ENROLMENT FORM 2015 GENERIC - For all courses - except specialised 'Short Courses' www.languagelinks.wa.edu.au CERTIFICATE COURSES IN ENGLISH PROFICIENCY - ESL Family Name: THE FOLLOWING 'CUSTOMISED' STREAMS ARE AVAILABLE: Name(s): PLEASE TICK YOUR COURSE SELECTION. PLEASE CHECK BACK PAGE FOR COURSE FEE INFORMATION & DATES. Date of Birth: / Male / GENERAL ENGLISH : Weekly intakes I Min. 4wks I Certificate II to Diploma Female Nationality: IELTS PREPARATION : Weekly intakes I Min. 4wks I Certificate II to Diploma *Passport No. * Compulsory to apply for a Student Visa IELTS Examination Address: Language Links IELTS Mock Test UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE EXAM PREPARATION: Full time only Post Code: FCE Level CAE level CAMBRIDGE Examination Please check back page for scheduled intakes, exam dates and exam fee information. Certificate II to Diploma of English Proficiency-ESL ESL available. Phone: Email: TEACHER TRAINING COURSES (TESOL : Certificate III and IV) CERTIFICATE IFICATE III IN ENGLISH PROFICIENCY (ETDC) -ESL Emergency Contact Details: Full-time only. *CERTIFICATE IV TESOL Full-time time Part Part-time Flexi Mode option. *Note: This is not a CRICOS registered course - Student Visa applications not permitted for this course. Visa Type: Student Visitor Working Please check back page for scheduled intake dates Other Do you require Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)?: ?: Yes Cover Type FOR PRIVATE TUITION, CORPORATE TRAINING, STUDY TOURS, READY FOR WORK AND SPECIALISED ENGLISH + VOCATIONAL PACKAGES - SEE 'SHORT COURSES' ENROLMENT FORM No Duration COURSE DATES - ENTER COURSE DATES HERE FOR SELECTED COURSES months Note: OSHC is compulsory for Student Visa holders for total visa duration - please advise college of details if you already have current cover. Course 1: Dates: / Current level of English: (eg. Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced) Comments Are you applying for an 'Award Course' at LL : Yes No / . Is this course part of a Study Pathway / Course Package: No Are you applying for RPL/Course Credit at Language Links? Yes ($220 0 Placement Fee) From / Full-Time Day (5 days p/wk) Full-time Day (3 days p/wk) NO Wks / CLASS SCHEDULE Please check back page for weekly accommodation prices Full-time Day Half Board 3 days per week: 9:00am - 5:00pm (Mon) + 9:00am - 4:30pm (Tues and Wed) (20hrs class/study time - including elective options) + social programme option Fridays Full-time Day (CRICOS) Under 18 yrs old - Guardian fee of $30 per wk applies for a duty of care allowance (CRICOS) 4:30 – 9:00pm ( Mon & Tues ues) + 3:30 – 9:00pm (Wed & Thurs) + self study/self access (Fri) (20 hrs class/study time - incl. self access) + social programme option Fridays Part-time Day 9:00am – 12:20pm ( Mon to Fri) + social programme option Fridays Part-time Eve 5:40pm – 8:30pm ( Mon to Thurs) Full-time Eve Yes No Details : Single Room: Double Room : 2 single beds Smoker: Yes No Part-time Day 5 days per week: 9:00am - 2:30pm (Mon to Fri) includes elective options (21hrs class/study time ) + social programme option Fridays (CRICOS) Room Only Allergies, dietary requirements or medical conditions: Full-time Evening Full Part Part-time Evening Note: Student Visa holders must enrol in full-time, time, CRICOS Registered courses Accommodation n Options: Choose from Homestay / Residence / Hostel: Homestay : Full Board / COURSE MODE SELECTION – See 'CLASS SCHEDULE' for details Accommodation Required: YES To / Total wks No ACCOMMODATION DETAILS / AIRPORT PICKUP / / Course Breaks (if any): All leave / course breaks required should be pre-booked English Requirement / To / Comments Yes / Total wks Course 2: Dates: (The opportunity to gain a nationally recognised qualification in English Proficiency-ESL) Details To / 1 Double bed How did you hear about Language Links: Hobbies AGENT DETAILS: Would you like to stay in a family that has : Cats Dogs Children Alternative Accommodation: University Student Residence Hostel METHOD OF PAYMENT: Cash *Quote will be provided at time of booking based on room availability, duration of stay and requirements Au Pair / Demi Pair Placement Programme: Demi Pair NO Cheque PAYMENT PLAN (see separate application form - $50 Set up fee) Bank: Westpac - BSB: 036 302 - ACC: 340 822 - SWIFT Code: WPACAU2S (For all deposits, please use student name or ID # as payment reference + send remittance to LL) Au Pair Placement Fee / Orientation programme: $410 + $85 Airport irport pickup (one way) Please complete additional application form + view full programme terms and conditions Airport Pick-up service: YES Direct Deposit Visa / MasterCard DEBIT CREDIT Card All credit cards incur a 2% surcharge *For all card payments, please request a 'card payment authorisation form' from the college. Where possible, please pay in person at the college, 100 points of ID will be required for all other transactions. transactions ENROLMENT AGREEMENT: Note: Taxi option approx $50 - $60 If booking accommodation - Please supply your flight / arrival details in Perth even if pickup is not required. I confirm that I have read and understood all the TERMS & CONDITIONS that accompany this enrolment, including PAYMENT PLAN TERMS & CONDITIONS if applicable. I agree to the Terms stated therein and they have been clearly explained (in my own language if necessary). I am also aware that as part of my 'Pre-Enrolment' Enrolment' procedure, I should read a copy of the STUDENT HANDBOOK on-line via the college's website prior to starting my course. I understand the information I have provided in this enrolment form mayy be made available to the Commonwealth/State Agencies and the ESOS Assurance Fund / TPS Fund manager if required. Accommodation Placement Terms & Conditions : I understand that LANGUAGE LINKS, its employees and representatives are not liable for any injury, accident or loss I may suffer or cause while I am living in the accommodation. Student's Signature: ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ $85 (One way/ per person) OR $105 (2 2 students to same accommodation) accommodation Time Flight No. . Flight Details: (Arrival in Perth) Date / / Page 1 of 2 Both pages of the Enrolment Form should be submitted subm – Enrolment Form must be signed to be processed. Note: If under 18 years old, parent or nomina inated guardian to sign on student’s behalf. Course Dates and Fees 2015 AU PAIR / DEMI PAIR PROGRAMME: PLACEMENT FEE $495 BUPA - OVERSEAS STUDENT HEALTH COVER (OSHC) 2014 FEES: STUDENT VISA HOLDERS MUST HAVE COVER FOR TOTAL VISA DURATION + LL Course Fee + arrival homestay accommodation (min. 2 weeks) is additional. SINGLE COVER UP TO 1 YEAR COUPLES COVER UP TO 1 YEAR FAMILY COVER UP TO 1 YEAR $41 per month $104 per month $149 per month SINGLE COVER 13 MONTHS + COUPLES COVER 13 MONTHS + FAMILY COVER 13 MONTHS + $43 per month $114 per month $176 per month **BUPA PRICES SUBJECT TO INCREASE FOR 2015 GENERAL ENGLISH and IELTS EXAM PREPARATION stream: Weekly Intakes available : Start any Monday! Level Assessment: Entrance Test /Orientation Placement Test to determine class level OR *RPL. Course Duration: Minimum enrolment : 4 weeks - individual cases may be considered. Award Course Options: Certificate II, III, IV and Diploma in English Proficiency-ESL Entry Level Applies for IELTS: Pre-Intermediate level recommended to cope with course content No English Entry level applies for General English courses: All level available all year Course Fees: A Material Fee of $5 per wk is charged for IELTS Preparation General English & IELTS Prices 04-12 wks 13-24wks 25wks + Full-time Day (21 hours) Full-time Evening OR 3 days p/week Part-time Day Part-time Evening $325pw $310pw $265pw $195pw $315pw $300 pw $255pw $185pw $300pw $290 pw $255pw $185pw IELTS Examination Fees Visit: www.ielts.org for more details LL Mock IELTS Test (20 hours) $330 Exam enrolment $365 Exam enrolment with college's assistance $75 - College exam to give you an estimated IELTS Band Score to assist you with your study plan Note: IELTS Examination fees subject to increase in 2013 by the Australian examination centres UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE EXAM PREPARATION Stream: Tuition package price: INCLUDES $70 book fee + $5pw material fee/exam practice papers. Award Course Options: Certificate II, III, IV and Diploma in English Proficiency-ESL Level Assessment: LL Entrance Test or *RPL. Please check the college website for course entry levels and further course details including exam information. Classes run in 10 or 12 week blocks - To match final exam. Course fee Course fee RPL or Entry Test required for all levels: COMMENCEMENT DATES $3370 (10wks) $4030 (12wks) CAMBRIDGE FCE / CAE 5th JAN – 13th MAR (10wks) 16th MAR – 5th JUN (12 wks) 8th JUN – 14th AUG (10 wks) 7th SEPT 27th NOV (12 wks) 13th MAR 9th JUN 20th AUG 1st DEC EXAM INFORMATION FCE EXAM: $350 includes reg/postage CAE EXAM: $350 includes reg/postage 14th MAR 10th JUN 21st AUG 3rd DEC * The Exam Fees stated above are for ESOL Paper-Based Testing and include exam registration and postage costs. * CPE, PET and BEC courses are held on demand –min.6 Exam students required to run separate class. * Contact the college for additional Computer-Based testing dates and fees. ENGLISH TEACHER TRAINING (TESOL ) Stream: CERTIFICATE III (ETDC) Course Duration: 6 weeks full-time - Teaching component only. Entry Level: IELTS 6.0 / Strong Intermediate / FCE Pass / LL Entrance Test or *R.P.L. *English classes can be packaged before course commencement to meet course level requirements. Course Fee: $1980 (incl. course workbook and final portfolio ) + $100 Material Fee START DATES: 9th March 15th June 21st September CERTIFICATE IV TESOL Course Duration: 4 wks full-time/8 wks part-time eve OR Flexi Mode Entry Level: Native English speaker OR IELTS 7.5 minimum / CAE pass / LL Entrance Test or *RPL. Course Fee: $1750 (incl. course book, materials and final portfolio ) Note: This is not a CRICOS registered course, therefore Student Visa applications cannot be accepted. Pending new course package: Monthly intakes on demand OR Flexi Mode START DATES: * Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) - apply at the college at time of enrolment HOMESTAY ACCOMMODATION : 2015 PLACEMENT FEE $220 *Placement Fee $220 applies to ALL accommodation placements including residence/hostels $265 per wk Includes 3 meals, 7 days per wk (B,L&D) Extra night $38 FULL BOARD $245 per wk Includes 2 meals, 7 days per wk (B &D) Extra night $35 HALF BOARD $170 per wk Use of kitchen/cooking facilities Extra night $24 ROOM ONLY ~ $230 per week (Short stay - min. 4 wks) + $100 Bond UNI STUDENT RESIDENCE COURSE FEE CALCULATOR TUITION FEES EXAM FEES / MATERIAL FEES / BOOK FEES HOMESTAY FEE / ACCOMM. PLACEMENT FEE : ($220) AIRPORT PICK UP FEE: ($85 OR $105) HEALTH COVER - BUPA (OSHC) ENROLMENT/APPLICATION FEE: ( $210) TOTAL COURSE FEE: DEPOSIT DUE : TOTAL COURSE COSTS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Placement includes: Airport pick up, accommodation/family placement & specialised orientation programme for Au Pairs / Demi Pairs. Placement Fee does NOT include course fees and arrival accommodation 2-4 weeks accommodation must be booked on arrival before being placed. *Please complete SEPARATE APPLICATION FORM with full terms & conditions TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ENROLMENT Please visit www.languagelinks.wa.edu.au/Enrol - Terms & Conditions, for FULL enrolment details including courses, accommodation, full refund policy, cancellations, deferrals, suspensions and leave, prior to enrolling. UNDERAGE STUDENTS (UNDER 18YRS) LANGUAGE LINKS is an Adult Education Centre, however, students under the age of 18 yrs may apply. Individual cases are assessed by our Enrolments Officer and can be accepted providing suitable care/guardianship can be arranged - Enrolment form and all other agreements must be signed by the guardian. COURSES AND ACCOMMODATION 1. Student Visa holder’s must enrol in full-time, CRICOS registered courses. 2. No reimbursement is available for Australian/West Australian Public Holidays. 3. All prices indicated are in Australian Dollars (AUD) 4. Course Changes / Transfers: To transfer to a different class or course, 1 weeks’ notice is required. If transferring to a lower fee paying course – REFUND POLICY will apply. Transfers to a higher fee paying course require full payment of fee difference upon commencement. Transfers between DAY and EVENING classes are permitted, with a maximum of 2 transfers per enrolment. Transfers exceeding this will be charged an additional Administration fee of $200. 5. Course Breaks / Leave must be booked at time of enrolment. Any leave taken during the course (not pre-booked) is non-refundable, but can be added on to the end of the course (visa and class space permitting) - Course breaks/ leave taken may affect level progression and study plans may be voided or adjusted if this occurs. 6. Any Sick leave taken is non-refundable (a full week of sick leave with a medical certificate supplied, may be added on to your study duration at the college's discretion) 7. Tuition and Course fees do not cover the 'Social Programme Activity' costs. 8. For full terms and conditions on courses and deferrals, please see our college website and click on our ‘ENROL’ Page to view our ‘STUDENT HANDBOOK’ prior to commencing your course. After an offer has been processed by LANGUAGE LINKS the REFUND POLICY applies: To cancel / withdraw from your course you must provide written notice by completing and signing the college's 'Cancellation/Refund Request Form'. Once you have been accepted into your course, accepted the Terms and Conditions and paid your fees in full or the required deposit: The Enrolment Fee, Bank fees/surcharges, Placement Fees and OSHC fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Note: If any special offers are granted on Enrolment fee - FULL Enrolment fee amount ($210) is retained in the case of a refund being granted. FULL TUITION FEE/ FULL ACCOMMODATION REFUND: 100% of Tuition Fees paid and /or 100% of the weekly accommodation fees paid will be refunded, if: i) your visa application is refused (a copy of the visa refusal letter must be supplied) ii) you cannot attend the course and notify the college in writing, 8 weeks + prior to commencement. ii) the advertised course is not being offered: Notes: 1) An eCOE cancellation/administration fee of $250 occurs to cancel issued eCOEs. 2) If exceptional circumstances or a natural disaster occurs, refunds may be granted at the discretion of the college. PARTIAL TUITION FEE REFUND: ELICOS To cancel your course with 5-8 weeks as notice prior to scheduled commencement date: A $500 Administration/Cancellation fee will be retained and 100% of balance tuition fees paid will be refunded. To cancel your course with 4 weeks or less as notice prior to scheduled commencement date , upon course commencement or within first 4 weeks of course: 4 weeks notice will be charged and will be retained , then 70% of balance tuition fees paid will be refunded less a $500 Administration/Cancellation fee. To cancel after completing more than 4 weeks of study, the above notice periods and penalties apply and only 50% of balance tuition fees remaining will be refundable. Note: for 'short courses' 6 weeks or less, the $500 Administration fee is not charged to cancel course. NO REFUND : ELICOS i) Once you have completed 50% of your course - no refund for that semester is available ii) If you are requested to leave the institution/Australia due to misconduct or a breach of visa conditions. Note : If you are at risk of breaching college or visa conditions, you will be issued with verbal and written warnings prior to course termination. PARTIAL REFUND : HOMESTAY CANCELLATIONS / ACCOMMODATION TRANSFERS To view full details of our Homestay/Accommodation refund/cancellation policy - please see 'Enrolment Terms and Conditions' on our college's website. Only one transfer is permitted per placement fee. Transfers exceeding this will incur a 50% placement fee of $110. Once you complete your booked stay, to be placed in NEW accommodation will also incur a 50% placement fee of $110. All Cancellations and Transfer Requests must be supplied to the college in writing and verbally to the family. No Refund is available if you have 2 weeks or less remaining OR if you are requested to leave the accommodation due to a breach of visa conditions or serious misconduct. PROMOTIONAL OFFERS: If you have received a 'course fee promotion' or 'special offer', please ensure you have read the 'Terms & Conditions of Enrolment' document online to view the full details of these offers. This agreement does not remove the right to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws. th th COLLEGE CHRISTMAS BREAK 18 DECEMBER 2015 to 4 JANUARY 2016 Language Links International Pty Ltd T/As Language Links - Education & Training College I 90 Beaufort Street, Perth WA 6000 I Email: enquiries@languagelinks.wa.edu.au I ABN: 70 141 175 331 I ACN: 141 175 331 Web: www.languagelinks.wa.edu.au Version 1/LL le/Marketing/1014
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