ALPHA NEWS TERM 4 ISSUE 7 FRIDAY 21st NOVEMBER EXCELLENCE ENDEAVOUR THIS COMING WEEK MONDAY TUESDAY Year 5 & 6 Tennis Year 5 Bike Ed WEDNESDAY Year 1 & 2 Swimming THURSDAY PP-Prep swimming Year 3 & 4 Tennis FRIDAY Primary School Christmas Disco 6pm - 8pm Andrianakos Centre INTEGRITY RESPONSIBILITY CREATIVITY DIVERSITY RESPECT FROM THE PRINCIPAL JUBILEE CHRISTMAS MARKET – THIS SATURDAY 22ND NOVEMBER As we bring our Jubilee year to a close, I invite families to join for some part of the festivities this Saturday. There will be over 30 stall holders, lovely food including a BBQ and souvlakia stalls, scones and tea, adult drinks and refreshments throughout the day. Some of the added attractions include the jumping castle, bungie run and rock climbing. There will be live music all day and crafts activities for the young as well as a wonderful opportunity to see the Back to the Future Delorean Time Machine Car. You can even get your car washed by our team of senior students. At 1:30pm we will be unveiling the collaborative art project completed by all the students in the school. The day will finish with an outdoor cinema experience where we will be screening the film “Back to the Future” at 6:00pm. I invite you all to come with your rug and picnic basket to sit and enjoy the film as a family. Refreshments will be available for those who wish to purchase something rather than bring your own. There is no cost associated with the screening of the film. We look forward to a fun day for all! Dr Vivianne Nikou PRINCIPAL Bungee Run Alcohol, drinks and food Andria’s Cakery Tracey’s Christmas Decorations Jubilee Christmas Market T EL: + 61 3 9 4 97 47 7 7 FA X : + 61 3 9 4 97 3 47 9 Old Heidelberg Road Alphington 3078 i n f o @ a g s .v i c . e d u . a u w w w. a l p h i n g t o n .v i c . e d u . a u Jubilee Christmas Market s autiful ground Picnic in the be ol ho Grammar Sc of Alphington Candles by Nikol etta Roze Sca rf Studio Missy Moos bing Rock Clim Jumping Castle oul Scentual S Seven Woman Jubilee Christmas Market T E R M 4 I S S U E 7 │ F R I D AY 2 1st N O V E M B E R 2 0 14 Cashooz A.G.S. PREPS’ HISTORY EXCURSION - Werribee Mansion Wednesday 19th November was a very special day! It was a perfect Spring Morning with the promise of a warm sunny day. Twenty four excited Prep children, 12 girls and 12 boys, skipped and bounced into class with equally excited parents and grandparents. The children were immaculately dressed in their striking A.G.S. uniform with braids or ribbons in the girl’s hair and a touch of gel in the boy’s smartly styled haircuts. They chattered excitedly, had specially packed ‘favourite’ lunches and prepared to leave for their excursion to the mansion at Werribee Park. As a class, they and their parents had studied the Chirnside family home and they were about to match their historical knowledge with Werribee Mansion itself. They boarded the coach armed with a clipboard and pencils and the adventure began! Enroute they recorded speed limits, signs and shared their prior knowledge of the City of Melbourne as we travelled. They had a graph to chart how many bridges we saw, the traffic lights, policemen, cars, buses and children we passed. They sketched anything and everything! On arrival at our destination the children and 5 accompanying adults were dropped off at the gatehouse and started the long winding walk into the grounds. About five minutes later they turned a corner and there was the mansion, bigger and better than they had ever expected! A small pictorial review is attached to give you a ‘tasting’ of the delightful day we experienced. A day to remember... a perfect day! Marianne Hull, Prep H T E R M 4 I S S U E 7 │ F R I D AY 2 1st N O V E M B E R 2 0 14 PHYSICAL EDUCATION This week has once again been very productive as the children practised their skills for bat tennis. We pat bounced the tennis ball with our hands firstly, aiming in a downward direction and then again in an upward direction. We then used the bats and tried exactly the same thing, aiming up and then aiming down. It is really wonderful to see the children’s faces when they can see and feel how much they have improved. We have challenged ourselves to improve each time we use equipment and the improvements might be in hitting, catching, throwing or fielding the ball. Sometimes the improvements might be in the way the children interpret and understand a game situation. It really is fantastic when they sense that mastery of skills! The weather has been very warm and most children are remembering their hats and bottles. This is important in the hot weather and we would appreciate it if parents can help us by reminding their children as they pack their bags each morning. The days seem to start off being very cool so it might be advisable to start with tracksuit pants over shorts so that children are not over heating later in the day. Thank you for your help with these matters. Adrienne Bishop Junior Physical Education Specialist. T E R M 4 I S S U E 7 │ F R I D AY 2 1st N O V E M B E R 2 0 14 Health Matters Nursing and Psychology News at AGS Beyond the bubble wrap: Understanding parents’ fears in allowing their children to play and travel independently To investigate the role that parental fear plays in shaping children’s independence and physical activity, and find solutions to help parents give their children greater freedom, VicHealth has initiated and funded a three-year study (2012 to 2015) into parental fear, the first of its kind in Australia. VicHealth has commissioned La Trobe University and the Parenting Research Centre to undertake the study which has included a survey of more than 2000 parents of children aged nine to 15 from across Victoria. Beyond the bubble wrap: Understanding parents’ fears in allowing their children to play and travel independently, contains the preliminary findings of this research, which suggests that children’s independence was related to parental concerns about safety in general and harm from strangers in particular. Beyond the Bubble-Wrap found 48 per cent of Victorian parents worry about their child being approached by a stranger and 36 per cent avoid situations where their child goes without an adult because of fears about strangers. We know there are numerous factors that influence parents’ decisions to let their child play and travel independently — from traffic concerns to parents’ work demands, childcare arrangements and external perceptions. But we also know children who are able to play and travel without an adult and those who walk or ride to school are more likely to meet Australian physical activity guidelines. In the 1960s, one in 20 children was overweight or obese. Today, that has risen to one in four, and is expected to become one in three by 2025. With Australian children living a more inactive lifestyle, there is an increased risk of serious health problems, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Only one in five Australian children gets the recommended one hour of physical activity every day, and only one in four walks or rides to school. Letting children become independent is a complex process for parents and every child and family situation is different. From a health perspective, it’s clear that physical activity should be an important feature in children’s lives. For more information go to T E R M 4 I S S U E 7 │ F R I D AY 2 1st N O V E M B E R 2 0 14 Alphington Grammar School - Forms 2015 forms are now available on our website Copies can also be picked up from the School Office. Music Tuition Program The enrolment process for next year’s Instrumental Lessons is now open. Please be aware places are limited. School Bus The AGS Bus Service offers safe and convenient transportation for students travelling to and from school. Please state your preference on the application form. Book Lists Booklists are currently been disseminated across all year levels. Orders can be placed online, or submitted to the School Office. T E R M 4 I S S U E 7 │ F R I D AY 2 1st N O V E M B E R 2 0 14 All W Jubilee Christmas Market elcom e Saturday 22 November 11am - 8pm Jumping Castle - Bungie Run - Rock Climbing Live music all day Back to the Future’s DeLorean Time Machine Market Stalls - Photo booth Artwork for sale Barbeque Alcohol - Soft drinks Coffee - Cakes OUTDOOR CINEMA ....Bring a rug & picnic basket and enjoy the film ‘Back to the Future’ commencing at 6pm. T E R M 4 I S S U E 7 │ F R I D AY 2 1st N O V E M B E R 2 0 14 Entertainment, music and karaoke provided by BOP TIL YOU DROP $10 entry fee includes a drink, snack and glowstick. PRIMARY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS DISCO Friday 28th November Andrianakos Centre 6.00pm-8.00pm Open to all AGS Primary School Students from Pre-Prep to Year 6 Entertainment, music and karaoke provided by ‘Bop ‘til you Drop’ $10 entry fee includes a drink, snack and glowstick. Parents welcome to wait outside and buy a snack Parents welcome to waitand outside buy a snack and relax at tables in school grounds. relaxand at tables in school grounds. Dress for Christmas Fun! Tickets available soon. Surprise Visitor….who willTickets it be?????????????? Dress for Christmas Fun! availabe soon. Surprise visitor....who will it be??????? Information on how to obtain tickets will be sent home next week T E R M 4 I S S U E 7 │ F R I D AY 2 1st N O V E M B E R 2 0 14
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