Kesser Torah College Your Weekly eNewsletter Thursday 20 November 2014 / 27 Cheshvan 5775 Full School BBQ ʣ³ʱʡ This Monday 24 November / 2 Kislev in honour of Rosh Chodesh Kislev Cost: FREE! We thank our very generous sponsors for donating the sausages and buns for this delicious lunch :) Nechama Israel is pictured with Mayor Sally Betts and Gabrielle Upton MP. Click here to read about the week-long event and view more photos. Important Dates General News (Pg 2) (Pg 3) (Pgs 4-6) Thursday, 20 November 2014 KTC attends Remembrance Day Ceremony Whole School Number Quiz Principal’s Dvar Torah ECC (Pgs 7) Parshas - Toldos Shabbos Mevorchim Kislev Shabbos candlelighting - 7:23pm Shabbos ends - 8:24pm Click here for details and more photos. PS (Pgs 8-11) HS (Pg 12-13) In Your Area... Shluchos update (Pgs 14-15) PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE One of the themes of this week’s Torah portion, parshas Toldos, highlights the important connections and bonds that are eternally forged through parents and children communicating with each other. The Chofetz Chaim presents an interesting perspective on this question that arises because Yitzchak, blesses Yaacov twice in Parshas Toldos. Once, in the beginning of the week’s parsha we learn in detail how Yitzchak bestows the blessing upon his son Yaacov. Once again, near the end of the parsha he blesses Yaacov again with the following: ּ”ויקרא יצחק אל יעקב ויברך אוֹתו ויצוהו “:ויאמר לוֹ לא תקח אשה מבנוֹת כנען “Yitzchak summoned Yaacov and blessed him. He instructed him and said to him, ”do not take a wife from the Canaanite women”. This latter blessing is present, according to the Chofetz Chaim to teach us much about how we raise our children in the pathways we see fit for them. Parents will be more successful in negotiating the really hard choices, such as whom to marry, when they care enough to communicate from love, assertive discipline and respect throughout their lives. The Chofetz Chaim is letting us know that as our students learned incredibly powerful lessons this week through fun, enthusiastic personal development lessons, lofty goals cannot be achieved in a forceful way. A life dedicated to values, morality and spirituality begins at home. Long term goals cannot be accomplished through one off actions. There must be small steps toward our ultimate goal of Jewish continuity. Taking the time to listen, and making sure, firmly and calmly that we are also heard by our children. Rational discussions with boundaries of what is acceptable and what is not must be established as early as possible within a family. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates We cannot wake up one day and point fingers back at our children in their teenage years. It is all about the whole pathway that we start way back in their infancy. It is never too late to redirect ourselves. It is about parents making the best, correct choices for their children. Remaining steadfast but being open and providing communication pathways. Take some time to contemplate how you communicate with your children. If your communication pathways are bit overgrown from lack of use, do not fear. Begin instead with a topic you know is of interest to your child and take the time to actively listen to him or her about it. Become or remain involved in their lives. They want that as much as you do, whether either of you realise it. Wishing you many opportunities to bless your children this week in the areas that really matter. Have a wonderful and blessed Shabbos, Rabbi Dr Noteh Glogauer - Principal Thursday, 20 November 2014 Important Dates Hot Dog Day in honour of Rosh Chodesh Kislev Term 4 Wk 6 Term 4 Wk 7 Year K 2015 Orientation Morning Thursday 27 November Term 4 Interschool Sport Ends Thursday 27 November High School Vaccinations Tuesday 2 December Cyber-Bullying Presentations (Years 2-6) Tuesday 2 December ECC Orientation Day Tuesday 2 December CRELS Orientation Day Year 7-10 End of Year Exams Term 4 Wk 8 Monday 24 November ECC/CRELS End of Year Event Teacher Marking Day - SCHOOL CLOSED for HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Chanukah Wednesday 3 December Monday 8 - Thursday 11 December Thursday 11 December Friday 12 December Tuesday 16 - 24 December GIRLS Final Assembly (Years 3 - 5) Tuesday 16 December @ 9:15am GIRLS Speech Night (Years 6 - 11) Tuesday 16 December @ 6:00pm BOYS Final Assembly (Years 3 - 5) Wednesday 17 December @ 9:15am BOYS Speech Night (Years 6 - 11) Wednesday 17 December @ 6:00pm Term 4 Wk 9 Last day of Term 4 Click here to return to Index Page Term 1 2015 Click here to return to Important Dates Wk 1 Thursday, 20 November 2014 First Day Term 1 2015 First Day Term 1 2015 - Year K Thursday 19 December Thursday 29 January Friday 30 January General News PSG Roster - Term 4, Week 5 Monday - Thursday Afternoon shift: ARRIVE AT 3:00PM SHARP! Friday Afternoon shift: ARRIVE AT 2:15PM SHARP! Monday 24 November Tuesday 25 November Wednesday 26 November Thursday 27 November Friday 28 November Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 20 November 2014 AM Mark Weinberg PM Devorah Niasoff AM Paul Nailand PM Cassia Partane AM PM AM PM Michael Berkovits AM Mark Reinhardt PM Rabbi Blasenstein Jarred Stein Fran Ereira Kirsten Miller Please be reminded of the following parking restriction. NO PARKING IN CUL-DE-SAC (NAPIER ST) Mark Weinberg There is to be strictly NO PARKING in the cul-de-sac side of Napier Street by Order of the Land and Environment Court of NSW No. 40197 of 1998. General News KTC Recite Tehillim for Jerusalem Victims The entire school has been reciting Tehillim and will continue to pray for the five victims of the latest terrorist attack in Jerusalem. Rabbi Moshe Twersky Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky Rabbi Avrohom Shmuel Goldberg Rabbi Kalman Zeev Levine Sergeant-Major Zidan Nihad Seif Uniform Shop Open Times The uniform shop will be open on the following days ONLY, during the summer holidays: Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Monday, 19 January Wednesday, 21 January 9:30am – 12:30pm 9:30am – 12:30pm Anne is looking for volunteers to assist in the uniform shop which is open on Tuesday mornings 8:30am – 10:00am and Thursday afternoons from 3:15pm to 4:30pm, and also on the 19 and 21 January, so any volunteers are invited to contact Anne or the school to offer their assistance. Thursday, 20 November 2014 ʣ³ʱʡ General News ʣ³ʱʡ Whole School Numbers Quiz This week, we ended an exciting week-long "Numbers Quiz" running through the Primary School, GHS & BHS. Students spent the week working very hard on learning all kinds of number related facts, aimed at boosting their overall Jewish general knowledge. GHS Students taking the Quiz The Primary students were all treated to delicious icy poles! Click here to return to Index Page GHS ended their week-long Quiz with a well-deserved, fabulous pizza party! Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 20 November 2014 And the BHS will enjoy a tasty BBQ next week.... More photos in next week’s newsletter!! Early Childhood Centres Mazel Tov to Dinah Malka Hersh who turned 3 this week. CLASS OF THE WEEK - SIMCHA CLASS This month the Simcha class have shown an interest in the human body. We have been reading books that explain what is inside our body and about our ‘organs’ and how they work and help us. This last week the Simcha class have been learning about their lungs, how they function and how they help us. Diary Dates End of Year Show for Children and Parents “Swag full of Instruments” Thursday 11th December Chanukah Afternoon Tea will be served. Last Day of the Year Friday 19th December First Day of 2015 Monday 19 January 2015 The children engaged in some science experiments to see how our lungs work in action! We had 2 balloons blown up and attached them to strings side by side. The children tried to predict what would happen, some said it would travel fast and other children said the balloons would move slowly. Two children then held each end of the strings and as we let go of the balloons they observed what was happening. The children then wondered if we made the balloons different sizes, which would go faster? The children had a lot of fun with this and were so excited to watch the balloons fly into the air! We discussed how it was the air that was blown from inside Morah Carol’s lungs that propelled the balloons forward. The children then followed another experiment from the body book. Two cars raced against each other across a table by being blown with a straw. Two children at a time had turns to blow the cars to race them. The children had fun, but also got exhausted as they were using lots of air from their lungs! It was a great way for the children to experience for themselves how their bodies assist them in every day living. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 20 November 2014 Primary School Hat & Sunnies Day Fundraiser Last Friday, many Primary Students took part in Hat and Sunnies Day to raise money for a very worthy charity. Students wearing brightly coloured hats and sunglasses flooded into the school, donating gold coins to an organisation called Maksam. Maksam is a network of Day Centres in Israel who run after-school learning for Ethiopian Jewish children. KTC kids raised $150. We were thrilled that so many students took part in this fundraiser to support this wonderful cause. We had so much fun and we hope everyone had fun too! Esther Israel and Shira Nailand (Year 6 Primary Girls School Captains) Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 20 November 2014 Primary School Roosters League Tag Gala Day On Wednesday 19th November a group of Primary School boys represented KTC in the annual Roosters League Tag Gala Day. The Year 6 team, captained by Eytan Taub, won 2 games and were very unlucky not to qualify to the semifinals. The Year 4 team demonstrated amazing improvement throughout the day and were rewarded with a comprehensive victory. Well done to all the boys who represented our school, and thank you to the friends and family that supported our teams on the day. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 20 November 2014 Tzivos Hashem 6G: Corn on the Cob Winners! Last term, for the last 3 weeks, Year 6G earned the reward of corn on the cob for bringing in the most missions over a 3 week period! After a long wait and a display of extreme patience they were given the reward this past Monday and ate the fresh corn with much relish! Well done 6G! High Achievers enjoy Sunny Boys As printed in last weeks newsletter, children from all grades who had a 95% and higher return rate on their missions, spanning from the beginning of Term 3 till the end of Tishrei, were given Sunny Boy ice blocks and a Tzivos Hashem frequent flyer card. Well done! Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 20 November 2014 Tzivos Hashem Tzivos Hashem Poster Competition It was with tremendous excitement that children submitted their work for the 2nd annual international Tzivos Hashem poster competition. Please see a sample of the works, out of a large group that was submitted and also selected to be sent to Tzivos Hashem headquarters in New York. Well done to all the children who took the time and effort and gave a lot of creative thought to produce unique posters! There were K”AH so many to look at. Shabbos Mevorchim Kislev בס’ד Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates We stand on the brink of an awesome month! A month that brings with it much light! Being that this is the Shabbos before Rosh Chodesh Kislev we try and make sure that we say as many Tehillim as possible. We urge all the pure children to pick up a Tehillim, whether it be at home, at Shule or part of a Tehillim programme, and say as much as you can! Look at your mission sheets and see what you are expected to say. YOU can shine! YOU can help our school shine by doing your part to help KTC reach our goal. Remember, it is the Tefillos of you, our kinderlach, that keep and support the world! Please parents help and encourage your child. Give it all you’ve got! TEHILLIM JUST SAY IT! Click here to view the Shabbos Mevorchim Mission Thursday, 20 November 2014 Smooze it @ recess בס“ד SHABBOS MEVORCHIM SHABBOS MEVORCH IM TEHILLIM RTH ION NO IVIS : DI D H BON BINA :00 @ 0 0-1 9:3 Class that says their quota of Tehilliim Each person* in the class gets a delicious smooze!!! (*only if you said Tehillim SHABBOS MEVORCHIM-KISLEV Time: 9:30 - 10:00am and helped your class reach their quota) Boys: Tzemach Tzedek Girls: Tzemach Tzedek Year 5/6 come to tzemach tzedek @ 9:15 to say extra tehillim. these extra tehillim sayers will IY”H receive milk shakes. High School Amendment to School Vaccination Program for Remainder of 2014 • Varicella vaccination (Chicken pox) will be withdrawn from the vaccines offered on the third visit on 2nd December 2014. • Nurses will prepare a letter and a Chicken Pox Fact Sheet to send to parents who have consented for their child to receive varicella vaccine which will be left with the school to mail out at the end of the clinic. South Eastern Health have advised that the Ministry of Health are unable to provide more varicella vaccines (chicken pox) for the school vaccination program due to a worldwide shortage. Therefore, they will not continue to offer the chicken pox vaccine to Year 7 students through the School Program this year (2014). The Ministry of Health has sourced a replacement vaccine which will be provided to general practitioners for the Year 7 students, as a replacement to the school program chicken pox vaccine for the remaining 2014. KTC Represented at Waverley Council Remembrance Day Ceremony Ms Shuey and Nechama Israel represented KTC at last Tuesday’s Remembrance Day Ceremony at Waverley Cenotaph. Mayor Sally Betts, Nechama Israel and Gabrielle Upton MP Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 20 November 2014 High School BHS Make Tzitzis with Rabbi Israel This is all part of a very exciting, much larger initiative.....stay tuned for more details, coming soon!!!! Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 20 November 2014 High School Shluchos Corner Hi there KTC, We can’t believe it’s already the end of another week! iGrow Melbourne Shabbaton has already come and gone and we had such an amazing time. From shiurim in the park, to an amazing Friday night dinner, to touring Melbourne city, laser skirmish, basement fun, our own ice skating rink session, Shabbos afternoon jaw-dropping shiur, catching up with family and friends, CMI museum, rain and cold and sunshine… we had such a blast! Make sure to check out the pictures (next page) from our incredible trip. We’ve moved into our new office - upstairs and right round the corner from all the classrooms. Everyone has been very welcoming and coming in to visit us in between classes :) Thanks to the HSC art students for letting us use their workroom until the end of the year. On Tuesday, the SRC in conjunction with Yad L’ezra broke out the ‘Water Wetreat’ carnival fundraiser in honour of the month of Cheshvan when we daven extra hard for rain. The carnival will be this coming Tuesday on the oval during the last period of the day. Make sure to bring $5 to participate in all the fun booths and grab some yum refreshing snacks as well. We are looking forward to some cool refreshing entertainment! Tuesday was also the final day for the General Knowledge Quiz that the entire school participated in! Every girl sat a test for the Jewish general knowledge she had learnt and was rewarded with a pizza party at lunch time. Girls who did very well on the test will also be going into a raffle to win one of two $50 Westfield vouchers. Not a bad deal ;) A huge thank you to the ‘traditions’ team of teachers, specifically to Mrs Niasoff for making sure everything ran smoothly. This week is Shabbos Mevorchim Kislev - the end of the year is slowly creeping up! We will be hosting Shabbos mevorchim tehillim at our apartment for GHS at 9.30am. Cake and coffee will be served :) Bnos this week for GPS will be at Central as usual from 5:00 - 6:15. Please make sure to pick your child up punctually! Bnos for years 5&6 will be hosted by Tsipporah Shelim - please make sure your daughter meets her class there (34 Woodstock St, Bondi Junction) at 5 and has a way of getting home. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates We will also be hosting a Shabbos Mevorchim afternoon program at the Itkin residence: 49a Edward St, Bondi at 6.45pm for GHS. Make sure you’re there for a some Shabbos afternoon fun and brain-racking discussions :) Especially with Shabbos coming out so late, there is always room to fit in some time for getting together with friends to share ideas and have a bit of a shmooze can’t wait to see everyone there! Wishing you all a Good Shabbos, Love Bassie and Chaya Thursday, 20 November 2014 High School Shluchos Corner Melbourne Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 20 November 2014 Shabbaton
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