Norway - list of translators and interpreters

List of translators and interpreters in NORWAY
Prepared by British Embassy Oslo
The following list of translators and interpreters has been prepared by the British Embassy Oslo for the convenience of British Nationals who may require these
services and assistance in Norway. It is provided on the understanding that we (the British Embassy) do not assume or undertake any legal responsibility, to you, or
those affected, if you choose to take it into account when instructing a local translator or interpreter.
Further and alternatively, we cannot accept any liability to any person or company for any financial loss or damage arising from the use of this information or from any
failure to give information
Our aim is to provide our customers with as much relevant information to enable them to make better informed decisions but our lists are not recommendations and
should not be treated as such.
List of translators and interpreters in Norway
Updated: March 2015
TranslatørXpress AS
Karl Johans Gate 21, 0159 Oslo
Telephone: +47 23 10 40 30
Forenede Translatører AS
Kongens Gate 15, 0153 Oslo
Telephone: +47 23 35 68 35
Acerto Translatør Byrå AS
Kirkeveien 147a, 0361 Oslo
Telephone: +47 22 59 93 93
Translatørbyrået Styren
Fridtjof Nansens Plass 9, 0160 Oslo
Telephone: +47 22 41 62 72
Bauer Inger Johanne
Ullevålsveien 60, 0454 Oslo
Telephone: +47 23 19 80 83
Oslo continued
Noricom tolke og Translatørtjeneste AS
Pilestredet 17, 0164 Oslo
Telephone: +47 22 98 91 10
Kloster Midie H. Statsautorisert Translatør
Thomas Heftyes Gate 42C, 0264 Oslo
Telephone: +47 22 44 50 12
Norsk Tolkeservice & Oslo Translatørbyrå
Nedre Storgate 11, 3015 Drammen
Telephone: +47 32 89 36 05
Allegro Språktjenester
C. Sundts Gate 1, 5004 Bergen
Telephone: +47 80 06 88 04
Noricom Nord AS
Kongens Gate 19, 8006 Bodø
Telephone: +47 81 53 55 00
Toketjenesten TolkSør
Dronningens Gate 23, 4610 kristiansand
Telephone: +47 38 07 54 48
Knut Olav Homlong
Egelandsveien 3, 4015 Stavanger
Telephone: +47 90 55 12 87
BKS Komunikator
Nedre Suldalsgate 1, 4012 Stavanger
Telephone: +47 92 84 05 04
Siv Ing T. Bergsaker
Westergårdveien 4c, 4032 Stavanger
Telephone: +47 93 48 27 45
Ann Elin Skår Oversettelse
Madlaveien 63, 4009 Stavanger
Telephone: +47 90 64 84 05
Stavanger continued
Jørn U. Thoresen Oversettelse
Grasholmkroken 11b, 4085 Hundvåg
Telephone: +47 90 94 15 87
Noricom Nord AS
Forskningsparken Breivika, 9294 Tromsø
Telephone: +47 75 54 22 15
Binns Richard
Strindveien 64, 7052 Trondheim
Telephone: +47 73 52 47 03
Avatar Oversetting
Maristuveien 15, 7030 Trondheim
Telephone: +47 73 51 42 65
Forbes Translation and Text - Margaret Forbes
Tessems Vei 7, 7045 Trondheim
Telephone: +47 73 91 33 49
Noricom Nord avd Ålesund
Parkgata 3, 6003 Ålesund
Telephone: +47 75 54 22 16
Feedback Form for Customers
If you do decide to use any of the translators and interpreters on this list, we would like to hear from you. While there is no obligation on your
part to provide feedback on the services you receive, any feedback you can give us is helpful.
Once completed, please return the form to the British Embassy by post to British Embassy Norway, Consulate, Oslo 0244, Norway or by email
Thank you for your help.
1. Name of firm:
2. Name of translator/interpreter:
3. Date of contact:
Are any of the details on our list regarding this provider wrong? (e.g. address, telephone number, etc.)
4. What service did you need?
5. Why did you need this service?
Please circle the appropriate boxes below:
(a) If the service provided English speaking services, how would you rate the
standard of English?
Very Poor
(b) How would you rate the professionalism of the staff?
Very Poor
Very Poor
Very Poor
(c) How would you rate the overall service received?
(d) How would you rate the value for money?
6. Do you have any other comments?
We would like to share this information with other customers but if you would prefer it not to be seen by others please tick the box □
Feedback provider’s name:
Tel. No.: