St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr

St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr
C a t h o l i c C h u r c h
A Catholic community of faith striving to
witness to the Gospel. Our Baptism and
Confirmation calls us to bring Christ’s
Love to our families, our work places
and our community. Grateful for God’s
gifts, we seek to nurture those gifts and
to give back to the Lord by sharing our
time, talent and material treasure. In
all of our parish activities we seek to
develop a personal relationship with the
Lord who directs our lives and a vision
that sees the world with the eyes of
Christ and that leads to a commitment to
justice. We seek a sense of unity in
Christ that leads us to be an open and
welcoming people and a sense of joy in
being graced by the gifts of God’s Love.
November 23, 2014
Lord Jesus Christ
King of the Universe
Monday—Saturday: 8am (English)
Saturday Liturgy: 5pm (English)
Sunday Liturgy:
English: 7am, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am, 6:15pm
Polish: 1pm
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
We at St. Stephen, are striving to be good disciples
of Christ.
We focus on the spirituality of
stewardship, through the grateful sharing of our
time, our talent and our treasure, to help us become
better disciples of Christ. As good stewards, we
share our gifts responsibly with charitable groups
and with our church. We urge our parishioners to
consider remembering St. Stephen in their wills.
Please phone Fr. Jay in the church office at
708.342.2400 for more information.
Thank you for your continued Stewardship in support of St.
Stephen. Please visit our website to find other opportunities
for generosity through planned giving by remembering St.
Stephen in your will or living trust.
TIME, TALENT & TREASURE In addition to printing the collection, we are printing
the Sunday and Holy Day collections from the previous month and for the fiscal year to
date as well as budgeted amount needed for us to meet both our expenses & mortgage
payments. Mortgage payments are $41,500 per month (interest and principal).
The Archdiocese loaned us the money to start our parish and build our facilities on the basis of
a commitment to Stewardship by the parish. We thank everyone whose support enables us to
do the work of our
Last Month October
$117,377 $112,500
Year-to-Date July 1—October 31 $471,966 $459,600
For 11-16-2014
All Souls
Parish Center
BAPTISMS are celebrated every Sunday at 3pm in English and 1pm in Polish. Please contact
Deacon Ken in the parish office for the necessary preparations.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is available on Saturdays, from 8:45—9:30am in the
church or by appointment.
FUNERALS can be arranged with the parish office.
MARRIAGES St. Stephen Parish welcomes the celebration of the weddings of both registered
parishioners and the children of registered parishioners. Information is available from one of
the priests or deacons.
PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK can be arranged for the sick, elderly and handicapped
desiring Communion by calling the parish office.
BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE Articles are to be in the parish office noon on Friday for the
following week’s bulletin. E-mail:
REGISTRATION OF NEW PARISHIONERS is held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays every month after
10am Mass. New parishioners unable to register at Sunday registration, may register at the
parish office on Mondays at 2pm, Tuesdays at 11am, Wednesdays at 8:30am or Thursdays
at 6:45pm. Please phone 708.342.2400 to make an appointment. We warmly welcome
new parishioners and cordially invite you to join us on our life-long journey to the Lord.
~ O UR
Parish Office
17500 South 84th Avenue
Tinley Park, IL 60487
Office Hours: 8:30am-8:30pm Mon-Th;
8:30am-7pm Fri; 9am-5pm Sat
Office Closed: 12:30-1pm Mon-Fri
Office Phone: 708.342.2400
Office Fax 708.342.1545
Religious Ed. Phone: 708.342.1544
~ O UR
~ O UR
Rev. James Finno, Pastor
Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz, Associate Pastor
William Engler, Deacon
Chuck McFarland, Deacon
William Schultz, Deacon
Joseph Stalcup, Deacon
Pete Van Merkestyn, Deacon
Kenneth Zawadzki, Deacon
Karen Opyd, Administrative Assistant to Pastor
Mary Jeanne Pazin, Director of Religious Education
Leslie Krauledis, Assoc. Director of Religious EducationTammy Burns, Admin. Assistant for Religious Education
Mark Gorka, Music Minister
Karen Dillon, Youth Minister
Dave Prete, Maintenance Director
Cardinal Joseph
Bernardin Catholic School
9300 167th Street
Orland Hills, IL 60487
Phone 708.403.6525
Fax 708.403.8621
Ms. Mary Iannucilli,
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
From Our Pastor
ear People of St. Stephen,
We join with all in our Archdiocese in
welcoming Archbishop Cupich as the new
leader of our local church and in wishing
Cardinal George well in his retirement.
Please keep both of them in your prayers.
Today we celebrate the feast of Christ the
King. It is a relatively new feast, established
in 1925 on the last Sunday of the church
liturgical year (we begin a new liturgical
year next Sunday as Advent begins) to
emphasize the place of Christ at the center
of life and to challenge the increasing denial
of the place of God in life seen in
communism and the secularism of that time.
The Kingdom of Jesus is about a new way of
relating to one another – a way that Jesus
revealed by His life and teaching. Jesus
demonstrated His kingdom as he blessed,
loved, forgave, healed, and served the
people He was speaking to. He welcomed
the poor and the marginalized. He taught
about His way of relating in parables that
prioritized forgiveness over revenge, service
over being served, and sacrificial love over
self-serving arrogance. The Kingdom way of
relating is expressed in this Sunday’s gospel
as Jesus tells us that what we do to the least
of our brothers or sisters we do to Him.
Jesus’ Kingdom is present whenever we
relate to one another as the God of all
creation desires us to relate. It is the only
Kingdom that will last forever.
This feast also marks the anniversary of the
dedication of our parish church by Cardinal
George on the feast of Christ the King in
2002. One element of the ceremony of
dedication is the anointing of the walls of
the church with the chrism, the oil of
Christ, marking out our church as a special
place of God’s presence. The mark of the
oils is still faintly visible on the walls behind
the altar as a reminder of the dedication. As
we prepare to celebrate our 15th anniversary
as a parish at the 5pm mass next Saturday, I
want to continue our series of notes on
various elements in our church.
The stained glass windows on the two side
transepts of our church came from the
former St. Laurence Church at 72nd and
Dorchester in Chicago. This church was
being closed in the spring of 2002 as our
church was being built. Our architect and a
group from our parish visited St. Laurence
and discovered that the dimensions of their
stained glass windows would fit well into
the arches already built on the two sides of
our church. We felt that the Holy Spirit
must have been guiding our architect’s plan
as he was designing the window openings
several months before. Our side windows
were made in Germany and installed at St.
Laurence in 1920. The windows on the
West side of the church represent four of
the joyful mysteries of the rosary along with
St. Dominic and St. Patrick. On the east
side of the church are four of the glorious
mysteries along with Jesus the Good
Shepherd and Jesus Knocking on the Door
of our hearts, an image from the Book of
Revelation, chapter 3. Receiving the
windows was a great and unexpected
blessing for our church. The two statues
outside the entrance to the church, one of
Mary and one of Joseph holding the child
Jesus, came from the former St. Leo church
in Chicago. In addition, the mosaic Stations
of the Cross in the garden across from the
church entrance also came from St. Leo.
The statue of Mary in that garden was made
for our church. We have been blessed to
have features in our church that came from
other parishes to tie us to the past history of
our Church in Chicago.
This coming Thursday is Thanksgiving, my
favorite holiday of the year. Thanksgiving is
a secular holiday that speaks to the most
basic attitude of faith – gratitude. The
holiday reminds us to be grateful for all
God’s gifts to us. Family gatherings remind
us to be grateful for the close relationships
of family that are so important to us. In my
own family as we grew up, my parents
insisted on all of us going to Mass on
Thanksgiving morning to give thanks to God
for the blessings we had in life. I did resist
my father’s call to go to church on
Thanksgiving in my early teen years (my
resistance ended when he said calmly and
firmly “in this family you go to Mass on
Thanksgiving or you don’t eat”), but my
father taught me a valuable lesson. Always
be grateful to the Lord for God’s blessings.
With stores opening more and more on
Thanksgiving day, it’s getting harder for
some families to observe this holiday. I
encourage you to keep Thanksgiving as a
family holiday as best you can, and be sure
to find time to give thanks to the Lord for
all the gifts of life that we have. I invite you
to join us for Thanksgiving Mass at 9am this
coming Thursday. Have a blessed
Finally I invite everyone to join us at the
5pm Mass next Saturday and for the
reception after Mass to celebrate our
parish’s 15th anniversary. It will be a time to
give thanks to the Lord for the blessings of
these past years and to ask God’s wisdom
and strength to help us to be the best
followers of Jesus we can be, both
individually and as a parish, in the future.
May God bless you and your loved ones.
Fr. Jay
You are cordially invited to the celebration of the
15th Anniversary of St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr Church
on Saturday, November 29, 2014 at the 5 o’clock Mass.
Wine and Cheese Reception following in the Large Meeting Room.
Come celebrate this special occasion with your parish family.
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Pastoral Ministries
Contact Deacon Ken Zawadzki
Pastoral Ministry Director
Phone: 708.342.2400 Ext. 136
Donating to
Vincent de Paul has
become easier
through our new
Go to and
click on the ONLINE GIVING logo to
the left of the screen to register and
make your donation. Thank you from
our St. Vincent de Paul Society.
If you or a parishioner close to you is in
need, please contact SVdP
at 708-342-2400 ext.205.
A representative will return your call
as soon as possible to arrange a
confidential conversation.
Confidentiality and Compassion
are cornerstones of our ministry
Today as we celebrate Christ
the King, may we open the
door of our heart so wide
that we may listen to the
voice of Jesus calling us to help build his
kingdom here on earth. In the month of
November, through your gifts, the Society
of St. Vincent de Paul was able to help
build the kingdom of God by assisting
families, providing in food, for utility and
rent bills, etc. Thank You!
86,400 Golden Moments …
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift – that is why it is
called the present. I’m sure you’ve heard that expression. With Thanksgiving
coming this week, here is something to be thankful for: 86,400 Golden Moments we receive from God every day.
The Past: Yesterday has come and gone. It’s over. It has passed. That’s why
it’s called the past. You can’t go back and get it. Some people try to live in
the past but that doesn’t work out too well. You can never recreate the good
old days.” Once they’re gone, they’re gone forever. You can’t go backwards
into the future. Besides, “the good old days” weren’t nearly as good as you
think. Selective memory makes things seem better than they really were. Dad
used to say that many folks are like an English lesson – they make the past
perfect and the present tense! Now it’s fine to visit the past from time to
time. In fact, we all need to go there occasionally. A thoughtful look backwards helps us process today’s experiences. Recalling positive times brings
satisfaction. That’s good. Reflecting on painful situations brings wisdom.
That’s good too. Overall, though, the past is like a dump site – an interesting
place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.
The Future: the worries and fears of tomorrow can rob us of today’s joy.
Anxiety is like a treadmill. It keeps you busy for a long time, going nowhere.
There’s nothing wrong with looking forward in anticipation. It’s fine to make
careful plans concerning your future steps; however, most of our fretting is
just wasted energy. Have you noticed that most of the things we worry about
never happen anyway?
Today: today is the only day you have. There are 86,400 seconds in each day
– 86,400 golden moments. That’s a treasure trove! What are you going to do
with it? I encourage you to spend the treasure wisely. Pack your day full! Pack
it full of joy. Pack it full of love. Pack it full of wonderful experiences. When
it’s gone, you’ll never get it back, so lighten up, look up and make it count
for something!
Deacon Ken Zawadzki
Our next meeting is Monday, November 24 at 10am and it is our Game Day. Don't forget your cards, dice and games,
and refreshments are to be provided by the Board.
Four Winds Casino
St. Stephen Seniors, “Young @ Heart” will sponsor a trip to Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo Michigan on Thursday, February 12,
2015. All parishioners are welcome to join us. Cost is $35 per person which includes bus transportation, $15 in slot credit and $10
food credit. Bus will depart from St. Stephens’s parking lot at 9am and return at 4pm. Tickets will go on sale at the Young @ Heart
meeting on November 24 so bring your checks or cash. You may also purchase tickets by contacting Joan Kapala at 815-534-5111.
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
The Parish Transformation Team is concluding their work in the three areas of Mission, Finance, and Education.
The group is putting the finishing touches on the new Mission Narrative which will supplement our current
Mission Statement and expand on the “spirit” of who we are here at St. Stephen.
Please continue to pray for your Parish Transformation Team. A special thank-you to the nearly 50 people who have worked so
diligently over the past three months to make this process a true success.
Book Discussion “Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody”
The final session of the book discussion “Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody”, will be next Sunday, November 30. Like our book
discussion on “Rediscover Catholicism” last winter and spring, we will begin with a light supper at 4:30pm and conclude about
5:50pm in time for the 6:15pm Mass.
Save the Date… Thy Kingdom Come…
March 21 & 22, 2015… St. Stephen’s Church
Thy Will Be Done on Earth… only if YOU are there! Kingdom is a two-day spiritual renewal that is open to anyone 18 years of
age or older (no overnight). (Single, married, divorced, separated or widowed). Come alone or bring a friend and discover GOD
working in your everyday life. More information and registration forms will be in the bulletin starting in January. It is a weekend of
Faith, Friendship, Fun and Food! Please mark your calendars for Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22, 2015.
“…The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 3:2
Infant Jesus of Prague healing service and mass
Everyone is invited to attend the Infant of Jesus of Prague prayer group healing service and mass on Monday, December 1, 2014 at
7:30pm. We are wheelchair accessible. We are located at Flossmoor Road and Leavitt Avenue in Flossmoor. For more information,
call Bettyann Hall at 708-799-1234.
Our Lady of Fatima PILGRIM Statue
Please come join us for the Rosary on Saturday, November 29 at 8 pm; on Sunday, November 30 through Saturday, December 6 at
7:30 pm in the Daily Chapel. The traveling statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be with us. This is a wonderful family way to begin
Military Corner
Please pray for our Military men and women on a daily basis for their safe return.
Capt. Anthony J. Cesaro
Major Vincent Cesaro
1st Lt. Michael Chimienti
Lt. Amanda Griffith
Lcpl. Evan Grober
Capt. Michael Gryczka
Sgt. Joseph Malone
Capt. Christopher Mazurek
Sgt. Dominic Messina
Tsgt. Laura Langley
Ssgt. Carl Langley
PFC Matthew O'Boyle
Capt. Thomas Pierczynski
Tsgt. Stephen Vlaming
LCDR Marilyn Walsh
Major Thomas Walsh
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
HOLIDAY HOURS...To observe the Thanksgiving holiday, the parish office will close at 2pm this coming
Wednesday (11-26) and will be closed this Thursday (11-27) and Friday (11-28). The office will reopen on Saturday (11-29) at 9am.
The Staff of St. Stephen wishes all of you a Blessed Thanksgiving. Thank you for all you do for our parish!
No Adoration and Benediction
Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no Adoration and Benediction this Thursday (11-27).
Daily Chapel Closed this Week
Due to painting and plastering work being done in the Daily Chapel to repair damage done by a small roof leak, the Daily Chapel
will be closed this week. The Chapel will open next Saturday (11-29).
Thanksgiving day mass food blessing
In keeping with our theme of Stewardship at St. Stephen, we invite everyone to participate in our annual Thanksgiving food blessing.
It is appropriate to ask the Lord to bless our Thanksgiving dinner, for all our gifts are from the Lord. Items will be blessed after the
9am Mass. Please bring items such as bread, rolls, wine and any other non-perishable food items.
Family Prayer Service Around the Thanksgiving Table
Leader: We come to our table to welcome this feast of Thanksgiving with joy and with gladness. We have prepared this feast with good
food and drink. We have gathered together and come around this table to feast and to celebrate the many things for which we are grateful.
The Lord is our light and or salvation. May this light burn brightly in our hearts and around this table, both at this Thanksgiving and at all of
our family meals.
Grandparent or older child lights a candle.
Leader: We give thanks today for all of the many gifts that we have received.
Each person states one thing they are thankful for.
Leader: Let us also remember those members of this family and those loved ones who are not present at our table.
A silent pause, or the names of individuals are said aloud. Each person reads a verse of the following until the prayer is completed.
Lord of all blessings. From you has come a full harvest of gifts to us. With our uplifted hearts, we come today around this table to give
thanks to you.
We are grateful not only for the gift of our very lives but all the gifts of friendship, love, devotion, and forgiveness that we have shared.
On this thanksgiving and this day of giving thanks, we thank you for showing us how to return thanks by lives of service, by actions of
hospitality, by kindness to others, and by concern for each other.
If guests are present:
We thank you for the presence of (names of guests) who, by their being present in our home, have added to this feast of joy and
celebration. We are most grateful, today, for the way you our unseen God, have become visible to us in one another, both for our families
and our friends, in countless daily gifts, and in the marvels of creation itself. Come Lord of gifts, bless our table and all the food of this
feast. Let us thank the Lord today and all days.
Used with permission from Jubilee Day for Families – Catholic Bishops Family Ministries Office, Archdiocese of Chicago
May the hand of God always protect you and those you love.
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Dear Families of St. Stephen,
As we are about to begin the Advent season, it is time for us at St. Stephen to begin to prepare to
celebrate the birth of Jesus. Your children, grades 1 and up, are invited to be a part of the Christmas Eve
Nativity Liturgy. This year St. Stephen will be celebrating a 5pm Mass on Christmas Eve, at which the
children will be presenting the Christmas Gospel. We hope to involve many of our children in this
experience. All parts are non-speaking. A few special parts, grades 3 and up, will be selected by lottery.
While we have a few costumes, families will need to provide most costumes which are all
very basic.
Please consider the schedule of rehearsals below. All rehearsals are mandatory. Rehearsals will be
in church on the following dates:
Rehearsals for Christmas Eve Mass at 5 PM:
Thursday, December 11—6:30-7:00 PM (assignment of parts) - 125/126
Thursday, December 18—6:30-7:00 PM- Church
Monday, December 22—6:30-7:00 PM (dress rehearsal) - Church
At the dress rehearsal on December 22 costumes must be worn.
If your child(ren) are interested in participating in this special Mass, please come to the first practice for the Mass on December 11 at
6:30 PM. Adult helpers are needed and welcome.
If you have any questions, please call Fr. Jay at 708-342-2400 or Mary Jeanne Pazin at 708-342-1544, ext. 147.
Thank you and God bless, Fr. Jay and The Family Mass Team
As part of our Advent observance we invite everyone to write a prayer expression, personal intention or gratitude for
blessings on the sheets that are available on the table in the narthex. Please write your prayer and family name on the
sheet and place the sheet in the basket marked Advent prayers. These intentions will then be placed in a basket placed by
the altar. By bringing our prayers to Our Lord, we show our willingness to let “The Lord, shape us to transform our
hearts and our community” during Advent.
Advent Candle Lighting Sign-up Sheet
There is a sign-up sheet on the ushers table for those wishing to light the Advent Candles at the beginning of Mass.
Please check in with the usher no later than 10 minutes before Mass starts. This way they know that you are here;
otherwise, they will look for someone to take your place. Please remember to honor your commitment.
“The Little Blue Book” - An Advent Prayer Book
Advent begins on Sunday, November 30TH which is just around the corner. By the way, “Happy New Year”, the first Sunday of
Advent begins a new year for the Church based on the Church’s calendar. Advent is a time of preparation for and reflection upon the
birth of Jesus. To aid in the prayerful preparation for Advent “The Little Blue Book” written by Bishop Untener of Saginaw Michigan
offers a brief prayer for each day of Advent. “The Little Blue Book” is available in the magazine racks on the west wall of the narthex.
Please take one and use it for daily prayer during Advent. A donation of $1 is requested to pay for “The Little Blue Book”.
Walk to Bethlehem
Relive that special night with a walk through the halls of the motherhouse at St. Francis Woods, 9201 W St. Francis Rd, Frankfort on
Saturday, December 6 at 6:30pm. The cost is $20 per person and dinner will be served in the auditorium. Come hear the choirs from
St. Jude & St. Christopher. For further information, please call Gerry at 815-464-3682.
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Women’s Club to Host Annual Shopping Night
Providence Catholic High School Women’s Club will host its annual Shopping Night on Thursday, November 20
from 5 PM to 9 PM in the school’s cafeteria (please enter through door #14). Guests will have the opportunity to
get a jump start on their holiday shopping and peruse unique and amazing gifts from numerous upscale
vendors. Raffles for great gifts along with complimentary appetizers and refreshments will also be available to
guests. For more information, please contact Patti Senese at (630) 863 -5811 or Providence Catholic is located at 1800 W. Lincoln Highway in New Lenox, IL.
Congratulations to our Honor roll students
Antonio Alejo
Rachel Alles
Isabella Altobelli
Michael Altobelli
Lauren Bird
Connor Bowles
Emily Bowles
Mark Cachey
Emma Coughlin
Cara Cox
Charles Dunne
Jack Dunne
Carrie Fuesel
Brittany Hallberg
Molly Hallberg
Caleigh Jaskierski
Amy Jensen
Brian Jensen
Michael Jerik
Sarah Kaley
Jacqueline Kelly
Lea Kulpinski
Megan Kulpinski
Clare Lima
Connor Lima
Justin Lumanga
Karly Marth
Amanda Martinez‐Babiuk
Caroline Murphy
Theresa Murphy
Brendan Nieukirk
Nicholas Noonan
John OConnor
Kaitlyn Peil
Taylor Pfeiffer
Hailey Radakovitz
Gino Sanfilippo
Patrick Sullivan
Keely Tess
Carina Tolan
Emma Urchell
Bandcake Breakfast at Brother Rice
The Brother Rice/Mother McAuley Band's BANDCAKE Breakfast Fundraiser will take place on Sunday, December
7, from 8:00 A.M. until noon at Brother Rice High School, 10001 S. Pulaski Road, Chicago. Admission is $6 for
adults, $3 for seniors and children ages 5 to 12; children 4 and younger eat for FREE. Tickets are available at the
door. Santa will be stopping in for breakfast and pictures, too!
Join us at Moms and Tots! Moms and Tots is a casual playgroup that meets on Tuesdays
between 9:30am and 11:00am. We meet in the church, Room 158, however, if fall weather
permits we may move to Kiwanis Park. It is located near the southwest side of the church parking lot. We hope to see you there! If
you have any questions feel free to contact Julie at or (708)299-9404.
Moms and Tots
We would like to welcome the following to our St. Stephen Family
Mikols,Paul(Kristen),Mr. & Mrs.
Poland,George(Amanda),Mr. & Mrs.
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Teens Growing in Faith Upcoming Events
If you are interested in more information about the Youth Ministry, please contact
Dillon at: 708-342-2400, ext. 149 or at
Teens 7th grade through high school are invited to teen activities the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month following the 6:15 pm
mass from 7-9 pm! Come help us plan our activities for the year!
Sunday, November 23rd: Movie Night 7:00-9:00pm in Rooms 158-159- We will watch the acclaimed movie “God’s Not Dead” with
popcorn & snacks with discussion to follow.
Wednesday, December 10th: Service Project at Catholic Charities Meal Program-St. Blasé Church. Meet in the Narthex at
4:30pm. We will drive together and return to church by 7:30pm. YOU MUST CALL TO RESERVE A SPOT AS SPACE IS
LIMITED! A PERMISSION SLIP IS REQUIRED. Counts as 3 hours of service.
Saturday, December 13th: Mom & Dad’s Night Out 6-9pm in Large meeting room. We play games, watch a movie, do crafts, have
a snack with younger kids (BABYSITTING). Lots of FUN and counts as 3 hours community service.
St. Stephen Teens Food Pantry
Scavenger Hunt
Kudos to our 11 teens and 3 Adult volunteers who combed local subdivisions
seeking donations for the food pantry as a service project. Together they
collected just over 40 full bags of groceries in 2 hours.
Afterwards they celebrated their accomplishment with pizza and some games.
7th Grade Service Opportunity: Babysitting At 10am Mass
Confirmation Candidates: Get an early start on your service hours for next year! We are presently scheduling babysitting for 2015,
and you can begin doing your projects in February. Sign up now for your first choice in dates; 3 Sundays are needed to count for 1
project. 7th/8th/HS Students, please contact Babysitting Coordinator Pat Mullin at to sign up. Babysitting for
children ages 15 months to 5 years is provided at 10am Mass. Parents, please come to room #158 ten minutes before mass to sign in;
directly following mass please return to sign out your child. For the safety of all, if your child is ill please do not bring them to the
babysitting room and food is not permitted at any time.
Once again the St. Stephen Teen Group is sponsoring a collection of stocking stuffers and small gifts for the teens who live at Mercy
Home for Boys and Girls. There will be collection boxes in the Narthex the weekends of Nov. 29 & 30 and Dec. 6 & 7. Everything
will be picked up by Mercy Home on Monday, December 8th. Items they have specifically requested this year are listed below:
The gifts are best left unwrapped. Wrapping paper or medium to large gift bags are also welcome.
Please submit your unwrapped gift by Sunday, December 7th. Thank you!
Small games like Uno, Jenga, Skip-Bo,
Water bottles
Head Phones/Ear Buds
Planners, Journals
Magazine subscriptions to Mercy Home
Kid’s Sports Illustrated
ESPN Magazine
Game Pro
Small cologne and perfume
Body Lotions
$15 Walmart gift cards
$15 Best Buy gift cards
Disposable cameras
Slippers all sizes
Scrapbook supplies
Baseball Caps
Twin Size sheet sets.
Movie DVD’s
Muppets Most Wanted
Godzilla 2014
National Geographic’s
$15 Target Gift Cards
The Lego Movie
How to Train Your Dragon 2
Facing the Giants
The Amazing Spiderman 2
Captain America Winter Soldier
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014
Socks- athletic for boys and more
colorful/playful for girls
Video Games for:Xbox 360 or
Wii rated E or sports game
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
P AGE 10
Welcome to the Marriage Center
Marriages: Michael & Lauren Benavides, Brian and Lauren Downing, Michael & Stephanie Day
Banns I
Nick Billone & Michelle Musial
Gluten Free Hosts Available
The Benedictine Sisters, who have been providing our altar breads since we began as a parish, have developed a communion host that will benefit all
those who suffer from celiac disease. Celiac disease is a digestive disorder triggered by gluten, a protein found in wheat and other grains. Since Church
law and tradition require that the Eucharistic bread be wheat based, some Catholics have been unable to receive the host because they cannot tolerate the
gluten in altar breads. Some Catholics can receive only the cup because the gluten in the host is a danger to their health. The Benedictine Sisters have
developed a low gluten host that is safe for most people with celiac disease and which meets all Church requirements and is approved for use at Mass.
The gluten content of these breads is 0.01%, a level which the Center for Celiac Research at the University of Maryland calls perfectly safe for the vast
majority of celiac sufferers. The Sisters still recommend that individual celiac sufferers consult with their doctor before using the breads. These hosts have
now been improved to the point that we can keep a small supply of consecrated hosts in the tabernacle for anyone who needs them. If you have this
need, please mention it to the priest, deacon, or one of the ushers before Mass. However, if for some reason you do not see someone before Mass, just
mention to whoever is distributing communion that you need a gluten-free host. We will always have a small supply available.
2015 Golden Book
We are again offering the New 2015 Golden Opportunities coupon book for only $25. It has hundreds of discounts at numerous
local merchants that you shop at everyday. The Dining Pleasures and Casual Dining section offer 2 for 1 dining, with many of them
having offers Valid Once A Month for the entire year. Please stop by the Parish Office to view a sample or to purchase this great gift
that you can begin to use immediately. WE ONLY HAVE A FEW LEFT!
Journey oF Joy
Faith Christian Reformed Church at 171st and 84th Ave. will be presenting for the 12th year their live nativity, Journey of Joy. An
eight scene re-enactment (with live animals) of the Christmas Story will be presented on Saturday, December 6 and Sunday,
December 7. Guided 40 minute tours begin every 10 minutes from 1 to 6 pm. Admission is free and the event is wheelchair
accessible. If you have any questions, please call 708-532-8300.
CJB Seventh Grade
The seventh grade Cardinal Bernardin academic bowl team took first place at the Providence
Catholic Academic bowl during the weekend of October 18th. The team demonstrated a strong
knowledge base in the following subject areas including literature, math, social studies,
geography, and science. From left: Katy Juds, Tori Quinlan, Amanda Flowers, Diya Dileep,
Christopher Cokinos, Michael Nacik, Jonathan Laxamana, Anthony Rihani and Girvinn Fernandez.
Happy Thanksgiving from Your Parish School
On behalf of the Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School, please know that we appreciate and are grateful for the prayers,
friendship, and support of the parishioners of our sponsoring parishes -- St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Julie
Billiart, St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr. In particular, during this season of THANKSGIVING, we especially give thanks for
your support of Catholic education. We wish you blessings as you celebrate with family and friends on this special holiday.
Mary Iannucilli, Principal
CJB is looking for a part-time custodian who will assist with general cleaning within the school during the evening shift (Monday through Friday).
The candidate must be adaptable and flexible and able to respond to situations and problems as they arise. The ability to handle basic tools for light
maintenance and repairs is necessary. The work week is a maximum of 20 hours. Please email resume to or to
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
P AGE 11
Informacje Dotyczące Duszpasterstwa w Parafii Sw. Śzczepana
W ciago calego roku Msza Św. w niedziele w języku polskim jest o godz. 1PM
-Pierwszy piątek miesiąca: Spowiedz of 7-8pm Msza o 8pm
-Pierwsza sobota miesiąca: od godz. 7pm-9:30pm
-W kazdy czwartek jest calodzienna adoracja Najswietszego Sakramentu
-Spowiedz w kazdą sobote of godz. 8:45-9:30am
-Chrzty w języku polskim odbywaja sie w kazdą niedziele miesiąca
-Nauki przedmalzenskie w języku polskim odbywaja sie za umuwieniem
-Ślub w języku polskim prosimy zglaszać sześć mięsicy wcześniej
-Po bliższe imformajce proszę dzwonić do biura parafialnego pod numer 1(708) 342- 2400 wew 137
On naszym Królem, On nasz Pan!
Nazywany od dawien dawna Królem z powodu dostojeństwa, przez które wyprzedza wszystkie stworzenia i przewyższa je, jest ich
pierwowzorem. Gdyby dzisiaj kroczył tak, jak 2000 lat temu, może tylko więcej byłby znany, ze względu na media. A Jego słowa,
gesty i czyny z taką samą wyrazistością docierałyby do wszystkich, którym dane by było odczytać Jego wezwanie. Na pewno
wskazywałby nam, jaką drogą powinniśmy kroczyć.
Chrystus króluje w umysłach ludzkich nie z powodu głębi umysłu i rozległości Swej wiedzy, lecz dlatego, iż On Sam jest Prawdą, a
ludzie od Niego powinni Prawdę czerpać i posłusznie ją przyjmować. Czy jednak wszyscy widzimy w Nim Pana, który w obietnicy
naszego Zbawienia ogarnia nas swoją miłością? Czy też patrzymy historycznie, czując żal i smutek, ale nie widzimy w Nim Króla,
Boga, Najwyższego Sprawcy, samego Dobra, lecz ikonę, obraz?
W czytaniach na dzisiejszą uroczystość, Bóg, poprzez proroka, mówi nam, jakim jest Pasterzem, Opiekunem wszystkich, nawet
tych, którzy zbłądzili. „Albowiem tak mówi Pan Bóg: Oto Ja sam będę szukał moich owiec i będę miał o nie pieczę. Jak pasterz
dokonuje przeglądu swojej trzody, wtedy gdy znajdzie się wśród rozproszonych owiec, tak Ja dokonam przeglądu moich owiec i
uwolnię je ze wszystkich miejsc, dokąd się rozproszyły w dni ciemne i mroczne.” (Ez 34,11-12). Niezależnie jak Go nazwiemy,
Pasterzem, Królem, Ojcem, zawsze będzie Bogiem darzącym nas miłością, opieką i czułością, nawet wtedy, gdy zdarzy się nam
zbłądzić, zgrzeszyć, zasmucić Go lub obrazić swoimi czynami, słowami, myślami.
Największym darem dla nas jest Syn Boży, Jezus Chrystus, który „zmartwychwstał jako pierwszy spośród tych, co pomarli.
Ponieważ bowiem przez człowieka [przyszła] śmierć, przez człowieka też [dokona się] zmartwychwstanie. I jak w Adamie wszyscy
umierają, tak też w Chrystusie wszyscy będą ożywieni.” (1 Kor 15,20-22). To On, którego dzisiaj czcimy jako Króla Wszechświata,
prowadzi nas ku wieczności, w której w Jego Chwale będziemy mogli cieszyć swoje oczy widokiem Boga.
Jednakże, aby doczekać spełnienia tych obietnic, musimy już tu, na ziemi, nie tylko pamiętać, że najważniejsze jest przykazanie
miłości, lecz przede wszystkim wprowadzać je w czyn. Nakarmić i napoić głodnych i spragnionych. Nie tylko podzielić się strawą,
ale – jeśli trzeba – udzielić gościny zmęczonemu przybyszowi. A odwiedzanie chorych, osadzonych w więzieniu? A modlitwa za
zmarłych? Jednakże nie chodzi tu o pojedyncze sytuacje, na zasadzie: byłem, wykonałem, czyli zaliczyłem. Na drogę do wieczności
i świętości nie ma biletu czy karnetu, z którego odcina się kupony za dobre uczynki czy czyny miłosierne. Dobroć i dobre uczynki
to pozytywne wirusy – jeśli się nimi zarazimy, to będą nas nieustannie kierować ku Dobru, ku Chrystusowi. Jako memento dla
naszego dalszego życia przyjmijmy słowa Jezusa Chrystusa: "Zaprawdę, powiadam wam: Wszystko, co uczyniliście jednemu z tych
braci moich najmniejszych, Mnieście uczynili". (Mt 25,40)
Jezu Chryste, pozwól nam tak zrozumieć każde Twoje słowo, każdą przypowieść, każdą Twoją naukę, by to nas stale przybliżało do
Ciebie i pomagało z ufnością oczekiwać Twego powtórnego przyjścia na ziemię. Przez Chrystusa, z Chrystusem i w Chrystusie.
Michele L. Nowak, LCPC, is available to provide counseling to individuals and couples right here at St. Stephen
parish! Michele is an experienced professional counselor who has worked with all age groups and issues. She is a
staff member of The Hollbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities. Blue Cross / Blue Shield accepted.
Those without insurance are eligible for sliding scale fees based on income & number of dependents. Appointments can be made by
calling (312) 655-7725. The first session is free for all who are members of St. Stephen.
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Sun 11-23
P AGE 12
Baby Nursing #153 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Babysitting #158
10:00 AM Children's Liturgy of the Word #154,#155,#156
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Parish Registration LMR
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM RCIA #125 | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Baptism
Mon 11-24
Daily Chapel Closed | No RE |10:00 AM Young @ Heart LMR & #161
Tues 11-25
Daily Chapel Closed | No RE
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Moms & Tots #158 | 1:00 PM Pastoral Staff #126
Wed 11-26
7:30 PM Highlanders #171,172,173,174 | 7:30 PM Rosary Church
Daily Chapel Closed | No RE | Parish and RE Offices Closed at 2pm
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Adult Choir Church/Choir Room | 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM Portrait of Jesus book study #126
Thurs 11-27
Daily Chapel Closed | Parish & RE Offices Closed |9:00 AM Thanksgiving Mass
Fri 11-28
Daily Chapel Closed | Parish & RE Offices Closed
Education Wing Closed for Anniversary Setup
Sat 11-29
Baby Nursing #153 | 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Portrait of Jesus book study Daily Chapel
5:00 PM 15th Parish Anniversary Mass | 6:00 PM 15th Parish Anniversary Reception Education Wing
8:00 PM Our Lady of Fatima Daily Chapel
Sun 11-30
Advent | Baby Nursing #153
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Babysitting #158 | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Baptism
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Book Discussion "Forgiveness" LMR | 7:30 PM Our Lady of Fatima Daily Chapel
5:00 PM
Hilbert,Mary Beth
Eucharistic Magdziasz,Marilyn
Celebrant Fr Jay
Dcn Ken
Dave Newquist
Shirley Newquist
Tracy Kielak
Pete Kielak
7:00 AM
Fr Jay
Dcn Pete
8:30 AM
Fr Greg
Dcn Bill S.
Tom Mitus
Lynn Packert
Mary Ellen Kut
Michael Kut
10:00 AM
Fr Jay
Dcn Chuck
Pauline Cotrano
Linda Giroux
Dorothy Meyrick
Bob Meyrick
11:30 AM
Fr Tim Guthridge
Dcn Joe
Joan Beck
Natalie Sims
Rose Romano
Carol DeJoris
Sun 11-23
Team #1
Sun 11-30
Team #2
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
11/23 Sunday
7:00am For the People
Geoffrey Evert The Family
8:30am Joe Stalcup, Jr. Linda & Joe Stalcup
Ted Gildea The Gildea Family
10:00am Anna Krzyminski Pauline Cotrano
Matt Kocher The Catania Family
11:30am Sophie Surdej & Joe Wasowicz The Family
Katherine Kiec Dore
1:00pm Za Dusze W. Czyscu Cierpiace
Cislak & Juraszek Family
6:15pm Justine Price Don Price
Sophie Emerson Helen Michalik
11/24 Monday
8:00am Joe & Jean Salomon Grandchildren
Roy Daley Bern Daley & Family
11/25 Tuesday The Klimek Family
8:00am Stefania Klimek
Jim Dwyer Donna Kuban
11/26 Wednesday M/M R. Mensik
8:00am Louis & Jeanette Spoto
Steve Yanko The Yanko Family
11/27 Thursday - Thanksgiving
9:00am Ed Walsh Maeve Walsh
Margaret Devine Rosalie McGlynn
Maxima & Benedicto Deanching The Family
Int. of 2nd Birthday of Grace Gowen Papa & Grandma
11/28 Friday
8:00am Simone Baranger The Bryar Family
Adaline Paternostro Leslie Valcik & Family
Lorraine Sena Terry & Suzanne Ryan
Thanksgiving for the Sebastian Family
11/29 Saturday
8:00am Elizabeth & Joseph Persin Barb Black
Donna Depeder Sr. Altar Servers
5:00pm Michael Prokop His Mom
Robert Przybylski M/M A. Jaburek
Linda Stromek Ray Stromek & Family
Ed Bedno Berni Dement
Jeff Christian Kris & Karen Opyd
11/30 Sunday
7:00am For the People The Family
Anne Lisicich
8:30am Hugh Twomey Celia Twomey
Ralph Provenzano Gerald & Mary Jeanne Pazin
10:00am Joseph Salomon Wife & Sons & Family
Ronald Joyce
11:30am Marie Pliley
Dan Hattan
1:00pm Za Dusze W. Czyscu Cierpiace
Jozef Kowalczyk
6:15pm Maxine Bean
Margaret Page
Jean @ Vista Hotel
Maureen & Ed Kwiatkowski
Emily Johnson
The Family
Sr. Altar Servers
Dcn Pete & Jan Van Merkestyn
P AGE 13
Pray for Our Sick
Mike Abramowicz
Albert Agresti
Kristen Baldyga
Julie Barth
Josephine Basie
Arlene Beavan
Augustina Braccolino
Frank Braccolino
Kathie Brosius
Tammy Burns
William Callahan
Raymond Callahan
John Czerniak
Janice Dorff
Joe Dorff
John Drahos
Cardinal George
Sue Gildea
Caroline Grady
Fran Grousnick
Marion Kummer
Lillian Kurzawski
Ed Malone
Jim O'Donnell
Nathan Parry
Carmen Pignatiello
Judy Ratkovic
Kevin Renderman
Betty Ruzich
Terry Ryan
Mary Lou Schoettler
Nicole Siedschlag
Rachel Swallow
Joseph Tierney
Ruth Ann Tomaszeski
Alex Udaykee
Jane Van Duch
MaryBeth Vasquez
Maeve Walsh
Kelly Weiss
And for all for whom our parish is asked to pray
To help keep the list of names read at Mass and placed in
the bulletin accurate and current, we will keep the name
of a non-parishioner who is an immediate family member
of our parishioner on the list at Mass for two weeks and
in the bulletin for two weeks. For a parishioner, we will
keep the name on the list at Mass for four weeks and in
the bulletin for 60 days. We ask that an immediate
family member call after 4 weeks if you wish to have the
name continued to be read at Mass.
Pray for Our Deceased
John Calich Sr.
Dr. Michael Koller
Ed Walz
Weekly Readings
Ez 34:11-12, 15-17/1 Cor 15:20-26, 28
Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Lk 21:1-4
Rv 14:14-19/Lk 21:5-11
Rv 15:1-4/Lk 21:12-19
Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a/Lk 21:20-28
Rv 20:1-4, 11—21:2/Lk 21:29-33
Rv 22:1-7/Lk 21:34-36
Welcome to Our Newly Baptized
Mila Ann Bowie
Liam Patrick Drouillard
Connor John Gregerson
Emma M. Mendoza
Avery Madeline Young
Carson Bruce Young
November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
P AGE 14
Nancy’s Pizza at 171st Street and 80th Avenue (in the Family Dollar Plaza) is making an offer to St. Stephen Parishioners. On any Monday through Wednesday,
present this coupon and 20% of the pre-tax amount (10% if a discount coupon is used) will be donated to the St. Stephen Parish Center Fund. You can enjoy a
pizza and support our parish. Nancy’s Pizza’s number is 708-614-6100.
Nancy’s Pizza and St. Stephen Pizza Coupon
20% of the pre-tax amount (10% if a discount coupon is used) to be donated to the
St. Stephen Parish Center Fund on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays!
E a r n $$$$ f or S t. S te p h e n ’s Pa r i s h! !!
Have lunch or dinner at Gatto's on the 2nd or 4th Wednesday of the month and help in raising funds
for St. Stephen’s parish. The parish will receive 15% of the before tax cost of
your meal. Please present this coupon to your server or ask your server to write St.
Stephen's Men's Club on your bill. This applies to Dine-in or Carryout!!
Gatto’s Restaurant & Bar
S t .2ndS& t4theWednesdays
p h e n ’ofstheM
Present this coupon to your server
Dine-In or Carryout
Pop Tabs collection to benefit the Ronald McDonald Houses of Chicago .
A collection bin for pop tabs is located in the nw corner of the narthex and in all RE classrooms.
Thank you for your support!
Please Recycle Your Newspapers, Magazines, etc. into our green and yellow recycling bins located in the Parking Lot.
Youth Ministry of St. Stephen will earn money from your donation.
Thank you to all who advertise in our bulletin. Please patronize our advertisers!