Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6221–6228 Available at November 20, 2014 A Data-encrypted Distributed Simulation Framework ? Hongqian Chen a,b , Fengxia Li b,∗, Yuehong Sun a , Li Liu a a School of Computer and Information Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University Beijing 100048, China b Beijing Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing 100081, China Abstract To add the feature of data security for the distributed simulation system, the paper propose an dataencrypted distributed simulation framework. The framework introduces the encryption module into the HLA simulation system. The framework adds an encryption module in every federator to obtain more security in data transportation. The encrypt module adopt the chaotic key and the composite discrete chaotic system as encryption scheme. The chaotic system can produce continuous acyclic encrypt key for every data transportation during the whole of simulation. The encryption algorithm can achieve self-synchronization due to its own feature. This framework provides data-protected service for each group of federators with different authority. This framework has been proved feasible and effective. Keywords: Distributed Simulation; Data Security; Composite Discrete Chaotic System; Distributed Network 1 Introduction With the development of the scale and complexity in distributed simulation system, the security of the data transportation processing in the simulation system is one of the most important topics [1]. Encryption is the popular method to achieve the security purpose currently [2]. The simulation system set different key which used to decrypt the cipher data within its authority for each member. But the number of key rises rapidly with the members in simulation system increase [3]. It will be very difficulty to manage huge number of keys. The Chaotic system provides a platform for producing infinite erratic output stream. The chaos system is suit for creating continuous acyclic encrypt key in distributed simulation because of its complex kinetics feature. ? Project supported by the Science and Technology Project of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education (No. PXM2014-014213-000004). Twelfth Five-Year National Science and Technology Support Project (No. 2012BAD29B01-2) and Funding Project for Innovation on Science, Technology and Graduate Education in Institutions of Higher Learning under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality (No. PXM2013-014213-00003000042300). ∗ Corresponding author. Email address: lfx (Fengxia Li). 1548–7741 / Copyright © 2014 Binary Information Press DOI: 10.12733/jics20104952 6222 H. Chen et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6221–6228 We focus on introducing the chaos-encryption system to the High Level Architecture (HLA). The framework designs an encrypted module for federators, which encrypt any input or output stream for its host. The security of the simulator is obtained via logic and flexible federation construction. The framework can encrypt the data using a synchronous updating stream key while simulation processing. All interfaces used in the framework comply with the standard HLA interface specification. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, an overview of the HLA architecture, the encryption and related work is given. Section 3 describes in detail this distributed simulation framework design and technical issues arising from this approach. Section 4 presents the analysis of the simulation framework. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the framework. 2 Related Work Data exchange and other services in the HLA framework are realized by the Runtime Infrastructure (RTI). The RTI provides lots of services to support simulations and to carry out federateto-federate interactions. Each of federator in the federation can access the transferring data via RTI services. But it can not prevent data from being revealed in the public network. The data could be exposited un-secretly to non-authority federator in the HLA architecture. Wang [4] designed a distributed simulation architecture based on mobile agents in the existing distributed simulation architecture based on HLA. A new message-oriented active communication mechanism is adopted to ensure the communication among mobile agents reliably and efficiently. Iazeolla [5] introduces a new distributed simulation environment and a new distributed simulation language to help implement the wireless distributed system. The security is one of the most important topics in communication in network. Anagnostou [6] presents a distributed hybrid agent-based discrete event simulation model for the distributed system. Both the ABS and the DES models were developed to achieve communication between models. Ceccarelli [7] apply the biometrics in the management of sessions via a secure protocol for perpetual authentication through continuous user verification. Park [8] replace transport layer of HLA-based distributed simulation system using Data Distribution Service. The wrapper API is adopted to achieve the network control mechanism for data transmission in distributed system. Nouman [9] developed an agent-based model of an ambulance service based on the high level architecture technology. Brito [10] proposes a solution for embedded modeling and simulation of heterogeneous models of computation in a distributed way. Pfeifer [11] presents an expression-level distributed simulation system to observe a decrease the transient analysis time. Duan [12] proposes some management and control techniques for the building and executing to enhance the efficiency of HLA-based distributed simulation system. Chaos is one form of nonlinear dynamic system [13]. It is pseudo-random phenomena between certainty and randomness. It has some interesting features as following. A) It is extremely sensitive to initial condition and parameters. B) It has topological transitivity, which means high randomness. C) The nonlinear system where chaos located is a certain system, which states the system has strong certainty and regularity. The features of chaos are match closely to the requirement in cryptology. H. Chen et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6221–6228 6223 The paper proposed a framework for distributed simulation system. The framework has the following feature comparing to the traditional one. A) This framework can achieve the accesscontrolling by authority for members. The encryption function can integrate into the federators as a module. B) The chaos system automatic reproduces the stream encrypt key along with advancing of simulation, while the traditional encryption scheme need to the management and distribution of encrypt key. C) The chaos-based encryption algorithm works on the continuous real numbers set, while the traditional algorithm works on the discrete integer number set. 3 Distributed Simulation Framework with Data-encrypted Transport Module Encryption is the popular method of preventing illegal accessing to data. The fitting encryption method in simulation should achieve the following features: A) The encrypt algorithm is suitable with various block size data. B) The algorithm is efficient to avoid affect the simulation processing. The real time interaction is required generally among federators in simulation. C) The algorithm has special encryption key mechanism to prevent being decoded during the simulation. According to the requirement in the encryption in distributed simulation system, this paper proposes the chaos-based encryption method. The method generates the chaos sequence which can be transformed into binary value via chaos iteration. The binary value sequence was combined into chaos key. The chaos key can be synchronously updated during simulation via chaos iteration. The chaosbased algorithm can achieve the aim of one-time pad encryption because of the updating chaos key [14]. Each federator can obtain the same chaos key at the same time by the time-synchronization in the simulation framework. The procedure of the chaos-based encryption method can be described as Fig. 1. Initial condition Chaotic iteration Clipper data Key XOR Chaos key Fig. 1: The sketch map of chaos-based encryption method The chaos system accomplishes its initialization according to user’s setting. The chaos-based algorithm encrypts data using the chaos key in each data transportation processing. The chaos system rebuilds the encryption key when the simulation system advanced. 3.1 Generating the Logistic-based Encryption Key Logistic mapping equation can be expressed as Eq. (1) xn+1 = µ · xn (1 − xn ) (1) 6224 H. Chen et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6221–6228 The equation has the certainly form and includes none of randomness. The iterate result is extremely sensitive to the mapping parameter u. When 3.5699456 . . . ≤ µ ≤ 4, the result of each iteration will be various extremely, which is the irregular chaos phenomenon. The distributed function ρ(x) of the Logistic sequence xi can be expressed as Eq. (2) ρ(x) = √ π 1 x(1−x) 0<x<1 0 other (2) The average x of the sequence xi can be calculated by Eq. (3) Z 1 N −1 1 X x¯ = lim xi = xρ(x)dx N →∞ N 0 i=0 (3) In the Eq. (3), N states the length of the selected sequence produced by Logistic iteration. The stream encryption key in our simulation framework can be obtained via combining binary sequence value. The binary value can be calculated by Eq. (4) ( λi = 3.2 1 xi ≥ x¯ (4) 0 xi < x¯ Composite Discrete Chaotic-based Encryption The iteration in the composite discrete chaotic system [16] depends on both the frontier iteration result and the plain data. The theory of the composite discrete chaotic can be described as Fig. 2. Plain data Composite discrete chaotic Chaos key Encryption algorithm Clipper data Fig. 2: The encryption based on the composite discrete chaotic system There are two iteration equations f0 (x) and f1 (x) in one composite discrete chaotic system. It select one equation f0 (x) or f1 (x) to execute depends on the plain data and the frontier iteration result in each step of iteration. The executing of composite discrete chaotic iteration n depends on the plain data mn−1 and the frontier iteration xn−1 . In the other word, the Ciphers data can not be decrypted if have not the frontier part of the data. The feature can take more security when transport. H. Chen et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6221–6228 6225 The iteration formula of the composite discrete chaotic can be described as Eq. (5). ( xn+1 = f0 (xn ), m = 0 (5) f1 (xn ), m = 1 In Eq. (5), m is the current bit of plain data, f0 (x) is the corresponding iteration equation for the current bit 0, while f1 (x) is corresponding to the current bit 1. They can show respectively as Eq. (6) and Eq. (7). ( √ 1 − 1 − 2x, 0 ≤ x < 21 f0 (x) = (6) √ 1 2x − 1, ≤ x < 1 2 ( √ 1 − 2x, 0 ≤ x < 21 f1 (x) = (7) √ 1 − 2x − 1, 21 ≤ x < 1 3.3 Chaos Synchronization Among Federators In the distributed simulation system, the chaos key should be consistent between sender and receiver. If they hold different key, the receiver can not decode the data receiving from the sender. The chaos keys are generated on their own federator. As a result, they must have the same iteration sequence among federators at the same time. There are two discrete chaotic systems in sender federator and receiver federator. The system executed in sender federator can be expressed as Eq. (8) (8) X(k + 1) = F (X(k)) In the Eq. (8), the function X and function F can be processed by Eq. (9) X(k) = (x1 (k), x2 (k), . . . xn (k))T ∈ Rn F (X(k)) = (f1 (X(k)), f2 (X(k)), . . . fn (X(k)))T (9) The system executed in receiver federator can be expressed as Eq. (10) (10) Y (k + 1) = G(Y (k), Xm (k)) In the Eq. (10), the function Y and function G can be processed by Eq. (11) Y (k) ∈ Rm g1 (Y (k), Xm (k)) g2 (Y (k), Xm (k)) G (Y (k), Xm (k)) = ··· gm (Y (k), Xm (k)) (11) 6226 H. Chen et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6221–6228 There is one mapping H : Rn → Rm and one number set B = Bx × By ⊂ Rn × Rm . The two systems have the initial condition (X(0), Y (0)) ∈ B . The system in Eq. (10) has the solution (X(k), Y (k)). If the solution can satisfy Eq. (12), the two systems can reach the chaotic selfsynchronization. ° ° lim °Xm (k) − H −1 (Y (k))° = 0 (12) k→∞ The chaotic encryption algorithm based on self-synchronization is unsymmetrical encryption system. It adopts two difference chaotic systems between sender and receiver. The sender federator and the receiver federator can adopt difference encryption key, which obtain higher security than symmetrical encryption system. The sender federator can encrypts the plain text using x(k) sequence, and the receiver federator should use the corresponding v(Y (k)) sequence to decrypt the cryptograph text. 3.4 Distributed Simulation Framework with Data-encrypted Transportation The encryption function is designed to integrate into the federators as a module. In the encryption module-based framework, the federator modifies its source code to add the encryption module on basis of original simulation system. All of the data are encrypted by the module when federator sends data. And all the receiving data also are decrypted by this module before using by the federator. The structure of module-based framework can be described as Fig. 3. Synchronization mechanism Federator Federator Chaos iteration Chaos key Chaos iteration Encryption Encryption Chaos key RTI Fig. 3: The structure of encryption module-based framework The framework based on encryption module has high security and have not to modify the logical relation among the federators. The path of data transferring also has not to be redesigned. The OMT (Object Model Template) files should be modified before simulation. 4 Application and Analysis We realize a small distributed simulation system base on the framework proposed in this paper. The federators in the system have the chaos encryption module. The system encrypts the sim- H. Chen et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6221–6228 6227 ulation data using the chaos key. The experimental environment includes Intel Core2 3.0 GHz CPU, 4 GB RAM, Windows 7 OS. The analysis result of the chaos encryption and decryption processing can be shown as Table 1. The analysis includes the average time cost, the key space and the key distribution. Table 1: The analysis result of distributed simulation Cost Time Key Space Key Distribution 35.827 ns 1016+15 0.57 The result demonstrates that the framework can qualified the encryption requirement in the distributed simulation system. The simulation data can be accurately encrypted and decrypted at sender and receiver respectively. The time cost of chaos encryption and decryption is less than 100 ns. 5 Conclusions This paper proposes a distributed simulation framework with data encryption function. The framework obtain more security in data transportation via adding a encrypt module in every federator. The framework has some advantages as following. 1) The encryption Scheme is designed according to the feature of the data security in the system. The Logistic-based algorithm can suit for encrypting any length simulation data. 2) The encryption algorithm can achieve selfsynchronization due to adopting the composite discrete chaotic-based system. The continuous acyclic encrypt key can provide higher security than symmetrical encryption system. 3) The encrypted module integrated into the federator can keep the original logical relation among the federators and data transferring path. This framework has been proved utility and feasible and can provides data-protected service for each group of federators. References [1] Richard M. Fujimoto, Parallel simulation: Parallel and distributed simulation systems, Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Winter Simulation, Arlington, Virginia, 2001, 147-157 [2] N. Smaoui, A. Karouma, M. Zribi, Secure communications based on the synchronization of the hyperchaotic Chen and the unified chaotic systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16(8), 2011, 3279-3293 [3] R. 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