Eiffage - Vélizy Meudon Capital Markets Day 20th November 2014 Rheintrasse - Berlin B&B potsdamerstr. - Berlin Euromed Center - Marseille 1 – Strategy of Foncière des Régions 2 – German Residential Real Estate market 3 – A winning strategy in German Residential 4 – A leader in Hotel investments 5 – Property tour New Vélizy – Vélizy Meudon Capital Markets Day 20th November 2014 CB 21 Liebenwalder Strasse - Berlin La Défense Strategy of Foncière des Régions New Vélizy – Vélizy Meudon B&B Potsdamerstr. - Berlin 1 – Strategy of Foncière des Régions Carré Suffren - Paris - Our strategic positioning - Our Real Estate policy - Our objectives One focus and two diversifications €16 billion portfolio €9.5 billion Group Share Offices 65% Other 1% Germany 17%1 Group Share German Residential 17%1 Italy 22% Group Share France 60% Non strategic 9%1 Hotels/Service sector 9% Südstern - Berlin DS Extension – Vélizy (78) A quality portfolio 5 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 1Post operations signed in Q3 Our portfolio: strong fundamentals 1 Success of our partnership strategy High occupancy rate 5.9 years of firm duration* Sustainable rental income 20% 96.7%* 94.8% 16% 95.8% 95.5% 96.0% 12% 4% 5% 5% 11% 12% 8% 4% + 2.2% + 2.1% 3% + 1.2% + 0.2%* + 0.6% 2010 2011 2012 2013 9M 2014 H2 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Beyond Firm maturity dates of leases, as a % of annualised rents Excluding residential portfolio 2010 2011 2012 2013 9M 2014 Change in LFL rents vs. n-1 2 The benefits of the diversification Exposure to complementary markets Resiliency 3 Strong track-record High historical ROE A strong profitability Net Recurring Income year n / Epra NAV year n-1 (per share) 6.5% 2010 6 6.5% 2011 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 6.3% 2012 6.3% 2013 6.4%** H1 2014 * End-September, excl. Logistics ** Based on our guidance of Net Recurring Income for 2014 An integrated platform • Full control of the value chain France Offices Offices France • A dedicated team managing a €1.3 bn development pipeline Euromed Center - Marseilles • Largest REIT in Italy Italy Offices Offices Italy • Most experienced local team • Strong, integrated property management platform German Residential Residential German • Mastering the entire value-chain • Sole integrated platform in European REITs Hotels • Unique competency to follow the Hotels operators strategies Expertise 360° for a dynamic asset management policy 7 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 A long-standing shareholding and governance Delfin 27.6% Eiffage Construction – Vélizy Meudon Public 44% Group Crédit Agricole 7.4% Eiffage Construction – Vélizy Meudon Group Covea Finance 13.4% Assurances du Crédit Mutuel 7.6% Management Committee Best practice governance Average of 45 years old and 10 years experience at Foncière des Régions • Corporate governance in accordance with AFEP MEDEF principles 3 committees: o Strategy and Investment o Audit o Appointment and Compensation • • 50% Independent Board Members Separation of the functions of Chairman of the Board (Jean Laurent) and CEO (Christophe Kullmann) • • • Christophe Kullmann: CEO, 13 years at FdR Olivier Estève: Deputy CEO, 12 years at FdR Aldo Mazzocco: Deputy CEO, CEO Beni Stabili, 7 years at FdR • • • • • • Marjolaine Alquier: Head of Audit and Internal Control, 11 years at FdR Thierry Beaudemoulin: CEO of Immeo and FDL, 8 years at FdR Yves Marque: COO, 7 years at FdR Tugdual Millet: CFO, 12 years at FdR Dominique Ozanne: CEO FDM, 11 years at FdR Philippe Le Trung: Head of Corporate Development & Communication, 6 years at FdR Support for the Group’s development and strategy 8 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Qualitative transformation of portfolio 2011 Group Share H1 2014 44% 20% +120% Green Offices1 17% of portfolio 8.5% of portfolio +100% German Residential2 10% of portfolio 2% of portfolio Thales – Vélizy Meudon -80% Logistics2 85% of portfolio +€700 m Portfolio on our promising markets2 Focus 91% of portfolio Quality Leverage 2 9 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 1 France Portfolio at end-June 2014 post acquisitions and disposals signed in Q3 Improved financial profile Group Share H1 2014 Net debt €4.8 bn LTV 46.2% ICR 2.8 vs 2.5 in 2011 Cost of debt 3.5% vs 4.2% in 2011 Average maturity 4.2 years S&P rating BBB- Stable outlook vs 47.1% in 2011 vs 3.3 years in 2011 since Sept. 2012 Improvement of the debt profile Investor mortgages 17% 2011 Bank mortgages 61% Investor mortgages 1% (-8 pts vs H1 2014) Bonds 13% Corporate credit facilities 9% Bank mortgages 36% Bonds 40% (+7 pts vs H1 2014) H1 20141 Corporate credit facilities 23% A secured and diversified debt profile offering flexibility 10 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 1 Post bond issue and Imser refinancing 1 – Strategy of Foncière des Régions Cisco – Issy les Moulineaux - Our strategic positioning - Our Real Estate policy - Our objectives Portfolio Promising markets France Offices: the success of key locations €4.1 bn in assets group share 96.2% occupancy rate €4.7bn (100%) €4.1bn (GS) 5.4 years of firm lease maturity Our positioning Key accounts Qualitative locations 1st 87% in Paris, ring and in major regional cities Competitive rents (250 – 350 €/m²) The success of the partnership model 12 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Promising markets France Offices: the success of key locations 1 Portfolio €4.7bn (100%) €4.1bn (GS) Illustration of strategic location: Vélizy-Meudon • At the heart of the 2nd employment area and 3rd foreign companies headquarters area of Paris Region • 45,000 employees for 1,000 companies • Strong consumption area: Vélizy 2 shopping center (18 million visitors per year) • Well-connected: Tramway L6 since 2014 with connexions to the metro lines and RER; 15’ road to Paris and 20’ to Orly Airport • Pioneer in Vélizy-Meudon in 2003 A strategic location for Foncière des Régions • 6 operations between 2003 and 2014: 163,000 m² of assets • €375 million and 9% of France Offices portfolio Group Share (€670 million at 100%) 13 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Portfolio Promising markets France Offices: the success of key locations €4.7bn (100%) €4.1bn (GS) Follow the ongoing expansion of the Vélizy-Meudon area 2003 …. 2006 …. 2008 58,000 m² 104,000 m² …. 2011 …. 10,000 m² 2014 …. 46,400 m² 36,000 m² • 46,400 m², €192 million investments (€96 million GS), 15% value creation November 2014: delivery of New Vélizy 2015: delivery of Campus Eiffage • 9-year firm lease with Thales at 250€/m² • 23,000 m², €106 million investments (€53 million GS) • 12-year firm lease with Eiffage at €270/m² • 13,100 m², €68 million investments (€34 million GS) 2016: extension for Dassault Systèmes • New 10-year firm lease for the whole campus (69,300 m²) at delivery More to come with 90,000 m² of building permissions, including Canopée, Opale, etc. 14 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Promising markets France Offices: the success of key locations 2 Portfolio €4.7bn (100%) €4.1bn (GS) Illustration of strategic location: Lyon • 2nd largest French Office market Large market depth Strong regional economy 5,8 million m² €250-295 /m² prime rents Competitor to Paris 5.2% vacancy rate • Key location for Foncière des Régions Silex I - Lyon €153 million of assets (N°1 Regional Market for Foncière des Régions) Mainly Orange and EDF sales and leaseback • 2016: delivery of Silex I (10,600 m²) €47 million project, target rent of 280€/m² In La Part-Dieu: largest business district in Lyon (1 million m² of Offices), 3% vacancy rate • 2018: delivery of Silex II (30,700 m²) Silex I - Lyon Value creation potential via an active asset management policy 15 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Portfolio Promising markets France Offices: the success of key locations €4.7bn (100%) €4.1bn (GS) Active asset management strategy with developments €1.3 bn development pipeline Turnkey developments 15 committed projects for €453m in Paris/inner suburbs, Lyon and Marseilles 14 projects managed for €830m New developments Low letting risk 2/3 prelet on the committed pipeline Restructurings Strong risk-adjusted profitability Target yield > 7% Value creation > 10% Greencorner – St Denis Bose – St Germain en Laye High historical value creation in the development pipeline 16 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Steel – Paris 16 Portfolio Promising markets France Offices: the success of key locations €4.7bn (100%) €4.1bn (GS) Open to selective acquisitions in Paris / 1st ring Acquisition in October of “Liberté et Coupole” complex in Charenton-le-Pont (38,000 m²) • Good conditions: €162 million including duties (4,263 €/m²) • New partnership: 9-year firm triple net lease with Natixis, 6.5% yield with no incentive • Key location: strategic location for Natixis and the BPCE group 4’ walk to the metro line 8; close to major train stations; excellent road access Gare de Lyon Gare d’ Austerlitz Subsidiaries of Group BPCE Liberté & Coupole Liberté et Coupole – Charenton-le-Pont Direct connection to Paris CBD via metro line 8 17 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Promising markets Italian Offices: ongoing qualitative transformation Portfolio €4.1bn (100%) €2.1bn (GS) 2 strategic priorities since acquisition • 91% core assets vs 71% in 2008 through €1.4 billion transactions (acquisitions and disposals) Transformation of the portfolio • Maintain high occupancy rate (95.3%1) and long firm maturity lease (6.7 years1) • Best assets on the market (lettings around 500€/m² in H1 2014) • Increase access to unsecured financing: 2013: convertible bonds Transformation of the debt profile H1 2014: 2 bonds issues (€250 million² 5-year at 3.5% ; €350 million² 4-year at 4.125%) • A new step with Imser refinancing in H2 2014: €500 million² bank loans with a 2.5% cost Our investment policy • Prime assets (successes of San Fedele and San Nicolao refurbishments) Focus on the Milan market • New assets with competitive rents (Symbiosis) • €223 million of investments in Milan since 2011 Capitalizing on a leadership position in Italy 18 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 1 Core portfolio ² At 100% Portfolio Promising markets German Residential: acceleration of investments €1.6 bn1 in assets group share €2.7bn1 (100%) €1.6bn1 (GS) 957 €/m² of average asset value 97.9% occupancy rate A conviction since 2005 Economic cycle different from Offices A promising market A strong expertise on residential property and property management Our investment policy: continue to focus on targeted locations (i.e. Berlin and Dresden) gneisenaustr21 kurfürstendamm131 Wormser Strasse 10 years of property and asset management successes 19 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 1 Post acquisitions and disposals signed in Q3 Portfolio Promising markets Hotels/Service Sector: a leader in Europe €0.8 bn in assets group share 404 Hotels in Europe €3.2bn (100%) €0.8bn (GS) 100% occupancy rate 7.1 years of firm maturity lease • A conviction since 2005: New strategy by Hotels operators A promising market Strong profitability • Exposure through Foncière des Murs: Full control of Foncière des Régions: the limited partner, 1st shareholder at 28.3% • Our investment policy: Continue to reinforce our positioning in Hotels Sofitel - Lyon Pursue the European and brand diversifications Monitor changes in strategy by the Hotels operators (management contracts) Boost our leadership position in Europe 20 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 1 – Strategy of Foncière des Régions New Vélizy – Vélizy Meudon - Our strategic positioning - Our Real Estate policy - Our objectives Our objectives: quality and profitability • A unique Partner and Key Accounts positioning Offices in France and Italy • High visibility of leasing revenues • Qualitative dynamic via developments and selective acquisitions • Integrated local German platform German Residential • Organic growth via indexation and property management • Pursue acquisitions in Berlin and new markets CB 21 – La Défense • Positioning as market leader Hotels • Reinforcement in Hotels in Europe • Seize opportunities from operators new strategies • Secured profile Debt profile • 45% LTV policy • Diversification of financing sources Gneisenaustr21 - Berlin A continuous active recycling strategy 22 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Our objectives: quality and profitability Resilience due to promising markets Recurring Net Income Organic growth embedded Quality of cash-flows Debt management Active asset management policy Net Asset Value Strong development pipeline Value creation Acquisition policy Attractive dividend policy (84% current payout – 5.8% dividend yield*) 23 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 * At a share price of 72€ Foncière des Régions Capital Markets Day German Residential Real Estate Current State of the Market 20 November 2014 Table of Contents German Residential RE - Current State of the Market 1 Key German Macro Trends 2 German Residential Real Estate 3 Snapshot Berlin 4 Snapshot Regulation 5 Summary & Q&A 25 2 Key German Macro Trends 1 GDP & CPI 1 German GDP 2 German CPI GDP change (in %, CPI adjusted, qoq annualised & seasonally adjusted) yoy CPI change (in %, qoq annualised & not seasonally adjusted) qoq yoy qoq 0,8 1,1 Source: destatis, Barkow Consulting Source: destatis, Barkow Consulting German GDP growth turned negative in Q2 CPI remains below target corridor 3 26 2014 Q3 2014 Q1 2013 Q3 2013 Q1 2012 Q3 2012 Q1 2011 Q3 2011 Q1 2010 Q3 2010 Q1 2009 Q3 2009 Q1 2008 Q3 0,8 2008 Q1 2014 Q1 2013 Q3 2013 Q1 2012 Q3 2012 Q1 2011 Q3 2011 Q1 2010 Q3 2010 Q1 2009 Q3 2009 Q1 2008 Q3 2008 Q1 -0,2 Key German Macro Trends 1 Inflation & Household Income 3 Development of Interest Rates 4 Development of German Household Income 5 Year SWAP Rate, in % Change in disposable income, in % In % yoy 0,5 Source: Deutsche Bundesbank, Barkow Consulting 2014 Q1 2013 Q3 2013 Q1 2012 Q3 2012 Q1 2011 Q3 2011 Q1 2010 Q3 2010 Q1 2009 Q3 2009 Q1 2008 Q3 2008 Q1 2014 Q3 2014 Q1 2013 Q3 2013 Q1 2012 Q3 2012 Q1 2011 Q3 2011 Q1 2010 Q3 2010 Q1 2009 Q3 2009 Q1 2008 Q3 2008 Q1 0,5 Source: destatis, Barkow Consulting Interest rates at record lows Household income fairly steadily increasing 4 27 Key German Macro Trends 1 Business Confidence & Consumer Climate 5 Business Confidence 6 Consumer Climate Net saldo of positive and negative, in % Status Quo Net saldo of positive and negative, in % Expectations Status Quo Expectations -0,7 5,8 -2,0 Source: ifo, Barkow Consulting Source: OECD, Barkow Consulting Business expectations peaked at the end of 2013 Consumer climate peaked at the beginning of 2014 5 28 2014 Q3 2014 Q1 2013 Q3 2013 Q1 2012 Q3 2012 Q1 2011 Q3 2011 Q1 2010 Q3 2010 Q1 2009 Q3 2009 Q1 2008 Q3 2008 Q1 2014 Q3 2014 Q1 2013 Q3 2013 Q1 2012 Q3 2012 Q1 2011 Q3 2011 Q1 2010 Q3 2010 Q1 2009 Q3 2009 Q1 2008 Q3 2008 Q1 -6,8 Key German Macro Trends 1 Real Estate Investment Market 7 Development of Real Estate Investments 8 Office Yields, Lending Costs & Yield Spread In EUR bn Resi In %, ave prime office yield top 5 German cities, 5 year loan 2014 ytd Com RE Yield 28% Loan Rate Spread 68 15,00 72% 13,00 11,00 4.61 47 9,00 7,00 35 5,00 3,001.98 1,00+2.63 -1,00 Source: Atis Real, BNP Real Estate, CBRE, JLL, Barkow Consulting 2014 Q2 2013 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Q1 2011 Q2 2010 Q3 2009 Q4 2009 Q1 2008 Q2 2007 Q3 2006 Q4 2006 Q1 2005 Q2 2004 Q3 2003 Q4 2003 Q1 2014 ytd 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 -3,00 Source: CBRE, Barkow Consulting ‘ Credit Benchmark Model‘ Real Estate investment market to reach a post crisis high Real Estate carry trade at record high 6 29 German Residential Real Estate 2 Germany‘s Largest Cities in Context 9 Germany‘s Largest Cities vs. London In m citizens 0,6 0,7 8.4 2013 1,0 2008 0.9m 1,4 7,5 1,7 London Stuttgart Frankfurt Cologne Munich Hamburg Berlin 3,4 Source: destatis, ONS, Barkow Consulting Germany’s Top 5 cities together are still a bit smaller than London London almost added a city like Cologne since 2008 7 30 2 10 German Residential Real Estate Market Structure by Owner Group German Housing Units by Owner Group 40.5m Units Professional Owners 8.3m Units Small Private Landlords 14.9m Units Owner Occupiers 17.3m Units Co-Operatives 2.1m units 1- & 2-Family Houses 4.5m Units 1- & 2-Family Houses 13.8m Units Public Housing (Cities) 2.3m Units Multi-Housing 10.5m Units Multi-Housing 3.5m Units Public Housing (Other) 0.3m Units Com. Companies 3.2m Units Churches/Foundations 0.3m Units Source: destatis Zensus 2011, GDW, Barkow Consulting German housing market dominated by owner occupiers and private landlords Large parts of the market not (entirely) profit driven 8 31 German Residential Real Estate 2 Market Structure by Owner Group 11 German Housing Market by Owner Group 12 Fragmentation of the German Housing Market Share of total housing units, in % Comercial Share of total housing units, in % 0,2% Non com 36,9% 0,7% 5,3% 6,6% 0,8% 5,6% 2,2% 1,0% 2,8% 42,6% Source: destatis Zensus 2011, Barkow Consulting Top 201-300 Top 101-200 Top 51-100 Top 11-50 Top 10 Listed Sector Com Companies Non Profit Org. Public Housing Co-operatives Private Landlords Owner Occupiers 2,8% Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' Commercial housing sector is relatively small German housing market is extremely fragmented (and intransparent) 9 32 German Residential Real Estate 2 Market Structure by Owner Group 13 German Housing Market Top 10 Players Aggregate portfolio of 10 largest German housing owners, in ‘000 units 14 Development of the Listed Housing Platform Residential portfolios of listed RE Companies, in EURbn CAGR AGR 7.5% 7.5% CAGR 10.7% 17,6 910 1 016 1 072 1 130 52,8 35,2 2011 2012 2013 Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' 2014 2010 2014 Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' Largest German housing players have grown substantially … … driven by stellar growth of listed players 10 33 German Residential Market 2 Home Ownership & Vacancy 15 German Home Ownership by State 16 German Housing Vacancy Rate by State In % of housing stock West in % of housing stock East West East 61% 45% 10,0% 4,5% 15% Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' Germany E Germany W Germany Saxony Saxony-Anhalt Thuringia M-W P Saarland Brandenburg RP BW Bavaria Hesse NRW Bremen Lower Saxony Berlin S-H Hamburg Germany E Germany W Germany Saarland RP Lower Saxony BW Bavaria S-H Hesse Thuringia Brandenburg NRW Saxony-Anhalt Bremen M-W P Saxony Hamburg Berlin 1,6% Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' German home ownership keeps rising, but stays low in international context Vacancy rates declining, huge difference between East and West 11 34 2 German Residential Real Estate Housing Stock & New Supply 17 German Housing Stock 18 German Housing Construction Housing units, in m Housing units, in ‘000 40.9 603 38.4 215 159 Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 34.2 Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' New construction is steadily increasing since 2009 New construction still very low compared to historical average of 341k since 1991 12 35 2 German Residential Real Estate Population & Migration 19 German Population 20 German Migration Citizens, in m Citziens, in ‘000 Out of Into Net Balance 1,226 81.8 80.8 Census 2011 … 798 80.3 428 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 79.8 Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' Net migration turned positive in 2010 Net migration in 2013 at highest level since 1995 13 36 German Residential Market 2 Population Forecasts 21 Population Forecast 22 Population Forecast by State In m Historic Hi Change in population 2012 - 2030, in % Mid Lo West East 7% 80.8 -9% Source: destatis, Barkow Consulting Source: destatis, IW, Bertelsmann foundation, Barkow Consulting German population expected to shrink East suffering more than West 14 37 Germany -19% Saxony-Anh. Thuringia Meck W Pom Saarland Saxony Brandenburg NRW Lower Saxony Rhine.-Pal. Hesse Schl.-H. Bad.-Württ. Bremen Berlin Bavaria 2060 2055 2050 2045 2040 2035 2030 2025 2020 2015 2010 2005 2000 1995 1990 -20% Hamburg -3,6% German Residential Market 2 Household Development 23 Average Household Size 24 Development of Households In persons per household 2012 Change in number of households 2012 - 2030, in % 2030 3,5% 1,5% 2,1 1,9 West Source: destatis, Barkow Consulting 1,9 1,8 East 2,0 -8,9% 1,9 Germany West East Germany Source: destatis, Barkow Consulting Average household size expected to shrink further Number of households expected to rise in West Germany 15 38 German Residential Real Estate 2 Future Demand & (Under-) Supply 25 Future Housing Demand by City Net change 2012-2030, future housing demand in sqm, large cities, in % 26 Future Demand Gap Average future demand vs. new construction 2012, in ‘000 housing units pa 10 Source: Bertelsmann foundation, IW, Barkow Consulting Bremen Essen Dortmund Stuttgart Cologne Frankfurt aM Düsseldorf Leipzig Dresden Hamburg Munich Berlin Munich Dresden Leipzig Hamburg Frankfurt aM Berlin Düsseldorf Stuttgart Cologne Bremen Dortmund Essen 15% Source: Bertelsmann foundation, destatis, IW, Barkow Consulting Large cities expected to grow New construction does not keep up with population growth 16 39 German Residential Real Estate 2 Price & Rent & Price/Rent 27 German Housing Prices & Rents 28 German Housing Price/Rent-Multiple Indexed to 100, existing flats Price Average house price/average rent, flats Rent 115,6 New Existing 25,6 25,4 113,3 99,5 23,3 20,8 20,5 Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' 18,3 Q1 2004 Q3 2004 Q1 2005 Q3 2005 Q1 2006 Q3 2006 Q1 2007 Q3 2007 Q1 2008 Q3 2008 Q1 2009 Q3 2009 Q1 2010 Q3 2010 Q1 2011 Q3 2011 Q1 2012 Q3 2012 Q1 2013 Q3 2013 Q1 2014 Q3 2014 Q1 2004 Q3 2004 Q1 2005 Q3 2005 Q1 2006 Q3 2006 Q1 2007 Q3 2007 Q1 2008 Q3 2008 Q1 2009 Q3 2009 Q1 2010 Q3 2010 Q1 2011 Q3 2011 Q1 2012 Q3 2012 Q1 2013 Q3 2013 Q1 2014 Q3 2014 90,2 Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' House prices started to rise after the crisis Valuation roughly in line with 10 year ago levels 17 40 German Residential Real Estate 2 Valuation Parameters 29 Cost of Financing a Flat 30 Price to Disposable Income Indexed to 100 New Average house price (flat) to disposable income per household Existing New Existing 5,3 5,0 4,4 3,3 3,2 63,7 2,7 Source: destatis, Barkow Consulting ‚Credit Benchmark Model‚ Barkow Consulting Q1 2004 Q3 2004 Q1 2005 Q3 2005 Q1 2006 Q3 2006 Q1 2007 Q3 2007 Q1 2008 Q3 2008 Q1 2009 Q3 2009 Q1 2010 Q3 2010 Q1 2011 Q3 2011 Q1 2012 Q3 2012 Q1 2013 Q3 2013 Q1 2014 Q3 2014 Q1 2004 Q3 2004 Q1 2005 Q3 2005 Q1 2006 Q3 2006 Q1 2007 Q3 2007 Q1 2008 Q3 2008 Q1 2009 Q3 2009 Q1 2010 Q3 2010 Q1 2011 Q3 2011 Q1 2012 Q3 2012 Q1 2013 Q3 2013 Q1 2014 Q3 2014 64,2 Source: destatis, empirica, Barkow Consulting Financing costs at record lows Price/Disposable Income ratio lower than 10 years ago 18 41 German Residential Real Estate 2 Top/Flop Cities by Price & Rent 31 Top Flop City by Price 32 Top Flop City by Rent EUR/sqm EUR/sqm/month 9,620 20.30 4,980 12.30 4,960 8,40 2,090 5.30 3,30 Berlin 480 Source: F+B, Barkow Consulting 7.30 4.20 Munich 630 Weißenfels 780 Berlin 4,20 980 Staßfurt 2 930 Munich 15.7 Source: F+B, Barkow Consulting Huge regional differences of price … … and rent levels 19 42 German Residential Real Estate 2 Top/Flop Cities by Population Growth & Disposable Income 33 Top Flop Cities by Population Growth 34 Top Flop Cities by Disposable Income Change in population 2007-2013, adjusted for Zensus 2011, in % Disposable income per capita, FY 2012, in EUR German Ave. 0 % 7% German Ave. 20,507 39 524 4% 26 718 17 601 15 782 -12% Frankfurt am Main Berlin Hoyerswerda Heilbronn Baden-Baden Berlin Weimar 1 12 109 1 2 87 109 Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' Source: Akselrod Consulting|Barkow Consulting 'German Resi Co Data Base' Berlin scores well on population growth Berlin does not score well on disposable income per capita 20 43 Snapshot Berlin 3 Ranking Results 35 Berlin Ranking Results Rank No. Rent Level Price Level Population Growth Disp. Income Disp. Inc. Growth Rank 131 102 12 87 74 Out of 507 507 115 109 109 Source: destatis F+B, Barkow Consulting Berlin price and rent level still moderate Berlin stands out on population growth, but ranks weak on disposable income 21 44 Snapshot Berlin 3 Berlin‘s Top Housing Players 36 Large Berlin Housing Owners Housing units in % of total Berlin housing stock Listed Public Top10: ca. 24% Public vs. Listed 5,7% 41% Westgrund IMW conwert Buwog S-IMMO FDR TAG Dt Ann GAGFAH WBM GESOBAU Stadt & Land HOWOGE degewo GEWOBAG Dt Wohnen 59% Source: Company data, Barkow Consulting Top 10 Berlin housing owners comprise ca. 24% of the market Public housing still a dominant factor in Berlin and larger than the combined listed platform 22 45 Snapshot Berlin 3 Simplified Supply, Demand & Absorption Model 37 Population Growth & New Construction Population pa growth in % of population, new construction pa in % of housing stock Pop 38 Net Absorption In ‘000 housing units Repl Constr 2,37% Pop Total 50 000 40 000 1,81% 30 000 20 000 1,30% 0,62% 10 000 0 -10 000 0,36% 0,29% -20 000 -30 000 -40 000 Source: Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg, Barkow Consulting -50 000 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 -0,95% Source: Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg, Barkow Consulting Population growing faster than housing stock since 2004 Net absorption of 155k housing units during the last 10 years 23 46 Snapshot Berlin 3 Rents & Rental Growth by District 39 Berlin Rents by District 40 Berlin Rental Growth by District Market rent per 12/2013, in EUR/sqm/month Market rent, CAGR 2009-2014 10,00 13% 8,02 6,61 8% Berlin Ave Spandau Lichtenberg SteglitzZehlendorf TempelhofSchöneberg Pankow CharlottenburgWilmersdorf Neukölln FriedrichshainKreuzberg Berlin Ave Reinickendorf TreptowKöpenick Lichtenberg Neukölln TempelhofSchöneberg Mitte Source: JLL, CBRE, GSW, Barkow Consulting Treptow-Köpenick Source: JLL, CBRE, GSW, Barkow Consulting SteglitzZehlendorf Pankow Mitte CharlottenburgWilmersdorf FriedrichshainKreuzberg 5% >30% difference in rental levels across districts Berlin Mitte with highest growth over the last five years 24 47 Snapshot Berlin 3 Prices & Vacancy by District 41 Berlin House Prices by District 42 Berlin Vacancy Rates by District In % per 12/2013 In EUR/sqm per 12/2013 4,6% 3 462 3,6% 3,1% 2 474 Source: JLL, CBRE, GSW, Barkow Consulting Berlin Mitte > 2x the price level of Reinickendorf Relatively little variation in vacancy rates across districts 25 48 Berlin Ave FriedrichshainKreuzberg TempelhofSchöneberg CharlottenburgWilmersdorf Lichtenberg Neukölln Steglitz-Zehlendorf Mitte MarzahnHellersdorf Spandau Reinickendorf Berlin Ave Reinickendorf Neukölln TempelhofSchöneberg SteglitzZehlendorf Treptow-Köpenick Source: JLL, CBRE, GSW, Barkow Consulting Lichtenberg Pankow CharlottenburgWilmersdorf FriedrichshainKreuzberg Mitte 1 659 4 Snapshot Regulation Rent Control - Existing Rental Contracts 43 Overview of Rent Control What? 44 Rent Control by Federal State • Rent increase limited to 15% in three years (old contracts) State When? Where? How Long? Conditions Source: Draft Law, Barkow Consultin • After introducion, 05/2013 the earliest • Focus on ‚Housing Hot Spots‘ • Five years max • State needs to take improvement measures Annoucement Start Communities Bayern 17/04/2013 15/05/2013 1 (Munich) Berlin 07/05/2013 19/05/2013 1 (Berlin) Bayern 23/07/2013 01/08/2013 89 Hamburg 30/07/2013 01/09/2013 1 (Hamburg) NRW 26/05/2014 01/06/2014 59 Brandenburg 08/07/2014 01/09/2014 30 Bremen 13/08/2014 01/09/2014 1 (Bremen) Hesse 15/09/2014 01/10/2014 30 Source: Press Releases, Barkow Consulting Rent increase limited to 15% in three years in ‘Hot Housing Markets’ Rent control already introduced in 7 federal states, only one of which in the East so far 26 49 4 45 Snapshot Regulation Rental Cap - New Rental Contracts What? • Rent increase limited to 10% above comparable rent (new contract) When? • Introduction during 2015 likely Where? How Long? • Focus on ‚Housing Hot Spots‘ • Not applicable to new construction • Five years max (likely) Conditions? • State needs to take improvement measures Open Issues • Comparable rent • Substantial refurbishement vs. new construction • Definition of ‚Housing Hot Spots‘ Rent increases capped at 10% above comparable rent Introduction likely in 2015 27 50 5 Summary & Q&A Your Questions, Our Answers Macro 46 Market Structure Valuation Demographics • German growth momentum slowing • Interest rates as low as it gets? • This market IS different (home ownership, fragmenation, federal structure, regional diversity etc.) • Parameters do not point to general overvaluation • Selected large cities might be different • Recent migration compensates low birth rate • Population expected to shrink long term • Housing demand in large cities still to rise Berlin • Ranks well on population growth and rent level (still low) • Does not rank well on disp. income and income growth Regulation • Recent regulation limits future rental increases • ‚Housing Hot Spots‘ will be effected (including Berlin ) Questions Answers 28 51 Please Contact Peter Barkow Barkow Consulting GmbH Rethelstr. 38 40237 Düsseldorf PH: +49 (0) 211 17 17 256 PB@BarkowConsulting.com www.BarkowConsulting.com DISCLAIMER This presentation was prepared by Barkow Consulting GmbH (“The Author”) as a basis for discussion of certain financial issues described herein. This presentation may not be reproduced, summarized or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the prior written authorization of The Author, and by accepting this presentation, you hereby agree to be bound by the restrictions contained herein. This presentation is based on publicly available data which has not been independently verified by The Author. Any estimates and projections contained herein involve significant elements of subjective judgment and analysis, which may or may not be correct. Neither The Author, any of its affiliates, or any of its direct or indirect shareholders, or any of its or their respective members, consultants, employees or agents provides any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) or assumes any responsibility with respect to the authenticity, origin, validity, accuracy or completeness of the information and data contained herein or assumes any obligation for damages, losses or costs (including, without limitation, any direct or consequential losses) resulting from any errors or omissions in this presentation. The economic valuations contained in this presentation are necessarily based on current market conditions, which may change significantly over a short period of time. Changes and events occurring after the date hereof may, therefore, affect the validity of the conclusions contained in this presentation and The Author assumes no obligation to update and /or revise this presentation or the information and data upon which it was based. Rheinstraße - Berlin Capital Markets Day 20th November 2014 A winning strategy in German Residential Opelnerstr. 34 - Berlin Nollendorfstraße. - Berlin 3 – A winning strategy in German Residential Süstern - Berlin - A strong conviction since 2005 - Property management: capturing organic growth - A unique asset management capacity - Outlook: still a lot to capture Foncière des Régions German Residential portfolio €2.7 billion portfolio1 €1.6 billion Group Share 1 Offices 65% € 9.5 bn Group Share Non strategic 9%1 German Residential 17%1 Foncière des Régions operates in German Residential through its subsidiary Immeo (60.9%) alongside some long-term investment partners Hotels/Service sector 9% 3 56 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 1Post operations signed in Q3 A conviction since 2005 What we thought in 2005 Today, our choice to pursue German Residential investments has been validated by our track record Since its creation Foncière des Régions has always been in the residential market Strong integrated platform: Immeo German economy: sound fundamentals; growth in purchasing power and household consumption Germany has proved to be very strong economically and has improved demographic trends A progressive change in ownership structure (externalization and institutionalization) One of the best performing property markets in Europe Strong track record An attractive risk / return profile LFL rents/year: Still a lot of upside to capture 4 57 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 +2% in Rhine-Ruhr since 2005 +3% in Berlin since 2011 A long track-record in German Residential A 3-step portfolio creation 2005 2006 2007 2008 ❶ Acquisition 2009 2010 2012 2011 ❷ Organic growth 2008 - 2011: 2011: Acquisition of 5,000 residential units in Rhine-Ruhr Business plan implementation: value creation and increase in profits Beginning of geographical diversification Acquisition of 40,000 additional residential units in Rhine-Ruhr Integration of the platform Immeo Wohnen • • • • Decrease in vacancy rate Increase in rents Portfolio modernization Targeted sales of mature assets • 11,497 units acquired from 2011 to 2014 in Berlin, Dresden and Leipzig 2013-2014: Increase in Fonciere des Régions German exposure Fonciere des Régions directly owns 60.9% of Immeo AG 2007: Acquisition of 2,270 residential units in Datteln (Rhine-Ruhr) Duisburg Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 2014 ❸ New markets 2005: 2006: 5 58 2013 Essen Our portfolio: quality and growth Growth and qualitative repositioning since 2012 End of September 20141 End of 2012 Non-core (18%) Non-core (37%) Portfolio of €0.8 billion GS Berlin / Dresden (10%) Portfolio of €1.6 billion GS Core Rhine-Ruhr (53%) Core Rhine-Ruhr (47%) Berlin / Dresden (35%) German Residential exposure End of September 20141 (€m and %) • 40,438 residential units (773 commercial units) • 2.7 million m² • 5.4€/m² average rent • 97.9% occupancy rate • €2.7 bn value (€1.6 bn GS) • 6.5% average yield other RhineRuhr 397,38 15% Oberhausen 137,1 5% Mülheim 182,3 7% Essen 506,4 19% 6 59 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Portfolio of €2.7 billion total share Berlin / Dresden 960,53 35% Duisburg 513,8 19% 1Post operations signed in Q3 Our portfolio: quality and growth Total share Rhine-Ruhr: held & managed portfolio with disposal potential 2006-2014: delivering returns • Strong cash-flows • Transformation of the portfolio: • c. 20,000 units or €1.0 billion of assets sold including €740 million since 2011 • c. 10% average margin on acquisition price Essen Rhine-Ruhr portfolio now: • €1.7 billion1 in assets • 29,577 units1 ; 96.6% occupancy rate • 886€/m² average value • 5.0€/m² average rent • c. 10% rent reversion potential in the portfolio • Subsidised units: o 10% of the portfolio o 4.4€/m² average rent vs 5.0€/m² market rent Duisburg Solid cash-flows and good liquidity 7 60 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 1Post operations signed in Q3 Our portfolio: quality and growth Total share Berlin: a prime portfolio • €760 million1 in assets ; 98.0% occupancy rate • 7,488 units1 ; 1,333€/m² average value • 6.4€/m² average rent • > 25% rent reversion potential in the portfolio • 73% were built < 1945 • Well-suited for privatizations A well-located Berlin portfolio Gneisenaustraße - Berlin Source: Immobilienscout24 A unique inner city Berlin residential portfolio built up in 3 years 8 61 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 1Post operations signed in Q3 Strong fundamentals in our markets 2 complementary markets High return and stable market • Largest economic region in Germany Rhine Ruhr • Growth in households • Low homeownership • Stable market and high yields Oppenlern Straße. - Berlin • Liquid market High potential market driven by positive economic and demographic trends • Largest city in Germany Berlin • Low unemployment rate; increase in purchasing power • Growth in population and household • Lack of supply • Increase in rents and value • Pursue acquisitions in Berlin and other targeted locations Our strategy • Focus on high-quality assets in performing sub-markets • Organic growth and privatization potential 9 62 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Essen Dynamic investment markets Berlin: growth potential Rhine – Ruhr: an attractive risk-profitability profile • Preferred location for residential investments • A liquid market for block transactions • Cap rates have just begun to decrease • Growth in residential investment volume in Essen, Duisburg and • Net yields: 4.25% - 6.00% • Further capital growth to come Oberhausen over the past few years • Net yields: 5.75% - 6.75% • Capital growth prospect for selective locations (Essen, etc.) German Residential investment volume 2005 – 2014 in €billion German Residential investments by origins 20 18 Other; 2% 16 14 MiddleEast; 1% 12 North America; 2% 10 8 Germany ; 79% 6 Europe; 16% 4 2 0 9 month investments 10-year average 10 63 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate A strong platform: Immeo Foncière des Régions development in Germany supported by a strong local platform • 353 employees • A close presence in the local markets : Oberhausen ; Berlin and Dresden • Fully integrated skills : • Asset management, sales, property management, technical management • Support functions: financing, accounting, controlling, IT … • Additional activity of Management for third parties : • 10,000 residential units • 24 hotels • A very well known brand in its market A stable and experienced management team • Thierry Beaudemoulin, 43: CEO, 20 years in Residential, 9 at Foncière des Régions • Dr. Daniel Frey, 47: Vice CEO and CFO, 17 years in Residential, 10 at Foncière des Régions • Walter Ziegler, 58: COO, over 25 years in Residential, 8 at Foncière des Régions • Marcus Bartenstein, 36: CIO, 12 years in Residential, 9 at Foncière des Régions 11 64 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Main office in Oberhausen All business expertise integrated Property management • • • • Increase rents Reduce vacancy Optimise operating costs Implement modernization plans Asset Management Financial management • Debt profile optimization • Financial cost management Profitability and value creation • Follow up on markets opportunities • Make acquisitions in high-potential markets • Sell mature assets Our businesses are dedicated to profitability and value creation 12 65 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 High-quality financial indicators Total share Good operating performance • Epra operating margin of 72.1% in H1 2014 vs 69.6% in 2008 (excluding sales revenues) • Net Recurring Income / Epra NAV: 6.4% in H1 2014 A secured financial profile • LTV: 48.2% • ICR: 2.4x • Average cost of debt: 3.5% 6.4 years of average debt maturity 222 287 254 236 173 • Most recent financing: €145 million at 2% on 10 years • 85% of debt fixed or hedged • Average hedging maturity : 6.7 years 126 78 2014 27 38 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Oppelner Straße - Berlin Strengthening our strong financial profile 13 66 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 ** Based on annualized Net Recurring Income and Epra NAV at end-2013 A strong track record: Rhine-Ruhr Total share Acceleration in like-for-like value growth CAGR: +1.8% Regular decrease in vacancy rate 886 16,0% 14,0% 12,0% 10,0% 8,0% 6,0% 4,0% 2,0% 0,0% 872 CAGR: +0.6% 852 836 825 2008 841 824 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Non core Core 2008 June 2014 2009 2010 2011 vacancy rate financial non core Appraisal value: like-for-like growth cacthing up since 2011 Performing well in a stable market Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 2013 30/06/2014 core Rents: like-for-like increase of +1.6% per year since 2008 Duisburg 14 67 2012 A strong track record: Berlin Case study 1: acquisition in 2011 (1,641 units) Increase in rents and value • Increase in rents: + 14% • Vacancy reduction: -68% (up to 1.3%) • Value/m²: +31% • Ca. 50% due to rent increase and 50% due to yields decrease Wormser Straße - Berlin Still a lot to capture 8.1€/m² 6.7€/m² June-2014 15 68 1,750€/m² 1,349€/m² Market rent Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 June-2014 Value for privatization Kurfürstendamm - Berlin A strong track record: Berlin Case study 2: acquisition in 2012 (697 units) Increase in rents and value • Increase in rents: +4% • Vacancy reduction: -43% (up to 3.3%) • Value/m²: +19% • Compression in cap rate Pistoriusstraße - Berlin Still a lot to capture 7.5€/m² 5.8€/m² June-2014 16 69 1,500€/m² 1,157€/m² Market rent Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 June-2014 Value for privatization Pistoriusstraße - Berlin 3 – A winning strategy in German Residential Fregestr. - Berlin - A strong conviction since 2005 - Property management: capturing organic growth - A unique asset management capacity - Outlook: still a lot to capture Property management Immeo: a long track record A long track record in Property Management • Immeo as of today: • 100,000 people living in our apartments • 55,000 lease contracts under management thereof 10,000 for third parties (German and European funds) • 5,500 new lease contracts per year A close involvement in the local markets • 35 Immeo Service Centers in Rhine-Ruhr region and Berlin, Dresden and Leipzig An experienced team and a structured organization • 1,000,000 calls per year • 12,000 contacts with clients for re-letting per year • 8,000 client contacts for sales per year Rhine-Ruhr Region 1 main office in Oberhausen 26 local offices in 12 cities 18 71 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Berlin 5 local offices Leipzig 1 local office Dresden 3 local offices Property management Immeo: a well-known brand 1 Service quality • Structured process • Performing tools 2 • Involvement in local life and dynamic communication policy Partnership with social and welfare associations, cultural events and art exhibitions, schools … • Involvement in residential projects for handicapped people • Permanent Internet presence with actual letting offers • Radio and panels advertising Increase our brand recognition in our markets 19 72 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Property management Immeo: structured marketing processes ❶ Tenant prospection ❷ Letting process ❸ Customer relationship ❶ Tenant prospecting on • WEB (external sources) • www.immeo.de • Wallpapers • Flashcodes on the buildings • Local newspapers • Radio • Viral marketing • Earlier Immeo tenant ❷ Letting Process • Visitation of a flat • Schufa consultation • Signature of the contract • Tenant-handbook ❸ Customer Relationship • Local offices • 24h-Callcenter • Emergency call (365 days p.a.) • Personal contact persons • Online-Service • FAQs • “Streetworkers ” 20 73 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Property management Immeo: best-of-class IT capabilities Budget Supplier Relationship Management • Web based supplier accounting system “Handwerkerkopplung” Portfolio Management tool • Web based supplier marketplace • Web based announcement “ARRIBA“ MyPort Geo-Information-System Marketing / tenant prospection Protection company for general creditworthiness 21 74 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Property management OPEX / CAPEX policy Total share • Good quality and well maintained portfolio: low OPEX requirements • Rhine-Ruhr: CAPEX for modernization • Berlin (since 2011): extending CAPEX for organic growth CAPEX/OPEX in €/m² CAPEX/OPEX in € million 16,0 45 14,0 40 12,0 35 30 10,0 25 8,0 20 6,0 15 4,0 10 2,0 5 0,0 0 2007 2008 2009 CAPEX (€m) 2010 OPEX (€m) 2011 2012 OPEX €/m² 2013 Fc. 2014 CAPEX €/m² Dynamic CAPEX policy to enhance value creation 22 75 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Property management A strong track record: Rhine-Ruhr High value creation developement project: Essen-Margarethenhöhe • Creation of 15 new apartments from 53 old garages • Project started in 2013, completion in December 2015 • Status as of today: 9 apts. sold; 2 apartments under reservation • Total amount of modernizations: €3.3 million • Net margin after cost: 15% 23 76 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Property management A strong track record: Berlin Example of a successful track record: Lüderitzstr. 62-64; Müllerstr. 116, 117; Sansibarstr. 52-64 • €395,000 CAPEX • façade and staircase BEFORE • 18 single flats modernization • 26% profitability on CAPEX: • Significant improvement in the vacancy rate • +16% increase in the rent/m² Rent €/m²/month 97.9% 6,00 5,90 5,80 5,70 AFTER 5,60 5,50 5,40 5,30 89.7% 5,20 5,10 2012-10 2012-11 2012-12 2013-01 2013-02 2013-03 2013-04 2013-05 2013-06 2013-07 2013-08 2013-09 2013-10 2013-11 2013-12 2014-01 2014-02 2014-03 2014-04 2014-05 2014-06 2014-07 2014-08 2014-09 5,00 Occupancy rate 24 77 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 3 – A winning strategy in German Residential Südstern - Berlin - A strong conviction since 2005 - Property management: capturing organic growth - A unique asset management capacity - Outlook: still a lot to capture Asset management A unique asset management capacity • Follow up on markets opportunities • Sell mature assets The tasks • Acquisitions on high potential markets • 6 Asset managers located in Oberhausen and Berlin: Big block sales > €10 million Investment The team • 1 sales department: 23 employees Block sales < €10 million Block sales back office Privatizations and specific sales €4.5 billion acquisitions and disposals since 2005 26 79 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Asset management A unique asset management capacity Acquisitions guidelines • Growing cities in demography and economy • Inner cities locations • Good technical conditions • Rent and value creation potential • Net yield > 5% after costs & CAPEX • IRR > 11% • Liquid products • Ability to quickly achieve complex deals: Our strengths • Experience in European share deals • 5-10 deals closed per years / 1,000 received per year • Good network allowing us to enter off-market transactions • Strong support from our financial partners (insurance companies and lending banks) 27 80 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Asset management A unique asset management capacity • Pre-identification of a non-core portfolio: • Sales guidelines potential for privatizations: condominium, plot of lands… • • Our strengths non strategic assets benefiting from a high value creation mature assets in several cities for block sales Experienced sales department managing the block sales back office and the sales unit by unit • Extensive knowledge of the key investors in our markets • High-performance asset management tools to rapidly create a complete data room 28 81 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Asset management Our acquisition policy and process Transaction A in 2011 • €80 million transaction value • off-market transaction with direct contact to the seller • Seller: Austrian company • Winning cards: ability to takeover 3 Austrian companies complex refinancing situation with 3 existing banks 6 weeks due diligence to finalize the transaction Positioning vs Foncière des Régions acquisition criteria • Growing cities Berlin i • Inner cities locations 90% i • Good technical conditions Yes i • Reversionary potential +40% i • Net yield > 5% after costs & CAPEX Yes i • IRR > 11% Yes i • Liquid products for privatization 100% i Südstern - Berlin 29 82 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Fregestraße - Berlin Asset management Our acquisition policy and process Transaction B in 2012 • €46 million transaction value • Off-market transaction shared with a partner • Seller: trustee on behalf of Danish banks • Winning cards : convince the existing banks to avoid the filing for insolvency complex acquisition structure 6 weeks due diligence to finalize the transaction Positioning vs Foncière des Régions acquisition criteria • Growing cities Berlin i • Inner cities locations 90% i • Good technical conditions mixed • Reversionary potential +30% i • Net yield > 5% after costs & CAPEX Yes i • IRR > 11% Yes i • Liquid products for privatization 100% i Neumeisterstraße - Berlin 30 83 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Palisadenstraße - Berlin Asset management Our acquisition policy and process Transaction C in 2014 • €240 million transaction value • Off-market transaction with only one competitor • Seller: Danish institutional investors • Winning cards : binding offer within 1 week (subject to DD) proposal of an optimized transaction structure no financing conditions 6 weeks due diligence to finalize the transaction Positioning vs Foncière des Régions acquisition criteria • Growing cities Berlin, Dresden i • Inner cities locations 80% i • Good technical conditions Yes i • Reversionary potential +25% i • Net yield > 5% after costs & CAPEX Yes i • IRR > 11% Yes i • Liquid products for privatization 50% Zaunkönigweg - Berlin 31 84 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Freiberger Straße - Berlin Asset management Our acquisition policy and process Transaction D in 2014 • 1,925 units with €180 million transaction value • Off-market transaction shared with a partner • Seller: North-American investors • Winning cards : restructuring of a blocked exclusivity process of another investor within 2 weeks proposal of an optimized transaction structure in sharing portfolio 8 weeks due diligence to finalize the transaction Positioning vs Foncière des Régions acquisition criteria • Growing cities Berlin i • Inner cities locations 100% i • Good technical conditions Yes i • Reversionary potential +30% i • Net yield > 5% after costs & CAPEX Yes i • IRR > 11% Yes i • Liquid products for privatization 80% i Straussberger Platz - Berlin 32 85 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Lietzenburger Straße - Berlin 3 – A winning strategy in German Residential kurfürstendamm - Berlin - A strong conviction since 2005 - Property management: capturing organic growth - A unique asset management capacity - Outlook: still a lot to capture Outlook Well-positioned to seize the growth potential A still promising market • Organic growth through indexation and active property management • Investments in markets with positive economic and demographic trends and limited supply Liebenwalder str. - Berlin Strong financial performances • Continue to improve operating performances • Pursue the reduction of the cost of debt • Good ROE Qualitative recycling strategy • Pursue developments in Berlin and new markets with a high growth potential • Disposal of non core assets • Objective: portfolio mainly in Berlin and new markets Our strategy: quality and growth 34 87 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Capital Markets Day 20th November 2014 Sofitel - Lyon A leader in Hotel investments B&B Potsdamerstr. - Berlin Sofitel - Marseille 4 – A leader in Hotel investments - A conviction since 2005 - Hotel industry market: strong fundamentals - Case studies: B&B partnership - Foncière des Régions Hotel strategy Sofitel - Marseille Foncière des Régions Hotels portfolio Offices 65% €9.5 bn Group Share German Residential 17%1 Non strategic 9%1 Hotels/Service sector 9% Hotels Service Sector Total Portfolio under management 3.1 0.8 3.9 Consolidated portfolio + Portfolio of JVs Consolidated portfolio 2.1 0.8 2.9 Consolidated portfolio Foncière des Régions Group Share 0.6 0.2 0.8 Economic exposure with 28.3% ownership, alongside € billion long-term investment partners A €2.1 billion Hotels portfolio and €3.1 billion under management 3 90 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 1Post operations signed in Q3 Hotels: a conviction since 2005 Foncière des Régions convictions in 2005 • A new market with large potential • Lack of institutional investors • Changes in the strategy of Hotel operators: fits our partnership skills • Triple net leases and high motivation of operators to invest in their Hotels A pioneer in Hotel investments 2005-2006: first sale & leaseback with Accor, Pierre & Vacances and Club Med €1.7 billion under management at end-2006 2010: New deal with Accor 2011: Expand alongside Accor in Belgium. New partnership with Louvre Hotel Group €2.4 billion under management at end-2011 2012: New partnership with B&B H1 2014: New partnership with NH Hotels Group in Amsterdam €3.1 billion under management at june-2014 Sofitel - Lyon 4 91 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Hotels: a long-standing partner Foncière des Régions partnership strategy applied to Hotels • 1st lessor of large Hotels operators • Triple net asset by asset leases (no master lease), adapted to our partners needs (fixed or variable) • Ability to support our partners on their CAPEX needs: asset and property management, developments … A stable and experienced management • Dominique Ozanne, 36: CEO of FDM, 7 years in Hotel investments, 11 years at Foncière des Régions • Gaël Le Lay, 42: Deputy CEO, 20 years in Hotel investments, 1.5 years at Foncière des Régions • Cécile Boyer, 37: COO, 3 years in Hotel investments, 8 years at Foncière des Régions • Elsa Tobelem, 33: CIO, 8 years in Hotel investments, 8 years at Foncière des Régions B&B - Lens 5 92 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 A leader of Hotel investments in Europe 404 Hotels managed (42,871 rooms) €3.1 billion of Hotels under management, 6.3% average yield 100% occupancy rate since acquisition, 6.3 years average firm lease term 41% of the portfolio in Paris Region 8% A key partner of Accor 2% 6% 16% 2% 5% Paris Ile-de-France Province Asset value by area Accor 23% B&B Asset value by operator Germany Belgium Louvre Hotels Netherlands 44% NH 25% 69% Focus on Economic and Midscale 5% Economic Budget 34% Midscale Asset value by category Upscale 61% Sofitel - Marseille 6 93 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 A solid track record Total share Strong operating performances • High operating margin of 94.2%1 • Strong resilience in rents and appraisal values Like-for-like change for Accor portfolios bought in 2005/2006 (€1.4 billion and 67% of Hotels value owned by FDM) 140 130 117,7 116,3 120 110,6 111,9 110 100,0 100 116,1 104,8 122,4 116,5 118,5 2012 2013 123,5 CAGR in values: +2.9% 112,7 113,9 106,3 121,8 CAGR in rents: +2.0% 115,9 107,1 100,0 90 2006 2007 2008 2009 Rent 2010 2011 Appraisal value S1 2014 • 9 month 2014: stability of our rents on like-for-like basis H1 2014: Negative impact of the economic environment and of the increase of the VAT rate in France Slight improvement since August Rental growth has outperformed GDP and inflation since 2005 7 94 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 1 FDM margin based on Epra cost ratio 4 – A leader in Hotel investments - A conviction since 2005 - Hotel industry market: strong fundamentals - Case studies: B&B partnership - Foncière des Régions Hotel strategy Mercure Boulogne European Hotels market: a sustained demand Strong structural fundamentals • Europe: most popular tourist destination with consistent growth 560 million international tourist arrivals in 2013 in Europe (PwC) 6 European cities among the world’s 15 top destinations • Constant and sustained growth of business trips • RevPar in France and Germany: long-standing positive growth €, TTC 2005 2013 2015e CAGR 2000/2013 France 49 60 64 2,6% Germany 50 64 70 3,1% • Divergent performances among the largest European cities offers arbitrage opportunities Best performances in Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt and Barcelona Mercure - Boulogne Potential growth in the coming years 9 96 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Source: MKG Hospitality database – October 2014 European Hotels market: a constantly changing supply France: follow leaders and new innovative chains • France: no oversupply Since 2005 in economic: +16% in room supply vs +25% in room prices • Dominated by large Hotel chains Less independent operators Larger Hotel chains (Accor, Louvre Hotels Group, B&B, Best Western, IHG, etc.) Sofitel - Lyon However, the sector is gradually being transformed by new innovative chains and brands Germany: potential for growth • Germany is behind in terms of Hotel chains penetration Growth potential in the budget hotel segment Example of Berlin: Hotel supply CAGR of 5.8% (in beds) vs +7.9% in overnights (between 2002 and 2012) Potential of catch up effect in the penetration rate of Hotel chains Penetration rate of Hotel chains France budget & economic Germany budget & economic 10 97 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 2005 40% 35% 25% 4% 2014 46% 44% 30% 9% Source: MKG Hospitality database – October 2014 Hotels investment market: institutionalization An asset class in its own right • €9.9 billion in investments in Europe in 2013 • France: €2.4 billion (+35% YoY) ; 23% of market share in Europe • Germany: €1.7 billion (+20% YoY) ; 17% of market share in Europe Diverse investors base • France: 47% foreign investors, 38% French institutional, 12% French private investors • Germany: 61% foreign investors, 16% German institutional, 20% German Private investors Increasing competition EMEA Cap Rate (initial yields) requirements, 2000 to 2014 12% 11% 10% 9% 8% 7% dec-00 june-01 dec-01 june-02 dec-02 june-03 dec-03 june-04 dec-04 june-05 dec-05 june-06 Nov-06 june-07 Oct-07 june-08 Oct-08 apr-09 Oct-09 apr-10 Oct-10 apr-11 Oct-11 apr-12 Oct-12 apr-13 Nov-13 apr-14 6% 11 98 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Sources: JLL’s Hotel Investor Sentiment Survey, CBRE, Real Capital Analytics 4 – A leader in Hotel investments - A conviction since 2005 - Hotel industry market: strong fundamentals - Case studies: B&B partnership - Foncière des Régions Hotel strategy B&B Porte des Lilas - Paris Case studies: B&B partnership Total share A partnership initiated in 2011 • B&B: successful Economic Hotels operator with 315 Hotels • Partnership with Foncière des Régions through acquisitions, sale & leaseback and developments • Presence in France and Germany 2014: Paris-Porte des Lilas development • Largest B&B Hotel with 265 rooms • Open since June 2014 • 12-year triple net lease • €21 million of investments ; €1.5 million of rents (7.1% yield) • Value at end-june 2014: €26 million (5.8% yield) • +24% value creation A longstanding relationship 13 100 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Case studies: B&B partnership Total share 2011: Acquisition of 18 Hotels in Germany • 1,716 rooms (95 per Hotel), mainly in West-Germany • 20-year lease Evolution in appraisal value and cap rate 75 • €63 million of investments ; 7.4% average yield 70 • Value creation since acquisition: 65 • +21% like-for-like increase in apraisal value • +7.3% like-for-like growth in rents 8,0% 7,40% 60 55 7,0% 6,70% 63 67 6,50% 70 74 6,30% 76 6,19% 6,0% 50 5,0% Acquisition More to come • 2014 : new development program of 9 Hotels in Germany with 7.1% average yield 14 101 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 4 – A leader in Hotel investments - A conviction since 2005 - Hotel industry market: strong fundamentals - Case studies: B&B partnership - Foncière des Régions Hotel strategy B&B Porte des Lilas - Paris A new tool for our Hotel asset management skills Adapting to Hotel operators demand • Hotel operators moving from asset light to asset free need for more management contracts than lease contracts • Creating new opportunities: adapting ourselves to operators strategies • Leveraging our Hotel skills Hotel chains supply per management mode 46% 76% 63% 84% Franchise + Management contracts 54% 37% 24% Other 16% 2014 2000 World 2000 2014 France Management contracts: a balanced risk-return strategy • Dedicated structure with third-party equity • The new structure will operate as a Brand Partner; revenues based on Ebitda • Attract new operations and new partners • Reinforce our negotiation power against Hotels operators • In addition to sales & leaseback, premises acquisitions and developments • Higher return (8%-10% Ebitda yield) with controlled risk 16 103 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Source: MKG Hospitality database – October 2014 Reinforce our leadership position in Europe Total share 1 Invest in Europe • Consolidate the critical size and the European exposition with a focus on Midscale and Economic • €200 million capital increase of Foncière des Murs: €350-400 million of investments capacity • Acquisitions : target yield of 6.0%-7.0% • Developments : €80 million pipeline for B&B in France and Germany, target yield of 7.0%-8.0% • Continue to sell non strategic assets: since 2010, €602 million in disposals with an average margin of 2.6% 2 Pursue the diversification • In terms of operators: Constant discussions with our partners: Accor, B&B, Louvre Hotel Group, NH New discussions with some new partners • In terms of European exposure France, Germany and selective European capital cities Sofitel - Marseilles The major partner of Hotel operators in Europe 17 104 Foncière des Régions – Capital Markets Day – 20th November 2014 Disclaimer This document contains forward-looking reflections and information. By their nature, these reflections and information include financial forecasts and estimates as well as the assumptions on which they are based, statements related to projects, objectives and expectations concerning future operations, products and services or future performance. Although Foncière des Régions management believes that these forward-looking reflections and information are reasonable, Foncière des Régions cannot guarantee their accuracy or completeness and investors in Foncière des Régions are hereby advised that these forward-looking reflections and information are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that are difficult to foresee and generally beyond Foncière des Régions control, so that the actual results and developments may differ significantly from those expressed, induced or forecasted in the forward-looking reflections and information. These risks include those developed or identified in the public documents filed by Foncière des Régions with the AMF, including those listed in the “Risk Factors” section of the Reference Document registered with the AMF on 24 March, 2014. Le Patio – Lyon Villeurbanne Contact: Paul Arkwright Tel: + (33) 1 58 97 51 85 Mob: + (33) 6 77 33 93 58 paul.arkwright@fdr.fr B&B Porte des Lilas 30, Avenue Kléber 75116 Paris France
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