FE OR DON’T ANYTHING LET LIFEELSE OR ANYTHING PASS YOU BY. ELSE PASS YOU BY. SIS 3 COmPLImENTARY LEASE PAYmENTS‡ The 2013 IS 250 AWD The 2013 IS 250 AWD † $ $ Leather with moonroofLeather Package: with 43,745 moonroof Includes Package: freight/PDI 43,745† Includes freight/PDI Lease for up to 60 months 1.8 1.8 0.8 Finance for up for 24 * %*Lease to 60months monthsstarting from% %** Finance for 24 months starting from 0.8 %** • Direct-injection engine technology • 6 speed • Direct-injection automatic with engine paddle technology shifters • 6 speed automatic with paddle shifters • Smart key system with push button start • Heated Smart key front system seatswith push button start • Heated front seats Available Special Edition Available Includes: Special Edition Includes: Unique alloy wheels, Two-tone premium leather Uniqueseats, alloySpoiler, wheels,HID Two-tone headlamps, premium andleather a leather seats, duffel Spoiler, bag. HID headlamps, and a leather duffel bag. lexus.ca LEXUS LOWER DEALERS MAINLAND LEXUS DEALERS JIMREGENCY PATTISONLEXUS LEXUS regencylexus.com jplexus.com 1778 Northshore Burrard at Auto 2ndmall Avenue NorthVancouver Vancouver(604) (604)739-1212 982-0033 lexus.ca JIM OPENROAD PATTISON LEXUS LEXUS openroadlexus.ca jplexus.com 3150 Northshore St. Johns Auto Street mall North PortVancouver moody (604) (604) 461-7623 982-0033 OPENROAD LEXUS LEXUS RIChMOND OPENROAD richmondlexus.com openroadlexus.ca 5631 Way 3150Parkwood St. Johns Street Richmond (604) 273-5533 Port moody (604) 461-7623 OPENROAD LEXUS RIChMOND richmondlexus.com 5631 Parkwood Way Richmond (604) 273-5533 s ‡Offer IS 250/350 available model onlythrough to retail Lexus customers Financial who Services lease an (LFS), eligibleon2013 approved Lexus credit. IS 250/350 Must enter modelinto through lease agreement Lexus Financial through Services a participating (LFS), on approved Lexus dealer credit. and Must take delivery enter into between lease agreement April 2nd, through 2013 and a participating April 30th, 2013. Lexus dealer Your Lexus and take dealer delivery between April 2nd, 2013 and April 30th, 2013. Your Lexus dealer hlywilllease provide payments the consumer (including with all ataxes), cheque up equal to a maximum to the firstofthree $450(3)formonthly eligiblelease 2013payments IS models(including per month. all taxes), Customer up tois aresponsible maximum of for$450 any amount for eligible in excess 2013ofIS$450 models perper month. month.Consumers Customerwill is responsible be requiredfor toany make amount all regularly in excess scheduled of $450 per month. Consumers will be required to make all regularly scheduled See lease your payments. participating OfferLexus is subject dealer tofor change details. or †MSRP cancellation is $43,745 withoutfor notice. a newSee Lexus your2013 participating IS 250 AWD Lexussfx dealer ‘B’. MSRPs for details. include †MSRP freight is $43,745 and PDI ($1,995). for a newLicense, Lexus 2013 insurance, IS 250registration AWD sfx ‘B’. (if MSRPs applicable) include and freight taxes are andextra. PDI ($1,995). *Lease and License, financeinsurance, offers registration (if applicable) and taxes are extra. *Lease and finance offers edprovided retail customers. through Lexus 1.8% lease Financial rate/0.8% Services, financing on approved rate available credit toon qualified all newretail Lexuscustomers. 2013 IS 250 1.8%models. lease rate/0.8% Lease example financing based rate onavailable a term up ontoall60 new months Lexus at2013 an annual IS 250rate models. of 1.8% Lease andexample MSRP ofbased $43,745 on a (includes term up to $1,995 60 months freight/PDI). at an annual rate of 1.8% and MSRP of $43,745 (includes $1,995 freight/PDI). $0 Monthly securitypayment depositisand $496 firstwith monthly $0 down payment payment due atorlease equivalent inception. tradeTotal in, $0 lease security obligation deposit is $29,759. and first monthly Taxes, license, payment registration due at lease (if applicable) inception. Total and insurance lease obligation are extra. is $29,759. Up to 100,000 Taxes, license, kilometre registration allowance; (if applicable) charge of $0.20/km and insurance for excess are extra. Up to 100,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.20/km for excess erm kilometres. at an annual **Finance rate ofexample 0.8% and includes MSRP taxes of $43,745 and is based (excludes on ataxes 24 month and includes term at an $1,995 annual freight/PDI). rate of 0.8%Monthly and MSRP payment of $43,745 is $2,058. (excludes Cost oftaxes borrowing and includes is $409 $1,995 for a total freight/PDI). obligationMonthly of $49,404. payment License, is $2,058. registration Cost of(ifborrowing applicable)isand $409 insurance for a total obligation of $49,404. License, registration (if applicable) and insurance only are extra. applyLexus to retail Dealers customers are free at participating to set their own Lexus prices. dealers. Limited Dealer timeorder/trade offers only may applybetorequired. retail customers Offers are at participating subject to change Lexuswithout dealers.notice. DealerOffers order/trade expiremay at month’s be required. end unless Offers extended are subject or revised. to change Seewithout your Lexus notice. dealer Offers for expire complete at month’s details. end unless extended or revised. See your Lexus dealer for complete details.
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