RöschConsult Group The european regulations for railway safety - conclusions for maintenance of rolling stock 2nd National Conference on Science and Technology - Tarnowskie Gory November, 18th, 2014 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Roesch 2 Introduction of the lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Roesch, (59) has fourty years experience in operation and maintenance of railway rolling stock. He has studied at the university of traffic Hochschule für Verkehrswesen (HfV) „Friedrich List“ Dresden (today part of Technical University of Dresden) and got the doctoral degree in power plants of railway rolling stock at the same university. He was in charge in responsible functions for rolling stock maintenance in the DBAG headquarter, as head of DBAG rolling stock workshops and as general manager of private railway companies. He is founder, partner and general manager of the RoeschConsult Group. Prof. Dr. Roesch works as court appointed expert for operation and maintenance of railway rolling stock, as expert of the german national railway authority EBA and the german accreditation body DAkkS. He is professor for railway rolling stock at the Wilhelm-Buechner-University of Applied Science Darmstadt, Germany, professor at Beijing Jiaotong University, China and official senior advisor for ministry of high speed traffic network in China. He is member of german societies for traffic science „Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (DVWG) and technical railway science Deutsche Maschinentechnische Gesellschaft (DMG). 3 RoeschConsult Group GmbH RöschConsult Group Services for Manufacturing, Operation and Maintenance of Railway Rolling Stock Technical Consulting Services RCT Rail GmbH SachverständigenBüro Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rösch Court appointed Expert Experts Reports Engineering Services Research for Maintenance of Railway Rolling Stock Safety and Quality Audits and Certifications International Management Consulting for Railways International Ltd. 4 our markets 5 Maintenance embedded in safety management systems integrated safety management basic rule: regulation 2004/49/EC targets and the structure of european railway safty management system common safety targets CST common safety methods CSM common safety indicators CSI technical regulations for manufacturing, operation and maintenance of rolling stock and infrastructure 6 Maintenance embedded in safety management systems safety management requirements are valid for all kinds of railway rolling stock and for all players in the life cycle: • • • TSI: Manufacturers are responsible for safety in design and construction • 1169/2010/EC: Operators of infrastructure are responsible for safe operating of infrastructure • 352/2009/EC, followed by (EU) 402/2013 valid from may 2015: risk evaluation for all participants (RU and ECM) • 1078/2012/EC: Monitoring for all participants (RU and ECM) 445/2011/EC: ECM are responsible for safe condition of railway rolling stock 1158/2010/EC: Operators of railway rolling stock are responsible for safe operating of rolling stock 7 Maintenance embedded in safety management systems new sharing of responsibility for safety of railway rolling stock: manufacturer: operator: entity in charge of maintenance: responsible for safe design and manufacturing of rolling stock responsible for safe operation of rolling stock responsible for safe condition of rolling stock 8 Maintenance embedded in safety management systems integrated safety management safety regulation 2004/49/EC manufacturer national authorisation by NSA european authorisation TSI operator under national law under european law CSM ECM audited by contractor european certification CSM CSM for risk evaluation by the RU CSM for validation by the NSA and RU technical regulations for manufacturing, operation and maintenance of rolling stock and infrastructure (TSI) ECM - Entity in Charge of Maintenance RU - Railway Undertaking 9 What does this mean? Safety Chain TSI Component Overhaul Parts Deliverer TSI safety certificate Manufacturer of rolling stock Holder of rolling stock Maintainer of rolling stock Operator of rolling stock TSI 2008/110/EC: responsible for maintenance 2008/110/EC: responsible for maintenance 2004/49/EC: responsible for safety TSI = Technical Specifications of Interoperability 10 ‣1 EU-Regulation 11 12 13 ‣2 Conclusions for Manufacturers 14 • design in accordance to all relevant technical rules (TSI, UIC, national • • • • • • • • rules) certificate of conformity declared by a notified body permission of commissioning of the national safety authority manufacture in accordance to an approved quality standard (IRIS) design in accordance to RAMS criterias reliability in accordance to the requirements of the operator availability in accordance to the requirements of the operator maintainability to assure safety and efficiency in maintenance development of maintenance plan and maintenance program in accordance to design and stress 15 ‣3 Conclusions for Keepers 16 • purchase of licensed rolling stock • auditing manufacturers in accordance to safety and quality rules • collecting all needed documents from the manufacturer • verification of maintenance plan and program • choice of approved maintainers • definition of binding requirements for maintenance • auditing maintainers in accordance to safety and quality rules 17 ‣4 Conclusions for Maintainers 18 • maintaining in accordance to technical rules of maintenance (processes, • • • • • e.g. welding, nondestructive testing, measuring etc.) supply of all needed resources (informations, documentations, staff, qualifications, materials, parts, devices and tools, software etc.) approved service providers (e.g. for component overhaul) auditing service providers in accordance to safety and quality rules using MPCDS (Maintenance Planning, Controlling and Documentation System) confirmation of all required certifications (from 2010 required by 2008/110/EC at first for freight wagons, following for all other rolling stock) 19 20 ‣5 Conclusions for Operators 21 • operating in accordance to all operational rules regarding safety given • • • • by the operator of the used railway infrastructure and the national authorities safety certificate part A shows the approval of abstract safety requirements installation of a risk management for own and shared risks of operation safety certificate part B several for each railway infrastructure shows the approval of special safety requirements of these railway infrastructure auditing holders and maintainers in accordance to safety and quality rules 22 A Chain is as strong as its weakest link! Safety of railway rolling stock is a very complex system with influence of a lot of participants. All participants have their own responsibilities, but the operator has to prove safety in general to get the safety certificate. He has to install processes to assure that all other parties fulfill their safety criterias. All other parties have to assure that all deliverers of services or materials fulfill their safety criterias. 23 How to do all this certifications? The integrated system (Integrated Railway Management Assessment), developed by our company, includes all relevant certifications and prepares you for your needed certifications. IRIS certification SMS certification owner certification maintenance provider certification IRMA Integrated Railway Management Assessment 24 ‣6 How to use the regulations in daily business? 25 How to use this legal frame in the daily business? An example for maintenance of brake systems Currently the brake actuator units will be changed mostly in a fixed time or kilometer intervall. But the wear of the pneumatic brake units is significant reduced because of the operational use of the electro-dynamic brakes or retarder brakes 26 How to use this legal frame in the daily business? An example for maintenance of brake systems It is possible to change the brake units in a condition based, variable interval, when the condition is monitored. Therefore a risk analysis is needed, based on CSMdirective 352/2009/EC / (EU) 402/2013. 27 How to use this legal frame in the daily business? An example for maintenance of brake systems F [kN] target value of brake force condition preventive based change change measurements condition based change t [a] 28 How to use this legal frame in the daily business? An example for maintenance of brake systems It is possible to change the brake units in a condition based, variable interval, when the condition is monitored. The brake force between brake pads and brake disc is the most important condition for safety. The target value of this figure is part of the brake calculation. 29 How to use this legal frame in the daily business? An example for maintenance of brake systems The measurement of the brake force between brake pads and brake disc is the best way to check the condition. The interval for the measurement can be defined in a risc analysis with a FMEA based on EN 60812 30 How to use this legal frame in the daily business? An example for maintenance of brake systems The equipment for measuring 31 example for measurement: EMU Desiro ML, 0.5 million km, age 3 a 32 example for measurement: EMU Desiro ML, 0.5 million km, age 3 a 33 example for measurement: EMU Desiro ML, 0.5 million km, age 3 a 34 example for measurement: EMU Desiro ML, 0.5 million km, age 3 a 35 example for measurement: EMU Desiro ML, 0.5 million km, age 3 a 36 example for measurement: EMU Desiro ML, 0.5 million km, age 3 a 37 How to use this legal frame in the daily business? An example for maintenance of brake systems The equipment for measuring is patented by an european patent held by RoeschConsult. The equipment can be purchased and used on the basis of a risk analysis to define the intervals for measuring and the field of tolerance of the figures. 38 How to use this legal frame in the daily business? An example for maintenance of brake systems The benefit is not only the economic effect of a later change, it´s also an increase of safety. The fact that the brake force was to less in some cases can not be detected with the current maintenance activities without measuring. 39 How to use this legal frame in the daily business? The use of EU-regulation 352/20097EC / (EU) 402/2013 and EN 60812 for the optimisation of brake maintenance is an example for the practical application of european safety regulations. It is an example for the change from preventive maintenance with fixed intervalls to condition based maintenance. The practical use of the EU-regulations can decrease maintenance costs and increase safety. 40 RöschConsult Group Engineering and Consulting Companies for Operation and Maintenance of Railway Rolling Stock RC RöschConsult Group GmbH Darmstädter Strasse 62 64354 Reinheim Tel. +49 6162 809 839 -0 Fax +49 6162 809 839 -9 mail@roeschconsult-group.de www.roeschconsult-group.de RöschConsult Group Thank you for your attention!
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