ARAWANG PRIMARY NEWSLETTER Quality Education – Caring For All Nemarang Crescent Waramanga ACT 2611 Jeni Page Principal Business Manager Margaret Davidson Phone: 6205 6877 Fax: 6205 6873 Board Chair Sarah Nattey Canteen: 6288 6437 After School Care: 6230 0165 P&C President Alicia Walsh Email: 20 November Website: 2014 Term 4 Week 6 Learning and Growing Together CONTENTS PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE ARAWANG NEWS BOARD REPORT COMMUNITY NEWS DATES TO REMEMBER November 21 International Celebration Day and Assembly 12:30pm School Hall Canteen Special Lunch Day 24-28 25th Birthday Celebration Week 24 Birthday Assembly 9:00am 25 PJ Day and 80’s Movie 26 Guest Speakers and Slide Show Arawang Preschool Waramanga CampusWelcome BBQ 27 Parents & Volunteers Thankyou Morning Tea Arawang Preschool Weston CampusWelcome Afternoon Tea 28 End Of Year Concert and Picnic, Art Installation Unveiling and Opening Arawang Forest begins 5:00pm NOTES SENT HOME November 13 K-6 Movie Excursion note Year 6 Graduation Celebration note 17 Canteen Special Lunch note 19 Year 6 Birrigai Excursion note 20 Year 6 Graduation Celebration Dinner note December 5 Graduation and Presentation Award Ceremony followed by the Year 6 Graduation Parent Morning Tea PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE The end of the school year is fast approaching. How quickly 2014 has disappeared. It will be only three and a bit more weeks of school before we break for the Christmas holiday period. School ends on Wednesday 17 December 2014 and resumes Monday 2 February 2015. 25th Birthday Celebrations Next week will be our big week of celebration. A note will be sent home on Friday, reminding all families about activities that will be occurring during the week. Please join in the events and help create another really memorable week at Arawang Primary School. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the work of the anniversary committee members and others in preparing for the week. Many thanks to Gretchin Irvine (P&C) Alison Williams (P&C), Tess McGirr (P&C), Nerida Peljo (P&C) and the incredible teachers, Lauren Sharpe (1S), Laura Bond (3B), Lynne Kowalik (music teacher) and Andrew Fraser (2F) for their initiative, creativity and for the time they have given up to ensure a wonderful week in enjoyed by all. Thanks also to Dana Sutton from the P&C for her part in the provision of food and drinks for the picnic evening. Also, I would like to extend a big thanks to Kevin Shortt, the Building Services Officer, Matt Rogers (parent) and the Conservation Volunteers team for all their work in the preparation and creation of the new ‘forest’. Thanks also to Ros Macafee and the front office staff for supporting all the administrative and public relations work associated with organising this event. Artist in Residence completes her commission Lisa Cahill is the name behind the marvellous glass installation to be unveiled by Dr Chris Bourke, MLA, on Friday evening 28 November 2014 as part of the 25 anniversary celebrations. Lisa has been working with all the children in the school to create a unique piece of art work that will take pride of place in the school foyer. Lisa is an incredibly talented artist and the whole school would like to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to her for making the Artist in Residence program such a success at Arawang Primary School. refreshments will be served at the end of the assembly for our international guests. Arawang Preschool welcomes families at the Preschool Fun Day. It was a perfect day on Saturday 8 November 2014 for the Arawang preschool (Waramanga campus) fete. The sun shone and there were wide smiles on the faces of the children and the mums and dads. Lisa will be holding an exhibition of her other work on Sunday 23 November 2014. For art collectors and those looking for a special Christmas gift, this is an event not to be missed. See details at the end of this newsletter. International students return home Could I take this opportunity to wish all our international families all the best on their return to their home country. At the end of next week 39 students will be leaving us and returning to the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Tonga, Timor, Oman and Papua New Guinea. These students have been a delight. We have loved having them in our classrooms and the families in our community. Our school has been a richer place for their partnership with us. Thanks to Jasmin Nuzda, Laura Horrell and Kerri Neilen for organising the farewell assembly for our international students. The assembly will commence at 12:30pm tomorrow. Light Loads of families visited the school, snacked on sausages, ice creams and fun food and met up with other members of the school community. All the children had loads of fun on the jumping castle. Many dressed up and had their face painted. It was wonderful to see so many littlies enjoying themselves. Sincere thanks to our parents Alison Manners, Angela Rose, Kerryn Lyon, Kira Campbell, Sharon Kley, Dan Abraham and Penny Delander who were the driving force behind the fun day. What a great effort by lots of other mums, dads and grandparents and the incredible preschool staff, Christie, Raquel, Leanne, Amanda, Marta, and Michelle. The committee raised around $2,300 for the school from the event. Many thanks to all involved. Well done, what a great day!!!! Public Service Excellence Award The school is very pleased to announce that our wonderful music teacher, Lynne Kowalik, has been awarded a prestigious Public Service Award for Excellence in acknowledgement of her commitment to quality teaching and music education in Canberra and for ‘living’ the values of the ACT Public Service. Lynne was presented with her award by Kathy Leigh, Head of Service at a ceremony at the Belconnen Arts Centre on Monday, 17 November 2014. Fantastic effort Lynne! Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge This year the Arawang Primary School won an award in the preschool to year 2 category of the Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge. The school Prime Minister, Neil S and Alex M from year 6 accepted the award from the Chief Minister. The ceremony was held at the National Gallery. The teachers and students were treated to refreshments in the gardens at the completion of the ceremony. The Chief Minister visits the school On 7 November 2014, the Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher and other distinguished guests congratulated Arawang Primary School for being the 50th school to join the Ride and Walk to School program. You may have noticed in the Canberra Times during last week, a photo of Arawang students with the incredible BackBone BMX group who entertained the audience during the media event. The BackBone team performed extraordinary feats during the event. On many occasions many people held their breath while these remarkable young men turned somersaults in the air - on their bikes. attendance, procedures and policies associated with OSCH in 2015. Please read the Board Report by Sarah Nattey for more information on this evening. The children loved the morning of excitement and hopefully will be encouraged to hop on their own bikes more often (without attempting the tricks performed above). The school has joined the Ride and Walk to School program as part of our focus on healthy children. Sincere thanks to Catherine Moore (3M,) Paul Swinbourne (5S) and Leonie Jenvey for their liaison with the program organisers. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank the YMCA for their wonderful service to the school over the past 15 years. Shona MacPherson and her team should be congratulated on the wonderful care they have taken of your children in the ‘Afters’ program. If you have an opportunity, would you please take time to extend your thanks to the Y and their most capable young staff. Creative Arts at Arawang Wonderful art happens often at Arawang everyday. I loved these Halloween marks that the children in 2F produced this year. Remembrance Day – 11 November 2014 As special ceremony was held in the playground to acknowledge Remembrance Day and the sacrifices that others have made for us. Year 4 Excursion to Questacon On Tuesday 18 November 2014, our year 4 students and their teachers expanded their knowledge of Science at the amazing QUESTACON facility in Canberra. Science will be a key focus area in the school’s new strategic plan (2015-2108). Thanks to Sue Cowie (4C), Kate Herrington (4H) and Catherine Rainger (4C), for facilitating this event and exciting children about Science. OSCH (Outside School Hours Care) parent information evening – 11 November 2014 Camp Australia, the new OSCH care provider for Arawang Primary School held a meeting in the music centre to explain to the 30 parents in Thanks to John Kent, a grandparent in our school community for donating the 500 red poppies for children and staff that were worn throughout the day. The Prime Minister, Neil S read the poem In Flanders Field. Thanks to our executive teacher Brooke Calvert for organising this event. Parent and Community Support A huge thanks to our P&C committees and to our School Board for the wonderful work they have done to support our school during 2014. The P&C groups in the school and the School Board, make an enormous contribution throughout each year, not only in terms of raising funds but also through policy and decision making. Arawang Primary School is very grateful for the commitment and dedication of these mums and dads and for the warm and engaging partnerships they form daily with the school. This year there has been outstanding leadership of the School Board and the three P&Cs (Arawang Primary School; Arawang preschool - Waramanga campus; and Arawang preschool-Weston campus). Could I sincerely thank all the executive members of the parent groups (mentioned below) and other parents and community members who have so capably supported our school in 2014. We really appreciate that these people give up so much of their personal time to ensure that all the children in our school are provided with excellent opportunities and resources. greet functions; chocolate and mango drives; Bunnings sausage sizzle; excursions; gardening working bees; World Teacher Day event; Fun Day Fete; and the year 6 Graduation to mention a few. In addition books, puzzles, equipment, Mathletics, plants, seeds and shrubs for the kitchen garden, were items purchased with funds raised by our parents and community members. This year the P&C also donated $2,000, books and other educational material to Obwororo, a village in Kenya to support the development of the village school and other facilities. Throughout 2014, the P&C has managed the school canteen at Arawang Primary School with the very capable assistance of Fiona Martyn. Fiona will be retiring at the end of this year. The school wishes Fiona and her family all the very best for the future. Fiona will be very much missed by all the children in the school and by the netball teams she has so competently trained and mentored over the last 11 years. Arawang Preschool P&C Waramanga campus - executive members 2014 Alison Manners, Angela Rose, Kerin Lyon, Kira Campbell, Sharon Kley, Dan Abraham and Penny Delander Weston Preschool P&C executive members 2014 – Korina Kennedy, Sonia Dutkiewicz, Mila Logan, Jarlet Sanchez and Louise Maconachie. Arawang Primary School P& C executive Alicia Walsh, Kylie Tregea, Jane Fredericks, Brenda Copley and Dana Sutton. Arawang Primary School Board Sarah Nattey, Gretchin Irvine, Julie Christie, Gordon White, Kathi Brown, Helen Bannister In 2014 there has been a myriad of activities and events organised by these groups: Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day events; discos; BBQs; meet and The uniform shop has also been managed by the P&C in 2014. This year the uniform committee has worked really hard. They have relocated the shop to the front office area and have provided a wonderful service to our school community in the provision of school uniform supplies. Sincere thanks to Karen Keast, Julie Christie, Brooke McIntosh, Mia Norris, Fiona Roxburgh, Marilyn Chappel, Amanda Piper, Heather Fisken and Sally Allen for their commitment and support of our school. New Arawang Primary School P&C executive for 2015 At the Annual General meeting of the P&C on Monday evening 17 November 2014, the following people were nominated as the new executive team for 2015. of renovation work occurring at the school. A new school canteen and teaching space will be constructed. In addition, the junior staff rooms will be smartened up and the Arawang PreSchool (Waramanga campus) will be freshly painted and will have new carpet laid. President – Karen Jamal Vice President – Alison Manners Secretary – Sarah Popp Treasurer – Brenda Copley Public Officer – Dana Sutton Sincere thanks to Margaret Davidson, our Business Manager for her part in organising and facilitating all the above projects. It has been a mammoth effort to ensure that the best possible facilities are provided for children at Arawang. Well done Margaret. Great work!!! I look forward to meeting up with many of you next week at the 25th anniversary celebrations. Pack up a picnic, bring your folding chairs or a rug and join in the festivities. Jeni Page Principal ARAWANG NEWS Many other attendees raised their hands to be involved on a variety of committees. The school sincerely thanks all these people for their extraordinary generosity of time, knowledge and skills to support Arawang Primary School over the next year. The P&C and the school welcomes and encourages all parents and community members to join in partnership with the school so that our children will receive the best education possible. Please contact the people listed above (through the front office) if you are able to assist in any way. School Improvements You will have noticed by now that a new fence has been erected around the playground area of the school. The fence looks quite smart and has been constructed to enhance the provision of safety for the children and staff at our school. Over the next couple of weeks and throughout the Christmas holiday period, there will be a lot Parent Thank You Morning Tea In appreciation of your efforts in making Arawang Primary School a special place for learning we would like to invite you to join us for a Special Morning Tea with our staff. Date: Time: Thursday 27 November 11:15am Venue: Music Room Please RSVP on 6205 6877 to the front office by Friday 21 November 2014 We look forward to seeing you there! ARAWANG ACHIEVERS Recipients Levi G KB Latisha H Asher B KH Shanae B Jacey B Tom P KT William O Toby S Alanah D 1B Sharad S Jamie C 1K Tessa B Jarad A 1S Alana B Tabata C-C 2F Fiona d Erlang A 2H Umar A Molly V 3B Ryan W Viiana K Fallon K 3C Jonah P Claudia M 3M Grant N Jordie H Lavanya K Mira W Sarah T 4C Rigan R Dannae H-C 4H Ewan P Ronin P Jessica C 5H Georgia H Yasmin V 5S Cameron M Rhyme C 6B&C Sam M Cameron S An T Al Ayhem A Timothy L Congratulations to all students. Awards will be given out at Friday Assembly. highlights the characteristics and needs of gifted learners. Class GIFTED AND TALENTED ARTICLE SERIES – GATEWAYS EDUCATION To support ACT public schools in their implementation of the Gifted and Talented Students policy, the Directorate has commissioned Gateways Education to develop a series of six articles over the next three years to provide information to parents and the community about gifted and talented children. The following article is the first in the series and This article and further information about the education of gifted and talented learners, including Gifted and Talented Fact Sheets for parents, can be found on the Directorate website. Article 1: Understanding the Gifted Learners in our Classrooms Recognising and understanding gifted learners is challenging for educators and parents alike. The characteristics and needs of students who are gifted are personal and unique, and recognising them involves understanding that these specific characteristics may be demonstrated through a variety of different behaviours often presenting differently in school compared to at home. The ACT Education and Training Directorate Gifted and Talented Students Policy is based on the Francois Gagné Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (2008). This model highlights the impact of environmental and intrapersonal catalysts on the development of giftedness towards talent or competency. Although intellectual or academic giftedness is only one of the domains in Gagné’s model, it is the domain which often requires the most differentiated response in the classroom. Gifted students have characteristics and needs which are different from those of their same age peers. As a group, intellectually gifted learners comprehend complex ideas quickly, learn more rapidly and in greater depth, and may exhibit interests that differ from those of their age peers. They need time for in-depth exploration, to manipulate ideas and draw generalisations about seemingly unconnected concepts, and to ask provocative questions. Gifted learners find excitement and pleasure from intellectual challenge and show initiative and originality in work, particularly in areas of high interest and passion. At times gifted learners will show extraordinary degrees of motivation and a singleminded pursuit of goals, which their peers may find hard to understand. However, these students may also be self-critical in evaluating and correcting their own efforts, exhibiting perfectionist behaviours, which lead to task avoidance and the tendency to take criticism from others very much to heart. Gifted students often demonstrate an ability to handle abstract ideas and flexibility in thinking, which allows them to consider problems from a number of viewpoints and show high levels of empathy for the feelings and circumstances of other people. Gifted students possess a need for like-minded friends and longer-term relationships than their same aged peers and this often results in a preference for older friends or friendships with much younger, but equally gifted students. When like-minded connections are not available to them, they may experience feelings of isolation and rejection and subsequent accusations of social maladjustment from those around them. It is important to recognise that gifted learners are not a homogenous group and that students may exhibit differing levels of giftedness across one or more of the domains outlined in the Gagné model. Equally, it is important to acknowledge that giftedness does not always translate to talent and thus underachievement may need to be addressed in the case of some gifted learners. Ultimately, gifted learners require support in order to achieve their full potential. To this extent, they are no different to any other students whose learning needs differ from the norm. References Gagné, F. (1985). Giftedness and talent: Reexamining a reexamination of the definitions. Gifted Child Quarterly, 29, 103-112. Gagné, F. (2008). Building gifts into talents: Overview of the DMGT. Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada) Rogers, K.B. (2007). Lessons learned about educating the gifted and talented: A synthesis of the research on educational practice. Gifted Child Quarterly. 51 (4) 382-396. VanTassel-Baska, J. (2007). Leadership for the future in gifted education: Presidential address. Gifted Child Quarterly 2007 10.1177/0016986206297087 51: 5 DOI: Ical Syncing- DO NOT SYNC There seems to be an issue with the Ical syncing on Microsoft Outlook for the school’s calendar events featured on the school website. Due to issues with Microsoft Outlook adding one hour in daylight savings time and resulting inaccurate event time we recommend you DO NOT SYNC your Microsoft Outlook with the Ical feed on the Arawang Primary School website. The School Web Administrator is currently trying to resolve this issue. We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused. Myra Domigan School Web Administrator Library News As part of the 25th Anniversary celebrations next week, there will be displays in the library of photos from 1989 to the present. So please spread the news of these displays to past staff and students of Arawang. All are welcome to visit the library anytime during next week. In preparation for the end of the school year, this is the last week of student borrowing and all books are due back before Friday November 28 2014. Anne Neilen Library Resource Centre Manager Christian Education In Schools TERM 4 – Christmas Celebrations This term CEIS will present ‘Christmas Celebrations’ at our school. The events of Christmas as outlined in the Bible will be unpacked through a range of interactive stations. By interviewing key characters from the Christmas story students will better understand why Christians celebrate God’s incredible act of love every Christmas. Only students with permission will attend. Christian Education In Schools (CEIS) occurs because parents request it for their children under ACT legislation. Sessions are coordinated by the CEIS project, using approved resources and volunteers. If you would like to add your child to the existing attendance list print off the section below and return it to the school or go to Canteen News The canteen is now closed for renovations. They will continue to provide a service to the school by having special lunches on Fridays: 21/11/14 Pizza Meal Deal 28/11/14 Sausage Sizzle 5/12/14 Sushi/Hamburger Meal Deal Keep an eye out for further notes and they will also be available on-line. Leaving Arawang Primary School (please complete and return to the front office) We are moving, leaving or will be transferred at the end of this year and will not be attending Arawang Primary School in 2015. (Not including Year 6 students) ARAWANG PRESCHOOL WESTON CAMPUS After looking after the eggs and the chicks, we are now investigating the life cycle of a silk moth. We have learned that the silkworms only eat Mulberry leaves. Just like the story of the Hungry Caterpillar, our silkworms are eating and eating and eating. Name:_________________________ Class: _________________________ We also learned that silk comes from the threads of their cocoon which we hope they will soon start to weave. The silkworms are soft and silky, we like watching them, holding them and feedi ng them. Name:_________________________ Class: _________________________ ARAWANG PRESCHOOL WARAMANGA CAMPUS Name: ________________________ Class: ________________________ We have enrolled our child at another school for 2015. School: _________________________ Please book an exit interview with our principal if needed. Tel: 6205 6877 ------------------------------------------------------------- Please return your book pack orders to the front office or order online at Chalk Education. 1/69 Dundas Court Phillip ACT 2606 (Ph) 6298 3055 (FAX) 6282 8863 The Family Fun Day at Waramanga Preschool was a great success! Everyone had a fantastic time eating ice cream, jumping on the jumping castle, face painting and buying treats from the cake stall. A big thanks to the Preschool P&C for all their organisation and to all who helped on the day. Parents and carers are still welcome to purchase their childs artwork for $3.00 each which will go towards the total amount raised for Waramanga preschool. Coming up in week 7 we have an exciting visit from The Reptileman! Please remember to bring in your permission note and money and return it to your class teacher. In week 8 we will be having a mini concert where the children will sing and dance entertain you with their talent. We hope you can all attend. BOARD REPORT Board Report Following the appointment of Camp Australia (CA) as our new provider for Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) from February 2015, we had the opportunity to meet Michael Cooper and Victoria McKenna from CA last week, to ask questions and hear more about the service the organisation will bring to Arawang. Here are the highlights which I think most parents want to know about: CA has a licence for 129 kids, and guarantees that your child will have a place in OSHC on whatever days you require, either as a permanent or casual booking; CA will offer before school care (from 7:00am), after school care (until 6pm) and holiday care on site (from 7:00am to 6:00pm); Children from 4 years of age can attend care, which means pre-schoolers can be enrolled – this is a real positive for working parents in particular The Child Care Rebate of up to 50% is available on all CA’s services; CA describes its service as engaging, fun and active, and will allow the children to have a say in the activities; 30-40 minutes of quiet time is enforced every afternoon, which is an opportunity for older kids to make a start on their homework, and for younger kids to participate in a quiet activity like drawing, reading or puzzles; P&C subcommittee news We would like to thank everyone who attended and volunteered on our Family Fun Day. Thankyou to Raquel Brown, Leanne Cox and Christie Wilson, and the wonderful Families of Arawang Primary and Preschool. We would also like to thank Tash who volunteered to do the face painting. We had nice weather and it was wonderful to bring our community together. We still need some volunteers for our Bunnings BBQ on this Saturday 22 November 2014 the Signup sheet is on the board outside the staff room. Any help is appreciated. You will pay less for the service on days your child attends an extra-curricular activity based at the school which operates between 3-6pm eg Zumba or Karate; Casual bookings are fine (eg occasional care), but attract a slightly higher fee; Shift workers can be accommodated too, just contact the CA customer service team via phone Bookings can be made online and via email 24 hours a day, or over the phone during business hours. You can register on the CA website now ( but bookings will not open until 1 December 2014 Rachel and Lizzie are two of the experienced carers who will look after our children, and they will attend an assembly before the end of the year to introduce themselves. With 530 schools nationally, catering for 90,000 kids each week, we consider that Camp Australia has a lot to offer Arawang, and look forward to a fruitful partnership in the coming years. We have a week-long celebration of Arawang’s 25th Anniversary, starting on Monday 24 November. It’s a chance for the children, teachers and parents/carers to spend time at the school, enjoying the festivities and celebrating all that it great about Arawang. I look forward to seeing many of you on Friday 28 November, for the unveiling of the glass mosaic and for a fun evening of music and great food. I would like to thank Gordon White, our community representative, who has provided his wisdom and expertise to the Arawang Board for 24 years, and is retiring at the end of this year. Early in 2015, we will seek nominations for the Board, and hope that some of you might consider nominating yourselves – it’s a great opportunity to be more involved with the school, helping Jeni Page and the school executive to steer a course in the best interests of our children. More information will be available in February. The end of the year is just around the corner and planning is already underway for 2015. As you know, work has already commenced on our new canteen, we have renovations planned for the junior classrooms and energy efficient lighting is to be installed throughout the school. We’re proud of the new teachers’ break room which looks fabulous and the improvements to the front office and clothing pool are making a big difference. I’d like to acknowledge Jeni’s dedication to improving our school, making it an even better place for students to learn and grow. Sarah Nattey Board Chair COMMUNITY NEWS ACT SECONDARY BURSARY SCHEME DO YOU HAVE CHILDREN IN HIGH SCHOOL? The ACT Secondary Bursary Scheme can provide ACT residents on low incomes with financial support for students in Years 7 – 10. Eligibility: Holders of a Pensioner Concession Card or a Health Care Card with means tested ‘payment codes’ - see application form for more details APPLY NOW ACT EDUCATION AND TRAINING DIRECTORATE Secondary Bursary Scheme Hedley Beare Centre for Teaching and Learning GPO Box 158 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 Application forms are available at all high schools, colleges, Centrelink Regional Offices and online at rting_school/financial_assistance_for_families Enquiries: 6205 8262 Arawang Primary Residence School Artist in Lisa Cahill As part of Design Canberra you are invited to ARTIST STUDIO OPEN DAY & SALE Julie Ryder Lisa Cahill Kristie Rea 7 Beltana Road, Pialligo “The Hayshed” Sunday 23 November 2014 10:00am to 3:00pm Quality Education Caring For All K-6 25th Birthday PJ and Movie Day Dear Parents/Carers PLAYSCHOOL AND PLAY & LEARN ENROL NOW FOR 2015 Arawang Primary will be hosting a PJ / Movie Day to celebrate their 25th Anniversary. Students are encouraged to bring in a gold coin donation to purchase a 25th Anniversary present for the school. The Noah’s Ark Playschool Program is a program for 3-4 year olds which provides children with opportunities to develop socially, physically and personally in a nurturing and stimulating environment. Rivett, Giralang and Jerrabomberra. All you need to do is wear your PJ’s to school and bring a gold coin donation, pillow and a small snack for your child. As we are a nut allergy aware school please do not bring any nut products. Play & Learn a facilitated playgroup session for parents and carers with children aged 0-5 years are offered Tuesday and Friday mornings at Rivett from 10:00am-12:00pm, during school terms. Date: Time: Venue: Movie: Dress: Cost: For session times and locations please contact us on 62871117 or visit our website If you have any questions please see your child’s class teacher Bangalay Cres Rivett ACT 2611, PO BOX 3294 Weston Creek ACT 2611, PH: (02) 6287 1117, FAX: (02) 6287 1304 EMAIL: ADDRESS: Tuesday 25 November 2014 12:00pm – 1:30pm (movie session) Arawang Primary School Hall Milo and Otis (G rated) Appropriate Pyjamas Gold coin donation (optional) Yours sincerely 25th Birthday Anniversary Team
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