October 2015 - Nobel Peace Prize

ISSN: 0802-0329
Åpningstider / opening hours
15. september – 14. mai:
15 September – 14 May: 08:00 – 15:45
15. mai – 14. september:
15 May – 14 September: 08:00 – 15:00
Lørdag stengt / Saturday closed
Lørdag stengt / Saturday closed
Telefon / phone: (47) 22 12 93 20, e-mail: library@nobel.no
Adresse: / postal address: Henrik Ibsens gate 51, NO-0255 Oslo
Bøker / books
Frankrike. Ministère des affaires étrangères
Documents diplomatiques français. - Paris : Imprimerie nationale, 1987.
ISSN 1377-8773
39: 1971 : tome I (1er janvier - 30 juin). - Bruxelles : Peter Lang, 2015. XLI, 974.
ISBN 9782875742803 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00576 Oppstilling: NOBEL 327(44) A6/39
Abrahams, Fred
Modern Albania : from dictatorship to democracy in Europe. - New York :
New York university press, 2015. - XII, 345 s.
ISBN 978-0814705117 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00618 Oppstilling: NOBEL 949.65 Ab8m
Bell, Arvid
Aghanistan and Central Asia in 2015 : an overview of actors, interests,
and relationships. - Frankfurt am Main : PRIF, 2015. - 58 s. - (PRIF report ;
ISBN 978-3-942532-87-7 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00655 Oppstilling: NOBEL q F(082) P92/132
Dahl, Hans Fredrik, 1939Quislings nettverk. - Oslo : Aschehoug, 2015. - 206 s.
ISBN 978-82-03-29549-2 (ib.) : Nkr 349.00
DOKID: 15tz00645 Oppstilling: NOBEL 923 Q6Dah2
Davidson, Julia O'Connell
Modern slavery : the margins of freedom. - Basingstoke : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2015. - x, 250 s.
ISBN 9781137297280 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00562 Oppstilling: NOBEL 326 D28m
De Groot, Gerard J.
Selling Ronald Reagan : the emergence of a president. - London : Tauris,
2015. - 311 s.
ISBN 9781780768281 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00463 Oppstilling: NOBEL 923 R24se
Fitzpatrick, Sheila
On Stalin's team : the years of living dangerously in Soviet politics. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, cop. 2015. - XI, 364 s., pl.
ISBN 978-0-691-14533-4 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00573 Oppstilling: NOBEL 947.093 F57o
Friedman, Jeremy S.
Shadow cold war : the Sino-Soviet competition for the third world. Chapel Hill, NC : University of North Carolina Press, c2015. - x, 291 s.
ISBN 9781469623764 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00568 Oppstilling: NOBEL 940.974 F907s
Goldstein, Steven M.
China and Taiwan. - Cambridge : Polity, 2015. - XV, 200 s.
ISBN 978-0-7456-6000-4 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00484 Oppstilling: NOBEL 952.9(51) G57c
Gordon, Lewis R.
What Fanon said : a philosophical introduction to his life and thought. London : Hurst, 2015. - xix, 191 s.
ISBN 9781849045506 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00580 Oppstilling: NOBEL 923 F214Gor
A bibliography of people power and nonviolent protest / edited by April
Carter, Howard Clark, and Michael Randle ; with a foreword by Paul Rogers. London : Green print, 2013. - 257 s. - (A Guide to Civil Resistance ; Vol.
ISBN 978-1854251084 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00602 Oppstilling: NOBEL 172.15(04) G94/1
A Guide to Civil Resistance / Edited by by April Carter, Howard Clark and
Michael Randle. - London : Green print, 2015. - 2 b.
DOKID: 15tz00654 Oppstilling: NOBEL 172.15(04) G94
A bibliography of social movements and nonviolent action / Edited by by
April Carter, Howard Clark and Michael Randle. - London : Green print,
2015. - 257 s. - (A Guide to Civil Resistance ; Vol. 2)
ISBN 9781854251138 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00603 Oppstilling: NOBEL 172.15(04) G94/2
Gustafsson, Karl
Kina och Japan : grannar som inte drar jämnt. - Stockholm :
Utrikespolitiska institutet, 2015. - 32 s. - (Världspolitikens dagsfrågor ;
ISBN 978-91-7507-317-0 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00635 Oppstilling: NOBEL 908 V98/2015:6
Halper, Jeff
War against the people : Israel, the Palestinians and global pacification. London : Pluto Press, 2015. - xi, 340 s.
ISBN 9780745334301 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00464 Oppstilling: NOBEL 301.15 H16w
Hofmann, Gregor P.
Ten years R2P - what doesn't kill a norm only makes it stronger? :
Contestation, application and institutionalization of international
atrocity prevention and response. - Frankfurt am Main : PRIF, 2015. - 39 s.
- (PRIF report ; 133)
ISBN 978-3-942532-89-1 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00656 Oppstilling: NOBEL q F(082) P92/133
Kunz, Barbara
Tyskland : stormakt mot sin vilja. - Stockholm : Utrikspolitiska
institutet, 2015. - 32 s. - (Världspolitikens dagsfrågor ; 2015/6)
ISBN 978-91-7507-297-5 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00508 Oppstilling: NOBEL 908 V98/2015:6
Lister, Charles R., 1987The Islamic State : a brief introduction. - Washington, D.C. : Brookings
Institution Press, cop. 2015. - XVIII, 110 s.
ISBN 978-0-8157-2667-8 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00619 Oppstilling: NOBEL 301.153 L69i
Mallett, Robert
Mussolini in Ethiopia, 1919-1935 : the origins of Fascist Italy's African
war. - New York : Cambridge university press, 2015. - vii, 228 s.
ISBN 978-1107090439 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00584 Oppstilling: NOBEL 327(45) M29m
Nagamine, Yoshinobu
The legitimization strategy of the Taliban's code of conduct : through the
one-way mirror. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. - xxii, 293 s.
ISBN 9781137537164 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00553 Oppstilling: NOBEL 958 N13l
Nagroda Nobla a kontrowersje zwiazane z wyborem jej lauretów / pod redakcja
Elzbiety Stadtmüller, Jaroslawa Sadlochy, Marcina Rozyckiago, Marii
Glowackiej. - Wroclaw : Arboretum, 2015. - 202 s.
ISBN 9788362563463 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00642 Oppstilling: NOBEL RN 068.5 N134
Perry, Alex
The rift : a new Africa breaks free. - London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson,
2015. - xvi, 431 s.
ISBN 9780297871224 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00583 Oppstilling: NOBEL 960 P43r
Schmitt, Carl, 1888-1985
Dialogues on power and space. - Cambridge : Polity, c2015. - viii, 110 s.
ISBN 978-0-7456-8869-5 (h.)
DOKID: 15tz00482 Oppstilling: NOBEL 320.1 Sch5d
Theien, Iselin, 1974Fra krig til krig : en biografi om C.J. Hambro. - Oslo : Spartacus, cop.
2015. - 361 s.
ISBN 978-82-430-0914-1 (ib.) : Nkr 399.00
DOKID: 15tz00644 Oppstilling: NOBEL 923 H199The
Warrick, Joby
Black flags : the rise of ISIS. - London : Bantam, 2015. - XVII, 344 s.
ISBN 978-0593076811 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00586 Oppstilling: NOBEL 301.153 W25b
White, Hugh
The China choice : Why America should share power. - Collingwood : Black
Inc., 2012. - 191 s.
ISBN 978-1-86395-589-8 (h.)
DOKID: 12tz00698 Oppstilling: NOBEL 951(73) W58c
Zetter, Kim
Countdown to Zero Day : Stuxnet and the launch of the world's first
digital weapon. - Crown, 2014. - 433 s.
ISBN 077043617x (ib.), 9780770436179 (ib.)
DOKID: 15tz00466 Oppstilling: NOBEL 355:004 Z5c