November First Friday

Beth Am Bulletin
November 2014
November First Friday
November’s First Friday Kabbalat Shabbat
service will be on Nov. 7 at 6:30 pm. Following
services there will be a dairy-pareve potluck
dinner. The main course will be provided by
Stan & Wendy Drezek; others attending should
bring a side dish or dessert that will serve 8.
Next month’s First Friday is on Dec. 5.
Rabbinic Support for 5775
With the generous support of Beth Am
members, we are pleased to announce that we
will have monthly rabbinic visits throughout the
coming year. The first will be this month, on
Saturday, Nov. 22, with Rabbi Marcy Greene.
Nov. 22, 2014 – Rabbi Marcy Greene
Dec. 20, 2014 – Chanukah – Rabbi Marcy
Jan. 31, 2015 – Shabbat Shirah – Rabbi
Monty Eliasov
Feb. 21, 2015 – Rabbi Marcy Greene
March 4, 2015 - Purim – Rabbi Monty
March 21, 2015 - Rosh Chodesh Nisan –
Rabbi Marcy Green
April 18, 2015 – Rabbi Marcy Greene
May 16, 2015 – Rabbi Marcy Greene
Thank You
To those who helped with Shabbat services
in October: Rona Aduna, Marion Bernstein,
Stan Drezek, Wendy Drezek, Terri Foose,
Sylvia Hilton, Gary Kurzban, Nancy Oseasohn,
and Mark Shiver
To those who built the congregation’s
sukkah: Stan Drezek, Peter Janes, Ben Kurzban
and Gary Kurzban.
For Simchat Torah music: Sara Purcell
Cheshvan-Kislev 5775
For expediting the ordering of our new
Torah accessories, Rhoda Rappaport.
To those who provided a Shabbat or Yom
Tov kiddush in October: the Kurzban-Ruiz
family, the Shiver family, and David Grant.
Special High Holy Day Thanks
Of course, our thanks are profound to
Rabbi Barry Krieger for handling most of the
hazzanut (cantorial work) for Rosh Hashana
and Yom Kippur. Thanks also to Rabbi
Krieger and Dr. Alice Passer for their heartfelt
and meaningful comments and divrei Torah.
We also would like to thank the following
members of our congregation (alphabetically):
• Rona Aduna – break-the-fast
• Helene
• Karen Berkowitz – 1st day Rosh Hashana
Haftarah, 2nd day Rosh Hashana Torah
portion, Yom Kippur Haftarah, hospitality
• Marion Bernstein – singing, publicity,
• Stan Drezek – security arrangements,
• Wendy Drezek – greeter, special Selichot
• Terri Foose – head honcho for hospitality,
shofar blowing, maps for Tashlich
• Sylvia Hilton – babysitting, children’s
service, help with Kiddush, candle lighting
• Jennifer Janes – advance planning
• Lenny Kestenbaum – chanting of Jonah
• Gary Kurzban – Torah for Yom Kippur
Mincha, Number One Schlepper, kiddush
for Rosh Hashana, day 1
• Nancy Oseasohn – coordinating break-thefast, gifts
• Teresa Ruiz – Kiddush for Rosh Hashana,
Day 1.
• Cindi Scheel – candle lighting
Holli Scheel – Kol Nidre & Leonard Cohen,
shofar blowing
• Mark Shiver – babysitting
• Mathieu Shiver – shofar blowing
• Tori Shiver – children’s service
A special thank-you to our friends:
• April Brahinsky – piano accompanist for
Kol Nidre
• Sarah Purcell – chanting of Jonah
• Terry Stolow – viola, Kol Nidre
• All those who joined us for services
High Holy Day Donations
Thanks to so many of you who have pledged
your dues generously. In fact, we have pledges
from all but a couple of our members. BUT, as
members, we are short in the area of High
Holiday donations to Beth Am. If you have not
already done so, please send your High Holy
Day donation to Rhoda. It is our only fund
raising activity. Our budget is predicated on
healthy support from our members. We need
you to come through now if you have not.
Thank you
Stan Drezek
Contributions to Congregation Beth Am
should be sent to Rhoda Rappaport, 16942
Summer Creek Dr., SAT 78248-1409.
In the Community
The annual Jewish Federation of San
Antonio day-long
phone-a-thon is set
for Sunday, Nov. 2.
There are two
ways to participate –
either by coming to
the Jewish Campus to
make phone solicitations on behalf of the
Jewish community, or by receiving a call and
making a pledge to support Jewish programs
and services here, in Israel, and worldwide.
Helene Bachmann, in memory of her father,
Harry Gripon
The Kestenbaums, in memory of Lee &
Norman Zimmerman and Rabbi & Roslyn
Rona Aduna, in memory of Ruthie Treiser
Joel and Harriet Last, in memory of Jack &
Reggie Last, Daniel & Estelle Sheiffer
Marga Spiecher, in memory of her husband,
Leon Cahan
Rhoda Rappaport, in memory of Lester
Rappaport, Walter Garfinkel, Ben Garfinkel
and Fannie Garfinkel.
Meredith Fox, in honor of the Board of Beth
Stan & Wendy Drezek, in honor of Terri
Foose, Marion Bernstein, Gary Kurzban and
Nancy Oseasohn, for all the good work that
they do.
Meet New Rabbis
at Israel Bonds Event
Five rabbis new to San Antonio will be
featured at a reception on Sunday, Nov. 16, at
7 p.m. at Congregation Rodfei Sholom. The
rabbis are: Rabbi Jeffrey Abraham from
Agudas Achim, Rabbi Mara Nathan from
Temple Beth-El, Rabbi Levi Teldon from
Chabad-Lubavitch, Rabbi David Komerofsky
from Temple Chai and Rabbi Abraham
Scheinberg from Rodfei Sholom.
The featured speaker is Izzy Ezagui, a
young American-born soldier who is serving
in the Israeli Defense Force.
The cost of the event is $36. Reservations
may be made by calling 713/360-3530, or by
e-mail to
Celebrating Simchat Torah at Beth Am
8 Heshvan (Nov. 1) Leroy Shuster, husband of
Dana Shuster
9 Heshvan (Nov. 2) Abraham David Alterman,
great-grandfather of Terri Foose
12 Heshvan (Nov. 5) Ceil Oseasohn, mother of
Nancy Oseasohn
17 Heshvan (Nov. 10) Harold Grant, father of
David Grant
21 Heshvan (Nov. 14) Sabina Davis Maltz,
mother of Debra Maltz
25 Heshvan (Nov. 18) Cheryl Barth, wife of
Marshall Sideman
26 Heshvan (Nov. 19) Ida Lindheim, former
congregant and grandmother of Rabbi Julie
Hilton Danan
5 Kislev (Nov. 27) Benjamin Schwartzman,
grandfather of Gary Kurzban
Terry Ruiz, Henry Bernstein, Holli Scheel and
Stan Drezek participated in the hakafot on
Simchat Torah. The congregation’s brand-new
Torah cover can be seen in the foreground.
(photo taken by Cheryl Patton)
Congregation Beth Am
P.O. Box 780304
San Antonio, TX 78278-0304
 Saturday services are at 10 a.m. in the
Fellowship Hall, UUC, 7150 IH-10 West. 
Nov. 1: Lech Lecha Gabbai: Terri Foose;
Shaliach Tzibbur: Marion Bernstein; Torah:
Marion Bernstein; Haftarah: TBA; D’var Torah:
Rhoda Rappaport; Kiddush: Gail Jennings
Nov. 7: First Friday Kabbalat Shabbat Gabbai:
Stan & Wendy Drezek; Shaliach Tzibbur:
Marion Bernstein; Oneg: Stan & Wendy Drezek
Nov. 15: Chayei Sara Gabbai: Peter Janes;
Shaliach Tzibbur: TBA; Torah: Gary Kurzban;
Haftarah: Stan Drezek; D’var Torah: Richard
Schwartz; Kiddush: Mike Roth (and Evelyn)
Nov. 22: Toldot Gabbai: Terri Foose; Shaliach
Tzibbur: Rabbi Marcy Greene; Torah: Rabbi
Marcy; Haftarah: Lenny Kestenbaum; D’var
Torah: Rabbi Marcy; Kiddush: Terri Foose
Nov. 29: VaYetzeh Gabbai: Terri Foose;
Shaliach Tzibbur: Marion Bernstein; Torah:
TBA; Haftarah: TBA; D’var Torah: Nancy
Oseasohn; Kiddush: Nancy Oseasohn
Dec. 5: First Friday Kabbalat Shabbat Gabbai:
Nancy Oseasohn; Shaliach Tzibbur: Marion
Bernstein; Oneg: Sylvia Hilton
Helene Bachmann
Vice-President, Ritual:
Marion Bernstein
Vice-President, Membership: Rhoda Rappaport
Vice-President, Finance:
Stan Drezek
Vice-President, Administration:
Peter Janes
Rona Aduna
Immediate Past President:
Terri Foose
Rhoda Rappaport
Marion Bernstein
Web site: