TERM 4 2013 – WEEK 3
Tullamore Central School
Hinkler Street Tullamore NSW 2874
Phone: (02) 68925005
Fax: (02) 68925109
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In this issue:
Executive Staff
Mr Peter Nichols
Assistant Principal
Mrs Donna-lee Horsburgh
Principal’s Report
Pg. 2
Primary News
Pg. 3
Secondary News
Pg. 4
Pg. 5
Community News
Pg. 8
Head Teacher Secondary
Miss Natasha Shankelton
Parents & Citizen’s
Mr P.J. Edwards
Mrs Melissa Alvey
Mrs Cindy Larkings
Tullamore Central School is a
Positive Behaviour for Learning
School. At Tullamore Central
School we are:
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TERM 4 2014 – WEEK 5
Term 4
Week 5
Wednesday 5th November
Primary Assembly
Hosts K/1
Elections for 2015
Week 6
Monday 10th November White Card training – Years
9 & 10
ESSA Test – Year 8
Thursday 13th November
4T’s Band Day at Yeoval
Friday 14th November K/1 Excursion to Dubbo
“Pete the Sheep”
Week 7
Monday 17th November Year 7 – 10 Exam week
Thursday 20th November Gobondery Shield at
Tullamore (Primary)
Friday 21st November
‘Rocket’ Day
Week 8
Monday 24th November Intensive Swimming
Program starts (2 weeks)
Wednesday 26th November
Gobondery Cup at
Tullamore (Secondary)
Week 9
Monday 1st December
In past weeks our incoming 2015 Kindergarten
students have been participating in their
transition program. This has had the aim of
familiarising students with routines at “Big
School” as well as sessions on socialisation,
literacy and numeracy, creative and practical
arts and buddy reading. Last Wednesday our
Year 6’s entering Year 7 in 2015 also had a
transition afternoon information session.
Thanks to Mrs Horsburgh and Miss
Shankelton plus other participating staff for
their efforts and we look forward to having our
new students full time in 2015.
Year 9/10 Work
Experience commences
(2 weeks)
P&C meeting at the Club
Week 11
Tuesday 16th December Presentation Night 7:30pm
at the bowling Club
Wednesday 17th December
Infants Christmas party
Market Day
Last day of 2014 for
Thursday 18th December Staff Development Day
Tuesday 3rd February
Game, Set and Match
Congratulations to Will, Rhiannon, Paris,
Zarli, Charlie, Hamish and Lily who were
victorious in the District tennis at Tottenham
last Friday in very hot conditions. More
importantly than winning, they played the
game in a great spirit, respectfully,
responsibly, cooperatively and honestly.
Thanks also to Mrs Lindsay who braved the
sweltering conditions with the students.
Staff return for 2015
Wednesday 4th February Students return 2015
Almost time for “Big School”!
Once Were Warriors
Congratulations to the ‘Warriors’ who won the
Amazing Race at our PBL Reward Day last
Thursday. This was a special day earned by
the students as a result of the collection of
several thousand Tullybucks over the course
of the year. A very exciting and enjoyable day
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TERM 4 2014 – WEEK 5
was had by everyone. Thanks to Miss
Richards for her organisational efforts.
The P&C has begun its plans for the 125 years
of education in Tullamore celebrations that
will be held on the October long weekend in
2015. We are asking for volunteers to help out
and join a sub-committee that can plan and
organise this event. If you are interested in
being on this sub-committee then we would
really love to see you at our next meeting to
discuss plans for the event.
Winners are Grinners
Congratulations to our assembly award
winners for week 3
Principal’s Awards –Wonderful reading with
Principal – Clyde Carey, Blake McMahon
Primary Awards – ‘Positive attitude toward
learning’ – Tyrone Gumbleton-Hogarth, Ava
Curr, Will McLean
BRATS Awards – Aaliyah Stevenson, Lachlan
Curr, Zarli McAneney, Sarah Perks, Abbey
Larkings, Jye Langley, Charlotte Fisher, Harry
Quote of the Week
A very generous volunteer cooked up a slice
for the Great Endeavour Rally afternoon tea
on Friday afternoon and I have their slice tin
but I am unsure who owns it. If anyone knows
the owner could you please contact Mel so I
can return it.
The P&C has donated $200 to both the Irish
Festival Committee and the Tullamore Show
Committee for their extraordinary effort and
support to help pull off the Great Endeavour
Rally. Thanks again to all those volunteers
who helped out over the rally weekend.
The next P&C meeting will be Monday 1st
December at 7:00pm at the Tullamore
Bowling Club. All apologies to Mel Alvey on
6892 5562 or jmalvey@bigpond.com
Mel Alvey
P&C secretary
Wednesday 5th November
2:30pm in K/1 room
Host Class: K/1
Chairpersons: Cameron Horsburgh and
Sabrina Martin
All welcome.
Peter Nichols
Tullamore Central School
K/1 news
Our excursion is eagerly anticipated, we are
very excited about next Friday. All notes and
money should have been returned by now.
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TERM 4 2014 – WEEK 5
Yr 1 – spelling; /er/ list and activities as per
home spelling books
Maths; unit 32
K/1 – readers each night please.
Donna-lee Horsburgh
Year 2/3/4 Information
Year 2
 Maths homework-31
 LSCWC and 2 activities
 Home Reader- returned each day
Year 3 and 4
 Maths homework- Unit 32
 LSCWC and 2 activities
 Read for at least 10 minutes each night
Please continue to replenish
your child’s pencil case with
needed every day in class,
including pencils, pens, glue,
scissors and erasers.
Have a terrific week,
Lauren Gaiter
Year 5/6
In order for students to receive a sticker on the
homework chart students must complete ALL
areas of their homework:
1. Write out spelling words each night
and have a pre-test on Thursday
2. Reading Log
3. Mathematics (Unit 31)
4. This week concentrate on the tables
you are having the most trouble with
5. Practice the recorder if you have one at
Please remember that we are happy to help
during the week if students have any
problems with their homework.
Carmel Laing and Belinda Lindsay 
There are a few short reminders that follow in
this section for secondary students and their
Student Stationary Supplies
Students are reminded that they need to
provide their own stationary supplies, eg.
Pens, pencils, glue sticks etc. These need to be
brought with them to EVERY lesson. Too
many students recently have been not prepared
for learning as they have not had their required
equipment. Remember our PBL Classroom
expectations – Being Responsible is being
prepared for learning!
Secondary yearly examinations are fast
approaching. Students are reminded that these
exams will occur in week 7 of this term.
Students will receive their examination
timetable early next week and it will also be
published in this newsletter.
Essential Science Skills Assessment (ESSA)
Students in Year 8 will be participating in the
annual ESSA testing. This test is completed in
an online environment. Students at Tullamore
will complete the test on Monday 10th
November during periods 6 and 7. Students
will need to bring a set of ear phones so that
they can hear the audio part of the test.
Students need to ensure that they are here on
that day so that the test is completed as per the
state required timeframe.
Year 7/8 Rocket Day
The annual Science Rocket Day Challenge vs
Trundle and Tottenham Central Schools will
be held on Friday 21st November. Details will
follow over the next newsletters for student
requirements for the day.
White Card – WH& S Training
Students in Year 9/10 will be attending the
white card course offered by TAFE to be held
at Trundle Central School on Monday 10th
November. Students have received permission
notes last week and need to get these in to the
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TERM 4 2014 – WEEK 5
front office by Friday 7th November. Parents
and care providers are asked to assist with
transport if possible and if this could be
indicated on the permission note it would be
appreciated so that Mr Richards who is
accompanying the excursion can sort out
travel arrangements.
Have a great week!
Miss Natasha Shankelton
Head Teacher Secondary Studies
Upcoming Events
Sport at pool starts on Friday 7th November
at Tullamore
Jump Rope For Heart
Thank you to all those who participated in last
weeks Jump Rope For Heart. It was a great
afternoon with all students participating
enthusiastically. A special mention to Mikala,
Sam, Lachlan, Jye, Amie, Rylie, Kim, Jake,
Charlotte and Hannah who volunteered their
sport time to come and help out for this event.
Thank you also to all those students who have
brought back their sponsorship forms. If these
could be back to the office by tomorrow it
would be greatly appreciated.
Gobondery Shield on Thursday 20th November
at Tullamore
Intensive Swimming 24th November to 5th
Sport at pool starts on Wednesday 5th
November at Tullamore
Gobondery Cup on Wednesday 26th November
at Tullamore
Please see Miss Richards for more information
regarding any of these dates. If you are
interested in attending Western Region trials
for a specific sport please contact me directly.
A calendar of these events is linked below:
Cassie Richards
Sports Coordinator
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TERM 4 2014 – WEEK 5
Super 8s Cricket
Best of luck to our secondary students who are
in Dubbo today for the Central Schools Super
8s Cricket. This is a new competition and its
great to see Tullamore so well represented.
A sincere thank you is extended to everyone
who purchased books from our Library Book
Fair. Our total sales enabled us to select $300
worth of books from Scholastic plus
competition prizes to the value of $60.
Competition prize winners were:
Lucky door prize – Jack Bye
Guess the number of bookworms in the
container – drawn from the 3 closest - won by
Abbey Larkings. Bookworms shared between
Abbey, Ben and Tiahna.
Secondary - number of pages in the book
tower – Dom Lopez
Primary – number of pages in the book tower
– Logan Perks
Primary colouring-in competition – Anthony
I have been assured that books on order will
arrive soon.
Thank you
Janette McCosker and Deanna Bye
Pool Sport
This week primary (Years 2-6) and secondary
will be headed to the pool for sport. Please
ensure permission note have been signed and
returned to the office. Students who do not
have a season pass will need to bring $2 with
them for entry into the pool. Students will
need to ensure they bring their swimmers,
towel and some sunscreen on their sport day.
Student Leaders 2015
Elections for SRC and student leaders will be
held on Wednesday 5th November between
11:35 and 1:05pm. Students are to come to
Room 2 to vote. Year 6 students will be acting
as presiding officers for the ballot.
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TERM 4 2014 – WEEK 5
Each week there will be a newsletter article
promoting courses run across the Western
Access Program. This program is highly
successful in delivering a wider curriculum
across our schools, maximising student
choice and achievement.
Congratulations to all students
on their exemplary behaviour
at the Adventure Rewards Day
last Thursday. Miss Richards
congratulations and thanks for her fantastic
organisation. The children enjoyed a range of
fun and challenging tasks in their teams, which
helped develop cooperation, responsibility and
respect among all. An extremely enjoyable
Students in the Preliminary Visual Design
course have been working on modules from
the fields of Graphic Design, Wearable Design
and Product Design. This year our students
have designed and illustrated tattoos, created
custom shoes and have designed and produced
their own lamps. Students have been kept busy
designing products for their fictional clients.
This term students will be working on label
design and packaging. The knowledge and
skills developed will prepare them for their
individual design project in 2015. Pictured
below are some examples of the students’
wearable design products.
Groovy shoes made in Visual Design!
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TERM 4 2014 – WEEK 5
Phone 6892 5003
Every Thursday, phone for appointments.
Wellness Checks
Drop in on to see the Community Health
Nurse, for a Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar
check, weight or chat. Appointments can also
be made for visiting specialists at this time All
free and confidential.
Envelopes are available from the school
office. Please return the envelopes with the
correct money enclosed to the school office by
this Wednesday 5th November. The orders will
be sent the following day Thursday 6th
Submissions for the December edition of
Tullamore Tales are due by 25th November.
There will be no extensions to this date. This
is the last tales of 2014 so if you also have
dates for events in January if these could
please be submitted with the December
materials it would be appreciated. Tullamore
Tales edition 1 of 2015 will be for the
February edition. All material for this edition
needs to be submitted by January 25th 2015. If
you have a news story, special announcement,
sporting results or some photographs of a
recent event, please email them by this date to
Crops Playgroup
This playgroup is now weekly at the
Tullamore CWA rooms on Tuesdays Phone
6862 1872 for more information.
Baby/ Early Childhood Clinic
Gemma Horsburgh has taken on the position
of the Child and Family Health Nurse and will
be offering a mobile clinic also if applicable.
Phone the Health Service to arrange an
Women’s Health Nurse
Phone to make an appointment at the
Tullamore Health Service on 6892 5003.
Morrison Family Eye Care
Morrisons Eye Care will be in Tullamore on
Thursday 27th November. Phone the Health
Service for an appointment, we need at least
10 names on the list prior to organising a date
for this visit.
Podiatrist - Ring Sam on 6863 4171 for
Youth Mental Health Service
Visit Tullamore. For more information, please
phone 6360 8000.
A Diabetic Educator
The next visit is Tuesday 25th November at Dr
Newton’s surgery. Phone the Dr’s surgery on
6892 5285.
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TERM 4 2014 – WEEK 5
Sexual Assault Counselling Service
Now visiting the Tullamore area on a
fortnightly basis, this is free of charge and is
strictly confidential phone 6861 2500 for an
all existing members if they wish to participate
in swimming club activities. All members
should have received an email with a link to
follow to complete the online registration
The School Dental Service
Conducts clinics at Trundle and Tottenham
regularly. For an appointment phone 1300 552
We will again be having the inter town time
trials with Trundle Swimming Club this year
and the first meet will be held in Tullamore. It
is anticipated that this event will be held on
Wednesday 19th November starting at 4:00pm.
All TASC members are invited and
encouraged to participate in this event where
children from both swimming clubs will swim
against each other in their time trials for extra
fun and competition. At the end of the time
trials both clubs will compete for the R
Akhurst and J Moloney shield by swimming in
a 10 X 50M relay. This relay was started back
in 1967 and we would like to keep the
tradition going. The relay will again be swum
at the Trundle inter town meet held later in the
season and the club with the fastest times will
get their name on the perpetual trophy and the
privilege of keeping it until the next season.
Australian Hearing
Will be at the Tullamore MPHS on
Wednesday 5th November for free a 15 minute
hearing screening, phone the MPHS for an
Mel will have the costume sizing kit at our
first club meet on Wednesday 5th November.
If you would like your child to order club
swimmers this year then it is advised that you
first try on the sample costumes. All club shirt
and costumes orders are due Wednesday 5th
November please.
Parkes Swimming Club will be holding their
annual carnival on Saturday 29th and Sunday
30th November. It would be great to see as
many TASC members attend as possible.
Swimming carnivals are a great opportunity
for our members to practice and develop their
competitive swimming skills and make new
friendships with other members from other
clubs whilst having a lot of fun in a healthy
activity. Mel has emailed out the flyer with the
list of events that will be run on the day if you
did not receive one then please contact Mel. If
you are interested in your child attending the
carnival then please let our carnival secretary,
Mel Alvey, know which events by the entry
closing date of Friday 21st November. Car
pooling may be an option for transport if we
get a few children and families who want to
Our first swim club meet for the year will be
Wednesday 5th November from 4:00pm. All
swimmers should be organised and ready to
swim by 4:00pm please. Training sessions will
again be running this year and will begin after
the kids have a few weeks to settle into
swimming club time trials. Training sessions
with Mel Alvey and Tracey Edwards will
commence on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th
November. Times to be advised next week.
These sessions are free and all members are
encouraged to take advantage of these training
sessions to improve their fitness, swimming
strokes and techniques.
Our next meeting will be Wednesday 5th
November after swim club is done, all
apologies to Irene Gumbleton on 0478 752
Irene Gumbleton
TASC secretary
All registrations are now due and MUST be
completed by Wednesday 5th November for
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TERM 4 2014 – WEEK 5
Thank you to the many families who have
been in contact with Mel Alvey in regards to
their children completing the sacraments. If
any other families would like their children to
complete these also then please see Mel. It is
anticipated that we will start the process in
term one of 2015, thank you for your support.
Next meeting details
When: Tuesday 18th November 2014
Where: Trundle RSL Club
Time: 7:30pm
Everyone is welcome to attend
Heather and Mel Alvey will be the new chefs
in the Albert Golf Club kitchen, “Tee Off
Restaurant”. We both look forward to your
support as we take on this next venture and
will be cooking this coming Sunday 9th
57 Cardigan Street
Sunday 9th November
8:30am – 4:00pm
Assorted household items, clothing, linen,
Elna Sewing Machine, DVDs, Tapes, Brewing
Kit and much more.
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TERM 4 2014 – WEEK 5
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TERM 4 2014 – WEEK 5
Exam Timetable
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