OFFICE OF THE TOWN COMMITTEE THANA BULA DISTRICT JAMSHOR0 BIDDING DATA ● . Ш AN (a). I ame of Procuring Agency:- Town Committee Thana Bula KIan, District Jamshoro (b), B rief Description of Works:- Sanitation & Cleaning ofDrains Contract for the year 20l4-2015(from the date of Start to 30d June 2015) (c).Plocuriug Agency's addressi- Oflce ofTown Committee Thana Bula Khan, District Jamshoro (d).I Stimated Cost:― Open Rate (Offered Rate) (o Amount ofBid Securiけ ト 57o of Offered Rate (f).Period of Bid Validity (days):- 45 days. (g).Security Deposit:- 501 (h), l'ercetrtage, if any, to be deducted from bills :- l0% income Tax (i). D,:adline for Submission of Bi{ls along with time t l8-ll-2014 @ 1:pm (j). V rnue, Time, and Date of Bid crpening:_ (K).l.iquidit, damages:(L). f eposit Receipt No: Date: AmorLnt:- Office ofthe Town Committee Thana Bula Khan Distt. Jamshoro on 18-11-2014 @ 2: pm 0.06 on offered Rate (per day ofdelay) Rs.1500/: (Tender Documents Fee) & Administrator Town Committee Bula Khan THANA BULA KHAN DISTRICT JAMSHORO garyrrarroaY & (Or"E -N-rrYGr oF IDR-5rrrB on the following terms and condition the contract regarding sanitation&cleaningofdrainTownAreaThanaBulaKhan'fortheyear2014-15 will be awarded to the lower offer rate Contractor' Thana be executed in the area of Town Committee period 2014-15 (from Bula Khan (along with area of defunct TMA) for the the date work started till 3Oth lune 2015)' 2. Contractor/ interested parties will have to offer their rates on the monthly may be enclosed with bases and 5% of such offer in shape of Bank draft' money such offers will not be sealed offer, without enclosing of 5% deposit considered / entertained on the 5th of 3. The contractor, will provide his payment bill to this office pay such bill with in the every month, this office will remain responsible to week time (if the funds are available)' AEN a. Contractor *itt obtained certificate regarding satisfactory work from same nominated by the authority of this office 1. The above contract will - or any other officer who -5. may be attached with provided payment bill' removal of co;tractor, will responsible to make arrangement of cleanness' ,ll klnd of sanitation work in area of Town Committee Thana gurUag" "nd Bula Khan. reasonable O. tf this office not satisfy with the performance of contractor.a and same will be (according to rule) fine can be imposed against contractor deducted from monthlY bill' T.Thecontractorwillberesponsibletoarrangeallkindofequipmentuseable and Trotley' Jharo' Kodar for cleaness and sanitation work like Belcha' Hand work' on hi5 own risk & cost' any other thing which is necessary for above paid to him' and there is not extra payment will be contractor or Local residents the decision 8. - ln case of any dispute in between parties' ;f this office will be final which will be bindinS on both local residential against contractor' which g. - tf "ny"int received from Bula Khan' and *iff [" f,".ra by the Town officer Town committee Thana will not take any action against Jecision by him will be final and contractor same on any forum, ヽ ● the Moon Soon Season or any other emergency the contractor will take special measures to remove accumulated dirty water from the street or any other place as point out by this office and there is no extra charges will be paid to him. 11.After acceptance / conformation of contract, the contractor will provide a blank a8reement bond at the cost 0.30% pessas of offer bid for execution of detail agreement. l2.lncome Tax will be deduct from contractor bill as per lncome Tax Rates. 13.|f this office required do not proceed this contract for further period the one month advance notice will be issued to contractor and contractor have no right to file any complain or appeal in the court of law or anY other 10. During foru m. 14.|f the contractor leave the contract his call deposit will be forfeited and contract will again held on the expenses of contractor who leaved it. 15.|f contractor required any vehicle, equipment and machinery etc from this office, he will paid /Deposit advance rent for the same 16.|f this office required staff /vehicle and equipment, for any Government pro8ram an Annual Urs of Hazrat Lal shahbaz Qalandar (Sehwan Shair),and Hazrat Peer Baqir Shah Jeelani (Thana Bula Khan) or any other auspicious occasion of Muslims/Minorities or in emergency, the contractor will make arrangement in this regard and will never demand extra payment for the 5ame, 17.The bids are invited from contractors preferably having experience sanitation work Contractor Assistant CorYi Town Com in ioner /Administrator e Thana Bula Khan. ゛ ヽ ・ ・ [卜 o)Descip● on and』 露∬愉淋冊乳rkd ρttred Descnpt10n of iem tO be executed at ° 牛 三 読 %pe dttuだ PX・ 蔀 M8 0f:rlI: Contractor レ b
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