Christ the King Year A St Ignatius Church Kensington Terrace, Toowong 23rd November 2014 Compassion for the Needy The parable identifies the Son of Man (a title Jesus uses about himself) with a king who holds court and passes lifeHoly Spirit Church Harriett Street, Auchenflower and-death judgement. In that respect Jesus is aligning himself with the conventional practice of kings and rulers. But the criteria he uses to make his judgements are entirely unconventional. What merits eternal life is practical outreach to people suffering distress of one kind or another—an outreach not motivated by the hope of reward but by compassion for the needy. Those who show such neighbourly love are focused on the present reality of life around them, not on other worldly concerns. The feast of Christ the King may take place against a horizon of glory, but it anchors us firmly in the world as it is. As the liturgical year comes to a close we are left with a question: are we as enterprising in our care for others as we are in advancing our own interests? Break Open the Word MASS TIMES ST IGNATIUS Toowong: Weekdays 5.30pm every afternoon; Saturday 9.00am & 6.00pm (Vigil); Sunday 7.00am & 5.00pm. Reconciliation: Saturday after 9.00am Mass and from 5.15pm to 5.45pm, or by appointment. HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: Weekdays 9.00am Monday, Wednesday & Friday; Sunday 8.30am. Archdiocesan Information Villanova Players presents James Joyce’s “The Dead” The Misses Morkan's annual Christmas party was always a great musical affair. It is Dublin, 1904 and you are invited to a night of song and dance, food & drink, tall stories and personal revelations, while outside the snow is faintly falling on all the living and the dead. For thirty years, they gave their party, and for thirty years everyone came and danced. Join us for this award winning Christmas musical, full of life and love, tears and laughter. Where: Former Morningside TAFE, 7 Clearview Terrace, Seven Hills. 21 Nov.—6 Dec. Evenings: Wed; Fri; Sat at 8pm, Matinees: Saturday & Sunday at 2pm. Prices: $20; $15; $13; $10. Bookings phone: 3899 9962 or online at Royal School of Church Music Aust. Summer School - standard registrations close in 2 weeks—register now! 3-10 January 2015. 7 days of musical discovery:- *Adult course: a range of specialist courses. *Summer Singfest: a choral experience for adolescents. *Sun Song: choral experience for children. Info at Cursillo’s Annual End of Year Mass on Sat 29 Nov. at 11am. at Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church, Stafford. This Mass is open to all Cursillistas. If you have ever done a Cursillo 3 days, if you would like to do a Cursillo 3 days, or if you wish to find out more about the Movement, please join us. Mass will be followed by a bring-aplate lunch. Enquiries to Rosemary on 0431 464 211. Fr. Jacques Philippe, internationally renowned spiritual writer (Interior Freedom, In the School of the Holy Spirit, Time for God ) and speaker from France, will present 3 talks on Prayer in Brisbane. Come along and deepen your prayer life. Each talk will be a different theme on prayer; you can attend all three as a mini retreat or one or two, as you are able. A voluntary collection will be taken up at the end of each talk. *Tues 2 Dec., 7-8.30pm at Holy Spirit, Auchenflower ~ Personal prayer life, encounter with the living God, *Wed 3 Dec., 7-8.30pm at St Ignatius Church, Toowong ~ Faith, Hope and Love in prayer life, and *Thurs 4 Dec., 7-8.30pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Kenmore. ~ Living in the presence of God. About Campion’s Liberal Arts, Degree. Campion College Australia—short information session in Brisbane, hosted by Kim Power & Ann O’Donovan, will be run by Campion’s Director of Strategic Relations, Mr Michael Mendieta (who is also a Campion graduate). We would be delighted if you can join us on Sat 6 Dec., 10am for 10.30am at 99 Scanlan Rd, Mitchelton (opp. Oxford Park train station). Refreshments & light lunch will be served. RSVP by 30 Nov. for catering purposes to Ann 0427 806 384 E: | PARISH CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS 2014 Please note altered Christmas Mass times from last year. ** RECONCILIATION ~ Tuesday 16 December at Holy Spirit Church 7pm. Christmas Eve: Holy Spirit Church 5pm. (Wed 24/12): St Ignatius Church 7pm & 10pm* *Carols from 9.30pm Christmas Day: St Ignatius Church 7am. (Thurs. 25/12) Holy Spirit Church 8.30am. New Years Day: St Ignatius Church 5.30pm. (Thurs. 1/1/15) Remember the Society of St Vincent de Paul Toowong Conference at the ‘Giving Tree’ during Advent (at both churches). Jesuit Information Faber Advent Retreat at Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston on 5—13 December (2, 4, 6 or 8 days, Silent). Directed by Fr John Reilly sj. A preached retreat in the Ignatian tradition to prepare oneself for a more prayerful celebration of the Christmas Mystery of Jesus Christ. Besides input on the mystery of the birth of Jesus as the revelation in our humanity of God's Divine Word and Love, this retreat includes a daily celebration of the Eucharist and an opportunity for individual spiritual direction by a member of the Faber Retreat Team. Cost: $50 per day (Spiritual Direction). (Accom. available—$134 p/day). More info or 3368 2450. Brisbane West Deanery Information Deanery Youth Event—The Amazing gRace. A night of tivia and crazy activities for young adults aged 17yrs plus. Sat 29 Nov., from 7pm to 9.15pm at St Joseph’s School Hall, Corinda. Form a team or join a team on the night. Gold coin doncation entry. Register your attendance – contact Michael Doherty 0409 235 480 or email . All welcome to come along to Mass at St Joseph’s at 6pm beforehand. Youth and Mission Day at St Mark’s Parish, Inala on Sun 30 November, from 1.30pm. Guest Speaker Fr Jacob Kavunkal SVD: “Called to be Missionary Disciples”. Includes afternoon tea, Youth Mass, Dinner and Concert. All welcome. RSVP by 24/11 to P: 3372 5658 or E: Please take a copy of the November Brisbane West Deanery Newsletter from the rotary stands or go to Readings: Christ the King: Ezekial 34:11-12, 15-17. 1 Corthinians 15:20-26,28. Matthew 25:31-46. Next week: 1st Sunday Advent: Isaiah 63:16-17; 64:1,3-8. 1 Corinthians 1:3-9. Mark 13:33-37. How worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive the power and divinity, and wisdom Entrance Antiphon: and strength and honour. To him belong glory and power for ever and ever. ? Spoken Response: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Sung Response: Shepherd Me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessings on the coming kingdom of our father David! Alleluia! Your Prayers Are Requested For All Parishioners & friends who are sick and in need SICK: Deb Chesterman, Andrea Collis, Eve Jones, Liane Turner, Alan Dundas, Jenny Reed, Kell MacGroarty, Lucia Rigoglioso, Elisabeth Byrne, Glady O’Brien, Margaret Morris, Sandra Perfect, Leon Gaffney, Madeleine Bateman Duffy, Lorraine Haarhoff, Mary Haworth, Roslyn Ivey, Matt Ryde, Elsie Thompson, Maria Rego, Kazimierz Owczarek, Paul O’Sullivan, Vida Gleeson, Ted Twomey, Catherine Sinnamon, Paul Keppel. RECENTLY DECEASED: Rina Martina, Mary Ridley. ANNIVERSARIES: Cath Wilkes. BAPTISMS: Rose Robotham. Diary Dates NOVEMBER 22 9am-12noon Craft & craft material sale (Sr Jeanette) - Goldicott 23 Christ the King Baptism: 11am—St Ignatius 25 2pm Coffee & Chat—Horstmann Room 28 Young at Heart (movies) 2pm Open the Church—St Ignatius 30 1st Sunday Advent Peter’s Pence retiring collection (at all masses) Fair Trade stall (after Mass) —Holy Spirit Baptisms: 10.30-11.30am—St Ignatius 7pm PPC’s end-of-year dinner DAILY SCRIPTURE READINGS Mon: Tues: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: 34th Week Ordinary (A) 1st Reading Gospel Revelation 14:1-5. Luke 21:1-4. Revelation 14:14-19. Luke 21:5-11. Revelation 15:1-4. Luke 21:12-19. Rev’n 18:1-2,21-23; 19:1-3,9. Luke 21:20-28 Revelation 20:1-4,11-21:2. Luke 21:29-33. Revelation 22:1-7. Luke 21:36. AVAILABLE NOW (on rotary stands or at church doors) 2015 BREAK OPEN THE WORD— $10 please put money in envelope supplied with book & place on the collection plate. AUST. JESUITS COMPANIONS Summer: Free BRIS WEST DEANERY NEWSLETTER Nov.: Free APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER November: Free. AUSTRALIAN CATHOLICS Christmas: Free. MADONNA MAGAZINE Spring: $11. THE CATHOLIC LEADER Weekly: $2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Christmas Cards: pack of 5: $2.50 ea * Children’s Advent Calendars: $6.95 & $8.50ea. * 2015Columban Art Calendars: $9ea Sales aid Toowong conference of Society of St Vincent de Paul Any inclusions for the Parish newsletter should be marked to the attention of the Parish Secretary & received at Parish Office no later than Thursday mornings. Thank you. PARISH INORMATION PARISH COLLECTIONS Including Clergy Support:$2,488.65, Other: $160. Each year parishes in the Archdiocese of Brisbane take up the Peter’s Pence collection, as a retiring collection. Our parish hold this next weekend of 29/30 November (1st Sunday of Advent). This collection gives Catholics in Australia an opportunity to join in communion with the Catholic faith throughout the world in support of the charitable works of the Holy See. BAGS FOR SALE at all masses this weekend (and also at ‘craft sale’ Sat morning, 9am12noon at Goldicott). Cash only, no eftpos. Help me clear the decks! ~ Proceeds will go to Fr Cao sj [Burma] and Sr Denise rsm [Cambodia]. —Anne Forbes. COFFEE AND CHAT All ladies welcome for a coffee & a chat at our final gathering of the year on Tues 25 Nov., 2pm in the Horstmann Room. Come along and meet up with old and new friends. Also, at this gathering we will taking (cash) donations for Mater Ovarian Cancer Research, in memory of Sr Jeanette Collis rsm. PARISH NEWS At the invitation of the High Commissioner of Nauru, Mr Martin Quinn, Fr Peter and his siblings are spending 3 days on Nauru during the coming week. They will visit several key locations on the island to honour their father, Dr Bernard Quin, and the 4 other white-men killed in 1943, when Japan entered the pacific-war. Please keep them all in your prayers for a safe journey. WELCOME BACK to Fr Gaetan who returned safely from his trip to Japan last week. Here is a short message from him about the trip —“Extraordinary was this visit to Kyushu, the southern-most main island of the Japanese archipelago, the land of the Last Samurai and the Hidden Christians. St Francis Xavier converted the Kyushians, thousands of them to the Catholic faith; the Tokugawa Shogunati issued a ban and a campaign of severe persecution. This led to the hidden Christians. If you ever wanted to visit the heart of Japan this is the tour for you. Thanks to Tony Luxton (Japan Holidays) and his dedicated staff for this incredible experience into Japanese culture.” YOUNG AT HEART Join us on Friday 28 November to attend a movie of choice at the morning session at the Regal Twin, Graceville or Eldorado Cinema, Indooroopilly. Followed by lunch nearby. Contact Ursula 3878 9002 or Beryl 3371 5210 for details. OPEN THE CHURCH St Ignatius Church will be open from 2pm on Friday 28 Nov. (staying open through to 5.30 evening Mass). NB this will be the last for the year. All are welcome to come for as short or long a time as suits—no structured prayer, nor formalities—it’s your quiet time with the Lord. Enquiries: Betty Andrews 3870 8867. PPC members end-of-year dinner on Sunday 30 November at ‘China Sea’, Milton. ST IGNATIUS PEACE THROUGH JUSTICE GROUP will hold a Fair Trade stall on Sun 30 Nov. (Holy Spirit) and 6/7 December (St. Ignatius/all masses). This is your chance to buy some lovely early Christmas presents from the Sisters of the Good Shepherd (Trading Circle). We will also have Christian books for children available. Don't miss the opportunity! Also, many heartfelt thanks to those parishioners who donated goods for our Christmas hampers for refugees and asylum seekers in Woodridge. The boxes will be at the back of the churches until 6/7 Dec. Info: Karin 3870 7295. NEW PRIVACY LAWS: The Archdiocese of Brisbane is running workshops (in-service) on Privacy Compliance in response to the Privacy Act 1988, in various locations around the archdiocese. This ‘in-service’ is mandatory for our parish clergy and office staff; however, any parishioner interested in attending please contact Sandy Dunne at the parish office (Mon-Wed) 3870 7818 for further information on dates and locations. He who laughs once prays twice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sometimes, when I look at my children, I say to myself, ‘Lillian, you should have remained a virgin.’ - Lillian Carter (mother of Jimmy Carter). I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: - ‘No good in a bed, but fine against a wall.’ Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year. - Victor Borge. Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. - Mark Twain I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. - Groucho Marx. My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying. - Rodney Dangerfield. Until I was thirteen, I thought my name was SHUT UP. - Joe Namath. I don’t feel old. I don’t feel anything until noon. Then it’s time for my nap. - Bob Hope. OUR MISSION PRAYER We, the St Ignatius community, are called to live the good news. We pray that we become the people that Jesus Christ called us to be. We pray that we know the Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit through knowing Jesus in prayer, scripture and liturgy. We pray that we give hope to others by a practical, personal kindness, affirming each person's dignity, worth and destiny in Christ. May we live out this mission of our Christian vocation in the spirit of St. Ignatius. Parish WEBSITE Current Newsletter now on our website! When making out your will please consider the needs of the parish PARISH OFFICE INFORMATION Phone: 3870 7818. Fax: 3870 7857. Postal Address: 30 Kensington Terrace, Toowong Qld 4066 Email: Website: Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am—4.30pm (closed for lunch 1—1.30pm ) Emergency Contact If you require a priest in an emergency, please phone the parish office and follow the prompts. Jesuit Community of Qld Parish Office Staff Liturgical Ministry:Parish Pastoral Council PRIMARY SCHOOL Charles Costello—Chair Fr John Reilly SJ Superior Sandy Dunne - Finance Roster Co-ordinatorsPrincipal— Fr Peter Quin SJ PP Fr Gaetan Pereira SJ APP Fr Ian Howells SJ Fr Vince Hurley SJ Fr Greg Jordan SJ Faber CIS, Bardon Director: Fr John Reilly SJ Administrator: Allison King Phone: 3368 2450 Monica Florence - Newsletter Sacramental Co-Ordinator Cathy Bennett St Ignatius Church: * Ministry Roster: Sharon Krippner 3371 9334 *Altar Server Convenor: Tony Castel 0438192298 Holy Spirit Church Staff meeting each Wednesday 2pm. * Rosters, Children’s Liturgy & Altar Server Training: Louise Wellington 3876 8786 Finance & Development Roycelyn Wilden David Slater—Chair APRE— Musical Director Rachelle Gibson Anthony Young 46 Grove Street, Toowong Qld 4066 Phone: 3371 1094 www.stignatiustoowong. . * OSHC— 3870 3270 Queensland’s Privacy Scheme and the Commonwealth Government’s legislation deals with the manner in which private sector organisations may record, use, store and disclose information, including health information, collected from individuals. The Parish of Toowong is committed to upholding and implementing the Privacy Principles set out in both the legislations and Privacy Scheme and by the Archdiocese of Brisbane. A copy of the Parish's Privacy Policy is available to any parishioner by contacting the Parish Office on 3870 7818 during office hours.
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