Monday 3 November - Term 4 Week 5 Calendar Week 5: 3 November – 7 November Day Thursday • • • • • • Life Education Life Education Life Education Kinder Orientation Day #2 11:15-12:30 Gymnastics Year 2 Life Education Friday • Life Education Monday Tuesday Wednesday Week 6: 10 November – 14 November • • • • • • • • • Life Education Life Education Life Education Councillor Short List Vote Yrs 4-6 Gymnastics Year 2 Life Education Kinder Orientation Day #3 11:15-12:30 Volunteer Night Out Life Education Principal’s Report Canteen Crisis: Over recent weeks we have consistently had a shortage of canteen volunteers. In order for us to keep the canteen functioning to capacity we need volunteers for each day, with Tuesdays a priority. I am seeking your URGENT consideration to volunteer in the canteen and ask that if you have any spare time at all to contact our Canteen Supervisor Annie Dangas 0404 517 390 . In the absence of extra volunteers we will be reviewing the operation of the canteen (ie over the counter sales, hours of operation, simplifying our menu, or at worst closures on certain days). I sincerely hope that you can assist us in this request so that we are able to continue to provide this wonderful service to our students. Times Tables for this week: The following tables will be the focus: Years 3 and 4 will revise the 7X,8X. Years 5 and 6 will revise the 8X,9X. Mr Graham will see class champions at 11.30am on Monday Life Education Program: The Life Education program will be implemented next week, commencing on Monday 3 November and conclude on Friday 14 November. Notes have come home about this program earlier. Life Education is a valuable program which attempts to prepare our students with strategies to manage the temptations of modern living. Thank you to Mrs Buckton for coordinating this program. Welcome 2015 Kinder students and families: Our 2015 Kinder students have their second orientation day this Wednesday 5 November, commencing at 11.15am. The third general orientation visit will occur on Thursday 13 November. There will be a welcome BBQ for 2015 Kinder students and their families on Thursday 13 November after the third orientation visit. Welcome to the Eleebana Public School learning community! NSW PSSA KO Cricket: Last Tuesday our cricket team played The Junction PS at Smith Park Hamilton in round 6 of the NSW PSSA cricket knockout. In what was a high quality game, The Junction PS team won 84 runs to 79. Our boys were very disappointed, but played well and have taken some comfort with the fact that 9 of our team are in Year 5 and expect to go even further in 2015. Congratulations boys and thanks to Mr Burrows for his coaching and management of the team in 2014. Won’t Be At Eleebana Public School in 2015? If your children are definitely NOT going to be at Eleebana Public School in 2015, could you please let the office know as soon as possible please? We are now planning our enrolment numbers for classes in 2015, and need to have an accurate estimate of our numbers. 2015 Student Enrolments: All students who are 4 ½ to 6 years of age are entitled to start school in 2015 in our Kindergarten classes. If you have students who are in this age group, or know of families of students in this age group, or any neighbours who currently attend other schools and would like to attend Eleebana PS in Kinder to Year 6 in 2015, could you (and tell them to) please contact the school office for an application form for enrolment. Thank you everyone. School Zone Signs with Flashing Lights: The NSW Government has provided funding for the placement of school zone signs with flashing lights at all schools by the end of next year to alert motorists of the 40km speed limit required during school drop off and pick up times. Installing these flashing lights in schools zones has been shown to improve driver awareness of the need to drive at a lower speed to ensure the safety of children and others coming and going from the school area. Roads and Maritime Services are delivering this safety initiative and plan to install signs outside Eleebana Public School Eastbound and Westbound on Glad Gunson Drive the week beginning Friday 07 November outside of 40km school zone hours. Work will take up to two hours to complete, weather permitting. Lights are installed on pre-existing poles or new poles are put in place if needed. Partial lane closures may be in place while work is carried out to ensure safety of road users and workers. There will be some noise associated with this work, but every effort will be made to minimise these impacts. For more information about the flashing lights program please visit the Centre for Road Safety website at (go to the schools section) or you can contact our team on 1800 726 958 or Parking: Please avoid parking in the driveways of local residents as this can cause great inconvenience for them. It is timely to remind community members to avoid parking in no stopping or no parking zones around the school as there are significant fines for doing so. NOTE: Please do not park in the disabled parking facility near the entry gate to the staff carpark on Ian Street unless you have a Disabled Parking Permit and have a disability. Thank you everyone. Ian Graham, Principal Deputy Principal’s Report Outstanding Newcastle Permanent Mathematics Competition: Congratulations to the Year 4, 5 & 6 students who achieved merits, distinctions and high distinction in this year's competition. You will see by the HUGE number of certificate winners listed in the newsletter that the school did extremely well! Additionally, five students have been invited to the Newcastle Permanent Maths Camp at Myuna Bay early next year - Zoe Fennell, Nicholas Sugg, Izaac Smith, Larissa Mullard and Olivia Isenhood – extra good! Ethics 2015: Ethics classes will continue at EPS in 2015. If your child/ren have been attending ethics classes in 2014 you will NOT need to re-enrol them, however new students must present a parental consent form (available from the office) either now, or as early as possible in the 2015 school year. The classes are only available during scripture (SRE) time and as such are only available to children who do not attend scripture. The ethics program at Eleebana is presented by Primary Ethics, an independent, non-profit organisation whose describe their aim as providing young students with the opportunity and skills to consider moral and ethical issues that they will encounter through life. Most of the topics in the curriculum provide students with the opportunity to develop increasingly sophisticated knowledge and skills in moral reasoning. Children in the younger primary years examine topics such as being left out, sharing and bullying, while older children reflect on issues such as homelessness and child labour to help them consider the feelings and interests of others – one important aspect of moral reasoning. Other aspects include understanding consequences, having empathy, appreciating difference, recognising common capacities, recognising and acting on duties and giving equal consideration. Kindergarten topics include: Questions; Puzzlement; What is OK; Secrets; Doing Harm Without Meaning To; Intentions and Knowledge; Making Things Up, Being Cross; and Hurting Someone. Year 1 and Year 2 topics include: Courage; Forgiving and Being Forgiven; Coming to Grips with Deductive Reasoning; Ownership; How do we Know We’ve Done Something Wrong; and Happiness. Topics for Year 3 and Year 4 include: Being Selfish; Pride; How Should we Treat Living Things; Is Lying Wrong?; Getting Even; Disagreeing Respectfully; Being Greedy; Imaging How Others Feel; and Intention “I Didn’t Mean to Do It’. Topics to be considered by Year 5 and Year 6 students in 2015 will be chosen from a list that includes: Voting - an ethical issue; Punishment; Being Vain; Structure of Arguments; How Far Does Our Moral Responsibility Extend; Jumping to Conclusions; Stealing; Homelessness; Killing Animals for Food; Trusting Science; and, Fairness. Ethics teachers report that students enjoy and value the opportunity to discuss issues and that the approved curriculum lets students express their own views and come to their own conclusions in a mature, thoughtful – and enjoyable - way. The EPS ethics team are keen for more volunteers to teach in the program. No special qualifications are necessary, just an open mind, a willingness to engage with students in a thoughtful, constructive way, and a couple of free hours each Tuesday morning. It is essential that volunteer Ethics teachers: · are comfortable working with and able to engage with children; · have an interest in helping young people to think about ethics; · have an open-minded, inquiring outlook; and, · have excellent communication skills. A free two-day training workshop is provided. If you are interested in becoming a part of this worthwhile and rewarding school activity, check out the Primary Ethics website ( including the section on becoming a teacher ( If you would like to discuss your possible involvement, or help in any other way, or if you just want to talk about the ethics program at Eleebana, feel free to contact Emma Hale . Great things I saw last week: An exciting and fun Stage 2 CAPA Day - full of art, craft, drama and music. Have a great week. Dr Carl Leonard Library News Congratulations to Larissa Mullard 4/5F who is the second person to complete next year’s Premier’s Reading Challenge. Each year Larissa borrows every week, reads challenging texts and displays her love of reading with her insightful comments on the books that she reads. Larissa will definitely succeed in whatever she chooses to do in her life. Reading Logs have now been issued to all students, if your child has not received one please come to the library after checking with the class teacher. Those who read succeed. Thanks, Mrs Forbes Band News Band awards will be handed out to children at 9:00am Thursday 11 Dec under the COLA please invite parents and friends - There will be an information session in the Library on 20 Nov during the K-2 Disco for any parents of students wishing to participate in the Training Band next year. Please come along for an informative session on the processes and benefits of Banding at our school. - Solo Night will be held at Belomt 16's on Monday 17 November all students, parents, staff and friends are invited to attend this special evening as our Bands and Year 6 soloist perform. During weeks 8 and 9 of Term 4 Mr Goeldner and Dr Leonard will be listening to students for the Musicianship Syllabus. The students are allowed to have their scales in front of them, however, extra credit is given for those knowing their scales without the music. Students that have completed an AMEB exam this year and Year 6 students are not required to sit the assessment, however, they may if they choose. Please advise Mr Goeldner in writing (except for Year 6 :) if your child will not be sitting the assessment. It is very friendly and positive. If any child would like to sit the assessment earlier please come and see Mr Goeldner to organise a time. I would actually appreciate assessing children at an earlier date as there are many students to assess. E-Team News Vote For Our School’s Short Film. Earlier this term our E-team captains were involved in making a short film for Hunter Water entitled “Acting Water Wise”. The film’s director, Amber Todd, was thrilled with the imagination and the enthusiasm the students displayed. Congratulations to Briahna Mc Mahon, Chloe Chawner, Kate Baxter, Amelia Bates and India Gaddes. Their film will be aired on the Water Catchers website ( from Monday 3rd November. It’s on this website that you will also be able to vote for the film. There are nine films in all from different schools across the Hunter Region, giving our school a 1 in 9 chance of winning $10 000. The public vote will be combined with a judges’ vote with the winning school announced on 28th November. REMEMBER TO VOTE FOR OUR SCHOOL AT OOSH News We got a little bit spooky at OOSH all last week with some Halloween crafts and treats including, cooking gingerbread men skeletons, ice cream spiders and a pumpkin piñata. This week we are going to begin work on our bottle top mosaic mural and some other creative craft projects. Our AGM was held last Tuesday night the new Executive Committee is as follows; President: John Halligan Vice President: Summa McCosker Treasurer: Jamie Pajtl Public Officer: Emma Rees Secretary: (Yet to be filled) We thank all our volunteer parents for the time and effort that they put into running such a successful service. A special thanks to Karen Harris as outgoing President and Margaret Robertshaw as they have been committed to serving on our Management Committee for all the time their children have attended Eleebana Public school. Now that their children are moving from year 6 into high school we wish them and their families the very best for the future. A reminder to all parents and interested community members that if you wish to have a voice in the way our OOSH service is run you are invited to come along to any Committee meeting, you do not have to be a member of the committee to attend, but you need to be a member of the Committee to have voting rights. The next Committee meeting is 18th November at 6:30pm in the OOSH room. Happy birthday to Tamika M, Zoe T, Max E, Fletcher E and Lachlan W; we hope you all have a wonderful day. For OOSH enquiries or information please phone Carolyn or Kate on 49428186 or visit us between 7-9am or 2.30-3.00pm (please avoid after 3pm as this is our busiest time of day). Thank you, Carolyn and Kate Senior PSSA Cricket Knockout On Tuesday the 28th of October the senior boy’s cricket team travelled to Smith Park at Hamilton to take on the Junction Public school in the regional final. The junction elected to bat after winning the toss and we made the best start possible with a wicket from Sam Haren’s first ball. After a few quick wickets, the junction started to score freely before an amazing catch from Ryan James slowed the run rate. A great effort from all fielders and bowlers meant that we bowled the Junction out for 84 in the 21st over. Matt and Sam started strong with the bat against some of the fastest bowling I’ve ever seen from a 12 year old. They batted out the first few overs and saw the openers off. We were very comfortable at drinks at 3-50 however a return of the opening bowlers saw a much slower rate after drinks. An amazing effort from all batsmen saw us fall 4 runs short after needing at least a run a ball for the last few overs. The boys showed sportsmanship of the highest quality and should be extremely proud of their efforts. With 9 of the team only in year 5 we look forward to an even stronger team next year and the possibility of going even further. I was extremely proud of the boys and it was a pleasure to coach them throughout the year! Mr Burrows Senior Cricket Coach Aerobics Aerobics for Term 4 is now underway. Interested students are currently participating in Sport on Friday afternoons and Year 2 will be spoken to today about coming Monday lunchtimes. If your Year 2 child expresses an interest for Mondays, a sports uniform would be recommended for full range of movement. Nicole Maslowski, Ultimate Beat, returns from World Championships this week and it is expected at this stage, she will remain employed for chereography and coaching. Students in Sport or coming at lunchtimes will be considered for teams next year under your permission (coming soon). At the moment, they should be coming just to see what the Sport demands and if they enjoy it. Thanks Sarah Williams Canteen Roster: 10 November – 14 November Monday Leah Morgan Tuesday Donna Jones Wednesday Lisa Kimber Nadine Masia Mary Anne Milas Thursday Jo Hall Friday Heidi Cairney Lis D Amber Thoroughgood P & C News – from the President The figures have been confirmed for our profit made from the Spring Fair for 2014. I am extremely happy to say we have made a clear profit of just under $27,000! Thank you once again to all involved in making this event such a hugely successful day. Last Monday evening I am very happy to announce, the P&C proposed a motion to outfit the entire school with wifi and the purchase of 30 iPads to the value of approximately $36,000. This is such a valuable investment in the future learning of our children, and all the Executive of the P&C are very proud to be a major player in its initiation. The P&C will be running its BBQ the evening of the school disco on the 20th November. If you would like to volunteer to assist with the BBQ or in the canteen please see myself or Annie. There will unfortunately not be any Christmas Carols this year due to a shortage of man power. We will look to holding one next year. Last week I announced Rodney James had won the major raffle prize, the Hamilton Island holiday. It was in fact his wife Sharon James who won the prize. Thanks, Vanessa Price Merits NPBS Certificates Aidan Jemma Ethan Chiara Kaleb Chloe Zoe Liam Charlotte Daniel Codie Briahna Joel Bailey Ethan Lachlan Adam Amelia Emma Tyler India Reagan Harrison Bolton Harvey Hayes Macchia Milgate Chawner Cooksey Burnell Ward Korsman Tisdell McMahon Sayers Offord Sharrock Wilton Baker Bates Wrightson Boxsell Gaddes Wood Nikic Nicholas Bethany Zackary Joshua Rosie Domenic Benjamin Aidan Riley Erin Torren Julia Archie Cameron Georgia Holli Seth Peri Matthew Jackson Race Alexander Rye Loughlin Bray Pajtl Adams Cooksey Hodgson McDonald Sharrock Deer Peters Andrews Finn Johnson Lehman Maynard Shortland Suprano Whitington Barnes Cotton Ivkovic Aidan Asha Campbell Chelsea Lauren Ashley Lyall Trisley Bryson Crouch Rees Robertshaw Olivia Coopah Zachary Samuel Tayden Isenhood Hyslop Cutler Haren Nicholas Freya Alexa Hunter Emily Matthew Kyle Khiara Lubinksi Sheldrick Stevenson Davis Giudes VanBraam Langham Seth Max Andrew Ned Darcy Teia Tom Lever Goldsmith Tilley Collins Lloyd Bradbury Bradshaw Distinctions Luke Cassandra Alexander Lola Ethan Alana Isabella Rhys Jacob Tiahn Matthew Fletcher Abbey Tyla Ava Kyra Kayla Jazmyn Ella Emily Min Parkar Denver Oscar Elijah Lachlan Lachlan Jacinta Caleb Theodoridis Bell Carey Suciu-Gleeson Wilson O'Brien Micevski Harvey Hill Langham Diederichs Elliott Beuzeville Ryan Young Rich Dougherty Teague De Grauw Main Burke Reay Williams Elliott Gleeson Jones Jackson Leck Tripp High Distinctions Zoe Nicholas Izaac Larissa John Cas Fennell Sugg Smith Mullard McDonald Masia Spring Fair Winners Main Raffle Winner – Hamilton Island Holiday Sharon James Chocolate Wheel Winners Ipad Mini (The Good Guys Warners Bay) – Karen Taylor Camp Chair (Camping Country Superstore) – Maxine Dawson Sydney entertainment pack – Ben M Charlestown entertainment pack – Sally Chislett Charlestown Square $200 Gift Voucher – Sue Norris Multi Raffle Winners Children’s study desk lamps: 1 Blue – Lynette Langley 1 Pink – Annabelle Miller 1 Purple – Liam Deal 1 x Bottle Scotch Whiskey and Decanter – Corey Sills 1 x Ipod Mini – David Armstrong 2 x Half hour lessons Cagney Tennis Academy – Jo Robson 2 x Children’s Entry to Fair play Café Gateshead – Sharon Mayzen Hunter Valley Chicken and Game Shop $50 Voucher – Lee Xavier Bakers Delight Warners Bay $20 Voucher – Erin Woolaston Itti Baby Pack value at $68 – Mitch Goodwin Cool pix camera– Jack Thomson Mama’Mex Restaurant Warners Bay $20 voucher - Leoni 2 x Spring Loaded Free Bounce Pass One Hour – Gateshead - Leoni 2 x Lake Cinema Boolaroo Complimentary Tickets– Mackenzie Shortland Charlestown Golf Club 18 holes of golf for two People - Alicia Access Pool Services $20 Gift Vouchers – Mount Hutton Tracie Johnson Mio Chen D Moncrieff Emma Hale Super Strike Family Pass for 2 Adults and 2 Children – Logan Peters 1 Car Care Kit – Auto Barn – Warners Bay – Tianne Faber Decorative candelabra set – Amcal Pharmacy Warners Bay – Leigha Hoy Simply Pharmacy Valentine - beauty products – Maxine Dawson 1 x Ripley’s Believe it or not Book – Samantha Smith 1 x Porcelain Handmade doll – A Morgan 1 x Bunnings Multi Function Ozito Tool – Amanda Lee Red Handbag – Sally Donaldson 1 x Shin Digs vouchers DIY helium balloon kit – Xander Hall Genetics Fitness Warners Bay $50 Voucher – S Stubbington Belmont 16Ft Sailing Club $50 Gift Voucher: - Paul Shoesmith Brown Dog Restaurant Warners Bay $50 Voucher – Lisa Chawner Hippo Espresso Warners Bay $50 Voucher – Maxine Dawson British Fish and Chips Warners Bay $10 each Alicia Sally Chislett John Chivers Craig Beuzeville Milkshake Maker – Linda Laughton Swimming pack – Mark Sjostedt Headquarters For Hair Voucher – Claudia Lee Golf Bag – J Osmond Jimmy Figg’s Bare Knuckle Barbers Cut & shave voucher –Deer Family Jessie’s at Valentine Bowling Club Voucher – Paul Shoesmith Kids Gift Basket – Scott Moore Girls Gift Basket – Gillian Speirs Cooking Gift Basket – David Sugg Garden Pack – Ross Burke Assorted Gift Basket – Scott Moore Water Play Gift Basket – Linda Laughton 2 x Jeff Forbes Massage – Claudia Lee Transformers Pack – Jeff Smith Please support our Corporate Sponsors Hall and Ground Hirers Advertisements Community Notices RUN NEWCASTLE - Newcastle Foreshore SUNDAY 30TH NOVEMBER 2014 6km walk 6km run 12km run Help raise much needed funds for the adolescent ward at John Hunter Hospital. The whole school community can contribute to this – students, staff, parents, grandparents and even friends. Each registration contributes to OUR school earning up to $1000 worth of sporting equipment from HART Sports! HOW TO REGISTER: *Visit the website *Click ‘Register now’ *Select ‘Run Newcastle’ *Click that you are registering as a TEAM *Select ‘Public/school’ *Search for ‘Eleebana Public School - OFFICIAL’ *Then fill out your details **YOU MUST JOIN THE OFFICIAL TEAM OR YOU WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE OFFICIAL SCHOOL COUNT**
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