The Contact The Newsletter of the Kingwood Church of God November 2014 One of my favorite hymns says “Count your blessings, name them one by one - see what God hath done”. In our present condition of living in the greatest nation in the world with its abundance of food, crystal clear water to drink and most of our needs being met from cradle to grave, we often lose sight of the source of our blessings. We don’t have to look far beyond our borders to see people living in conditions much worse than our own. They have few conveniences we take for granted each and every day. They risk their lives to cross our borders and share in the blessing of our nation. Our nation did not become great by relying on politicians or other community leaders, but by a total reliance on God, the God of JudeauChristian people who put their faith in this one true God. Our nation has enjoyed God’s privileges for a long time and have grown complacent in offering thanks to God for our many blessings. It’s time for us, as Christians, to begin a revival in our country. A time to ask God to forgive us for turning away from Him and to provide the opportunity for God to answer His promise of II Chronicles 7:14. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Jack Romesberg Greetings folks! What an October this has been! Beginning as we told you last time with Hail and snow (both of which are 4 letter words!) on the first Saturday of October! And not improving much as the month went on! Congratulations to the 18 or so hardy souls who I hear got together for the Outdoor Service on Moore Hill. I’m glad to hear that Amy Moore restrained herself and wasn’t throwing water around as usual. It probably would have turned to ice before it hit anyone. But then again her favorite target (Randy Pletcher) wasn’t there. C’mon Randy! I thought a man in your profession enjoyed being in the great outdoors in all sorts of weather! I was glad the weather was nice for the Outdoor Pumpkin Midweek Service. Good devotions Carey Beth! See PJ it seems as if she has more influence in the weather department than you do! Speaking of Halloween – I hear Emma Ream got an early start scaring unsuspecting fair visitors while dressed as Elsie the cow! I hear from PJ that Paul Hall’s dog “Mr. Biggs”, affectionately known as “Biggie” has applied to become the Official Church Dog. His application will be taken under serious consideration. I do have some concern that he is here only part of the year. Maybe we can work out some sort of arrangement that as long as Juanita is playing he is on staff. His primary duties will be keeping away raccoons, possums, groundhogs, cats and other assorted vermin. You do know of course that there must never ever be an Official Church C_t. They ride brooms with witches and chase poor little creatures like me! Should one ever apply I’ll sic Melanie Monticue, Teresa Faidley and the young men from the Hostetter family on them! Isaac Moore: Interested in joining the posse? I hear Kaitlyn King has turned into quite the Renaissance Woman – she can do it all from Piebaker to Deerslayer. Congratulations Kaitlyn! May your hunting and shooting skills make the boys as nervous as your sisters does! Best wishes to all the hunters, male and female alike out there! May your eyes be clear, your hands be steady and your dragging of the deer a short distance and all downhill! Well folks this little mousie has a lot of stirring to do before Christmas so I had better get going! Hope to see you at the Thanksgiving Service and all the special advent services. Until then: Blessings, best wishes, happy Christmas shopping, turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie to all! The Church Mouse Prayer Needs NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Nov 3 Nov 7 Nov 9 Nov 12 Nov 16 Nov 19 Nov 26 Nov 27 Nov 28 Nov 30 Bill Rugg Bradley Lemmon Mabel Walker Carissa Drabish Melanie Monticue Lloyd Pletcher Juanita Hall Bev Pletcher Viola Kerns Jenn Gross Naomi Shaffer Pastor Paul Tobias Logan Bowman Heather Ream Trellis Tressler Louise Koontz Ron & Audrey Irwin Ada Younkin Scott Kreger Lillie Shaulis June Show Craig Show Zelda Weimer Grant Pletcher Shirley V. Brougher Gabe Ohler Charlie Kreger Alex Younkin Everett Nicklow Dawn Schrock Marie Miller Helen Ohler Frank Little Jean Colflesh Jane Mickey Sarah Singo Bob VanSickle Curt Gosnell Dave Yutzy & Family Rachael Conn Shaffer Pat Weaver Sue Darr Rita Peck Paige Weimer Faith Custer Janie Romesberg Bob Baker Pam Noel Cliff Tressler Jane Moore Bruce Johnson Sherrie Tobias Marcia Tobias JD Tressler Dale & Shirley Nicklow Mark Lyons Family of Joel Ponterero Upcoming Events November 29 November 30 December 7 December 10 December 13 December 14 December 21 December 24 NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Nov 7 Nov 21 Nov 27 Nov 29 Ed & Kay Engleka Mark & Sandi Sechler Josh & Stacey Rosman Tim & Rita Show Live Nativity Village First Sunday in Advent Children’s Christmas Program Combined Midweek Service - Nativity Walk Christmas Dinner Evening Worship Service - Singing Around Piano Communion During Morning Worship Service Christmas Eve Service at 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service at 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Service at 11:00 p.m. Please mark you calendars for these special events this Christmas Season. Please join us for a Thanksgiving Eve Service on November 26, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Christmas Dinner tickets are on sale beginning November 16th. Tickets cost $9 for adults and $4.50 for children 12 and under. We only have 130 seats and they go fast, so get your tickets early! Payment is due when you reserve your tickets. You may see Deb Colflesh, Jean Romesberg or Heather Houghton for tickets. We will be feasting on ham, green beans, stuffing, and homemade coleslaw this year. Join us for awesome food, fellowship and fun! Christmas dinner is on December 13, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. Veterans Day Service Thank you to the Veterans Day Committee for organizing wonderful programs to honor our veterans on Sunday, November 9, 2014. We were blessed to have Kirk Moore share the morning message with us. Danny Conner provided beautiful special music and Rev. Robert Byrnes (portrayed by Pastor Jim) gave an insightful speech. We are blessed to have been able to recognize the Veterans in our congregation and honor them on this day. Thank you for your service. Church Family, The Holiday season is fast approaching. Many of us spend time shopping, decorating and planning family gatherings. There are some who must spend their holidays in unfamiliar surroundings, separate and apart from their families. These women and children, abused in the one place they should feel safe – their own homes, seek safety in an emergency shelter. We can help bring a little joy to their holidays again this year by supporting the “Help an Angel in Shelter” program. The Women’s Help Center will provide holiday meals, decorations, gifts and assistance for those women and children who are rebuilding their lives, violence free. EVERY dollar collected goes to the women and children being assisted by our shelter. We can make difference. We can take a stand and get involved! Each little Angel is only $1. Thank you for your generous support of this truly life saving community outreach program. On behalf of the Children, Helping Hands Ministry Thanks You! Refurbishing the Kingwood Church of God Fellowship Center A goal of having the Fellowship center ready for occupancy of February 2, 2015 has been set. Please keep in mind that EVERYTHING must be in working order and we must complete all of the inspection requirements before the inspectors will give us an occupancy permit and allow us to begin to use the building. Help is always needed and welcomed. If you think that you don’t know what to do, or that you don’t have the talent to do the work, think again. We will gladly “train” all who come out. There are many tasks where “a third hand” really makes the job easier. All supplies are provided, but bring your own tools/ladders/etc. We will continue to work from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM Thursday Evenings (November 6, 13, 20 and December 4) as well there will be work days (7:00 AM till ??) on Friday November 28 (what better way to get out of going Black Friday shopping) and Saturday December 13 with lunch served both days. Please mark your calendars. We have been trying to keep the information on the website ( and the website calendar updated with the current schedule and tasks, as well there are printed copies on the table in the church hallway so check often. There have also been some folks who have been working other times, so if you would like to work Saturdays or other days/times, call Pastor Jim (926-2448), Terry Ream (926-2356) or Renee Moore (352-7510) in advance to gain access to the building. Please contact Jesse Moore (814-777-7227) with general questions or Rene Moore (352-7510) for questions about painting. Any and all help is greatly appreciated---Bring a friend! Current Task list (in no particular order) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Install fire wall/doors Construct the Family Restroom Install new door into remaining lounge area Storage closet (across from Kitchen): Finish drywall, Paint, Replace shelving Outside walls in restrooms: Install insulation and drywall, Finish drywall, Paint, Re-install heat Insulate under the stage Remove existing ceiling tile and prep for installation of Tyvek/furring strips 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Continue installation of Tyvek and furring strips to hold up the existing insulation Check/repair water fountain Scraping/Prep/Priming/Painting doors and rooms Finish Oiling motors and replacing filters in room heaters Finish Heating system Paint outside railings Install ceiling panels Extend electrical fixtures in Attic Seal insulation joints in attic C:\Users\Jesse Moore\Documents\Church\Church addition\Kingwood School\Kingwood work schedule 11-11-14.docx Kingwood Church of God 119 Humbert Rd Markleton, PA 15551 Church Staff James Monticue, Senior Pastor Paul Tobias, Associate Pastor Vince Show, Director of Children’s Ministries Carey Beth King, Secretary Church Website Church Phone Number (814) 926-4429 Sunday Morning Worship 8:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. First Worship Service Sunday School Second Worship Service Evening Worship Service
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