Week of November 17-22, 2014 In this Issue: * Parent/Teacher Conferences * College Financial Aid Night * Elementary Book Fair * Hygiene Supply Collection * HS Christmas Banquet * Operation Christmas Child * SC Logo Socks for Sale * FFA Christmas Greenery Sale Calendar: Character Education Topic: Gratefulness For the month of November, we will be emphasizing the character trait of Gratefulness: Letting others know by my words and actions how they have benefited my life. Our weekly verse is I Thessalonians 1:2 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.” It is said that “Gratefulness is being grateful for the giver, and not just the gift.” As Thanksgiving approaches, consider ways to practice gratefulness and express thankfulness every day. Elementary and Junior High Conferences On November 24-25, SC will hold Parent/Teacher conferences for preschool-8th grade. There will be no school for elementary and junior high students on those days. High school will still be in session. The entire school will be closed November 26-28 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Nov 17 Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov 22 Nov 24-25 Nov 26-28 College Financial Aid Night OCC Collection/Packing Day OCC deadline to bring boxes State Football Semifinal Game Parent/Teacher Conferences (Pre/K-8th gr. only - no school) Thanksgiving Holiday (no school) Dec 6 Dec 10-13 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 20-Jan 4 HS Christmas Banquet Beauty and the Beast Jr. Play JH/HS Christmas Concert Elementary Christmas Concert Christmas Vacation Junior High fall conferences are in an “arena” format, with all the teachers in room J-1. Parents do not need to schedule a time for conferences as all the core teachers will be available over the two days. Mr. Bittner sent an e-mail with a conference planning grid that will show when teachers are available. Jan 19 Jan 20-22 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 24 Jan 29-31 MLK Jr. Day (no school) Finals Week End of 1st Semester Teacher Inservice (no school) HS Ski Trip Prime Time Crime Performance SC Clarinetist Chosen for All-State Band February 11 February 16 February 24 February 27 ACSI Instrumental Festival Presidents Day (no school) Benton Co. Career Convention Junior Achievement Day (Elem) March 5-7 The Tempest Performance March 11 Red Cross Blood Drive March 12 Elem. Spring Pictures March 19 End of Third Quarter March 23-27 Spring Break If you have not already scheduled your elementary conference(s), please fill out the conference request form that was emailed to you or contact the elementary office at 541-745-5655. Congratulations to Oren Hills, clarinetist, who auditioned and was selected for the 2015 All-State Symphonic Band, which will take place in Eugene at the Hult Center in January. SC Football Advances to Semifinals Following their 42-0 victory over Scio, the Eagles advance to the state semifinal game against Harrisburg. The game will be played at noon on Saturday at Cottage Grove High School. Admission is $8 for adults, $5 for students. If there is enough interest, SC will have a rooter bus going to the game.The price of the round trip bus ride is $4/person (no one way option). There will be two loading sites (SC front parking lot departing at 9:45 a.m. and Albany K-Mart departing at 10:10 a.m.) Sign up in the JH/HS office and pay $4 at the time of sign up. A minimum of 25 people will be required to have signed up by 8:30 a.m. on Friday morning to secure the bus (money will be refunded if the bus is cancelled). JH and younger age students must be accompanied by an adult 21 years of age or older who will be responsible for them both on the bus and at the game. College Financial Aid Night On Monday, November 17 at 7 p.m., SC will host a Financial Aid Night in the MAP Community Room. You will not want to miss this important event. We will be going over the ins and outs the college financial aid process, including everything you need to know about filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). A majority of colleges and universities require that this form be submitted. A representative from Linn Benton Community College will be on hand to present a wealth of valuable information for navigating the financial aid process. Scholastic Book Fair at Elementary Library The Scholastic Book Fair will be open in the Elementary Library on November 24-25 from 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m., and on December 1-5 from 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Shop for your students following conferences and get a head start on your holiday shopping. You can also shop online from November 15-December 5 at www.Scholastic.com/fair (enter zip code: 97330). Books will be shipped to school with no shipping charges. They will arrive before Christmas Break. Hygiene Item Collection for Love INC As part of practicing gratitude for the things we take for granted, the secondary school is collecting items for Love INC for Benton County's Personal Hygiene Closet. Collections boxes are available in each Bible class and in Mrs. Viller’s office. Below is a list of items we are collecting: Shampoo Conditioner Toothpaste Toothbrush Comb Hair brush Deodorant Lotion Sanitary Napkins Tampons Baby Wipes Diapers: children sz 1-5 Toilet paper Dish Soap Laundry soap pods Bar Soap/body wash Shaving Cream (men/women) Razors (men/women) ** Items in red are especially needed. Operation Christmas Child This is collection week for our shoe box gifts for Operation Christmas Child. Elementary students should bring their boxes to their homeroom on Tuesday or Wednesday. Junior high and high school students should bring their boxes to their Bible class. If you are not able to pack a box, but would like to participate, you can send in supplies that will be packed into additional boxes available at school. A Shoe Box Dedication Chapel will be held on Friday, November 21. SC Logo Socks Order Today!! All orders due by 3:00 pm Thursday, November 20, 2014. Questions: Contact Jennifer Preston at prestonj@santiam.org Small: Youth 12-4, Women's 4-7, Men's 3-6 Medium: Women's 7-10, Men's 6-9 Large: Women's 10-13, Men's 9-12 *If you order 3 or more pairs of the same size, socks will be $15.00 a pair. What’s for Lunch? You can view our weekly/monthly lunch menus by clicking on the following link SC Lunch Menus. Community Notices OSU Socratic Club Debate The OSU Socratic Club has scheduled its second debate of the year, "Is There Absolute Truth--and Should We Care?" which will be held in Milam Auditorium, Wednesday, November 19, at 7 p.m. The speakers are Michael Gurney and Michael Patton. Michael Gurney (PhD, Aberdeen UniversityHighland) is a Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Multnomah University. Among his current research interests are exploring the historical interaction between philosophy and theology, particularly in the early Modern period, developing a realist theistic world view and advocating a Christian ethic that is publicly plausible and relevant. Michael Patton is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Montevallo. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from Syracuse University. He is co-founder and co-director of the James Wylie Shepherd Observatory. He is the author of "Can Bad Men Make Good Brains Do Bad Things?" and several other scholarly articles. The debate will be videotaped and posted at a later date for viewing on the Socratic Club’s YouTube page. More than 20 previous Socratic Club debates may be viewed online at http://www.youtube.com/user/ orstsocraticclub. FROM SURVIVAL TO REVIVAL 2014 Ways You Can Support SC Christmas Pie Sale It's Christmas pie time! Student Council is selling Willamette Valley Pies, handmade locally with all natural ingredients! Fruit pies are $12, cobblers are $10, fresh frozen fruit is $9, chocolate crème pies are $13, and a case of 6 mini pies are $26. Orders can placed in the Elementary and High School offices. Checks are due 12/3 and delivery/pick up will be on 12/17. SC Umbrellas for Sale Santiam Christian umbrellas are available for sale in the Elementary office. Cost is $20 for 1 or $30 for 2. Great for Christmas gifts! Email Elise Hohensee (hohensee@peak.org) with questions. FFA Christmas Sale Support SC’s FFA chapter as you decorate for the Christmas season. They are selling Christmas trees, poinsettias, wreaths, garlands, centerpieces, and swags this year. Order forms are available in the school offices and on the school website: Christmas Tree Order Form Poinsettia Order Form Christmas Greenery Order Form Tuition Work Aid Positions SC has the following tuition work aid position open: Janitorial Wednesday - 4 hour position REVIVEREVIVE YOURYOUR FAITH SPIRIT TRANSFORM TRANSFORM FAITH AWAKEN AWAKEN YOUR YOUR SPIRIT YOURYOUR LIFE LIFE If interested, please contact Joanna Haugen at haugenj@santiam.org or 541-745-5524, ext 207. SC Spirit Wear FEATURING SHEILA WALSH LISA HARPER LYSA TERKEURST CHRISTINE CAINE ANITA RENFROE BUILDING 429 Contact Kim Howell 315-331-7338 or khowell@womenoffaith.com PORTLAND, OR | DECEMBER 5-6, 2014 MODA CENTER Friday 7pm – 10pm and Saturday 9am – 5pm Prices: $129 VIP • $109 • $99 • $49 WOMENOFFAITH.COM 1.888.49FAITH ACSI: Women of Faith is an approved Continuing Education Unit (CEU) provider for the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Your staff can enjoy fellowship and encouragement while earning one credit of CEU at From Survival to Revival. (1.888.493.2484) A $2 PER PERSON SERV ICE FEE WILL BE ADDED. ALL PRICE S IN US DOLL ARS AND INCLUDE APPLICABLE TA XE S. NO REFUNDS/E XCHANGE S. DATE S, LOCATION, TIME S, AND TALENT SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FROM SURVIVAL TO RE VIVAL TOUR IS A PRODUCTION OF WOMEN OF FAITH, LLC. Eagle Happenings Newsletter This all-school newsletter will be published each Monday afternoon. If you have something to submit to the newsletter, please e-mail your copy-ready announcement to beams@santiam.org by 9am on Monday morning. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, content, length, etc. Please visit http://www.santiamchristian.org/ athletics/spiritwear.cfm to see this year’s offerings. Please note all of the silk screened tee and hoody merchandise is limited to stock on hand. The embroidery items are made to order and are available in all sizes listed. Questions? Please contact Lisa McAlister at mcalisterl@santiam.org. Scrip = Tuition Scrip orders are due on MONDAY. Orders placed by 8:30 a.m. on the order day will be filled and returned to you that week by Thursday. Orders placed after 8:30 a.m. may be delayed until the next order date. For a copy of the Scrip order form, please click on this Scrip link. Order forms with payment should be turned in to the school office. Online ordering can be done by clicking on the link provided above.
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