Good News First Presbyterian Church Hollywood FL (USA) November 2014 Pumpkins-&-All-ThingsOrange Sunday November 16th, 10 a.m. First Church Monthly E-News Issue 2, Vol. 9 First Presbyterian Church is an exciting place with a whole array of ministries, including early childhood programs and after school care. In everything we do and are, we strive to be God's good news to a world in need. We hope that you will take time to browse our Web Site; and if you are in our area, please come visit us. Please bring a dish to share, some type of Every Sunday orange food!! Breakfast and the Bible: 9:00 a.m. (casserole, soup, cake, Worship: 10:00 a.m. cookies, pie, etc). Good News Kidz (Children’s Sunday School): 10:00 a.m. Daylight Saving Time ENDS November 2 December issue: November 15th NOVEMBER MEETING REMINDERS Reports for Session due Friday, November 7th Learning Center Board, 4:30 p.m. in the chapel — November 10 Worship Committee, 6:30 p.m. in the chapel — November 10 Team of Chairs, 6:00 p.m. in the chapel — November 12 Finance Committee, 7:00 p.m., church office — November 12 Session Meetings, 7:00 p.m. in the chapel — November 17 Board of Deacons, 7:00 p.m. in the church office— November 24 BOOK CLUB 2014 – 2015 — Please join us November 19th at 7 pm in the chapel. Our next selection is “Haunted,” by Randy Wayne White. The Book Discussion Group meets six times per year on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 PM in the chapel. The selection for January 21st is Inner Circle, by Brad Meltzer. Discussions are led by Ellen Yamrick, Retired Librarian. Future book selections……….. February 25 - Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert March 18 - Stormy Weather, Carl Hiassen April 15 - Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins Other Florida Authors: Christine Kling - Dragon’s Triangle Elmore Leonard - La Brava (1983), Rum Punch (1992) and Get Shorty (1993). Susanna Daniel - Stiltsville (2010 Campbell McGrath - Florida Poems (2002), Ernest Hemingway - To Have and Have Not Boy Scouts, contact Neil Donnelly (954-925-8622) for information. Cub Scout Troop 420 (Grades 1-5) September - May Tuesdays @ 6:30 p.m. 2nd floor of Education building Boy Scout Troop 420 (Grades 6-12) Mondays @ 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of Education building Issue 2:9 Veteran Recognition Day Sunday, November 9th, 10:00 a.m. If you are a veteran, we ask that you provide us with two pictures: one of you in uniform, and a current picture. You may e-mail your pictures or bring them to the church office. We will need the pictures by November 3rd in order to prepare an on-screen presentation for worship on the 9th. The church and Learning Center offices will be closed Tuesday, November 11th for the Veterans Day holiday AND Thursday, November 27th and Friday, November 28th for the Thanksgiving holiday. ~~~ On September 7th, the following officers were ordained and / or installed: Ordained and Installed on Board of Deacons: Robert S. Walker Installed on Session: Helen Cohen ~~~ A donation in honor of Carl F. Hanna, II has been received from Eleanor C. Cohen. Please consider sharing Christmas with a child in need. Gift tags will be available beginning November 16th. Take an “angel” from the bulletin board in the church entrance, then purchase a gift and return it to the church by December 7th. THANK YOU!! CHRISTMAS FOOD DRIVE — November 16 – December 7th for Hollywood Central Elementary (HCE) families in need. Please bring your donations to church on Sunday, or drop them off at the church office Monday through Friday (9a.m. – 3 p.m.) Angel Tree gifts and food will be delivered to HCE on Monday, December 8th. Saturday, November 29, 2014, Hanging of the Greens, beginning at 5:00pm. Please bring a dish to share, and enjoy a time of fellowship after the decorating is completed. Work Day November 15th Help us get ready for the Holidays! Please bring your Cleaning supplies. From Kennedy’s Desk — PLANTING APPLE TREES The preacher, John Maxwell, talks about how as a young teen, he went out with his grandfather to plant an apple tree. As they planted the tree, his grandfather could see John puzzling over this task. So he asked him, “Are you wondering, John, why I am planting a tree that most likely I’ll never eat from?” John admitted that yes he was. His grandfather asked, “Have you ever eaten an apple from a tree you didn’t plant?” John replied, “Sheesh, I think every apple I’ve eaten came from a tree I didn’t plant.” His grandfather said well then that should help you understand. We all benefit from what others planted before us, and it means we need to do the same. It’s not enough to take care of our own, but we need to give in ways that will provide for those yet to come. As a church, we benefit from those who have done that for us. Because in the past, Presbyterians who went before us gave, we have our campus and its facilities. Not only that, because of those who kept giving even after their death, we have had the funds needed to sustain our ministries when current giving could not meet the gap. Literally we would not be here if not for those legacies, those apple trees planted for us. And in years to come, if the mission of this church is to prosper, we must also plant the trees that will provide fruit for the future Presbyterians to come. For that reason, your elders have created a new society, The Legacy Society. To become part of this society, you need only to do one thing, make some financial provision of whatever amount in your end of life planning for this church. There are many ways to do that, including ways that can give you income right now. And on the first Sunday in November, November 3rd, after worship, we are giving you an opportunity to learn more about how you can plant your own apple tree. We will be hosting a free lunch where a representative from our own Presbyterian Foundation will be sharing the various ways that you can leave a legacy to sustain the mission of this church. Please make a reservation to join us on that day. You will find a reservation form on the following page. Please return it to the office by Friday, October 31st to reserve your spot. So come on out for a lunch and the opportunity to learn how you could leave a legacy that lives on in this church for generations to come! Kennedy JOIN US FOR LUNCH ON NOVEMBER 2ND Make purses for yourselves that do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Jesus, Luke 12:33b-34 My grandparents, who are both now in heaven, will be funding new churches in Eastern North Carolina for decades to come, and right now, that gift is helping to support their children in their retirement. How can they do that? They can do it because of the end of life planning our family did. In my parents’ church now in Georgia, members long since gone are funding everything from music ministries to aid to families in need. How can they do that? Through their church, they did end of life planning. You can leave a legacy for this church that will sustain ministry for decades, even generations to come, and even do so while receiving income on that gift right now. On Sunday, November 2nd, your elders are providing an opportunity to find out how that could happen as well as other ways your gifts to God’s work can continue long after you have gone to your eternal home. A representative of our own Presbyterian Foundation will be joining us for this lunch. This time together is purely an informational meeting, a chance to learn more, and as we will be providing lunch, we ask that you reserve your spot here. Please join us for what will be an exciting and meaningful time together. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I WANT TO LEARN MORE I wish to attend this luncheon on November 2nd ________ I reserve for ______ person(s) I am not able to attend but wish to learn more _________ Name ________________________________________ Phone No. _________________________________ LIVING OUT THE MISSION IN 2015 First Church’s mission encompasses five key areas: Celebrating Jesus (mainly through our worship gatherings) Loving Children, Youth and their Families Developing Disciples of Jesus Caring for Those in Need Going on Mission with Jesus to Hollywood and beyond As we live out that mission, we work to live into the vision of more and more families transformed with the love of Jesus in Hollywood and beyond. This budget presentation shows what we estimate we will need in funds to live out our church’s mission and our vision of sharing the transforming love of Jesus in 2015. Please note that this presentation doesn’t show you what the FPL bill is (though that information is readily available if you would like to see it). It shows instead what that bill goes for, the mission God is calling us to live out in the coming year. Celebrating Jesus in Worship: $136,100.00 Each Sunday, we give our single most visible witness to Jesus in our community. Through that gathering, current followers of Jesus grow even as new followers of Jesus are born. 70% of the people who connect to this church first make that connection through our worship gatherings. More than that, everyone who does connect always finds worship to be a crucial step on that journey. Our worship gatherings lift up the gospel with excellence and authenticity every week, impacting hundreds of people throughout the year. In 2015, we will work to increase our worship attendance by at least 15%, and explore new ways to worship to reach even more people in our community with the love of Jesus. The amount above represents 35% of our pastor’s salary, the entire Music Ministry, a little under 50% of the cost of our administrative staff (who prepare bulletins, PowerPoint, etc. and the Sanctuary itself), and roughly half of the cost of our sanctuary, church offices, and 35% of insurance, copying, etc. It does not include the thousands of volunteer hours contributed each week to give witness to Christ in our worship. Loving Children,Youth and Their Families: $56,150.00 Each week, we touch the lives of over 200 children and youth. They experience God’s love in Good News Kidz on Sunday morning or our two youth groups or in the three chapels in our Learning Center ministries, or as Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts have their weekly meetings. In 2015, we look forward to seeing these ministries grow to reach even more children and their families in Hollywood. The amount you see above includes 20% of our pastor’s salary, administrative staff, east campus costs, and insurance, copying etc. in addition to our full children and youth budget. It does not include the thousands of volunteer hours put in to lead and support these various ministries. It also does not include the cost of our self-supporting Learning Center Ministries, including the full funding of the two educational buildings west of our Sanctuary. Developing Disciples of Jesus: $39,650.00 Beyond our work developing young disciples of Jesus with children and youth, we do significant work developing adults in their Christian growth and discipleship. With three women’s Bible Studies, two Sunday Bible studies, and various other teaching opportunities, roughly 50% of our congregation grew through discipleship development in 2014 - along with a number of folks in our community. In 2015, we want to see that number grow to include 60% (approximately 75 people) of our worshiping community involved in adult discipleship so that we might grow more deeply into a transformed and transforming family of faith. To see that happen, we will require the funds above, an amount that represents 15% of our pastor’s salary, roughly 15% of our administrative costs, and 10% of our east campus facility costs. This does not include the hundreds of hours put in to lead and support these ministries. Caring for Those in Need: $36,100.00 In a congregation such as ours, with a large group of seniors, it is crucial that we provide support and care for those struggling with illness or confined to their home or a nursing facility. In addition, as a church, we provide support to members of our church family going through not only health crises, but facing financial or family challenges. This past year, through countless acts of caring, we visited the sick, fed the hungry, supported the grieving, and manifested the love of Jesus to those with the deepest needs. In 2014, we launched a new Shepherding ministry which provides on-going care and support for every member of our church family. In addition to the amount you see above, we also have thousands of dollars given each year through our Deacons Fund for needs in our church community and for the work of Jubilee Center (a ministry to the poor of Hollywood). We also have hundreds of hours put in by so many to care for others in need in this church family. The amount needed to support our caring ministries in 2015 includes 15% of our pastor’s salary, and about 15% of our administrative and facility costs. Going on Mission with Jesus to Hollywood and Beyond: $32,250.00 Over the last several years, our mission has expanded in remarkable ways. Our partnership with Hollywood Central Elementary has continued to grow, and our work in Haiti with Temple Beth El, Hollywood C.A.R.E.S., now encompasses not only our HIV house orphanage, but a school and community center. That work will grow in 2015 with focus on expanding our annual Healing Haiti Concert at Young Circle and developing new programs with Hollywood Central. The amount above does not include roughly $10,000 in funds raised through our special mission offerings or the many volunteers who support these missions. What it does include is 15% of our pastor’s salary, and about 10% of our administrative and facility costs. Total Vision Budget for 2014: $300,250.00 LIVING INTO THE GRATITUDE Now as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in utmost eagerness, and in our love for you[d]—so we want you to excel also in this generous undertaking. I do not say this as a command, but I am testing the genuineness of your love…. 9 For you know the generous act[f] of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:7-9 7 God has given us everything, even his very life in Jesus. Jesus sought us when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God; He, to rescue us from danger, Interposed his precious blood. Out of gratitude for this love beyond our imagination, we can only live in gratitude. To live more deeply into this life of gratitude, please share with us your commitment to give back to the God who has given everything for you. Please fill in your commitment of giving for 2015, to place back in the hands of the gracious One who has given it to you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I WILL LIVE INTO THE GRATITUDE Out of gratitude for God’s incredible graciousness towards me, in 2015, I will give ________________ per week per month per year to the ministry and mission of this church. This commitment represents an increase of $10.00 $20.00 $30.00 $50.00 $100.00 $ _______.00 per week over my previous giving. __________I tithe (give 10% of my income) to God’s work here. __________ I will become a tither this year. Signed__________________________________________ per month Presbyterian Women — Marilyn McIntosh, Moderator Our September luncheon was a great success. Twenty-six ladies enjoyed good food, good fellowship, and a good program. We look forward to our next activity, which is the cookie sale on Sunday, November 23. Then we will deliver cookies to shut-ins on the 24th. So check your recipes and bring a plate of home-baked or store-bought cookies to church on the 23rd. December 14 will be our Bake Sale and Holiday Fair. If you can make any Christmas items for this sale, it will be greatly appreciated. If you haven't joined a circle and are interested, please call me at 954-925-3982. Circles provide wonderful Bible studies and great fellowship. Jamye Backus - Soffer 7140 Colony Club Dr., Apt.204 Lake Worth, FL 33463 Orlando & Maria Fonseca 2115 SW 71 Way Davie, FL 33317 Richard Ferrara 3198 Sheridan Lane Hollywood, FL 33021-3741 Richard and Joan Hester 21902 NW 190 Ave High Springs, FL 32643-9491 MARK YOUR CALENDAR!! April 19, 2015 we will celebrate 90th anniversary of First Presbyterian Church of Holly- 1925 – 2015 Please keep in your prayers........ Our family in Prayer PRAYER FAMILIES — Each Sunday, we include several of our First Church families in our daily prayers to sustain them in Christian love and support. We will gladly add friends of the church to this. To be included, please call Lynn in the church office. Please pray for Linda Anderson, Howard Banaszak, Sarah Lee Banaszak, Patricia Basana, Ken Benoit, Donna Beutner, Peggy Black, Alberta Boughman, Jackie Brannon, Johanna Clayton, Paula Cronin, Henrietta Curtis, Vernetta Fleegle, Diane Flett, Mike Foley, Dorothy Fordyce, Irving Fordyce, Jack Gregory, Dora Griffith, Amber Henderson, Hunter Hildebrand-Preston, Ginger Imel, Marge Karbacz, A. J. Kaynatma, Carmen Mangiante, Melida Knott, Migdalia Lopez, Gary Malkin, Renee McConnell, Marilyn McIntosh, Earl Mohan, Nancy Moore, Carla Nash, Wilma Paquette, Ed Rasor, Marnie Rivas, Mary Rodriguez, Robert Rus, Grace Ryll, Dick Saltrick, Donny Silvestro, Grace Silvestro, Sandy Silvestro, Bobby Snatchko, Sally Southmayd, Gail Spooner, Bonnie Springer, Collette Tindall, Lisa Whyte, Tara Whyte, the Whyte family, Tim Witt PRAYER FAMILIES Each month we include several of our First Presbyterian families in our daily prayers to sustain them in Christian love and support. We will gladly add friends of the church to this list. To be included, please call Lynn in the church office. Please pray for November 1st week the Day family, the Deibele family, the Donnelly family 2nd week the Ellis family, the Fleegle family, the Fonseca family 3rd week the Funk family, the Gayler family, the Gensel family 4th week the Gonzalez family, the Gorton family, the Gray family 5th week the Griffith family, the Hamilton family, the Hanna family First Church Monthly E-News Issue 2:9 November 5 Nancy Donnelly November 16 Richard Hester November 6 Lorraine Blair November 17 Felicia Hart November 6 Peter Deibele November 17 Brittany Roddy November 8 Paula Cronin November 19 Danijela Lasica November 8 Lorie Hayman November 20 Patrick McGowan November 8 Bobby Roddy November 21 Ed Rasor November 10 Niles Alexis November 23 Paul Lewis November 12 Pam Deibele November 23 Ryan Maurer November 13 Cherry Mason November 23 Daniel Wolfe November 13 Robyn Neunie November 15 Mariana Bongo November 25 Hunter Hilde Hildebrand-Preston November 26 Robert Remek November 16 Brian Asarnow 11/5 Del & Naomi Massave Berry 3 years 11/7 Richard & Joan Hester 56 years 11/7 Judy & John Stillman 27 years We extend our sympathy to Kathy & Ted Meyer and their family following the October 17th passing of Kathy’s mom, Margaret Foley. Issue 2:9 First Church Monthly E-News Alice Carlisle, Moderator Share-A-Meal— 11:00 a.m. — November 1st Meet in the CHURCH KITCHEN to prepare sandwiches for area homeless. To offer your help the 1st Saturday of every month, please contact Alice Carlisle. Deacon’s Fund offering — November 2nd These gifts will go to help members of our church and community when they face financial distress, or to help folks in need who God places in our path. Please use the envelope provided in the Sunday bulletin. Just a reminder, we continue to collect non-perishable food items, hygiene supplies and gently used or new sneakers and blue jeans for the Jubilee Center. You may place these items in the narthex area. Prayer Shawl Ministry, Alice Carlisle, Coordinator The Heart Strings Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet Tuesday, November 25th at 2:30 p.m. in the chapel. Please call Alice Carlisle (954-929-5434) with questions and/or requests for shawls. A special 'thanks' goes to Tom Mason and Garnet Snyder for their generous donations to the Prayer Shawl Ministry. They have covered the cost of at least twenty shawls! These dollars will go a very long way to support our ministry and spread comfort and joy to many in need. Good News Kidz (GNK) (Children’s Sunday School) Sundays at 10:00 a.m., in the church Jennifer Hudson & Karen Martin, Co-Chairs Middle School & Senior High Youth Group Opportunities Share-A-Meal, 11:00 a.m., November 1st in the church kitchen Middle School: 11:30 a. m., in the chapel November 9th - $5 for pizza November 23rd - (Jessica Speirs is providing food. Please contact Jessica at 954-805-5588 to let her know you will attend.) Senior High: 5:00 p.m., in the chapel November 2 - $5 for pizza November 16 - (Jared Schwartz is providing food. Please contact Jared at 954-478-7007 to let him know you will attend.) th November 30th - (Jessica Speirs is providing food. Please contact Jessica at 954-805-5588 to let her know you will attend.) ~~~ PC(USA) has unveiled a new Young Adult Website. Go to our site and click on New Young Adult Website. Save The Date! The next Kirking of the Tartans will be February 22, 2015. Anyone who would like to help with the planning, or would like information on a Tartan may contact Coordinator Alice Carlisle. ~~~ Presbyterian Women (PW) — Marilyn McIntosh, Moderator Take a peak in the women's parlor/bride's room in the narthex and see the new décor. PW members Kathryn Tyahla, Louise Hardenburg, Yvonne Mathews, and Marilyn McIntosh, assisted by Bianca Lasica, Jamie Hamilton, and Dick Sullivan, redecorated the room. This was paid for by the Memorial Fund and the sale of the small desk that was in the room. Hope you like it! News from First Presbyterian Learning Centers Jutta Hofmann, Learning Center Director Fatima Marin, Early Learning Center Director Pilar Causey, After-Care and Enrichment Director We thank parents, church members, the Boy Scout Troops, staff, and the Community for all the hard work and support they have given the Learning Centers once again by supporting the 2014 Pumpkin Patch! Thank you so much! We are looking forward to the upcoming holidays! We hope you may spend precious time with family and friends, surrounded by love and laughter during the Thanksgiving Holiday! HAS YOUR ADDRESS CHANGED??? Please don’t forget to notify Lynn in the church office. If you or anyone you know (family member, church member, or a friend of First Presbyterian) are ill, in the hospital, or in a nursing home, PLEASE don’t assume the church office knows. Give us a call at 954-923-8209. ~~~ Join us on ...... Our website Facebook A printer-friendly version of this newsletter is available on our website: If you haven't already, please take a minute to "Like" our Facebook page and to share it with members, friends and family! Here's the link: Did you know you can download the newsletter to your I-pad or tablet? ALSO AVAILABLE THROUGH OUR WEBSITE: Sunday’s worship bulletin, written & audio copies of Rev. McGowan’s sermons, information about our Learning Centers and other ministries, access to Tropical Florida Presbytery & Presbyterian Church (USA) By God’s grace, may we be transforming families with the Love of Jesus in Hollywood and beyond through becoming a transformed and transforming family of faith, meeting families where they are with the love of Jesus and connecting families to the transforming power of the Gospel. Lord Jesus, give us your grace and love to live into this vision more and more every day. The Good News —published monthly— Deadline for articles: 15th of the month First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood 1530 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, Florida 33020-5240 954-923-8209 FAX: 954-923-8200 E-mail: Website: If you would like to receive a copy of our E-newsletter, or information about becoming a member of our church, please call the church office. Goods New — November 2014 First Presbyterian Church 1530 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, FL 33020-5240 “Being God’s Good News” Church: Office Hours: Phone: FAX: E-mail: Website: M-F, 9am-4pm 954-923-8209 954-923-8200 STAFF DIRECTORY Church Pastor: Kennedy M. McGowan Music Director: Dr. Robert Remek Office Manager: Lynn Anderson Bookkeeper: Nathalia Almeida Kunzle Custodian: Bianca Lasica Learning Center Phone: 954-922-8558 FAX: 954-922-4101 Director: Jutta Hofmann Powell Office Manager Jennifer Arias Early Learning Center Phone: 954-929-8233 FAX: 954-922-4101 Director: Fatima Marin Aftercare Phone: FAX: Coordinator 954-922-8558 954-922-4101 Pilar Causey
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