 6 520 $17.40 $17.75 $18.11 SN 21 03 12 1040 $17.88 $18.24 $18.60 SN 21 04 18 1560 $18.37 $18.74 $19.11 SN 21 05 24 2080 $18.87 $19.25 $19.64 SN 21 06 30 2600 $19.34 $19.73 $20.12 SN 21 07 36 3120 $19.83 $20.23 $20.63 SN 21 08 42 3640 $20.32 $20.73 $21.14 0483 SPEC, A/P RESEARCH SN 22 01 0 0 $19.60 $19.99 $20.39 3772 REP, PREREGISTRATION SN 22 02 6 520 $20.22 $20.62 $21.03 PATIENT ACCOUNT REP. SN 22 03 12 1040 $20.84 $21.26 $21.69 CREDIT BALANCE PBS SPEC. SN 22 04 18 1560 $21.44 $21.87 $22.31 SN 22 05 24 2080 $22.05 $22.49 $22.94 SN 22 06 30 2600 $22.66 $23.11 $23.57 SN 22 07 36 3120 $23.28 $23.75 $24.23 SN 22 08 42 3640 $23.89 $24.37 $24.86 0438 3095 0444 92 INSURANCE BILLING SPEC. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 0481 3558 2414 3395 3793 3076 3078 Job Title Scale Grade Step Months Hours 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 SR RESEARCH ANLST/ ADTR AUDITOR, CODING II - NON CERT SN 23 01 0 0 $21.30 $21.73 $22.16 SN 23 02 6 520 $21.97 $22.41 $22.86 COLLECTOR, PATIENT ACCTS SN 23 03 12 1040 $22.63 $23.08 $23.54 SN 23 04 18 1560 $23.31 $23.78 $24.26 SN 23 05 24 2080 $23.98 $24.46 $24.95 SN 23 06 30 2600 $24.64 $25.13 $25.63 SN 23 07 36 3120 $25.31 $25.82 $26.34 SN 23 08 42 3640 $25.97 $26.49 $27.02 SN 24 01 0 0 $21.73 $22.16 $22.60 SN 24 02 6 520 $22.39 $22.84 $23.30 SN 24 03 12 1040 $23.07 $23.53 $24.00 SN 24 04 18 1560 $23.75 $24.23 $24.71 SN 24 05 24 2080 $24.44 $24.93 $25.43 SN 24 06 30 2600 $25.12 $25.62 $26.13 SN 24 07 36 3120 $25.80 $26.32 $26.85 SN 24 08 42 3640 $26.48 $27.01 $27.55 SN 25 01 0 0 $23.13 $23.59 $24.06 SN 25 02 6 520 $23.91 $24.39 $24.88 SN 25 03 12 1040 $24.71 $25.20 $25.70 SN 25 04 18 1560 $25.49 $26.00 $26.52 SN 25 05 24 2080 $26.29 $26.82 $27.36 SN 25 06 30 2600 $27.06 $27.60 $28.15 SN 25 07 36 3120 $27.86 $28.42 $28.99 SN 25 08 42 3640 $28.64 $29.21 $29.79 LIASON, THIRD PARTY LIABILITY LAB BILLING SPEC. ADMIN/ AUDTR,VENDOR COMPLIANCE PBS QUALITY CONTROL SYST SPEC. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 93 Job Code 3442 0993 2421 2463 0214 94 Job Title AUDITOR, CODING SR WORKERS COMP CLAIMS SPEC. WORKERS COMPBILLING SPEC. AUDITOR, CODING II - CERT BUYER, JR 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 26 01 0 0 $23.81 $24.29 $24.78 SN 26 02 6 520 $24.62 $25.11 $25.61 SN 26 03 12 1040 $25.43 $25.94 $26.46 SN 26 04 18 1560 $26.24 $26.76 $27.30 SN 26 05 24 2080 $27.06 $27.60 $28.15 SN 26 06 30 2600 $27.86 $28.42 $28.99 SN 26 07 36 3120 $28.68 $29.25 $29.84 SN 26 08 42 3640 $29.49 $30.08 $30.68 SN 28 01 0 0 $20.19 $20.59 $21.00 SN 28 02 6 520 $20.81 $21.23 $21.65 SN 28 03 12 1040 $21.45 $21.88 $22.32 SN 28 04 18 1560 $22.12 $22.56 $23.01 SN 28 05 24 2080 $22.82 $23.28 $23.75 SN 28 06 30 2600 $23.51 $23.98 $24.46 SN 28 07 36 3120 $24.25 $24.74 $25.23 SN 28 08 42 3640 $25.03 $25.53 $26.04 SN 29 01 0 0 $22.61 $23.06 $23.52 SN 29 02 6 520 $23.26 $23.73 $24.20 SN 29 03 12 1040 $23.93 $24.41 $24.90 SN 29 04 18 1560 $24.60 $25.09 $25.59 SN 29 05 24 2080 $25.31 $25.82 $26.34 SN 29 06 30 2600 $26.02 $26.54 $27.07 SN 29 07 36 3120 $26.75 $27.29 $27.84 SN 29 08 42 3640 $27.96 $28.52 $29.09 SN 30 01 0 0 $21.60 $22.03 $22.47 SN 30 02 6 520 $22.28 $22.73 $23.18 SN 30 03 12 1040 $23.19 $23.65 $24.12 SN 30 04 18 1560 $23.63 $24.10 $24.58 SN 30 05 24 2080 $24.31 $24.80 $25.30 SN 30 06 30 2600 $24.97 $25.47 $25.98 SN 30 07 36 3120 $25.65 $26.16 $26.68 SN 30 08 42 3640 $26.33 $26.86 $27.40 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code Job Title 3654 BED CONTROL COORDINATOR 3943 0867 3941 4404 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 32 01 0 0 $20.39 $20.80 $21.22 SN 32 02 6 520 $21.03 $21.45 $21.88 SN 32 03 12 1040 $21.66 $22.09 $22.53 SN 32 04 18 1560 $22.31 $22.76 $23.22 SN 32 05 24 2080 $22.95 $23.41 $23.88 SN 32 06 30 2600 $23.59 $24.06 $24.54 SN 32 07 36 3120 $24.23 $24.71 $25.20 SN 32 08 42 3640 $24.87 $25.37 $25.88 SN 35 01 0 0 $22.25 $22.70 $23.15 SN 35 02 6 520 $23.06 $23.52 $23.99 SN 35 03 12 1040 $23.88 $24.36 $24.85 SN 35 04 24 2080 $24.69 $25.18 $25.68 SN 35 05 36 3120 $25.50 $26.01 $26.53 SN 35 06 48 4160 $26.32 $26.85 $27.39 SN 35 07 60 5200 $27.12 $27.66 $28.21 SN 35 08 72 6240 $27.96 $28.52 $29.09 SN 36 01 0 0 $20.51 $20.92 $21.34 SN 36 02 6 520 $21.14 $21.56 $21.99 SN 36 03 12 1040 $21.78 $22.22 $22.66 SN 36 04 24 2080 $22.43 $22.88 $23.34 SN 36 05 36 3120 $23.06 $23.52 $23.99 SN 36 06 48 4160 $23.70 $24.17 $24.65 SN 36 07 60 5200 $24.35 $24.84 $25.34 SN 36 08 72 6240 $25.00 $25.50 $26.01 QLTY DATA ENTRY CLERK SN 37 01 0 0 $17.48 $17.83 $18.19 MED STAFF CREDENTIALS ASST. SN 37 02 6 520 $18.28 $18.65 $19.02 SN 37 03 12 1040 $19.07 $19.45 $19.84 SN 37 04 24 2080 $19.87 $20.27 $20.68 SN 37 05 36 3120 $20.67 $21.08 $21.50 SN 37 06 48 4160 $21.46 $21.89 $22.33 SN 37 07 60 5200 $22.26 $22.71 $23.16 SN 37 08 72 6240 $23.06 $23.52 $23.99 MED STAFF CREDSEIU SPEC. QLTY MGMT RPTS SPEC. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 95 Job Code 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 38 01 0 0 $19.61 $20.00 $20.40 SN 38 02 6 520 $20.55 $20.96 $21.38 SN 38 03 12 1040 $21.51 $21.94 $22.38 SN 38 04 24 2080 $22.45 $22.90 $23.36 SN 38 05 36 3120 $23.41 $23.88 $24.36 SN 38 06 48 4160 $24.35 $24.84 $25.34 SN 38 07 60 5200 $25.31 $25.82 $26.34 SN 38 08 72 6240 $26.29 $26.82 $27.36 SN 39 01 0 0 $17.60 $17.95 $18.31 SN 39 02 6 520 $18.17 $18.53 $18.90 SN 39 03 12 1040 $18.74 $19.11 $19.49 SN 39 04 24 2080 $19.30 $19.69 $20.08 SN 39 05 36 3120 $19.87 $20.27 $20.68 SN 39 06 48 4160 $20.44 $20.85 $21.27 SN 39 07 60 5200 $21.01 $21.43 $21.86 SN 39 08 72 6240 $21.61 $22.04 $22.48 SN 40 01 0 0 $20.46 $20.87 $21.29 SN 40 02 6 520 $21.26 $21.69 $22.12 SN 40 03 12 1040 $22.05 $22.49 $22.94 SN 40 04 24 2080 $22.85 $23.31 $23.78 SN 40 05 36 3120 $23.65 $24.12 $24.60 SN 40 06 48 4160 $24.46 $24.95 $25.45 SN 40 07 60 5200 $25.28 $25.79 $26.31 SN 41 01 0 0 $20.19 $20.59 $21.00 PROVIDER ENROLL SPEC. SN 41 02 6 520 $20.82 $21.24 $21.66 4084 PAT ACCT CS SN 41 03 12 1040 $21.44 $21.87 $22.31 4085 MED FIN ASST REP. SN 41 04 18 1560 $22.07 $22.51 $22.96 SN 41 05 24 2080 $22.70 $23.15 $23.61 SN 41 06 30 2600 $23.33 $23.80 $24.28 SN 41 07 36 3120 $23.96 $24.44 $24.93 SN 41 08 42 3640 $24.60 $25.09 $25.59 3942 0813 3984 4082 4083 96 Job Title ASST, ADMIN III-SEIU DATA MGMT ASST. BED CONTROL COORD. KSMC INSURANCE BILL SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 4086 4087 4088 4089 4094 0147 Job Title 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours CREDIT BALANCE SPEC. SN 42 01 0 0 $20.78 $21.20 $21.62 REFUND SPEC. SN 42 02 6 520 $21.42 $21.85 $22.29 SN 42 03 12 1040 $22.07 $22.51 $22.96 SN 42 04 18 1560 $22.72 $23.17 $23.63 SN 42 05 24 2080 $23.37 $23.84 $24.32 SN 42 06 30 2600 $24.02 $24.50 $24.99 SN 42 07 36 3120 $24.66 $25.15 $25.65 SN 42 08 42 3640 $25.32 $25.83 $26.35 SN 43 01 0 0 $21.41 $21.84 $22.28 SN 43 02 6 520 $22.08 $22.52 $22.97 SN 43 03 12 1040 $22.76 $23.22 $23.68 SN 43 04 18 1560 $23.42 $23.89 $24.37 SN 43 05 24 2080 $24.09 $24.57 $25.06 SN 43 06 30 2600 $24.77 $25.27 $25.78 SN 43 07 36 3120 $25.44 $25.95 $26.47 SN 43 08 42 3640 $26.10 $26.62 $27.15 SN 44 01 0 0 $19.75 $20.15 $20.55 SN 44 02 6 520 $20.31 $20.72 $21.13 SN 44 03 12 1040 $20.87 $21.29 $21.72 SN 44 04 18 1560 $21.43 $21.86 $22.30 SN 44 05 24 2080 $21.99 $22.43 $22.88 SN 44 06 30 2600 $22.57 $23.02 $23.48 SN 44 07 36 3120 $23.14 $23.60 $24.07 SN 44 08 42 3640 $23.72 $24.19 $24.67 SN 45 01 0 0 $21.82 $22.26 $22.71 SN 45 02 6 520 $22.22 $22.66 $23.11 SN 45 03 12 1040 $22.62 $23.07 $23.53 SN 45 04 24 2080 $23.47 $23.94 $24.42 SN 45 05 36 3120 $24.34 $24.83 $25.33 SN 45 06 48 4160 $25.23 $25.73 $26.24 SN 45 07 60 5200 $26.18 $26.70 $27.23 LIAISON, PFS VENDOR PAT ACCT COLLECTOR LIAISON, DATA CONTROL ACCT OUTPATIENT STAFF SCHEDULER SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 97 Job Code 0328 0764 3236 4013 3057 3850 0962 98 Job Title 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours AMBULATORY CLINICIAN SCHED. SN 46 01 0 0 $21.82 $22.26 $22.71 STAFF SCHEDULING SPEC. SN 46 02 6 520 $22.22 $22.66 $23.11 AMBULATORY BACK SCHED. SN 46 03 12 1040 $22.62 $23.07 $23.53 INPT CLINICIAN/ NWP PAYR SCHED. SN 46 04 24 2080 $23.47 $23.94 $24.42 SN 46 05 36 3120 $24.34 $24.83 $25.33 SN 46 06 48 4160 $25.23 $25.73 $26.24 SN 46 07 60 5200 $26.18 $26.70 $27.23 SN 48 01 0 0 $14.48 $14.77 $15.07 SN 48 02 6 520 $14.88 $15.18 $15.48 SN 48 03 12 1040 $15.29 $15.60 $15.91 SN 48 04 18 1560 $15.69 $16.00 $16.32 SN 48 05 24 2080 $16.10 $16.42 $16.75 SN 48 06 30 2600 $16.50 $16.83 $17.17 SN 48 07 36 3120 $16.92 $17.26 $17.61 SN 48 08 42 3640 $17.33 $17.68 $18.03 SN 49 01 0 0 $17.00 $17.34 $17.69 SN 49 02 6 520 $17.48 $17.83 $18.19 SN 49 03 12 1040 $17.96 $18.32 $18.69 SN 49 04 18 1560 $18.45 $18.82 $19.20 SN 49 05 24 2080 $18.93 $19.31 $19.70 SN 49 06 30 2600 $19.41 $19.80 $20.20 SN 49 07 36 3120 $19.90 $20.30 $20.71 SN 49 08 42 3640 $20.37 $20.78 $21.20 SN 50 01 0 0 $19.99 $20.39 $20.80 SN 50 02 6 520 $20.61 $21.02 $21.44 SN 50 03 12 1040 $21.24 $21.66 $22.09 SN 50 04 18 1560 $21.88 $22.32 $22.77 SN 50 05 24 2080 $22.48 $22.93 $23.39 SN 50 06 30 2600 $23.11 $23.57 $24.04 SN 50 07 36 3120 $23.75 $24.23 $24.71 SN 50 08 42 3640 $24.38 $24.87 $25.37 STAFFING OFFICE ASST. PRIM SOURCE VERIFICATION SPEC. STAFF-CONT CARE SPEC. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 2416 1290 2239 1288 Job Title SURGERY II SCHED. HEALTH RECORD FLOATER HLTH REC IMAGING SPEC. INFO-HLTH REC SPEC. 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 53 01 0 0 $22.21 $22.65 $23.10 SN 53 02 6 520 $22.58 $23.03 $23.49 SN 53 03 12 1040 $22.99 $23.45 $23.92 SN 53 04 24 2080 $23.73 $24.20 $24.68 SN 53 05 36 3120 $24.50 $24.99 $25.49 SN 53 06 48 4160 $25.22 $25.72 $26.23 SN 53 07 60 5200 $26.01 $26.53 $27.06 SN 54 01 0 0 $17.73 $18.08 $18.44 SN 54 02 6 520 $18.03 $18.39 $18.76 SN 54 03 12 1040 $18.35 $18.72 $19.09 SN 54 04 24 2080 $19.00 $19.38 $19.77 SN 54 05 36 3120 $19.65 $20.04 $20.44 SN 54 06 48 4160 $20.35 $20.76 $21.18 SN 54 07 60 5200 $21.04 $21.46 $21.89 SN 55 01 0 0 $16.88 $17.22 $17.56 SN 55 02 6 520 $17.20 $17.54 $17.89 SN 55 03 12 1040 $17.54 $17.89 $18.25 SN 55 04 24 2080 $18.24 $18.60 $18.97 SN 55 05 36 3120 $18.95 $19.33 $19.72 SN 55 06 48 4160 $19.70 $20.09 $20.49 SN 55 07 60 5200 $20.47 $20.88 $21.30 SN 56 01 0 0 $17.53 $17.88 $18.24 SN 56 02 6 520 $17.93 $18.29 $18.66 SN 56 03 12 1040 $18.33 $18.70 $19.07 SN 56 04 24 2080 $19.16 $19.54 $19.93 SN 56 05 36 3120 $20.01 $20.41 $20.82 SN 56 06 48 4160 $20.93 $21.35 $21.78 SN 56 07 60 5200 $21.89 $22.33 $22.78 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 99 Job Code 1289 4081 2385 1403 100 Job Title DATA QUALITY SPEC. PAYMENT POSTING SPEC. MEDICAL (A) TRANSCRIPTIONIST MED TRANSCRIPTION I 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 57 01 0 0 $19.73 $20.12 $20.52 SN 57 02 6 520 $20.07 $20.47 $20.88 SN 57 03 12 1040 $20.40 $20.81 $21.23 SN 57 04 24 2080 $21.12 $21.54 $21.97 SN 57 05 36 3120 $21.85 $22.29 $22.74 SN 57 06 48 4160 $22.61 $23.06 $23.52 SN 57 07 60 5200 $23.38 $23.85 $24.33 SN 58 01 0 0 $18.99 $19.37 $19.76 SN 58 02 6 520 $19.80 $20.20 $20.60 SN 58 03 12 1040 $20.59 $21.00 $21.42 SN 58 04 18 1560 $21.40 $21.83 $22.27 SN 58 05 24 2080 $22.20 $22.64 $23.09 SN 58 06 30 2600 $23.00 $23.46 $23.93 SN 58 07 36 3120 $23.80 $24.28 $24.77 SN 58 08 42 3640 $24.60 $25.09 $25.59 SN 59 01 0 0 $17.61 $17.96 $18.32 SN 59 02 6 520 $18.12 $18.48 $18.85 SN 59 03 12 1040 $18.62 $18.99 $19.37 SN 59 04 18 1560 $19.14 $19.52 $19.91 SN 59 05 24 2080 $19.61 $20.00 $20.40 SN 59 06 30 2600 $20.10 $20.50 $20.91 SN 59 07 36 3120 $20.62 $21.03 $21.45 SN 59 08 42 3640 $21.12 $21.54 $21.97 SN 60 01 0 0 $18.72 $19.09 $19.47 SN 60 02 6 520 $19.25 $19.64 $20.03 SN 60 03 12 1040 $19.79 $20.19 $20.59 SN 60 04 18 1560 $20.32 $20.73 $21.14 SN 60 05 24 2080 $20.84 $21.26 $21.69 SN 60 06 30 2600 $21.39 $21.82 $22.26 SN 60 07 36 3120 $21.90 $22.34 $22.79 SN 60 08 42 3640 $22.42 $22.87 $23.33 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 0229 1292 2075 2801 1404 0442 Job Title MED TRANSCRIPT II TRANSCRIPTION SUP SVC CLERK TRANSCRIPTION CLERK TRANSCRIPTION DATA TECH. TRANSCRIPT, MED, III PROJECT-EXP CARE ASST. 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 61 01 0 0 $20.12 $20.52 $20.93 SN 61 02 6 520 $20.76 $21.18 $21.60 SN 61 03 12 1040 $21.40 $21.83 $22.27 SN 61 04 18 1560 $22.02 $22.46 $22.91 SN 61 05 24 2080 $22.66 $23.11 $23.57 SN 61 06 30 2600 $23.29 $23.76 $24.24 SN 61 07 36 3120 $23.91 $24.39 $24.88 SN 61 08 42 3640 $24.55 $25.04 $25.54 SN 64 01 0 0 $15.90 $16.22 $16.54 SN 64 02 6 520 $16.36 $16.69 $17.02 SN 64 03 12 1040 $16.81 $17.15 $17.49 SN 64 04 18 1560 $17.25 $17.60 $17.95 SN 64 05 24 2080 $17.70 $18.05 $18.41 SN 64 06 30 2600 $18.16 $18.52 $18.89 SN 64 07 36 3120 $18.62 $18.99 $19.37 SN 64 08 42 3640 $19.07 $19.45 $19.84 SN 65 01 0 0 $21.22 $21.64 $22.07 SN 65 02 6 520 $21.88 $22.32 $22.77 SN 65 03 12 1040 $22.54 $22.99 $23.45 SN 65 04 18 1560 $23.19 $23.65 $24.12 SN 65 05 24 2080 $23.87 $24.35 $24.84 SN 65 06 30 2600 $24.54 $25.03 $25.53 SN 65 07 36 3120 $25.20 $25.70 $26.21 SN 65 08 42 3640 $25.87 $26.39 $26.92 SN 66 01 0 0 $20.64 $21.05 $21.47 SN 66 02 6 520 $21.31 $21.74 $22.17 SN 66 03 12 1040 $21.94 $22.38 $22.83 SN 66 04 18 1560 $22.59 $23.04 $23.50 SN 66 05 24 2080 $23.25 $23.72 $24.19 SN 66 06 30 2600 $23.90 $24.38 $24.87 SN 66 07 36 3120 $24.54 $25.03 $25.53 SN 66 08 42 3640 $25.20 $25.70 $26.21 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 101 Job Code Job Title 1030 REG LAB GLASSWARE SPEC. 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 67 01 0 0 $14.55 $14.84 $15.14 SN 67 02 6 520 $15.00 $15.30 $15.61 SN 67 03 12 1040 $15.46 $15.77 $16.09 SN 67 04 18 1560 $15.92 $16.24 $16.56 SN 67 05 24 2080 $16.37 $16.70 $17.03 SN 67 06 30 2600 $16.83 $17.17 $17.51 SN 67 07 36 3120 $17.29 $17.64 $17.99 SN 67 08 42 3640 $17.74 $18.09 $18.45 0538 RECEPTIONIST, CHR SN 68 01 0 0 $16.93 $17.27 $17.62 0948 OFFICE-CCS ASST. SN 68 02 6 520 $17.40 $17.75 $18.11 SN 68 03 12 1040 $17.89 $18.25 $18.62 SN 68 04 18 1560 $18.36 $18.73 $19.10 SN 68 05 24 2080 $18.86 $19.24 $19.62 SN 68 06 30 2600 $19.34 $19.73 $20.12 SN 68 07 36 3120 $19.81 $20.21 $20.61 SN 68 08 42 3640 $20.28 $20.69 $21.10 SN 69 01 0 0 $17.06 $17.40 $17.75 SN 69 02 6 520 $17.55 $17.90 $18.26 SN 69 03 12 1040 $18.03 $18.39 $18.76 SN 69 04 18 1560 $18.52 $18.89 $19.27 SN 69 05 24 2080 $19.02 $19.40 $19.79 SN 69 06 30 2600 $19.51 $19.90 $20.30 SN 69 07 36 3120 $19.99 $20.39 $20.80 SN 69 08 42 3640 $20.48 $20.89 $21.31 SN 70 01 0 0 $16.43 $16.76 $17.10 SN 70 02 6 520 $16.89 $17.23 $17.57 SN 70 03 12 1040 $17.37 $17.72 $18.07 SN 70 04 18 1560 $17.83 $18.19 $18.55 SN 70 05 24 2080 $18.30 $18.67 $19.04 SN 70 06 30 2600 $18.78 $19.16 $19.54 SN 70 07 36 3120 $19.24 $19.62 $20.01 SN 70 08 42 3640 $19.70 $20.09 $20.49 0673 0676 102 COMMUNICATIONS OPR-SR RECPT. OFFICE SVCS CLERK SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 0808 3338 3466 0130 Job Title MATERIALS/PROJECTS ASST. AUDITOR, CODING II - SEIU EMERGENCY DEPT TECH. MSD SUPPLY SPEC. 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 73 01 0 0 $17.06 $17.40 $17.75 SN 73 02 6 520 $17.64 $17.99 $18.35 SN 73 03 12 1040 $18.21 $18.57 $18.94 SN 73 04 24 2080 $18.78 $19.16 $19.54 SN 73 05 36 3120 $19.35 $19.74 $20.13 SN 73 06 48 4160 $19.92 $20.32 $20.73 SN 73 07 54 5200 $20.50 $20.91 $21.33 SN 74 01 0 0 $21.08 $21.50 $21.93 SN 74 02 6 520 $21.75 $22.19 $22.63 SN 74 03 12 1040 $22.40 $22.85 $23.31 SN 74 04 18 1560 $23.06 $23.52 $23.99 SN 74 05 24 2080 $23.72 $24.19 $24.67 SN 74 06 30 2600 $24.38 $24.87 $25.37 SN 74 07 36 3120 $25.04 $25.54 $26.05 SN 74 08 42 3640 $25.70 $26.21 $26.73 SN 75 01 0 0 $18.30 $18.67 $19.04 SN 75 02 6 520 $18.85 $19.23 $19.61 SN 75 03 12 1040 $19.40 $19.79 $20.19 SN 75 04 18 1560 $19.99 $20.39 $20.80 SN 75 05 24 2080 $20.58 $20.99 $21.41 SN 75 06 30 2600 $21.20 $21.62 $22.05 SN 75 07 36 3120 $21.83 $22.27 $22.72 SN 75 08 42 3640 $22.49 $22.94 $23.40 SN 77 01 0 0 $18.97 $19.35 $19.74 SN 77 02 6 520 $19.53 $19.92 $20.32 SN 77 03 12 1040 $20.05 $20.45 $20.86 SN 77 04 18 1560 $20.58 $20.99 $21.41 SN 77 05 24 2080 $21.14 $21.56 $21.99 SN 77 06 30 2600 $21.66 $22.09 $22.53 SN 77 07 36 3120 $22.23 $22.67 $23.12 SN 77 08 42 3640 $22.76 $23.22 $23.68 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 103 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Job Code Job Title Scale Grade Step Months Hours 0196 BINDERY TECH. SN 78 01 0 0 $14.83 $15.13 $15.43 SN 78 02 6 520 $15.24 $15.54 $15.85 SN 78 03 12 1040 $15.66 $15.97 $16.29 SN 78 04 18 1560 $16.08 $16.40 $16.73 SN 78 05 24 2080 $16.50 $16.83 $17.17 SN 78 06 30 2600 $16.92 $17.26 $17.61 SN 78 07 36 3120 $17.34 $17.69 $18.04 SN 78 08 42 3640 $17.77 $18.13 $18.49 SN 79 01 0 0 $16.02 $16.34 $16.67 SN 79 02 6 520 $16.47 $16.80 $17.14 SN 79 03 12 1040 $16.93 $17.27 $17.62 SN 79 04 18 1560 $17.38 $17.73 $18.08 SN 79 05 24 2080 $17.84 $18.20 $18.56 SN 79 06 30 2600 $18.29 $18.66 $19.03 SN 79 07 36 3120 $18.75 $19.13 $19.51 SN 79 08 42 3640 $19.21 $19.59 $19.98 SN 80 01 0 0 $16.33 $16.66 $16.99 SN 80 02 6 520 $16.78 $17.12 $17.46 SN 80 03 12 1040 $17.24 $17.58 $17.93 SN 80 04 18 1560 $17.70 $18.05 $18.41 SN 80 05 24 2080 $18.17 $18.53 $18.90 SN 80 06 30 2600 $18.64 $19.01 $19.39 SN 80 07 36 3120 $19.10 $19.48 $19.87 SN 80 08 42 3640 $19.57 $19.96 $20.36 SN 81 01 0 0 $16.60 $16.93 $17.27 SN 81 02 6 520 $17.06 $17.40 $17.75 SN 81 03 12 1040 $17.53 $17.88 $18.24 SN 81 04 18 1560 $18.00 $18.36 $18.73 SN 81 05 24 2080 $18.48 $18.85 $19.23 SN 81 06 30 2600 $18.96 $19.34 $19.73 SN 81 07 36 3120 $19.44 $19.83 $20.23 SN 81 08 42 3640 $19.92 $20.32 $20.73 2201 2396 3761 104 MAIL CENTER SPEC, II BINDERY SR BINDERY TECH. WORDS/GRAPHICS SPEC. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 Job Code 2828 3760 0194 2908 Job Title CUST SVC-MAIL CTR COORD. SR DSKTP PUBL TECH, SEIU SR PRESS OPER. LARGE PRESS OPER. 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 82 01 0 0 $16.85 $17.19 $17.53 SN 82 02 6 520 $17.33 $17.68 $18.03 SN 82 03 12 1040 $17.81 $18.17 $18.53 SN 82 04 18 1560 $18.29 $18.66 $19.03 SN 82 05 24 2080 $18.77 $19.15 $19.53 SN 82 06 30 2600 $19.26 $19.65 $20.04 SN 82 07 36 3120 $19.75 $20.15 $20.55 SN 82 08 42 3640 $20.24 $20.64 $21.05 SN 83 01 0 0 $19.24 $19.62 $20.01 SN 83 02 6 520 $19.92 $20.32 $20.73 SN 83 03 12 1040 $20.52 $20.93 $21.35 SN 83 04 18 1560 $21.10 $21.52 $21.95 SN 83 05 24 2080 $21.70 $22.13 $22.57 SN 83 06 30 2600 $22.29 $22.74 $23.19 SN 83 07 36 3120 $22.87 $23.33 $23.80 SN 83 08 42 3640 $23.46 $23.93 $24.41 SN 84 01 0 0 $19.39 $19.78 $20.18 SN 84 02 6 520 $20.00 $20.40 $20.81 SN 84 03 12 1040 $20.62 $21.03 $21.45 SN 84 04 18 1560 $21.25 $21.68 $22.11 SN 84 05 24 2080 $21.87 $22.31 $22.76 SN 84 06 30 2600 $22.48 $22.93 $23.39 SN 84 07 36 3120 $23.10 $23.56 $24.03 SN 84 08 42 3640 $23.73 $24.20 $24.68 SN 85 01 0 0 $21.10 $21.52 $21.95 SN 85 02 6 520 $21.77 $22.21 $22.65 SN 85 03 12 1040 $22.44 $22.89 $23.35 SN 85 04 18 1560 $23.10 $23.56 $24.03 SN 85 05 24 2080 $23.78 $24.26 $24.75 SN 85 06 30 2600 $24.44 $24.93 $25.43 SN 85 07 36 3120 $25.12 $25.62 $26.13 SN 85 08 42 3640 $25.79 $26.31 $26.84 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 105 Job Code 2436 3810 3781 0182 106 Job Title AUDITOR, CODING I CODING SUPPORT COORD. FOOD/NUTRITION SYSTEM COORD. DATA ANALYST I 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours SN 86 01 0 0 $21.06 $21.48 $21.91 SN 86 02 6 520 $21.74 $22.17 $22.61 SN 86 03 12 1040 $22.40 $22.85 $23.31 SN 86 04 18 1560 $23.07 $23.53 $24.00 SN 86 05 24 2080 $23.75 $24.23 $24.71 SN 86 06 30 2600 $24.41 $24.90 $25.40 SN 86 07 36 3120 $25.07 $25.57 $26.08 SN 86 08 42 3640 $25.74 $26.25 $26.78 SN 88 01 0 0 $20.50 $20.91 $21.33 SN 88 02 6 520 $21.00 $21.42 $21.85 SN 88 03 12 1040 $21.49 $21.92 $22.36 SN 88 04 18 1560 $21.99 $22.43 $22.88 SN 88 05 24 2080 $22.50 $22.95 $23.41 SN 88 06 30 2600 $23.00 $23.46 $23.93 SN 88 07 36 3120 $23.50 $23.97 $24.45 SN 88 08 42 3640 $24.01 $24.49 $24.98 SN 89 01 0 0 $18.87 $19.25 $19.64 SN 89 02 6 520 $19.45 $19.84 $20.24 SN 89 03 12 1040 $20.05 $20.45 $20.86 SN 89 04 18 1560 $20.63 $21.04 $21.46 SN 89 05 24 2080 $21.22 $21.64 $22.07 SN 89 06 30 2600 $21.82 $22.26 $22.71 SN 89 07 36 3120 $22.40 $22.85 $23.31 SN 89 08 42 3640 $23.00 $23.46 $23.93 SN 90 01 0 0 $18.28 $18.65 $19.02 SN 90 02 6 520 $18.80 $19.18 $19.56 SN 90 03 12 1040 $19.33 $19.72 $20.11 SN 90 04 18 1560 $19.85 $20.25 $20.66 SN 90 05 24 2080 $20.37 $20.78 $21.20 SN 90 06 30 2600 $20.90 $21.32 $21.75 SN 90 07 36 3120 $21.42 $21.85 $22.29 SN 90 08 42 3640 $21.94 $22.38 $22.83 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Job Code Job Title Scale Grade Step Months Hours 3036 DATA ANALYST II SN 91 01 0 0 $19.59 $19.98 $20.38 SN 91 02 6 520 $20.22 $20.62 $21.03 SN 91 03 12 1040 $20.83 $21.25 $21.68 SN 91 04 18 1560 $21.44 $21.87 $22.31 SN 91 05 24 2080 $22.05 $22.49 $22.94 SN 91 06 30 2600 $22.66 $23.11 $23.57 SN 91 07 36 3120 $23.29 $23.76 $24.24 SN 91 08 42 3640 $23.91 $24.39 $24.88 SN 93 01 0 0 $19.83 $20.23 $20.63 SN 93 02 6 520 $20.39 $20.80 $21.22 SN 93 03 12 1040 $20.94 $21.36 $21.79 SN 93 04 24 2080 $21.51 $21.94 $22.38 SN 93 05 36 3120 $22.05 $22.49 $22.94 SN 93 06 48 4160 $22.60 $23.05 $23.51 SN 93 07 60 5200 $23.15 $23.61 $24.08 SN 98 01 0 0 $15.63 $15.94 $16.26 SN 98 02 6 520 $16.07 $16.39 $16.72 SN 98 03 12 1040 $16.50 $16.83 $17.17 SN 98 04 18 1560 $16.95 $17.29 $17.64 SN 98 05 24 2080 $17.39 $17.74 $18.09 SN 98 06 30 2600 $17.84 $18.20 $18.56 SN 98 07 36 3120 $18.28 $18.65 $19.02 SN 98 08 42 3640 $18.73 $19.10 $19.48 SN 99 01 0 0 $17.10 $17.44 $17.79 SN 99 02 6 520 $17.57 $17.92 $18.28 SN 99 03 12 1040 $18.06 $18.42 $18.79 SN 99 04 18 1560 $18.55 $18.92 $19.30 SN 99 05 24 2080 $19.04 $19.42 $19.81 SN 99 06 30 2600 $19.52 $19.91 $20.31 SN 99 07 36 3120 $20.02 $20.42 $20.83 SN 99 08 42 3640 $20.52 $20.93 $21.35 3858 4079 4080 TECH, CSP II Certified PAT FINANC SVCS ASST. CHRG ENTRY DATA CTL SPEC. SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 107 Job Code Job Title 0098 2% 2% 2% October October Oct. Oct. Oct. 2012 2012 2014 2012 2013 Scale Grade Step Months Hours INPAT ADMIN STAFFING SPEC. SN 100 01 0 0 $21.82 $22.26 $22.71 3128 PAYROLL/TIME SPEC SN 100 02 6 520 $22.22 $22.66 $23.11 1428 STAFFING COORD, HH SN 100 03 12 1040 $22.62 $23.07 $23.53 SN 100 04 24 2080 $23.47 $23.94 $24.42 SN 100 05 36 3120 $24.34 $24.83 $25.33 SN 100 06 48 4160 $25.23 $25.73 $26.24 108 SEIU Local 49 - August 1, 2012 to June 30, 2016 2012 N AT I O N A L AGREEMENT +++ KAISER PERMANENTE THE COALITION OF KAISER PERMANENTE UNIONS NATIONAL AGREEMENT KAISER PERMANENTE THE COALITION OF KAISER PERMANENTE UNIONS October 1, 2012 NATIONAL AGREEMENT KAISER PERMANENTE – THE COALITION OF KAISER PERMANENTE UNIONS October 1, 2012 CONTENTS NATIONAL AGREEMENT: INTRODUCTION............................................................................1 NATIONAL AGREEMENT: INTRODUCTION SECTION 1: PRIVILEGES AND OBLIGATIONS OF PARTNERSHIP A. Commitment to Partnership B. Partnership Governance and Structure 1. Partnership Structures a. Integration b. Unit-Based Teams c. Joint Accountability 2. Governing Bodies 3. Joint Partnership Trust C. Organizational Performance 1. Performance Improvement a. Successful Practices b. Flexibility 2. Service Quality a. Leadership Commitment and Service Behavior b. Systems and Processes c. Environment 3. Attendance a.Philosophy b. Sponsorship and Accountability c. Time-Off Benefit Enhancement d. Implementation e. Integrated Disability Management f. Attendance Intervention Model g. Staffing and Backfill (Planned Replacement) 4. Scope of Practice 5. Joint Marketing and Growth a. CKPU Growth D. Workforce Development 1. Taft-Hartley Trusts a. Funding b. Governance 2. Structure a. Workforce Development Coordination and Implementation Structure b. National Workforce Development Team (National Team) 1 c. Regional Workforce Development Teams (Regional Teams) d. Facility Workforce Development Teams (Facility Teams) 3. Joint Workforce Development a. Workforce Planning b. Career Development c. Education and Training d. Retention and Recruitment E. Education and Training 1. Principles 2. Types of Training 3. Steward Education, Training and Development 4. Integrated Approach to Education and Training F. Staffing, Backfill (Planned Replacement), Budgeting and Capacity Building 1. Planned Replacement and Budgeting 2. A Joint Staffing Process 3. Contract Specialists G. Human Resources Information System (HRIS) Process Consistency H. Work-Life Balance and Total Health 1. Structure a. Work-Life Balance b. Total Health 2. Programs and Services 3. Mandatory Overtime and Assignments I. Patient Safety J. Workplace Safety 1. Creating a Culture of Safety 2. Comprehensive Approach to Safety 3. National Data System 4. Bloodborne Pathogens 5. Integrated Disability Management 6. Union Indemnification K. Union Security 1. Union Leaves of Absence 2. Corporate Transactions 3. Voluntary COPE Check-off 4. Subcontracting 5. Union Representation of New Positions L. Problem-Solving Processes 1. Issue Resolution and Corrective Action Procedures a. Issue Resolution and Corrective Action 2. Partnership Agreement Review Process M. Term of the Partnership SECTION 2: WAGES AND BENEFITS A. Compensation 1. Across-the-Board Wage Increases (ATBs) and Special Adjustments 2 2. Performance Sharing B. Health and Welfare Benefits 1. Medical Benefits a. Eligibility b. Basic Comprehensive Plan c. Parent Coverage d. Health Care Spending Account e. Healthcare Reimbursement Account 2. Retirement Benefits a. Defined-Contribution Plan b. Defined-Benefit Retirement Plan c. Pension Protection Act (PPA) Compliance d. Continuation of Certain Retirement Programs e. Pension Service Credits f. Investment Committee Representative g. Pre-Retirement Survivor Benefits h. Retiree Medical Benefits 3. Other Benefits a. Dependent Care Spending Account b. Survivor Assistance Benefit c. Workers’ Compensation Leaves of Absence d. Disability Insurance e. Employee Health Care Management Program f. Revised Dental Benefit g. Benefit Standardization and Simplification 4. Maintenance of Benefits 5. Referrals to the Strategy Group C. Disputes SECTION 3: SCOPE OF AGREEMENT A. Coverage B. The National Agreement and Local Agreements C. National Agreement Implementation D. Duration and Renewal E. Living Agreement Signatures SECTION 4: NATIONAL AGREEMENT EXHIBITS 1.B.1.b.(1) 2005 Performance Improvement BTG Report, Page 7 1.B.1.b.(2) The Path to Performance 1.B.1.b.(3) The Rutgers Study: What Teams Need 1.C.1.b. 2010 LMP Subgroup Recommendation: Flexibility 1.C.4.(1) 2005 Scope of Practice BTG Report, Pages 14–17 1.C.4.(2) 2005 Scope of Practice BTG Report, Pages 9–11 1.D.3. Workforce Planning and Development Implementation Exhibit 1.F. 2005 Attendance BTG Report, Concept No. 3, Pages 20–23 3 1.H.1.b. Total Health Agreement 1.H.3. 2005 Mandatory Overtime Documents May 22, 2005 1.K.4. MOU Regarding Sub-Contracting Dated July 15, 2005 2.A.3.Relevant Performance Sharing Program Sections of the 2008 Reopener 2.B.1.c.Letter of Agreement Parent Medical Coverage 2.B.2.b. List of LMP Defined-Benefit Plans Sponsored by Kaiser Permanente 2.B.3.d. General Description of Disability Plan Benefit Levels 3.D. Local Union Agreements 4 NATIONAL AGREEMENT This National Agreement (the Agreement)is entered into this first day of October, 2012, by and between the labor organizations participating in the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions (the Coalition) and the organizations participating in the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (the Program), including Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals (KFHP/H) and the Permanente Medical Groups (collectively Kaiser Permanente or Employers, or individually, Employer), which are signatories hereto. INTRODUCTION In 1997, the Coalition and Kaiser Permanente entered into a National Labor Management Partnership Agreement. By involving employees and unions in organizational decision making at every level, the Partnership is designed to improve the quality of health care, make Kaiser Permanente a better place to work, enhance Kaiser Permanente’s competitive performance, provide employees with employment and income security and expand Kaiser Permanente’s membership. The cornerstone of the Partnership is an innovative labor management relationship. In that spirit, the parties decided to embark on a voyage—one that had never been attempted—to collectively and simultaneously bargain 33 Partnership union contracts. In 2000, the Common Issues Committee (CIC), made up of union and management representatives from across the country, successfully negotiated a five-year National Agreement covering 33 bargaining units. In 2005, the parties formed a new CIC to bargain this successor Agreement, covering 44 bargaining units. To inform their work, the CIC chartered nine Bargaining Task Groups (BTGs) in April of 2005. These nine groups were made up of approximately 400 management and union representatives from across the program. The 2005 BTGs were charged with reviewing the BTG recommendations from 2000 and making comprehensive, long-term recommendations in the areas of Attendance, Benefits, Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Process Consistency, Performance-Based Pay, Performance Improvement, Service Quality, Scope of Practice, Workforce Development and Work-Life Balance, to make Kaiser Permanente the best place to work and the best place to receive care. Over the course of several months, the BTGs developed comprehensive solutions for transforming the work environment. They reported their solutions to the members of the CIC in late June. Each of the BTGs gave more definition and specificity to the Partnership path. Each expressed a high degree of confidence in the Labor Management Partnership and the potential found within the vision of the Partnership. They identified the need to further integrate the Labor Management Partnership into the way Kaiser Permanente does business. 5 The CIC then undertook the challenge of reviewing and synthesizing the comprehensive and detailed work of the BTGs. Their charge was to determine how best to distill the work of the groups into the Agreement, and at the same time ensure that the work of the groups is carried forward into the future. When the parties came together for bargaining in the spring of 2010, they did so recognizing that the National Agreement was a mature document and that major elements of the Labor Management Partnership were effectively deployed. Bargaining subgroups were utilized to find improvementsin timeoff and attendance, partnership, workforce planning and development, and performance improvement/unit-based teams. The subgroups, as the BTGs did in the past,crafted recommendations for review and approval by the CIC. This approach continued in the most recent 2012 negotiations.The parties continued with the perspective that a focused scope of subjects would best servejoint interests. Five subgroups were formed to find improvementsin partnership, benefits, workforce of the future, total health and growth. The Pathways to Partnership was developed in 1998 to provide a road map for making a transition to an environment characterized by collaboration, inclusion and mutual trust. Within the framework of the Pathways to Partnership, this Agreement continues to set forth new ways to work and new ways to provide care. It enables each person to engage her/his full range of skills, experiences and abilities to continually improve service, patient care and performance. The Agreement describes an organization in which unions and employees are integrated into planning and decision-making forums at all levels, including budget, operations, strategic initiatives, quality processes and staffing. In this vision, decisions are jointly made by unit-based work teams (Unit-Based Teams)—giving people who provide the care and service the ability to decide how the work can best be performed.The parties look forward to a time when all eligible employees participate in the Partnership and are coveredby this Agreement. The Labor Management Partnership is supported through the engagement of regional and local partnership teams. In some instances, this document provides specific timeframes required to assure progress towardPartnership goals. The Agreement promotes nationwide consistency by determining wages, benefits and certainother terms and conditions of employment. It is a blueprint for making Kaiser Permanente the Employer andcare provider of choice. Section 1 of this Agreement covers the privileges and obligations, reflects the continued commitment of theparties and integrates the work of the BTGs into the Partnership. Specifically, the BTGs provided solutions forimproving Performance, Quality of Service and Attendance. They identified the systems needed to support highperformance through Education and Training, Workforce Development and Planning, and Staffing, Backfill andCapacity Building. Lastly, they captured the work environment elements needed to provide for Patient Safety,Workplace Safety, balance between work life and personal life 6 and collaborative examination of Scope of Practiceissues. Section 1 provides mechanisms for spreading partnership, collaboration and organizational transformationthroughout our organization. It defines how workers and managers engage in all the areas identified by the BTGs. Section 1 also covers areas such as union security, Partnership governance and problemsolving processes and elaborates on other privileges and obligations of Partnership. Section 2 identifies the specific provisions of the Agreement thatpertain to compensation, benefits anddispute procedures. Section 3 describes the scope, application and term of the Agreement. This Agreement was created through an extraordinary collaboration with the input of hundreds of KaiserPermanente employees at every level. The Agreement embodies the parties’ collective vision for KaiserPermanente. The language of this Agreement cannot begin to fully capture the energy and collective insightsof the hundreds of people working long hours to establish this framework. As work units apply theseprinciples, their commitment and expertise will make the vision a reality. 7 SECTION 1: PRIVILEGES AND OBLIGATIONS OF PARTNERSHIP A. COMMITMENT TO PARTNERSHIP The essence of the Labor Management Partnership is involvement and influence, pursuit of excellence andaccountability by all. The parties believe people take pride in their contributions, care about their jobs andeach other, want to be involved in decisions about their work and want to share in the success of their efforts.Market-leading organizational performance can only be achieved when everyone places an emphasis onbenefiting all of Kaiser Permanente. There is an indisputable correlation between business success and success forpeople. Employees throughout the organization must have the opportunity to make decisions and take actionsto improve performance and better address patient needs. This means that employees must have the skills,knowledge, information, opportunity and authority to make sound decisions and perform effectively.Engaged and involved employees will be highly committed to their work and contribute fully. By creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect, recognizing each person’s expertise and knowledge,and providing training and education to expand those capabilities, the common goals of organizational andindividual success and a secure, challenging and personally rewarding work environment can be attained.With this Agreement, the parties will continue to invest in and support a wide array of activities designed toincrease individual employee skills training, learning opportunities and growth and development. The Value Compass sets forth the way in which this National Agreement becomes a key operating strategy forKaiser Permanente. To improve performance measures by focusing on the needs of our patients and members requiresinvolvement from everyone. We seek to move from projects to pilots to whole systems improvement, recognizingthat all four points of the Value Compass impact the whole value that the organization creates. The Value Compass is designed to achieve the KP Promise, which ensures our members always have the best healthcare experience. The KP Promise is a commitment to our members to provide health care that is: x quality you can trust; x convenient and easy access; x caring with a personal touch; and x affordable. Section 1 presents an integrated approach to Service Quality, Performance Improvement, Workforce Development,Education and Training and creation of an environment responsive to organizational, employee and union interests.In addition, it provides a process to solve problems as close to the point at which they arise as possible, respectingthe interests of all parties. The Partnership Agreement Review Process in 8 Section 1.L.2 applies to disputes arisingout of Section 1, but is meant to be used as a last resort. With this Agreement, the Coalition and Kaiser Permanente assume a set of privileges and obligations. Theseinclude, but are not limited to, employment and income security, union security, access to information includingthe responsibility to maintain confidentiality concerning sensitive information, participation in the governancestructure and participation in performance sharing plans. There is a joint commitment to identify, and by mutual agreement, incorporate our own successful practices and those of other high performance organizations into each facility. The parties will work diligently to increase andenhance flexibility in work scheduling and work assignments to enhance service, quality and financial performancewhile meeting the interests of employees and their unions. We share a willingness to work in good faith to resolvejurisdictional issues in order to increase work team flexibility and performance, and we share a commitment tomarketing Kaiser Permanente as the Employer and care provider of choice. In addition, it is absolutely critical for KP to grow its membership and adapt to a changing health care market.We believe that much of the new growth opportunities could come from new government initiatives that emergeout of national health care reform. The parties commit to the involvement of high-level Union, Permanente and Health Plan leaders to work together on growth strategies. The parties will work in a proactive manner on other growth potential, including discussingboth contiguous and noncontiguous opportunities, new geographies and regions, mergers and acquisitions thatbest position opportunities for KP to grow more quickly and respond to opportunities, and will explore new healthcare vehicles that could be made available to union trust funds, multiemployer trust funds and single employers. The parties shall work together to explore and utilize available growth opportunities. This requires positioning toensure that we are a major player in current and future debates over national health care reform. The parties shallemphasize the unique advantages of the Kaiser Permanente model. B. PARTNERSHIP GOVERNANCE AND STRUCTURE The National Labor Management Partnership Agreement describes the vision of a workplace environment where diversity of opinion is valued and all stakeholders share a voice in decisions that affect them and their work. The vision of this Partnership is an integrated structure, where the unions and their members are part of thedecision-making forums. In 2000, it was recognized that prior to reaching this vision, parallel structures needed tobe implemented in order to organize, plan and implement the partnership principles. These structures were meantto be steps toward integration that would change as the Partnership evolved. Indeed, the 2005 National Agreementtook substantive steps toward this integration. 1. PARTNERSHIP STRUCTURES 9 a. Integration A variety of Partnership structures exist at the national, regional, service area, facility, department and/or work-unit levels. In addition, there are various business structures which attempt to solve the same problem or achieve likegoals. Partnership should become the way business is conducted at Kaiser Permanente. In order to achieve this goal,these parallel Labor Management Partnership structures should be integrated into existing operational structuresof the organization at every level. This would result in dissolution of parallel labor management committees thatare redundant with ongoing business committees (e.g., department meetings, project teams, planning committees).Parallel structures may still be required where there is no existing function, where existing structures are notadequate for a particular function, initiative, or area of focus, or where they are necessary because of legal orregulatory requirements. New initiatives should include labor participation from their inception. Integration of labor into the normal business structures of the organization does not mean comanagement, butrather full participation in the decision-making forums and processes at every level of the organization as describedon pages 14–16 of the Labor Management Partnership Vision: Reaffirmation, and subject only to the capacityof the unions to fully engage and contribute. The parties will work together to ensure that union capacity issuesare adequately addressed. b. Unit-Based Teams Engaging employees in the design and implementation of their work creates a healthy work environment and builds commitment to superior organizational performance.The Rutgers Study findings on What Teams Needcan be found in Exhibit 1.B.1.b (3).Successful engagement begins with appropriate structures andprocesses for Partnership interaction to take place. It requires the sponsorship, commitment and accountability oflabor, management and medical and dental group leadership to communicate to stakeholders that engagement inPartnership is not optional, but the way that Kaiser Permanente does business. The 2005 Attendance, Performance Improvement, Performance-Based Pay, Service Quality and WorkforceDevelopment BTGs recommended the establishment of teams based in work units as a core mechanism foradvancing Partnership as the way business is conducted at Kaiser Permanente, and for improving organizationalperformance (attached as Exhibit 1.B.1.b (1)). A Unit-Based Team includes all of the participants within the boundaries of the work unit,including supervisors, stewards, providers and employees. Members of a Unit-Based Team participate in: x planning and designing work processes; x setting goals and establishing metrics; x reviewing and evaluating aggregate team performance; x budgeting, staffing and scheduling decisions; and x proactively identifying problems and resolving issues. The teams need information and support, including: x open sharing of business information; x timely performance data; x department-specific training; x thorough understanding of how unions operate; x meeting skills and facilitation; and 10 x release time and backfill. Senior leadership of KFHP/H, medical and dental groups and unions in each region will agree on a shared visionof the process for establishing teams, the methods for holding teams and leaders accountable, and the tools andresources necessary to support the teams. Unit-Based Team goals will be aligned with national, regional, facilityand unit goals. Implementation of Unit-Based Teams should be phased, beginning with Labor Management Partnership readinesseducation and training of targeted work units, providing supervisors and stewards with the knowledge and tools tobegin the teambuilding work. It is expected that Unit-Based Teams are the operating model for Kaiser Permanente. x x x x x x The performance status of a Unit-Based Team is defined by the Path to Performance(attached as Exhibit1.B.1.b.(2)). The commitment of the Partnership is that 100 percent of Coalition-represented employees will be on UBTs to achieve and sustain high performance. All Unit-Based Teams should be high-performing Unit-Based Teams. The targets below specify the percentagesof teams that are high performing (Levels 4–5). All regions have the same targets: 2012 – 40% 2013 – 60% 2014 – 75% 2015 – 80% 2016 – 85% Percentages expressed are the number of teams at a level of performance as a percentage of the total number of existing teams as of the second Friday in January for that calendar year. UBT Assessment: o A uniform, national UBT rating system isestablished based on observable evidence and behavior. o The rating system is described in the Path to Performance (attached as Exhibit 1.B.1.b.(2)). o High-performing UBTsbe recognized and rewarded. The 2012 LMP Subgroup of the CIC recommended, and the parties agree that: x Each region will ensure consistent application and assessment of the Path to Performance consistent with national criteria, standards and interpretation across teams and sites. Such a plan should address: o The need to balance internal assessments (e.g., team surveys) with external validation. o The need to balance qualitative assessments of behavior with quantitative process and outcome measures drawn from KP systems (e.g., UBT Tracker, KP Learn, performance reporting systems, etc.). 11 o Specific steps to be taken in cases where UBTs are not progressing as expected or are losing ground. Every team is required to refresh annually an active learning and development plan tied to performance outcomes and supported by regional infrastructure with sponsors accountable for success. o A learning and development plan should include, as appropriate, training, education, engagement, communication, performance improvement and the application of UBT skills and knowledge in the workplace. A common list of elements will be developed for all regions by the Executive Committee of the Strategy Group. o For representative UBTs, this learning and development plan should inspire and engage the participation of all members of the department/work unit—whether they serve on the representative UBT or not. Stewards and supervisors play a critical role in high-performance partnership organizations. Where work is organizedand performed by Unit-Based Teams, the roles are substantially different from those of traditional work situations.References to supervisors in this Agreement refer to management representatives. In Unit-Based Teams, supervisors will continue to play a crucial role in providing leadership and support to frontlineworkers. The role should evolve from directing the workforce to coaching, facilitating, supporting, representingmanagement through interest-based procedures and ensuring that a more involved and engaged workforce isprovided with the necessary systems, materials and resources. The role of stewards should evolve into one of work-unit leadership, problem solving, participating in the organization and design of the work processes and representingco-workers through interest-based procedures. UBT sponsors have primary accountability for taking an active role with their teams to identify resources and remove barriers that impede their teams’ success.Sponsors will receive more comprehensive support to be effective in their role.Sponsors will support UBT co-leads to be effective in their roles and hold co-leads accountable for following the P2P and achieving results on the Value Compass.If local problemsolving attempts to remove barriers and allocate resources are not successful, UBT sponsors will escalate to senior operational and union leadership. Sponsors should focus their energy on helping teams achieve and ultimately sustain high performance, and accomplish line-of-sight performance outcomes. A description of the roles, as envisioned in the Pathways to Partnership, can be found in the Work Unit LevelSponsorship and Accountability section of the 2003–2005 Labor 12 Management Partnership Implementation Planand the 2004 Think Outside The Box Toolkit. Each regional LMP Council will review the various positions established under the National Agreement as well as positions funded through the National LMP Trust or Local areas. The review should assess the effectiveness of the roles and leverage them to support Unit-Based Teams and the work of the Partnership generally. The regions, medical centers, medical facilities and national functions will assess whether the caseload for support positions (e.g., Sponsors, UBT Consultants, etc.) is sustainable and conducive to UBT development. The Regions and Medical Centers will consider goals for these caseloads, which could vary based on factors such as team Path to Performance levels, team size and available resources. c. Joint Accountability The Strategy Group will appoint a committee of its own members to develop a means to build direct accountability for improving the Partnership, including a method for frontline union and management leaders to provide reciprocalfeedback. The committee will provide these recommendations and a recommendation on implementation to theExecutive Committee of the Strategy Group by 12/1/2010. The Strategy Group will act on the recommendationsby 1/1/2011. 2. GOVERNING BODIES The governing body for the Labor Management Partnership is the Labor Management Partnership Strategy Group(the Strategy Group), which currently comprises the Regional Presidents, a subset of the KFHP/H NationalLeadership Team, representatives from the Permanente Medical Groups, the Permanente Federation, the Office ofLabor Management Partnership (OLMP) and the Coalition. The parties acknowledge that as integration progresses,governance structures may need to evolve accordingly. The OLMP will provide administrative and operational support to the Strategy Group and support theimplementation of the Partnership at all levels, including: x management of the Labor Management Partnership Trust (the Partnership Trust) budget, as determinedby the Strategy Group, including financial reports and fund transfers; x establishment and coordination of joint education trusts; x support to Labor Management Partnership communications; x support for coordination and development of Workforce Planning and Development activities; and x management and/or support for other initiatives and programs as assigned. 3. JOINT PARTNERSHIP TRUST The Partnership Trust has been established for the purpose of funding labor management administration andPartnership activities. Changes in the Employer’s overall funding of 13 Partnership expenses, including PartnershipTrust contributions, training and education development, administration and technical and consulting supportexpenses necessary to implement/advance the Partnership, shall be at least proportional to employee contributionsas described below. An amountequal to nine cents per hour per employee will be contributed to the Partnership Trust throughoutthe term of this Agreement,consistently across the Program. The purpose of theemployee contribution is employee ownership of the Partnership, sponsorship of increased union capacity and shared ownership of outcomes and performance gains. LMP Trust Fund contributions by the Employer will be as follows: 2013 2012 California $6 million $4 million National $10 million $11 million 2014 $2 million $12 million The Partnership Trust is overseen by the Strategy Group and is jointly administered. There will be up to six trusteesconsisting of equal numbers of union and management representatives from the Strategy Group. The trustees serveunder the direction of the Strategy Group. C. ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE The 2005 BTGs, comprising approximately 400 employees, managers, supervisors, physicians, dentists and union leaders, worked diligently to propose solutions in a range of areas of great interest to management, employees and their unions.This section is based on their vision and solutions in the areas of Attendance, Benefits, HRIS Process Consistency, Scopeof Practice, Service Quality, Performance-Based Pay, Performance Improvement, Workforce Development and Work-LifeBalance. While not intended to represent all of the ideas, goals and direction indicated by these BTGs, it captures thefundamental elements necessary for making Kaiser Permanente the best place to work and the best place to receive care. Similar subgroup processes were used in the subsequent 2010 and 2012 National Bargaining. The parties are dedicated to working together to make Kaiser Permanente the recognized market leader in providingquality health care and service. This can be accomplished through creating a service culture, achieving performance goals,developing the Kaiser Permanente workforce, increasing employee satisfaction, promoting patient safety programs andfocusing attention on employee health and work-life personal-life balance. The goal is to continually improve performanceby investing in people and infrastructure, improving communication skills, fostering leadership and supporting involvementin the community. 1. PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT 14 Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition are competing in a challenging market that is characterized by a limitedworkforce, changes in technology, changes in clinical practice, cultural diversity, changing demographics and highdemand for quality service. The parties are committed to the enhancement of organizational performance so thatworking in Partnership is the way Kaiser Permanente does business. Under this Agreement, the parties willwork together to: x develop and invest in people, including the development of and investment in managers, supervisors andunion stewards; x engage employees at all levels; x align the systems and processes that support the achievement of organizational and Partnership goals; x enhance the ability of Coalition unions to advance their social mission and the welfare of their members; x recognize and reduce parallel structures; x ensure joint management-union accountability for performance; x grow membership; x redesign work processes to improve effectiveness, efficiency and work environment; x develop and foster Unit-Based Teams; x share and establish expectations regarding broad adoption of successful practices in areas such as service,attendance, workplace safety, workforce development, cost structure reduction, scope of practice andperformance-based pay; and x communicate with employees on an ongoing basis regarding performance goals and targets, as well asperformance results at all levels of the organization. Each regional LMP Council shall develop approaches aimed at reducing variation between medical centers, facilities and departments in the resources available for partnership. In particular, such a plan should: x Ensure at a regional level there is adequate time for teams to review performance, identify opportunities for improvement, and develop and test changes to drive improvement. x Provide regional or facility support to departments as needed to cross-cover or backfill and jointly determine the most cost-effective manner to provide the support. a. Successful Practices Implementation of a comprehensive, Web-based system for sharing and transferring successful practices will bea significant contribution to performance improvement. This system will identify and capture successful practices and toolkits related to regional and program-wide goals,such as: x service; x attendance; x workplace safety; x workforce development; x cost structure reduction; 15 x x x x x scope of practice; performance-based pay; quality; patient safety; and others. By October 1, 2010, each region will inventory and submit to a designee in the OLMP the existing systems thatare used to capture and share successful practices. The OLMP will be responsible to: x act as the sponsor for the transfer of successful practices; x coordinate with regional and national function leadership to provide funding, incentives, education, support and tools; and x implement and maintain the system to ensure that successful practices are, in fact, transferred. The National UBT Tracker, LMP website and other tools throughout the organization shall be regularly updatedand made available to the organization so as to accelerate knowledge of and use of best practices, categorized bytype (e.g., quality, patient safety, service, etc.). Regions or facilities where business goals are not being met for a specific function will be accountable to adoptdemonstrated successful practices specifically applicable to that function, in order to improve performance. b. Flexibility Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition are committed to enhancement of organizational performance by developingand investing in people and aligning the systems and processes that support the achievement of organizationaland partnership goals. Further, the parties are committed to Kaiser Permanente becoming a highperformanceorganization and to the KP Promise and the Labor Management Partnership as a foundation for reaching this goal. Market-driven change has created a challenging competitive situation that is characterized by a limited number ofskilled workers and new entrants into the workforce, changes in technology, changes in clinical practice, culturaldiversity, changing demographics and high demand for quality service. To become a high-performance organizationin this environment requires organizational change. Becoming a high-performance organization also requires a pledge from Partner unions and Kaiser Permanenteto modify traditional approaches, to work diligently to enhance flexibility in labor contracts, to willinglyexplore alternative ways to apply seniority and to address jurisdictional issues in order to achieve organizationalperformance goals. It is expected that the parties will undertake this in a way that is consistent with the Partnership,while at the same time preserving the principles of seniority and union jurisdiction. 16 The following is minimally required to create an environment that balances Kaiser Permanente’s need for flexibilityin removing barriers to enhanced performance with Partner unions’ need to honor seniority and jurisdiction.The goal is to create a climate based on trust that promotes achievement of Partnership outcomes and fosters anenvironment in which Kaiser Permanente, Partner unions and employees effectively respond to and address issuesat the local level. It is not the intent of the parties to undermine the principles of seniority and union jurisdictionor to reduce the overall level of union membership. Management is not looking for the right to make changesunilaterally to achieve greater flexibility, but expects the unions to work with them to address flexibility needs. Theneed for and desirability of joint decision making is acknowledged. Management recognizes the unions’ interest in a balanced approach whichwill not disadvantage one union relativeto another and acknowledges that a broad, long-term perspective should be adopted. Commitment to performance improvement through joint, continuing efforts to redesign business systems andwork processes. This includes simplifying workflow, eliminating redundant or unnecessary tasks and coordinatingworkflow across boundaries. It also requires alignment with and implementation of the business strategy and the principles of the Labor Management Partnership. Incorporation of labor management partnership principles in redesign efforts.These include: x involving affected employees and their unions in the process; x assessing impact on employees; x minimizing impact on other units due to bumping and other dislocation; x providing fair opportunity for current employees to perform new work; x retraining or redeploying affected employees; and x applying the principles of employment and income security. Creation of mutually agreeable local work design processes to address local conditions while ensuringhigh levels of quality, service and financial performance. Flexibility will enhance management’s ability to meet itsemployment security obligations, just as flexibility will be enhanced by joint labor management influence overworkplace practices. Principles to be observed include: x respect for seniority and union jurisdiction; x flexibility for employees’ personal needs; and x flexibility in work scheduling, work assignments and other workplace practices. Commitment of local labor management partners to exhibit creativity and trust to resolve difficult issues, such as: x contractual and jurisdictional issues that are inconsistent with partnership principles and/or that arebarriers to achievement of partnership goals; 17 x x x x x considering reciprocity of seniority between bargaining units to facilitate employee development and performance improvement; enhancing employee mobility across regions and partner unions and into promotional opportunities; cross-training staff across job classifications and union jurisdictional lines where it makes operational or business sense or where union and employee’s interests are accommodated; enabling team members to perform operational functions across boundaries (job classification, department and/or union jurisdiction) within their scope of practice and licensure to serve members/patients; and utilizing a joint process to resolve issues of skill mix, classification and the application of the provisions of the National Employment and Income Security Agreement. Mechanisms for flexibility include, but are not limited to: x expanding skills of staff; x developing innovative and flexible scheduling and work assignments to balance staffing and workload; x alternative work assignments and schedules to accommodate variations in staff workload; x shifting tasks to accommodate periods of peak demand; x temporary assignments to other work; x using supply-demand management tools to anticipate staffing needs; and x other innovative employment options such as seasonal employment and job sharing. In applying the principles of the Partnership, local labor management partners may create a variety of jointagreements or practices to enhance organizational performance and to accommodate employee interests. In orderto encourage creativity and joint risk taking, such agreements will be non-precedent setting and not apply toother units, departments, medical centers or service areas. However, sharing and adoption of successful practicesis highly encouraged. In 2010 bargaining, the parties agreed to adopt the recommendations of the LMP Subgroup concerning flexibility,which are attached as Exhibit 1.C.1.b. 2. SERVICE QUALITY Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition are dedicated to working together to make Kaiser Permanente the recognizedleader in superior service to each other, to our members and to purchasers, contracted providers and vendors. In orderto become the recognized leader in superior service, the parties agree to pursue a Labor Management Partnershipstrategy in which every region will have a plan to implement the following critical elements of service quality. a. Leadership Commitment and Service Behavior 18 Labor integration.Labor, management, physician and dental leaders will assume a leadership role in thedesign and implementation of the service promise or credo. In the first year of the 2005 Agreement, the StrategyGroup, working with the KPPG subgroup on service, led the design and implementation of a curriculum anda communication plan to advance the service promise or credo at all levels of the organization. The curriculumincluded the key concepts needed to support the development of a service culture, including the critical elementof service recovery. Working in partnership, labor and management will be accountable for creating a service culture at the facility,department and work-unit levels. Partner union representatives will be integrated into planning, development andimplementation of a service culture. Union partners will be integrated into any new or ongoing service initiativesor committees that manage service programs at the national, regional or local levels. A service culture can best be achieved by utilizing Unit-Based Teams. High member, employee and providersatisfaction will result from well-trained teams that are empowered and supported to meet or exceed serviceexpectations. Key components for achieving high service quality performance by Unit-Based Teams includeemployee involvement in point-of-service decision making, systems that support the team in the delivery ofsuperior service, orientation and training, accountability and an organizational commitment to service quality. Accountability.Individuals, teams and leaders are accountable for service quality at Kaiser Permanente.All members of a team own their individual service behavior, as well as the service provided by their team.Leadership is accountable for supporting individuals and teams in building and maintaining a service culture,and implementing the critical elements of the service plan. Accountability will be enhanced by establishing andmonitoring service quality metrics. Resources.National and regional leadership will designate funding sources for service quality improvement,including development of defined service budgets, which are jointly planned and reviewed by management, labor,physicians and dentists. b. Systems and Processes Alignment.To make Kaiser Permanente the recognized leader in superior service, organizational systems and processes must be aligned with that goal. The parties will evaluate, develop or improve systems that supportemployees and departments in delivering superior service. Recruitment and Hiring.In order to integrate a service focus into the organization’s recruitment and hiringpractices, the parties agree that all job descriptions, performance evaluations and job competencies will includea jointly developed service component. All job postings will include language that emphasizes service skills. 19 Recognition and Reward. Recognition is a critical component in fostering and reinforcing a culture of serviceexcellence. The parties will work to align service quality incentives throughout all levels of the organization, withincreased emphasis on service. Metrics and Measurement.Service quality should be measured and given appropriate weight to reachand maintain superior service at all levels of the organization. The parties will develop a “Balanced Scorecard”measurement program, and strengthen customer satisfaction measurement tools. Orientation and Training.The service training program will continue to be delivered as needed at a regional,facility, work-unit or individual level, including the service recovery section. Service Recovery.Service recovery is a critical element of a service quality improvement strategy to preventmember terminations. Medical centers or departments will provide resources for implementation of consistentservice recovery programs. c. Environment The physical and social environment affects service quality. The parties at the national and regional level will work to strengthen the involvement of union leaders and frontline staff in the design of existing facility modification,template development and new construction. 3. ATTENDANCE a. Philosophy Optimal attendance is imperative to achieve superior customer service, employee satisfaction, efficiency and quality of care for health plan members. Appropriate use of time-off benefits, including sick leave when employees areinjured or ill, is essential to employee well-being and organizational performance. A healthy work environment and a committed workforce are critical success factors for achieving optimal attendance. Sick leave is not an entitlement, but a benefit, like insurance, to be utilized only when needed. b. Sponsorship and Accountability The parties share the goal of ensuring that attendance performance at Kaiser Permanente is in the forefront of high-performing health care organizations. In order to achieve optimal attendance, sponsorship must occur fromthe highest leadership levels within Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition. This includes: x National Leadership Team members; x regional presidents; x regional medical and dental directors; and x local Union leaders. Accountability for the attendance program will be integrated into the operational structures of managementand the leadership of Coalition local unions. A chain of accountability for the attendance recommendationswill be established that is clear at all 20 levels of the respective organizations. Accountability includes clearexpectation of roles and responsibilities as well as rewards and consequences, as appropriate, for performanceand non-performance. c. Time-Off Benefit Enhancement Labor and management have agreed to establish a new benefit design to improve attendance by providing economic incentives for appropriate use of sick leave, as well as flexible Personal Days. This benefit design includes threekey components: flexible Personal Days; Annual Sick Leave; and Banked Sick Leave. This benefit does not affectvacation, and does not apply to employees covered by ETO/PTO plans. Flexible Personal Days.Each local collective bargaining agreement may designate from two to five flexiblepersonal paid days off (Personal Days) that employees may use for personal needs in increments of not less thantwo hours. Currently existing Work-Life Balance days, floating holidays, birthday holidays or personal days contained inlocal agreements may be designated as Personal Days. In addition, sick leave days may be converted to PersonalDays by mutual agreement, provided that the total number of Personal Days, (including floating holidays or theequivalent) does not exceed five days. The designation/conversion of the above to Personal Days will only occurin local bargaining. Requests for a single Personal Day off, or for hours within a single shift, shall be granted upon receipt of at leasttwo weeks’ notice. Last-minute notice is acceptable for personal emergencies. Requests with less than two weeks’ notice, requests for consecutive days off, for days before or after a holiday, or for other days designated by mutual agreement, will be reviewed and approved or denied on a case-by-case basisin order to meet core staffing needs. Denials will be tracked and compiled, by department, on a quarterly basis. All unused Personal Days will be converted at 50 percent of value to cash at the end of each year. Personal Days may not be cashed out upon resignation or termination; however, upon retirement PersonalDays may be cashed out at 50 percent of value. For the purposes of this Section 1.C.3, retirement means that theemployee has retired from the organization pursuant to the terms of a qualified Kaiser Permanente retirement plan. These provisions will not supersede local collective bargaining agreements with superior conditions regarding noticerequirements, granting of requests or cash-out provisions. Sick Leave Benefit.There are two types of sick leave benefits. Annual Sick Leave is the sick leave days creditedeach year to each employee in accordance with the provisions of the local collective bargaining agreements.Banked Sick Leave is previously accumulated 21 unused sick leave to which unused Annual Sick Leave may be addedat the end of each anniversary year. Annual Sick Leave.Employees will be credited with their entire annual allotment of sick leave days provided inthe local collective bargaining agreements at the beginning of the pay period in which each employee’s anniversarydate of hire falls. For purposes of Annual Sick Leave days, in cases where an employee’s anniversary date of hire hasbeen adjusted, the “leave accrual service date” will be used. Transition year: Special Note for Part-time Employees. Part-time employees’ Annual Sick Leave will be credited proportionately,based on scheduled hours. Throughout the year (no more frequently than quarterly) the credited Annual Sick Leavewill be adjusted based on actual compensated hours. This will ensure that employees who work, on average, more hours than they are scheduled will receive proper Annual Sick Leave credit. Banked Sick Leave. At the end of each anniversary year, 100 percent of unused Annual Sick Leave days may be credited to Banked Sick Leave at 100 percent of value. Banked Sick Leave is made up of accumulatedunused sick leave with no limit on the amount that may be accumulated, regardless of limitations onaccumulation that may be contained in local collective bargaining agreements. Existing accumulated sick leavebalances for all employees will be credited to Banked Sick Leave upon implementation of this program. Banked Sick Leave may only be used following exhaustion of Annual Sick Leave, or for statutory leaves(e.g., CESLA, FMLA, OFLA, workers’compensation, etc.), or when the employee is hospitalized. Medicalverification may be required for use of Banked Sick Leave. Banked Sick Leave accrued after December 31,2005, will be used following exhaustion of any Banked Sick Leave accrued prior to January 1, 2006. Options for Unused Annual Sick Leave. At the end of each calendar year, employees who meet theeligibility requirements set forth below may elect to: x convert up to 10 days of unused Annual Sick Leave days to cash as set forth below; or x credit unused days to Banked Sick Leave at 100 percent of value. Employees may select either a conversion option or the credit option, or a combination of a conversion option and the credit option. This election will take place at the end of the calendar year. However, conversion and/or credit will occur at the endof the employee’s anniversary year and will be based on available balances of unused Annual Sick Leave at the endof the employee’s anniversary year. Conversion of Unused Annual Sick Leave. Employees will be eligible to cash out unused Annual Sick Leaveas described in either Option 1 or Option 2 below. 22 Option 1: At the end of each year, employees with at least 10 days of Banked Sick Leave (or the proportional equivalent for part-time employees) may elect to cash out up to 10 days of unused Annual Sick Leave at 50 percent ofvalue. Employees with fewer than 10 days of Banked Sick Leave must first apply unused Annual Sick Leavetoward reaching a minimum balance of 10 days (or the proportional equivalent) of Banked Sick Leave. Once thatminimum balance is reached, additional unused Annual Sick Leave may be cashed out, up to a maximum of10 days, at 50 percent of value. Example 1: An employee has no Banked Sick Leave and 12 days’ unused Annual Sick Leave at the end of the year. Ten days must be credited to Banked Sick Leave and two days may be cashed out at 50 percent of value. Example 2: An employee has five days’ Banked Sick Leave, and 12 days’ unused Annual Sick Leave at the end of theyear. Five (5) days must be credited to Banked Sick Leave and seven days may be cashed out at 50 percent of value. Option 2: At the end of each year, employees with at least one year’s worth of annual accrued sick leave in their post-January 1, 2006, bank may elect to cash out up to 10 days of unused annual sick leave at 75 percent of value. Example 1: An employee has 20 days’ Banked Sick Leave and 12 days’ unused Annual Sick Leave at the end of theyear. This employee’s annual sick day allotment is 12 days. Ten days may be cashed out at 75 percent value and twodays will be credited to Banked Sick Leave; or, all 12 days’ unused Annual Sick Leave may be credited to Banked Sick Leave. All unused Annual Sick Leave days that are not converted to cash under Option 1 or Option 2 above will beautomatically credited to Banked Sick Leave at 100 percent of value. Retirement Conversion.Upon retirement, Banked Sick Leave accrued prior to January 1, 2006, will berecognized as credited service for pension purposes (excluding TaftHartley plans). Healthcare Reimbursement Account (HRA ). Effective January 1, 2010, the parties agreed to establish a Healthcare Reimbursement Account (HRA) for bargaining unit employees covered by the National Agreement.An HRA will be set up for eligible employees who become plan participants when they retire in accordance with the Plan Document. However, UFCW Pharmacy Clerks in Southern California covered under the UFCW Pharmacy Health & Welfare Trust (“Trust”) are also eligible for reimbursement of the following health care expenses incurredunder any plan of benefits offered by the Trust. 23 The HRA may be used to reimburse participants for medical, dental, vision and hearing care expenses that qualifyas federal income tax deductions under Section 213 of the Internal Revenue Code. Eligible employees shall convert80 percent of unused sick leave accrued during or after 2006 to fund the HRA. For further information or clarification, please refer to the HRA Plan Document. d. Implementation The 2005 Agreement required that Southern California implement the Attendance Program, including the Time-Off Benefit Enhancement, no later than January 1, 2006, with other regions implementing throughout thecourse of 2006 in accordance with a schedule developed under the direction of the Strategy Group. The partiesagree that the benefit structure which became effective as of January 1, 2006, continues for the term of thisAgreement. Accordingly, eligible employees who retire after that date, but before implementation is completed intheir region, will be entitled to the entire annual allotment of Annual Sick Leave/Personal Days and the retirementconversion, as described above. The National Attendance Committee develops detailed timelines for initial and long-term implementation of the attendance program with identified goals and performance expectations. The Committee defines the kinds of dataneeded and the methods to be used, collects the necessary data and provides reporting that is consistent acrossRegions. The committee establishes a framework that defines the level of attendance performance at which an attendance review is triggered. The 2005 Attendance BTG report guides the work of the committee. e. Integrated Disability Management A comprehensive integrated disability management program for long-term leave that provides a rapid return to work for employees will be jointly developed. This program will include the current focus on disabilities andworkers’ compensation and extend to chronic and recurrent sick leave and non-occupational injuries, illnessesor disabilities, whether or not they are covered under FMLA or other protected leave. This program is furtherdescribed in Section 1.J., Workplace Safety. f. Attendance Intervention Model The intervention model developed by the OLMP will be utilized to provide expertise and tools that can assist departments or units with poor attendance to discover and understand root causes and develop solutions inpartnership that will improve attendance. The National Attendance Committee will: x modify the intervention model based on experience to date and successful practices; x develop a toolkit for use by the regions or national functions; x develop and offer training to regional or national personnel for intervention skills and use of the toolkit; and x provide consulting and back-up services to the regions or national functions. 24 Each region or national function will: x fund and develop resources for intervening in units with attendance issues; x establish intervention teams with administrative support; and x determine the number of teams needed based on the number of units requiring intervention. g. Staffing and Backfill (Planned Replacement) The success of the Attendance program depends on a number of key elements, all of which are essential. This includes adequate staffing, planned replacement and commitment to providing appropriate time off whenrequested. Section 1.F., Staffing, Backfill (Planned Replacement), Budgeting and Capacity Building, provides thedetails regarding these obligations. 4. SCOPE OF PRACTICE The people of Kaiser Permanente will work collaboratively in the Labor Management Partnership to address scope of practice issues in a way that ensures compliance with laws and regulations while valuing the strengths, contributions and employment experience of all members of the health care team. The parties agree to work inPartnership to promote knowledge and understanding of scope of practice issues, proactively influence scope of practice laws and regulations as appropriate, create a safe environment to address scope of practice issues in a non-punitive manner, and provide opportunities and resources for all employees to advance personally and professionally in order to take advantage of full scope of practice in accordance with certification and/or licensure. To the extent possible, to achieve these objectives, union representatives should be fully integrated into national, regional and local scope of practice decision-making structures within Kaiser Permanente as outlined in the 2005Scope of Practice BTG report, pages 14–17 (attached as Exhibit 1.C.4.(1)). Where disagreements arise regardingthe legal scope of practice of employees covered under this Agreement, the Issue Resolution process in Section1 may be utilized on an expedited basis. If such a disagreement is not fully resolved through an expedited IssueResolution process, management, acting in good faith, will apply relevant law and regulatory requirements andreserves the right to make a final determination to ensure compliance with laws and regulations. Scope of practice education and training programs will be developed and communicated broadly throughout theorganization. The Strategy Group, working together with the National Compliance, Ethics & Integrity Office,will be accountable for the implementation of these provisions. Guidance for education and training programsand timelines for implementation are provided on pages 9, 10 and 11 of the 2005 Scope of Practice BTG report (attached as Exhibit 1.C.4.(2)). 5. JOINT MARKETINGAND GROWTH 25 The Coalition unions and Kaiser Permanente acknowledge the untapped opportunities for membership growth among union-affiliated workers. In the 1997 Labor Management Partnership agreement, the unions and management committed to work together to “expand Kaiser Permanente’s membership in current and new markets, including designation as a provider of choice for all labor organizations in the areas we serve.” The parties reaffirm their commitment to market Kaiser Permanente to new and existing union groups andto establish the necessary strategic and policy oversight, as well as appropriate funding, to ensure the jointLabor Management Partnership marketing effort becomes a successful sustainable model, resulting in increasedenrollment in the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan. The Coalition and its affiliated unions, acting in the interest ofand in support of the Partnership, will use their influence to the greatest extent possible to assure that unionizedEmployers, union health and welfare trusts and Taft-Hartley trusts operating in, or providing benefits to unionmembers in areas served by Kaiser Permanente, offer the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan. National oversight andsponsorship of the joint marketing effort will be provided by the Strategy Groupwith the input and involvement of Regional and Local Labor Representatives in the evaluation of marketing options. The foundation of the jointmarketing efforts will require organizational alignment, integration (e.g., participating in the regional rate-settingprocess) and coordination between the Coalition and departments engaged in promoting Kaiser Permanente atthe regional level. The parties have developed Joint Labor Management Partnership Marketing Program recommendations.These recommendations identify the need for: x consistent data collection; x education programs; x communication strategies and tools; x mechanisms to measure outcomes and progress “at the regional and local level”; and x a joint structure, including the long-term vision of integration, to accomplish these goals. A Joint Labor Management Partnership Marketing Action Plan will be submitted annually to the StrategyGroup for approval and implementation. The Action Plan should be based on the Labor Management Partnership Joint Marketing Program recommendations, and should identify the annual goals and objectives, resources,responsibilities, accountabilities and outcomes for the following year.The Action Plan will focus member growth activities throughout the year on: x Programs that support the visibility of the Kaiser Permanente brand to employers—both through marketing materials and onsite activities. x Those segments of the market that provide the greatest potential for new growth. Regional Partnership teams will utilize existing forums where possible (e.g., Regional/Local LMP councils, Regional Marketing Councils, etc.) to replicate the Senior Work Group on Growth. This may include extending the charter, the organizational structure and the growth and retention strategy to local markets. 26 a. CKPU Growth Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition unions agree to leverage the LMP as part of our joint interests in making sure that we deliver high-quality patient care and service, createthe best place to work and receive affordable quality care. In doing so, the parties agree to ingrain a culture of growth of the Coalition unions by all throughout the organization and in Partnership. D. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT 1. TAFT-HARTLEY TRUSTS a. Funding Two Taft-Hartley trusts, one for Coalition SEIU unions (the SEIU Multi-Employer Trust) and another for all other Coalition unions representing employees of KFHP, KFH and the affected Permanente Medical Groups(the Coalition Trust), will be funded to provide for base services as well as comprehensive training and educationprograms and services for theirrespective membershipsin such areas as: x Hard to Fill/critical need, market-challenged positions; x Qualified bilingual skills training; x Preparation for new technology,new workflows; and x Health care reform impacts. For the duration of this agreement, the parties agree that Joint Educational Trusts will befunded annually. The funding calculation will be determined by a 0.30percentage of the gross annual payroll of Coalition-represented employees participating in each Trust as of December 31 of the preceding year. Funds willbe transferred to each Trust annually according to the Trust agreements. The Employer will additionally contribute$3,000,000 annually to the Ben Hudnall Trust. b. Governance Each Taft-Hartley trust will be governed by an equal number of labor and management trustees. Labor trustees are selected by labor; management trustees by management. x SEIU unions will join the SEIU United Healthcare Workers-West and Joint Employer Education Fund. x All other Coalition unions will join the Ben Hudnall Trust. Each trust will establish the most appropriate staffing structure and levels to meet its goals. 2. STRUCTURE a. Workforce Development Coordination and Implementation Structure Workforce planning and development activity will be coordinated across the regions and the two trust funds through an integrated national, regional (and if appropriate, facility) workforce development team structure.This structure and supporting activity will be 27 funded from the 15 percent allocation to the Partnership Trust.Funded activity will include: x workforce forecasting, analysis and strategies; x development of systems to support forecasting, tracking and data collection at all levels; x Workforce Development Team set-up, orientation and support; x filling workforce development positions; x facilitation of the sharing of successful practices across regions; x updating the Workforce Development communication plan to include information about the education trusts, existing career paths and new opportunities for training and education; and x leveraging UBTs, LMP councils and joint management/steward trainings to communicate training and education opportunities. b. National Workforce Development Team (National Team) The National Team will include co-leads, one from management and one from the Coalition, and will be accountable to the Strategy Group. The team will also include representatives from HR functions, includingRecruitment, Compensation and Learning Services, as well as Workforce for Tomorrow, operations and theco-leads from each Regional Workforce Development Team, and other representatives as appropriate. The National Team will align, integrate and coordinate all workforce development and training efforts. The team will identify grants, federal, state and private money to leverage additional funding for education and training. The team will communicateusing Trust plan documents, including an annual report with financial and participant data, about the process and criteria of Trust benefits and programs to broader labor and management groups.The team will be charged with the oversight and training of workforce development teams and will work directly with trusteesof the Taft-Hartley and Partnership Trusts and the regional and facility (as appropriate) teams to develop andcoordinate policies to support workforce development. The National Team will be staffed sufficiently to ensuretimely implementation. c. Regional Workforce Development Teams (Regional Teams) The Regional Teams will be chaired by labor and management co-leads, and will be accountable to regional Labor Management Partnership Councils/Steering Committees/Strategy Groups (or their equivalent). Participants willinclude representatives from HR functions, including: Recruitment, Compensation and Learning Services,as well as Workforce for Tomorrow, operations and other representatives as appropriate. Regional Teams will createand maintain a program to meet the goals set out in this Agreement and the 2005 Workforce Development BTGrecommendations. They will also align, integrate and coordinate all workforce planning and development efforts on a regional level. Regional Teams will work directly with the National Team to: x assess needs; x deliver and implement programs; x create policies to support workforce development; x coordinate the delivery of programs to ensure that barriers to job placement and training opportunities are eliminated; and 28 x provide guidance and oversight in order to effectively coordinate with Facility Teams (as appropriate). d. Facility Workforce Development Teams (Facility Teams) Facility Teams will be established, where appropriate. These teams will assess needs and barriers to training and report findings to the Regional Teams. 3. JOINT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Workforce development is one of the highest priorities of Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition. The success of theorganization and the Partner unions is attributed to the work, skill and education of Kaiser Permanente employees.In order to adapt to the rapidly changing health care environment, there is a need to invest even more fully in partnerships, people and new technologies, while continuing to provide the highest quality of care and service tohealth plan members. The Coalition and management agree that a comprehensive workforce development program will be jointly developed and implemented. The goal is to create a culture that values and invests in lifelong learning and enhancedcareer opportunities. Once the local union has been notified of the need for redeployment or position elimination, Workforce Planning and Development will be engaged. The joint efforts will also result in the development of infrastructure and tools to realize the full intent of the Employment and Income Security Agreement. By achievingthese goals, employee retention and satisfaction will be increased, hard-to-fill vacancies filled, quality and serviceimproved and the Labor Management Partnership strengthened. Significant investments are being made in workforce development programs and activities. In order to be successful, these programs and activities require organizational alignment, integration, coordination and efficient use ofresources. The parties will assess the effectiveness of these activities and determine how to improve the overallprogram, including determining the appropriate yearly level of resources and investments. The four key components to this work are Workforce Planning, Career Development, Education and Training andRetention and Recruitment. As a result of the 2010 Workforce Planning and Development subgroup, the 2010 Workforce PlanningImplementation Exhibit is attached as Exhibit 1.D.3.In 2012 National Bargaining, the Workforce of the Future subgroup created new Hard-to-Fill implementation agreements. The Hard-to-Fill section of Exhibit modified to reflect these new agreements. a. Workforce Planning As Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition plan for the workforce of today and tomorrow, it is necessary to develop a set of ongoing processes that determine current workforce skill levels, current and future workforce needs andformulate a strategy to assure alignment. The parties agree that Workforce Planning and Workforce Development must be 29 integrated processes and that successful Workforce Planning must include acommitment to internal promotions in the filling of vacancies. Therefore, existing policies, practices and contractlanguage will be jointly reviewed and new policies developed to support internal promotions, including: theharvesting of vacancies, development of redeployment processes, studies to determine the feasibility of in-sourcingcareer counseling services/functions that are currently performed by external providers and new incentives formanagers to promote from within. Further, Labor will be provided with access to their job postings and engaged to build new jobs for future health care models. The Regional Workforce Planning and Development Teams will need to share direction changes brought on by federal and state regulations that affect labor positions so that Labor can be engaged in the development of future workforce strategies. b. Career Development In order to provide employees with opportunities for personal and professional development and provide the necessary resources to achieve their career goals, the Coalition and management agree that Career Counseling services willbe made available in each region or national function to offer skills and interest assessments, individual and groupcareer counseling and the development of individual employee development plans. In addition, a comprehensiveinfrastructure, including career ladders, career pathways mapping, occupational index tools, a career website, pipelinetracking database system and project management support will be established. The National Team will be accountablefor oversight and coordination with the regional and functional teams to ensure that the Career Counselinginfrastructure is developed and deployed. Further, the National Workforce Planning and Development team will continue the work on career paths on a jointly agreed-upon schedule. The schedule will identify the next group of career paths to be achieved and the timelines for this work. The Regional Workforce Planning and Development teams will explore ways to connect and coordinate career counseling resources with employees in transition. Specifically, these teams may jointly develop a job shadowing process that will afford employees an on-the-job experience of a new job choice prior to the employee entering into education programs.Also, Regional Workforce Planning and Development teams will establish a joint group to examine, set goals and develop criteria regarding Preceptorships and Mentorships (discussions may include program funding and timeframes).Employees interested in career development will need to develop individual career development plans with the support of organization resources and systems, in collaboration with management. c. Education and Training The workforce development education and training objectives are to: x prepare individuals to engage in learning processes and skills training; x support employees in meeting their professional and continuing educational needs; x train professional and technical employees for specialty classifications; x provide education and training in new careers and career upgrades; x support employees in adapting to technological changes; and 30 x ensure alignment with the needs of the organization. To achieve these objectives, the parties will jointly develop criteria to determine which training is a priority. The parties will also solicithigher learning institutions and maximize Kaiser Permanente’s leverage with outside learning organizations. Education and training programs should be able to accommodate multiple styles of learning, and both Educational Trusts should work toward offering consistent, online prerequisite curriculum. Following the completion of a training program, labor and management will work jointly to remove hiring barriers for employees. The parties recognize the need to raise awareness of the availability of tuition reimbursement opportunities.Each Regional Team is responsible for determining the current utilization of tuition reimbursement, educationleave (including Continuing Education Units) and other allocated budgeted resources. The teams should thendetermine how to remove barriers to access (e.g., degree requirements) and increase participation in theseprograms. This may require amendment of local collective bargaining agreements and/or policies. The NationalTeam, working with the Regional Teams, will develop a communications strategy to raise the awareness levelsin each region. Tuition reimbursement may be used in conjunction with education leave by employees for courses to obtainor maintain licensure, degrees and certification. Tuition reimbursement dollars may also be used for basic skillsprograms (e.g., computer, basic math, second language and medical terminology courses). d. Retention and Recruitment A major priority is to reduce turnover by implementing appropriate solutions throughout the organization.The implementation of the following programs is expected to produce significant savings for the organization overthe life of the Agreement through reduction in employee turnover. Exit Interview. The National Team, working with Regional Teams, will develop an exit interview templatethat will be utilized to determine the reasons employees leave Kaiser Permanente or transfer from a particular workunit. The exit interview process will be analyzed by the designated steward(s) and supervisor(s) and reported tothe National and Regional Teams on a quarterly basis. Ambassador Program. The 2005 Agreement provided: Each Regional Team will develop an AmbassadorProgram where current employees volunteer to serve as ambassadors for recruitment activities and outreach events.The work plan should be completed by September 30, 2006, and implemented by March 31, 2007. E. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1. PRINCIPLES 31 In order to achieve the KP Promise, the vision of the Pathways to Partnership and enhanced organizationalperformance, a significant commitment must be made to the training and education of the workforce.Furthermore, most of the policies, commitments and plans described in this Agreement cannot be successfullyaccomplished without the committed efforts of Kaiser Permanente employees. Meaningful participationrequires a high level of knowledge and understanding of the business of health care, the operations of KaiserPermanente and the principles of the Labor Management Partnership. Therefore, the goal is a comprehensive,jointly administered, integrated approach to education and training. There will be a joint design andoversight team that provides new and ongoing training programs to all appropriate staff, including evaluationof training effectiveness. 2. TYPES OF TRAINING The 2005 BTGs identified a variety of educational requirements necessary to advance the Partnership, supportthe development of high-performing, committed work teams and enhance the growth, advancement and retentionof employees, as described in the 2005 Workforce Development BTG report. Types and categories of training,grouped by funding source, include: x Career Development (supported by national funding), for example, training current employees to: o acquire basic skills and prerequisites for advancement; o fill new or hard-to-fill positions/technology changes; and o advance lifelong learning. x General Partnership and National Agreement training (funded through the Partnership Trust), for example: o implementation of the National Agreement; o program development for Unit-Based Teams; o application of the Flexibility provisions of this Agreement; o Partnership orientation and other Labor Management Partnership training; and o performance-sharing programs. x It is intended that all newly hired Partner union and management employees should be scheduled within four months (120 days) of being hired to receive Labor Management Partnership Training, as defined by each region. As sponsors, the appropriate local and regional LMP leadership will be accountable to ensure this takes place. x Key business strategies and initiatives (funded through operating budgets or local or national businessinitiatives), for example: o attendance;, o service; o business education; o Kaiser Foundation Health Plan product offerings; o KP HealthConnect; o employee health and wellness; o scope of practice; o benefits; 32 o regulatory compliance; and o diversity. 3. STEWARD EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The CIC agreed to support union steward training and education and recommended that stewards have timeavailable each month to participate in training and development activities. The parties agree to support stewards intraining and development such as: x education and training programs; x Stewards Council; x Labor Management Partnership Council; x Partnership-sponsored activities; and x Partnership environment. Training programs for stewards may be developed in the following areas: x foundations of Unit-Based Teams; x improvement in Partnership principles; x contract training on the National Agreement; x fundamentals of Just Cause; x leadership skills; x effective problem solving; and x consistency and practice. Labor and management will work jointly on steward development. Accountability will rest with senior operationaland union leaders on the Labor Management Partnership Council (or equivalent) in each region. 4. INTEGRATED APPROACH TO EDUCATION AND TRAINING There are common themes and elements of training that should become consistent across Kaiser Permanente.Sufficient resources will be committed, as specified in this Agreement and by the regions, to create and delivertraining programs and to enable employees to take advantage of those programs, supported by PlannedReplacement where necessary. Integrated development of program-wide training programs should provide efficiency,cost effectiveness, higher-quality training and more consistent experience for employees across Kaiser Permanente. The Strategy Group will be responsible for ensuring an integrated approach to education and training, which willjointly address initiatives and topics identified as priorities for the Program. Criteria for prioritization will be: x National Agreement implementation plans; x organizational strategic objectives; and x Partnership priorities. The 2005 Agreement provided: The parties will work jointly to develop an integrated education work plan andguidelines no later than May 30, 2006. Guidance for this work 33 can be found in the education and trainingrecommendations from the various 2005 BTG reports. F. STAFFING, BACKFILL (PLANNED REPLACEMENT), BUDGETING AND CAPACITY BUILDING 1. PLANNED REPLACEMENT AND BUDGETING Providing a work-unit environment where quality of care and employee satisfaction are not compromised byfluctuations in staff is a crucial concern. The parties commit to resolving the complex issue of Staffing andPlanned Replacement in a comprehensive manner. Planned Replacement means budgeted replacement timefor employees’ time away from their work unit (e.g., to participate in training, Partnership activities, approvedunion work, or to take contractual time off, including unpaid leaves of absence). In addressing the issue ofPlanned Replacement, the objectives are to jointly define the circumstances in which Planned Replacementwill occur, using the following criteria: x plan for and schedule replacement activities wherever possible, so that Planned Replacement objectives can be successfully achieved; x provide Planned Replacement so employees are able to use leave benefits appropriately and take time off related to activities listed above; x provide adequate staffing within the budget to cover the work operations and other work-related requirements by creating a Planned Replacement line item at all budgeting levels; x ensure forward-looking and realistic planning to anticipate and provide for future staffing needs; x support the Attendance provisions of this Agreement; x budget and plan realistically to provide for all components of legitimate time off from work and apply those budget components as intended; and x accurately track time off requests and responses to provide managers and employees with transparent data on time off. The parties will conduct and complete a gap analysis (i.e., the difference between needed average amount of time off and current budget practice) for Planned Replacement in each region prior to the 2007 rate-setting process. Planned Replacement will be incorporated into rate setting and budgeting processes for all departments beginning with the 2007 cycle. The parties will mutually agree on the phasing in of additional resources for Planned Replacement in 2006, and regional market conditions will be a factor in those considerations. In departments where management and the unions agree that the budgetary process meets the objectives as outlinedabove, the process does not need to be modified. Those departments without an effective joint staffing, budgetingand planning process in place will observe the Joint Staffing provision below and incorporate the recommendationstaken substantially from the 2005 Attendance BTG Report, Concept No. 3, pages 20–23 (attached as Exhibit 1.F.). Timing will be determined jointly at the regional level. 34 2. A JOINT STAFFING PROCESS As unions and management continue to integrate Labor Management Partnership structures into existingoperational structures, Partner unions will become more involved in business planning and resource allocationdecisions. These decisions are intricately tied to the shaping of staffing plans and decisions to adjust resourceallocations during budget cycles. Therefore, the parties agree that throughout this integration process, they will implement joint staffing processes.This work will include jointly developed staffing plans that consider the following factors: x mutually acceptable numbers, mix and qualifications of staff in each work unit; x planning for replacement needs; x patient needs and acuity; x technology; x inpatient and outpatient volume; x department/unit size; x geography; x standards of professional practice; x experience and qualification of staff; x staff mix; x regulatory requirements; x nature of services provided; x availability of support resources; x model of care; x needs and acuity of the entire medical facility as well as specific department/unit; x consideration and support for meals and breaks; and x departmental/area budgets. Adherence to any and all guidelines promulgated by any reviewing or regulatory agency and any other applicablelaws or regulations is mandatory. A staffing and budgeting model appears in the 2005 Attendance BTG Report,Concept No. 3, pages 20–23; (attached as Exhibit 1.F). The joint staffing language in this Agreement, togetherwith the model in the BTG report, should provide the framework for staffing discussions and decision making. 3. CONTRACT SPECIALISTS The ability to fully engage frontline workers in Partnership activities has been limited by a lack of unioncapacity. Stewards have had the difficult task of balancing their traditional representational duties related to theadministration of collective bargaining agreements and engaging in Partnership activities. To empower stewardsto fully assume their leadership roles in Partnership activities, the parties agree to the establishment of a 35 newrole, Employer-paid Contract Specialists. It is anticipated that this role will advance the Partnership by: x allowing stewards more time to focus on Partnership implementation at the facility and work-unit level; x building expertise and promoting consistency in contract interpretation and implementation through Contract Specialists who partner with local HR Consultants; and x building capacity through the development of many contract experts. Each Coalition bargaining unit will be allocated a minimum of one full-time equivalent (FTE) Contract Specialist,or portion thereof, for every 1,500 bargaining unit employees. In each region, each International Union will applythe 1:1,500 ratio to its total membership to determine the number of Contract Specialists. The Contract Specialistswill be appointed by the union, with Employer input, and will be directed by and accountable to the local union.Their duties will include, but not be limited to, contract interpretation and administration, contract education,guidance in grievance and problem resolution, improvement in shop steward capacity and consistent contractapplication. The Contract Specialist will partner with the Human Resources Consultant or equivalent. Normally,it is expected that Contract Specialists will serve a single, one-year, non-renewable term. The pay, benefits andconditions of the Contract Specialists will be in accordance with the standard Labor Management PartnershipLost Time Agreement. Many unions currently have Employer-paid liaison positions. Management and the local union will collaborate andattempt to reach a consensus decision on converting current liaison positions into Contract Specialist positions. It ispossible that a union may elect to maintain the current number of liaison positions in lieu of a Contract Specialist,or choose a combination of Contract Specialist and liaisons, or eliminate all liaison positions and replace them withContract Specialists. In the event that a local union does not have a liaison, it may choose to select a liaison(s),instead of a Contract Specialist, at the ratio described above. Local unions will set policies for liaison and ContractSpecialist positions such as term length (e.g., single one-year, non-renewable term, etc.). Local unions that currentlyhave liaison positions exceeding the 1:1,500 ratio cited above will maintain their current FTE ratio. Southern California will provide 13 FTE Contract Specialist/liaison positions, prorated by International Union,over and above the current liaison level, in the first year of the Agreement. All regions will achieve the 1:1,500 ratio bythe end of the second year of the Agreement. G. HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM (HRIS) PROCESS CONSISTENCY The 2005 HRIS Process Consistency BTG was formed from the Labor Relations subgroup of the Strategy Group.The BTG developed recommendations from the work of the HRIS Process Consistency Project Team (PCP Team)for reducing the current 36 complexity of HRIS processes and policies across the organization in support of theimplementation of the new PeopleSoft HRIS, and to increase the consistency of the employment experience. The CIC adopted HRIS provisions regarding benefit eligibility and effective dates for Across-the-Board (ATB)increases and special adjustments, which are incorporated in Section 2 of this Agreement. The parties furtheragreed that longevity steps that are converted to differentials will be included in base pay for purposes of finalaverage pay calculations when determining defined-benefit pension benefits, and will be included whendetermining defined-contribution percentages. In addition, certain provisions were adopted that are to be incorporated into each local collective bargainingagreement, including consistency provisions relating to: x bereavement leave; x jury duty; x effective dates of step increases; x longevity pay; and x alternative compensation program terms. The Labor Relations Sub-Group will continue to work with the PCP Team during the term of the Agreement as issuesare identified that the parties agree require changes to collective bargaining agreements. H. WORK-LIFE BALANCEAND TOTAL HEALTH Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition are committed to the total health and well-being of employees and to work-life practices, programs and services that balance work and life cycle challenges. Employees who are supported inbalancing their work and personal lives and reducing their health risks are more effective in their work, more productive as team members,and better able to deliver quality health care and service to members/patients. The organization’s responsiveness toindividuals’ needs, both on and off the job, is a powerful predictor of productivity, job satisfaction, commitmentand retention. Accordingly, Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition will work in Partnership to establish aninfrastructure to support and manage total health and work-life balance services. 1. STRUCTURE a. Work-Life Balance (WLB) The parties agree to create a Work-Life Balance (WLB) division of Human Resources, resulting from realignmentof the current Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at all levels. This infrastructure will help ensure that the work-lifebalance services offered are consistent program-wide while fostering better communication about the availability of theservices. The WLB division will include health promotion, employee assistance and referral services, and will enable theorganization to offer more robust work-life balance services to employees that lead to cost savings, employee retentionand increased employee satisfaction. 37 b. Total Health The parties share the goal of creating the healthiest workforce in the health care industry by improving the quality and length of employees’ lives and enhancing the effectiveness and productivity of the organization. To achieve this vision, the LMP strategy group shall empower a program-wide leadership group, the Total Health Leadership Committee, of appropriate representatives of the Coalition and KP to oversee and implement all of the work associated with creating a comprehensive Total Health program for KP employees. This committee shall endeavor to jointly develop policies and practices as outlined in Exhibit 1.H.1.b., Total Health Agreement. Utilizing existing Partnership structures and initiatives will assist the parties to achieve their Total Health goals. Resources for the WLB division at the national level will include a director of WLB, a dedicated labor partner, a projectmanager, analytical staff and existing EAP resources. Additional resources will be identified at the regional and local levelas needed to effectively support the WLB division and should be integrated with Unit-Based Team infrastructure to theextent practical. The Strategy Group will provide program-wide oversight for the WLB division. Regional and local WLB Committeeswith management, union, physician, dentist and EAP representation will provide support to the division. 2. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Employee Health Care Management.Kaiser Permanente will offer an Employee Health Care ManagementProgram to help employees manage their chronic diseases and other existing health issues. This program is furtherdescribed in Section 2.B.3., Other Benefits. Health promotion focuses on keeping people healthy. Kaiser Permanente will offer services to enable its employees tofocus on prevention and Thrive by actively promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle. To achieve this, local facilities willimplement and coordinate health and wellness services aimed at improving the quality of work and personal life for allemployees. Health promotion services and programs may include, but are not limited to, self-help classes, support groups,stress management, conflict management and cultural sensitivity/awareness training. Employee assistance services are intended to maximize employees’ ability to cope and remain productive duringstressful events and life crises. Such services should be sponsored nationally and implemented locally. They include work-lifeproblem assistance, such as drug and alcohol assistance assessment and referral, short-term family counseling andmanager/union consultation services. Life crisis services include emergency financial aid and grief counseling. Referral services provide a caring environment that is sensitive to the variety of employee needs. Company sponsored, arranged or subsidized services may be provided, including discounts for goods and services. This shouldbenefit employees with minimal 38 added cost. Examples include mass transit incentives, financial counseling services,concierge services and computer discounts. Some of these services are provided currently through regional employeeactivity programs. Expansion of these services nationally may be evaluated by the Strategy Group during futureyears of the contract. Donating days.The Partnership should create a mechanism for employees to voluntarily donate some earnedtime off, vacation or life-balance days to employees in need. In addition, Kaiser Permanente will establish a recognition week celebrating the founders of Kaiser Permanente and a Memorial Day tribute to recognize and honor deceased employees on the Friday before Memorial Day. 3. MANDATORY OVERTIME AND ASSIGNMENTS The parties’ vision is to make Kaiser Permanente the best place to work, as well as the best place to receive care.Through the Partnership, unions, management and employees share responsibility, information and decisionmaking, to improve the quality of care and service and enrich the work environment. The ability to rely on a stableschedule is fundamental not only to this equation, but to achieving balance between work life and personal life aswell. As a result, the parties have committed to discontinue mandatory overtime practices, with the overall goal ofavoiding the mandatory assignment of any unwanted work time. The “Mandatory Overtime—Principles and Tools”document agreed to by the parties is attached as Exhibit 1.H.3. I. PATIENT SAFETY Improving the quality of care delivered to members and patients requires significantly increasing the reportingof actual errors and “near misses.” It is recognized that the reporting of such errors can only improve if employeesare assured that punitive discipline is not seen as the appropriate choice to handle most errors. We must jointlycreate a learning environment which views errors as an opportunity for continued, systematic improvement. Thisenvironment must encourage all employees to openly report errors or near misses and participate in analyzing thereason for the error and the determination of the resolution and corrective action needed to prevent reoccurrence. The reporting system will include the following components: x reporting of errors, with systematic, standardized analysis of errors and near misses; x communication of learning to help make needed policy and procedure changes; x confidentiality of involved employees unless prohibited by statute or law; x involvement of staff in error analysis and/or resolution; x positive reinforcement for reporting; x training and education programs that enhance skills and competency to help prevent future errors; x maintenance of the integrity of privileged information; and x ability to collect and trend data across the organization. 39 Information regarding errors reported through this system will be handled through the Issue Resolution/CorrectiveAction process of this Agreement and will not be used as the basis for discipline except in rare cases when punitivediscipline is indicated, such as the employee: x was under the influence of drugs or alcohol; x deliberately violated rules or regulations; x specifically intended to cause harm; or x engaged in particularly egregious negligence. Reporting through this system does not relieve the employee of the responsibility to complete an incident reportwhen indicated by policy. J. WORKPLACE SAFETY Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition believe that an injury-free workplace should be the goal and responsibility of every physician, dentist, manager, union leader and employee, and an essential ingredient of high-quality, affordablepatient care. Working in Partnership, we are establishing the health care industry standard by setting the goal of eliminating all causes of work-related injuries and illnesses, so as to create a workplace free of the risk of injury and illness,where people feel free and safe to report work-related injuries and illnesses. 1. CREATING A CULTURE OF SAFETY In recognition of our goal of an injury-free workplace for all Kaiser Permanente employees, physicians and dentists,the leaders of Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition have committed to continuing support for cultural change andthe implementation of systems which are necessary to reach our goal. Over the term of this Agreement, the parties agree to provide sponsorship and resources necessary for a broadand sustainable approach to Workplace Safety (WPS). The Principles of Partnership will be used to engage frontlinestaff and supervisors in implementing the remedies that will eliminate hazards that cause injuries. It is recognizedthat in creating an effective culture of safety, alignment among all contributing Kaiser Permanente departmentsmust be achieved. Kaiser Permanente’s goal is zero injuries. In order to be successful, a culture of safety must be created in whichsafety is a core business, a personal value and prevention is more effective than injury management. 2. COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO SAFETY Successful WPS efforts are comprehensive and require strong leadership from the health plans, hospitals, dentalgroup, medical groups and unions. To that end, the parties commit to implement a comprehensive plan for eachregion that sets challenging goals, defines 40 accountabilities and creates a supportive environment with active work-unitengagement. The plan should includesustainable implementation goals and a timeline with milestones for progress. The program requires that accountability for WPS be integrated into health plan, hospital andmedical or dental group operations, business plans, performance metrics, budgets and strategic planning efforts,and emphasizes the collective responsibility for WPS in each work unit. In order to ensure successful implementation of the WPS program, the Employer and the unions agree to support training, partnership activities and work team engagement related to WPS, in accordance with the PlannedReplacement provisions of Section 1.F.1. 3. NATIONAL DATA SYSTEM The parties will continue to develop and enhance the utilization of a national data system and structure thatsupports the needs of WPS teams, leadership and operations. 4. BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS The parties will continue support of the National Sharps Safety Committee (NSSC), chartered by the LaborManagement Partnership to pursue the goal of selecting and recommending the provision of the safest sharpssafety devices. In the event of an issue or disagreement arising out of National Product Council actions regardinga recommendation from the NSSC, the appropriate Problem-Solving Processes under Section 1.L. of theAgreement may be utilized. 5. INTEGRATED DISABILITY MANAGEMENT As part of a comprehensive approach to WPS, an Integrated Disability Management (IDM) program, appropriatefor each region, will be implemented during the term of this agreement. IDM is defined as a comprehensiveprogram that provides a rapid return-towork for employees with occupational and non-occupational injuries,illnesses or disabilities to best meet the needs of employees by improving and supporting overall workforce health,productivity and satisfaction while reducing costs for the Employer in lost time and productivity. An integral part of a successful IDM program involves removing barriers for employees who are able to return totemporary, alternative or modified work after an injury, illness or disability. To that end, the Employer agrees tofacilitate an employee’s return to work by making every effort to liberalize work requirements, and the unions willwork collaboratively with the Employer to identify temporary, available and appropriate work assignments forthe affected employees. While in the IDM program, the affected employees may be placed into temporary workthat may include assignments in another bargaining unit, as long as the assignment does not affect the processfor filling vacancies and the work available for current employees in the workgroup. When assigning work toaffected employees, the Employer will attempt to assign them to duties in their own bargaining unit before placing employees temporarily into another bargaining unit. 41 Temporary assignments into different bargaining units shouldoccur infrequently, and will require collaboration and coordination. In the event it is not possible to assign theemployee duties within his/her own bargaining unit, the parties will jointly determine if temporary assignmentwithin another bargaining unit is possible. The affected employee may remain in a temporary assignment for up to 90 days. During this time, the employee’sbargaining unit status will be maintained with all rights and responsibilities. After 90 days, the parties will meet andmust mutually agree to the extension of any such temporary work assignment as appropriate. 6. UNION INDEMNIFICATION In consideration of full and active participation by the member organizations of the Coalition in the WPS program,and in recognition of the potential liability which might result solely from that participation, Kaiser FoundationHospitals and Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. agree that they, or one of the subsidiary health plan organizationsof Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., will indemnify Coalition unions and their officers and employees, and holdthem harmless against any and all suits, claims, demands and liabilities arising from or relating to their participationin WPS with Kaiser Permanente. K. UNION SECURITY 1. UNION LEAVES OF ABSENCE In support of the Partnership relationship, upon request, the Employer will grant time off to employees for officialunion business as long as the number of employees absent for union business does not impose an unreasonableburden on the Employer and the Employer receives reasonable notice. Union leaves will be defined according to the following: Short-Term Leaves are defined as leaves up to 30 days. Employees will continue to accrue seniority, service creditand benefits during the time of the absence, at the expense of the Employer. The impact of multiple short-termleaves on the operations must be considered. Long-Term Leaves are defined as leaves of absence for more than 30 days and up to a maximum of one year.Such leaves will be granted by the Employer in increments of three months and shall be jointly reviewed, on aperiodic basis, at the regional level. Seniority, service credit, credited service and health, dental and life insurancebenefits will continue during the leave as long as the union reimburses Kaiser Permanente for the associated costs. Elected Official Leave.Any employee elected to a union office will be automatically granted a leave of absencefor the duration of the term or three years, whichever is less. Employees must return to work after the completionof one term. Seniority, health, dental 42 and life insurance benefits will continue during this time, as long as theunion reimburses Kaiser Permanente for the associated cost. Service credit and credited service will be appliedfor a maximum of two years, as long as the union reimburses the Employer for such costs. As provided in localagreements, leaves beyond one term may be granted, but will not include service credit. Kaiser Permanente will pay employees for absences in order to participate in grievances, issue resolutionmeetings, Kaiser Permanente work committees and interest-based negotiations under Section 3.E. of thisAgreement. Paying employees for participation in panel arbitrations will be the decision of senior union andmanagement leaders in the region. The Employer and the leaders of the Partner unions will work together to ensure reasonable notice and to minimizeimpact on service and care delivery associated with this provision. 2. CORPORATE TRANSACTIONS The parties recognize that unions and Employers do not stand still. Unions merge with each other, or in some cases, split intosmaller parts. Employers buy and sell operations, spin off business units, merge with other entities or otherwise restructuretheir operations. Through implementation of the Partnership principles embedded in this Agreement, the parties expect to establish opencommunication concerning business and organizational issues affecting their respective operations. The parties anticipatethat in most instances through such communication and the Partner unions’ ongoing involvement in Kaiser Permanente’sbusiness matters, the unions will be aware of business issues that may cause Kaiser Permanente to consider transactions suchas those described above. In such circumstances, the parties contemplate that they will move to more formal discussionsconcerning such contemplated transactions as Kaiser Permanente’s consideration of options proceeds. The parties intend that the Coalition and the affected Partner unions will be involved in such consideration in a manner consistent with Partnershipprinciples and that the legal and contractual rights of the affected employees will be honored in any resultant transaction. 3. VOLUNTARY COPE CHECK-OFF The Employer agrees to administer a voluntary check-off of employee contributions to Partner union politicaleducation and action funds, consistent with the Private Letter Ruling received from the IRS in 2001. The programincludes the following provisions: x contributions to the political education and action funds are voluntary for employees; x the union is responsible for obtaining check-off authorization from each employee who wishes to have a voluntary payroll deduction; and x the union will reimburse Kaiser Permanente for the costs of administering the payroll deductions. 43 4. SUBCONTRACTING Consistent with current practice, management reserves the right to meet immediate dayto-day operational needs bycontracting for services, for example, through registries, temporary services, etc. The Parties reaffirm a Partnership presumption against the future subcontracting of bargaining unit work. This section has been supplemented by the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Sub-Contracting betweenKaiser Foundation Health Plan/Hospitals, The Permanente Medical Groups and The Coalition of Kaiser PermanenteUnions, AFL-CIO, dated July 15, 2005 (attached as Exhibit 1.K.4.). 5. UNION REPRESENTATION OF NEW POSITIONS Principles.The parties agree that Partner unions maintain strong fundamental interests in preserving theintegrity of the bargaining units. The parties also agree that achieving the Labor Management Partnership’s goalsof making Kaiser Permanente the health care employer of choice in all of its markets and maximizing workforceengagement as a principle means of achieving success requires that all parties commit to maintaining and enhancingbargaining unit integrity. The parties further agree that it is not in the interest of either Kaiser Permanente orthe Partner unions for jobs to be created or restructured for the purpose of removing work from a bargainingunit. Furthermore, the parties agree that it is essential for them to work together to assure that newly created andrestructured jobs that are appropriately included within bargaining units are not improperly excluded from them. For these reasons, the parties have adopted the following procedures for reviewing and determining the status ofnewly created and restructured jobs with duties and responsibilities similar to those of positions included in LaborManagement Partnership bargaining units. While this process is intended for newly created jobs, this process may be used to determine the bargaining unitstatus of current positions that are in dispute, provided the parties mutually agree, at a local and national level,that it would be beneficial to use this process for that purpose. If the local parties have an agreed-upon process for reviewing newly created positions that provide for anexpedited and timely resolution to the issue, that local process should prevail or they may mutually agree to usethe process below. Process.When the Employer creates a new position or restructures, including replacement of a union positionwith a non-union position with duties similar to those of 44 employees in a Labor Management Partnership bargainingunit, the Employer will notify the appropriate union at least five working days before posting. The Employer and the union will meet to review the position jointly within five working days of notification.The Employer and the union will present their reasons and recommendations concerning the bargaining unitstatus of the position. The parties will jointly discuss the position, the reasons for the Employer’s determination,and attempt to reach agreement on the status of the new or revised job. If the Employer and the union agree that the job is a bargaining unit position, it will be evaluated and postedunder the contractual process for bargaining unit positions. When a position is determined to be a bargaining unitposition, any identical positions which subsequently become available in the region will be posted as bargainingunit positions. If the parties agree that the job is not a bargaining unit position, it will be evaluated and posted under the applicable regional process for such positions. If the parties are unable to agree whether the job is a bargaining unit position, then the matter may be submitted asa dispute to an expedited Issue Resolution process. The parties will appoint a standing panel with the responsibilityof expeditiously reviewing the facts with each party’s perspectives and issuing a timely determination. Optimally,the standing panel would include several neutral parties with an inherent understanding of the complex issues involved in such determinations, and sufficient flexibility in their schedules to expeditiously hear pending issues.The panel will be accountable to the Strategy Group, who will ultimately determine the composition of the paneland who may elect to appoint one or more Strategy Group members, or their designees, to the standing panel.The panel will be appointed by January 1, 2006. The expedited process may be initiated by notification to the OLMP. The OLMP will notify the members andconvene the panel. The panel will be available for a meeting, in person or by teleconference, within two weeksof notification with the purpose of reaching a decision in the matter. If a decision cannot be made in the initialmeeting, another meeting will be scheduled as soon as possible. If the decision has not been made within thetwo-week period following the notification to the OLMP, the position may be posted and the posting willclearly indicate: x the position is under review; x whether or not the position is a union or non–union position is undetermined at this time; and x if it is determined that the position is appropriately within the bargaining unit, the incumbent will be required to be part of the bargaining unit. If it is ultimately determined that the position is a bargaining unit position, and a job offer has not been made toa candidate before that determination, the position will be re-posted as a bargaining unit position. 45 The Labor Relations Sub-Committee of the Strategy Group will review activity and provide reports to the StrategyGroup as necessary. L. PROBLEM-SOLVING PROCESSES This Agreement contains three different problem solving processes, each with a different purpose. The first is the Issue Resolution process. Issue Resolution is used in conjunction with Corrective Action, and to problem solveany department issue in an interest-based, rather than in a more traditional, adversarial manner. For most practicalpurposes, this is the problem-solving process that will be used most by the parties on a local level. The second problem-solving process is a Partnership Review Process. This is a specific process designed to problemsolve only disputes or differences of interpretation of Section 1 of the Agreement and certain designated provisionsof Sections 2 and 3. The third process was designed specifically to address disputes or differences of interpretationof all other provisions of Sections 2 and 3 of the Agreement. This process is found at the end of Section 2. 1. ISSUE RESOLUTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTION PROCEDURES An effective procedure for resolving issues is fundamental to the long-term success of the Labor ManagementPartnership. Solving workplace concerns quickly and by those most directly involved is essential to reducingconflicts, grievances and patient/member complaints. It will also contribute to better relations and a moreconstructive work environment. Issue Resolution and Corrective Action work in tandem to achieve these outcomes.To that end, the procedure has two components: x a system for raising and quickly resolving workplace issues using interest-based problem solving by thosedirectly involved with the issue; and x a method of resolving performance and behavior issues in a non-punitive fashion in which employee, supervisor and union representatives work together to identify the problem and craft the solution. a. Issue Resolution and Corrective Action Summary of Issue Resolution.Issues are raised at the work-unit level and the stakeholders within the work unit will meet to attempt to resolve the concern. Issues unresolved at the work-unit level are reviewed by thelocal Partnership team. If the concern remains unresolved, the issue may be referred to the senior union andmanagement regional strategy group, council or equivalent for resolution. Issue Resolution is an alternative to,but does not replace, the Grievance Procedure. Summary of Corrective Action.Corrective Action is designed to be a non-punitive process. It is divided intotwo phases. The first phase, problem solving, follows a joint discovery process. Problem solving consists of levelsone and two, which are neither adversarial nor disciplinary in nature. The goal of this phase is to determine theroot cause of the problem by identifying all of the issues affecting performance and to 46 collaboratively developoptions to resolve them. The first phase is informal, with no documentation in the personnel file. The second phase, containing levels three through five, constitutes discipline. While there is no punishment, such as suspension without pay, the consequences of failure to resolve the issues may ultimately result intermination of employment. An employee who disputes any action at any level under this procedure shall havethe right to file a grievance. An Issue Resolution/Corrective Action User’s Guide is available through the OLMP to provide a thoroughorientation on successful utilization of the procedures for all covered employees. 2. PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT REVIEW PROCESS After sharing information and fully discussing and exchanging ideas and fully considering all views about issues ofinterest and concern to the parties, decisions should be reached that are satisfactory to all. It is understood that the parties may not always agree. Disagreement at the facility level which arises out of theinterpretation and/or implementation of Section 1 should be referred to the local level Partnership team fordiscussion in an attempt to reach a consensus decision. If it cannot be resolved at the local level, the senior union andmanagement regional strategy group, council or equivalent must address and attempt to resolve the issue no later than30 calendar days following its referral. That group, after careful review of all facts and interests, will craft a consensusdecision designed to resolve the issue. If consensus proves impossible, the matter may then be referred to a national panel comprised of two union and two management members of the Strategy Group, along with a predetermined neutral designee selected by the StrategyGroup. The panel will be designated immediately upon receiving a request. The panel will meet, confer and ultimatelycraft a solution within 30 days, unless the time is extended by mutual agreement. It is the responsibility of the neutraldesignee to ensure a final resolution to the issue is crafted. The resolution will be final and binding on all parties.The Strategy Group members selected should be from among those least vested in the substance of the disagreement.Questions involving interpretation of the National Agreement may also be submitted to this Review Process bynational parties. M. TERM OF THE PARTNERSHIP In recognition that the substance, as well as the spirit and intent, of this Agreement is largely dependent upon the existence of the Labor Management Partnership, the labor and management signatories commit to continue participation in and support of the Partnership throughout the term of this Agreement. 47 The Labor Management Partnership Agreement, inclusive of clarifying addenda of Employment and Income Security and Recognition and Campaign Rules, provides for a 60-day notification period for either of the parties todisengage from the Partnership relationship; however, the Review Process in Section 1 of this Agreement substitutesfor that notification an alternative process of reviewing and resolving issues that could otherwise individually or collectively result in the dissolution of this Partnership. Notwithstanding the parties’ commitment to this ongoing relationship, there may be instances where either side mayengage in such egregious non-partnering behavior that the corresponding partner takes unilateral action and may alsowithdraw some or all of the Partnership privileges extended to the other party. Such behavior, unilateral action orwithdrawal of privileges should likewise be submitted to the Review Process for determination and resolution. As the Partnership matures, the parties recognize that, on occasion, either party may engage in behavior thatconflicts with Partnership principles and elicits corresponding behavior from the other party. It is expected that thisReview Process will also be instrumental in providing guidance to the parties for those occurrences. Although the commitment to use the Review Process as the alternative to serving a 60day notice of terminationof the partnership agreement runs concurrently with the National Agreement, the Labor Management PartnershipAgreement continues in effect and does not terminate with the expiration of this Agreement. SECTION 2: WAGES AND BENEFITS Wages, performance sharing opportunities and benefits as identified in this Section 2 are considered to beongoing obligations and will terminate at the extended expiration of local agreements, rather than at theexpiration of this Agreement. A. COMPENSATION To promote Partnership principles and support the guiding principle that Kaiser Permanente will be the employerof choice in the health care industry, Partnership employees should receive excellent wages. The parties recognize,however, that wages alone will not support an “employer of choice” strategy. In addition to wages, the parties arecommitted to investing in benefits, workforce engagement, training and development opportunities and leadershipdevelopment as critical elements in pursuing this goal. In valuing and rewarding employees for length of service with Kaiser Permanente, the parties agree that wagesshould be tenure based. In addition to length of service, the parties agree to consider these factors in developing andadjusting compensation levels: labor market conditions, changes in cost of living, internal alignment, recognition of the value of the Labor Management Partnership and ability to recruit new employees. 48 Compensation changes agreed to under the terms of this Agreement include three components: x annual Across-the-Board (ATB) wage increases; x special adjustments; and x potential for performance sharing bonuses in each year of the contract. 1. ACROSS-THE-BOARD WAGE INCREASES (ATBs) AND SPECIAL ADJUSTMENTS ATBs will be effective on the first day of the pay period closest to October 1 in each year of the Agreement. Special adjustments made pursuant to this Agreement, or made during its term, will be effective on the first dayof the pay period closest to the implementation date. ATB (Across-the-Board) Wage Increases Region or Area Year and ATB Increase 2012 2013 2014 Northern & Southern California 3% 3% 3% Regions Outside California 2% 2% 2% 2. PERFORMANCE SHARING Performance Sharing is intended to recognize that, through the Labor Management Partnership, employees andtheir unions have a greater opportunity to impact organizational performance, and employees, therefore, shouldhave a greater opportunity to share in performance gains. The parties support the Labor Management Partnership Performance Sharing Program (LMP PSP) as a way to continue the transformation of the organization, through Partnership, to a high-performing organization and to share the success of the organization with employees coveredby this Agreement. The Strategy Group will be accountable for the LMP PSP. The Strategy Group may, but is not required to, establishnational factors each year that will be included in all regional and local programs, together with regional and localfactors. The PSP goals will be aligned with national, regional, facility and unit goals. The PSP goals will be based onthe principle of “Line of Sight” as much as possible. As in the 2008 Reopener Settlement, the regions may continueto pilot PSP demonstration projects during the life of this agreement with the emphasis on achieving simplicity,ease of administration and alignment with organizational and Partnership goals. Relevant sections of the 2008 Reopener Settlement are found in Exhibit 2.A.3. The Strategy Group appointed a PSP Design Team charged with reviewing the 2005 Performance-Based Pay BTG recommendations and making improvements to the LMP PSP.The PSP National Design Team produced and submitted recommendations to the LMP Strategy Group in April 2010. The document informed the 2010 national bargaining Common Issues Committee (CIC) PSP Subgroup and resulted in new language. The PSP National Design Team recommendations are retained and available through theNational Office of the LMP. This 49 will provide employees a “line of sight” between their performance and the successof Kaiser Permanente through development of local programs under the LMP PSP. Performance Sharing is over and above base wage rates and will be based on mutuallyagreed-to performance factors and targets. The LMP PSP is self-funded through operating margin. Performance targets will be set by region or national function and may be based on quality, service, financial performance or other mutuallyacceptable factors. If targets are met, Performance Sharing opportunities will be as shown below for each year theAgreement is in effect. All amounts will be based on total payroll for employees covered by the Partnership in eachregion or national function. The 3 percent payout is a calculation based on total represented payroll by region ornational function. A full explanation is contained later in this section. Year 1—3 percent payout at target to be paid out in First Quarter 2013, based on 2012performance. Year 2—3 percent payout at target to be paid out in First Quarter 2014, based on 2013performance. Year 3—3 percent payout at target to be paid out in First Quarter 2015, based on 2014 performance. The LMP PSP depends on Partnership structures and processes that empower employees to have an impact on theprogram’s targeted factors. To afford employees a reasonable opportunity to earn the annual payouts, Partnershipstructures and processes must achieve critical thresholds to support the PSP. Further, jointly determined factorsmust be measurable against mutually agreed upon predetermined targets with progress reported to employeesquarterly throughout each year, where possible. As the Labor Management Partnership continues to grow and evolve, an important element is to ensure thatemployees share in the success of the organization as enhanced performance is achieved through the Partnership.Specifically, all Partnership employees will participate in the LMP PSP, which provides an annual cash bonusopportunity based upon regional or functional area performance in the areas of quality, service, financial healthand/or other mutually acceptable factors. The jointly designed program will reward partnership employees forreaching mutually agreed upon national, regional and/or local targets. The following agreements are currently reflected in the LMP PSP: x All Kaiser Permanente employees covered under this Agreement shall participate in the LMP PSP. This includes full-time, part-time, short-hour, casual, on-call and per diem employees. x Other incentive, gain-sharing or reward programs may currently cover some Labor Management Partnership employees. In such cases, employees may not receive a payment from the LMP PSP in addition to a payment from a current 50 x x x x x x x x program. Instead, employees shall receive the higher of either the LMP PSP or their current program. At any time during the term of this Agreement additional subregional (local) plans may be mutually developed. In these instances, the covered employees will not receive a payment from both programs, but will receive a payment from the program that provides the highest payment. The program year shall be the calendar year, with a maximum of five mutually agreed-upon factors set by no later than year-end for the following year and communicated in January. The LMP PSP shall run for the calendar year with final results determined and payments issued during the first quarter of the year following the end of the program year. The LMP PSP will establish mutually agreed upon regional or functional annual targets with a bottom threshold (minimum payment) and an upper limit stretch target (maximum payment) in the areas of quality, service, financial health and/or other mutually acceptable factors. Regional or functional factors should be aligned with, and to the extent appropriate and mutually agreeable may be similar or identical to, physician and/or managerial incentive programs. The percentage payouts listed above will be paid for achieving performance at targeted levels. Proportional payouts (i.e., higher or lower than listed above at target level) will be made for performance achieved that is either above or below targeted levels. While the factors (i.e., quality, service, finance, etc.) may be different from region to region, the opportunity for reaching the selected targets shall be consistent across all regions. Targets should be set to stimulate and reward improvement; however, from region to region there must be a reasonable and relatively equal opportunity to reach each of the targets. Employees must be in job classifications covered by this Agreement during the program year and be active on December 31 to receive a payment under the LMP PSP for that year; however, employees who retire during the program year or prior to the payment date or transfer to another Kaiser Permanente job classification not covered under this Agreement shall receive a pro-rated payment based upon compensated hours attainedduring the program year in a job classification covered under the Partnership. Distribution of the Performance Sharing pool will be calculated as a percentage of the regional or functional total payroll, defined as total compensated hours times the established Weighted Average Rate (WAR) for all employees represented by local unions who are party to this Agreement. Payouts will be made in the form of lump-sum bonuses proportional to the compensated hours of each employee; however, employees with 1,800 compensated hours or more in the program year shall be considered full-time employees for the purposes of the LMP PSP and have their hours capped at 1,800 hours. Employees with compensated hours less than 1,800 hours shall receive a bonus pro-rated for compensated hours. B. HEALTH AND WELFARE BENEFITS 51 1. MEDICAL BENEFITS a. Eligibility x All employees who are regularly scheduled to work 20 or more hours per week are eligible for medical benefit coverage. x Medical benefit coverage is effective the first day of the month following eligibility (e.g., date of hire, benefit eligible status, etc.). Initial coverage under flexible benefit plans is temporary, basic medical coverage. The selected medical coverage and other benefits in the flexible benefit plan will be effective the first day of the month following three months of benefit-eligible service. b. Basic Comprehensive Plan Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. (KFHP) has established a national account to enable the Employers to act asa national purchaser of health care benefits. The parties agree that discussions concerning any changes in benefits orbenefit coverage contemplated by KFHP, Inc. should be joint and should be initiated no less than six months prior tothe effective date of any proposed changes, and that such discussions should be concluded no less than three monthsprior to the effective date. The parties agree that eligible employees covered by this Agreement shall be covered by the Basic Plan. The Basic Planshall be based on a “Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Traditional HMO Plan.” While the parties understand that somevariation in benefits may be necessary, the intent is to achieve national uniformity where possible. The Basic Plan shallinclude outpatient and hospital and other services in addition to the following features: x x x x dispensed prescription drugs for up to 100 days/three months for maintenance medications, barring state statutory or other legal or technical barriers; 100 percent allocation for Colorado mid-level option of the Flexible Benefits Plan; dependents (spouse, domestic partner, unmarried children up to 25, special dependents); and Durable Medical Equipment (DME). On or after January 1, 2006, the Plan covering employees in the Northern California region will include a $5 officevisit co-pay. Flexible benefit programs in local labor agreements, amended to reflect the features above, will remain unless another plan is implemented by mutual agreement. c. Parent Coverage Parents and parents-in-law of eligible employees residing in the same service area will be able to purchase Health Plan coverage, in accordance with the Letter of Agreement between the parties made effective May 1, 2002,and modified by a subsequent agreement between the parties dated May 22, 2003 (attached as Exhibit 2.B.1.c.). 52 d. Health Care Spending Account A Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) option will be provided to employees eligible for benefits. This account is a voluntary plan that allows the employee to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible health care expenses.The maximum HCSA annual contribution will be $3,000. HCSA may be used to pay for certain expenses for theemployee and eligible family members as permitted under Internal Revenue Code. e. Healthcare Reimbursement Account Effective January 1, 2010, the parties agreed to establish a Healthcare Reimbursement Account (HRA) for bargaining unit employees covered by the National Agreement. The details of the HRA benefits are contained in Section 1.C.3.c. ofthis Agreement. For further information or clarification, please refer to the HRA Plan Document. Education of Workforce on HRA Benefit: Within 60 days of settlement, a full education and communication planshould be implemented. Part of the work of the National Attendance Committee is to determine the method forgathering data as to the impact of the HRA on absenteeism. 2. RETIREMENT BENEFITS a. Defined-Contribution Plan The Employer will establish the following Employer Contribution Programs in the existing salary deferral plans: x Beginning in 2006 and continuing throughout the term of the Agreement, a performance-based contribution of 1 percent of each represented employee’s annual payroll earnings will be made if the region’s performance equals or exceeds the budgeted margin plus 0.25. For example, if budgeted margin is 2 percent, actual margin of 2.25 percent is required for payment of the performance-based contribution, and if budgeted margin is 4 percent, actual margin of 4.25 percent is required for payment. x Beginning in 2008, and continuing throughout the term of this Agreement, a match program will be established in addition to the performance-based opportunity described above. This program matches 100 percent of the employee’s contribution, up to 1.25 percent of the employee’s salary. New hires will be automatically enrolled in the 401(k)/403(b) TSA at 2 percent of eligible pay with an opt-out provision available. All employees with one or more years of employment will be eligible for the Employer Contribution Programsdescribed above. The Employer contributions will vest in increments of 20 percent per year, with participantsbecoming fully vested five years after their participation begins. Employees covered by defined-contribution plansestablished under local collective bargaining agreements will receive the higher of the benefit provided under thelocal agreement, or the benefit provided under this plan. 53 After the first year of the match program, the parties agree to meet and review factors and participation trendsunder the match program, in order to determine if any adjustments in enrollment practices or the Employercontribution rate are appropriate. The parties recognize that some employees were not receiving a full 1.25 percent employer match, even though they contributed 2 percent of their annual eligible pay into the 401(k)/403(b), because of the variable rate at which employees contribute during the course of the year. The employer shall, as soon as administratively possible but no later than December 31, 2013, optimize its 1.25 percent match, to ensure that so long as the employee remains employed by Kaiser Permanente on December 31 of the applicable year and contributes 2 percent of his or her annual eligible pay from KP into the DC Plan throughout the course of the year, the employer will match 1.25 percent into the Plan.The employer will reconcile the year-end match for the applicable DC plan year for each affected employee no later than the deadline to make contributions to a DC plan as set forth in applicable tax guidance. In 2009 and 2010, the Ohio, Georgia and Mid-Atlantic States regions will each make a supplemental annualcontribution (Contribution) to their respective Defined-Contribution Plans if the region achieved its three-yearcumulative budgeted margin for the 2006, 2007 and 2008 calendar years. The total amount of each Contributionwill be equal to the additional annual pension expense the region would have incurred in that year had theregion increased its Defined-Benefit Plan multiplier to 1.45 at the beginning of that plan year. The assumptionsused to calculate this value will be those in effect for the calculation of pension expense in the year in which theContribution is to be made. No amounts will be contributed under this provision for any year in which the regionhas actually applied a 1.45 multiplier under its Defined-Benefit Plan. No past service credit will be included indetermining employer Contribution amounts. The design of the participant allocation of the Contribution will bedetermined prior to the date of the first Contribution, by agreement between the Coalition and management. b. Defined-Benefit Retirement Plan Employees represented by Coalition unions are covered by the defined-benefit retirement plans listed in Exhibit 2.B.2.b. The benefits will be governed by the Plan Documents in effect for each plan, as well as the Letter ofAgreement between the parties regarding pension multipliers made effective January 7, 2002, and modified bya subsequent agreement between the parties dated May 22, 2003, as well as the Letter of Agreement regardingEarly Reduction Factors made effective August 19, 2002 (all attached as Exhibit 2.B.2.b.). Those bargaining unitswith higher multipliers currently provided under local collective bargaining agreements will maintain the highermultipliers in accordance with those agreements.Effective October 1, 2012,the ͳǤʹ ͳǤͶ Ǥ Employees who are represented by the UFCW and participants in Taft-Hartley trusts will have an increase in the Employer contribution of7.9 cents per hour in each year of the agreement to address Pension Protection Act “red zone” issues. 54 c. Pension Protection Act (PPA) Compliance The parties agree to change the methodology for calculating lump sums by adopting the Pension Protection Act required corporate bond rates and mortality tables effective January 1, 2010. In addition, effective January 1, 2010, the parties agree to a new 100 percent joint and survivor (J & S) annuitywith a 15-year certain period, and a pop-up feature wherein upon the death of the joint annuitant prior to thedeath of the retiree, the retiree’s monthly benefit will revert from the 100 percent J & S to the life-only benefit.In the event both the retiree and the joint annuitant die within the 15-year certain period and the retiree wasreceiving the pop-up benefit, the life-only benefit will revert to the prior 100 percent joint and survivor monthlybenefit for the remainder of the certain period. d. Continuation of Certain Retirement Programs During the 2000–2005 term of the National Agreement, a number of unrepresented employee groups chose to become represented and form new bargaining units. At that time, the Coalition and Kaiser Permanente agreedthat where a new bargaining unit was formed of employees who were participants in the Kaiser PermanenteSalaried Retirement Plans A and B, or Permanente Medical Group Plans 1 and 2, those benefit formulas wouldbe temporarily maintained, despite the employees’ transition into a new bargaining unit, in order to explorethe possibility of developing a joint, consistent recommendation on how to handle retirement benefits in thesecircumstances. The parties agree that the bargaining units that retained these benefits under that side letter willcontinue to keep those benefits for the duration of this Agreement, unless the parties mutually agree to convertthem to another plan. The parties remain committed to working on a joint vision and strategy for retirement programs. To that end, the joint Labor Relations SubCommittee of the Strategy Group will be commissioned to explore the feasibility of a joint vision. Within that, the Labor Relations SubGroup will submit to the Strategy Group a recommendationon how to handle future employee groups who choose to become newly represented groups, and how to handlenon-union employees who are accreted into existing bargaining units. e. Pension Service Credits Members of the RN, Dental Hygienist and Technical bargaining units in the Northwest region who converted from a Defined-Contribution plan to a Defined-Benefit plan in 2003–2004 will be eligible for pension servicecredits in accordance with the September 2005 Letter of Agreement between the Health Plan and OFNHP andONA at the local level. f. Investment Committee Representative A representative of the Coalition will be designated to serve on the Investment Committee of the Kaiser Permanente Pension Plans. g. Pre-Retirement Survivor Benefits 55 Under the pension plans, a pre-retirement survivor benefit is payable to the spouse of a deceased employee. The survivor benefit will be expanded to include domestic partners and/or qualified dependents of employees. Domestic Partner Benefits Under the Pension Plan. Under the pension plans, a survivor benefit willbe payable to an employee’s designated domestic partner upon the employee’s death, provided that an affidavitcertifying the partnership has been completed by the domestic partner and employee. This is not applicable toTaft-Hartley plans. Non-Spouse Survivor Qualified Dependent. Under the pension plans, survivor benefits will be payable toa qualified dependent. A qualified dependent is one or more individuals who, at the time of the employee’s death,meet the definition for a dependent as defined by the Plan. The amount of the monthly benefit will be based on the employee’s accrued benefit as of the date of death and will be determined as if the employee had retired on the day before death, and had elected the Guaranteed Years of Payment method for 120 months with the qualifieddependent as beneficiary. If a spouse or domestic partner and a qualified dependent survive the employee, the spouse or domestic partner willreceive the survivor benefit. If the employee is survived by a spouse or domestic partner and a qualified dependentand the employee’s surviving spouse or domestic partner dies before the tenth anniversary of the employee’s death,the qualified dependent will receive a monthly benefit effective the month following spouse or domestic partner’sdeath and ending on the tenth anniversary of the employee’s death. h. Retiree Medical Benefits Effective January 1, 2006, for SEIU Local 105 employees in the Colorado region, the maximum monthly Employer-paid contribution toward retiree health care coverage for retirees with 25 years of service willincrease to $150 per person per month. The Employer-paid contribution for retirees with less than 25 yearsof service, but with 15 or more years of service, will be reduced by 4 percent for each year of service under 25 years, with a minimum benefit of $90 per person, per month. For eligible retirees who move from one Kaiser Permanente service area to another Kaiser Permanente service area, a KFHP plan will be offered with a $5 office visit co-pay and a $5 prescription drug co-pay. This planwill be integrated with Medicare, when applicable. For eligible retirees who move outside of any Kaiser Permanente service area, an Out-ofArea plan will beoffered and will provide comprehensive inpatient and prescription drug coverage. This plan will be integratedwith Medicare when applicable. During the term of this National Agreement, and the related local collective bargaining agreements, the existing retiree medical plans, including but not limited to plan benefits, cost-sharing arrangements, contribution rates and eligibility requirements, shall remain the same and shall not be changed. 56 The employers’ cost-share shall be capped at a fixed dollar amount effective January 1, 2017 (the “Fixed Amount”). The Fixed Amount for each region shall be determined by using the 2011 net cost indexed to 2015 as described below, and the Fixed Amount is intended to modify any Local Agreement provisions. This Section shall not apply to those individuals who terminate employment with retiree medical eligibility by the date that either this Agreement expires or by the expiration date of any Local Agreement extended by this Agreement, whichever expiration date occurs later (the “Transition Date”). The Fixed Amount will apply to all other eligible retirees and their adult eligible dependents, and previously grandfathered employees with pre-65 coverage when they reach age 65. Those retirees are referred to as “Applicable Retirees.” Where an Applicable Retiree’s spouse or domestic partner is covered under the postretirement medical plan, the Fixed Amount will apply to that eligible dependent in the same manner as it applies to the retiree if that eligible dependent is age 65 or above The Fixed Amounts will be computed using a 2 percent annual reimbursement increase and a 6 percent annual expense increase, or actual net cost for 2015, if lower. “Net Cost” is the amount determined for actuarial valuation purposes for the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan. In addition, upon the expiration of this Agreement, the Fixed Amount for Northwest will become a dollar amount equal to the employers’ cost-share amount for the 2015 plan year, and the service-based schedule for Kaiser’s Fixed Amount contribution for Applicable Retirees from Colorado UFCW Local 7 will be based on the amount of Kaiser’s 2015 premium contribution. This Agreement shall not affect the regions that have previously established a $185-per-month premium allowance. The Retiree Medical Plans will be amended in 2012 to reflect the agreement on the Fixed Amount and the Applicable Retirees to take effect January 1, 2017. 3. OTHER BENEFITS All employees will be offered the following: a. Dependent Care Spending Account A Dependent Care Spending Account (DCSA) option will be provided to employees eligible for benefits. This account is a voluntary plan that allows the employee to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible dependentcare expenses. The maximum DCSA annual contribution will be $5,000. DCSA may be used to pay for certainexpenses for eligible family members as permitted under the Internal Revenue Code. b. Survivor Assistance Benefit The Survivor Assistance Benefit will cover employees who are eligible for benefits. This benefit will provide the employee’s chosen beneficiary(ies) with financial assistance upon the employee’s death. The amount payable is equalto one times the employee’s monthly base salary (pro-rated for part-time employees based on regularly scheduled 57 hours). Should death occur while the employee is on a leave of absence of less than one year, the beneficiary(ies) will continue to be covered by this benefit. c. Workers’ Compensation Leaves of Absence Effective with workers’ compensation leaves of absence commencing on or after October 1, 2000, up to 1,000 hours of workers’ compensation leave(s) may be used toward determining years of service for purposes of meetingthe minimum eligibility requirements for retirement or post-retirement benefits. d. Disability Insurance Beginning in the first year of the 2005 Agreement the eligible employees of the Northern and Southern California regions, and beginning January 1, 2007, the eligible employees of the Northwest region, shall receive long-term disability insurance coverage with the same benefit levels as those contained in the SEIU-UHW long-term disability plan in Southern California. (A general description of SEIU-UHW long and short-term disability plan benefit levels for Southern California is attached as Exhibit 2.B.3.d.). Beginning in the first year of the 2005 Agreement the eligible employees of the Northern and Southern California regions and beginning January 1, 2007, the eligible employees of the Northwest region, shall receive short-term disability coverage with the same benefit levels as those contained in the SEIU-UHW short-term disability plan in Southern California. Employees in the above-mentioned regions with superior long-term and/or short-term disability coverage providedunder local collective bargaining agreements shall maintain that coverage. e. Employee Health Care Management Program Kaiser Permanente will offer a comprehensive Employee Health Care Management Program to help employees manage their chronic diseases and other existing health issues. The goal of the program will be to reduce theincidence of these chronic diseases among employees. The Employee Health Care Management Program willbe integrated with existing care management and employee health programs at the local level. The parties willjointly design an Employee Health Care Management Program, and prepare an implementation plan to includea staffing plan, in the first year of the Agreement. The program will include metrics that measure the success ofand gaps in the program and identify successful practices. f. Revised Dental Benefit Effective January 1, 2013, the annual maximum for adults will be increased to $1,200 and the lifetime maximum for child orthodontia shall be $1,200. APreferred Provider Network (PPO) shall be offered in Southern California. g. Benefit Standardization and Simplification The Mid-Atlantic States Region will jointly charter a small group to reach agreement to standardize and/or simplify active health care benefits, plan rules and the existing cost58 sharing model without increasing overall cost or reducing benefits. Other KP regions may jointly adopt a similar process. 4. MAINTENANCE OF BENEFITS KP and the Coalition Unions agree that there will be no benefit changes during the term of this Agreement.All employee health and welfare benefit programs provided under local collective bargaining agreements, includingthe co-pays and premium shares paid by the employee, will be maintained for the term of this Agreement. Exceptions will be made for: x changes that are legally required or mandated by regulators; x minor changes in formularies; x changes that result in a reduction in benefit level, but have a minimal or no impact on members(de minimus changes); x treatment modality changes; x changes in technology; or x benefit reductions affecting the low option offered under a flexible benefits program, provided the benefit is available under a higher level option. The parties will meet prior to February 1, 2006, to agree upon a more detailed definition of de minimus changes.If no agreement is reached by March 1, 2006, the issues and areas of disagreement will be summarized andsubmitted to the Strategy Group for resolution. A joint committee will be established at the national level to perform an annual review of the regional benefitprograms which are subject to this provision, including traditional and flexible benefit plans. The committee willbe provided timely annual summaries of such benefit programs and, where appropriate, will agree to changes. Disputes arising under this provision will be submitted for review and resolution under Section 1.L.2.ofthe Agreement. 5. REFERRALS TO THE STRATEGY GROUP In order to maximize the value of retirement and other benefits, employees should be educated periodically throughouttheir careers to better understand and utilize the benefits provided and to assist in effective retirement planning.The Strategy Group will appoint a committee to develop the content and materials for an education program for allKaiser Permanente employees to fully understand: x The cost of their benefits; x How to better utilize services; x How to access their care in the most efficient and effective ways; and x How they can contribute to holding down the cost of care. C. DISPUTES 59 Mutual Review and Resolution Processes [For Sections 2 and 3] The parties agree that any dispute concerning interpretation or application of Section 2 or 3 of this Agreementfirst should be addressed at the local level by the parties directly involved in the dispute. Such disputes shouldbe initially handled in accordance with the grievance procedure set forth in the applicable local agreement.Any resolution of the dispute at the local level shall be non-precedent setting. If no resolution is achieved at the regional step of the applicable local agreement’s grievance procedure, within15 days after receiving the regional response the moving party may submit the dispute to a National ReviewCouncil (NRC). The National Review Council will be composed of one permanent representative designated bythe Coalition and one permanent representative designated by Kaiser Permanente. The NRC will meet within10 days after receiving the dispute in an effort to achieve a satisfactory resolution. The NRC will notify theparties, in writing, of any proposed resolution. Unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties, any resolutionshall be non-precedent setting. If no proposed resolution is achieved, or if the moving party does not accept theresolution proposed by the NRC, then the moving party may submit the issue to arbitration within 15 days afterreceiving notice of the proposed resolution. Arbitration shall be conducted in accord with the procedures setforth below. Arbitrations shall be conducted before panels consisting of two union representatives, two Employer representativesand one neutral, third-party arbitrator who will serve as the panel chair. Within 30 days after ratification of this Agreement, the parties will designate a list of seven arbitrators (one fromthe East, one from the Rocky Mountain area, two from the Northwest and three from California) to serve aspanel chairs in their respective geographic areas. The parties will reach mutual agreement on arbitrators based on their common experience with arbitrators in each geographic area. Arbitrators selected shall be provided anorientation to the Labor Management Partnership and the principles and philosophy of this Agreement. Each arbitrator shall provide at least three days in a calendar year for panel hearings, so that the panels chaired byeach arbitrator shall be scheduled to convene at least once every four months. A panel date may be canceled no more than four weeks in advance if there are no cases to be heard by that panel on the scheduled date. Additionaldates may be added based on the need for timely resolution; in such circumstances, the parties will give strongconsideration to assigning the case to a panel for a particular geographic area whose arbitrator is able to providethe earliest available date. Cases will be assigned to each arbitration panel by mutual agreement of the parties at the national level. Morethan one case may be presented to a panel at each session, and the parties will use their best efforts to assure thatcases are presented within the same calendar quarter; preferably within 30 days after the referral to arbitration. 60 The order and manner of case presentation shall be consistent with the expedited procedures currently used bylocal parties pursuant to their local agreements. Decisions shall be rendered by a panel majority, and writtenOpinions and Awards shall be prepared by the neutral arbitrator. The panel decisions shall be final and binding,and written decisions shall be issued within 30 days after the hearing is closed. The panel decision shall beprecedent-setting, unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties prior to the hearing. Time limits may be extended by mutual agreement. At any time prior to issuance of a panel Opinion and Award, the parties at the national level may agree to remand a dispute to an earlier step of the process. The arbitrator and arbitration panel shall not be authorized to add to, detract from, or in any way alter theprovisions of the National Agreement, the Labor Management Partnership Agreement, or any local agreement. The arbitrator’s fee and all incidental expenses of the arbitration shall be borne equally by the parties; however, eachparty shall bear the expense of presenting its own case and expenses associated with its party panel member(s). SECTION 3: SCOPE OF AGREEMENT A. COVERAGE This Agreement is negotiated and entered into by the parties as a result of voluntary national bargaining conducted pursuant to the national Labor Management Partnership. This Agreement applies only to bargaining unitsrepresented by local unions that Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition mutually agreed would participate in thenational common issues bargaining process and who, prior to the effective date, agreed to include this Agreementas an addendum to their respective local collective bargaining agreements. Application to any other bargaining unit,other than newly organized bargaining units as described below, will be subject to mutual agreement of the parties. The parties agree that when a local union signatory to this Agreement is recognized to represent a new bargainingunit of an Employer pursuant to the provisions of the Labor Management Partnership Agreement and theRecognition and Campaign Rules, the local parties shall use an interest-based process to negotiate the terms ofa local collective bargaining agreement and the appropriate transition to this Agreement. B. THE NATIONAL AGREEMENT AND LOCAL AGREEMENTS The provisions of Local Agreements between the Coalition and Kaiser Permanente establish terms and conditions of employment applicable to the recognized or certified bargaining units. The provisions of this National Agreementonly apply as an addendum to such Local Agreements if employees in these bargaining units are represented by a 61 Coalition Union. If a bargaining unit is not represented by a Coalition Union, then the provisions of this National Agreement will not apply or establish additional terms and conditions of employment for that bargaining unitbeyond those contained in its Local Agreement. Provisions of local collective bargaining agreements and this Agreement should be interpreted and applied in themanner most consistent with each other and the principles of the Labor Management Partnership. If a conflictexists between specific provisions of a local collective bargaining agreement and this Agreement, the dispute shallbe resolved pursuant to the Partnership Agreement Review Process in Section 1.L.2. If there is a conflict, unless expressly stated otherwise, this Agreement shall supersede the local collective bargainingagreements; however, in cases where local collective bargaining agreements contain explicit terms which providea superior wage, benefit or condition, or where it is clear that the parties did not intend to eliminate and/ormodify the superior wage, benefit or condition of the local collective bargaining agreement, this Agreement shallnot be interpreted to deprive the employees of such wage, benefit or condition. It is understood that it is not theintent of the parties to inadvertently enrich or compound wages, fringe benefits or other conditions or to createopportunities for “cherry picking,” “double dipping,” etc. C. NATIONAL AGREEMENT IMPLEMENTATION The Partnership Strategy Group oversees and will hold their respective leaders accountable for implementation of the National Agreement, including: x coordinating an implementation plan; x developing and enforcing accountability; x sponsoring and chartering continued work; x identifying needed support; and x establishing metrics for implementation. D.DURATION AND RENEWAL 1. The effective date of this National Agreement shall be October 1, 2012, and it shall continue in effect through September 30, 2015. 2. The expiration date of each Local Agreement that adopts this National Agreement as an addendum shall be extended by three years. The extended expiration date for each Local Agreement is attached as Exhibit 3.D. 3. The durational provisions of each Local Agreement that adopts this National Agreement as an addendum shall incorporate the extended expiration date for that agreement shown in Exhibit 3.D. 62 4. The following shall apply if the National Agreement is not renewed or there is no successor National Agreement: x Local Agreements identified in Exhibit 3.D. that expire on or before September 30, 2015 (Group 1), will be open for contract negotiations immediately. x Employees covered by Local Agreements in the Northern and Southern California regions identified in Exhibit 3.D. that expire between October 1, 2015, and January 31, 2017 (Group 2), will receive a 3 percent wage increase on October 1, 2015. Employees covered by Local Agreements in the regions outside of California identified in Exhibit 3.D. that expire between October 1, 2015, and January 31, 2017 (Group 2), will receive a 2 percent wage increase on October 1, 2015. Local Agreements in this Group will be open for contract negotiations based upon their expiration date identified in Exhibit 3.D. x Employees covered by Local Agreements identified in Exhibit 3.D. that expire after January 31, 2017 (Group 3), will receive wage increases to be determined pursuant to agreement of the local parties. The process for determining these increases will be conducted on a staggered basis between October 1, 2015, and April 1, 2016. The schedule for determining these increases will be established on a national basis no later than April 1, 2014. Local Agreements in this Group will be open for contract negotiations based on their expiration dates. All provisions of this Agreement shall expire at midnight on September 30, 2015, except for the wages, performance sharing opportunities, benefits as identified in Section 2, and the provisions of Section 3.D. of this Agreement. Those excepted provisions shall continue in effect until the expiration dates of the relevant Local Agreements. E. LIVING AGREEMENT The parties acknowledge that during the term of this Agreement, a party at the national level may wish to enter intodiscussions concerning subjects covered by this Agreement or to modify specific provisions of this Agreement or aparty at the local level may wish to enter discussions concerning subjects covered by the local collective bargainingagreement or to modify its specific provisions. The parties agree that neither a union nor any Kaiser Permanenteentity shall refuse to engage in such discussions. The parties further agree that, consistent with the Partnershipprinciples set forth above, they will engage in such discussions with the intent to reach mutual agreement; however,during the term of this Agreement, no party shall be required to agree to any modifications of either this Agreementor the local collective bargaining agreement. Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions 2012National Agreement 63 In witness whereof, this _____ day of ___________, 2012, the respective parties hereto have executed thisagreement effective October 1, 2012. For the Employer: DENNIS L. DABNEY – CHIEF NEGOTIATOR Senior Vice President, National LaborRelations and Office of Labor ManagementPartnership Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan, Inc. GREGORY A. ADAMS Group President, Kaiser FoundationHospitals and Health Plan, Inc. Regional President, Northern California RAY BAXTER Senior Vice President, CommunityBenefit, Research and Health Policy Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan, Inc. BENJAMIN K. CHU, MD Group President, Kaiser FoundationHospitals and Health Plan, Inc. Regional President, Southern California JACK COCHRAN, MD Executive Director The Permanente Federation CHARLES E. COLUMBUS Senior Vice President and Chief HumanResources Officer Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan, Inc. RON COPELAND, MD President and Executive MedicalDirector Ohio Permanente Medical Group DEANNA DUDLEY Director, National Labor Relations Strategy Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan, Inc. EDWARD M. ELLISON, MD Executive Medical Director andChairman of the Board Southern California Permanente Medical Group PHIL FASANO Executive Vice President andChief Information Officer Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan, Inc. 64 PATRICIA KENNEDY-SCOTT Regional President, Ohio Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. KERRY KOHNEN Regional President, Georgia Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. KATHY LANCASTER Chief Financial Officer and ExecutiveVice President, Strategy Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan, Inc. JANET LIANG Regional President, Hawaii Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. DONNA LYNNE Group President, Kaiser FoundationHospitals and Health Plan, Inc. Regional President, Colorado ANDREW McCULLOCH Regional President, Northwest Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. ROBBIE PEARL, MD Executive Director and CEO The Permanente Medical Group, Northern California President and CEO Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group JIM PRUITT Vice President, Labor ManagementPartnership and Labor Relations The Permanente Federation ROB SCHREINER, MD Executive Medical Director and Chairman of the Board Southeast Permanente Medical Group GEOFFREY SEWELL, MD President and Executive MedicalDirector Hawaii Permanente Medical Group ARTHUR SOUTHAM, MD Executive Vice President,Health Plan Operations Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan, Inc. 65 BERNARD J. TYSON President and Chief Operating Officer Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan, Inc. JEFFREY WEISZ, MD President and Executive MedicalDirector Northwest Permanente Medical Group BILL WRIGHT, MD Executive Medical Director and President Colorado Permanente Medical Group For the Unions: JOHN AUGUST – CHIEF NEGOTIATOR Executive Director Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions MICHAEL AIDAN Senior Union Representative/Assistant Executive Director IFPTE Local 20 WALTER ALLEN Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer OPEIU Local 30 RICK BROWN Executive Assistant to the President UFCW Local 1996 MICHAEL COWAN Secretary-Treasurer OPEIU Local 2 KEN DEITZ President UNAC/UHCP ROSIE GONZALEZ Staff Representative USW Local 7600 KATHLEEN MELTON Executive Director KPNAA 66 MEG NIEMI President SEIU Local 49 TAMARA RUBYN President, Business Manager OPEIU Local 29 JOE SIMOES Kaiser Division Director SEIU-UHW ELEX TENNEY Executive President OFNHP/AFT Healthcare Local 5017 TANYA WALLACE-GOBERN Coalition Field Director Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions SANDY WOHLER Business Representative IBT Local 166 SECTION 4: NATIONAL AGREEMENT EXHIBITS Exhibit 1.B.1.b.(1) 2005 Performance Improvement BTG Report, Page 7 By centering Partnership on DBTs, we also expect to eliminate parallel, duplicative structures in the organization. There will be fewer meetings, and more will be accomplished because all of the stakeholders are at the table fromthe beginning. This should help increase union capacity to partner, as well as reduce backfill issues. We will know how well DBTs have performed by reviewing their performance on the metrics they have chosen,which will be aligned with the goals developed at the higher levels of the accountability structure inRecommendation 1. We would also expect to see improvements on People Pulse scores regarding influenceover decisions, involvement in decisions, knowledge of department goals, and use of employees’ good ideas. Developing and implementing DBTs will incur costs, particularly for readiness training, described in more detailin our Recommendation 4, as well as release time and backfill. 67 Implementation Issues A key enabler of this recommendation should be the growing sense of urgency, even crisis, among many of us that unless we make Partnership real to frontline employees, supervisors and stewards in the very near future,we will lose the opportunity forever. There is an equally motivating sense of crisis in the health care market—make significant performance improvement now, or lose market share. At the same time, we are well positioned toimplement DBTs at this juncture: we have a shared vision of a high performing Partnership, we are committed toengaging employees, and we have the resources in place to support the development of DBTs. We will have to overcome some barriers, including competing priorities and difficulty in measuring results acrossthe program. We will have to work hard to overcome the project mentality that has taken hold of Partnership—it’s a separate,parallel, off-line activity, rather than the way we do business every day. There may also be some concern over theidea that partnering in the business means shifting supervisor work to the DBT members. Timeline We envisioned a phased approach to implementation, with the first year focused on readiness training and education and developing a plan to enable employees, supervisors and stewards to operate differently. Again, some parts of the organization already do use DBTs; this plan will provide support for those that do not. The remaining years of the 2005 contract would be spent implementing DBTs, and measuring success based on the jointly developed metrics. 2006: Plan for and agree on a plan to prepare employees, supervisors and stewards to partner in Department Based Teams. Plan will cover needs for business education, training, facilitation, etc. 2007: Jointlydeveloped budget and regional performance objectives in place. 2008: Organization begins to see significant performance improvement attributable to DBTs. 2010: 100 percent of the organization operating in DBTs. Exhibit 1.B.1.b.(2) The Path to Performance 68 1.B.1.b.(3) The Rutgers Study: What Teams Need Rutgers, Johns Hopkins and KP researchers identified five key success factors for unitbased teams: 1.Leadership: Develop strong joint leadership, shift to coaching style of leadership and share information, including financial data. 2.Line of sight: Make ongoing use of meaningful metrics, encourage systems thinking and show how the work of the team connects to regional goals. 3.Team cohesion: Make time for face-to-face communication, create a safe learning environment and focus on the work—with the member and patient in the middle. 4.Processes and methods: Be proficient in the Rapid Improvement Model and use daily huddles to discuss problems and build solutions. 5.Infrastructure and support: Develop and recognize strong sponsors and provide ongoing training. Exhibit 1.C.1.b. 2010 LMP Subgroup Recommendation: Flexibility 69 1. Labor andmanagement should address issues regarding flexibility using IBPS. 2. Agreements reached are non-precedent setting. 3. The Executive Committee of the LMP Strategy Group shall appoint a group to assist with the enhancementof best practices in implementation of flexibility as it exists in the NA. Some guidelines for this enhancementinclude: a. That management will engage labor in a discussion beginning in the initial stages of the development ofan initiative or program; and b. The committee shall review andproblem solve issues where disputes develop. Exhibit 1.C.4.(1) 2005 Scope of Practice BTG Report, Pages 14 –17 SECTION X: REFERENCES Reference 1: National Compliance Plan Reference 2: Regional Scope of Practice Committee Structure and Process Region COLORADO PURPOSE SOP Committee Structure and Process Summary The purpose of the Scope of Practice Oversight Committee is to provide region-widemonitoring, leadership and oversight for compliance with legal, accreditation andorganizational scope of practice requirements. To achieve this purpose, the committee will: x Assure alignment of Health Plan, CPMG and union leadership to address scope of practice risks, x Identify and prioritize clinical areas at risk for Scope of Practice violations, x Assure clear delineation of accountabilities between practitioners (physicians and allied health professionals) in job descriptions, care delivery documentation, and information systems, x Assure that a process to identify and stay current on scope of practice and related billing laws, regulations, and accreditation standards for all practitioners is in place, x Communicate physician responsibility for assuring the quality of medical services found in care delivery models, clinical guidelines, clinical policies, and quality standards, x Assure that reviews of existing and new care delivery models are conducted, in consultation with Compliance, Risk Management and Legal as appropriate, for scope of practice consideration, and 70 Assure scope of practice corrective action plans are developed and implemented as appropriate. CHAIR AND MEMBERSHIP The Regional Compliance Officer and Director of Business and Clinical Risk Management co-chair this committee. The membership shall consist of representatives from Behavioral Health, Pharmacy, Nursing, Operations, CPMG, Local 7, Local 105, HR and Coding. At least annually, representatives of the SOP Oversight Committee shall meet with and report to the Colorado Compliance Executive Committee. The report shall include: x Assessment of current SOP risk areas, and recommendations to mitigate risk, x Information on monitoring and internal controls present in operational areas, and x A summary of significant SOP activities undertaken since the last report. x MEMBERSHIP REPORTING GEORGIA PURPOSE MEMBERSHIP REPORTING MAS PURPOSE Assure scope of practice review is completed for all applicable clinical staff in health plan and medical group. x Identify and clarify all scope of practice issues identified. x Report findings of scope of practice review to Regional President and Medical Director. x Develop a process and identify accountabilities to assure corrective action plans are developed, implemented, evaluated for effectiveness and monitored over time to assure required practice changes have occurred. Membership consists of representatives from health plan, medical group, risk management,labor and HR functions for Health Plan and Medical Group. Sponsors are Dr. DebraCarlton and Leslie Litton as leaders of the HealthConnect Implementation Project. x Regional President x TSPMG Medical Director x Chief Compliance Officer x The Committee Will: x Develop and maintain an inventory of scope of practice requirements by position type; x Review and approve protocols, policies and procedures created by the Committee to meet scope of practice regulations and requirements for unlicensed and licensed clinical and support staff; x Develop and oversee implementation of annual scope of practice work plan and action items; x Establish a mechanism for recurring review of clinical 71 MEMBERSHIP position descriptions; x Evaluate existing and proposed clinical practices for scope of practice risks and/or violations and the impact on scope of practice; x Develop and oversee scope of practice training and education throughout the region; x Coordinate with re-existing committees and work groups to ensure that scope of practice issues are addressed effectively; x Provide recommendations to Committee sponsors and senior leadership regarding identified opportunities for change; and x Monitor corrective actions to ensure continued compliance with prescribed scope of practice requirements and regulations. x Collaborate with appropriate departments to ensure that changes are integrated into existing systems, policies and processes x Maintain a reporting relationship with the Regional Quality Improvement Committee and the Compliance Department. Reporting to occur not less than quarterly. Subcommittees may be created as needed to facilitate completion of specialized tasks. MEMBERSHIP, LENGTH OF TERM AND VOTING: The Scope of Practice Committee shall consist of the following people or their designees: x Clinical Compliance Coordinator (Co-Chair) x Regional Nurse Executive (Co-Chair) x Regional Compliance Officer x Vice President for Strategic Services/Compliance, MAPMG x Director, Quality Management Operations x Regional Manager, Nursing Practice and Education x Assistant Medical Director, Information Management & Research, MAPMG x Labor Management Partnership representative(s) x Medicare Compliance Manager x Senior Compensation Consultant x Director, Human Resources (ad hoc) x Director, Professional Staff Office and Delegation Oversight x Primary Care Physician (Service Chief or Physician Director) x Specialty Physician x Clinic Coordinator 72 REPORTING NCAL PURPOSE Mid-Atlantic Scope of Practice Committee reports quarterly to the Regional Quality Improvement Committee (RQIC) Purpose of our Regional Non-Physician Practitioner Scope of Practice Advisory Committee: The Non-Physician Practitioner Scope of Practice Advisory Committee is established to evaluate non-physician practitioner scope of practice issues that exist at Kaiser Permanente and to advise on implementation plans to address these issues. MEMBERSHIP REPORTING SCAL PURPOSE The work of the committee and workgroups includes identifying sources of SoP issues, prioritizing risk of each issue, identifying system gaps, proposing action plans when needed, recommending implementation plans that encompass KP’s 7 Element Compliance Template, assigning accountabilities for actions to be taken and advising on the development of an infrastructure for ongoing identification and resolution of SoP issues. Membership includes representation from: x Patient Care Services locally and regionally x Medical Group Administration locally and regionally x Regional Compliance x Program Office Legal Department x Accreditation, Regulation & Licensing x Regional Credentialing & Privileging x Local Assistant Administrator for Quality x APIC for Risk x Pharmacy Operations x Patient Business Services Ad hoc members x TPMG Legal x TPMG Human Resources x Continuing Care Leader x Human Resources Compliance x Program Office Legal x Work group: Includes labor representation of roles being addressed (2–3) This group reports regularly to the Executive Compliance Committee and will report any quality of care issues to the Quality Oversight Committee SCOPE AND AUTHORITY: x Identify areas of risk, facilitate resolution and implementation of actions and monitor Scope of Practice 73 MEMBERSHIP REPORTING NORTHWEST PURPOSE MEMBERSHIP across all care venues CO-CHAIRS [names deleted]: x AMD, SCPMG x SVP & SAM, KFH/HP MEMBERSHIP: x Vice President, Quality and Risk Management, KFH/KFHP x Executive Consultant, Quality and Risk Management, KFHP/KFHP x Executive Director, Patient Care Services, Operations, KFHP x Manager, SCPMG Nursing Administration, SCPMG x Medical Group Administrator, Bellflower, SCPMG x Medical Group Administrator, South Bay, SCPMG x Counsel, KFHP x Senior Consultant, AR&L x Labor Coalition Representative x Ann Sparkman, Director of Health Care Compliance, NCO x Project Support: Management Consulting x Southern California Regional Compliance Leadership Committee x Southern California Quality Committee SCQC x Southern California President and Regional SCPMG Medical Director To address regional scope of practice issues for both licensed and unlicensed clinical andsupport staff in order to identify and address areas for improvement in compliance,patient safety and operational efficiencies. REPRESENTATION The committee shall consist of: Management Representatives: x Integrity, Compliance and Ethics Manager(s) (stakeholder) x NW Permanente Physician (stakeholder) x Health Plan Legal Counsel (consultant) x Human Resource Manager (consultant) x Director, Ambulatory Nursing (stakeholder) x Pharmacy Manager (consultant) x KP Health Connect Representative (consultant) x Medical Office Managers (stakeholder) x NW Perm & PDA General Counsel & Compliance (consultant) x Laboratory Services (consultant) 74 Labor Representatives: x OFN Health Professional (stakeholder) x OFN – RN (stakeholder) x SEIU – LPN (stakeholder) x SEIU – MA (stakeholder) REPORTING OHIO PURPOSE MEMBERSHIP REPORTING Staff Support This committee will have a reporting relationship to ROG and Compliance Departmentand also have access to MOLT (when decisions need to be worked out). Specific seniorleaders who have been identified are: [names deleted]. To review and address SOP issues as they arrive. Charter is in the process of development. Expended Medical Operations Team with representatives from the Union as the scopeof practice team. To Executive Team. Exhibit 1.C.4.(2) 2005 Scope of Practice BTG Report, Pages 9–11 SECTION VI: EDUCATION PLAN I. Basis for Recommendation By providing SOP education, we can increase staff awareness and enhance the quality of patient care. Currently, little frontline education is provided to KP employees about SOP issues, and the consequences of non-compliance. II. Accountabilities for SOP Education for Patient Care Staff, Management and Physicians National x Create SOP Education “Toolkit” o developed by content experts in LMP context x Create annual updates on SOP development Facility/Service Area/Region x Provide a 2- to 4-hour basic SOP training for all staff, managers and physicians x Provide release time for training and backfill needs x Provide skills training related to SOP to encourage working toward full scope. This includes new and remedial skills training as a result of advances in 75 x x technology (i.e., KP HealthConnect), changes in regulations and changesin assignments. Provide ongoing in-service education on SOP Provide new employee orientation on SOP Individual x Participate in mandatory KP SOP Training x Attend CEUs as required x Know own SOP; be aware of SOP of other team members III. SOP Education Toolkit Content Model after LMP “Think out of the Box” toolkit. (Toolkit should be developed with input from content expertsand in LMP) Part A (Initial Basic Training Toolkit) 1. What is SOP? x Why is it important? x History of KP SOP issues 2. Individual SOP/licensure requirements x Laws and regulations impacting SOP o State specific x KP SOP policies 3. What is the process to get SOP issues or concerns addressed? How to elevate a concern for resolution: x tree x FAQs x decision ADO form x Compliance hotline 4. Scope of Practice Limitations: x What are the legal risks and consequences of exceeding SOP? Part B (Additional/Ongoing Training Materials) 1. Video presentation x Legal, NCO, Labor, NLT representatives speaking on importance of SOP x Case studies/dramatizations of SOP situations IV. Implementation of SOP Education A. Phase I 76 x x x Identify National LMP task group to develop SOP tool kit by 12/31/2005 Produce Part A SOP tool kit by 3/31/2006 Design, test, and conduct 2- to 4-hour mandatory basic training for SOP, to include Part A toolkit, by 6/30/2006 B. Phase II (Timing to be determined by CIC) x Develop Part B of SOP toolkit x Provide ongoing, updated SOP training utilizing department staff meetings, and Part B toolkit x Develop and provide skills training programs x Develop SOP module for New Employee Orientation Program x SOP competency to be part of job descriptions and annual evaluation process C. Additional Consideration x CEUs should be available for participation x Labor and management accountability for ensuring participation x Integrate concepts in KP HealthConnect training x Pre- and post-testing for evaluation and CEUs x Fun, creative and engaging training (i.e., Scope of Practice week, Jeopardy Game, etc.) V. Costs Associated with Recommendation x x x x High initial cost for broad-based employee training and toolkit Preventive expenditure; should prevent fines and penalties for noncompliance; costs of litigation;reputation damage Return on investment will be significant Look at existing internal structures to help support training and toolkit (i.e., KPHC CBA, Department meeting) VII. Implementation 1. Within 90 days of ratification, across the program, leadership will: x Assess standing committees that may impact SOP; x Determine which committee at each level is best positioned to coordinate and integrate SOP issues; and x Assure that committees are operating within LMP process, structure and following the SOP Vision and Principles 2. Resource and implement education plan, with initial phase completed by mid-year 2006. 3. Establish reporting systems/metrics x Annual regional SOP report to National Strategy Group x Tracking system of SOP issues for regional sharing of successful practices 77 4. Develop and implement a communication plan Exhibit 1.D.3. Workforce Planning and Development Implementation Exhibit Workforce Planning and Development Communications Strategy The parties intend for the National Workforce Development Team (Section 1.D.2.b.) to develop and implement aWorkforce Planning and Development Communications Strategy for the entire organization, not later than March31, 2011. The communications should be targeted to appropriate stakeholders, across all levels and locations,including national and regional stakeholders, and local labor organizations. A Communications Strategy willpromote an understanding of Workforce Planning and Development resources, program and opportunities,such as but not limited to: x Cataloguing, including Best Practices x Managing impacts/expectations x Leveraging existing communications channels x Leveraging Unit-Based Teams Hard-to-Fill Positions – 2012 Update Each Regional Workforce Planning and Development Committee will develop a regional plan by June 2013 to implement recommendations contained in the September 1, 2011, Hard to Fill report and/or subsequent reports. These plans will be submitted to the Regional LMP Councils and the National Workforce Planning and Development team.Critical factors to consider in each plan include: cost and ease of implementation, risk of not implementing, funding sources, endorsements and timelines. When considering additional funding sources, regions shall submit budget requests for 2014 according to their budget cycle. Each region will begin executing its Hard to Fill implementation plan by the end of 2013. Each region will work collaboratively with labor to develop a process to create alternatives to the minimum experience requirements for Hard to Fill positions in the region. Explore utilization of the KP School of Allied Health Sciences (KPSAHS) as a training resource (including as a distance learning option) for Hard to Fill positions. Develop options to make the KPSAHS training programs available to all KP regions, as appropriate, and seek alliances with regional academic partners to support training. Education Trusts Base Services Education Trust Base Services currently include: 78 1. Cohort training a. Professional development b. Basic skills c. Hard-to-fill/critical needs 2. Individual Stipend Program 3. Forgivable Loan Program 4. Career Counseling Program 5. Trust Administration Costs 6. Educational Staff (e.g., Nurse Educator Position) 7. Program Development 8. Program Evaluation and Metrics Exhibit 1.F. 2005 Attendance BTG Report, Concept No. 3, Pages 20–23 BUDGETING, STAFFING AND SCHEDULING Concept #3: Provide budgeting, staffing and scheduling at the unit level to ensure adequate backfill for timeoff. Interests/Objectives x Provide backfill so employees are able to use leave benefits appropriately and take time off when requested. x Provide adequate staffing within the budget to cover the work operations and other work-related requirements. x Ensure forward-looking planning to anticipate and provide for future staffing needs. x Budget realistically to provide for all components of legitimate time off from work and apply those budget components as intended. x Accurately track requests for timeoff to provide managers and employees with transparent data on time off. N. Approach: Staffing Model 1. Each unit develops a unit-level staffing model (core staffing) that specifies the staffing needed to cover operations (refer to joint staffing language in the National Agreement). 79 The model will include assumptions aboutproductivity and performance that reflect both historical experience and expectations of process improvements. 2. The model will include workload factors such as seasonal fluctuations. 3. The model will also include all time away from work and work-related assignments. 4. The staffing model identifies core staffing levels for various operating levels and identifies triggers for backfillbased in part on service level metrics (e.g., if service levels fall below a certain defined point). 5. The model must account for specialized skills and hard-to-fill occupations. 6. There will be no automatic backfills: it will be based on the staffing model, which may specify different staffingcoverage in different operating circumstances. 7. The staffing model will be reviewed on an annual basis and adjusted as needed. Workforce Planning 1. Each unit will jointly develop an annual workforce plan to cover the staffing requirements defined in the staffing model. 2. The workforce plan will be reflected in the unit staff and backfill budget. 3. The plan will project staffing availability based on the current employees, contractual time off, actuarially-basedillness and injury, and workforce demographics. 4. The plan will identify ways to cover short-term staffing needs such as full time, part time, on-call, overtime,float pool, cross-training, flexible assignments, etc., in a way that allows a relatively stable permanent workforcewhile striving for full workforce utilization. 5. The plan will also identify the need to recruit, train and develop employees to fill operational requirements inthe future. Budgeting Process 1. At a regional level, the budgetary process will include a line item for backfill/replacement in each unit budget. 2. The process for developing the regional budget for backfill will include meaningful labor input and participation. 3. A replacement factor will be established as a multiple of the payroll budget that will be based on contractualtime off (vacations, holidays, etc.), an actuarially-based projection of illness and injury, including FMLAprojections based on previous years, and provision for other activities such as training, meetings andLMP projects. 80 4. The replacement factor may be adjusted by operating needs as reflected in the staffing model (i.e., replacementstaff may not be needed in certain situations). Budgeting Illustration Time-off Budget (per employee) Vacation (average) Holidays Personal days Sick leave (average) FMLA Workers’ Comp Education/Training Meetings (1 hour/week) Projects/improvements (average) TOTAL: Days 20.0 6.0 3.0 7.3 1.8 0.9 5.0 6.0 2.0 52.0 Total time off: 52 days / (52 weeks x 5 days = 260 days) = .20 or 20percent Discount (assuming replacement does not occur in 40percent of cases due to workload, scheduling and flexibility): .20 x .40 = .08 or 8percent Net time-off factor for budget (.20 - .08 = .12) or 12percent replacement factor May need to adjust the factor if the unit chooses to backfill a significant percent of time off with higher-cost sources (overtime or temp agency) instead of permanent staff. Budget Line Items Personnel Benefits @ 42 percent Backfill @ 12 percent Total Personnel budget $ 1,000,000 $ 420,000 $ 120,000 $1,540,000 Innovative Work Schedules and Scheduling 1. Local units should consider flexible work schedules to enhance the ability of the unit to provide scheduled time off. Examples of flexible work schedules include: flex scheduling, telecommuting, job sharing, etc. (See p.11of the National Agreement. This states “Respect for seniority and union jurisdiction, flexibility for employees’personal needs… Flexibility in work scheduling, work assignments and other workplace practices.”). 81 2. Local units should consider self-scheduling concepts, including self-directed teams where work groups wouldhave responsibilities and be allowed to schedule themselves to accomplish them within defined parameters. 3. Facilities should consider services, vouchers or referral services to help employees address family issues(e.g., childcare or eldercare). Tracking TimeOff Requests Short Term 1. Develop a basic system to capture data on requests for timeoff, approvals, denials and reasons for denials. The system may be a manual tracking sheet or a standalone computer application. 2. Use collected time-off data to set targets for time-off requests and to support scheduling. 3. Establish reporting of time-off data. 4. Complete and file time-off request reports at business-unit level. 5. Create monthly summaries of timeoff requested, taken and denied, and submit to Region to establish a region-wide view. 6. Consider limiting requests for denial data to those areas identified as high-absenteeism areas, as part of aspecific intervention process. Timeframe: Implement time-off reports by June 30, 2006 Long Term 1. Integrate and automate time-off requests and approval/denial into scheduling and/or timekeeping systems. 2. Integrated systems will include reporting at a unit level to facilitate administration of time-off requests as wellas roll-up reporting to regional and national levels. 3. Each employee will have access to their own time-off request and status tracking via a self-service system suchas a website. Administering Time Off 1. Within the staffing plan, management and employees will work together to provide the flexibility, including flexible work schedules, to allow time off. Time off will not be allowed to compromise operating goals such asquality, service levels or safety. 2. Management and labor will jointly develop a system for requesting and approving or denying time off that is prompt, fair and transparent. 82 3. Frontline management and labor will jointly develop targets for percentage of requested time off granted. 4. Using data from the tracking system, the unit will jointly monitor requests for time off and worktogether to correct shortfalls. Exhibit 1.H.1.b. Total Health Agreement Kaiser Permanente (“KP”) and the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions (“Coalition”) share the goal of creating the healthiest workforce in the health care industry by improving the quality and length of employees’ lives and enhancing the effectiveness and productivity of the organization. The parties, through the Labor Management Partnership (“LMP”), commit to creating a workplace environment and culture that helps employees to collectively stay healthy and helps them to collectively reduce their health risks, including their risk of occupational injury and illness. The cornerstone of this commitment is to attain industry-leading results in the areas of BMI, smoking rates, cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and the incidence of workplace injury. The parties share a commitment to measure and regularly report aggregate data for the employee population with respect to these foundational indicators of the health and wellness of all employees in keeping with our joint tradition of being acontinuallyimproving, learning organization that responds to data and evidence. The parties agree that in order to achieve this vision, the LMP Strategy Group shall empower a program-wide leadership group, the Total Health Leadership Committee, of appropriate representatives of the Coalition and KP to oversee and implement all of the work associated with creating a comprehensive Total Health program for KP employees. This committee shall endeavor to jointly develop policies and practices that show: (1) a commitment by senior KP and Coalition Union leaders to make employee health a core business strategy and reinforce it through visible sponsorship and communication; (2) a commitment by operation leaders to create a supportive, safe, healthy workplace environment; (3) a commitment to create dedicated workplace leaders so that work teams can take ownership of employee health and wellness and integrate healthy practices into the work unit; 83 (4) a commitment to reward and encourage healthy choices by the workforce; and (5) a commitment to establish consistent outcome measures to track results. I. Creating a Healthy Workplace Culture and Environment The parties agree, through the Total Health Leadership Committee, to jointly create and promote a healthy workplace environment. The parties shall address, but are not limited to, the following issues: a healthy physical workplace environment, healthy and affordable food options at the workplace and opportunities for employees to engage in healthy activities at the workplace on non-work time. The parties agree that in order to create the healthiest workforce in the health care industry, there must be a tool to track health, wellness and workplace safety. To this end, the parties agree to jointly create a “dashboard” that reports and makes available to employees measurements in the areas of BMI, smoking rates, cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and the incidence of workplace injury. II. Educating and Engaging Employees as Active Leaders in TheirHealth In order to achieve our vision of the healthiest workforce in the health care industry, the parties agree that employees be educated about their health and wellness so they can 84 make knowledgeable, healthy choices. To reach our Total Health goals, the parties shall conduct a joint assessment, including an inventory of current capacity to support employee health, wellness and safety; set a timeline to complete the joint assessment; and evaluate successful practices that allow the parties to provide consistent education for employees across Kaiser Permanente. Such education shall utilize existing structures and forums insofar as possible. III. Rewarding and Reinforcing the Culture of Health The Total Health Program is a long-term business strategy for KP. KP’s ability to offer a fully integrated and high-quality model of care is an imperative that needs to be reinforced at all levels of the organization. To the extent that employees can model Total Health, such personal leadership creates a competitive advantage for KP. As such, it is critical to educate all employees about the business case for Total Health, including the costs associated with health risks, and the benefits associated with limiting such risks. The committee shall endeavor to create a Total Health Program Incentive (“THPI”) separate and apart from the Performance Sharing Program, which shall seek to encourage employees to collectively: (1) Update biometric risk screenings; (2) Complete the Total Health Assessment; (3) Maintain or make steady improvements on key biometric risks (weight, smoking, blood pressure and cholesterol). The THPI shall be developed in accordance with the principles of the Partnership, and shall be premised on the proposition that an incentive is only paid out if there are mutually agreed-upon savings in health care costs as the result of measureable improvements of the biometric risk indicators; or if the parties mutually agree that significant progress has been made toward desired outcomes. The goal of the committee shall be to develop a THPI framework by the end of calendar year 2012. The initial implementation shall take place in calendar year 2013, and an initial incentive may be paid at the end of the first quarter of calendar year 2014 based on the results achieved in the previous year. The goal of the parties shall be to achieve a 5 percent improvement in the key biometric risk indicators for Coalition-represented employees by December 31, 2016. IV. Coalition Union and Management Leadership In order to achieve the goal of creating the healthiest workforce in the health care industry, the parties acknowledge the necessity of thousands of rank-and-file union leaders and their management counterparts playing an active and ongoing leadership role in creating a transformative culture of health at Kaiser Permanente. As such, the parties commit to jointly develop principles and recommendations regarding new leadership roles and structures across the organization. 85 Exhibit 1.H.3. 2005 Mandatory Overtime Documents May 22, 2005 (Relevant section only) Applicable to all classifications. It is the intent to discontinue the practice of scheduling/requiring mandatory overtime. Effective August 15, 2003, mandatory overtime will not be used except in a government declared state of emergency. Even in a state ofemergency, the facility/facilities will take all reasonable steps to utilize volunteers and to obtain coverage fromother sources prior to mandating overtime. The pre-implementation time will be used to assess practices anddevelop new scheduling processes to make the discontinuance of mandatory overtime possible. Specifically, the parties will jointly review where the practice of mandatory overtime exists and work withdepartment staff to develop procedures, processes and solutions to avoid this need in the future. At the end of thepre-implementation period, it is expected that joint processes/procedures will be in place to assure successfulimplementation of the elimination of mandatory overtime after August 15. MANDATORY OVERTIME—PRINCIPLES AND TOOLS We have a mutual vision to make Kaiser Permanente the best place to work, as well as the best place to receive care. Through the Partnership, unions, management and employees are sharing responsibility, information and decisionmaking to improve the quality of care and service and enrich the work environment. The ability to rely on a stableschedule is fundamental to this equation and the parties have therefore committed to discontinue mandatoryovertime practices. Our overall goal is to avoid the mandatory assignment of unwanted work time outside ofschedule requirements of the posted position. A recent review indicated that there are very few departments or units where the problems resulting in the need formandatory assignments remain. As a result, the parties have jointly prepared the following principles and tools toassist those areas in problem solving the issues and achieving the goal. Principles x There is value in achieving the goal. x Patient care is of utmost importance. x Stability in work schedules is of utmost importance. x Respecting personal responsibilities and lives contributes to overall morale and commitment. x Management, Union and Employees should work collaboratively to identify the underlying issues and seek solutions. x Problems should be approached in an interest-based manner. 86 x x If the problems creating the situation or solutions are beyond the control of the concerned department, the employees, union and management will prepare a joint summary of the problem(s) and potentialtemporary and long-term solutions. For situations that are not resolved at the work-unit level, every region will establish a joint review and appropriate problem-solving (i.e., issue resolution) process that provides for escalation to the highest jointpartnership body for the Region. Ultimate solutions will be crafted in conjunction with Senior Regionaland Union Leadership. Tools Departments/units needing assistance in achieving the goal are encouraged to use the following tools inproblem solving: x Interest-Based Problem Solving x Mandatory Work Prevention Process developed by joint team in NCAL (attached) x Joint Staffing Processes x Root Cause Analyses Exhibit 1.K.4 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING SUB-CONTRACTING Between KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTHPLAN/HOSPITALS, THE PERMANENTE MEDICAL GROUPS And THE COALITION OF KAISERPERMANENTE UNIONS, AFL-CIO Preamble This MOU is entered into by the parties pursuant to the National Agreement, as a supplement to the provisions of: Section 1: Privileges and Obligations of Partnership K: Union Security 4: Sub-Contracting Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions have agreed that the achievement of the LaborManagement Partnership vision is critical to the success of the organization. The parties are committed as partnersto the advancement of each other’s institutional interests. This includes an understanding that no party will seekto advance its interests at the expense of the other party. The parties have also agreed to a joint decision-makingprocess in which they will attempt to reach consensus on a broad range of business issues. It is within thisframework that the National Agreement reaffirmed a 87 partnership presumption against future subcontracting ofbargaining unit work because it does not support the fundamental relationship between the parties. A core interest of the Unions is to improve the quality, service and performance of Kaiser Permanente and furtherto improve the lives of their members through effective representation, and their ability to achieve that objective isenhanced by growth and reduced by erosion of their bargaining units; however, the parties agree that there could beextraordinary circumstances under which they might agree that bargaining unit work could be subcontracted.They also wish to consider the possibility of insourcing work that has previously been outsourced. In order to assure that future subcontracting and insourcing of subcontracted work is aligned with the vision ofthe Labor Management Partnership, the following provisions have been adopted: I. Definitions Extraordinary Circumstances The Partnership recognizes these interests through a presumption against subcontracting; however, the Partnership also recognizes subcontracting is appropriate in meeting day-today business needs, temporary peak workloads andhard-to-fill vacancies. In addition, subcontracting could be appropriate in extraordinary circumstances, definedas significant quality, service, patient safety, workplace safety or cost savings opportunities that are of sufficientmagnitude as to override the presumption against subcontracting. Bargaining Unit Work Work currently performed by bargaining unit employees anywhere in the Region. Future Subcontracting Any new or additional contracting of bargaining unit work. Insourcing Internalizing work that was previously performed in the bargaining unit, or which is Union eligible, that has been outsourced, to be performed by bargaining unit employees. Feasibility Analyses A joint process used by labor and management representatives to evaluate the feasibility and necessity of outsourcing or insourcing specific work, considering cost, quality, service, safety and efficiency by consensus decisionmaking. Costs Capital expenditures, equipment, supplies and FTE efficiencies, but excluding the cost of wages and benefits. II. Guidelines 88 Notification Partnership bargaining unit work will not be subcontracted except as described in extraordinary circumstances above. When Kaiser Permanente believes that current or future partnership bargaining unit work should besubcontracted and further believes that there are reasons to subcontract, such as extraordinary circumstance, Kaiser Permanente will notify the appropriate union and the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions, in writing, of the desire to meet and discuss subcontracting of specific work. A Union wishing to initiate consideration of insourcingcertain contracted work will likewise notify Kaiser Permanente of its desire to meet and discuss the issue. Process An initial meeting will occur as soon as possible following the date of written notification to the Union or to Kaiser Permanente. Kaiser Permanente management will be responsible for coordinating the meeting. A Committee of atleast two union and two management representatives, with knowledge of the specific work under consideration,will be appointed to establish timelines for completion of the analysis, conduct the analysis, and develop a writtenreport that summarizes the results of the analysis and states the subcontracting or insourcing recommendation toManagement and Union Leadership. Interest-based Problem Solving will be used to define the work done by the Committee. The Key Principles forSubcontracting (see Part 3) should guide the decision-making process. The feasibility analysis should result in the development of one or more options from which the Committee will recommendone to the parties. One option to consider is the feasibility of implementing a rapid cycle improvement process that couldachieve similar or better results when compared to the subcontracting option. The involved Union or Management maysubmit an alternative option, which will be considered by the Committee before making its final decision. Once the analysis has been completed, the Committee will reach consensus on a recommendation on whetheror not to subcontract or insource the work or consider an alternative course of action. If the committee is unableto reach consensus, either party may submit the issue(s) to the next level for resolution in accordance with theNational Agreement. III. Key Principles Key Principles will guide the approach to subcontracting and insourcing, leading to consistency and standardizationacross the organization. Regional outcomes should be consistent with the national guidelines in the following areas: Category OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY Subcontracting Principle There has been consistent demonstration of the 89 Insourcing Principle The potential workforce must have the expertise, capability, organization’s inability to acquire or develop the expertise or capability required to effectively provide needed services. Quality, service, cost, workplace and patient safety will be considered in the study. STAFFING The labor pool from which positions are filled is insufficient to meet demand. A business analysis illustrates the cost prohibitive nature of recruitment/ retention of staff, excluding labor rates and benefits costs. COST A business analysis shows that retaining the services would be significantly more costly than comparable competitor operations, excluding labor rates andbenefit costs, and puts the organization ata significant competitive disadvantage. QUALITY It has been demonstrated that the organization does not have the core competencies required to provide the desired quality of service or to provide them efficiently. There has been a demonstrated inability to acquire the core competencies for success. LABOR The union should receive RELATIONS adequate notificationof the desire to subcontract services. All applicable provisions of the NationalAgreement will be adhered to, by theCoalition and Management. CONTRACTING The subcontracting solution does AND not create or result in liability 90 flexibility and knowledge base to enter and provide the needed service(s) with reasonable startup time or training. It is understood that any decision to insource work will require an adequate transition period for implementation. Quality, service, cost, workplace and patient safety will be considered in the study. The potential workforce is available in the labor market to allow KP to recruit for positions required by the proposed insourcing project. A business analysis has been completed for the insourcing option. The business analysisindicates that the insourcing option is significantlyless costly than the contracted vendor,excluding labor rates and benefit costs. The insourcing solution complies with and ensures the quality standard that is acceptable and efficient to the organization. Wages and job duties/descriptions arecreated, confirmed and negotiated, as necessary. Jurisdictional issues are clarified. The insourcing solution does not create orresult in liability with COMPLIANCE EMPLOYER OF CHOICE ONGOING REVIEW with anyexisting contracts or other unions/bargaining units performing the work. Compliance with requirements ofJCAHO, EEOC, HCFA, Title 22 and SMWBE (Small, Minority, Women-ownedBusiness Enterprise) are ensured. The subcontracting solution should be in keeping with the vision of KP becoming the Employer of Choice. The subcontracting solution supports KP’sinvolvement in community service. If a decision results in keeping the function/service in KP, results will be periodically reviewed to determine if efficiencieswere achieved. In the event the goals/efficiencies are not achieved, subcontractingwill become an option. any existing vendorcontracts or other unions/bargaining units performing the work. Compliance withrequirements of JCAHO, EEOC, HCFA, Title 22 and SMWBE (Small, Minority,Women-owned Business Enterprise)are ensured. The insourcing solution will support KP’s involvement in community service and contribute to KP being the employer of choice. If a decision results in bringing work into KP,the service or function will be periodicallyreviewed to determine if efficiencies/goals were achieved. In the event the goals/efficiencies arenot achieved, subcontracting will becomean option. Exhibit 2.A.3 Relevant Performance Sharing Program Sections of the 2008 Reopener RECOMMENDATION #3: Each region shall implement a demonstration project for 2009 and 2010 that translates PSP goals that cascadeup and down the organization into line-of-sight efforts and actionable behaviors by frontline employees.These demonstrations shall apply to Year 4 and Year 5 as defined in Section 2: A. (3) of the 2005 NationalAgreement. Each region shall demonstrate a comprehensive and disciplined approach that conveys a sense ofurgency to meet the agreed-upon goals of the demonstration. The purpose of these demonstrations is to test thefeasibility of new approaches to performance sharing that would be: a. Based upon measures that are more closely linked to the day-to-day work of employees; b. Better understood by employees as to what improving these measures means to the lives of our members/patients and keeping KP affordable for all working 91 families, i.e., so that it is part of a visionary campaign thatfocuses efforts in a meaningful way; c. Bettercommunicated so it is easy for employees to understand what is being measured and what employees cando to improve that measurement; d. Implemented with a sense of urgency and clarity as to what constitutes success, utilizing labor’s experience withsuccessful campaign methodologies in which frontline workers make a disciplined and focused effort to drive outcomes toward agreed-upon goals and deadlines; e. More timely, with less of a lag between what is measured, employee actions to improve those measures, and any payouts made for meeting those measures; f. Be as easy to administer as possible so that the improved approach is effective; and g. Better celebrated and acknowledged when we meet our goals, reinforcing the linkage between effort and payout. To meet this demonstration requirement, each region shall have the flexibility to utilize existing goals, initiativesor team structures that can best demonstrate the overall elements of an improved PSP, or utilize new goals andinitiatives as necessary, and each region shall, in partnership: A. Identify: i. a key organizational performance improvement goal(s); ii. the key drivers to improve the goal(s); iii. the lives and/or dollars saved as a result of meeting the goal(s), providing a unifying and motivating focus for improvement and also means to track progress in a rigorous way; iv. the level closest to the frontline’s natural work setting at which data can be provided and validated to measuresuccess in meeting the goal(s) and upon which payout will be based if the goal(s) is/are met; and v. the most frequent means by which progress on the goal(s) can be tracked and provided to the employeesworking on the goal(s) at the smallest natural work unit possible. B. Engage: i. Frontline employees at the smallest possible natural work unit to identify, in partnership with their managers, what they can do to improve the metric at their 92 work setting such that their efforts drive results at the metric level upon which performance payout will be based; ii. Participating employees in a continuum of knowledge about the business context in which KP operates, including understanding what’s at stake for KP to be the model for high-quality, affordable health care forAmerica’s families; and iii. Frontline employees, through a campaign approach in which they own their role in meeting agreed-upon goals and deadlines, are disciplined in tracking progress and reporting back the status of meeting goals so allparticipating can understand their contribution to success. C. Communicate: i. The goal(s) is easy to understand terms as part of a campaign that moves not just metrics but the hearts and minds of employees working to meet that goal, building off of existing LMP communication efforts that reach and motivate the frontline; ii. The progress on meeting the goal(s) on a regular and ongoing basis to employees so the value and benefit ormeeting the goal is reinforced; iii. And celebrate success in meeting the goals with an explicit link to the pay-out for efforts made to reachthe goals; iv. The value of this reward and performance improvement program as part of broader efforts to define KaiserPermanente as a best place to work for recruiting and retaining employees. D. Payout: i. Will be provided to employees based upon successfully meeting the goal at the level closest to the frontline’s natural work environment that was identified when setting the goal for payout under this demonstration, provided other provisions are met and procedures followed in Section 2. A (3) of the 2005 National Agreement. Attachment ELEMENTS OF AN EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT REWARD PROGRAM The 2008 Bargaining Subgroup on Performance found that an effective performance improvement reward programshould meet these criteria, and charges the PSP Design Team with providing greater definition as to each element.In general, an effective reward program should be: Based on aCompelling Case for Improvement x Be based on engaging employees in a continuum of knowledge about the business context in which KP operates 93 x Be linked to a visionary and motivating reason to achieve the improvements; i.e., impact on improving members’/patients’ lives and keeping KP affordable to working families Simple/Be Easy for All to Understand Well Communicated Goals can be Cascaded “Up and Down” x so all understand the role their efforts play in meeting regional/national goals Based on Line-Of-Sight Improvements x Connected to the day-to-day work at the lowest possible (ideally unit) level x Be linked to day-to-day behaviors that are in the power of the employees to affect Based on Metrics that are: x tied to strategic goals and focused on the key drivers of results x objective x outcome based, or, if process measures, they should be linked to achieving outcomes x captured and reported at the lowest possible (ideally unit) level x as uniform across regions as possible so can compare and benchmark Easy to Administer Timely x In terms of when the goals are set and communicated x When progress is reported x In how payouts are linked to efforts made by employees Stable x Don’t change it mid-stream unless prove it can be made more effective x Part of Overall Recruitment/Retention Strategy x As a reason we are a best place to work: employees engaged in performance improvement and rewarded for their efforts Self-funded Exhibit 2.B.1.c. LETTER OF AGREEMENT PARENT MEDICAL COVERAGE 94 In accordance with Section 2. B.1. (b) of the 2000 National Agreement, effective May 1, 2002, Kaiser Permanentewill offer federally non-qualified group medical coverage to parents of employees represented by a NationalPartnership Union. In order for an employee’s parents to qualify for this coverage, the employee must be an active employee and beeligible for medical benefits, whether or not he or she actually enrolls in Health Plan coverage. Benefits included in Parent Medical coverage are: x $5 doctor’s office visits x $5 prescription drug coverage x Uncapped prescription drug benefit x $5 hearing and vision exams x No charge for inpatient hospital care x No charge for lab tests and x-rays x No charge for allergy testing and treatment x $25 emergency department copayment x No charge for approved ambulance services Individuals who enroll in Parent Medical Coverage will be responsible for the entire amount of the premium fortheir coverage, as well as for any applicable copayments and any Third Party Administrative fees. Kaiser Permanentewill not subsidize any portion of the premiums. BILL ROUSE Benefits Task Force Labor Co-Chair UNAC/UHCP, AFSCME Date:________________ ELLEN CANTER Benefits Task Force Management Co-Chair VP, Benefits and HR Administration Kaiser Permanente Date:________________ INTENT PARENT MEDICAL COVERAGE In accordance with the 2000 National Agreement, effective May 1, 2002, Kaiser Permanente will offer federallynon-qualified group medical coverage to parents of employees represented by a National Partnership Union. Eligibility Eligible Employees In order for an employee’s parents to qualify for this coverage, the employee must be an active employee represented by a Kaiser Permanente National Partnership Union and be eligible for medical benefits, whether or not he orshe actually enrolls in Health Plan 95 coverage. An employee is also considered eligible if he or she retired fromKaiser Permanente as a member of a National Partnership Union between October 1, 2000, and March 1, 2002,in accordance with the provisions of his or her retirement plan. Eligible Parents The following are considered eligible parents and may enroll in Parent Medical Coverage as long as the employee through whom they claim coverage meets the eligibility requirements above: x Employee’s natural parents. x Employee’s stepparents, if still married to or widowed from employee’s natural parent. Widowed stepparents who remarry will not be eligible for coverage. x A domestic partner of employee’s parent. The domestic partner will be required to complete an Affidavit of Domestic Partnership. x Employee’s spouse’s or domestic partner’s natural parents. x Employee’s spouse’s or domestic partner’s stepparents, if still married to or widowed from spouse’s or domestic partner’s natural parent. Widowed stepparents who remarry will not be eligible for coverage. x A domestic partner of spouse’s parent. The domestic partner will be required to complete an Affidavit of Domestic Partnership. To be eligible, parents and parents-in-law must reside in the same region as the Partnership Union employeethrough whom coverage is being offered. For the purposes of this plan, Northern California and SouthernCalifornia will be considered separate regions. Dependents of parents are not eligible for this coverage. Enrollment in Parent Medical Coverage Enrollment for Parent Medical Coverage will only be allowed only during designated enrollment periods: There will be an annual open enrollment period. x New employees will have 31 days from their date of hire to enroll their eligible parents. Coverage will be effective on the 1st of the month following enrollment. x Employees who have a change in eligibility status (e.g., change from a nonbenefited to a benefited status, or a marriage or divorce) will have 31 days to enroll or disenroll parents from coverage. Coverage will be effective on the 1st of the month following enrollment. x Employees and their eligible parents are required to fill out and return all necessary forms and provide any requested documentation prior to enrollment. x Each eligible parent must enroll separately. In addition, enrollees who are eligible for Medicare Parts A& B must submit a Senior Advantage enrollment form. x Parents may enroll outside of the open enrollment period if they move into the region, or become newly eligible for Medicare, within 31 days of the qualifying event. 96 x Parents who disenroll from this coverage for any reason must wait until the next open enrollment period to re-enroll. Coverage Premiums x Coverage premiums are age-rated for all non-Medicare eligible parents. Premiums are subject to change annually. x Age-rated premiums will be charged based on subscriber’s age on the date of enrollment. After the initial enrollment, age-related premium increases for subsequent years will be determined based on subscriber’s age as of January 1 of that year. x Medicare-eligible enrollees in this plan will be pooled with other Medicareeligible members in their region to determine premium rates. x Individuals who enroll in Parent Medical Coverage will be responsible for the entire amount of the premium for their coverage, as well as for any applicable copayments and any Third Party Administrative fees. x Kaiser Permanente will not subsidize any portion of the premiums for this coverage. x Premium payments for coverage are made directly through the Third Party Administrator of the plan, currently Ceridian. Coverage Parent Medical Coverage is essentially the same in all regions in which Kaiser Foundation Health Plan medicalservices are available. However, there will be certain regional differences in how the Health Plan is administered,including differences in some copayments, exclusions and limitations. Benefits included in Parent Medical Coverage are: x $5 doctor’s office visits x $5 prescription drug coverage x Uncapped prescription drug benefit x $5 hearing and vision exams x No charge for inpatient hospital care x No charge for lab tests and x-rays x No charge for allergy testing and treatment x $25 emergency department copayment x No charge for approved ambulance services There will be no exclusions for pre-existing conditions, and no medical review will be required. Copayments in the plan will be maintained at the current level to the extent that such copayments are available ineach region, as long as the plan maintains its ‘large group’ status. Medicare-eligible parents who are enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B and assign their benefits to KaiserPermanente will be offered Senior Advantage or a similar Medicare 97 Risk plan where available. In regions wherethere is no Medicare Risk plan, a Medicare Cost plan will be substituted. Parents who are enrolled in Medicare PartA only will receive the non-Medicare benefits, but may be eligible for reduced premiums. In areas where Kaiser Permanente does not offer any Medicare plan, eligible parents may still enroll in thenon-Medicare plan, and will pay the non-Medicare premiums, regardless of their participation in Medicare. Coverage will be available in all regions in which Kaiser Foundation Health Plan medical services are offered andin which there are active National Partnership Union employees, including the Northern California and SouthernCalifornia, Colorado, Ohio and MidAtlantic States Regions. The Northwest Region will continue to offer itsexisting parent coverage plan, under the rules already established for that plan. National Partnership Unionemployees in Texas will not be eligible to enroll their parents in this plan, as there is no Kaiser Foundation HealthPlan coverage available in that region. When Parents Lose Coverage Coverage will end at the end of the month in which: x The employee through whom a parent claims benefits terminates prior to retirement, is no longer represented by a National Partnership Union, or is no longer eligible per the eligibility requirements above. x The parent no longer meets the eligibility requirements as stated in the ‘Eligible Parents’ section above. x The employee and covered parent no longer reside in the same region. For the purposes of this plan, Northern California and Southern California are considered two separate regions. x Premiums for medical coverage are not paid. Parents who are disenrolled from Parent Medical Coverage will be offered conversion to an individual plan. May 22, 2003(Relevant section only) SPONSORED PARENT/PARENT-IN-LAW GROUP Applicable to parents and parents-in-law of all classifications. Effective 1-1-03, parents and parents-in-law of Regular employees will be offered the opportunity to purchase theenhanced Senior Advantage health plan coverage at their own expense provided they are enrolled in Parts A andB of Medicare and meet the eligibility rules of the Senior Advantage health plan. For those regions without a Sr.Advantage product, the Medicare product available in that Region will be offered. The enrollment rules, eligibility and plan design (benefits and co-pays) will be consistent although not identical,(regional variation may apply) and will be reviewed by the Benefits Task Force (regional variation may apply).The Employer shall not be required to 98 bargain over such changes. However, the Employer shall provide the unionswith fortyfive days’ notice of the nature and date of such changes. Participants enrolled prior to 1-1-03 will be grandfathered under their current eligibility rules. In the Northwest, the parties will resolve the issue as follows: 1. No new non-Medicare eligible will be admitted. 2. Rates for grandfathered group will be raised by the same percent the market increases annually plus an additional 25percent annually toward closing the gap to market, with intent to reach market rates at year four. 3. New enrollees will be charged market rates. Exhibit 2.B.2.b. LIST OF LMP DEFINED-BENEFIT PLANS SPONSORED BY KAISER PERMANENTE Plan Name Kaiser Permanente Employees Pension Plan Supplement to the KPRP Kaiser Permanente Southern California Employees Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP Kaiser Permanente Southern California Social Services Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP Kaiser Permanente Fontana Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP Kaiser Permanente Northwest Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP Kaiser Permanente Colorado Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP Kaiser Permanente Colorado Professional Employees Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP Kaiser Permanente Ohio Employees Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic Employees Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP Kaiser Permanente Physicians and Employees Retirement Plan Supplement to KPRP Kaiser Permanente Represented Employees Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP Kaiser Permanente Fontana Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP for SCPMG Kaiser Permanente Southern California Employees Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP for SCPMG Kaiser Permanente Southern California Social Services Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP for SCPMG Kaiser Permanente Nurse Anesthetists Pension Plan Supplement to the KPRP for SCPMG Kaiser Permanente Represented Employees Pension Plan Supplement to KPRP for SCPMG Retirement Plan for Mental Health Workers Supplement to Kaiser Permanente 99 Employees Pension Plan for ThePermanente Medical Group, Inc. Kaiser Permanente Represented Employees Pension Plan Supplement to Kaiser Permanente Employees Pension Plan for The Permanente Medical Group, Inc. Kaiser Permanente Optometrists Retirement Plan LETTER OF AGREEMENT In accordance with the Common Retirement Plan provisions of the 2000 National Agreement, the undersignedconstituted a Labor Management Partnership Committee to consider moving to a common minimum pensionmultiplier. The committee met on January 7, 2002, and after consideration, agreed to a common minimumpension multiplier of 1.4percent for National Agreement signatory unions. The new minimum multiplier is effectiveJanuary 7, 2002, and will be retroactively applied to participants who terminate on or after October 1, 2000.This agreement applies to all sponsoring employers of Kaiser Permanente pension plans covering members of partnership unions listed in the attachment, Section A. Plans will be amended to reflect the new minimum multiplier. In addition, the Committee agrees that employees covered by these plans and members of the signatory unions tothe National Agreement, who are plan participants but whose benefits have been grandfathered at a lower pension multiplier, will also have their multiplier moved to the new minimum multiplier. Finally, the Committee agrees that employees covered by the National Agreement who are reflected in the attachment, Section B, and as such are currently in a pension plan that provides a pension multiplier equal to or higher than the new minimum, shall maintain the current multiplier. PETER DICICCO Executive Director Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions Date:________________ BILL ROUSE Benefits Task Force Labor Co-Chair UNAC/UHCP, AFSCME LESLIE MARGOLIN Senior VP, Workforce Development Kaiser Permanente Date:________________ ELLEN CANTER Benefits Task Force Management Co-Chair VP, Benefits and HR Administration Kaiser Permanente Date:________________ Date:________________ ATTACHMENT TO LETTER OF AGREEMENT CONCERNING 1.4 PERCENT MULTIPLIER Section A KAISER PERMANENTE PENSION PLANS UNION 100 IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: Kaiser Permanente Employees Pension Plan (KPEPP) Office and Professional Employees International Union, Local 29 (Clerical) Hospital and Health Care Workers Union, Local 250(SEIU) Service Employees International Union, Local 535 (Social Workers) Kaiser Permanente Retirement Plan for Mental Health Workers Service Employees International Union, Local 535 (Optical Workers) Service Employees International Union, Local 535 (Social Workers – LCSWs; CDRP Counselors, Psychologists) for employees hired on or after 10/13/00 IN THE NORTHWEST: Kaiser Permanente Northwest Pension Plan (KPNPP) Oregon Federation of Nurses (Registered Nurses)1 Service Employees International Union,Local 49 Oregon Federation of Nurses(Hygienists)1 Oregon Federation of Nurses (Technical)1 IN COLORADO: Kaiser Permanente Colorado Pension Plan (KPCPP) IN OHIO: Kaiser Permanente Ohio Employees Pension Plan (KPOEPP) Section B IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: Kaiser Permanente Retirement Plan for MentalHealth Workers Kaiser Permanente Optometrists Retirement Plan(KPORP) Service Employees International Union, Local 105 Office andProfessional Employees International Union, Local 17 Service Employees International Union, Local 535 (Social Workers – LCSWs, CDRP Counselors, Psychologists) for Employees hired before 10/13/00 Engineers & Scientists of California, Local 20, IFPTE (formerly MEBA) (Optometrists) IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Kaiser Permanente Southern California Employees Pension Plan (KPSCEPP) United Nurses Association of California (Registered Nurses) – LA andBakersfield areas United Nurses Association of California (Registered Nurses) – San Diego, Woodland Hills 101 and Riverside areas Office and Professional Employees International Union, Local 30 Service Employees International Union, Local 399 American Federation of Nurses – Sunset United Food andCommercial Workers Union (Medical Technologists) – except San Diego Locals 324, 770, 1036, 1167,1428 United Food andCommercial Workers Union Bakersfield-Clerical/Service/Pt Care Locals 135, 324, 770, 1036, 1167, 1428 Kaiser Permanente Southern California Social Services Pension Plan (KPSCSSPP) OPEIU, Local 30, California Service Center, San Diego Social Services Union, Local 535 (Psychiatry) San Diego Social Services Union, Local 535 (Psychiatry) Except San Diego United Steelworkers of America, Local 7600 Kaiser Permanente Fontana Pension Plan (KPFPP) Kaiser Permanente Nurse Kaiser Permanente Nurse Anesthetists Association Anesthetists Pension Plan (KPNAPP) IN THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES: Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic United Food andCommercial Workers, Local 27 Employees PensionPlan (Health Professionals) – Baltimore (KPMAEPP) Office andProfessional Employees International Union, Local 2, Washington Office andProfessional Employees International Union, Local 2, Baltimore United Food andCommercial Workers, Local 400 (Health Professionals) 1 The 1.4 percent multiplier will be used to calculate benefits for active employees with accrued benefits (e.g., those employees who are now covered by a Trust but maintain a previous earned benefit under the plan). May 22, 2003 (Relevant section only) 102 PENSION Effective March 1, 2003, for pension plans of employees covered by agreements of partner unions that currently provide for a defined-benefit plan with a multiplier of 1.4percent FAP, the FAP multiplier will increase to1.45 percent. This multiplier will apply to all years of service. In addition, 1,800 hours will be considered a year ofCredited Service under these plans for pension calculation purposes. This new Credited Service hours definitionwill be effective beginning with the 2003 calendar year. In the Northwest, effective March 1, 2003, for OFN/ONA RNs, OFN-Hygienists and Technical employees whohave a defined-contribution plan only, the improvement described above will apply prospectively only. In the Northwest, effective March 1, 2003, the employer contribution to the definedcontribution plan will bechanged as follows:1 percent for OFN-Hygienists and Technical employees and 1.5 percent for OFN/ONA RNs.The employer contribution for Local 49 will be maintained. In Northern California, effective March 1, 2003, Clinical Lab Scientists, Local 20 may move to KPEP as modifiedby the agreement with no recognition of past service, and the employer contribution to the 401(k) plan will cease. It is understood that where pension plans are moving from a defined-contribution plan to a defined-benefit plan,such is subject to ratification of the bargaining unit. LETTER OF AGREEMENT EARLY REDUCTION FACTORS In accordance with the Common Retirement Plan provisions of the 2000 National Agreement (Section 2, B, 2 (b)),the undersigned constituted a Labor Management Partnership Committee to consider changes in the earlyreduction factors for the definedbenefit pension plans. After consideration, the committee agreed to change early reduction factors used in calculating pension benefits from an actuarial reduction based on age to a standard 5 percent reduction per year for National Agreement signatory unions. The new early reduction factors are effective immediately, and will be retroactively applied to participants whotake either Early Retirement or Disability Retirement on or after January 1, 2002. This agreement applies to allsponsoring employers of Kaiser Permanente pension plans covering members of partnership unions listed in theattachment, Section A. Plans will be amended to reflect the new early reduction factors. In addition, the Committee agrees that employees covered by the National Agreement who are reflected in the attachment, Section B, who as such are currently in a pension plan that provides early reduction factors equal toor higher than the new minimum, shall maintain their current early reduction factors. 103 Finally, the Committee agrees that pension benefits will be recalculated, and corrective payments made toNational Partnership Union members who have taken Early Retirement or Disability Retirement and have receiveda distribution from their Kaiser Permanente defined-benefit pension plan between the effective date of the change and the present. The new early reduction factors for each year are as follows: Age at Retirement 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 Percent of Normal Pension Benefit 100 percent 95 percent 90 percent 85 percent 80 percent 75 percent 70 percent 65 percent 60 percent 55 percent 50 percent ATTACHMENT TO LETTER OF AGREEMENT CONCERNING EARLY REDUCTION FACTORS Section A – National Partnership Union Groups Affected by This Agreement KAISER PERMANENTE UNION PENSION PLANS IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: Kaiser Permanente Employees Pension Plan (KPEPP) Office and Professional Employees International Union, Local 29 (Clerical) Hospital and Health Care Workers Union, Local 250 (SEIU) Kaiser Permanente Retirement Plan for MentalHealth Workers Kaiser Permanente Optometrists Retirement Plan(KPORP) Service Employees International Union, Local 535 (Social Workers) Service Employees International Union, Local 535 (Optical Workers) Service Employees International Union, Local 535 (Social Workers – LCSWs; CDRP Counselors, Psychologists) for employees hired on or after 10/13/00 Engineers & Scientists of California, Local 20, IFPTE (formerly MEBA) (Optometrists) 104 IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Kaiser Permanente Southern California Employees Pension Plan (KPSCEPP) United Nurses Association of California (Registered Nurses) – LA and Bakersfield areas United Nurses Association of California (Registered Nurses) – San Diego, Woodland Hills and Riverside areas Office and Professional Employees InternationalUnion, Local 30 Service Employees International Union, Local 399 American Federation of Nurses – Sunset United Food andCommercial Workers Union (Medical Technologists) – except San Diego Locals 324, 770, 1036, 1167, 1428 United Food andCommercial Workers Union Bakersfield-Clerical/Service/Pt Care Locals 135, 324, 770, 1036, 1167, 1428 OPEIU, Local 30, California Service Center, San Diego Kaiser Permanente Southern Social Services Union, Local 535 (Psychiatry) California SocialServices Pension Plan San Diego (KPSCSSPP) Social Services Union, Local 535 (Psychiatry) Except San Diego Kaiser Permanente Fontana Pension United Steelworkers of America, Local 7600) Plan (KPFPP) Kaiser Permanente Nurse Anesthetists Kaiser Permanente Nurse Anesthetists Pension Plan(KPNAPP) Association IN THE NORTHWEST: Kaiser Permanente Northwest Pension Oregon Federation of Nurses (Registered Plan (KPNPP) Nurses)1 Service Employees International Union, Local 49 Oregon Federation of Nurses (Hygienists)1 Oregon Federation of Nurses (Technical)1 105 Oregon Nurses Association1 IN THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES: Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic Employees Pension Plan (KPMAEPP) United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 27(Health Professionals) – Baltimore Office and Professional Employees International Union, Local 2, Washington Office and Professional Employees International Union, Local 2, Baltimore United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 400 (Health Professionals) IN COLORADO: Kaiser Permanente Colorado Pension Service Employees International Union, Local Plan (KPCPP) 105 IN OHIO: Kaiser Permanente Ohio Employees Office andProfessional Employees Pension Plan(KPOEPP) InternationalUnion, Local 17 Section B – National Partnership Union Groups Not Affected by This Agreement IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: Kaiser Permanente Retirement Plan for Mental Health Workers Service Employees International Union, Local 535 (Social Workers – LCSWs, CDRP Counselors, Psychologists) for Employees hired before 10/13/00 1 The early reduction factors will be used to calculate benefits for active employees with accrued benefits (e.g., those employees who are now covered by a Trust but maintain a previous earned benefit under the plan). 106 Exhibit 2.B.3.d GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DISABILITY PLAN BENEFIT LEVELS Section 26 – Income Protection/Extended Income Protection 980 Employees scheduled to work twenty (20) or more hours per week will be provided with an Income Protection or Extended Income Protection Plan. The benefit amount will be equal to either fifty (50percent) percentof base wages, sixty (60percent) percent if integrated with a statutory plan (i.e., State Disability Insurance,Workers’ Compensation, etc.), or seventy (70percent) percent if the employee is on an approved rehabilitationprogram. If the employee is part-time, the benefits will be prorated according to the employee’s scheduledhours. The minimum integrated benefit (prorated for part-time employees) provided by the program duringthe first (1st) year of disability will not be less than one-thousand ($1,000.00) dollars per month. 981Section 27 – Eligibility for Income Protection or Extended Income Protection 982Eligibility for Income Protection or Extended Income Protection is based on length of service. 983Section 28 – Income Protection Benefit 984This benefit is provided to employees with less than two (2) years of service. Employees will receive a benefit commencing at the latter of exhaustion of Sick Leave or according to SDI guidelines (i.e., the first (1st) day of hospitalization, eighth (8th) day of illness/injury), and will continue for up to one (1) year from the date of disability with continued medical certification. 985Section 29 – Extended Income Protection Benefit 986This benefit is provided to employees with two (2) or more years of service. Employees will receive a benefit commencing at the latter of exhaustion of Sick Leave or three (3) months from the date of disability, and will continue for up to five (5) years from the date of disability with continued medical certification. Benefits dueto psychological related disabilities and alcohol/drug abuse are limited to a maximum of three (3) years fromthe date of disability. The Duration of Benefits Schedule will apply to employees age sixty (60) or over whobecome disabled while eligible for this program. Benefits dueto psychological related disabilities and alcohol/drug abuse are limited to a maximum of three (3) years fromthe date of disability. The Duration of Benefits Schedule will apply to employees age sixty (60) or over whobecome disabled while eligible for this program. Exhibit 3.D 107 LOCAL UNION AGREEMENTS InterǦ national Union Local Union Group Region Bargaining Unit ͳͻͻ ͳͻͻ ͷͷͷ ͳ ͳ Ȁ ͳ ͳ Current Expiration Date ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳʹ Extended Expiration Date ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳʹ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳʹ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͷ ǤǤǤ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳʹ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͷ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳʹ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͷ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳʹ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͷ ͳ C ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳʹ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳʹ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳʹ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͷ ͳ ͷͲͳ ͷͲͳ ͷͲͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳʹ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͷ ͲͲ ͷͷͷ Ȁ Ͷͻ ʹ C ͳͲȀͳȀͳʹ ͳͲȀͳȀͳͷ ͳͲȀ͵ͳȀͳʹ ͳͲȀ͵ͳȀͳͷ ʹȀʹͺȀͳ͵ ʹȀʹͺȀͳ ʹ ͶȀʹȀͳ͵ ͶȀʹȀͳ ʹ ͷȀ͵ͳȀͳ͵ ͷȀ͵ͳȀͳ ʹ Ȁ͵ͲȀͳ͵ Ȁ͵ͲȀͳ ͳʹͳ ʹ Ȁ͵ͲȀͳ͵ Ȁ͵ͲȀͳ Ȁ͵ͲȀͳ͵ Ȁ͵ͲȀͳ ͵Ͳ ʹ ʹ ȀͳȀͳ͵ ȀͳȀͳ ͻȀʹͶȀͳ͵ ͻȀʹͶȀͳ ͳͲͷ ʹ Ǧ Ȁ C ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳ͵ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳ ʹ ʹ ʹ ʹ 108 Final Bar Date ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳͷ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳͷ ͳͲȀͳȀ ͳͷ ͳͲȀ͵ͳ Ȁͳͷ ʹȀʹͺȀ ͳ ͶȀʹȀͳ ͷȀ͵ͳȀ ͳ Ȁ͵ͲȀ ͳ Ȁ͵ͲȀ ͳ Ȁ͵ͲȀ ͳ ȀͳȀͳ ͻȀʹͶȀ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ InterǦ national Union ʹ ʹ Ȁ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳ͵ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳ C ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳ͵ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳ Region Bargaining Unit Extended Expiration Date ͳͲȀͳȀͳ Local Union Group ͷͲͳ ͷͲͳ ʹͲ ʹͻ ʹ Current Expiration Date ͳͲȀͳȀͳ͵ ʹ ͳͲȀͳͷȀͳ͵ ͳͲȀͳͷȀͳ ʹ Ȁ ͳͲȀ͵ͳȀͳ͵ ͳͲȀ͵ͳȀͳ ͳͳȀ͵Ȁͳ͵ ͳͳȀ͵Ȁͳ ͳͳȀ͵ͲȀͳ͵ ͳͳȀ͵ͲȀͳ Ǧ Ȁ ͳʹȀͳͷȀͳ͵ ͳʹȀͳͷȀͳ ͳʹȀʹͻȀͳ͵ ͳʹȀʹͻȀͳ ͳʹȀʹͻȀͳ͵ ͳʹȀʹͻȀͳ Ǧ ʹȀͳȀͳͶ ʹȀͳȀͳ ʹ ʹ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ Final Bar Date ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ʹ ʹ ʹͲ ʹͲ ʹ ǣ ͳ͵ͷǡ͵ʹͶǡ Ͳǡ ͳͲ͵ǡ ͳͳǡ ͳͶʹͺƬ ͳͶͶʹ ǣ ͳ͵ͷǡ͵ʹͶǡ Ͳǡ ͳͲ͵ǡ ͳͶʹͺ ͵ ͵ ͷȀͳȀͳͶ ͷȀͳȀͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ʹͺ ͵ ȀͳȀͳͶ ȀͳȀͳ ͵ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͶ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳ Ͳ ʹ ͵ Ǧ ͳͳȀͳͻȀͳͶ ͳͳȀͳͻȀͳ ͳʹȀͳͳȀͳͶ ͳʹȀͳͳȀͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ʹ ͵ 109 ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͶͲͲ ͵ Ǧ ͵ ͳ ͵ ͵ ͵Ͳ ͵ ͳʹȀͳͳȀͳͶ ͳʹȀͳͳȀͳ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ ͳʹȀ͵ͳȀͳͶ ͳʹȀ͵ͳȀͳ Ƭ Ǥ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͷ Ȁ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ Ȁ ͻȀ͵ͲȀͳͷ Ȁ Ȁ ͳͲȀͳȀͳͷ ͳͲȀͳȀͳͺ ͻȀ͵ͲȀ ͳ 110 Labor Management Partnership Communications One Kaiser Plaza, 24th Floor, Lakeside Oakland, California 94612
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