ePhorte case number: Filled in by The Prostate Biobank Application to The Prostate Biobank (no. 119 Biobank Registry at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health) Send the signed form to the board of The Prostate Biobank v/Prof. Aud Svindland (aud.svindland@medisin.uio.no) 1 Project title 2 Project leader (group leader or senior scientist) Name: Institution: Clinic/Institute: Phone: E-mail: 3 Applicant (the acting researcher) Name: Klinikk Institution: Clinic/Institute: Phone: E-mail: 4 Collaborators (internal/external) Name Divition Clinic/Institute 5 Goal (Primary- 6 Summary of project description (background, methods, results if relevant) Institution and subgoals) 7 Applies for excess to the following biological specimens or derived products derived. Fill inn number of individuals and amount needed. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Godkjent av: Side 1 av 4 Dato: Versjon: Application to The Prostate Biobank (119) Protein RNA DNA Set cross Tissue Number of individuals Amount (Specify µg or µl) Macro-disseceted normal Macro-dissected tumor LMD normal epithelial LMD tumor epitelhelial LMD stroma TMA Serum Plasma DNA-from blood Others (specify) 8 The following markers will be analyzed (genes/mRNA/proteins/lipids/glycoproteins/other) 9 Financial plan 10 Publication plan 11 Project periode Start of project (date): End of project (end): 12 Type of project (questions 10 – 17 have to be answered with YES or NO ) Researcher initiated project: Industry initiated project: Multi-centre project headed by AUS: Multi-centre project headed by external institution: 13 The project includes use of personal data such as health information that indirectly can be linked to one specific person? If YES – an application has to be sent and approved by Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics. 14a The project includes genetic studies that might affect the diagnosis or treatment of the person involved? If YES - the project is affected by the law of biotechnology and question 12b has to be answered. b The project includes genetic studies that can predict disease or that the person involved is carrier of a genetic disease? If YES, genetic guidance has to be given (according to the law of biotechnology). 15 Is the project approved by Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Godkjent av: Side 2 av 4 Dato: Versjon: Application to The Prostate Biobank (119) 16 Persons connected to The Prostate Biobank will be co-authors on the resulting publication(s) as long as they fulfill the guidance given by ”International Committee of Medical Journal Editors”? 17 In the pulication(s) it should be written that the biological specimens comes from The Prostate Biobank (10974) at Oslo University Hospital, Aker. 18 Information about the progress has to be given once a year. 19 The results obtained have be presented for Department of Anatomy and Pathology and Oslo Urological University Clinic. 20 Expenses related to sampling and processing of the biological have to be covered by the project leader. Applicant Date of approval: Date: Signature by board of The Prostate Biobank Signature by applicant The Prostate Biobank consider: • Is the project of medical interest? • Do we have relevant biological material available? • Is the project of academic interst? • Is the financial plan satisfactory? • Has the research environment competence in the methodology to be used? Unused materiale has to be returned to The Prostate Biobank __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Godkjent av: Side 3 av 4 Dato: Versjon: Leder Application to The Prostate Biobank (119) Access to CRESALYS Rights (cross) Name User name Reading only Reading and writing Personal data Applicant __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Godkjent av: Side 4 av 4 Dato: Versjon:
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