HealthPro News A monthly publication for participating HMSA health care providers, facilities, and their staff. November 2014 ADMINISTRATION & NEWS C QM On July 31, 2014, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a rule that finalized October 1, 2015, as the ICD-10 transition date. This deadline allows providers, insurance companies, and others in the health care industry time to ramp up their operations to ensure their systems and business processes are ready to go on October 1, 2015. Coding & Claims 3 Pharmacy 4 The CMS website,, has been updated with several new topics that might be of interest to you and helpful in your practice. CMS has created “Road to 10” to help small practices restart their transition to ICD-10. The Quick References section also provides resources for clinical documentation, coding, and implementation guides. You can also view special documentation webcasts. Plans 5 Policy News 6 HMSA has continued its efforts to convert to ICD-10 during the delay. We’re now developing a revised implementation schedule based on the October 1, 2015, date. We’ll share details with you as they’re finalized. Calendar 8 C QM Medicare Hawai‘i Medical Service Association Outpatient Surgical PRG List Effective February 1, 2015, all mandatory office procedures that have grouper assignments will be removed from the Outpatient Surgical Procedure-Related Group (PRG) list posted in the Provider Resource Center. If you think an office procedure should be done in a higher setting, please contact HMSA to precertify the service. To review the list, visit C QM Commercial QUEST ICD-10 News 818 Keeaumoku St. (808) 948-6330 An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association P.O. Box 860 Honolulu, HI 96808-0860 Provider Resource Center 1100-1074 What’s Inside 2 w HealthPro News - Health Care Providers, Facilities, and Staff C QM November 2014 Use Social Media Are you on social media? Did you know … Ninety percent of respondents 18-24 years of age say they would trust medical information shared by others on their social media networks? Why does this matter? A millennial’s social media network is a group of people that’s well-trusted online, which presents an opportunity for health care professionals to connect with this group in a new and authentic way. Sixty percent of social media users are more likely to trust social media posts and activity by doctors over any other group. Why does this matter? Doctors are highly revered for their opinions when shared on social media. This is even more reason to boost your reach as a health care professional and use social media to discuss the industry. Follow us on social media and we’ll follow you! Let’s work together, connect online, and share what we know to advance the health of Hawaii. Facebook: myhmsa Twitter: @AskHMSA C QM Instagram: @AskHMSA Pinterest: @MyHMSA Vine: @AskHMSA LinkedIn: HMSA YouTube: HMSANow Using the KX Modifier Appropriately By using the KX modifier, a DME supplier indicates that coverage criteria have been met and medical necessity has been established as defined in the Medicare National Coverage Determinations, Noridian Medicare DME LCDs/ Articles, and/or HMSA Medical Policies. It also indicates the required documentation (including appropriate medical record documentation) is on file at the supplier’s location and available if requested by HMSA. DME suppliers should review the specific documentation requirements in the Medicare National Coverage Determinations, Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) and Policy Articles, and HMSA Medical Policies to ensure that documentation requirements have been met. Simply adding the KX modifier without understanding what it represents is improper billing. HMSA monitors the use of the KX modifier and may request records for retrospective reviews to validate that the KX modifier is used appropriately. HMSA Akamai Advantage plans follow Medicare rules. The KX modifier is not accepted on claims under certain HMSA medical policies for DME, prosthetics, and orthotics that require precertification. For commercial lines of business, HMSA accepts the KX modifier for the following items: • AFO/KAFO. • Cervical traction units. • Commodes. • Continuous positive airway pressure devices (CPAP). • External infusion pumps (except insulin pumps and CGMS). • Hospital beds. • Manual wheelchair bases (except K0004, K0005, K0009). • Nebulizers. C QM Commercial QUEST Medicare • Orthopedic footwear. • Patient lifts. • Prefabricated knee orthoses. • Pressure-reducing support surfaces. • Speech generating devices. • Therapeutic shoes for people with diabetes. • Walkers. • Wheelchair options/accessories (except for E1399 and K0108). • Wheelchair seating (except for E1399 and K0108). 3 w HealthPro News - Health Care Providers, Facilities, and Staff November 2014 CODING & CLAIMS C QM Chlamydia Screening Chlamydia trachomatis is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in the U.S. This infection is most prevalent among sexually active adolescent and young adult women. This often can be a sensitive subject for these women. Confidentiality is very important for your patient. You should know that: • A chlamydia screening will display as “Diagnostic Lab” on a claims report. • The Report to Member (RTM) will also indicate “Diagnostic Lab” for a chlamydia screening. Based on the eligibility of the member, you may qualify for reimbursement. As a note, screenings submitted directly to the Hawaii Department of Health are not eligible for HMSA reimbursement. For sexually active female patients ages 16-24, please use the CPT codes listed below to file claims that identify chlamydia screenings. Using these codes: • Eliminates the need for you to manually log the screenings in Cozeva; the data is automatically applied to your pay-for-quality measures (to those that are eligible). • Reduces the need for supplemental audit of your data. • Provides HMSA with valuable data to track trends. CPT Code C QM Description 87110 Culture, chlamydia, any source 87270 Chlamydia trachomatis, immunoflorescent 87320 Chlamydia trachomatis, EIA, qualitative or semi- qualitative 87490 Chlamydia trachomatis, direct probe technique 87491 Chlamydia trachomatis, amplified probe technique 87492 Chlamydia trachomatis, quantification 87810 Chlamydia trachomatis, direct optical observation Revised CMS-1500 Form Beginning October 1, 2014, paper claims must be submitted using the revised CMS-1500 form (version 02-12). We are no longer accepting the previous version. C QM Updates to Bright Futures Recommendations The American Academy of Pediatrics/Bright Futures released the 2014 Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care (Periodicity Schedule) and a new resource titled Achieving Bright Futures, which provides guidance on the service categories recommended at each Bright Futures preventive care visit. HMSA refers to these documents to stay in compliance with Affordable Care Act requirements on preventive care. We encourage providers to familiarize themselves with these documents, which can be found via the American Academy of Pediatrics website: 2014 Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care: Achieving Bright Futures: C QM Commercial QUEST Medicare 4 w HealthPro News - Health Care Providers, Facilities, and Staff November 2014 PHARMACY C QM Hydrocodone Scheduling Change: Hydrocodone Combination Products (HCPs) Beginning October 6, 2014, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) changed all hydrocodone combination products (HCPs) from Schedule III to Schedule II of the Controlled Substance Act (CSA). Why? The CSA places substances with accepted medical use into one of four schedules. Substances that have the highest potential for harm and abuse are in Schedule II and substances with progressively less potential for harm and abuse are in Schedules III through V. What does this mean for my patients? Active hydrocodone prescriptions are void and patients will need new hard copy prescriptions to get future HCPs after October 6, 2014. Prescriptions written for HCPs after October 6, 2014, cannot be written to allow refills. C QM New FDA-Approved Drug for Treatment of Hepatitis C On October 10, 2014, the FDA approved Harvoni (ledipasvir/sofosbuvir), the first all-oral, interferon-free regimen to treat chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 infection in adults. Precertification is required for this drug and can be obtained through CVS/Caremark. As Harvoni’s primary component is sofosbuvir (Sovaldi), the criteria in the Sovaldi policy are applicable, as appropriate, until a medical policy specific to Harvoni can be developed. C QM Specialty - Commercial Medical Plans Relevant Changes to Specialty Drugs Processing through the Medical Benefit Generic Name sodium hyaluronate C QM Brand Name Drug Class Monovisc, Orthovisc, Gel-One, Hyalgan, Supartz, Euflexxa, Synvisc, Synvisc One Osteoarthritis (Hyaluronic acid derivatives) Current Tier Tier effective 2/1/15 Specialty Specialty Utilization Management Description Prior authorization and step therapy will be applied New Large Print Prescription Label Available at Mail Order CVS/Caremark, HMSA’s mail-order pharmacy vendor, is now offering an easier-to-read prescription label for your patients with vision difficulties. Request this benefit for your patients by putting “Large Font” on their mail-order prescription. To provide clarity for the prescription entry technicians, please separate these words from the drug name and dosing instructions. Once a member has opted in for large-print labels, all future labels will be large print. Remember that mail order saves trips to the pharmacy, improves adherence, and can save money for your Akamai Advantage members. Please encourage use of 90-day fills by mail for maintenance medications. C QM Commercial QUEST Medicare 5 w HealthPro News - Health Care Providers, Facilities, and Staff November 2014 PLANS C QM QUEST Referral Policy As a reminder, PCPs no longer need to register patient referrals to most HMSA participating specialists. If the specialist participates with HMSA QUEST and practices on the patient’s island of residence, then the PCP doesn’t have to register the referral with HMSA QUEST. Specialists should document the referral in their patients’ medical records. If a referral isn’t in your medical records, please contact the PCP to confirm if specialty care is recommended. PCPs still need to register referrals for the following types of services to ensure the specialists’ claims are paid: • All off-island specialty care involving patient travel. • Plastic surgery. • Rehabilitation services. • Dermatology services. Principles of the referral policy • PCPs will continue to manage and coordinate their patients’ care and to be the source of referral for specialty care. • We discourage patients from self-referring to specialists. We emphasize the importance of communication and collaboration between PCPs and specialists. In the interest of continuity of care, PCPs should document in their medical records that they have referred the patient to a specialist. Specialists, in turn, should document in their medical records that the patient was referred by the PCP and communicate the findings of the consultation or the results of the procedure. C QM QUEST Provider Handbook Updates – HMSA QUEST 24-Hour Nurse Advice Line There have been changes to sections of the QUEST Provider Handbook. The changes include information on the HMSA QUEST 24-Hour Nurse Advice Line that our QUEST members can call free of charge to speak with a nurse 24 hours a day. The nurse can answer medical questions and advise whether members should apply home care, make an appointment to see their PCP, or go to the emergency room for immediate care. Let your HMSA QUEST patients know about the availability of the HMSA QUEST 24-Hour Nurse Advice Line and encourage them to call when they need to speak with a medical professional at any time. The number is 948-6486 on Oahu or 1 (800) 440-0640 toll-free on the Neighbor Islands. QUEST – Enabling Services: QUEST – Emergent/Urgent Care: QUEST – Responsibilities of the PCP: C QM Commercial QUEST Medicare 6 w HealthPro News - Health Care Providers, Facilities, and Staff November 2014 POLICY NEWS Medical policies are at For copies, call Provider Services at 948-6330 on Oahu or 1 (800) 790-4672 toll-free on the Neighbor Islands. C QM Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) – Precertification Required Effective December 1, 2014, MRS will be covered for the following: • To differentiate post-treatment tumor recurrence from post-treatment scarring/abnormalities. • When there is evidence or suspicion of neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. Precertification will be required for MRS. This requirement applies to all providers whether or not the provider is waived from the precertification requirements for advanced imaging services. The MRS Clinical Practice Guidelines can be found on Precertification can be obtained from NIA by logging on to or by calling 1 (866) 306-9729 toll-free. C QM New Policy Drafts Online for Review Drafts of new medical policies are posted online for your review. Please visit in the Provider E-Library for drafts of policies that may affect your practice. Please comment by the due date indicated online. You can send email to or fax 944-5611 on Oahu. For questions, call Provider Services at 948-6330 on Oahu or 1 (800) 790-4672 toll-free on the Neighbor Islands. C QM Annual Review of Medical Policies The following policies have undergone review and have been updated in the Provider E-Library at prc0006; printed copies are available on request. • Apnea Monitors for Infants. • Bariatric Surgery. • Complementary Alternative Medicine. • Forteo (Teriparatide). • Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation for Acute Myeloid Leukemia. • Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation for Plasma Cell Dyscrasias, including Multiple Myeloma and POEMS Syndrome. • Home Phototherapy for Neonatal Jaundice. • Low Molecular Weight Heparin. • Remiciade (infliximab). • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimualtions (TENS). C QM Commercial QUEST Medicare 7 w HealthPro News - Health Care Providers, Facilities, and Staff November 2014 POLICY NEWS (continued) C QM 90-Day Notice for Policy Changes The following policies have been updated and are effective February 1, 2015. • Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, and Orthotics (private business); the administrative guidelines include revisions that can be found at • Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, and Orthotics (small group and individual plans, Fed87, and QUEST Integration): The administrative guidelines include revisions that can be found at • Home continuous inotropic infusion therapy: The criteria/guidelines and references include revisions that can be found at • Occupational therapy: The criteria/guidelines, administrative guidelines, and references include revisions that can be found at • Physical therapy: The limitations/exclusions and references include revisions that can be found at • Zevalin (Ibritumomab tiuxetan): The criteria/guidelines, limitations/exclusions, and references include revisions that can be found at C QM New Policies A new policy for Afirma goes into effect February 1, 2015. We encourage you to read the criteria before the effective date. Please refer to the current medical policy online for more information, including precertification requirements, at Correction: The following policies were mistakenly listed in the October HealthPro News with the wrong effective date. They will go into effect February 1, 2015. • Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation. • Tilt Table Testing. C QM Specialty Drugs that Require Precertification Effective September 5, 2014, the following drugs require precertification as provided for under our policy that all new specialty drugs require precertification, effective on the date of approval by the FDA. CPT Codes J3490/J3590 Description Ruconest (recombinant human C1 esterase inhibitor) Effective September 18, 2014, the following drugs require precertification as provided for under our policy that all new specialty drugs require precertification, effective on the date of approval by the FDA. CPT Codes J3490/J3590 C QM Commercial QUEST Medicare Description Keytruda (pembrolizumab) 8 w HealthPro News - Health Care Providers, Facilities, and Staff November 2014 CALENDAR QUEST Integration Informational Session SAVE THE DATE! A QUEST Integration informational session is coming soon, so book the date so you don’t miss out! C QM For more information, refer your patients to or have them call 1 (855) 329-5461 toll-free to register. Germ Busters Find out about common respiratory illnesses and their symptoms, treatment, and prevention. • 11/3, 5:30–6:30 p.m. Kauai Healthways Office Explore ways to obtain necessary nutrients for a healthy lifestyle without eating meat. • 11/6, 6–7 p.m. Kapi‘olani Women’s Center at Artesian Plaza, Honolulu Season’s Eatings Discover strategies to maintain your health and weight during the tempting holiday season. • 11/10, 10–11 a.m. HMSA Kailua-Kona Office Diabetes 101 Learn about recommended tests and procedures for diabetes and ways to improve your blood glucose levels. • 11/19, 12:30–1:30 p.m. Kalihi YMCA • 11/7, 4:30–5:30 p.m. HMSA Center @ Honolulu • 11/8, 9:30–10:30 a.m. Kaimuki Plaza, Kaimana Room • 11/17, 10–11 a.m. HMSA Kailua-Kona Office • 11/18, 5:30–6:30 p.m. HMSA Center @ Hilo Medicare Meatless Alternatives • 11/15, 5:30–6:30 p.m. Kaimuki Plaza, Kaimana Room • 11/4, 10–11 a.m. HMSA Maui Office, Kahului C QM If you can’t make it to the session in person, we’re also making it available live via the Web, so you can view the session at one of our offices or at your home or office. We’ll also record the session and make it available online in the HMSA Provider Resource Center. Well-Being Workshops The workshops listed below are available to HMSA members at no cost. These informative sessions are presented by Healthways health educators and can help your patients improve their health and well-being. Commercial QUEST November 19, 2014 Noon-2 p.m. QMC Conference Center Exercise: the Magic Bullet Learn fun and convenient ways to be more active. • 11/13, 5:30–6:30 p.m. HMSA Center @ Pearl City 9 w HealthPro News - Health Care Providers, Facilities, and Staff November 2014 CALENDAR (continued) C QM Community Classes Walk With a Doc on Hawaii Island Adult Fitness at Queen’s Meet up, rain or shine, for some beneficial, low-impact exercise. Walk includes a brief warm-up/stretch and an informative talk from a community doctor or medical student. First-time walkers get a free T-shirt and pedometer. For more information, see The Queen’s Medical Center, Women’s Health Center Classroom. Six classes for $66. Call 691-7117 to register. • Every Sunday, 8 a.m. Liliuokalani Gardens, Hilo The Great American Smokeout Ready to quit smoking? We can do it together! The Queen’s Cancer Center, The American Cancer Society, and I Ola Lahui will be hosting an awareness event on the hazards of smoking. Get informational materials from the American Cancer Society and talk to a professional facilitator about free smoking cessation classes with incentives. No registration needed. Call 691-8984 for more information. • November 20, 2014, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Queen’s Medical Center Harkness Kiosk Health & Education at Queen’s The Queen’s Medical Center, Women’s Health Center Classroom • Genetics Class: Learn about prenatal genetic screening and tests to check the health of your baby. Call 691-7633 for times and information. Free. • Lamaze Class: Sundays, 1 p.m.–4 p.m. Get birthing techniques from a Lamaze-certified instructor in this birth-partner-focused class. $150 per couple for five sessions. C QM Commercial QUEST Medicare • Pilates and Yoga with Fitness Cue: Mondays, noon–1 p.m. Strengthen and lengthen muscles and improve spinal health and alignment. Instructor: Li Si Yang. • Bollywood and Beyond: Tuesdays, 4:30–5:30 p.m. Perform upbeat and expressive movements from around the world. Instructor: Willow Chang. • Journey to Fitness Pyramid: Wednesdays, noon – 1 p.m. Learn corrective exercises and five principles of good health and fitness. Instructor: Li Si Yang. • Kickboxing Fitness: Thursdays, 6–7 p.m. Tone your body using mitts, kick pads, and standing heavy bags. Instructor: Mineyo Shimojo. • Jazzercise: Fridays, noon –1 p.m. Dance-based cardio and strength training. Instructor: Sheri Yamashita. Wellness at Castle Medical Center Castle Medical Center, Castle Wellness Auditorium, Kailua. Call 263-5400 or visit to register. • Fit and Fantastic Feet: Tuesday, November 4, 1–2:30 p.m. Healthy feet will make for a happier you. Shed your shoes for this session on foot exercises and self-massage techniques for your feet. Presented by Eileen Towata, Ph.D, PMA® certified Pilates teacher. $15/person. Registration required. • Lymphedema/Breast Cancer Clinic: First and third Wednesdays, 1–2 p.m. Learn exercises to prevent lymphedema (swelling of the arms). Free. • In Sickness & In Health: Modern Treatment of Varicose Veins: Thursday, November 13, 6–7:30 p.m. Learn the latest techniques to relieve leg pain and swelling. Outpatient treatments in a physician’s office are now available. Presented by Dr. Sonny Wong. Free. • Mammogram and Cervical Cancer Screening: Every other Friday, 8 a.m.–noon. Free for women ages 50–64, uninsured or underinsured, or low income. Call 691-7726 for times and eligibility information. • Eat Well For Life: Pupus for Parties: Thursday, November 20, 6–7:15 p.m. Just in time for the holiday entertaining, these tasty and healthy nibbles are sure to be a hit at your holiday gatherings. $10/person. Registration required.
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