Community Update OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2014 Albion Park Rail bypass – preferred option Roads and Maritime Services is planning a 9.8 kilometre extension of the M1 Princes Motorway between Yallah and Oak Flats to bypass Albion Park Rail. The bypass will complete the ‘missing link’ for a high standard road between Sydney and Bomaderry. It will provide easy access to Dapto, Albion Park and Oak Flats, have two lanes in each direction, with capacity for additional lanes and be signposted at 100km/h. Visit to view the video and provide feedback We are now seeking community feedback on the preferred design for the Albion Park Rail bypass and will be holding information sessions over the coming weeks (see back page for details). Feedback is invited until 5pm, Monday 24 November 2014 and will be used to refine the bypass design during the environmental assessment. Scan the QR code to view a video on this project 1800 708 727 Community Update Flooding Flooding closes the Illawarra Highway around seven times a year and the Princes Highway three times a year. The bypass will replace the section of the Illawarra Highway most affected by flooding. This will significantly improve access for bypass traffic during periods of intense rain. The bypass will be built so access is maintained during a one in 20 year flood event as a minimum. The bypass services the growth areas of Calderwood, Tullimbar, Tallawarra and West Dapto. The preferred design includes a new southbound motorway entry ramp from Tongarra Road and a northbound exit ramp at the Illawarra Highway. These ramps may not be needed until a later stage. This is influenced by Wollongong and Shellharbour City Councils’ future developments. Further studies will be done as part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in 2015 to better understand the impacts of flooding. Traffic queuing at the roundabout at Albion Park Rail in 2014 Environment There are two endangered ecological communities (EEC’s) within the bypass route. These are: • Illawarra lowlands grassy woodlands north and south of Yallah Road and south of Duck Creek, and Illawarra Highway closed due to flooding in 2014 Local traffic The bypass provides easy access to Dapto, Albion Park and Oak Flats. It separates local and through traffic, provides east west connectivity between Albion Park and the Oak Flats area and reduces congestion in Albion Park Rail and Albion Park town centres. It can connect to a future bypass of Albion Park (Tripoli Way). To better manage traffic in Albion Park we are investigating the upgrade of the Terry Street and Tongarra Road intersection. In the future parking restrictions in Albion Park may also be considered. • Freshwater wetlands on coastal floodplains around Frazers Creek and north of Macquarie Rivulet. Croom Reserve is part of the Illawarra lowlands grassy woodlands EEC. Three threatened plant species - the Eastern Flame Pea, Illawarra Greenhood Orchid and Pimelea Curviflora – are also within the reserve. This is one of the last locations where the Illawarra Greenhood Orchid is found. Croom Reserve is protected through a conservation agreement between Shellharbour City Council and National Parks and% Wildlife Services. travel time time 3030%travel saving saving This is why the bypass has not been shortened through Croom Reserve. Up to Up to 16 16 1 Up to Up t int byp More detailed environmental investigations have Up to Up to 30 % Up to travel time now started and will form part of the EIS. Improve Improve 30% travel time intersections the efficient the efficient intersections Up to saving saving 16 16 ImproveImprove bypassed bypassed freight freight movement movement of of Up to Up to Up toUp to travel travel time time %% 30 30 saving saving intersections intersections bypassed bypassed movement of freight the efficient movement of the efficient freight to beto Planning for Planning for the future the future to be Return Plann Pla the thf bypassed between Last to be Sydney and Return Return local local streets streets to to local local communities communities flood flood Reduce Reduce Last Lastbypab S town townSyd BoB Better Bett an Albion Park Rail bypass – preferred option Proposed changes to Croom Regional Sporting Complex LEGEND RELOCATED CLUB GROUNDS / FIELD EXISTING CLUB GROUNDS / FIELD MODEL CAR PROPOSED PARKING BUFFER TO ALBION PARK RAIL BYPASS PROPOSED AMENITIES BUILDING BMX EXISTING VEHICLE ACCESS THROUGH SITE CROOM RESERVE PROPOSED VEHICLE ACCESS THROUGH SITE AD RO TENNIS CROOM RESERVE A LB IO NEW PEDESTRIAN / CYCLE / EQUINE PATHWAY CONNECTION 1 Junior Rugby League fields reconfigured in current location. 2 Junior Rugby League amenities building relocated to sit within a central location to the fields. 3 AFL/Cricket club, clubhouse and parking relocated to southern end of the Croom Regional Sporting Complex. 4 Proposed new main entrance into complex. EQUESTRIAN 5 N PA EQUESTRIAN 6 Existing sealed netball courts to be retained. Junior courts to be relocated behind stadium. RK RA HORSE RECREATIONAL AREA EXISTING PEDESTRIAN / CYCLE / EQUINE PATHWAY CONNECTION E OM CRO ATHLETICS IL BY PA SS RUGBY LEAGUE SENIOR RUGBY LEAGUE JUNIOR 4 AD SHELLHARBOUR CITY STADIUM 1 RO AD RO M HOCKEY NG 5 OO PARKING NE W AL E PAR K ING NETBALL LOC CR HUGHES ROAD PARKING 2 PA R KI SOCCER JUNIOR AND SENIOR 3 CRICKET / JUNIOR AFL Up to time 30% travelto A landscape architect has been engaged The Albion Park Rail bypass will be shortened through the Croom Regional Sporting Complex. redesign the sporting complex. 16 16 saving A design showing proposed changes to the This improves safety by removing a below time % travel time sporting complex is intersections above. standard curve and shortens the bypass by30%30travel saving intersections Improve bypassed saving bypassed 800 metres. The shortening achieves a 29 second We expect Junior Rugby League, Netball, freight time saving for each bypass trip and will save Cricket and Junior AFL to be directly impacted. a typical commuter timetime $170 in fuel and vehicle We are discussing these changes with these % travel % travel 30 30 costs each year. intersections intersections operating Planning for saving saving Improve bypassed bypassed sporting groups. Planning for Return Improve Up to 16 16 Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to the efficient movement of Up to freight freight the efficient movement of the efficient movement of the future the future local streets to Throughout the planning process we have been local communities The southern access into the complex will working closely with Shellharbour City Council and be changed. Vehicle and pedestrian access the sporting groups who regularly use the facility. to be through the complex will between also change but will to be bypassed Planning Planning for for tersections Improve Improve Return Last bypassed between ypassed Return Last This is continuing. freight freight Sydney and the future the future town local streets to be maintained. town Sydney and Reduce flood local streets to 16 ning for future the efficient the efficient movement movement of of Bomaderry Bomaderry impacts local communities We will ensure directly impacted sporting facilities The Shellharbour City Stadium will remain. are replaced with similar facilities and that clubs to be to be bypassed bypassed between between Return canReturn maintain sports competitions while the project LastLast Better and more Sydney Sydney and and towntown locallocal streets streets to to Better and more Reduce flood Reduce flood Bomaderry Bomaderry is planned and built. reliable local local communities communities impacts reliable trips trips impacts assed between dney and omaderry nd more local communities for locals, tourists, businesses and freight for locals, tourists, businesses and freight flood flood Reduce Reduce impacts impacts 6crash 6crash times times lessless likely likely to to Better and Better more and more trips trips reliable reliable for locals, tourists, for locals, businesses tourists, businesses and freight and freight Improved Improved connectivity connectivity for thefor Albion the Albion Park Park 6crash 6crash times times lessless likely likely to to Increase road Increase road capacity capacity Improved Improved connectivity connectivity for the Albion Park for the Albion Park community community Construction starts in Construction starts in years 2-52-5 years Las tow 6crash times less likely to Increase road capacity Constr 2-5 You are invited to drop in at any time during an information session to discuss the bypass preferred option with members of the project team. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATIONS Albion Park Public School 10am to 2pm Cnr Hamilton Road and Tongarra Road, Albion Park Centenary Hall 9am to 1pm Tongarra Road, Albion Park Sunday 16 November Camp Quality Convoy 9am to 3pm Croom Regional Sporting Complex, Albion Park Unstaffed displays have been provided at: Wollongong City Council Shellharbour City Council Dapto Library Albion Park Library Oak Flats Library Feedback is invited until 5pm, Monday 24 November 2014. WE ARE HERE ADOPT ROUTE INTO COUNCIL PLANNING DOCUMENTS PREFERRED OPTION – COMMUNITY REVIEW COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Saturday 15 November SELECT PREFERRED ROUTE REVIEW THE ROAD CORRIDOR Wednesday 12 November Albion Park Rail Public School 4pm to 8pm Tongarra Road, Albion Park Rail OCCURED 15-18 YEARS AGO COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Saturday 8 November ROUTE OPTIONS ANALYSIS ENVIROMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROJECT APPROVAL DETAILED DESIGN PRE-CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES CONSTRUCTION What happens next? The preferred option will continue to be refined, taking into consideration the feedback from the community. An EIS is under preparation. This will have more detailed information about the design features, identification of impacts and their management during construction and operation of the bypass. The EIS is expected to be exhibited in late 2015 when further community feedback will be sought. Timing of construction is yet to be confirmed. Have your say To find out more or provide feedback visit Find us on facebook. 1800 708 727 Roads and Maritime Services Southern Regional Office PO Box 477, Wollongong NSW 2520 Roads and Maritime Services Privacy: Roads and Maritime Services (“RMS”) is subject to the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (“PPIP Act”) which requires that we comply with the Information Privacy Principles set out in the PPIP Act. All information in correspondence is collected for the sole purpose of assisting in the assessment of this proposal. The information received, including names and addresses of respondents, may be published in subsequent documents unless a clear indication is given in the correspondence that all or par t of that information is not to be published. Otherwise RMS will only disclose your personal information, without your consent, if authorised by the law. Your personal information will be held by Roads and Maritime Services at 90 Crown Street, Wollongong NSW 2500. You have the right to access and correct the information if you believe that it is incorrect. RMS 14.459 Cormack Avenue Community Update ad t Ro oun M Ma rs ha ll N ac k Avenue TO WOLLONGONG AND SYDNEY Key New motorway C orm Prince s ay w igh P rin c e s H Motorway Albion Park Rail bypass – preferred option Cormack Avenue becoming a cul-de-sac and building the second roundabout are part of the future plan of the Tallawarra development Free flowing connections for motorists on and off the motorway New motorway ramp New local road Existing local road / motorway Traffic direction Yal la hB ay Railway line Ro ad Wollongong City Council to upgrade Yallah Road Yallah Road HAYWARDS BAY LAKE ILLAWARRA ay Illawarra Highway becomes a cul-de-sac hw ig sH Illa ce wa in Pr rra Hig hw ay 2 lanes each way with median separation ALBION PARK RAIL ILLAWARRA REGIONAL AIRPORT Southbound exit ramp travels over the motorway to the Illawarra Highway New La ke En Ramps may not be needed until a later stage Motorway overpasses Tongarra Road d a Tongarra Ro ad Ro e nc a r t Oak Flats Interchange retained t Drive Can connect with a future bypass of Albion Park (Tripoli Way) ut Woollyb ad Terr Ro eet y Str me oo Cr Illawarra Hi ghw a y OAK FLATS ALBION PARK CROOM REGIONAL SPORTING COMPLEX reek r ’s C Fraze New entrance to Croom Regional Sporting Complex IAM Woollybutt Drive and Durgadin Drive become a cul-de-sac Croome Road travels over the motorway Motorway improved and shortened through Croom Regional Sporting Complex TO K New local road separates local and through traffic. This replaces the East West Link D din urga e Driv A
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